High lower pressure - requires careful examination. How to lower high upper pressure: what to take for patients? What to do with high blood pressure

An increase in blood pressure appears to be one of the symptoms of hypertension. It can be temporary, increased by stress or exercise, or permanent. A pressure of 200 to 100-120 mm is a hypertensive crisis requiring emergency medical care.

Normal values ​​of upper blood pressure range from 100 to 139 mm. The diastolic or lower reading ranges from 70 to 90 mmHg. Exceeding parameters over 140/90 indicates hypertension.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about hypertension

Doctor medical sciences, professor Emelyanov G.V.:

I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension ends with a heart attack or stroke and the death of a person. Approximately two-thirds of patients now die within the first 5 years of disease progression.

The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to bring down the pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is NORMIO. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension. Moreover, within the framework federal program every resident of the Russian Federation can get it FOR FREE.

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Hypertensive attack - a sharp rise blood pressure, a kind of "exacerbation" arterial hypertension. Critical numbers on the tonometer can lead to an instant deterioration in the patient's condition, which in a number of pictures ends in death.

What to do with a pressure of 220 to 120, what reasons led to the development acute condition and how to reduce arterial pressure?

Pressure hazard 200 to 120 mm

Blood pressure indicators that have stopped at around 200 over 120-130 and above indicate the development hypertensive crisis posing a danger to human life and health.

The probability of developing myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke increases several times, respectively, the risk lethal outcome high Also, against the background of excess blood pressure, there are cardiovascular diseases, the functionality of many internal organs is disrupted.

Therefore, it is not recommended to stop critical numbers on your own through pills and drugs. folk treatment. Only a doctor will help correct the situation, respectively, calling an ambulance is the first thing a patient should do at a pressure of 200 to 180 mm Hg.

For each person, individual indicators of the tonometer are inherent. Some people are quite comfortable with BP 140/90, while others feel good at 110/70. However, 200 to 90 is in any case a pathological condition.

During the bearing of a child, such indicators are of particular danger, they can lead to miscarriage, the death of the fetus in the womb, and in some cases the woman herself.

What is the BP?

High blood pressure, including parameters of 200 to 110 or higher, can be classified into several types, therefore, they have a differentiated etiology. IN medical practice the disease is divided into primary and secondary hypertension and hypertension.

Primary hypertension is the excess of blood pressure in excess of permissible values, provoked by bad eating habits, in the wrong way life and excessive consumption table salt.

Besides, primary disease with tonometer readings of 200/160 mm can be caused by diabetes mellitus, obesity, calcium deficiency and other substances in the body necessary for its full life.

Primary hypertension is characterized by an increase in blood pressure from 140/90, accompanied by symptoms:

  • Headaches in the occiput.
  • Nausea.
  • Nose bleed.
  • Unreasonable irritability.
  • Vertigo.

Secondary hypertension is provoked by the same factors as the primary disease. However, the etiology is expanding and may include many pathological conditions and taking medications.

Kidney disease, the appearance of a tumor neoplasm, an excess of hormonal substances. As well as the application oral contraceptives, drugs vasoconstrictor effect.

Diagnosis secondary hypertension becomes after the "source" is discovered. As a rule, the eradication of the "culprit" reduces blood pressure to the required values.

Hypertension is characterized by persistent and prolonged excess of blood pressure. During the course of the pathology, both exacerbation and remission are observed.

The development of hypertension is caused by factors that are present in the life of almost every person - smoking, drinking, chronic stress, hypodynamia, bad ecological situation and etc.

Our readers write

Subject: Got rid of the pressure

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To whom: Site administration website

Hello! My name is
Lyudmila Petrovna, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to overcome hypertension. I'm leading active image
life, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

From the age of 45, pressure surges began, it became sharply ill, constant apathy and weakness. When I turned 63, I already understood that I didn’t have long to live, everything was very bad ... An ambulance was called almost every week, all the time I thought that this time would be the last ...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one to read. article on the internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally pulled me out of the world. For the last 2 years, I started to move more, in spring and summer I go to the country every day, my husband and I lead an active lifestyle, we travel a lot.

Who wants to live a long and energetic life without strokes, heart attacks and pressure surges, take 5 minutes and read this article.

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What to do with a pressure of 200/120?

If the pressure is 200 over 120, what should I do in this situation? First of all, it should be noted that an independent decrease in critical indicators is a certain danger, since it is impossible to predict the body's reaction to high numbers on the tonometer.

First you need to call ambulance. If the picture is rapidly deteriorating, the patient feels worse, and the pressure rises even more, you need to take specialized means to reduce it.

You can take a Capoten tablet or another medicine based active substance captopril. The drug is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, acts quickly, effectively reduces blood pressure.

The dosage is determined on an individual basis, so it can vary from 25 to 50 mg, depending on the weight of the patient. It is better to take a small dose, if the therapeutic result is insufficient, repeat the application.

The hood can be replaced with a blocker calcium channels- Nifedipine or similar medicines with the same active ingredient- Corinth. Put under the tongue from 5 to 30 mg of the drug, the effect is noticeable 10-15 minutes after ingestion.

The pressure of 200 to 130 must be reduced, since the condition is characterized by a number of severe complications:

  1. Pulmonary edema.
  2. Violation of the functionality of the kidneys.
  3. Gap blood vessels.

As for the last point, the rupture of the vessel is observed in the most thinned areas or in the area where women are also localized. For example, with cardiac hypertension, the load falls on the heart, it can also be localized in the brain, kidneys.

Therefore, there is a high probability of a stroke (rupture of a vessel in the brain tissue), heart attack (a vessel ruptures in the region of the heart) - life-threatening conditions that can lead to the death of the patient.

Lowering blood pressure by folk methods

is to ensure absolute rest, it is strictly forbidden to endure an attack on the legs. If the jump is caused by a shock or severe stress, then breathing exercises help to lower blood pressure.

To do this, the patient must breathe measuredly for several minutes, making deep breaths, then holding the breath; breathe out slowly. In total, the manipulation time is about 3-4 minutes.

Mustard plasters give a positive effect. They put them on the calves lower extremities, bottom of the neck and on the shoulders. During the procedure, warming of the blood vessels is observed, which leads to their expansion, as a result, an outflow of blood is observed, blood pressure normalizes.

A similar result can be achieved by using a 5% solution of vinegar. It is necessary to wet the cloth with it and apply it to the patient's feet for 20 minutes.

IN alternative medicine great amount ways to help lower blood pressure. However, with pressure indicators of 220 to 100-150 or even higher, it is better not to take risks, preferring medications.

If tablets and folk remedies do not give the desired result, the critical numbers on the tonometer do not decrease, intramuscular or intravenous administration medicines.

They differ high efficiency, but also big list adverse reactions, therefore, their application is carried out under medical supervision. To avoid an increase in blood pressure, you can use a dietary supplement. The tool helps maintain pressure at 120 to 80 mm Hg.

Drawing conclusions

Heart attacks and strokes are the cause of almost 70% of all deaths in the world. Seven out of ten people die due to blockage of the arteries of the heart or brain.

Especially terrible is the fact that the mass of people do not suspect at all that they have hypertension. And they miss the opportunity to fix something, simply dooming themselves to death.

Symptoms of hypertension:

  • Headache
  • Increased heart rate
  • Black dots before the eyes (flies)
  • Apathy, irritability, drowsiness
  • blurred vision
  • sweating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • swelling of the face
  • Numb and chill fingers
  • Pressure surges
Even one of these symptoms should make you think. And if there are two of them, then do not hesitate - you have hypertension.

How to treat hypertension when there are a large number of drugs that cost a lot of money?

Most medicines won't do any good, and some can even hurt! On this moment, the only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension is NORMIO .

Before The Institute of Cardiology together with the Ministry of Health are implementing the program " without hypertension". Within which NORMIO is available FOR FREE, to all residents of the city and region!

It's no secret that hypertension is one of the most common diseases of our century. This is humanity's payment for the abnormal rhythm of life, endless stress, physical and mental stress, passion for fast foods, poor quality food and drinks. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to recognize the symptoms of high blood pressure, the causes of hypertension, what to do when high pressure how to help yourself with simple and effective methods.

Arterial hypertension is a disease in which blood pressure is consistently elevated. This is due to the narrowing of blood vessels, which react with a spasm to physical activity, weather changes, powerful emotions, stress. If high pressure is kept constantly, then this inevitably has a destructive effect on the vessels.

At the very beginning of the disease, the symptoms of hypertension are very similar to ordinary fatigue. May occasionally cause dizziness headache, memory impairment. These symptoms disappear after rest or sleep. A person lives for years not paying attention to such changes in his body. But over time, the symptoms of hypertension become stronger and stronger: there is redness of the face, tinnitus, flies before the eyes, swelling on the face in the morning.

Almost anyone can develop hypertension, but people with overweight, with a hereditary predisposition to this disease, as well as persons who are in constant nervous tension.

Today, the image of a typical hypertension is much younger, in contrast to the representative of this disease in the last century. Approximately 35% of the working population suffer from hypertension. Therefore, the role of prevention and healthy lifestyle life. And even if the signs of high blood pressure appear only occasionally, then it is better to know what to do with high blood pressure and take action now.

What to do with high blood pressure

First of all, in no case should you prescribe medication for yourself with high pressure. This should only be done by a doctor. But, if you approach treatment in a complex way, then you can also help yourself.

Get started exercise - They should be fun. Do it daily hiking on fresh air. Do not sit endlessly in front of the TV or computer.

reset overweight . fat people are always at risk of developing hypertension three times more often than people with normal weight. The reason is just that excess weight leads to an increase in blood volume, and therefore to an overload of the heart. The result is high blood pressure.

Reduce your dietary salt intake. Salt retains fluid in the body, which is why high blood pressure is maintained.

Change your usual diet: reduce consumption fatty foods, sugar, smoked products, coffee; Avoid snacks and fast foods. (Experiments have shown that after two weeks of eating fast foods, even healthy people had high blood pressure and significantly increased body weight). Eat more often fish, cabbage, bananas, raisins, garlic.

If you quit smoking, you will reduce potential danger hypertensive crises. Also do not abuse alcohol. The causes of hypertension, to a greater extent, are due to bad habits.

Let love into your heart! Don't take everything to heart. Avoid conflicts and treat them philosophically. Rejoice in every little thing, always keep a benevolent mood with you. Read good classic books, find something for yourself, a hobby from which you will enjoy. Positive emotions take off muscle tension which, in turn, contributes to the normalization of blood pressure

Complex with drug treatment, You can also try treatment of hypertension with folk remedies:

  • eat salad daily raw carrots during two months;
  • take a tablespoon of honey three times a day for two months (you can use honey with milk);
  • drink dill infusion (2 tsp crushed dill seeds pour 2 tablespoons boiling water, strain after 10 minutes). Drink the infusion should be within two days. You can grind the seeds and eat them 1 tsp each. 3 times a day with a small amount of water;
  • berries chokeberry will help reduce pressure if you use them 100 g three times a day half an hour before meals;
  • very useful berries black currant and raspberries, as well as grains;
  • in the ripening season, eat more strawberries and tomatoes.

There is one more unusual recipe lowering high blood pressure, but you need to use it carefully, because. it can dramatically lower blood pressure: moisten a folded cotton pad or towel 6% apple cider vinegar, lay it on the floor, laying polyethylene under it, put your heels on it. After 10 minutes, check your pressure, if everything is normal, stop the procedure, or, if necessary, repeat again.

Prevention and treatment of hypertension is primarily taking care of your health. You have to get used to this lifestyle where there is healthy eating, lungs physical exercise, movement, positive emotions and joy. And, most importantly, you now know what are the symptoms of hypertension, its causes, and what measures to take with high pressure.

Be healthy!

Have you experienced a sudden sharp headache, and the pressure numbers are 200/110? Do not know what first aid to apply and what to do?

The first step is to contact the ambulance service, its doctors will help to cope with this condition and recommend contacting a therapist. To begin with, it will be necessary to understand the reason for the jump in blood pressure. Sharp rises in blood pressure to the numbers 200/110 or 200/120 and above are a sign of a condition such as arterial hypertension.

Arterial hypertension is divided into stages and degrees, which are determined by blood pressure levels and damage. certain bodies(target organs): heart and blood vessels, brain, kidney vessels and retina. The blood pressure numbers 200/110 refer to the third degree. This situation is extremely dangerous for the body and actually represents the impact on the body of the strongest pressure overload, which can lead to the development of strokes, a decrease in cardiac and kidney failure and rupture of vascular aneurysms.

That is why a condition characterized by rises in blood pressure over 200/110 mm Hg. Art., belongs to the category of urgent and was called "hypertensive crisis". This situation calls for the fastest possible medical measures in order to lower blood pressure and consequently reduce it dangerous impact on internal organs especially on target organs.

Treatment tactics

The first thing to understand for any person who is faced with the problem of high blood pressure or a hypertensive crisis is that this situation requires immediate attention. medical staff. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to engage in lowering blood pressure without the advice of a doctor - many drugs, if their dosage is not known, can lead to an excessive decrease in pressure. Also, due to the risk of damage to target organs, each situation with jumps in blood pressure requires a careful examination of the patient to exclude damage to internal organs.

Therefore, the first and most important step in such cases is to contact or visit a doctor, after which an appointment is made. necessary drugs. Diuretics, a class of drugs that can increase urination and thus reduce these levels, are commonly used to combat high BP numbers. Most often, these drugs are used in combination with other drugs that also reduce pressure, but with different points of application (angeotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, drugs central action, calcium channel blockers). This is needed for effective impact on all mechanisms that can cause a rise in blood pressure.

Watch the video!

Help, after a hypertensive crisis it's hard to walk deadly weakness in the muscles! IN last years pressure began to jump, although she used to be hypotonic. At first, she got tired and her breath hitched only when walking fast, and now there is not enough air even when walking slowly. She took pills only with an increase in pressure (captopril), since it could be 90/60 and rise to 170/100 (sometimes for no reason, often with excitement, with a normal phone conversation), but there was no headache, chills, etc. From mid-January, the pressure rises strongly, sometimes up to 190/100, while trembling, chills, and frequent urination began to occur. After that, problems began with the muscles, especially the legs. It is very difficult to stand and walk, incredible weakness in the legs, trembling, heart pounding. For 2 weeks there were 3 such attacks. After the first one, they called an ambulance, they did an ECG, they said that there was no heart attack, but the left ventricle was enlarged and there were signs of coronary artery disease, they gave 2 tablets of anaprilin under the tongue, it became better, they said to call the district police officer. The district police officer prescribed Enap 10 mg in the morning and metoprolol 50 mg in the morning and evening. I drink 5 mg of renitec in the morning and 50 mg of metoprolol in the morning and evening. In the morning, the pressure is 98/50/58 (pulse), I don’t know if it is necessary to take pills with such pressure and pulse? Please advise. I am afraid of recurrence of attacks and continue to drink tablets daily. Now the pressure during the day varies from 100/60/58 to 160/93/62. I had a consultation with an endocrinologist, she said that the thyroid gland was not to blame, but she did not prescribe a hormone analysis, because you can prescribe TSH once a year, but I took it in the summer and TSH was normal. I was discharged, they said that they couldn’t keep me in the BC for more than 10 days, but I can’t go to work, I can hardly stand on my feet, it’s worth walking for 10 minutes, as my legs give way, the feeling arises as if I had just at least 100 did squats. Weakness and fatigue even with small loads in all muscles, and especially in the legs. They did an EKG and they said it was within age norm. The doctor says that there was not even a hypertensive crisis, but just a worsening of GB, vomiting is mandatory during a crisis, but I didn’t have it. I took a week as a vacation in the hope of resting, but I do not believe that it will be better. I am attaching an ECG, please answer what you think is happening to me and advise what to do in such a situation, will weakness and fatigue go away with the prescribed treatment, or are these signs of serious complications from the cardiovascular system and need some Urgent measures them for elimination.

High blood pressure may indicate hypertension and other ailments. A decrease in pressure can occur only after the elimination of the cause of the condition, for this you should seek medical help.

High blood pressure is the most frequently reported cardio- vascular disease. Pressure is the force with which blood presses against the walls of the arteries as it moves through the body. Blood can fill the arteries only up to a certain point.

High pressure from 180/90 mm Hg. Art. or more can lead to serious illnesses, for example, which are dangerous for good health and human life. Hypertension is also a major cause of heart attacks.

How to take measurements

Human pressure is made up of two indicators. The first, higher one, shows systolic pressure, the pressure inside the arteries as the heart fills them with blood. The second digit expresses, that is, the pressure inside the arteries during heart respite between beats.

Normally, blood pressure gradually rises from 90/60 mm Hg. Art. at birth and up to 120/80 in an adult healthy person. If a person goes for a run or drinks alcohol, the pressure will rise noticeably, but this is not a cause for concern.

Human pressure rises and falls under the influence emotional state And physical activity. For one person, an indicator of 130/90 mm Hg is considered normal, the other person in such cases feels unsatisfactory.

If you have persistently high blood pressure, you should visit a doctor. With such a pathology, the heart works at its limit. In addition to blood vessels, deformations occur:

  • brain,
  • eye,
  • kidneys.

If the pressure is 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher with measurements of more than two, then we can talk about hypertension. When the pressure is 200/120 and above, urgent health care. If available diabetes and high blood pressure, treatment should begin at 130/80 mm Hg. Art.

Scientists bring in people whose blood pressure is over 120/80 mm Hg. st, into a category that has a chance of developing hypertension. This state called prehypertension. Prehypertension increases the likelihood of defects in systems and organs, so it is important to start timely treatment.

Since hypertension often has no manifestations, it is called " silent killer". It is characteristic that symptoms may not appear even when serious complications. The disease is severe when the pressure is 220/110 mm Hg. st and above provokes:

  1. vision problems,
  2. heart attack,
  3. stroke,
  4. failure of the kidneys.

Hypertension leads to heart failure, a common but very dangerous disease causing breathing problems. It is generally accepted that people with people with high blood pressure- malignant hypertension diastolic pressure more than 130, and systolic more than 200 mm Hg. Art. This variety hypertension is a very serious deviation, since it occurs very quickly various damage organs.

High blood pressure can be controlled and corrected. To do this, you first need to systematically measure blood pressure.

Risk group

There are several categories of people who, with the maximum highly likely may develop hypertension. The most common people with high blood pressure are:

  • with a genetic predisposition
  • African Americans,
  • over the age of 55,
  • overweight,
  • leading passive image life,
  • smokers and alcohol abusers,
  • consuming unhealthy and very salty foods.

Also, patients who use certain drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, blood congestion agents, and narcotics such as cocaine.

Norms and classifications of arterial hypertension

There are three degrees of the disease.

  1. With pressure from 140/90 to 160/99 mm Hg. Art. The pressure rises and falls abruptly. If hypertension at this degree is not treated, it transforms into more serious stages,
  2. Stage 2 hypertension is called moderate. Here the pressure changes to 179/109 mm Hg. Art. In this case, a protracted character of the increase in pressure is observed. The indicator rarely drops to the norm,
  3. Grade 3 hypertension is the most severe. Pressure starts from 180/110 mm Hg. and stays stable.

The normal indicator of pressure is individual. Medicine suggests taking 120/80 mm Hg as an indicator of the norm. These indicators are observed in people aged 20 to 40 years.

Normal blood pressure for ages 16 to 20 is usually slightly lower. This applies to both systolic and diastolic pressure. Physiological norm, arterial pressure appears in calm state at the level of 100/70 mm Hg.

In general, blood pressure ranging from 90 - 139/61 - 89 mmHg is considered normal. Doctors consider 120/80 mm Hg to be the absolute norm. Slightly elevated blood pressure - 130/85 mm Hg, increased normal pressure- 139/89 mm Hg An increase in the indicator to an increase of 140/90 mm Hg and above indicates an existing pathology.

Over time, irreversible processes begin in the human body, provoking an increase in pressure throughout later life. As people age, their blood pressure rises.

There are norms of pressure based on the age and gender of a person.

  • At the age of 20, the pressure in men is 123/76, in women 116/72 mm Hg,
  • At the age of 30 in men 126/79, in women 120/75 mm Hg. st,
  • At 30-40 years old, men have 129/81, women have 127/80 mm. rt. st,
  • At 40 - 50 years old in men 135/83, in women 137/84 mm Hg. st,
  • At 50 - 60 years old in men 142/85, in women 144/85 mm Hg. st,
  • After 70 years in men 142/80, in women 159/85 mm Hg. Art.

As the data show, changes due to age affect both the upper and lower blood pressure. It is important to remember that these are average figures and do not reflect individual patterns.

Not only high blood pressure, but also a decrease in its performance acts hallmark deterioration of the body systems. Therefore, the ability to take measurements with a tonometer can be attributed to the prevention of almost all ailments.

To identify the dynamics of changes in blood pressure, you should keep a diary.

Persistently high blood pressure

The third stage of hypertension is the most severe. In this case constant pressure exceeds 180/100 mm Hg. Art. Gradually, a person gets used to this state, but the heart works with a high load and wears out a lot. Often patients have:

  1. cardiac ischemia,
  2. violation heart rate,
  3. angina,
  4. development of heart failure.

Thus, at any age a person is considered to be normal blood pressure from 120/80 mm Hg. Art. With small deviations round trip. If blood pressure systematically increases to 160/100 mm Hg. Art. or long time rests on this indicator- it speaks of initial stage hypertension.

Regardless of the age at which a person is, he should immediately consult a doctor for thorough examination. The doctor sets the task of clarifying the diagnosis by diagnosing. After identifying concomitant diseases specific treatment is given.

The survey includes:

  • examination by a therapist
  • study of anamnesis (heredity, work, bad habits, general lifestyle,
  • general clinical analysis urine and blood
  • blood for cholesterol and sugar levels, ECG,
  • consultation of an ophthalmologist, examination of the fundus of the eye,
  • examination by a neurologist.

If necessary, an endocrinologist or cardiologist should be involved in the diagnosis. They may also be assigned:

  1. heart ultrasound,
  2. 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.

After the examination and study of the anamnesis, the doctor reviews the results and forms a treatment regimen. In severe stages of hypertension, a person should be hospitalized for more intensive treatment.

It is important to visit a doctor in any case, if only to find out what exactly to do with an increase in blood pressure.

The physician should measure the patient's blood pressure and consider lifestyle changes. In particular, you need:

  1. weight loss,
  2. proper diet with a reduction in fat and salt,
  3. moderate exercise,
  4. avoiding alcohol, smoking and coffee,
  5. outdoor walks.

It is necessary to eat vegetables and fruits rich in potassium and magnesium in your diet, among them:

  • greenery,
  • carrot,
  • legumes,
  • seaweed.

You should buy a tonometer and take measurements daily 2 times - in morning time after lifting and evening time before going to bed.

It is necessary to take drugs only as prescribed by the attending physician. All medications from high pressure are prescribed on certain time to achieve lasting results.

Diuretics are used, for example:

  • furosemide,
  • indapamide,
  • Arifon,
  • Indap.

These funds reduce swelling, removing excess liquid. Therapy begins with diuretics, if there are no such diseases:

  1. diabetes,
  2. kidney failure,
  3. lactation and pregnancy,
  4. gout,
  5. allergy.

Beta-blockers are also used:

  • bisoprolol,
  • metoprolol,
  • celiprolol.

These drugs reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and reducing the load on the heart muscle. Means can not be taken with allergies, bradycardia and pregnancy.

ACE inhibitors:

  1. enalapril,
  2. Perindopril,
  3. Ramipril.

These drugs dilate blood vessels, are contraindicated in violation of the kidneys and pregnancy.

Calcium antagonists include:

  • Verapamil,
  • amlodipine,
  • Diltiazem.

These funds show effectiveness in hypertension, accompanied by an increase in heart rate and heart rhythm disturbances. The drugs should not be used during pregnancy and bradycardia.

Quite often, combinations of funds from different groups. May be assigned:

  • sedatives,
  • phytotherapy,
  • drugs to strengthen the heart muscle,
  • statins and other drugs.

Pregnancy often has high blood pressure, especially after 20 weeks. This is physiological cause- the volume of circulating blood increases due to the fetus, so the heart works harder, the pulse quickens and blood pressure rises. As a rule, the indicator does not exceed 140/90 mm Hg.



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