Normal human pulse. Video - Rapid heartbeat

Necessary preface from the site creators

Patients often want to know what's happened high heart rate ? There are 2 concepts, distinguish between them.

U healthy person the pulse is rhythmic, the magnitude of the pulse waves is the same, i.e. the pulse uniform.

In case of violation heart rate, for example, with atrial fibrillation, pulse waves can be uneven, i.e. disordered, and of different sizes (due to unequal filling).

In case of severe myocardial damage, alternation of large and small pulse waves is possible (due to weakness contractility hearts). Then they talk about intermittent (alternating) pulse.

PULSE SHAPE depends on the rate of pressure change in arterial system during systole and diastole. If the pulse wave rises quickly and falls quickly, then the amplitude of the oscillation vascular wall always big. This pulse is called fast, galloping, rapid, high. It is characteristic of aortic valve insufficiency. Opposite of fast slow pulse when the pulse wave slowly rises and slowly falls. Such a pulse can also be of small filling. The amplitude of vibration of the vascular wall is small. This pulse is typical for narrowing of the aortic mouth.

If following pulse expansion radial artery a second slight expansion is felt (second weak pulse wave), then they speak of dicrotic pulse. It is observed when the tone of the arteries decreases, which happens with fever and infectious diseases.

Pulse is one of the main factors that provides information about the state of the human cardiovascular system. It makes it possible to assess the frequency of heart contractions and their intensity, speaks about the state of the body at this moment. That is why it is important to know the normal pulse rate of a person in order to be able to detect in time pathological changes, indicating the presence of any diseases.

It is important to understand that there is no single number that could be common for every person. Normal heart rate is determined individually, depending on physical health and body condition, as well as age. There are also a number additional factors, influencing changes in heart rate. They don't always have to be a cause for concern. Let's take a closer look.

Indicators of normal heartbeat

The main factor determining normal pulse of a person is his age. For newborns, the normal limit is considered to be a heart rate of about 130-140 beats per minute. In one-year-old children, the heartbeat slows down to 125 beats/min. For middle aged people optimal indicator The pulse is considered to be about 70-80 beats. Elderly people record a heartbeat of 65 beats/min.

Interesting! Statistics show that there is some dependence of normal heart rates on gender. Heart rate in women is usually 5-9 units higher than in men. Moreover, during menopause, their pulse increases by 7-9 units, which is caused by a decrease in estrogen levels.

The next factor that determines heart rate is physical activity. Let's look at the example of an adult. At rest, it varies between 60-80 beats in 60 seconds. When walking, the heart rate rises to 100 (maybe slightly more), depending on its speed. Under the influence of intense physical activity, the heart begins to contract at a frequency of about 140 beats/min. If the heartbeat is too strong, this means that the load is very large, it should be made smaller.

Important! For people involved in sports, there is a formula that determines the maximum acceptable indicators Heart rate. To get them, just subtract your age from 220.

The pulse also differs depending on the time of day. For example, during the day his indicators are at 60-80 beats per minute, in evening time they rise to 90. At night, the heart rate slows down to 50 beats in 60 seconds. These are normal indicators.

Body position also affects heart rate somewhat. When a person lies down, the heart contracts 5-7 beats slower than when vertical position. Experts recommend measuring your pulse while lying down. In this case, data will be obtained that is as close as possible to real work organ.

What affects heart rate changes?

The above are normal indicators heartbeats observed in a healthy person. Deviations from the indicated figures indicate the presence of any pathologies or a change in the condition of the body. However, in some cases there is no cause for concern. Don't worry if we're talking about about physiological reasons increased heart rate (when the heart rate recovers on its own over time), which does not indicate the presence of diseases. A temporary increase in heart rate is caused by the following factors:

  • eating food, especially hot food;
  • drinking alcohol or energy drinks;
  • increased physical activity;
  • physical fatigue;
  • stress, increased adrenaline levels;
  • long stay in a stuffy room.

To restore normal heart rate in listed cases, you just need to wait a while, eliminating the factor that affects the increase in heart rate. During physical activity, you need to stop and rest for a few minutes. If we are talking about under stress, then the work of the heart can be normalized by stabilizing emotional background. After eating, the heartbeat returns on its own after 30-40 minutes.

Important! Causes an increased rate of CV and heat bodies. An increase of 1 degree increases the heart rate by 10 units. To restore its normal levels, it is enough to lower the temperature.

If speak about pathological reasons increases in heart rate, these include diseases such as:

  • cardiac diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • presence of tumor formations.

In these situations, there is a systematic increase in heart rate, which is observed over several days, provided it is measured at the same time. The person also notices additional symptoms, indicating the presence of health problems. For example, cardiac diseases manifest themselves painful sensations in the chest area, shortness of breath, excessive sweating. There is pallor skin, increased fatigue, swelling. If we talk about tumors, there is pain in the area of ​​the affected organ, and there is also a decrease in ability to work and loss of appetite. When the neoplasm has big sizes, it is revealed by palpation.

In these cases, you should contact medical care: visit the doctor, go full examination, receive information regarding your health status and required treatment. Ignoring health problems poses a high danger, because in any case there is big risk development additional diseases against the background of existing ailments.

How to measure your pulse correctly

To obtain objective information about the heart rate, it is necessary to conduct a study in calm state. You need to put your index finger and middle fingers on the radial artery, pressing them slightly to feel the pulsation. You should count the beats for 30 seconds, then multiply the resulting number by 2. This will be your heart rate per minute. If marked, the count should be kept for exactly 60 seconds.

Arterial pulse are called rhythmic oscillations of the arterial wall, caused by the ejection of blood from the heart into the arterial system and the change in pressure in it during the left ventricle.

A pulse wave occurs at the mouth of the aorta during the ejection of blood into it by the left ventricle. To accommodate the stroke volume of blood, the volume, diameter of and in the aorta increase. During ventricular diastole, due to the elastic properties of the aortic wall and the outflow of blood from it into peripheral vessels, its volume and diameter are restored to their original dimensions. Thus, during a jerky oscillation of the aortic wall, a mechanical pulse wave arises (Fig. 1), which spreads from it to large, then to smaller arteries and reaches the arterioles.

Rice. 1. The mechanism of the occurrence of a pulse wave in the aorta and its propagation along the walls of arterial vessels (a-c)

Since arterial (including pulse) pressure decreases in the vessels with distance from the heart, the amplitude of pulse oscillations also decreases. At the level of arterioles, pulse pressure drops to zero and there is no pulse in the capillaries and then in the venules and most venous vessels. The blood flows evenly in these vessels.

Pulse wave speed

Pulse oscillations spread along the wall of arterial vessels. Pulse wave propagation speed depends on the elasticity (extensibility), wall thickness and diameter of the vessels. More high speeds pulse waves are observed in vessels with a thickened wall, small diameter and reduced elasticity. In the aorta, the speed of propagation of the pulse wave is 4-6 m/s, in arteries with a small diameter and muscle layer(for example, in beam), it is about 12 m/s. With age, the distensibility of blood vessels decreases due to the compaction of their walls, which is accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of pulse oscillations of the arterial wall and an increase in the speed of propagation of the pulse wave along them (Fig. 2).

Table 1. Velocity of pulse wave propagation

The speed of propagation of the pulse wave significantly exceeds the linear speed of blood movement, which in the aorta is 20-30 cm/s under resting conditions. The pulse wave, having arisen in the aorta, reaches the distal arteries of the limbs in approximately 0.2 s, i.e. much faster than the portion of blood the ejection of which by the left ventricle caused the pulse wave will reach them. With hypertension, due to increased tension and stiffness of the arterial walls, the speed of propagation of the pulse wave through the arterial vessels increases. Pulse wave velocity measurement can be used to assess the condition of the arterial vessel wall.

Rice. 2. Age-related changes pulse wave caused by decreased elasticity of arterial walls

Properties of pulse

Pulse recording has a large practical significance for clinical and physiology. The pulse makes it possible to judge the frequency, strength and rhythm of heart contractions.

Table 2. Pulse properties

Pulse rate - number of pulse beats in 1 minute. In adults in a state of physical and emotional rest normal frequency pulse (heart rate) is 60-80 beats/min.

To characterize the pulse rate, the following terms are used: normal, rare pulse or bradycardia (less than 60 beats/min), rapid pulse or tachycardia (more than 80-90 beats/min). In this case, age standards must be taken into account.

Rhythm- an indicator reflecting the frequency of pulse oscillations following each other and the frequency. It is determined by comparing the duration of the intervals between pulse beats during palpation of the pulse for a minute or more. In a healthy person, pulse waves follow each other at regular intervals and such a pulse is called rhythmic. The difference in the duration of intervals at normal rhythm should not exceed 10% of their average value. If the duration of the intervals between pulse beats is different, then the pulse and heart contractions are called arrhythmic. Normally, “respiratory arrhythmia” can be detected, in which the pulse rate changes synchronously with the phases of breathing: it increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation. Respiratory arrhythmia is more common in young people and in persons with labile autonomic tone. nervous system.

Other types of arrhythmic pulse (extrasystole, atrial fibrillation) testify about and in the heart. Extrasystole is characterized by the appearance of an extraordinary, earlier pulse fluctuation. Its amplitude is less than the previous ones. An extrasystolic pulse oscillation may be followed by a longer interval until the next next pulse beat, the so-called “compensatory pause”. This pulse beat usually characterized by a higher amplitude of oscillation of the arterial wall due to stronger myocardial contraction.

Pulse filling (amplitude)- a subjective indicator assessed by palpation by the height of the arterial wall and the greatest stretch of the artery during cardiac systole. Pulse filling depends on the magnitude of pulse pressure, stroke volume, circulating blood volume and the elasticity of the arterial walls. It is customary to distinguish between options: normal, satisfactory, good, weak filling pulse and how last resort weak filling - thread-like pulse.

A well-filled pulse is palpably perceived as a pulse wave of high amplitude, palpated at some distance from the line of projection of the artery onto the skin and felt not only with moderate pressure on the artery, but also with a weak touch to the area of ​​​​its pulsation. A thread-like pulse is perceived as a weak pulsation, palpated along a narrow line of projection of the artery onto the skin, the sensation of which disappears when the contact of the fingers with the surface of the skin weakens.

Pulse voltage - a subjective indicator assessed by the amount of pressure applied to the artery, sufficient for the disappearance of its pulsation distal to the point of pressure. Pulse voltage depends on the average hemodynamic pressure and to a certain extent reflects the level systolic pressure. Under normal conditions blood pressure blood pulse tension is assessed as moderate. The higher the blood pressure, the more difficult it is to completely compress the artery. At high blood pressure The pulse appears tense or hard. With low blood pressure, the artery is easily compressed, and the pulse is assessed as soft.

Heart rate is determined by the steepness of the increase in pressure and the achievement by the arterial wall of the maximum amplitude of pulse oscillations. The greater the steepness of the increase, the more short period time, the amplitude of the pulse oscillation reaches its maximum value. The pulse rate can be determined (subjectively) by palpation and objectively according to the analysis of the steepness of the increase in anacrosis on the sphygmogram.

The pulse rate depends on the rate of increase in pressure in the arterial system during systole. If during systole it is ejected into the aorta more blood and the pressure in it quickly increases, then a more rapid achievement of the greatest amplitude of stretching of the artery will be observed - the steepness of anacrota will increase. The greater the steepness of the anacrotic (the angle a between the horizontal line and the anacrotic is closer to 90°), the higher the pulse rate. This pulse is called fast. With a slow increase in pressure in the arterial system during systole and a low rate of increase in anacrosis (small angle a), the pulse is called slow. IN normal conditions The heart rate is intermediate between fast and slow heart rates.

A fast pulse indicates an increase in the volume and speed of blood expulsion into the aorta. Under normal conditions, the pulse can acquire such properties when the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. Always available fast pulse may be a sign of pathology and, in particular, indicate aortic valve insufficiency. With aortic stenosis or decreased ventricular contractility, signs of a slow pulse may develop.

Fluctuations in blood volume and pressure in the veins are called venous pulse. Venous pulse is determined in large veins chest cavity and in some cases (with horizontal position body) can be recorded in the jugular veins (especially the jugular). The recorded venous pulse curve is called phlebogram. The venous pulse is caused by the influence of contractions of the atria and ventricles on the blood flow in the vena cava.

Pulse study

Pulse testing allows you to evaluate a number of important characteristics of the state of the cardiovascular system. Availability arterial pulse in the subject is evidence of myocardial contraction, and the properties of the pulse reflect the frequency, rhythm, strength, duration of systole and diastole of the heart, the state aortic valves, elasticity of the arterial vessel wall, blood volume and blood pressure. Pulse fluctuations in the walls of blood vessels can be recorded graphically (for example, using sphygmography) or assessed by palpation in almost all arteries located close to the surface of the body.

Sphygmography— method of graphical recording of arterial pulse. The resulting curve is called a sphygmogram.

To register a sphygmogram, special sensors are installed on the area of ​​artery pulsation that detect mechanical vibrations of the underlying tissues caused by changes in blood pressure in the artery. During one cardiac cycle a pulse wave is recorded, on which an ascending section is identified - anacrota, and a descending section - catacrota.

Rice. Graphic registration of arterial pulse (sphygmogram): CD-anacrotic; de - systolic plateau; dh - catacrota; f - incisura; g - dicrotic wave

Anacrota reflects the stretching of the arterial wall by increasing systolic blood pressure in it during the period of time from the beginning of the expulsion of blood from the ventricle until the maximum pressure is reached. Catacrota reflects the restoration of the original size of the artery during the time from the beginning of a decrease in systolic pressure in it until the minimum diastolic pressure is reached in it.

The catacrota has an incisura (notch) and a dicrotic rise. Incisura occurs as a result of a rapid decrease in arterial pressure at the beginning of ventricular diastole (protodiastolic interval). At this time, with the semilunar valves of the aorta still open, the left ventricle relaxes, causing rapid decline there is blood pressure in it, and under the influence of elastic fibers the aorta begins to restore its size. Some of the blood from the aorta moves to the ventricle. At the same time, it pushes the leaflets of the semilunar valves away from the aortic wall and causes them to close. Reflecting from the slammed valves, a wave of blood will create for an instant in the aorta and other arterial vessels a new short-term increase in pressure, which is recorded on the catacrotic sphygmogram by a dicrotic rise.

The pulsation of the vascular wall carries information about the state and functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, analysis of the sphygmogram allows one to evaluate a number of indicators reflecting the state of the cardiovascular system. From it you can calculate the duration, heart rhythm, and heart rate. Based on the moments of the onset of anacrota and the appearance of incisura, one can estimate the duration of the period of expulsion of blood. The steepness of anacrota is used to judge the rate of blood expulsion by the left ventricle, the condition of the aortic valves and the aorta itself. The pulse rate is estimated based on the steepness of the anacrotism. The moment of registration of the incisura makes it possible to determine the beginning of ventricular diastole, and the occurrence of dicrotic rise - the closure of the semilunar valves and the beginning of the isometric phase of ventricular relaxation.

With synchronous recording of a sphygmogram and phonocardiogram on their records, the onset of anacrotic coincides in time with the appearance of the first heart sound, and the dicrotic rise coincides with the appearance of the second heartbeat. The rate of increase in anacrota on the sphygmogram, reflecting the increase in systolic pressure, is under normal conditions higher than the rate of decrease in anacrota, reflecting the dynamics of the decrease in diastolic blood pressure.

The amplitude of the sphygmogram, its incisura and dicrotic rise decrease as the SS registration site moves away from the aorta to peripheral arteries. This is caused by a decrease in arterial and pulse pressure. In places of vessels where the propagation of the pulse wave meets increased resistance, reflected pulse waves occur. Primary and secondary waves traveling towards each other add up (like waves on the surface of water) and can strengthen or weaken each other.

Examination of the pulse by palpation can be carried out in many arteries, but the pulsation of the radial artery in the area of ​​the styloid process (wrist) is especially often examined. To do this, the doctor wraps his hand around the patient’s hand in the area wrist joint so that your thumb is on back side, and the rest are on its anterior lateral surface. Having felt the radial artery, press it with three fingers to the underlying bone until pulse impulses are felt under the fingers.

The human body is a complex system where each organ, tissue and bone has its own role. This is reminiscent of a watch mechanism: all the parts are connected to each other and do not stop working for a second.

Of course, such a complex system needs its own signals that would tell a person about the state of his health.

Shrinking the heart pushes blood through the arteries, which then fills each vessel and vein, thereby ensuring correct work organs.

The largest artery in human body is the aorta. The blood hits her with such force that “shock wave” travels through all bloodstreams. It can be felt if you squeeze the wall of the artery in right place. It is this powerful impulse that is commonly called the pulse.

It must be said that many factors influence the indicator. When you are worried, you feel your heart pounding in your chest and your pulse speeding up. Whereas, if you are too cold, then all processes in the body begin to slow down.

Besides anxiety, stimulating facts are also physical exercise, powerful emotions, medicines and much more.

Measurements must be taken for all teenagers who participate in sports sections..

At this age, the body undergoes the most significant changes, so high rate may be the first news that this type sport is not suitable for a person.

Such examination is a daily duty and for professional athletes. However, in their case, this is connected with the selection of a training program; it is its effectiveness, as well as whether it is suitable for the athlete or not, that will be shown by the pulse.

If you visit regularly gym , then you probably know that many programs, be it training for recruitment muscle mass, weight loss or simple warm-up, are designed for a certain range of a person’s heartbeat. The measurements in this case will tell you whether you are doing the program conscientiously or not trying hard enough.

Checking this indicator daily should become a habit not only for older people, but also for those who have serious heart problems.

In addition, similar measurements are carried out by emergency doctors at heart attack, fainting, and heavy bleeding . However, the pulse will tell you about health problems long before the inevitable happens. You just need to be able to understand what your body is telling you.

Step-by-step measurement algorithm: how to count heart beats

The easiest way - pinch the artery with two fingers at the place where a person’s pulse is determined. This can be done near the wrist, at the temples or inside feet.

If you are taking measurements at small child, it’s better to do it at the temples. For an independent procedure, the radial artery, located next to the hand, is best suited.

  1. Gently press the artery with two fingers, but keep in mind that the pressure should be minimal.
  2. Count the tremors you feel for 60 seconds.
  3. The resulting figure will be your indicator.

In addition to the method already described, the study can be carried out using a special device. Outwardly, it resembles a small counter and a cuff that is tightly secured near the hand. The device will count your pulse for 1 minute. This method is more accurate than palpation.

Norm by age for men, women, teenagers and children

It must be said that in children the figure is much higher than in adults, especially for newborns. What is the normal heart rate for a newborn baby?

Many mothers get scared if their young children's readings are above 100, but this is normal. Ideally, the newborn's pulse should be 140 beats per minute, but other values ​​in this range are possible. The main thing is that the number should not be less than 110 beats and more than 170.

From the first month of life to one year the indicator usually changes little. The norm is data from 102 to 162 beats per minute, and it is best if it is 132.

From 1 year to 6 years the baby is actively growing and developing, and his physical activity is off the charts, so his heart rate is normal healthy child should be in the range from 90 to 150.

Ages 6 to 12 years, when the child begins to study at school, there is a decrease in physical activity and on the condition of the body. The norm is between 75 and 115.

IN adolescence(12-15 years old) The pulse slows down significantly, and therefore should be in the range from 55 to 95.

Average heart rate of a healthy adult ( from 15 years old to 50 years old) is 70 beats per minute, but 60-80 beats are also normal.

At 50-60 years old an increase occurs again, so daily measurements are necessary. Normally, the heart rate in older people varies from 74 to 79 beats per minute - this is considered normal, although higher than other values.

Of course, a person is not always at rest, and therefore the pulse can often be higher or lower than normal.

Increased heart rate is normal during exercise. In addition, your heart rate increases if you are worried or experiencing any strong emotions. It is about this condition that they say: “the heart is jumping out of the chest.”

Slowdown usually occurs when you find yourself in hot tropical climates. Holidays in countries South-East Asia It is contraindicated for people with problems of the cardiovascular system, since the climate there involves not only heat, but also strong humidity. An unprepared body is susceptible to overheating, which negatively affects the condition of the heart.

If you do not have diseases of the cardiovascular system, then a slight decrease in the indicator is normal, however, “heart patients” should carefully monitor their health while in a hot country.

Find out more about what is considered the normal heart rate for a healthy adult (both men and women), how many heart beats should be per minute at rest, and when you should be concerned about a deviation from the normal heart rate:

Causes of increased heart rate

Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), which is the cause of an accelerated pulse, may be the first sign of such serious problems, How:

  • Infection. In this state it is also observed slight increase temperature.
  • Improper functioning of the heart. Any damage to the heart muscle and insufficient blood circulation also lead to an increase in the rate.
  • Bleeding, fainting and any other states of shock . Such a collapse causes a decrease in pressure and leads to immediate, acute reaction the whole body.
  • Abuse of caffeine and alcohol. Much has already been said about the dangers of both substances for the heart. Any excesses in the consumption of alcohol and caffeine immediately affect the functioning of the heart and pulse.

If you have such a problem, you should First of all, try to calm down. Lie on your back and exclude everything irritating factors, be it bright light or noise. Breathe deeply. This may be difficult at first, but after just a few breaths, your heart rate will begin to slow down.

If you do not have the opportunity to lie down, then it will be enough rinse your face several times cold water . This will trigger the "dive reflex" and naturally there will be a slowdown.

However, after such a situation one should mandatory See a doctor as this may be a symptom of a serious medical condition.

How else you can calm your heartbeat is described in this video:

Why it slows down and what to do about it

A pulse is considered rare if it occurs less than 60 beats per minute. This state is called "", and it could be contributing factor the following diseases:

  • Diseases thyroid gland;
  • Brain edema, presence of a tumor, cerebral hemorrhage, meningitis;
  • Poisoning medicines or chemicals;
  • Taking beta blockers;
  • Infectious diseases.

However, in addition to such serious problems, a slow heart rate is possible due to prolonged exposure to cold or low blood pressure.

In this case, small physical activities will help to get back to normal, for example, walk on fresh air for 20 minutes, swimming, running.

You can resort to caffeinated substances However, if you have heart disease, then you should not abuse this method. Taking a hot bath will help increase your heart rate.

What tests can a doctor prescribe?

For tachycardia and bradycardia, doctors prescribe the following examinations and tests:

  • Ultrasound of the heart. Most often prescribed to people with chronic or hereditary diseases, be it hypertension, ischemic disease, as well as heart disease. It is necessary to analyze the condition of the organ itself and its valves.
  • . By measuring electrical pulses, the doctor has a complete understanding of the frequency and rhythm of organ contraction, the work of the ventricles of the heart, as well as the slightest manifestations of serious diseases.
  • . Shows the number of blood cells, and in case of their deficiency, is the basis for carrying out additional examinations for diseases such as leukemia or anemia (anemia).
  • Blood test for thyroid hormones and urine test are mandatory for an accelerated pulse, since problems in the endocrine system are often the cause.

Of course, the acceleration or deceleration of the human pulse from normal is not always a signal of a serious illness. If you have such a problem once, then most likely the reason lies in your mental or physical state at the moment.

However, if the indicator is far from normal and is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, then after acceptance necessary measures Once it normalizes, you need to consult a doctor. There may be no cause for concern, but it is better to practice prevention than to treat advanced diseases.

The features of diagnosing people with heart rate disorders are described in this video:

The normal heart rate of an adult can differ significantly from that of a newborn. For clarity, the article below presents a table by age, but first we will define what a pulse is and how it can be measured.

Pulse - what is it?

The human heart beats rhythmically and pumps blood into the vascular system, as a result of these shocks, the walls of the arteries begin to vibrate.

Such oscillations of the walls of the arteries are usually called pulse.

In addition to arterial ones, in medicine there are also pulse oscillations of the walls of venous and capillary vessels, but the main information about heart contractions is carried by arterial (not venous or capillary) oscillations, therefore, further, when speaking about the pulse, we mean them.

Pulse characteristics

The following pulse characteristics exist:

  • frequency - the number of oscillations of the artery wall per minute
  • rhythmicity - the nature of the intervals between shocks. Rhythmic - if the intervals are the same and arrhythmic if the intervals are different
  • filling - the volume of blood at the peak of the pulse wave. There are thread-like, empty, full, moderate filling
  • tension - characterizes the force that must be applied to the artery until the pulsation completely stops. There are soft, hard and moderate-tension pulses

How are pulse fluctuations measured?

IN modern medicine Studies of manifestations of heart function can be divided into two large groups:

  • hardware - using a heart rate monitor, electrocardiograph and other devices
  • manual - with all the variety of research methods, palpation is the simplest and quick method, which also does not require special long-term preparation before the procedure

How to measure the pulse on your hand yourself

You can measure the pulse fluctuations of the arteries yourself.

Where can I measure?

You can measure in the following places:

  • on the elbow on the brachial artery
  • in the neck on the carotid artery
  • V groin area on the femoral artery
  • on the wrist on the radial artery

The most common measurement method is the radial artery at the wrist.

To find the pulse, you can use any fingers except the thumb. The thumb itself has a pulsation, and this can affect the accuracy of the measurement.

Usually the index and middle fingers are used: they are placed under the bend of the wrist in the area thumb, moving until pulse fluctuations are detected. You can try to find them on both hands, but keep in mind that the strength of the pulsation may not be the same on the left and right hands.

Features of measurements

During training, your heart rate is usually counted for 15 seconds and multiplied by four. At rest, measure for 30 seconds and multiply by two. If there is a suspicion of arrhythmia, it is better to increase the measurement time to 60 seconds.

When measuring, it should be borne in mind that the frequency of oscillations of the vessel walls may depend not only on physical activity. For example, stress, hormonal release, increased body temperature, even food intake and time of day can affect frequency.

It is better to take daily measurements at the same time. For example, in the first half of the day, an hour after breakfast.

Heart rate norm for women

Due to physiological differences female body, which is subject to significant hormonal fluctuations, affecting cardiovascular system, the normal heart rate for women differs from the norm for men of the same age. The pulse rate in women at rest is usually 5-10 beats per minute higher.

An increase in heart rate is observed during pregnancy, menstruation, and the onset of menopause. This increase is called physiological tachycardia.

Normal heart rate for athletes

People who exercise regularly have more low frequency heartbeats.

The resting pulse of athletes can be less than forty beats per minute versus sixty to eighty for an untrained person. This heart rate is necessary for the heart to work during extreme loads: if the natural rate does not exceed forty beats per minute, in moments of stress the heart will not have to accelerate more than 150-180 beats.

Over a year or two of active training, an athlete’s heart rate decreases by 5-10 beats per minute. The first noticeable decrease in heart rate can be felt after three months of regular exercise, during which time the rate decreases by 3-4 beats.

Heart Rate for Fat Burning

The human body reacts differently to different intensities loads Fat burning occurs at loads of 65-85% of the maximum.

Table of load zones and actions on the human body

There are several ways to calculate required load for burning fat, giving similar results. The simplest one, taking into account only age:

220 minus your age - we get the maximum heart rate (beats per minute).

For example, if you are 45 years old, your maximum heart rate will be 220-45=175

Determining the boundaries of the heart rate zone that is optimal for burning fat:

  • 175*0.65=114 — lower limit
  • 175*0.85=149 — upper limit


2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs