The reasons for the large and small difference between the upper and lower pressure, the permissible rate of gap indicators. What is systolic and diastolic blood pressure: the difference between indicators

What is systolic and diastolic pressure? This is the upper and lower indicator of arterial, or blood pressure, that is, the one that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries. Blood pressure (BP) is one of the main parameters that allow assessing the state of vital functions of the human body.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure

Blood pressure depends on the volume of blood pumped by the heart per unit of time and the resistance of blood vessels. It is written as two digits separated by a fraction sign. In this fraction, the numerator is the systolic pressure and the denominator is the diastolic pressure.

In people under 40, normal pressure is 110–120/70–80 mm Hg. Art. If the blood pressure is below these numbers, then the value is assessed as low.

Systolic pressure is the pressure that occurs in the vessels at the time of systole, i.e., the ejection of blood from the heart. It is also called the top. In fact, it shows with what force the myocardium pushes blood from the left ventricle into the system of arterial vessels.

Diastolic pressure is the pressure of the blood in the vessels at the time of diastole of the heart (lower blood pressure). This indicator allows you to evaluate the resistance of peripheral vessels.

The difference between the upper and lower pressure is called pulse pressure. Normally, its value is 35–55 mm Hg. Art.

Blood pressure: normal value

Blood pressure is a purely individual indicator, which is influenced by many factors. However, for people of different ages, averaged norms have been determined. They are presented in the table.

Causes of high and low blood pressure

In people under 40, normal pressure is 110–120/70–80 mm Hg. Art. If the blood pressure is below these numbers, then the value is assessed as low. Pressure 121–139/81–89 mmHg Art. is considered elevated, and 140/90 and above is considered high, indicating the presence of a particular pathology.

Low blood pressure may be due to the following reasons:

  • intensive sports;
  • accommodation in the highlands;
  • work in hot shops;
  • decrease in the volume of circulating blood (massive burns, blood loss);
  • cerebral and spinal injuries;
  • decreased tone of peripheral blood vessels (septic, anaphylactic shock);
  • sepsis;
  • some violations of the functions of the endocrine system.
Pressure 121–139/81–89 mmHg Art. is considered elevated, and 140/90 and above is considered high, indicating the presence of a particular pathology.

Low blood pressure is often observed against the background of chronic fatigue, systematic lack of sleep, depression, and also often occurs in the initial period of pregnancy.

High blood pressure may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • pathology of the vessels of the kidneys (atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia, thrombosis or aneurysm of the renal arteries);
  • bilateral kidney damage (polycystic, interstitial nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, glomerulonephritis);
  • unilateral kidney damage (unilateral tuberculosis, hypoplasia, single cyst or tumor of the kidney, pyelonephritis);
  • primary salt retention (Liddle's syndrome);
  • long-term use of certain drugs (corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, ergot alkaloids, cyclosporine);
  • endocrine diseases (acromegaly, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, pheochromocytoma, congenital adrenal hyperplasia);
  • vascular diseases (renal artery stenosis, coarctation of the aorta and its large branches);
  • OPG-gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women);
  • neurological diseases (brain tumors, intracranial hypertension, respiratory acidosis).

What causes high and low blood pressure

Often there is an opinion that hypotension, unlike hypertension, does not pose a danger to human life, because low pressure does not lead to the development of diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke. But in fact, hypotension can cause the following conditions:

  • worsening of the course of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems;
  • deterioration in the quality of life (increased fatigue, decreased performance, impaired concentration, drowsiness, muscle weakness);
  • sudden onset of fainting;
  • decrease in potency in men.
Blood pressure is a purely individual indicator, which is influenced by many factors.

With age, people with hypotension develop hypertension. At the same time, even a slight increase in pressure leads them to the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis, the treatment of which presents certain difficulties. This is due to the fact that in this situation, even small doses of antihypertensive drugs can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure, up to the development of collapse and acute cardiovascular failure, which, in turn, can cause death.

A single high blood pressure does not mean that the patient suffers from arterial hypertension. Only if the increased numbers of systolic and diastolic pressure (or one of them) are recorded in at least three control measurements, a diagnosis of hypertension is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed. Without therapy, the disease will progress and can lead to a number of complications:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • acute and chronic heart failure;
  • acute and chronic cerebrovascular accident;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • erectile disfunction.

What treatment is needed for high or low blood pressure? Only a doctor can answer this question after examining the patient. Relying on the advice of friends and relatives is not worth it, because if a drug helps one person well, this does not mean at all that it will be just as effective for another.


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The force of pressure with which blood moves along the walls of blood vessels, measured in millimeters of mercury and is called blood pressure. During its functioning, the heart and blood vessels alternately narrow and relax, so the two digits of blood pressure are the blood pressure in the two phases of the heart and blood vessels, respectively. The top number is systolic and the bottom number is diastolic. To understand the meaning of these data, it is necessary to understand in detail what diastolic and systolic blood pressure are.

What is systolic blood pressure and diastolic pressure

The cardiovascular system works in such a way that it is constantly in two states: systole and diastole. The pressure in these two states is different. That is why there are indicators of upper and lower pressure, each of which can reflect different processes occurring in the body.

When the ventricles of the heart contract and the heart ejects blood from the left ventricle into the aorta, and into the pulmonary trunk from the right, this is systole. At this moment, in the vessels, the blood pressure on their walls increases, this is the arterial systolic pressure (ASP). Its indicators reflect the strength and speed of contraction of the heart and are a reflection of the state of the myocardium.

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Between systoles, the heart muscle relaxes and goes into diastole. During this interval, the heart fills with blood, so that later, at the time of systole, push it into the vessels. This whole process is a cardiac cycle, and the force of blood pressure on the vessels during diastole is diastolic blood pressure.

Blood pressure occurs due to the fact that the pressure of the moving fluid in the blood vessels exceeds atmospheric pressure

Pressure difference

Since pressure is highest during systole and minimal during diastole, systolic blood pressure is always higher than diastolic. Under different conditions of the body, the excess of the upper pressure over the lower one is different, and indirectly may indicate certain pathological processes in the body.

The difference between the upper and lower values ​​is the pulse pressure. The norm is 40–60 mm Hg. Art. A high or low level of pulse pressure may indicate a deterioration in the functioning of the heart, the presence of diseases such as myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, stenosis of the aortic orifices, a persistent increase in blood pressure, myogenic dilatation of the heart.

High systolic and low diastolic pressure

High pulse pressure leads to isolated systolic arterial hypertension (ISAH), that is, when systolic values ​​exceed the norm (more than 140 mm Hg), and diastolic values ​​are lowered (less than 90 mm Hg), and the gap between them exceeds normal scores. In half of the cases, the manifestations of such hypertension are associated with age factors, but the second half of these cases indicate the presence of malfunctions in the heart in relatively young people.

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Norms of blood pressure in children

Isolated systolic hypertension can be a symptom of diseases such as:

Upper blood pressure is called systolic and lower blood pressure is called diastolic.

  1. aortic insufficiency (moderate or severe);
  2. kidney damage;
  3. atherosclerosis
  4. severe anemia;
  5. arteriovenous fistulas;
  6. coarctation of vessels;
  7. thyroid diseases;
  8. insufficiency of heart valves, etc.

If an underlying disease is identified, and hypertension is its symptom, it is called secondary. In such cases, when the underlying disease is cured, it is possible to get rid of isolated hypertension. When elevated (more than 140 mm Hg) systolic and low (less than 90 mm Hg) diastolic pressure are not the result of another disease, such hypertension is called primary.

In cases where a large difference in pressure values ​​is manifested due to the age factor, the patient needs to adjust his lifestyle and diet in order to maintain normal heart function.

In particular, walk more, eat right, drink enough liquid (at least 2 liters per day). Until the age of 50, blood pressure tends to increase, after 50, systolic continues to rise, and diastolic begins to decrease.

Increased pulse pressure is not a fully understood phenomenon. While it has recently been argued that it manifests itself with the advent of old age, it has recently been established that a large difference between systolic and diastolic values ​​can and quite often manifests itself long before 50 years.

The very process of measuring blood pressure is carried out using a stethoscope and a tonometer.

Despite the complexity of the possibility of simultaneous and different effects on systolic and diastolic pressure through the use of complex therapy as part of several groups of drugs, a competent doctor can correctly cure isolated hypertension. But in order to overcome ISAH, it is best to choose a complex therapy, which, in addition to medications prescribed by a doctor, will include changing the diet in the direction of reducing the amount of salt consumed, as well as giving up bad habits and getting rid of excess weight.

Norm of ratio in pressure

With the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, it should be 40–60 mm Hg. Art. So, with a blood pressure of 120/80, the pulse pressure will be 40 mm Hg. Art., that is, normal for a healthy body. But if the blood pressure is 180/100, the difference (80) exceeds the norm.

What is the difference in pressure indicators

An increase in excess of ASD with low diastolic increases the risk of mortality and heart disease by 2-3 times. ISAH is no less dangerous in its consequences than hypertension in its usual manifestation.

The lack of its treatment puts human health at risk, because the risk of developing complications such as:

  1. heart attack;
  2. stroke;
  3. heart failure;
  4. decrease in vascular elasticity.


Thus, two indicators of blood pressure - systolic and diastolic - are the main sources of easily accessible information about the normal / abnormal functioning of the body and its systems. If the difference in pressure indicators - upper and lower - exceeds the norm, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the type of ISAH: primary or secondary. Based on these data, the issue of treating hypertension directly or other diseases that caused it is being decided.

Blood pressure (BP) reflects the state of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. The indicator is made up of two numbers: the first indicates the upper (systolic), the second through the dash - the lower (diastolic). The difference between the upper and lower pressure is called pulse pressure. This parameter characterizes the work of blood vessels during the period of heart contractions. Find out how dangerous is the deviation from the norm of this indicator to a smaller or larger side.

What does high and low pressure mean?

Measurement of blood pressure is a mandatory procedure in the doctor's office, which is carried out according to the Korotkov method. The top and bottom pressures are taken into account:

  1. Upper (systolic) - the force with which blood presses on the walls of the arteries during the contraction of the ventricles of the heart, causing blood to be ejected into the pulmonary artery, the aorta.
  2. Lower (diastolic) means the strength of the tension of the vascular walls in the intervals between heartbeats.

The upper value is affected by the state of the myocardium and the force of contraction of the ventricles. The indicator of lower blood pressure directly depends on the tone of the walls of blood vessels that deliver blood to tissues and organs, the total volume of blood circulating in the body. The difference between the readings is called pulse pressure. An extremely important clinical characteristic will help characterize the state of the body, for example, show:

  • the work of blood vessels between contractions and relaxations of the heart;
  • vascular patency;
  • tone and elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • the presence of a spasmodic area;
  • presence of inflammation.

What is the lower and upper pressure responsible for?

It is common to measure upper and lower blood pressure in millimeters of mercury, i.e. mmHg Art. Upper blood pressure is responsible for the functioning of the heart, shows the force with which blood is pushed out of its left ventricle into the bloodstream. The lower indicator indicates vascular tone. Regular measurement is extremely important in order to notice any deviations from the norm in a timely manner.

With an increase in blood pressure by 10 mm Hg. Art. the risk of circulatory disorders of the brain, cardiovascular diseases, coronary disease, damage to the vessels of the legs increases. If headaches occur, manifestations of discomfort, dizziness, weakness are frequent, this means: the search for causes should begin with blood pressure measurements and immediate contact with your doctor.

Difference between upper and lower pressure

Cardiologists often use the term "working pressure". This is a state where a person is comfortable. Everyone has their own individual, not necessarily classically accepted 120 to 80 (normotonic). People with frequent high blood pressure 140 to 90, normal health are called hypertensive patients, patients with low blood pressure (90/60) can easily cope with hypotension.

Given this individuality, in the search for pathologies, the pulse difference is considered, which normally should not go beyond 35-50 units, taking into account the age factor. If you can correct the situation with blood pressure indicators using drops to increase pressure or pills to lower it, then the situation with the pulse difference is more complicated - here you need to look for the cause. This value is very informative and indicates diseases requiring treatment.

Little difference between top and bottom pressure

It is widely believed that the level of low pulse pressure does not have to be 30 units. It is more correct to consider, based on the value of systolic blood pressure. If the pulse difference is less than 25% of the upper, then it is considered to be a low indicator. For example, the lower limit for BP 120 mm is 30 units. The total optimal level is 120/90 (120 - 30 = 90).

A small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure will manifest itself in the patient in the form of symptoms:

  • weaknesses;
  • apathy or irritability;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • attention disorders;
  • headaches.

Low pulse pressure should always cause concern. If its value is small - less than 30, this indicates probable pathological processes:

  • heart failure (the heart is working for wear and tear, can not cope with a high load);
  • insufficiency of internal organs;
  • stroke of the left ventricle;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocarditis;
  • heart attack on the background of physical overstrain.

A small difference between blood pressure (systolic / diastolic) can lead to hypoxia, atrophic changes in the brain, visual impairment, respiratory paralysis, cardiac arrest. This condition is very dangerous, because it tends to grow, become uncontrollable, poorly amenable to drug treatment. It is important to monitor not only the upper numbers of blood pressure, but also the lower ones, calculating the difference between them in order to be able to help your loved ones or yourself in a timely manner.

Big difference between top and bottom pressure

Dangerous, fraught with consequences is a large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. The condition may indicate a threat of stroke/myocardial infarction. If there was an increase in the pulse difference, this suggests that the heart is losing its activity. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with bradycardia. One can talk about prehypertension (this is a borderline state between the norm and the disease) if the difference is more than 50 mm.

A large difference is indicative of aging. If the lower blood pressure decreases, and the upper one remains normal, it becomes difficult for a person to concentrate, there are:

  • fainting states;
  • irritability;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness.

A difference above the norm may indicate a violation of the digestive organs, damage to the gallbladder / ducts, tuberculosis. Do not panic when you see that the tonometer needle showed unwanted numbers. Perhaps this is due to errors in the operation of the device. It is better to consult a doctor to find the cause of the ailment, to receive appropriate medical prescriptions.

Permissible difference between upper and lower pressure

For young healthy people, the ideal allowable difference between upper and lower pressure is 40 units. However, with such an ideal blood pressure, it is difficult to find patients even among young people, therefore, slight differences in the range of 35-50 by age are allowed for the pulse difference (the older the person, the larger the gap is allowed). According to deviations from the norm figures, the presence of any pathologies in the body is judged.

If the difference is within normal limits, and the lower and upper blood pressure creeps up, this indicates that the patient's heart has been working for a long time. If all indicators are too small, then this indicates a slow work of blood vessels and the heart muscle. To get an accurate interpretation of the parameters, all measurements should be taken in the most relaxed calm state.

Video: difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

The reasons for the small difference between upper and lower pressure may be different, but in any case, this condition is not normal and requires, at a minimum, a medical examination.

Blood pressure (BP) is considered one of the important indicators of the state of the body. Systolic (upper) is the pressure in the arteries at the time of contraction of the heart, diastolic (lower) is the pressure in the arteries during relaxation of the heart muscle. The difference between the upper and lower pressures is called the pulse pressure. What should be the pulse pressure? Normally, the interval between systolic and diastolic pressure should be 40 mm Hg. Art. (at an ideal pressure of 120 to 80 mm Hg), a deviation of 10 units up or down is also normal. The answer to the question of how much the normal pulse pressure is in a child is similar to that for an adult, that is, 30–50 mm Hg. Art.

Why is too small a gap between indicators dangerous? Too small a difference between the upper and lower pressure, confirmed by several measurements, indicates the presence of serious diseases and can even pose a threat to the patient's life, as it is a sign of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

If, according to the results of the examination, no serious diseases that could cause low pulse pressure were detected, the condition is corrected by changing the lifestyle in a healthy way.

How to spot a small gap in pressure

Low pulse pressure is determined during the measurement of blood pressure, subtracting the lower value from the upper pressure value.

Measurement of pressure should be carried out after the patient has been in a state of complete rest for at least 10 minutes. The hand on which the measurement is taken should be approximately at the same level as the heart. The cuff of a mechanical tonometer is put on the shoulder and fixed slightly obliquely, since the thickness of the arm in this place is not the same. The cuff is then inflated to approximately 20 mm Hg. Art. more than the level at which the pulse will cease to be heard. Then the air is slowly released from the cuff, fixing the first and last blow. The first indicates that the pressure in the cuff is equal to systolic, the latter corresponds to diastolic. To measure blood pressure with an automatic tonometer, you do not need to manually inflate the cuff, just fix it on your wrist and turn on the device. The measurement results will be displayed.

In order to determine the cause of pathologically low pulse pressure, an additional examination may be prescribed to the patient: electrocardiography, echocardiography, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, magnetic resonance angiography of the aorta and / or blood vessels of the kidneys, general and biochemical blood tests, etc.

Why can be a small pulse pressure

A small difference between the upper and lower pressure in the case when the upper one is normal most often indicates the development of arterial hypotension. This condition is typical for women under 35 years of age. Other causes include diseases of the urinary system, an inactive lifestyle, heart disease, somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system, spasms of blood vessels. A small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in a patient against the background of injuries may indicate internal bleeding.

Transient, i.e., a transient decrease in pulse pressure occurs with a lack of nutrition, increased physical and / or mental stress, lack of sleep, hypothermia.

Pulse pressure can also decrease with an increase in the lower or a decrease in the upper indicator. Such conditions are observed in chronic kidney disease, atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the kidneys, coronary vessels and / or aorta, aortic valve stenosis, aortic aneurysm, neoplasms of the kidneys or adrenal glands, constrictive pericarditis, high pulse rate, ventricular arrhythmias, left ventricular failure, cardiogenic shock, low concentration iron in the blood, dehydration of the body.

A small gap between upper and lower pressure with increased upper pressure is observed in arterial hypertension.

A transient, i.e., transient decrease in pulse pressure occurs with a lack of nutrition, increased physical and / or mental stress, lack of sleep (overwork), hypothermia. In this case, the elimination of the cause, i.e. eating, rest, warming, leads to the normalization of blood pressure.

How does too little pulse pressure manifest itself?

With an excessively small interval between upper and lower pressure, the patient experiences dizziness, headache, muscle weakness, pallor of the skin, decreased concentration, impaired short-term memory, drowsiness, apathy, irritability, increased sensitivity to sounds, photophobia, and sometimes fainting . A person does not feel rested even after a long sleep.

Low pulse pressure due to a cardiogenic or other shock condition is manifested by pallor and / or cyanosis of the skin, cold sweat, shortness of breath, confusion or fainting.

The difference between the upper and lower pressure of less than 20 units is critical, i.e., it means that the patient needs emergency medical care.

Low pulse pressure is determined during the measurement of blood pressure, subtracting the lower value from the upper pressure value.

What to do if pulse pressure is low

First of all, you should not self-medicate. The pathology is serious enough to seek medical help as soon as possible in order to find out the cause.

If, according to the results of the examination, no serious diseases that could cause low pulse pressure were detected, the condition is corrected by changing the lifestyle in a healthy way. Such patients are advised to eat a balanced diet, give up bad habits, spend more time outdoors, get rid of physical inactivity, take a short break every hour of work, monitor the condition of the cervical spine, and be sure to get enough sleep. The minimum duration of sleep should be 8 hours.

In the event that the cause of a small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is determined, the treatment consists in eliminating the causative factor.

So, with atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels, the patient needs to take drugs that reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, vitamin therapy can be prescribed, taking unsaturated fatty acids.

In the case of chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

In chronic left ventricular failure, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, and cardiac glycosides are indicated. In some cases, surgery is required. In the acute form of the disease, diuretics, glycosides, ganglion blockers are used.

Normally, the interval between systolic and diastolic pressure should be 40 mm Hg. Art.

In coronary heart disease, surgical treatment may be required - bypass surgery, stenting, laser angioplasty, etc.

Aneurysms require surgery.

For constrictive pericarditis, pericardectomy is performed.

If the pathology is caused by aortic valve stenosis, it is replaced with an artificial one.

In case of severe cardiac arrhythmias, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed, and if they are ineffective, implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator is indicated.

If the patient has neoplasms, both conservative and surgical treatment can be carried out.


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What is systolic and diastolic blood pressure, what is the difference between them is necessary not only for medical workers, but also for ordinary people. After all, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases largely depends on this. This is detailed in the article.

What is systolic and diastolic blood pressure

To understand what systolic and diastolic blood pressure is, it is necessary to understand what blood pressure is in general. It refers to the force with which blood presses on the wall of blood vessels. That is, to what extent the fluid pressure in the circulatory system exceeds that of the external environment. This indicator is one of the vital ones. His deviations threaten severe and dangerous conditions.

Blood pressure is determined by the volume of fluid that is pumped by the heart and the resistance of the blood vessels. Blood moves through them according to the pressure gradient created by the heart muscle. This means that it moves from a place with higher values ​​to places with lower values. The maximum values ​​are noted at the place of blood exit from the cavity of the heart (near the left ventricle) and decrease with distance from it. The highest level will be in the arteries, lower in the capillary bed, and the lowest in the venous system and at the confluence of the veins in the heart (at the level of the right atrium).

Most often, blood pressure refers to its arterial component, i.e., the force that blood exerts on the wall of arterial vessels in a certain area of ​​the body. In addition to arterial in the human body, intracardiac, capillary and venous pressure components are distinguished. Knowledge of these forms allows you to monitor the condition of patients and prescribe adequate treatment in certain situations.

Upper (systolic) the parameter implies the force with which blood presses on the vascular wall of the arteries at the moment of compression of the heart and expulsion of blood into the vascular bed - the phase of diastole (heart contraction). Its indicators are formed by the force of contraction of the heart muscles, the resistance force of the walls of blood vessels and the number of heartbeats per minute (other time units are used less often).

inferior (diastolic) the parameter means the force with which blood affects the arterial wall in the phase of relaxation of the heart - diastolic (diastole). In the diastolic phase, the indicator is minimal and reflects the resistance of the peripheral vessels. The farther from the heart, the less the cardiac cycle affects the level of arterial pressure, the smaller the amplitude of the criterion fluctuations.


Indicators (upper / lower) are in the range of 110-120 / 70-80 mm Hg. Art. (mmHg). Although, a number of researchers do not single out strict criteria for the norm, considering the optimal level at which a person feels good. Values ​​in large venous vessels are slightly less than 0 i.e. below the atmospheric level, which provides an increase in the attractive force of the heart.

What is the difference

The difference between the upper and lower readings lies in their nature - systolic and diastolic. Systolic parameter formed at the time of contraction of the heart, and diastolic during its relaxation. For a better understanding, it is worth considering the concept of hemodynamics. In a narrow sense, it denotes the process of blood flow through the vessels, but in a detailed one it includes an understanding of the features of its formation, the factors influencing it.

The systolic indicator is formed in the corresponding phase, which consists in the synchronous contraction of the cardiac muscles in response to the passage of an electrical impulse along the conduction paths. At this point, blood is pushed out of the heart cavities into the arteries, which forms the upper pressure. It is also affected by the closing of the heart valves, which are responsible for restricting blood flow and preventing its reverse flow into it.

Diastolic indicator formed during the same phase of the cardiac cycle. It means the moment of relaxation of the muscles of the organ. At this time, blood penetrates into the cavity of the heart under the influence of a pressure gradient - it is filled. In the diastolic phase, electrical impulses do not pass through the conductive paths, but they “accumulate” up to a certain threshold of contractility. After overcoming it, the musculature of the organ is reduced - the systolic phase begins.

The concept of pulse blood pressure

The difference between the lower and upper values ​​of the arterial criterion is called pulse pressure. Its normal values ​​​​are 30-55 mm Hg. Art. But a number of researchers consider a value of 40-45 to be normal. Deviation from these indicators allows you to determine the presence of pathology. However, some experts share this point of view. They believe that normal parameters are those in which a person has no pathological symptoms.

An increase in the parameters of the lower and / or upper blood pressure is an indicator of a tendency to arterial hypertension or its presence. An increase in pressure for every 100 units increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular pathology by 25-30%. People suffering from high blood pressure are 7 times more likely to develop circulatory disorders in the brain or spinal cord - strokes.

Attention! Timely measurement of blood pressure and interpretation of the obtained data on its upper and lower indicators is one of the main ways to diagnose diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What are the values

Upper pressure means the degree of severity of the force that causes the movement of blood during the diastolic phase. That is, the force with which blood leaves the left ventricle of the heart. In this phase, there is a coordinated contraction of its muscles and the closing of the aortic valve (the valve between the left atrium and the aorta), which prevents blood from being thrown back into the organ cavity. This determines the systolic pressure. In a simplified version, we can assume that the upper pressure shows the degree of contractility of the heart and the adequacy of its main function - transporting blood through the vessels.

Diastolic parameters show the degree of elasticity of arterial vessels. This is due to the fact that these indicators directly depend on the tone of the peripheral vascular bed. This criterion allows not only to control the blood circulation in patients, but also to influence it in a timely manner, to form a prognosis regarding the condition, life and recovery of the patient. Often, the severity of the lower indicator can be used to judge the state of the kidneys.

A change in the normal values ​​of the systolic and diastolic components leads to certain pathologies. They can develop as primary diseases or against the background of other diseases - be secondary. Secondary conditions are most often caused by pathologies of the nodular apparatus of the kidneys, damage to the vascular wall, and the presence of diseases of the endocrine organs. In most cases, to normalize the condition, it is enough to eliminate the underlying disease.

The main pathologies indicated by deviations in blood pressure values ​​are as follows:

    (hypertension) or hypertension. The condition is characterized by an increase in blood pressure. More often there is an increase in both parameters (classic form);

    low values ​​correspond to arterial hypotension (hypotension). It is noted with a decrease in heart function or a decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the vessels (often caused by bleeding). In women, hypotension may occur during menstruation;

    relatively rarely, there is an increase in the diastolic component while maintaining a normal systolic value. This is most often observed during a violation of the functioning of the kidneys.



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