How to maintain women's health in modern realities. Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and after childbirth

Mini-book with a simple presentation of useful information.

If a woman does not know anything about her reproductive health, then she does not understand where and how she is losing it.
In the field of prevention, we have a huge gap. Moms didn’t teach us this (they themselves are in the dark), medical workers don't explain anything.
Of course, you understand that health is easier to maintain than to restore. Lost health cannot be fully restored. Therefore, we must learn to take care of it, and teach this to our children.

The female body is a very complex system. Unlike men, we constantly experience changes at the hormonal level. A woman "works" in different hormonal regimes:

1. Virginity,

2. Reproductive age:

Readiness for pregnancy



3. Climax.

And even during one menstrual cycle, the hormonal background changes. And so our women Health very much
subject to various violations.
All women can be divided into two categories. The first one is strong reproductive health: menstruation started on time (regular, painless), and there are no problems with gynecology. In the second category - the problems started with adolescence and accompany them throughout their lives. These are women with poor reproductive health.
Gynecological problems the first group - acquired. That is, they could be prevented with certain knowledge. And of course, we must try our best not to damage health - if it is initially weak.
Unfortunately, in the practice of a gynecologist, you often have to deal with advanced diseases. Since a woman unknowingly damages her health long years.
It leads to chronic inflammation, adhesions, infertility, bleeding, constant pain, violations in the sexual sphere,
severe violations V emotional sphere, cancer.
Advanced diseases can lead to removal of the uterus for fibroids, rupture of an ovarian cyst, removal of the fallopian tube due to ectopic pregnancy, scraping about hyperplastic processes in the uterus.
Remember: it is almost impossible to restore a woman's ability to bear children - if her health is badly damaged.
And you can protect yourself from all this by following simple recommendations.


Most often, a woman goes to the doctor about:
Menstrual irregularities
Normal menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days (from the first day of the start menstrual flow before last day before next menstruation). If menstruation comes with a spread of more than 10 days, the cycle is considered irregular. And even if one woman's cycle lasts for 21 days, then 30, then 35 - it is important to pay attention to this. Since the menstrual cycle reflects the hormonal level in a woman. And lifestyle, stress, nutrition, illness - affect the hormonal level and, as a result, the menstrual cycle. You should also be alerted if the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days and more than 35 days.
Painful menstruation
This condition is very common. And here it is important to understand that the cause of pain can be both an imbalance of hormones in the body, and
Availability gynecological diseases. The most common of which is endometriosis.
Discharge from the genitals, burning, itching
Every woman experiences this symptom in her life. A change in vaginal discharge doesn't always mean you've got something. Often these symptoms are accompanied by an imbalance in the
microflora of the vagina. And it can be called:
- violation of hygiene,
- a new sexual partner (this does not necessarily mean that you are somehow
become infected, it may be a reaction to a new microflora, lubricant
condom, etc.),
- pregnancy,
- hormonal changes,
- decreased immunity,
- dysbacteriosis in gastrointestinal tract,
- and others.
Infections, inflammation
This unpleasant group of diseases develops as a result of a weakening of the body, and then the microflora is activated, which is normally found in the female genital tract, but it is not active. These diseases include thrush, bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasma, mycoplasma.
Inflammation is also caused by sexually transmitted infections: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, HIV, genital herpes, human papillomavirus.
If these diseases are not treated, or treated incorrectly, the infection can rise up and cause inflammation in the uterus, fallopian tube, ovaries, and even in abdominal cavity.
Cervical erosion
I want to talk briefly about the cervix. Regardless of whether you have any changes in the cervix or not - go through an annual examination for oncocytology. To do this, once a year (or a maximum of three years) you need to go to the doctor and pass the appropriate smear (this does not hurt and does not hurt you in any way). This will insure you from dangerous disease- cervical cancer.
uterine fibroids
What it is? This is an increase, hyperplasia of individual muscle cells in the uterus. The fact is that the muscles of the uterus have a large reserve for increase. This physiologically occurs during pregnancy, the weight of the uterus increases 10-15 times. Uterine fibroids are now very common, as the age at which women begin to give birth to children has shifted from 20-25 years to 30-35. Myoma, in other words, is a single cell pregnancy. Since we give birth a little, the hyperplastic potential of the muscle cells of the uterus is not used up. There is a saying: “If you don’t give birth to Yerema, you will give birth to myoma.”
The essence of this disease is that the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), in the form of separate foci, is located where it should not normally be: on the ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, intestines, etc. These individual islands of endometrium "menses" and this causes abdominal pain in the woman as these secretions enter the abdominal cavity.
The occurrence of this disease is explained by several hypotheses. But the treatment has not been invented yet. Endometriosis is often found when a woman is being examined for infertility.
Endometrial hyperplasia, polyps
A woman encounters this condition unexpectedly. On the background good health arises uterine bleeding, after the delay of the next menstruation. Or bloody issues between periods. This may be the cause of infertility.
Ovarian cyst
Most common functional cysts. They are associated with the function of the ovaries: the maturation of the egg, ovulation - the release of an egg capable of fertilization and the formation corpus luteum. These cysts do not require immediate surgery and removal. However, you need to know what in your lifestyle disrupts ovarian function. It could be a function downgrade thyroid gland, obesity, smoking, hormonal disorders and etc.
Ectopic pregnancy
This dangerous complication previously transferred inflammatory diseases, as a result of which the normal function fallopian tube. A fertilized egg does not enter the uterine cavity, but develops most often in the fallopian tube. This may also lead to intrauterine device, as well as operations in the abdominal cavity, as a result of which adhesions were formed and the patency of the fallopian tube was impaired. Treatment is only surgical and most often it is not possible to save the fallopian tube.
Accordingly, this reduces the likelihood of a desired pregnancy.


Typical activities that damage reproductive health and lead to the above conditions.
Women's health is a very finely organized system and it is strongly influenced by lifestyle:
- Stress, lack of sleep, disruption of the rhythms of day and night.
- Diet with a sharp weight loss, lack of body weight.
- Overweight, obesity.
- Strengthened sports activities.
- An inactive lifestyle, sedentary work, and as a result, stagnation in the pelvic organs.
- early start sexual life, up to 18 years.
- Change of sexual partners, unprotected sexual intercourse.
- Violation of personal hygiene.
- Sexual intercourse during menstruation, which can lead to constipation menstrual blood V the fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity, ovaries and can lead to the development of endometriosis.
- Abortions, curettage of the uterine cavity. Except ethical side, there is still simple physiology. Curettage damages the endometrium. And there is no way to restore it later.
- Prolonged postponement of pregnancy.
- Artificial contraception: hormonal - causes disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries, intrauterine devices - inflammation in the uterus and cervical canal. Barrier contraception- leads to a violation of the microflora of the vagina and, as a result, inflammation.
- "Tribute to fashion" - tight jeans (break blood supply), synthetic underwear that does not absorb moisture (creates Greenhouse effect and enhances the discharge), bare abdomen and lower back.

10 steps to improve reproductive health

1. Normalization of the rhythms of day and night, it is advisable to go to bed before 23:00.
2. It is desirable that your bedroom be dark at night. Only a few days before the full moon and a few days after - there may be light illumination.
3. If your work is stressful, then I highly recommend reconsidering your attitude to work. The body understands this: stress is not auspicious time for the birth of children and, accordingly, ovulation disappears, the hormonal background is disturbed. Think about what is more important to you. In the first place you are a woman, a wife, a mother, and only then a responsible worker.
4. I recommend once a year, maximum once every three years - be sure to see a gynecologist, even if nothing bothers you. Many diseases go on for a long time without symptoms. It is also advisable to do an ultrasound.
5. If you have excess or lack of weight - normalize it. Often this alone is enough to solve the problem with the female
reproductive health.
6. Wear loose clothing that covers your lower back, buttocks, and lower abdomen well.
7. Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Rinse with plain water, do not use cleansers intimate hygiene, as they contain antibacterial components and fragrances. Several times a week, you can use the simplest soap - baby or handmade. Do not use disposable pads and tampons.
8. In nutrition enough animal fats and proteins must be present. They contain cholesterol, it is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones. Vitamins E, B6, B12, β-carotene, bioflavonoids, folic acid, selenium, polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3, probiotics and prebiotics, fiber.
9. Do not use synthetic female hormones. This bad way delay conception, as hormones strongly suppress reproductive health. Never use hormones if young years you have poor reproductive health (menses came late, were irregular for a long time, painful, etc.).
10. We remove the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. All of the above problems with women's health are accompanied by stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries, etc.). We activate the blood supply: gymnastics, joyful intimacy with her husband, hirudotherapy (leeches), baths according to Zalmanov, a bath with a broom.

After reading this book, it will be great if you follow simple exercises therapeutic gymnastics that will help you part with your female diseases(inflammation, infertility, fibroids, painful menopause, and so on). And then you will get the result - improved blood circulation in the small organs. This is your first step towards health.


Therapeutic gymnastics for recovery reproductive system:
A. Lie on your back, hands under your head, legs bent at the knees. Make movements of the pelvis from left to right, rubbing the tailbone. Definitely on something
B. Lie on your back, arms along the torso, left leg bent at the knee, foot on the floor. Right leg kneel on the left. Raise the pelvis up as far as possible. Swap legs.
C. Pose "snake" (yoga exercise).

G. Exercise "birch".

D. Exercise "plough". If you can’t complete the exercise right away, you need to try and your work will be rewarded.

E. Walking on the buttocks. This super exercise, it is also useful during pregnancy, as it improves the mobility of the pelvic bones.

Perform these simple exercises 3-4 times a week and you will soon be surprised how effective they are.
To consolidate the result, I recommend taking a weekly steam bath in a Russian bath. With a broom!


We know little about our women's health. Often this leads to the fact that we lose it. Health is easier to maintain than to restore. Lost health cannot be fully restored. Therefore, we must learn to take care of it, and teach this to our children.

(c) I. Zhgareva, women's health club.

The number of factors affecting the state of the female body is very large: ranging from hereditary features and ending with the weather. But, even with excellent genes and living in the most comfortable climate zone, you need to know how to maintain women's health - by following simple rules, you can reduce the risk of many diseases, alleviate the condition during pregnancy, after childbirth and during menopause.

Morphofunctional features of the female body

Morphofunctional and physiological features The female body consists in the fact that the female heart is 10-15% smaller than the male one, it beats more often by 6-8 beats per minute, it needs about 20% less oxygen. muscle layer, which largely determines the performance of the "motor", is somewhat thinner. Diameter coronary arteries inferior in size to men.

When researching respiratory system it can be found that women have a higher respiratory rate, a smaller depth and vital capacity of the lungs. This indicates lower functionality women's circulatory and respiratory systems.

Another feature of the female body is that girls have less strength and reaction speed compared to boys. At the same time, they are flexible and plastic. During puberty, girls grow faster and gain weight. Especially fast female body physically develops at the age of 15-16. This age is called puberty.

The main female sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone, which are synthesized in a woman's ovaries. They provide proper development genital organs, the formation of the mammary glands, the female physique, the timbre of the voice. Women under 45-50 years of age are less likely than men to suffer from serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, because at this age, unlike men, they are protected by sex hormones.

Thanks to physiological and morphofunctional features of the female body, cardiac pathologies in the fairer sex usually develop 10 years later than in men. Estrogens increase blood levels good cholesterol", which prevents the formation atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the arteries and removes from the vessels " bad cholesterol". The female body shape and even the associated "pear" obesity also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Thinking about how to maintain women's health, you need to consider that in order to maintain health, attractiveness and slim figure it is necessary from childhood to form the correct motor activity and eating behavior.

IN young age excessive and unbalanced food intake and lack of movement can still be partially compensated high level metabolism. However, with age it becomes more and more difficult to lose excess weight which can cause ill health. Therefore, women should be especially careful and patient in choosing a diet and physical activity.

Before you improve women's health, you need to consider that almost all indicators physical development in the fair sex are different from those in men. For example, muscle mass women does not exceed 35% of body weight, while in men this parameter can reach 45%. The strengths of individual muscles are also different - in women this parameter is 1.5-1.8 times less. Even intense training are not able to compare these parameters in representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, when training in the same sports, the loads, standards and training scheme for women and men should take into account the listed features. Sports such as boxing, wrestling, barbell and other types of weightlifting, in our opinion, will not add either health or beauty to women. Physical activity should be regular throughout life and appropriate for age and functional state woman's body.

It is important to take into account the physical characteristics of the female body. During the menstrual cycle, there may be a decrease in muscle strength, physical performance, reactions of cardio-vascular system. If a woman tolerates menstrual phase, then physical education is allowed, but it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the load on the abdominal press. Strength exercises and jumping these days are best excluded.

Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman. It is not easy for a woman to adapt to the changes taking place in the body in this state. For the upcoming motherhood, you need to prepare yourself physically and emotionally in advance. Pregnancy can be accompanied by toxicosis, anemia, the threat of miscarriage, so in this period it is important to be attentive to your health:

  • nutrition should be balanced and varied;
  • It is advisable to start taking vitamins before conception. Folic acid is especially important, which contributes to the healthy development of cells and the spinal cord in the unborn child;
  • refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • do not take medicines without first consulting a doctor;
  • walk more;
  • avoid stress.

Many women exclude physical activity during pregnancy from their usual routine. However special classes therapeutic physical culture is necessary not only for a pregnant woman, but also for her unborn child. At this time, light exercises aimed at maintaining general tone that positively affect the condition of the expectant mother, the course of pregnancy and the course of childbirth. During this period, you can not use strength exercises and loads associated with straining, concussion, sharp turns body, jerks, etc. Nowadays, even in fitness centers, various physical exercise during pregnancy, including training to strengthen the abdominal muscles, back, pelvic floor. Physically active pregnant women tolerate pregnancy and childbirth better.

Physical exercise after childbirth are acceptable after 6 weeks. These activities should have a reduced intensity, especially for nursing mothers. 6-9 months after birth, you can resume normal physical training with strict observance of a gradual and consistent increase in loads.

The onset of menopause in women and how to survive this period

Menopause and menopause in women are not the same thing. Menopause is a natural period in a woman's life, and menopause is a complex of painful manifestations that themselves provoke the development of a disease called "climacteric syndrome"

The climacteric is natural stage in the development of the woman's body. With the onset of the age of menopause, the reproductive function of a woman and the production of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) decrease, and menstruation stops. This usually happens between the ages of 50 and 52. This period is characterized by a pronounced hormonal changes and spans several years last menstrual period and the first 1.5 - 2 years after it. So what to do during menopause, and how to avoid menopausal disorders?

The question of how to survive menopause without significant health losses worries all women without exception. For the prevention of menopause, even before the onset of menopause and after it, it is necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle. After menopause, the level of metabolic processes decreases significantly, and eating habits remain the same, so body weight may increase. Most women move even less with age than when they were young, and literally within a year after menopause, they can gain overweight which is very difficult to deal with. What to do during menopause if you have gained overweight? Try to limit your intake high-calorie food and increase physical activity. At the same time, the lack of adipose tissue leads to an aggravation of the manifestations of menopausal symptoms.

Menopause and menopause in women: menopausal disorders

Climacteric features are divided into early, medium and late.

1. Early symptoms:

  • hot flashes, chills, sweating, headaches, hypotension, palpitations;
  • irritability, drowsiness, weakness, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, inattention, decreased libido.

2. Medium-term:

  • a woman during menopause may experience dryness, itching and burning in the vagina, urinary incontinence;
  • also symptoms of menopausal disorders in the middle period are dryness, brittle nails, wrinkles, dryness and hair loss.

3. Late metabolic disorders:

  • osteoporosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Prevention of osteoporosis in menopause in women

Starvation and "one-sided" diets can lead to a lack of calcium in the body, which in turn leads to osteoporosis, and this is the first step to fractures. Osteoporosis means "porous bone". Due to estrogen deficiency, bones lose their density and become brittle. This condition increases the risk of fractures. The most vulnerable places are the hip, wrist, spine.

Prevention of osteoporosis in menopause are:

  • physical activity;
  • maintaining a normal body weight;
  • adequate calcium intake.

Also, for the prevention of menopause in women, smoking and alcohol should be abandoned.

What to do during menopause and menopause in women

With the onset of menopause in women, when the defense mechanism increases the risk of developing arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Estrogen and progesterone are involved in the regulation of blood pressure levels, the onset of menopause may be accompanied by a rise in blood pressure at rest, during exercise and emotional stress. Such pressure fluctuations may be the first clinical manifestations arterial hypertension.

Hormonal imbalance in postmenopausal women can exacerbate the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Menopausal women are much more likely to experience overweight body and android obesity, which is an independent risk factor for heart disease.

Depression, which often occurs against the background of menopausal syndrome, aggravates the course of coronary artery disease or may be a factor provoking the development of cardiovascular diseases.

1. Normalize sleep;

2. Do gymnastics every morning;

3. Move as much as possible, walking is especially useful. It is advisable to apply water procedures, massage and self-massage;

4. Systematically care for the skin of the face and hands;

5. All women during menopause are advised to limit their intake of salt, sugar, bread and foods containing a large number of cholesterol. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits, boiled beef, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cereal products.

6. Another recommendation on what to do for women with menopause is to include vitamins (A, E, C) in the diet. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin E has the ability to enhance the effect of estrogens and progesterone on the body. In menopause, the content of vitamin E in the blood serum is reduced by about two times. With age, the amount of B and C vitamins in the body decreases, and the need for them increases.

Reaching the age of 40 was associated not so long ago in the mind of a person with the beginning of fading. The first health problems appear, are disturbed. Sometimes they come anxious thoughts about future.

The crisis of the 40th anniversary of women is especially acute. It is to them that life presents at this age unpleasant surprises: wrinkles, weight gain, causeless mood swings. In the body at this time there are cardinal changes associated with the gradual extinction of the reproductive function. He does not immediately adapt to the new state, and while the restructuring is underway, a woman may suffer from a variety of menopausal disorders.

Health problems after 40

After 40 years, the production of estrogen decreases in the body of every representative of the beautiful half of humanity. These are the most "female" hormones, they regulate the menstrual cycle. With a decrease in their level, problems with weight can begin, which is growing, despite the fact that the lifestyle has remained the same. There is irritability, unreasonable fatigue.

It also reduces the production of progesterone, one of the functions of which is to "facilitate" the creation of an acidic environment in the vagina. Bottom line: a decrease in natural lubrication, dryness, pain during sexual intercourse is possible. Increased susceptibility to diseases of the urogenital area, in particular cystitis. Following cystitis, "visit" can be welcome.

In general, immunity is somewhat reduced. For some, this manifests itself to a greater extent, for someone - to a lesser extent, but the chances of catching even a common cold at this age are greater than at 20-30 years old.

After the 40-year milestone, the density gradually begins to decrease bone tissue. This process proceeds at a rapid pace after menopause occurs, but the first “bells” may sound already at the stage. For the first time, hypertension can make itself felt: pressure can periodically increase, however, so far this is manifested only by short headaches. Sometimes there may be attacks of tachycardia, which pass by themselves.

As the menopause approaches, sudden “hot flashes” are increasingly occurring, when a woman is literally thrown into a fever. They are replaced by chills.

The complexion becomes not so radiant, appear dark spots. A woman may notice that her hair is not as thick as before and has lost its usual softness.

All these are signs indicating the proximity of the end of the childbearing period. This is a difficult time, but you can survive it easier, or even minimize the manifestations of menopause, if you follow a number of recommendations from doctors.

Healthy eating after 40

You need it right at any age - hardly anyone will dispute this axiom. But if until the age of 35-40 you could sometimes afford to eat pizza at night or eat half a box of sweets instead of a daily portion of fruit, then after 40 such indulgences it’s better not to make yourself.


  • the metabolism slows down, and each extra candy can turn into extra millimeters at the waist;
  • fats, which are found in abundance in fast food products, will have a very bad influence on the state of the heart and blood vessels.

Until the onset of menopause, the female heart is under reliable protection hormones. Therefore, heart attacks and other myocardial diseases up to 45-50 years old are practically not found in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But then they quickly “catch up” with men. Therefore, it makes sense to pre-configure your body for right rhythm work, for which, before the age of 40, to master the principles healthy eating.

In the diet of an adult healthy person should be approximately the following ratio of components:

  • fat - 30%;
  • carbohydrates - 50%;
  • proteins - 20%.

Then the body will function normally. The calorie requirement slowly decreases with age. So, if a 17-year-old girl needs to receive at least 2700 Kcal per day, then a woman after 40-45 years old needs from 1800 to 2000 Kcal. To lose weight, you need to further reduce this amount.

Importance has not only a quantitative expression, but also qualitative composition these calories. You can eat a lot of ice cream - you will get a sufficient portion of calories, but a completely wrong ratio of carbohydrates and fats.

Perhaps you should not sit and scrupulously calculate the calories of each breakfast and lunch. Other principles work more effectively here:

  • you should eat heavier, long-digesting food in the morning;
  • never skip breakfast;
  • you need to get up from the table "a little bit hungry."

You need to accustom yourself to eat a little, but more often, up to 6 times a day, and try to include fruits or vegetables in every snack.

Physical education is the best assistant

If we remember that after 40 years the metabolism slows down, then we can immediately conclude that after 40 it is necessary to increase physical activity.

The main task at this age is not to set records, but to try to develop and maintain flexibility and muscle strength as much as possible. After the onset of menopause, the body gradually loses muscle tissue which is replaced by fat. Therefore, it is very difficult to maintain the same figure that it was at 20 years old. But it depends on the woman herself how much she will own her body.

When choosing a type of sports activity, pay attention to yoga or. It is necessary to exclude sudden movements, jumps, quick bends and develop more flexibility and mobility. Try doing the plank every day: an exercise that fixes horizontal position torso resting on the palms of outstretched arms and toes. At first, you can withstand only a few seconds, then the muscles will get stronger, and endurance will increase. During the exercise, you need to strain the muscles of the press, back, legs as much as possible. The back should remain straight.

Don't forget to download the press. It is better to do this from a supine position, raising your legs - this reduces the load on the spine.

Stretch better- Lying on your back, try to get straightened legs behind your head. This is great for relaxing your spine.

You can use some of the "pas" of belly dancing. Shaking, smooth circular movements of the hips are very useful: “eights” and “circles”, movements of the shoulders.

Do not forget about exercises with dumbbells, they help to reduce the loss of muscle tissue.

How to get sound sleep

After 40 years, the quality of sleep is of great importance. Constant "lack of sleep" negatively affects the hormonal background, enhances the manifestations of menopause.
Try not to use sleeping pills. Instead, take as a rule:

  • finish all business an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • always go to bed no later than 23 hours;
  • in the evening to get out for a mini-walk near the house - just get some air;
  • do not eat or drink at night.

We improve mood

After reaching the 40-year milestone, mood swings are caused not only by hormonal changes. A woman may worry about changes in appearance that prevent her from still feeling attractive to the opposite sex. It seems to her that all the good things are already behind, and only old age and illness are ahead ...

To tone yourself up, try this tactic.
Get out into the world as often as possible, travel (at least go on day trips), meet new people. Pay attention to those who are already over "... twenty", but who at the same time maintain health and good spirits. Take lessons from them - it will come in handy in the future.

Set yourself goals - qualitatively new: to master interesting profession find an unusual hobby. You should always have time for yourself, for your personal development - at least half an hour a day.
Many changes in appearance amenable to correction. Meet a good beautician, do self-massage of the face.

And be sure to review your wardrobe, excluding black and gray shades to the maximum. It's time for beautiful light dresses and elegant skirts!

How to balance the hormonal background

If the manifestations of menopause are strong enough and cannot be corrected using all of the above methods, doctors prescribe medications. They are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. The first group includes Atarax, Sigetin and some others. They contain hormones that the female body lacks, and help to cope with irritability, hot flashes, fatigue, improve attention and memory. These are not always tablets - such drugs include, for example, the Dermestril patch.

Non-hormonal agents- this is Qi-Klim and other medicines. Their action is softer, gradual. They cope well with minor fluctuations in hormonal levels.

folk wisdom advises to try to minimize unpleasant manifestations age-related changes decoctions of wormwood and sage.

Before resorting to the help of any medication, whether hormonal or not, consult your doctor.
Bad habits - fight!

No protective measures will help if you continue to smoke or eat in the past 40 years. large quantities cakes that were made before without special consequences. It is difficult for the body now - you need to ease the transition period for it, parting with your favorite cigarettes. By the way, the resins contained in tobacco smoke, contribute to the "thickening" of the blood, and therefore increase the risk of thrombosis. Until the age of 40-45, the body copes with this, and then difficulties may arise.

A large number of sweets leads to an excess of "bad" cholesterol, from which the vessels can no longer get rid of themselves. Increased risk of high blood pressure, strokes. The pancreas works worse - blood sugar levels can rise.

Poorly excreted excess alcohol. Therefore, you will have to forget about cheerful friendly feasts until the morning. But a glass of good red wine (preferably dry) a couple of times a week, on the contrary, will help cleanse the walls of blood vessels and improve well-being.

Age of Wisdom

If earlier 40-year-old ladies believed that the best in life was already behind them (and those around them supported them in this opinion), today 40 years is the time for the flowering of female forces. If you think about it - what is a "climax"? Translated from Greek, this word means "step of a ladder." This is just another step on the ladder of your life - nothing more. You get new experience, go to a new level of development. There is still a lot of unfinished business and plans for the future. You already know yourself, know how to evaluate yourself and are well versed in men.

Treat the next decade as a new round of life to be mastered, and learn to enjoy the simplest things - from every ray of sunshine, raindrops, sparkling snowflakes, the smile of a child. Take care of yourself and help those who need help. Life goes on!

His. Nobody will argue with this statement. Ignoring the advice of elders in their youth, not thinking about the future, women are losing day by day what money cannot buy - their health. In order to keep it, you need not only to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, but also visit doctors periodically.

Take care of your immunity. Remember that the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections increases markedly when it is reduced.

Do not forget about the daily hygiene of the organs. It is advisable to carry out hygienic washing after each visit to the toilet, before and after sexual intercourse. It is best to use boiled water. Try not to apply antibacterial agents. They kill bacteria and move natural balance towards pathogenic microorganisms.

Avoid abortions and their consequences. Of course, one should not talk about cases where abortion is a necessity (the life of the mother is put on the scales, the child was conceived in a state of deep alcohol or drug intoxication and so on.). Remember that not only pregnancy can be a retribution for a pleasant pastime, but also infection with STDs, AIDS or hepatitis).

Always use a condom during sex. Carry them with you in your purse, jacket or trousers pocket. Still, it's better to be safe than later to look for the culprit in this situation.

Women and girls having one permanent partner, can also use the means modern contraception. Many of them can be avoided for several years, but they can be taken and used only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Even if nothing bothers you, visit the gynecologist twice a year. Many diseases can be asymptomatic for months or even years.

Be sure to keep an eye on your hormonal background. The hormone melatonin is best produced by those who go to bed no later than 23:00. Helps produce the right hormones and food. Try to eat more low-fat dairy products sea ​​kale, fish, pumpkin and soy.

Have sex as often as possible, and most importantly - with pleasure. It will be the best prevention fibroids and cysts.

Don't aim for more than you need to. Your weight should be proportional to your height. Low level mass index is bad for women's health.

Try to find free 15 minutes every morning to do exercises. During exercise, somatotropin (the hormone of youth) enters your bloodstream.

Get rid of bad habits. Beer interferes with the production of the fertility hormone estrogen. Therefore, it is quite difficult for lovers of this intoxicating drink to bear a baby. Coffee causes an excess of the hormone adrenaline. From him the legs are covered orange peel". It is best to drink black tea. It will protect against caries, and will also have a beneficial effect on heart function and overall health.

After 35-45 years, you need to take better care of yourself. Offensive menopause quite negatively affects women's health. Therefore, at the first symptoms ( heavy sweating, irritability, excessive drowsiness, hypertension) should immediately contact your doctor. Take care of your appearance (skin, hair and nails) during this period. Visiting doctors and a beautician will help stop the aging process and make it less noticeable to others.

IN modern reality women began to undergo routine examinations as rarely as men. Home, family, work, friends, parties, raising children take almost everything free time. In this irregular schedule, most become vulnerable to different kind diseases and ailments. In order to stay healthy and please your loved ones for as long as possible, you need to follow ten points.

1. Avoid stress

Stress accompanies us every day in all areas of our lives. This is one of the most worst enemies women's health, as prolonged stress can lead to depression, constant feeling anxiety, as well as infertility and indigestion.

Be attentive to yourself. Learn methods and techniques that help you get rid of it, apply them immediately as soon as you feel that you are feeling anxious or confused.

2. Female infertility

Along with a large social load that causes stress, depression and other consequences, the next thing you should not forget is the health of your female reproductive system. For example, in the late 90s, the girl had no problems with pregnancy, while by the end of the 2000s, the fertility of a woman decreased by 32 times.

Regularly visit a gynecologist, as well as undergo examinations. If needed surgical interventions, such as laparoscopy, such diagnostic methods are provided by the Bilyak clinic.

Consult your doctor, let him tell you about everything that you can expect. Also for those who do not know when they can start a family modern technologies offers a procedure for freezing eggs and other biomaterial for the reproduction of offspring.

3. Stop dieting all the time

A diet is a temporary restriction in eating in a certain direction. Do not forget that this term came to us from medicine. You must stick healthy lifestyle nutrition, but doesn't mean sometimes there should be indulgences or a gastronomic weekend.

Find a balance and then you will start to feel much better.

4. Do not consume calcium without a doctor's prescription

There are a lot of advertisements around and manufacturers of various dietary supplements recommend using them constantly or in courses. Be especially careful about dietary supplements and vitamins that contain large amounts of calcium. The fact is that an excess amount of calcium can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

5. Don't forget about exercise

Women need exercise. Sports should necessarily consist of cardio and strength training. Well relieves stress and muscle tension swimming, as well as dancing and yoga. Try to find time for three or four sports per week.

Sports load is the prevention of many diseases, ranging from psycho-emotional stress to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.

6. Use contraceptives

A woman's health directly depends on safe relationships. Methods of contraception are different. A gynecologist can choose the method that is right for you. In addition, it will protect you from unwanted pregnancy and consequences after its termination.

According to statistics, after an abortion, every 5 woman in the world subsequently faces problems conceiving.

7. Get a General Health Screening Every Year

Every girl over the age of 30 should be diagnosed annually general condition health. It will only take one day of your life, but it can make healing much easier in the future if something is wrong. As a general rule, you must take general analysis blood, tests for sexually transmitted diseases, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, as well as the pelvic organs.

Every five years you need to take a test for HIV, Hepatitis B and C. These are precautions that can save your life.

8. Be happy in family life

About regular sex Lately almost everyone says. And not without reason. Making love is a prevention not only of psycho-emotional diseases, due to the production of the hormone of happiness, but also of cardiovascular diseases, internal organs pelvis, stroke and many other ailments for both partners.

9. Sleep more

"Sleep is the ultimate medicine." Surely you heard this expression from your grandmothers in childhood and they were right. Lack of sleep can lead to thyroid problems, poor memory and concentration. In addition, from chronic lack of sleep the production of collagen and elastin in tissues decreases two times faster than in women of the same age, but who get enough sleep regularly.

10. Genetic testing

Modern medicine and technology have stepped far ahead and suggests not waiting until the disease overtakes you, but learning about it in advance. According to DNA, it is fashionable to understand the risk of which diseases are the highest, and what you should not worry about. Most diseases and predispositions are familial or genetic. With the help of such a test, you can definitely find out what you risk getting sick throughout your life.



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