Products that improve immunity in cancer patients. How to restore immunity after chemotherapy and forget about the disease forever

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Immune cells are guardians who protect our body from attacks by various bacteria, viruses, and fungi. But when a person is attacked by such a serious enemy as oncology, even the most powerful guard dies under its influence. Most cancer patients have to undergo chemotherapy in search of relief from the disease.

The introduction of drugs helps to destroy cancer cells, but, unfortunately, healthy ones also die along with malignant ones.

This makes the body very weak, side effects of chemotherapy appear: baldness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, cystitis, frequent pain in muscles and bones, exacerbations of chronic diseases are observed, and blood composition is disturbed. A person becomes susceptible to any infections. Therefore, it is very important to “revive” the immune system.

Depending on the oncological pathology, as well as the consequences of chemotherapy, the oncologist will prescribe immunomodulatory drugs that will help increase the body's defenses. Only a doctor will select the most effective medicine. It is also worth discussing with him the use of medicinal herbs and nutrition.

Our ancestors liked to repeat that all life force comes from nature. There are many medicinal herbs in the natural storehouse that help to successfully overcome the rehabilitation period.

To restore blood

One of the most important tasks after chemotherapy is to normalize blood composition. Tinctures of sweet clover, Manchurian aralia, rosea radiola, and Eleutherococcus senticosus can help with this. These adaptogens can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can prepare them yourself.

  • Tincture of Aralia Manchurian
  • Aralia 20 g
  • Alcohol 100 ml

Pour 20 grams of aralia roots into 100 ml of 7% alcohol. Leave for two weeks, and then take 30-40 drops three times a day with meals. Treatment is carried out in courses of 20 days. Be sure to consult a doctor!

  • Eleutherococcus senticosus tincture
  • Vodka 2 tbsp.
  • Eleutherococcus root 100 g

You will need to pour two glasses of vodka into 100 grams of plant roots. Leave for 14 days, shaking occasionally. After this, the tincture is filtered and taken 20–25 drops before meals three times a day.

  • Radiola rosea tincture
  • Radiola 100 g
  • Vodka 400 g

Pour 100 grams of pink radiola with 400 grams of vodka and leave in a dark place to infuse for 7 days. After this, strain and take 15 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

To restore red cells, you need to drink decoctions of nettle, yarrow, angelica, rose hips, and to cleanse the blood of toxins, a decoction of flaxseeds.

  • Rosehip decoction
  • Rose hips 150 g
  • Water 2 l

Grind 150 grams of fruits and fill them with 2 liters of water. Boil for 10-20 minutes over low heat, and leave for 12 hours. You can drink it instead of tea.

  • Flax decoction
  • Flax seeds 2 tbsp.
  • Water 2 l

Pour 2 tablespoons of seeds with hot water and cook in a steam bath. You need to drink 1 liter of decoction per day. The course of admission is six months.

To increase the number of leukocytes and red blood cells, grind dry nettle leaves and mix them with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Lungwort, which thins the blood, has an excellent effect on the blood formula, as well as wormwood and meadowsweet.

To restore the digestive system

The liver is a filter through which everything in the body passes. She especially suffers under the influence of anti-cancer drugs and is affected by toxins. To remove them, you need to use decoctions of immortelle and milk thistle inflorescences. But plantain normalizes the motor and secretory processes of the digestive tract.

Aloe will be very useful not only for the gastrointestinal tract, but also for the whole body.

Aloe can stop the spread of metastases.

Grind the aloe leaves in a blender or meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, combine with vodka in a ratio of 1:8. You should take the medicine before meals, 1 tsp. three times a day.

With general intoxication of the body

We have mentioned more than once that drugs that kill cancer cells are very toxic. To “pacify” the symptoms of intoxication (headaches, nausea, vomiting, high fever), you need to drink a lot of fluid. Decoctions of birch mushroom, horsetail, rose hips and rowan, and wheatgrass will be useful.

Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks cope well with nausea.


Hair loss is a consequence of chemotherapy. But know that the hair will definitely return.

To do this, actively stimulate the scalp: rub in infusions of nettle, hops, burdock root, and burdock oil.


After taking anti-cancer drugs, it is very important to follow a special diet.

  • It is worth eating salmon caviar, egg yolks, buckwheat porridge (without milk).

  • To increase the number of leukocytes, the diet should include white fish, liver, lean red meat, and poultry.

  • You need to eat fresh fruits and drink juices from them. The most preferred are apple and pomegranate juices, as well as red grape wine.

  • To improve blood hemoglobin, you should eat 100 grams of fresh grated carrots, seasoned with sour cream or honey for breakfast.
  • Doctors also recommend fighting nausea with lemon or tomato juice.

But it is better to completely avoid canned foods, as well as spicy seasonings and alcohol. During the rehabilitation period, it will be useful to give up animal fats and replace them with vegetable oils.

Since the protective barrier is broken after chemotherapy, the body is very vulnerable, which means that any infection can cause serious complications.

Temporarily, you should not visit places with a lot of people, just as you should not host many guests.

Your body needs to learn to protect itself from various microbes, viruses or bacteria.

It has long been known that human health largely depends on how well the immune system functions. Initially, this term refers to the body’s resistance to viruses and infections, but doctors assure that the concept has a much broader meaning. The question is often asked today whether cancer and immunity are interconnected and how exactly pathogenic cells affect the body’s protective properties. As practice shows, oncological pathologies are always accompanied by severe disruption of the immune system, and even if the therapy is successful and remission occurs, the patient will have to restore immunity in any case.

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that atypical cells appear in the human body virtually every day, and this happens even if the individual is completely healthy. Scientists claim that the formation of pathogenic structures in most cases is a consequence of the negative impact of unfavorable factors, but in approximately 30% of cases they are formed completely accidentally, without any reason.

If the immune system is working properly, the body will immediately recognize a cell with the wrong genetic code and destroy it. This reaction is natural and does not cause discomfort; the person does not feel anything. But if the immune system, for certain reasons, fails to find and eliminate the atypical cell in time, a tumor of a malignant nature will begin to form in the body at a rapid rate.

Such processes are studied in two special sections in medicine:
  • oncoimmunology. With the help of special medications and physical procedures, doctors try to evoke a specific immune response or, conversely, suppress it;
  • oncoimmunotherapy. Drug stimulation of the immune system aimed at strengthening defenses. If doctors choose the right therapy, in a few months the human body will be able to independently recognize and destroy atypical cells.

Today, immunotherapy is used to combat a wide variety of pathologies and diseases, since it is very effective and gives a positive result in 85% of cases.

If a person is diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm, regardless of the stage of the disease, treatment will be carried out using aggressive methods.

More often, to combat cancer pathologies, the following is prescribed:

  • chemotherapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • radiation therapy.

Each of these methods is quite difficult for the body to tolerate and causes many side effects. If a patient is scheduled for surgical removal of a pathogenic tumor, the surgeon will have to cut out not only the growth itself, but also a large amount of nearby tissue to which atypical cells could be transferred. Afterwards, the patient will be prescribed antibacterial therapy using active drugs. Such a treatment regimen causes serious damage to the body and weakens the immune system. Long-term rehabilitation will be required to recover and restore health.

Doctors warn that if this is not done, the immune system will react ambiguously to various infections and foreign cells, and the likelihood of developing autoimmune diseases increases.

It is also impossible to exclude the possibility that with such complications, the immune system itself will become one of the main enemies of the body and begin to destroy its own cells.

The main reasons for decreased immunity

Doctors claim that the body’s defenses can decrease only due to two factors: physiological and pathological.

Physiological reasons include the following:
  • a decrease in the body's natural defenses in winter and spring. This is a natural reaction to vitamin deficiency;
  • bearing a child. Due to the fact that the fetus carried by the mother’s body has a certain number of paternal chromosomes, the immune system perceives it as foreign. To prevent rejection, a defense mechanism is activated and the activity of the mother’s immune system decreases several times;
  • elderly age. After 50-55 years, the immune system will increasingly fail.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to prevent physiological causes of decreased immunity, since they are natural.

Pathological factors include:
  • genetic disorders (primary or congenital immunodeficiency);
  • stress and constant emotional instability;
  • chronic fatigue, sleep problems;
  • unhealthy diet (consumption of “harmful” foods and fast food, dry snacks);
  • metabolic dysfunction;
  • the presence of chronic diseases (renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, diabetes mellitus);
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics, hormonal drugs or tranquilizers (increasing dosage has a particularly negative effect on the immune system);
  • surgery accompanied by blood transfusion;
  • radiation sickness;
  • lack of minimal physical activity;
  • HIV infection.

Doctors warn that with long-term use, almost all medications negatively affect the immune system. To reduce the risk of complications, doctors recommend taking immunostimulants during such therapy.

If a person has been sick for a long time or has taken aggressive medications, a decrease in the body’s defenses can be suspected based on the following signs:

  • too frequent colds (for adults - more than 4 times a year, for schoolchildren - more than 8 times a year);
  • transformation of acute respiratory infections into a chronic form, frequent relapses and complications;
  • the occurrence of pneumonia every six months;
  • increased volume of the spleen and lymph nodes;
  • persistent herpes;
  • no improvement after antibiotic therapy;
  • constant problems with stool.

All these signs are a consequence of immunodeficiency. The main characteristic of this condition is the absence or weakening of the immune response to the attack of infections and one’s own transforming cells.

Basic methods of boosting immunity in cancer pathologies

Since cancer and immunity are inextricably linked, with cancer the state of the body’s defenses is noticeably reduced. Oncologists warn that with reduced resistance to infections, the likelihood of a successful recovery decreases significantly. During the progression and treatment of cancer, it is recommended to pay special attention to activities that will help activate and enhance the defenses.

Raising immunity in oncology is often done in the following ways:
  1. Injection into the blood of a vaccine with a small content of weakened tumor cells. Doctors claim that such vaccines cause antibodies in the internal environment to resist atypical cells, as a result of which immunity increases.
  2. Use of cytokines. Drugs based on these protein elements regulate the activity of cells in the internal environment.
  3. Use of cellular elements of the TIL type. Antibodies extracted from the human body undergo special processing and are then introduced into the internal environment. Scientific experiments and practice have confirmed that this technique significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse.
  4. Application of T-type cell structures.
  5. Prescribing medications to remove toxins and waste.

Doctors also claim that regular walking in the fresh air and following a special diet will help restore immunity. As an auxiliary therapy, the patient can also use traditional methods of treatment.

Drug therapy

In most cases, increasing immunity in oncology is carried out by prescribing certain medications and vitamin supplements. Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that this approach helps to achieve positive results in the shortest possible time. But it is important to understand that the choice of drugs should be made exclusively by the attending physician, who will be based not only on the type and stage of the disease, but also on the age and individual characteristics of the patient.

To boost immunity in cancer pathologies, the following are usually prescribed:
  1. Immunal. Despite the fact that the drug consists only of natural medicinal herbs, it is very effective and has extremely positive reviews. The main active ingredient of the product is echinacea.
  2. Derinal. This medicine helps the internal environment develop resistance to atypical cells. Derinal also removes toxins and waste from the body.
  3. IRS-19. An antiviral drug with an immunomodulatory effect. IRS-19 quickly increases immune resistance in oncology, without causing side effects.
  4. Ginseng tincture. The use of the product generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. Ginseng-based decoctions and infusions not only help strengthen the immune system, but also help restore health after chemotherapy.

If the decrease in immunity is not so significant, it will be possible to activate the defenses with the help of vitamin complexes.

When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the composition; it is desirable that the product includes the following components:
  1. Zinc. The production of lymphocytes, which strengthen the immune system, depends on this substance.
  2. Folic acid. Creates natural protection against cancer pathologies.
  3. Selenium. Forces lymphocytes to work in double mode, thanks to which the body begins to independently fight cancer.
  4. Tocopherol. Helps produce antibodies and can also be used as a prophylactic.
  5. Magnesium. Accelerates the healing process and prevents the development of cancer.

Oncologists give advice to all patients - you can start taking medications to boost immunity only after the doctor’s approval. If you select the funds yourself, the drug may not be suitable, which will lead to various complications.

It is possible to increase the body’s protective properties using traditional methods, but you need to understand that in this case, restoration of the immune system will take a longer period. Doctors also claim that it is wiser to use folk remedies in combination with other methods, so the effect will manifest itself many times faster. The minimum duration of herbal medicine is 3-4 months.

It is recommended to use the following medicinal herbs:

  1. Ginger. The root of this product has been used since ancient times in the East to strengthen the immune system. Doctors also claim that ginger reduces the negative effects of malignant substances on the body. All you need to do is eat a small amount of ginger (about 20 g) daily. Additionally, ginger root can be consumed in the form of tea. A small amount of ginger (to taste) needs to be chopped and poured with a glass of boiling water, after 30 minutes the tea will be ready for consumption. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey or a slice of lemon.
  2. Licorice root. The plant has a pronounced antitumor effect, so it helps not only restore immunity, but also slows down the progression of cancer pathologies. Licorice root is also indispensable because the plant helps cleanse the body after long-term medication use.
  3. Echinacea. It is used to prevent various diseases in children and adults, and also helps strengthen the immune system after cancer. The healing decoction is prepared very simply - 200 g. The dry plant needs to be crushed and poured with boiling water (1 liter). Then cover the container with a lid and wrap it in a blanket, leave to infuse for an hour. After this time, the liquid must be filtered, the medicine is consumed three times a day, a tablespoon.
  4. Tincture with honey. A small amount of fresh linden honey should be mixed with crushed ginseng (the proportions are determined by eye, as a result the mixture should have a uniform consistency). The resulting medicine is put in the refrigerator, it will be ready for consumption in 2 weeks. The medicine is taken twice a day, a teaspoon.
  5. Birch mushroom. This substance is often included in anticancer drugs. Tea based on it prevents the reproduction and progression of pathogenic tumors.
  6. Chamomile tincture. This plant has been used for a long time to combat various pathologies, as it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. 2 tablespoons of the dry plant are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for 2 hours. The medicine should be taken morning and evening before meals, 50 ml.

It must be remembered that each plant has certain contraindications and, if used incorrectly, can cause side effects. Therefore, before using decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal plants, you must carefully read the accompanying instructions, and even better, consult a doctor.

If you use traditional recipes if there are contraindications or a predisposition to an allergic reaction, the condition will only worsen.

Changing your diet

Not only drug therapy and the use of traditional methods of treatment have a beneficial effect on the protective properties of the body. Proper and balanced nutrition also helps boost immunity. If the basis of the patient’s diet consists only of natural products, without preservatives and genetically modified components, immunity will increase after 2-3 months.

Particular attention should be paid to:
  • broccoli. To get maximum benefits, you need to consume this vegetable fresh. In extreme cases, they can be subjected to minimal heat treatment;
  • beets. Contains a huge amount of valuable vitamins and microelements. The best option is to add beets to a salad or make fresh juice from the vegetable;
  • tomatoes. Controls cellular processes that contribute to the development of cancer pathologies;
  • garlic and white onion. The products are recommended to be consumed daily, both fresh and after heat treatment. Garlic is especially useful for the immune system, as it blocks the effects of carcinogens that enter the body along with other foods;
  • green tea. The polyphenols contained in the drink resist the development of cancer pathologies.

Doctors also advise including in the diet as much natural fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content and seafood (mussels, squid, octopus, sea fish) as possible. If your immune system is weakened, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and over-salted foods is strictly contraindicated. In addition, during rehabilitation it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty, rich meat broths.

Oncological pathologies cause enormous damage to the entire body, including the immune system. In order to recover from therapy and restore health as quickly as possible, you must strictly adhere to medical recommendations aimed at strengthening and restoring the immune system.

Our experts are oncologists, participants of the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology (RUSSCO):

Deputy Director for Scientific and Innovation Work of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N. N. Blokhin of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vsevolod Matveev;

Leading Researcher, Department of Outpatient Chemotherapy, Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N. N. Blokhina of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences Elena Artamonova;

Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Clinical Tumor Immunology, Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N. N. Blokhin of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Scientist, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Zaira Kadagidze.

Before scientists from the US National University tested it on a 49-year-old Judy Perkins from Florida experimental treatment, the oncologists who were involved in it earlier have already “washed their hands of it.” According to their forecasts, the doomed woman has only 3 months left to live, because metastases the size of a tennis ball have already spread in her liver and throughout her body. However, two years later, after the patient was transplanted with 90 billion of her own specially treated immune cells, there was no trace of cancer left in her body.

Judy (pictured with her husband) is the first patient whose immune system completely destroyed cancer.

Epiphany has arrived!

Until recently, almost the only method of drug treatment for cancer was chemotherapy, which was difficult to tolerate and fraught with many side effects. But today, although chemistry still remains the No. 1 method, it has a real and, in some cases, more effective alternative.

Immunity plays an important role in the development of cancer. After all, it is disruptions in its functioning that contribute to the uncontrolled proliferation of tumor cells. Our defense system simply does not notice the evil growing in the body, mistaking tumor cells for its own.

Previously, scientists did not know how to effectively influence the immune system, and all methods boiled down mainly to its stimulation. But it turned out that the immune system has so-called checkpoints that stop the antitumor immune response. Blocking these points can reset the immune system and restore its function. The immune drugs used today help our defense system to see the light and get to work for which, in fact, it is needed. That is, to fight the disruptors of the body’s functioning, in this case cancer.

"School" for lymphocytes

The interaction between the immune system and the tumor goes through three stages.

- elimination (or immune surveillance). It lies in the effective recognition of “strangers”. It is known that cancer cells can appear periodically in all people, but a well-functioning immune system can detect and destroy them. However, sometimes malignant cells escape destruction and the disease progresses to the next stage.

- “dormant” cancer. Those tumor cells that were able to avoid destruction begin to multiply rapidly.

- tumor progression. Due to the increased division of evil cells capable of suppressing the immune system or evading its influence, the neoplasm continues to take over the body.

The modern strategy of cancer immunotherapy is associated with the discovery of so-called immune checkpoints, which do not allow our defense system to exhibit its antitumor activity. It is these points that protect the tumor, making it invisible to the immune system. Accordingly, by blocking them with the help of innovative drugs, it is possible to restart the immune system, ensuring that it forms an adequate antitumor response. As a result, retrained T lymphocytes can already recognize, attack and destroy foreign cancer cells. At the same time, such side effects as with chemotherapy do not occur with immunotherapy and hospitalization is not required - everything is done on an outpatient basis.

Without losing hope

Today, a large number of immune drugs already exist, and several hundred others (including domestic ones) are preparing to enter the market, but are currently undergoing clinical trials in different phases. This gives patients, even with stage 4 cancer, a real chance that their disease will move from the metastasis phase into the chronic phase and life will go on. The potential of immune drugs for cancer prevention is also being explored. And although there is no data yet on the effectiveness of their use in patients with a high risk of relapse, nevertheless, searches in this direction are underway.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to teach the immune system to destroy cancer in the bud. But, according to experts, we are on the threshold of new achievements, thanks to which immuno-oncology will be the main direction in the treatment of malignant tumors in the coming years.

To whom is this available?

Although immune drugs are quite expensive, their cost is decreasing every year. And some of them have already been included in the list of vital drugs (VED) dispensed at public expense under compulsory medical insurance. Patients can receive them at cancer clinics after the decision of the medical commission. In addition, patients have the opportunity to receive treatment for free by participating in clinical trials of new drugs or in early access programs that are organized by pharmaceutical companies when the first batches of drugs are released onto the market.

Doesn't help everyone

Despite the encouraging news, immunotherapy is still not a replacement for chemotherapy. This is only an alternative method of treating cancer, used according to strict indications. And this treatment does not help everyone, so it is very important for doctors to identify those patients for whom it is suitable, so as not to waste money where it will not produce results.

However, studies have shown that in 15-20% of patients with tumor progression after previous chemotherapy, it is possible to obtain long-term (sometimes many years) clinical benefit. Today, large-scale studies of biomarkers that can predict the high effectiveness of immune drugs for the treatment of cancer are being conducted all over the world. Immunotherapy has already shown effectiveness in metastatic cancer of the kidney, head and neck, lung cancer, melanoma, lymphomas and some other malignancies. For example, patients with disseminated melanoma, who previously died within months, have been living on immune drugs for more than 10 years.

How to increase immunity in oncology is of interest to everyone who has suffered this terrible disease, accompanied by courses of chemotherapy. “Chemistry” is a forced measure that is used in the complex treatment of a malignant tumor, in other words, in the treatment of cancer.

Chemotherapy is the introduction of special medications into the body that destroy the genome of malignant cells, cancer cells. “Chemistry” is an auxiliary measure to surgery and radiation therapy; thanks to these measures, a person’s life can be saved. But the drugs that are administered during chemotherapy are very toxic; they destroy not only cancer cells, but also other cells in the body. Completely suppress the human immune system. All organs, circulatory system and bone marrow are affected. As a result, oncologists, while defeating cancer, forget that it is necessary to quickly begin increasing immunity and strengthening all body systems.

What are the dangers of low immunity after cancer?

After chemotherapy is administered, the patient becomes defenseless to any infection. Any microbes that enter the body before the “chemistry” and get on the skin, intestines, or respiratory tract become incredibly dangerous. They can provoke the development of a disease that can be fatal, since the immune system is suppressed. Therefore, as soon as the cancer is stopped, it is necessary to prepare yourself to restore the immune system. Cancer is now defeated. So you can’t risk your life because of a minor infection, of course not. We need to recover and heal. The basis of treatment is as follows:

  1. The restoration process of cells responsible for the production of antibodies. Leukocytes or white blood cells must be restored, since “chemistry” necessarily kills them.
  2. The process of restoring vital organs and systems, it is imperative to raise and restore the liver, kidneys, and lungs. These organs are responsible for cleansing the body and must work well. These organs remove toxic substances from the body, and if they do not work at full capacity, the patient will develop poisoning, which can subsequently lead to death.
  3. Restoration of intestinal functions. Toxins also accumulate in the intestines and can lead not only to the development of allergies and poisoning, but also to sepsis, which will cause death.

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Boosting the immune system in oncology

So, how can you boost your immunity when you have cancer? Herbal medicines have shown themselves to be excellent in restoring immunity. Nature is a strong helper and folk remedies help strengthen the immune system after suffering a terrible illness.

In addition to taking herbal medicines, it is necessary to establish a diet, follow a diet and lead a correct, healthy lifestyle. The specifics are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to increase the protection of the human body. Echinacea, Eleutherococcus, and Aralia will help with this. The herbal medicine “Saparal” has established itself as an excellent remedy for activating the body’s defenses and has been used for many decades.
  2. Sweet clover flowers and chicory root are also useful as a decoction to increase the level of leukocytes in the blood. Euphorbia tincture is an excellent remedy for restoring leukocytes.
  3. A decoction of immortelle, calendula and milk thistle will help restore the liver.
  4. Buckthorn, fennel, and dill will help cope with constipation that occurs during this period.
  5. Sabelnik and cloves will help with loose stools and diarrhea.
  6. Drugs such as:
  • "White coal";
  • “Sorbex”;
  • "Enterosgel".

In addition to the above medications, it is good to adhere to a balanced diet and a special diet.

Any fried and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. For meat, it is better to give preference to boiled rabbit, beef and chicken. Portions should not be voluminous. Alcoholic drinks must be avoided. Canned food, pickles and spicy foods should not be eaten.

In addition to dietary restrictions, you should try not to visit crowded places. If you need to visit a doctor, you should definitely use a gauze bandage.

You should try to protect yourself from overexertion, nervous worries and stress, dress according to the weather, and not get too cold, although walking is recommended, fresh air is recommended for everyone.

It must be remembered that immunity is weakened for the following reasons:

  • frequent diets and unbalanced diet;
  • poor quality, spoiled food;
  • poor quality water;
  • drinking small amounts of water;
  • bad ecology;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • physical inactivity;
  • congenital pathologies.

The following drugs increase immunity:

  • Ginseng tincture;
  • Immunal;
  • Ribomunil;
  • Irs-19;
  • Lycopid;
  • Imudon;
  • Derinat;
  • Arbidol;
  • Anaferon;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Amexin;
  • Timalin;
  • Thymostimulin;
  • Aloe;
  • Plazmol;
  • Vitamins;
  • Leukogen.

This article will give you a brief understanding reasons for decreased immunity. pay attention to it in a timely manner signs of immunodeficiency and finally realize what we can do to strengthen the immune system .

The mechanisms of immune defense are so complex that some questions are not yet completely clear even to scientists. Simply put, immunity is a protective reaction of the body aimed at neutralizing, deactivating or compensating for any damaging factors, be it fungi, bacteria, viruses or radiation.

The well-coordinated functioning of the immune system is not only protection against common colds and flu, it is the body’s only reliable defense against cancer. Cancer is called a "disease of the genes." "epidemic of our time." sparing neither children, nor people in their prime, nor the elderly. According to disappointing forecasts from CRUK (cancer research organization; UK), over the next 15 years every second person on the planet will be diagnosed with cancer. The main reason, according to researchers, is that thanks to many modern factors, life expectancy has increased significantly. In the barrel of honey of the benefits of civilization there is a fly in the ointment - the likelihood of developing cancer with age increases significantly. Bowel, prostate and melanoma cancers are predicted to increase. But the chances of curing cancer in the next 15 years will also increase significantly, thanks to timely diagnosis and the hope of developing new effective drugs for the treatment of cancer.

It is reliably known that a clinically malignant tumor manifests itself only after the mechanisms of the immune response are disrupted: the protective mechanisms cease to adequately respond and destroy the cancer cells that form daily in our body. But the diagnosis of cancer today is no longer synonymous with death, and not only thanks to timely diagnosis and effective medications. Many people, albeit belatedly, but consciously turn to a healthy lifestyle - they become physically active, try to think positively and choose healthy foods, winning life away from illness.

Yes, and a correct lifestyle does not exclude the development of cancer, taking into account the multifactorial causes of development (genetic predisposition, characteristics of the hormonal system and immune reactions), but SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the risk of developing cancer. Some chemical carcinogens can also be formed inside the body itself during various metabolic reactions, so the possibility of tumor transformation of a cell cannot be theoretically excluded even if all possible carcinogens are eliminated from the environment. Therefore, among oncological risks, the greatest attention should be paid to the state of immunity, so that emerging cancer cells are destroyed by a healthy immune system, without having time to develop into a global tumor process.

The immune system not only protects the body from infections and its own tumor cells, but also participates in the restoration of damaged cells of various organs and systems of the body. A decrease in the body's resistance can serve as a prerequisite for the development of non-infectious diseases. If the immune system is supported in a timely manner, there is a high probability that the disease will stop progressing and recovery will occur. By supporting the body's immune forces, we can influence any disease indirectly, so EVERYONE needs to strengthen the immune system, and not just occasionally, but constantly.

If you are curious and don't feel intimidated by the terms, the table below provides a summary of how the immune system works:

Educational program on immunity. Basic Concepts

Immunity is divided into congenital (hereditary, specific) and acquired.

Innate immunity- immunity of certain species to pathogens that infect other species. For example, people are resistant to canine distemper, and animals under natural conditions do not suffer from measles, scarlet fever, or smallpox.

Terminp acquired immunity speaks for itself: it is acquired as a result of a previous illness. Acquired immunity (artificial) also occurs after vaccination. Acquired immunity is created as a result of the functioning of central ( thymus gland (thymus), bone marrow) and peripheral ( spleen, lymph nodes, lymphocyte clusters in different organs and tissues: the mucous membrane of the small intestine (Peyer's patches), tonsils, appendix) organs of the immune system. Lymphocytes are the most important cells responsible for the final implementation of immunological defense mechanisms.

In addition to the organs of the immune system, the effectiveness of acquired immunity is influenced by some cells, tissues and various mechanisms that provide nonspecific defense of the body. A number of mechanical, physicochemical, and biochemical mechanisms of nonspecific protection against infections can be distinguished:

Natural barriers made from skin and mucous membranes(increased acidity of sweat and gastric juice serves as an obstacle to the penetration of microbes into the body)

Saliva, tears, blood, macrophages and neutrophils contain lysozyme. destroys bacterial membranes

- hyaluronic acid- the most important structural component of the intercellular matrix, inhibits the spread of microbes

Interferons are low molecular weight proteins that prevent the virus from infecting other cells and can even prevent the proliferation of bacteria; interferon is produced by leukocytes and dendritic cells, fibroblasts and T-lymphocytes. Interferons have a variety of activities - antiviral, antiproliferative, antitumor, radioprotective.

Phagocytosis is the most important factor in nonspecific cellular resistance; phagocytes capture and destroy microbes

Difensins are arginine-rich peptides that destroy microorganisms

After activation by immune complexes, platelets synthesize and secrete biologically active substances (lysozyme, histamine, β-lysines, prostaglandins)

When immunity decreases, the body does not react actively enough to infections and other foreign agents, but there is also the opposite condition - overreaction on the part of the immune system (hyperactivity). With an inadequate immune response, autoimmune diseases(rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis, etc.) and various allergic reactions(allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, etc.). The immune system, in fact, becomes the enemy of its own body and destroys its own tissues. The causes of autoimmune diseases have not yet been fully studied, but it is believed that exposure to toxic organic substances, lead salts, and infections (measles viruses, hepatitis B, retroviruses, streptococci, staphylococci) may be of no small importance.

Causes decreased immunity

immune defense decreases in winter and spring

pregnancy (for the mother’s immune system, the fetus is foreign, because it has half of the paternal chromosomes; to prevent rejection from occurring, a natural mechanism is activated that suppresses the activity of the mother’s immune system and reduces immunological reactions)

old age (with age, the body’s immune system increasingly fails)

critical periods of the immune system during the active growth of children (newborn period, 3-6 months, 2 years, 4-6 years, adolescence)

genetic causes (primary or congenital immunodeficiencies); it is indicative of a family history of deaths at an early age due to infections or an identified immunodeficiency state

long-term stressful situations

sleep disorders, overwork, chronic fatigue

poor nutrition (especially with a deficiency of protein and zinc; plus the body is forced to constantly get rid of toxins from “junk” food)

metabolic disorders, prolonged fasting

chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, enteropathy, sarcoidosis)

illiterate use of medications, especially antibiotics, hormonal agents, tranquilizers (sedatives reduce anxiety by “deceiving” the body, and thereby lead to an imbalance in the mechanisms of defense against stress, which, in turn, reduces immune defense)

any surgical interventions (including blood transfusions)

chemotherapy and radiation therapy

artificial suppression of immunity (immunosuppression; used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, organ and tissue transplantation)

radiation, radiation sickness

unfavorable environmental conditions, work in hazardous industries (xenobiotics create a constant load on the immune system, which leads to its depletion)

bad habits = conscious intoxication of the body (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse)

insufficient physical activity

I especially want to emphasize that with long-term use, almost ANY medicine can cause a weakening of the immune system, so if you are constantly taking any medicine, you should take doubly care about strengthening the immune system.

Determine how seriously you should be concerned about the state of your immunity.

I want to warn you right away: Even a doctor cannot judge the presence or absence of immunodeficiency without a laboratory blood test (immunogram)!

Signs decreased immunity :

Frequent colds (preschoolers - 9 or more times a year, schoolchildren - 5-6 times, adults - 3-4)

Transition of acute inflammatory diseases into chronic, frequent relapses, complications

Sinusitis more than twice a year

Pneumonia more than twice a year

More than two severe infectious processes in history (sepsis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, etc.)

Repeated severe purulent processes (boils, pyoderma)

Enlarged lymph nodes and spleen

Persistent candidiasis (thrush)

Frequent relapses of herpes (more than 4 times a year)

Chronic infectious diseases (chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, etc.)

Lack of effect from long-term antibiotic therapy

Infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms (Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Clostridium, Mycobacterium, Candida, etc.)

Immunosuppression. or immunodeficiency - a state of immunosuppression, a violation of the body’s immune response to foreign viruses and its own degenerating cells.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, herbalist Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov in his book “Life without Cancer” describes another hypothetical sign of decreased immunity:

"There is an assumption that long-term decrease in body temperature(normal limits 36-36.9°C), absence of inflammatory processes or rapid relief of them with the help of antipyretics are prerequisites for the occurrence of cancer. In mild forms of acute respiratory diseases, influenza, etc., one should not rush to reduce the temperature by taking antipyretics, but give the body the opportunity to overcome the disease on its own, because having defeated it, it strengthens its immune system.”

Even if we consider Sinyakov’s postulate as controversial, take note: medications for fever do NOT cure, especially for children - antipyretics only relieve the fear of parents, while simultaneously striking a blow to the liver, kidneys and circulatory system. Temperatures up to 40 degrees are absolutely safe for a child, if diagnosis of ARVI, acute respiratory infections or the flu has been diagnosed by a DOCTOR. There are many dangerous infections accompanied by fever, but in this case your child will already be treated in the hospital - including antibiotics. Viral infections (ARVI, influenza) and bronchitis are NOT treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are used only for LIFE-threatening conditions (bacterial pneumonia, for example)! It is precisely because many parents now independently “prescribe” antibiotics to their children that viruses mutate. The more people take antibiotics, the faster these processes will go. And, worst of all, if suddenly the use of antibiotics is really urgently needed, then they may be powerless against infection. This path leads to a dead end. Proper nutrition, walks in any weather or hardening and physical activity work wonders - your child will get sick much less often, try it!

Despite the many factors that weaken our body’s immune system, its normal functioning can be ensured at any age. How can you strengthen your immunity?

The famous Sears family of pediatricians claims that this is quite simple to do: just “feed” the immune system correctly! The conclusions were based on many years of observation of young patients: “correct” mothers, who did not give their children “junk” food, brought their children to appointments extremely rarely. And even if their children got sick, they recovered much faster than those who regularly consumed harmful foods. A balanced diet is one of the many ways to keep your immune system strong.

13 simple s ways to strengthen the immune system:

- get rid of bad habits- they weaken the activity of the immune system;

As far as possible, protect yourself as much as possible from harmful influences and xenobiotic substances. industrial pollution, pesticides, household chemicals, minimize the use of medications; if you cannot eliminate any dangerous factor, take enterosorbents (for example, enterosgel or plant sorbents);

Optimal physical exercise- a proven way to strengthen a weakened immune system (any pleasant and feasible activity - morning exercises, jogging, fitness, dancing, swimming);

- daily walks in the fresh air they enrich the blood with oxygen, tone up, relieve emotional stress; Sun rays promote the production of anti-cancer vitamin D in the skin;

- hardening procedures help strengthen the body, stimulate blood circulation, increase the stability of the nervous system;

General massage courses help improve immunity; acupressure is an effective support for immunity during acute respiratory infections;

Preventive and therapeutic aromatherapy helps the body cope with infections, because... many essential oils have pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;

Use antioxidants and adaptogens of plant origin(eleutherococcus, ginseng, etc.); consult a herbalist- these medicinal plants have a number of contraindications;

Try going to balanced diet without semi-finished products, antimutagenic diets(for example, did you know that parsley is effective in preventing certain types of cancer?); include in your diet foods that help strengthen the immune system - broccoli. carrot. pumpkin zucchini. parsley dill. celery. citrus. dairy products. salmon and turkey;

Accept vitamin and mineral complexes in the winter-spring period: vitamin C will help support the immune system and speed up the recovery process from illness, although it is not a panacea;

Follow bowel regularity. the body needs to get rid of bacteria and toxins in a timely manner, otherwise your immune system will be busy with detox;

- avoid stress- the work of the immune system is closely related to the nervous system; As we already know, stress significantly weakens the immune system.

I foresee that some readers will be disappointed: almost all of these tips for strengthening the immune system are familiar to us from childhood.

It is important that you realize: there is no pill that will save you from all diseases, but by changing your lifestyle, you can significantly improve the quality of your life, even if you are seriously ill.

Note: drugs to stimulate the immune system are used ONLY for the concomitant treatment of existing diseases, and NOT for their prevention. Even if you see the line in the instructions for the drug: “Used for the prevention of certain diseases.” - a healthy person does NOT need immunostimulants (including herbal ones, for example, echinacea)! The pharmacist will offer you a wide range of over-the-counter drugs for immunity, but do not rush to use his help without consulting a doctor: Immunostimulants can cause serious damage to the body if used incorrectly. especially in children.

So you want to fill your life with the joy of communication, interesting travels, devote yourself to what you love, be loved and give love, and not fight illnesses. Or are you satisfied with life according to the ostrich principle - head in the sand, and there are no problems? Take care of your health now, and your healthy immune system will be the key to a long and fulfilling life.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs