Quality food list of the best. Complex carbohydrates in the diet

Much in our lives cannot be constantly controlled. Although even health, longevity and, sometimes, mood can be influenced. After all, science does not stand still, and the data that has been collected by specialists in the field of healthy nutrition and lifestyle since the 90s only proves that life expectancy and general emotional background significantly influenced by the foods we eat. From the article you will learn about the most healthy foods nutrition for health and principles of healthy eating.

Our list contains 31 nutrition tips that will help maintain health and longevity. These are the products and tips to follow. They say that when you start drinking sufficient quantity water, you can get rid of half of your health problems (read more about how to lose weight and maintain health). A proper diet will only enhance this effect.

Broccoli, grapes, salad

Let's start with a long-known scientific evidence: rich in vegetables and fruits, a diet that includes nutritious and, at the same time, low-calorie foods is ideal for those who want to live a long time.

Want clarification? Yes, everything is extremely simple! Broccoli, grapes and lettuce actually contain substances responsible for our longevity.

These tiny fruits are chock-full of antioxidants, which in turn support the immune system and prevent the onset of deadly diseases. They can easily help you preserve your age. Research from Harvard University in 2012 showed that a glass of blueberries or a couple of glasses of strawberries at least once a week is beneficial for older people - the berries fight against mental disorders and memory diseases.

In Pennsylvania, celebrating her 107th birthday, Nancy Fisher explained that the secret to her longevity lies in her addiction to garlic.

And in fact, this is confirmed from the point of view modern science: Research has shown that the phytochemicals in garlic can stop the formation of carcinogenic chemicals in the body. Women who eat more garlic have a lower risk of developing certain types of colon cancer.

A tasty and valuable product at the same time. This healthy natural fat strengthens the heart muscle, which naturally has a direct impact on life expectancy. Olive oil is no less effective in preventing brain diseases and cancer diseases. A couple of tablespoons of this “potion” a day will fulfill its purpose.

Research shows that cruciferous vegetables, like this one are rich in nutrients, more precisely, coarse fiber, vitamin C and folic acid. These elements actually help to cheat death. A study conducted at Vanderbilt University showed that residents of Shanghai manage to almost completely recover from breast cancer, even if they were on the verge of death. The fact is that their diet contains a huge amount of cruciferous vegetables - especially turnips and Chinese cabbage. In this way, Chinese women save themselves from the development and complications of this terrible disease.


How to prevent heart disease and strengthen blood vessels? Introduce avocado into your diet! Avocado fruits reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and help the body fully absorb beta-carotene and lycopene - microelements responsible for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Lycopene, contained in tomatoes, is also an active fighter against cancer cells. Tomatoes are healthy in almost any form, so don't forget to add them to pasta sauce, eat tomato soups more often and vegetable salads with fresh tomatoes. When you eat tomatoes, your body produces a huge amount of carotenoids - the main enemies of carcinogens.

In 2014, studies conducted among older people in Australia, Japan, Sweden and Greece showed that in groups of those subjects who ate legumes daily, mortality decreased by 7-8%, compared with those who did not consume them at all. Legumes significantly increase the level of butyrate (butyrate) in the blood. Butyric acid actively fights cancer cells and tidies up organs digestive system, renewing mucosal cells in the intestines.

Grains and cereals

Coarse fiber obtained from whole grain bread and whole grain pasta protects against diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, and some types of cancer. Also, it is a faithful assistant in the fight against obesity, high cholesterol and blood sugar levels and high blood pressure.

Alcohol – in moderation

Oddly enough, some studies show that small amounts of alcohol (no more than two glasses of red wine a day for men and one for women) improve heart health. Moderately drinking people, as a rule, live longer than those who do not drink in moderation and those who do not drink at all. A 2012 study from Harvard Medical School also found that moderate alcohol consumption reduced the risk of death in men after a heart attack.

Sober lifestyle

If you want first-hand advice on longevity, look no further than the advice given by Tomoji Tanabe, a Japanese man who lived a long and happy life. When he died (in 2009) he was 113 years old. In all his interviews, he always claimed that the secret of his “eternal” life was abstinence from alcohol. Iago favorite dish– Japanese miso soup with shellfish and shrimp. And he couldn’t live a single day without milk.

Well, okay, no one canceled a sip of whiskey

French twins Raymond and Lucien Watlad were recognized as the oldest twins in 2010 (they were 98 years old). They always said they were their favorite alcoholic drinks(V moderate amount, of course) preserved their youth. Raymond preferred Whiskey, and Lucien preferred anise liqueur. Although, in their youth, the sisters were members of the French gymnast team and since 1930 regularly engaged in aerobics, dancing and physical education.

Puer tea

Strong immunity is the key to health and a guarantee of longevity. To support your immune system, you need to make sure your diet includes foods that contain antioxidants. From the above, we have already understood that antioxidants can fight various ailments. Chinese tea Pu Er contains much more antioxidants than its green relative. Brew Pu Er tea for five minutes and drink with honey and lemon.

106-year-old Ethel Engstrom told the Pasadena Central Channel that she has lived so long because of her addiction to invigorating drink. She drank about 12 cups of black coffee a day! Of course, no one is saying that you need the same amount to prolong your life. It's just that a 2008 Harvard University study showed that coffee actually prolongs the life of those who drink it every day. Such people live, as a rule, 18% - 26% longer than those who do not drink it. So, two to four cups of natural brewed coffee a day will add several vigorous and happy years to your life.

Eat chocolate - it will add another year to your life. Those who eat chocolate at least three times a month live a year longer than those who do not. To find out, in 1999 Harvard University tested it on 8,000 subjects. A Scientific research In 2009, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm confirmed that 44% of those subjects who regularly eat chocolate recover significantly faster from severe heart attacks. Moreover, the likelihood of death within several years after a heart attack in old age is significantly reduced. No other sweets have such an effect on the human body. The fact is that cocoa beans contain antioxidants and flavonoids. The highest concentration of flavonoids is naturally found in dark chocolate.

Less red meat

A few days without meat and strict vegetarian diet also prolong life. Eating large amounts of red meat increases the risk of heart disease. Bacon, fatty ham and pork steaks are mostly to blame. If you have heart problems and want to live many more happy years, then try to reduce the amount of red meat in your diet.

More white meat

Protein sources - chicken, turkey and fish - perfectly support the healthy functioning of our body. They accelerate the regeneration and formation of new muscle and tissue cells. Those who eat white meat actually live much longer than those who prefer red.

More nuts

Nuts are one of the healthiest sources of protein. A serving of nuts replacing a serving of pork reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 19%.

Corn, beans and pork

Eat like a Costa Rican - prolong your life! A Costa Rican man, on average, lives to be 90 years old. While the male half of Europe and the USA lives only to 60. Costa Ricans lead active life and eat mainly corn, beans, pork + a huge amount of fruits and vegetables, which they usually grow themselves.

Red Blood Cells – Where Do They Come From?

If red meat is bad for you, then what remains? Red cabbage - in any form. Provokes active growth red blood cells and helps protect the body from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Let's not forget about beet juice– it helps keep blood pressure normal and tomatoes – they reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

A universal fruit that saves you from all diseases, including stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue and anemia. Vitamins B, E and potassium help keep our skin, hair and nails in their original form for as long as possible.


Salmon and tuna support heart muscle function. They also contain rich Omega-3s. fatty acid, preventing inflammation that provokes DNA damage. Naturally, in this case you need to give up fried, dried and salted fish and switch to steamed food. Properly cooked fish prolongs your life by 23%.

Organic food

Many people believe that organic vegetables are nothing special. vitamin composition do not differ from those that were grown on dietary supplements. However, food obtained without any additives retains its own immunity, which it subsequently transfers to humans - in the form of minerals and biologically active substances. Such products are usually less attractive in appearance, but they are the key to a long life without disease.

The last piece on the plate

Do you want to live to be a hundred? Leave one uneaten piece on your plate. The Japanese, for example, live longer only because they do not eat until they are completely full. It is customary to learn this from childhood. We all know that the feeling of fullness comes 20 minutes after eating, so if our stomach is not 100% full, but only 80%, then this will be enough. And most importantly - no stomach problems - he won’t have to work hard.

Two meals a day

Walter Broning of Montana died in 2011 at the age of 114. How did he do it? He always said that he was used to getting up from the table a little hungry, and most importantly, every day he only had two main meals. The rest of the time he snacked on fruits and vegetables and drank a lot of water.

... or even less

Looking for eternal youth many people dare to special types diets (those indicated for those suffering chronic diseases heart or stomach). Such diets are very difficult to endure, but they give good results. Research from the University of Washington has shown that short-term low calorie diet or fasting cleanse the body of toxic substances and correct the figure after a well-fed holiday. Short-term fasting is beneficial for absolutely everyone, except minor children - they need a full set of minerals and trace elements.

Japanese diet

Fish, tofu and vegetables are the basic elements of the Japanese diet. Nutrition experts are confident that the Japanese style of eating not only helps to maintain a good figure, but also adds many joyful years to our lives (which the Japanese themselves prove with their world-famous longevity). The Japanese do not age for a long time and never get fat - this is a fact.

Mediterranean diet

Healthy fats from fish, olive oil and nuts, slow carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and wine in moderation. This food is popular in Greece and Italy. This combination prolongs life, strengthens the heart, and protects against obesity and Alzheimer's disease. The Mediterranean diet necessarily involves eating only with family and best friends - this is a tradition.

Scandinavian diet

It is often called the Viking diet. Based on cabbage rye bread, root vegetables, oatmeal and fish. Followers of this diet not only live long, but also experience virtually no health problems.

homemade food

This is the main ticket to a long and happy life. A 2012 Cambridge study showed that lovers of home-cooked food live 47% longer than lovers of processed foods and ordered food from cafes and fast food restaurants.


No, pizza lovers never die before anyone else. This famous Italian dish is made from several different varieties capsicum. It contains many essential and vegetable oils+ vitamins B, C and carotene (main accelerator metabolic processes human body). So, if occasionally you treat yourself to pizza, then let it be pepperoni!

The main thing is to never forget that everything is good in moderation. No matter how controversial some of the advice may seem, each of them really has something that will add health, beauty and longevity to us. But remember that even the most best vitamins do not eat by the handful. Therefore, be honest with your body - and it will definitely thank you for it. Long life to you!

Based on materials from: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,20610379,00.html

For wellness To achieve perfect health, you need to eat right. Representatives also recommend eating only natural, healthy foods traditional medicine, and doctors. To the practitioner healthy image In life, a person needs to know what the basics of proper nutrition are. Let's consider what foods are good for health, what their value is for the body, their quality characteristics, features of use. We will also dwell on products that are harmful to human health.

Healthy foods

Answering the question of which foods are good for health, let’s look at the main ones in more detail.


Vegetables are a must on any list of healthy foods for proper nutrition. Grown in a natural way vegetables are vital for all organs, cells, and tissues of the human body to function fully.

They consist of:

  1. Fiber.
  2. Vegetable protein in small quantities.
  3. Vitamin.
  4. Microelements.
  5. Minerals.

Important! Fiber does not carry any nutritional value, but is necessary for a person to naturally cleanse his body. If this component is not enough in the intestines, then decomposition products and toxins accumulate in all other organs.

The most useful and affordable vegetables that grow in our latitudes are:

  • Carrots are a source of carotene (vitamin A), as well as a food that has nutritional and antioxidant properties. At the same time, it improves blood composition and stabilizes digestion. With this vegetable you can prepare various salads and main courses. It’s also very good to drink natural juices. If the last idea is acceptable to you, find out.
  • Cabbage of any variety, and especially white cabbage or broccoli, contains dozens of vitamins and microelements, as well as a large amount of fiber. Cabbage improves immunity, cleanses the blood of cholesterol compounds, prevents the development cancerous tumors. Cabbage is one of the favorite foods of doctors and nutritionists.
  • Garlic and onions are leaders in the content of phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening human immunity. Increases the body's resistance to bacteria, viruses, and toxins.
  • Tomatoes are a source of lycopene, lutein and other very useful components. They have antioxidant properties and have a positive effect on vision.

Important! Beneficial features plant origin products are used in the treatment various diseases, dysfunctions and disorders of organs and systems. Regular consumption of vegetables is an excellent prevention of vascular, digestive, and oncological diseases.


Naturally grown, lightly processed and fresh vegetables- these are products for proper nutrition that are beneficial for blood vessels, the heart, endocrine system, digestive organs. They, like vegetables, contain fiber, and are also very similar in composition to them; they are one of the most important parts of human nutrition.

The healthiest fruits:

  • Apples are a source of pectin, fiber, and iron compounds. They stimulate the natural cleansing of the human body from cholesterol and toxins, and have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Regular consumption of apples helps reduce excess weight. By the way, you can prepare for the winter healthy juice from these fruits. To make the process easier and less labor-intensive, review our tips.
  • Avocado is very rich in vitamins, microelements, and unsaturated fats. Stimulates collagen synthesis, which promotes rejuvenation of the body, and has anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Bananas contain large amounts of potassium, fructose, and other natural carbohydrates.

Important! Remember that, in addition to the organization proper diet nutrition, are important for health and physical exercise. If going to the gym is not your option, then ours will be useful for you.

Important! Fruits must be grown in environmentally friendly regions without the use of chemicals and other stimulants. Plus, when compiling a diet, you need to take into account the characteristics of your body, because some...


In terms of their properties, berries are close to both vegetables and fruits, but they contain less fiber, but a higher content of microelements, vitamins, and nutrients. Berries are natural antioxidants and regulate metabolic processes. These products are a delicious sweet treat that can be consumed as a separate dish or as an addition to various desserts, even meat dishes.

There are a large number of healthy berries - these are blueberries, sea buckthorn, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, black currants, raspberries, cloudberries, serviceberry, bird cherry, grapes.

Important! Some of them are ready-made medicines and raw materials for its manufacture. Pharmaceutical companies use the berries to prepare effective herbal preparations.


Beans are a source of vitamins, vegetable protein, fiber, microelements, and antioxidants. There are no peas, beans, soybeans, lentils or other legumes unhealthy fats, but there are substances that prevent the appearance of abnormal cells from which cancerous tumors subsequently form.

The fiber contained in legumes performs a cleaning function. digestive tract from undigested food residues and toxins.

Important! Beans are classified as “complex” carbohydrates; they are digested slowly, but at the same time provide the body with energy and nutrients for a long time.


Nuts are a source of carbohydrates, proteins, microelements (chromium, zinc, iron) and vitamins C, E, group B. They are fruits that are covered with a hard peel. Nuts can be consumed as part of various dishes, and separately. They are also a source of energy, taste great, and fill the body in a few minutes.

Important! The healthiest nuts are almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, and chestnuts. They are used not only for food, but also to treat various diseases.


Eggs are also a healthy food. There is an opinion that only the protein in them is useful, but this is not so. The yolk contains cholesterol, which is not directly related to increasing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Eggs are an excellent source of animal protein that is easy for the body to digest, which is very important when growing muscles during training or when losing weight. Eggs can be eaten both as scrambled eggs and as an omelet, as well as as a snack, making a delicious sandwich.

Important! So that you can easily diversify your diet with this product, we suggest you save it for yourself.


Honey is the main product of beekeeping, a source of a huge amount of useful components and glucose. Collected in clean areas and prepared without use heat treatment honey is a medicine that has antibacterial, tonic, immunostimulating and general strengthening properties. It is used for anemia, all types of digestive colds and vascular diseases.


Healthy foods include fish. Especially valuable are fish from the salmon family - pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, grayling. It is a source of protein, phosphorus and omega fatty acids.

Beneficial influence on the body is expressed by improved blood circulation, increased amount beneficial cholesterol compounds, strengthening the immune system. Fish is also highly nutritious and is excellent as a staple product for different diets and a healthy lifestyle.

Important! To always have several ideas for preparing delicious and healthy food, save yourself.

Olive oil

An excellent way to combat excess cholesterol is to consume this product. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, including D, E, K, oleic and linoleic acid, useful microelements.

Important! Oleic acid is a scientifically recognized agent for the prevention malignant tumors.

Products made from wholemeal flour

Bread made from wholemeal flour contains complex carbohydrates, which, unlike rich bakery products, do not contribute to weight gain. When using such flour, most of the beneficial components and vitamins that cereals are rich in are retained in products.

Eating bread made from unprocessed flour reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, vascular pathologies And digestive diseases. But if you like to treat yourself from time to time delicious pastries, try our recipes.

Green tea

This drink is made by brewing leaves from a tea bush. Contains vitamin C, polyphenols, carotenoids and minerals. It is a natural antioxidant that has a positive effect on all organs and systems in the human body. Regular use reduces the risk of strokes, heart pathologies, caries, liver diseases, stone formation and cancer. But all this is subject to the product good quality, so check out our .

Important! Healthy foods for proper nutrition are those that contain the optimal combination of plant foods, fats in the form useful acids and dietary protein.

Unhealthy food

The most delicious food is often the junk food. The human body gets used to it very quickly.

Let's look at which foods are harmful to human health:

  • Fast food - this includes French fries, hamburgers, noodles and other fast food.
  • Crackers and chips contain a huge amount of chemical additives that have a detrimental effect on the health of the body.
  • Ketchup and mayonnaise industrial production— they contain trans fats, flavors, dyes and other harmful chemical additives.
  • Sugar and salt. Sugar sharply increases blood glucose levels. It also causes many diseases and pathological conditions, including weakened immunity, obesity, caries, osteoporosis. Salt can be used, but only in acceptable standards. Excessive consumption leads to heart attacks, renal failure, strokes, impairs vision.
  • White bread is a representative of “fast” carbohydrates that are harmful to human life. It leads to admission large number calories that the body stores as fat.
  • Canned food - does not contain anything useful in its composition, and also contains nutritional supplements, chemicals.
  • Confectionery products contain huge amounts of sugar, palm oil and other additives that are harmful to the body.
  • Carbonated drinks have an excessive amount of “chemicals” in their composition. Regular consumption of them flushes calcium from the body and also leads to digestive problems.
  • Today even children know the importance rational nutrition. But theoretical awareness is one thing, and practice is another. We examined above which foods are good for health, as well as the most harmful ones, which should be reduced to a minimum in your diet. Eat right, exercise and be healthy!

Do you want to be healthy and energetic? Start with proper nutrition. Our well-being directly depends on what we eat. A balanced diet affects, first of all, our appearance. Beautiful even complexion, strong nails, shiny hair is thanks to the right food. Cheerfulness, energy and a positive outlook on life - this also comes from healthy food.

Eating harmful products, people deliberately doom themselves to whole line complications and problems. Lethargy, heaviness in the stomach, nausea and apathy are the first signs poor nutrition. If you don’t stop in time, you can very soon become the owner of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. This is just a small part of the problems that can arise when eating harmful foods.

Proper nutrition is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. By deciding to opt for healthy food, we help the body increase immunity, endurance and get stronger. This is how we prolong our life. It’s not scary if you haven’t been instilled with a culture of healthy eating since childhood, and you don’t know. It can be learned at any age. We have highlighted several simple rules. By adhering to them, you will always be healthy and full of strength.

So let's repeat: healthy eating is a healthy lifestyle, That's why:

  1. Food should be complete and as varied as possible. Our body needs different microelements and vitamins. They cannot be contained in just one product. The richer your menu, the more benefits.
  2. Follow your diet. It is important to develop the habit of eating at approximately the same time. Main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is worth adding two snacks to them.
  3. Don't skip meals. This has several unacceptable consequences. Firstly, the feeling of hunger. It will make you eat a lot more later. Secondly, the body will become exhausted. As a result, you will get tired faster. Thirdly, this can disrupt the digestive processes.
  4. Minimize your sugar and salt intake. There is hardly a person who does not know about the dangers of sugar and salt. At the same time, many continue to get carried away with them. Large quantities of these products lead to strong blow on health. Don't get carried away with them.
  5. Add whole grains to your diet. This is bran, wholemeal flour, and many cereals. They are a useful exercise for the stomach and a storehouse of vitamins.
  6. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits as often as possible. Ideally every day. They are sources of minerals, vitamins and useful substances.
  7. Eat fish. At least once a week. Omega-3 acid is especially useful. It is found mainly in fatty fish.
  8. Minimize consumption the wrong fats , especially animals. They hit the digestive system very hard.
  9. Drink water. Clean, without gas. We advise you to calculate your individual daily norm. They can help with this mobile applications. For example, WaterBalance, Hydro and others.
  10. Forget fast food. This overweight, heaviness in the stomach and bad mood.

As you can see, eating right does not mean limiting yourself. On the contrary, your diet will become much wider. Healthy eating– this is not a diet at all! You will not go hungry and be in constant stress. Try it and you will soon realize that proper food- it's really cool.

Let's talk about healthy and unhealthy foods

As we already mentioned, you can find anything in modern stores. Therefore, it is very important to know what is healthy to eat and what you should forget about forever.

Products that bring only benefits

This category includes products created by nature. They contain many elements that have a beneficial effect on our health. Of course, our list can be expanded by adding different types of cereals, berries, fruits, vegetables, etc.


Eat fish and you can forget about diseases of the cardiovascular system. It removes cholesterol perfectly. Fatty varieties contain Omega-3 acid. This is a rare element. It reduces the risk of disease and cancer. Fish contains healthy protein , which is several times easier to digest than protein from meat.


It contains amino acids and healthy protein. It is one of the main products that fight cancer. Include broccoli in your diet at least once a week and you can eliminate the risk of tumors. It also contains pectin. They improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Broccoli contains a huge amount of valuable microelements. Among them are zinc, iodine and manganese.


We can talk about the beneficial properties of apples for a very long time. They are useful for the functioning of almost all systems of the human body. They prevent many diseases. Rich in vitamins, they cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and lower cholesterol levels.



Saturated with vitamins: A, B1, B3, C, E, P, PP, etc. Also carrots rich in minerals : potassium, calcium, iron, copper, iodine, phosphorus, etc. It is very useful, especially for people with vision problems.


It is not simple delicious berries. This is a panacea for premature aging. Substances contained in blueberries reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia and cancer.


The benefits of nuts can be described for a very long time. They contain many vitamins and minerals. Serve as a means to increase libido. Reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Strengthens the cardiovascular system and vision.


They can safely be called natural antidepressants. They replenish energy reserves. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Neutralize high acidity stomach. Contain a huge amount of useful substances. Perhaps bananas have only one drawback - they are very high in calories.


Increases the body's resistance to infections and strengthens the immune system. It contains almost all microelements, as well as many vitamins. Honey helps with problems with the liver, respiratory system, stomach, intestines, etc. However, you should be careful with this product. This is a strong allergen.


An excellent remedy for colds. It helps normalize body temperature and blood pressure. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pancreas. Strengthens gums.

Products that negatively affect health

The harmful ones mainly include food products containing a large amount of artificial ingredients, sugar, and fat. They cause disorders of the digestive system and negatively affect the general condition of a person.

Sweet carbonated drinks

Gases, chemicals and sugar are their main components. All drinks like Coca-Cola have a negative effect on the stomach. Gases lead to gastritis. And dyes and other chemical additives cause allergies.

Sweets and baked goods

These are the main products causing diathesis, acne, allergies and obesity. You shouldn't give up sweets at all. Just replace cakes and sweets with dried fruits, dark chocolate, and honey. Replace white bread and baked goods with bran or yeast-free bread.

Fast food

This is anything that is deep fried. French fries, whites, pies, pasties, etc. Typically, overcooked butter is used to prepare them. This leads to the formation of carcinogens and other very harmful substances.

Sausages and sausages

Today you will no longer find sausage that does not contain dyes, harmful food additives and flavors. It's good if there is at least a little meat in it. Smoked foods are also harmful. They not only raise cholesterol levels, but also often lead to disorders nervous system!

Mayonnaise and margarine

Mayonnaise can be consumed, but only if it is prepared at home. Bought in a store, it threatens diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, blood vessels, obesity. It contains a large number of substances hazardous to health: dyes, additives, saturated fats, vinegar. Margarine is not far behind. This is by no means an analogue of butter. This is a composition of trans fats, toxic substances, preservatives, synthetic fats, etc. Please note that margarine is used for store-bought baked goods.

Fast food

Don't be lazy. It doesn't take very long to prepare healthy food. Your liver, stomach, kidneys, intestines and other organs will say “thank you.” Noodles, soups, purees, bouillon cubes - these are solid chemical compounds. There is practically nothing natural in them. You won't get far with flavors, food additives and fats.

These are indicative product lists only. There are many more in both categories. Stay healthy and eat the right healthy foods? Or give preference to fast, high-calorie and sweet food, but acquire a bunch of diseases? The choice is yours.

Attention! Harmful food additives

Many products contain food additives. Some of them are even healthy, containing vitamins and minerals. All additives have a name and a special code that begins with the letter E. We will focus on the most harmful ones. Every person should know them.

Harmful food additives
Life-threatening E123, E510, E513, E527
Dangerous E102, E110, E120, E124, E127, E129, E155, E180, E201, E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242, E400, E401, E402, E403, E404, E405, E501, E502, 3, E620, E636, E637
Carcinogenic E131, E142, E153, E210, E212, E213, E214, E215, E216, E219, E230, E240, E249, E280, E281, E282, E283, E310, E954
Causes stomach upset E338, E339, E340, E341, E343, E450, E461, E462, E463, E465, E466
Risk of skin diseases E151, E160, E231, E232, 239, E311, E312, E320, E907, E951, E1105
Dangerous for the intestines E154, E626, E627, E628, E629, E630, E631, E632, E633, E634, E635
Increase blood pressure E154, E250, E252
Particularly harmful to children E270
Little studied E104, E122, E141, E171, E173, E241, E477
Prohibited E103, E105, E111, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E152, E211, E952

You are now armed with basic knowledge about proper nutrition. Do you know what should be included in your daily diet, and what is better to avoid. We hope our recommendations will be useful to you, and very soon you will feel great. Write to us about your achievements and discoveries in the world of a healthy lifestyle.

It's no secret that vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, meat and fish contain a huge amount of valuable vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they should all appear regularly on our menu. The world's leading nutritionists are still actively discussing which product is the healthiest for the human body. Today's article will feature the best.


These fruits contain twelve vitamins necessary for normal functioning human body. They are rich in pectin, sugars, iron, iodine, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, apples can claim the title of “The healthiest product in the world.”

Systematic consumption of these fruits tones the body, helps strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. According to scientists, people who eat an apple daily are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. In addition, these fruits contain quercetin. This substance has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the development of cancer cells.


This amazing vegetable can also safely claim the title “The most useful product in the world.” It contains more than four hundred valuable components. He is considered one of best sources nickel, magnesium, cobalt, potassium, calcium, chromium, allicin, adenosine and flavonoids. This vegetable is rich in C, A, B 1 and B 2.

Garlic, the properties of which are determined unique composition, has a wonderful antibacterial effect. It hinders development infectious diseases and helps strengthen immune system. Systematic use of this vegetable It is considered the best prevention of heart attacks and strokes. In addition, it is effective in the fight against staphylococci, pneumonia, hypertension, influenza and herpes.

Plus, garlic, whose properties are successfully used in alternative medicine, is indicated for people suffering from nervous system disorders. Thanks to the substances it contains, it is a natural antibiotic.


This vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin B, A, C, K, D and E. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, pectins, starch, natural sugars, purine compounds, organic and polyunsaturated acids.

Cauliflower recipes are available to any housewife; dishes made from it are simple and easy to prepare. Therefore, dishes from it should appear in your diet as often as possible. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps prevent skin diseases and strengthening the nervous system. It contains relatively high concentration biotin, which helps cope with fatigue and depression. It is also considered a good source of molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. It is precisely this complex chemical composition that explains everything beneficial features of this vegetable.

In addition, simple recipes are used to prepare it. Cauliflower can be used to make a lot of delicious dishes, which is why it is an integral part of many diets. This is due to the relatively low energy value. So, one hundred grams of this vegetable contains 29 kcal. Thanks to the increased content dietary fiber cauliflower gives a feeling of satiety.


Scientists have found that daily use Thirty grams of this product reduces the risk of a heart attack by half. Peoples whose diet is based on fish are less likely to suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it can also claim the title of “the world's healthiest product.”

Just like apples, fish reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. It promotes regeneration nerve cells. Salmon and red fish contain valuable oils, improving the condition of skin and hair. In addition, this product contains a large amount of sodium, phosphorus, calcium, riboflavin, pyroxidin, niacin and retinol.


Perhaps these are the most useful products for blood vessels. They are rich in pectin, fiber, organic acids, essential oils, vitamins A and C. These fruits contain an increased concentration of manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, iodine and iron. The glycosides they contain normalize heart function and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

In addition, grapefruit is considered a good source of something that helps strengthen blood vessels. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people suffering from low blood pressure. It is also indicated for the prevention of heart attacks. Experts advise eating one whole grapefruit twice a week. This will increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls.


This root vegetable is rich in many valuable vitamins and minerals. It contains an adequate concentration of beta-carotene. When it enters the human body, this substance is transformed into vitamin A. Of course, carrots are not the healthiest product in the world, but regular consumption of the orange root vegetable helps improve visual acuity and prevent cancer.

This vegetable is rich in starch, proteins, amino acids, lecithin, glucose, fructose and enzymes. It is considered a good source of cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, copper, magnesium and calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet of people suffering from kidney, gallbladder and liver diseases. Carrots are also indicated for increased acidity stomach and salt metabolism disorders.


This vegetable contains a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and fiber. It is considered one of the best sources of beta-carotene, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Fresh broccoli is rich in K, E, PP and C. In terms of the content of the latter, it surpassed even an orange.

It is believed that regular consumption of this vegetable helps reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases. Broccoli is good for the heart. It speeds up the elimination process heavy metals and maintains normal water and electrolyte balance.

Fresh broccoli stems and florets can easily claim the title of “the healthiest low-calorie foods.” Regular consumption of this vegetable helps remove excess fluid and improve skin condition. Therefore, dishes from this variety of cabbage are included in many diets.


The tender leaves of this plant are considered an excellent source of choline, sugars, starch, fiber, beta-carotene, carbohydrates and organic acids. They contain a sufficient concentration of vitamins H, PP, E, K, C, B and A. And this is far from full list what spinach is rich in.

A fresh product helps eliminate toxins, while simultaneously saturating the body with what it contains valuable substances. The fiber present in the leaves helps maintain the stable functioning of the digestive system. Regular consumption of this plant helps natural weight loss and strengthening the immune system.

Spinach has another unique property. It blocks the growth of tumors. Therefore, it is recommended to be included in the diet of people recovering from radiation therapy.

Milk and its derivatives

These tasty and healthy products contain sufficient amounts of calcium, valuable proteins, lactose and easily digestible fats. It is believed that regular consumption of milk itself and its derivatives helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It also allows for proper muscle function. Doctors are confident that those who drink at least a glass of milk every day are much less likely to suffer from stomach cancer.

For people whose bodies are lactose intolerant, it is advisable to regularly consume natural yogurt. Skimmed milk counts great source calcium, necessary to prevent the development of osteoporosis.


These healthy foods should definitely be present in every person’s diet. They contain all the most important classes of nutrients. Nuts are rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They contain sufficient amounts of phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. They are rich in vitamins P, B, E and A.

It has been proven that people who regularly consume nuts are less likely to suffer from senile dementia, heart attacks and heart disease. These foods nourish the brain and prevent the destruction of nerve cell membranes.

For example, almonds are indicated for heartburn, ulcers, obesity and hypertension. Hazelnuts normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system and prevent the appearance of tumors. It is recommended to be used for varicose veins, enlarged prostate gland And chronic fatigue. Pistachios must be present in the diet of those who suffer from atherosclerosis and liver diseases. Pine nuts activate the physical and mental development of children.


Buckwheat is considered the most useful. This low-calorie and easily digestible cereal is rich in many valuable vitamins and microelements. It helps eliminate cholesterol and toxins. It is recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes, obesity, heart disease, liver disease and gastrointestinal tract.

Oatmeal is recognized as the second healthy cereal. It helps to significantly reduce the risk of cancer, strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism. This easily digestible cereal is ideal for dietary nutrition. In addition, regular consumption of oatmeal improves the condition of bones and teeth.

Millet is indicated for everyone who has been taking antibiotics for a long time. This cereal has general strengthening properties. It promotes the rapid elimination of toxins.

Coarse semolina contains much less fiber and vitamins. But this is compensated by the high nutritional value of cereals. It is indicated for people suffering various diseases gastrointestinal tract. Since semolina contains a fairly large amount of gluten, it can cause allergic reactions.

Pearl barley is recognized as the main grain for athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor. This cereal is considered one of the best sources of phosphorus, which is necessary for increasing the speed of muscle contractions. It is equally suitable for allergy sufferers and those who want to lose excess weight.


This delicious product considered a natural sugar substitute. In kind bee honey almost all are present valuable microelements. In its composition it is close to human blood plasma. This product is rich in biotin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine. It is considered an excellent source of ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids.

Qualitative natural honey has powerful bactericidal properties. In addition, it helps speed up metabolism and enhance tissue regeneration. This product has an excellent tonic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect.

It has been proven that systematic use Honey stimulates the human body's defenses, eliminates sleep problems, prevents the development of sclerosis and improves the functioning of the digestive system. It is indicated for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Honey eliminates swelling, improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure. It is recommended to include it in the diet of those who suffer from heart muscle diseases.

Balanced diet - necessary condition for perfect health and well-being. Eat only healthy and natural products recommended by both doctors and representatives alternative medicine. Every person practicing a healthy lifestyle needs to know what the basics of proper nutrition are.

This article discusses in detail the healthiest food products - their value for the body, features of consumption, and quality characteristics.

Any list of healthy foods must include vegetables. This culinary term combines edible parts of plants - tubers, roots, fruits, leaves. Some fruits from the point of view biological classification are berries (for example, tomatoes), but they are nevertheless included in the group of vegetables based on purely taste characteristics.

All vegetables grown naturally are healthy and vital for the full functioning of the organs, cells and tissues of the human body. Vegetables include:

  • Cellulose;
  • Vegetable protein (in small quantities);
  • Microelements;
  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals.

Fiber does not have any special nutritional value, but is needed by humans for natural cleansing of the body. With a lack of this component, toxins and decomposition products accumulate in the intestines, and then in all other organs.

The most useful and accessible vegetables in our latitudes are:

  • Carrots are a source of vitamin A (carotene) and a food with antioxidant and nutritional properties. At the same time, it improves digestion and blood composition.
  • Various varieties of cabbage (broccoli and cabbage are especially useful) contain dozens of vitamins and microelements, and a large amount of fiber. Cabbage cleanses the blood of cholesterol compounds, increases immune status, prevents the development of malignant tumors. One of the most favorite products of nutritionists and doctors.
  • Onions and garlic are leaders in the content of phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system. Increases the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria, and toxins.
  • Tomatoes are sources of lutein, lycopene, and other beneficial components. They have a positive effect on vision and have antioxidant properties.

The beneficial properties of herbal products are used in treatment various diseases, disorders and dysfunctions of systems and organs. Regular consumption of vegetables and fruits is an excellent prevention of digestive, vascular, cancer and other pathologies.


Low-processed, naturally grown and fresh fruits– these are products that are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, digestive organs, and endocrine system. In addition, fruits, like vegetables, contain fiber and help stabilize weight indicators. Fruits are similar in composition to vegetables and are an important part of human nutrition.

The most useful fruits:

  • Apples are a source of fiber, pectin, and iron compounds. Stimulate the natural cleansing of the body from toxins, “bad” cholesterol, and have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Constant use apples help reduce excess weight.
  • Bananas contain large amounts of potassium, as well as fructose and other natural carbohydrates.
  • Avocado is rich in vitamins, unsaturated fats and microelements. It has anti-carcinogenic properties, stimulates collagen synthesis and rejuvenates the body.

Doctors and nutritionists recommend eating fruits daily: this promotes the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, blood vessels and prevents many diseases. At the same time, it is desirable that the fruits be grown in environmentally friendly regions, without the use of chemicals and other stimulants.


Berries are similar in properties to fruits and vegetables, but are characterized by a lower amount of fiber and increased content microelements, nutrients, vitamins. In addition to regulating metabolic processes and being natural antioxidants, berries are a sweet and tasty treat that can be eaten on their own.

There are a great variety of berries that are good for health: sea buckthorn, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries, black currants, serviceberry, cloudberries, grapes, bird cherry. Some berries are ready-made medicines and raw materials from which pharmaceutical companies prepare effective herbal preparations.


Beans are a complete source of vegetable protein, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and microelements. Beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and other legume products do not contain harmful fats, but they do contain substances that, according to scientists, prevent the appearance of abnormal cells (from which cancerous tumors subsequently form).

Fiber, which is part of beans, performs the function of natural cleansing of the digestive tract from toxins and undigested food debris. Beans are classified as “complex” carbohydrates - they are digested slowly, but they provide the body with a supply of nutrients and energy for a long time.


Nuts are a source of protein, carbohydrates, microelements (zinc, chromium, iron) and vitamins (E, C, group B). Essentially, nuts are fruits covered with a hard skin. This product can be consumed separately or as part of other dishes. This is a ready source of energy, has a great taste and saturates the body in a few minutes.

Most healthy nuts: Walnut, almonds, hazelnuts (hazelnuts), peanuts, cashews, chestnuts. Nuts are used not only for nutrition, but also to treat various ailments.


Honey is the main product of beekeeping, a natural source of glucose and a huge number of useful components. Honey collected in environmentally friendly areas and prepared without heat treatment - natural medicine, which has tonic, antibacterial, restorative and immunostimulating properties. Used for all types digestive disorders, anemia, vascular diseases.


A source of healthy protein, omega fatty acids, phosphorus. Fish of the salmon family (chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, grayling) are especially useful. The beneficial effect is expressed in increasing the amount of beneficial cholesterol compounds, improving blood circulation, and strengthening the immune system. In addition, fish has high nutritional value.

Green tea

Green tea– a drink obtained by brewing the leaves of a tea bush. Contains polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C, minerals. Green tea is a natural antioxidant that has a positive effect on all systems and organs. Regular consumption reduces the risk of heart pathologies, strokes, stone formation, caries, liver diseases, and cancer.

Olive oil

Eating this product is a good way to combat excess cholesterol. Besides, olive oil the first pressing contains a large amount useful microelements and vitamins (including E, D, K, linoleic and oleic acids). The latter compound is a scientifically recognized agent for the prevention of cancer.

Products made from wholemeal flour

Wholemeal bread contains complex carbohydrates, which do not contribute to weight gain (unlike rich bread products). When making products from unprocessed flour, most of the vitamins and beneficial components that are rich in wheat or other cereals are preserved. Eating such bread reduces the risk of diabetes, digestive diseases and vascular pathologies.

The most healthy food– one that contains plant foods, dietary protein, and fats in the form of healthy acids in an optimal combination.

By studying the properties and characteristics of food, we can determine how to eat properly when you play sports, experience increased physical activity, or suffer from colds, stomach and other diseases. Knowing which foods are healthy and which are better to exclude from the diet forever, we improve our health, mood, performance and well-being.



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