We lose weight quickly with chicken breast. Quitting the diet

The chicken diet is based on eating only chicken meat, the main advantage is high content squirrel. For those losing weight, this is a real find, since protein saturates, restores muscle tissue, and maintains metabolism at the proper level. The chicken breast diet is considered budget-friendly, low-calorie and healthy; there are three-day and weekly diet options. The latter is especially in demand.

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    The essence of the diet

    The main feature of any protein diet is that artificially cause a lack of carbohydrates and an excess of proteins in the body. Due to this, the body itself will begin to absorb energy fuel reserves.

    First, excess water is removed, which prevented the muscles from tightening, then protein reserves are drawn from muscle tissue and synthesized into glucose, then the process of fat breakdown begins. It also promotes weight loss.


    Eating chicken plays a role in creating a proper, balanced diet. important role. It contains many microelements and vitamins, the lack of which cannot be compensated plant products. Chicken meat is better suited as a dietary food than other meats meat products. In terms of protein, poultry is superior to beef and pork and is easily digested.

    When eating chicken meat dishes, the metabolic system is normalized and the body regularly receives the necessary nutrients. But not all parts of chicken are equally suitable for the diet. The legs contain the most cholesterol and fat, so for weight loss they choose breasts (without skin) - they contain a maximum of proteins and a minimum of fat.

    Other poultry are also suitable for dietary nutrition, especially quail and turkey.

    A breast-based diet has many benefits:

    1. 1. Medicinal properties. To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to consume chicken broth. It helps restore protective forces body, prevent strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, ischemic disease hearts.
    2. 2. Soft impact. The body maintains a balance of nutrients, thereby avoiding loss of strength and exhaustion. This is due to wide application chicken in other diets, for example, in petal.
    3. 3. Availability. Chicken is an inexpensive product.
    4. 4. No strict restrictions. The rules for following such a diet are very simple. A great amount Chicken dishes allow you to make your menu varied every day.
    5. 5. High performance. You can lose up to 6 kg in 7 days at home excess weight.

    Basic rules for following a diet:

    • you need to monitor the calorie content of your food, daily norm– 1200 calories;
    • meals should be frequent, but in small portions;
    • You can’t go on a diet for more than a week;
    • from drinks you can drink unsweetened tea, freshly squeezed juice, clean water and a small amount of dry wine;
    • sugar and salt are completely excluded from the diet;
    • Only fillet is used for cooking.

    Diet for three days

    The three-day program is the simplest; during this time you can get rid of 3 kg of excess weight. You can only eat 100 g boiled chicken breasts 6 times a day and drink a lot clean water(at least 1.5 l).

    For seven days

    Usually the menu for the week is compiled independently, based on the specified requirements. For convenience, you can use an approximate diet:

    If the feeling of hunger is very annoying, then drink a glass of water or tea. Also relieves hunger lemon juice, you can season the meat itself or buckwheat and rice porridge with it. Dinner should not be right before bed; you need to let the food digest for 2-3 hours.

    For nine days

    An effective diet option is chicken breast with kefir and apples for nine days. The method has a high balance of calories.

    For the first three days, eat only 1.5 kg of green apples. The next three days - a kilogram of chicken breasts. For another two days, 2 liters of low-fat kefir are allocated for each day. And on the final day, consume 1.5 liters of unsalted chicken broth.

    This mono-diet gives good results - you can lose up to 8-9 kg, this indicator depends on the initial weight and the combination of the proposed diet with physical activity.

    Simple recipes

    Simple and delicious recipes from chicken are suitable not only for 3-, 7-, 9-day diet options, but also for any other diet where eating poultry is not prohibited.

    Kefir chicken

    IN as a lung For dinner you can cook the fillet in kefir. To do this, take 1 kg of breasts and a glass of kefir. Onions and spices are added to taste. Recipe:

    1. 1. The meat is washed, cut into small pieces, and poured with kefir. Chicken seasoning is added for flavor if it does not contain salt.
    2. 2. Add chopped onion and leave to marinate for an hour.
    3. 3. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

    Breasts with basil

    Another simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients: two breasts, two tomatoes and basil. Cooking method:

    1. 1. The fillets are washed and blotted with paper towels.
    2. 2. Each breast is cut in the middle, tomato mugs and basil sprigs are placed inside.
    3. 3. Seal the edges with toothpicks and fry in a frying pan for 5 minutes on each side. You can pepper it.

    Cheese soup


    • 400 g breasts;
    • 180 g processed cheese;
    • 2 liters of broth;
    • 1 carrot and potato;
    • greens, pepper.


    1. 1. The breasts are washed and cut into cubes.
    2. 2. Peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them in the same way.
    3. 3. The meat is fried in a frying pan and thrown into boiling broth, after 10 minutes vegetables are added.
    4. 4. After another 10 minutes, add cheese, herbs and pepper.
    5. 5. Mix thoroughly and simmer for a couple of minutes.

    Chicken cutlets

Those who tend to be overweight are forced to constantly monitor their figure and their diet so as not to gain extra calories, and with them, kilograms. In most cases, they choose chicken, which is considered an ideal dietary protein product. Healthy, promotes weight loss, low-calorie, nutritious, allows you to prepare a lot of new dishes every day.

This is where the chicken diet comes from, which is ideal for the menu of athletes and anyone who is struggling with excess weight.

Mechanism of weight loss

Why did the chicken diet suddenly become used for weight loss? How can meat help you lose weight? It turns out the mechanism is quite simple:

  • the absence of fats and carbohydrates forces the body to spend first excess liquid(it makes up a significant part overweight), then glucose from muscle protein, and, finally, fat reserves on problem parts of the body;
  • chicken meat contains a lot of protein, which restores muscle mass when losing weight, making the body pumped up;
  • it contains many vitamins and microelements, so you don’t have to wait for exhaustion;
  • its nutritional value eliminates the feeling of hunger and suppresses appetite;
  • In order for the diet to be also low-calorie, you need to properly cook the chicken and know which parts of it are best to eat.

Calorie content of individual parts of chicken meat and offal:

Calorie content of chicken meat prepared in different ways:

According to these tables, it becomes clear that it is ideal for weight loss low calorie diet on chicken breast, boiled or stewed.

Basic principles

You need to know a number of secrets: how to cook, how to eat meat, and even how to change your lifestyle.

  1. Optimal duration: a chicken diet for 7 days will not allow the body to feel a lack of certain substances and become depleted, but to lose 3-4 kg while maintaining muscle mass it will be possible within this period.
  2. Of all the parts of the bird, it is best to use chicken fillet.
  3. To reduce the fat content in meat, you need to remove the skin and fat layers from the chicken before cooking.
  4. Cook the dishes in the second chicken broth, i.e. the first water is drained after boiling.
  5. The best cooking methods are boiling, baking in foil, stewing.
  6. Chicken served with vegetables and herbs: vegetable fiber accelerates the absorption of fats remaining in the bird.
  7. Maintain at the proper level physical activity so that the calories consumed are expended.
  8. Drink plenty of pure water.
  9. In order not to get frustrated, don’t be lazy to prepare different dishes.
  10. The exit should be gradual: in the first 2 days beef is introduced, then pork, lamb comes last. It is better to start eating fried meat only for 5-6 days.

The chicken diet is one of the few that one cannot dare to call a hunger strike, it is so nutritious and tasty. But for weight loss to be effective, know how to properly cook and eat this dietary meat.


Unfortunately, the chicken diet has a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary system, gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • age under 18 and after 55;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery or protracted illness.

Many may argue that seriously ill patients are even specifically prescribed boiled chicken broth during the recovery period, as it is very healthy and nutritious. However, we are not talking about good nutrition, but about losing weight and dieting, which are no different balanced diet and therefore are contraindicated in the listed categories.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, the diet has many more advantages than disadvantages. However, both of them must be studied and analyzed at the preparation stage. This will help avoid disappointment.

  • excellent taste qualities dishes;
  • easy to carry;
  • absence of depression;
  • the body is saturated big amount vitamins and minerals;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • preservation of muscle mass;
  • special value for athletes: chicken broth helps develop greater physical endurance;
  • normalization of pressure.
  • risk of allergy to chicken protein;
  • rapid return of lost kilograms;
  • increased load on the kidneys;
  • too long a period can lead to a lack of fat, which will negatively affect metabolism;
  • digestive problems as side effects: flatulence, constipation, bloating;
  • risk of protein intoxication.

Are you ready to face these shortcomings? Won't they scare you?


There is plenty to choose from.

With rice

There are many variations of the chicken and rice diet. Their combination is explained by an attempt to balance the diet so that it contains not only protein (for muscle mass), but also carbohydrates. Losses can be up to 1 kg per day. Duration may vary.

You need to stock up on brown or wild rice. Soak a glass of cereal in water in the evening, boil or steam it in the morning, but without salt and spices.

  • Option 1. Mixed

Designed for 3 or 5 days, but no more. During the day, you need to eat 1 kg of boiled rice and 500 grams of breast in small portions.

  • Option 2. Alternation

It is very useful to alternate carbohydrate and protein days: for a day (or 2, or 3 - depending on the chosen mode) sit on 1 kg of rice, then - on 1 kg of meat. Duration - from 3 to 6 days. You can drink green and black tea, coffee without sugar and milk. Even a teaspoon of honey is allowed.

  • Option 3. With rice and vegetables

Designed for 9 days: rice, chicken, vegetables are consumed sequentially in a 3-3-3 rotation. During first three days, 1 kg of unsalted brown rice is eaten daily. During the second 3 days - 1 kg of boiled breast without skin and salt. The last 3 days - 1 kg of vegetables. Focus on whites and greens (cabbage, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, herbs). You can take 200 grams of red ones (tomatoes, carrots, beets). Half of them should be consumed raw, half – heat-treated.

  • Option 4. With rice and apples

The rice-chicken-apples diet is also based on the previous model. She is also 9 days old. But in the last three days you need to eat exclusively green apples and green.

All these diets are quite strict and lengthy. Therefore, you need to have iron willpower to reach the end and see minus 9-10 kg on the scales.

With buckwheat

Another tandem of proteins and carbohydrates is also suitable: chicken breast and buckwheat complement each other perfectly, preventing the body from becoming depleted. There may be two options here.

  • Option 1. Strict

A glass of buckwheat is soaked in water in the evening and cooked in the morning without salt or spices. During the day, 500 grams of basic foods are eaten in portions. Duration - 3 or 5 days. Loss - 1 kg per day.

  • Option 2. Gentle

With vegetables

Plant fiber accelerates the digestion of fats and promotes better absorption squirrel. Therefore, a diet based on chicken breast and vegetables is considered one of the most effective. It is easily tolerated, designed for 7 days, but can be continued whole month provided that the menu is varied and includes a small amount of fat (for example, vegetable oil).

Vegetables can be anything, but it’s better not to take potatoes and corn. Loss - 3-4 kg per week and about 10 per month. If you choose a long hunger strike, you are allowed unsweetened fruit, rice and buckwheat (rarely and in small quantities).

  • With cabbage

A diet based on chicken and cabbage gives good results: you lose 700-800 grams per day, you don’t feel hungry, there are a huge number of food options. Sample menu for the day:

The optimal period for losing weight on chicken and vegetables is a week.

In addition to these options, the chicken broth diet is very popular. For 3 or 5 days, 300 ml of broth is eaten for lunch and dinner. All other dishes are also prepared on it. For taste, you can add a little salt and vegetables (carrots, onions).


A sample menu for the week will help you plan your diet:


You need to know how to cook breast so that it is healthy, low-calorie and dietary (without salt, fat layers and skin). The more recipes you collect, the more varied your diet will be and the easier your diet will be.

  • clove of garlic.
  • Preparation:

    1. Remove the skin and fat layers from the breast.
    2. Cut into small slices.
    3. Grind garlic and dill.
    4. Mix meat with seasonings and add salt.
    5. Pour in kefir.
    6. Marinate for 1-1.5 hours.
    7. Place the chicken along with the marinade in a dry frying pan.
    8. Simmer covered over low heat for 30 minutes.
    9. When serving, sprinkle with basil.

    The chicken diet is nutritious and safe for health. That's why she has so many followers. In search of weight loss methods, men choose it, fearing hunger strikes without meat. The variety of the menu and the excellent taste of the dishes - all this makes this protein system food is so in demand.

    To lose excess weight quickly and effectively, many resort to fat-burning drugs and special teas for weight loss. But this method of getting rid of hated kilograms is fraught negative consequences for health, because really the right way The solution to the problem is to eat certain products nutrition that makes existing fatty deposits disappear without a trace and prevents new fat deposits from appearing. A striking example- chicken breast for weight loss.

    Dietary composition

    Breast is the least high-calorie part of a chicken carcass. It contains minimal amount fat (0.5 g) and maximum protein, which has excellent digestibility (23.5 g). From here energy value product - a little more than 110 kcal. This allows us to classify it as a dietary treat of animal origin.

    Of vitamins, chicken breast contains numerous compounds of group B, of minerals - calcium, molybdenum, phosphorus, cobalt, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. Chicken breast, like any other product of animal origin, is saturated with essential amino acids, including including arginine, which has the property of breaking down adipose tissue.

    Benefits for weight loss

    White chicken breast meat can be safely called ideal for effective weight loss and weight loss. This is explained by the presence of of this product special properties.

    So, why does chicken breast make you lose weight? Firstly, as mentioned above, chicken fillet is perfectly absorbed by the human body. In addition, it contains much more protein than lean beef and lean pork. Great importance for effective weight loss with chicken breast, this delicacy has the bioavailability.

    Secondly, dietary product quickly and for a long time satisfies the feeling of hunger. The reason again is the high protein content, which gives human body Enough energy is consumed, however, gradually.

    Thirdly, the presence of a decent amount of vitamins and mineral salts counteracts the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Which means weakness increased fatigue and anemia during weight loss using white chicken meat is not a threat to a losing weight person.

    Fourthly, eating chicken breast improves metabolism. As a result, the person’s weight is also adjusted.

    Fifthly, the protein of the dietary product helps preserve muscles from the process of catabolism, that is, destruction. This is especially important for those who decide to combine losing weight on chicken breast with intense exercise.

    In order for chicken breast to fully display all its beneficial qualities for your figure, you need to combine it in the menu with fresh and stewed vegetables, herbs, and also drink it as much as possible more water- up to 2 liters per day. Then the only disadvantage of eating white meat for weight loss, which is high doses proteins harmful to the kidneys will not make themselves felt. For weight loss, it is recommended to eat chicken breast itself boiled, baked, or steamed.

    Options for losing weight with chicken breast

    If you are serious, you can try special ones, the main component of which is the dietary product of animal origin that interests us.

    Chicken mono diet

    Don't be afraid of difficulties - choose the hard method of losing weight using chicken breast. He prescribes eating exclusively chicken white meat in the amount of 100 g at a time for three days in a row.

    The diet provides for up to six such meals per day. A mandatory measure is to drink sufficient amounts of liquid throughout the day, including freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices, herbal and green teas, mineral water without gas. This mono-diet for weight loss using chicken breast can save you from 3 kg of excess weight within a specified period.

    Losing weight on chicken breast with kefir

    A fairly effective way to eliminate fat deposits is the kefir-chicken diet. Its duration is 9 days. For the first three days of the diet, you are allowed to enjoy only green apples: you should consume 1.5 kg of juicy fruits per day. Then for three days they eat only chicken breast fillet, boiled or steamed without salt and spices (1 kg per day).

    For the next two days, you will need to drink exclusively kefir with a fat content of no more than 1% - up to 2 liters per day. Complete the diet by drinking 1.5 liters of chicken broth throughout the day without adding table salt. The kefir-chicken diet shows simply excellent results: loss of up to 10 kg of excess weight.

    Chicken breast and green buckwheat for weight loss

    Another effective combination for great weight loss - chicken breast plus green buckwheat. Advantage this method consists of a fairly gentle weight loss. Here is a sample menu:

    • Morning - 150 g of steamed green buckwheat, 200 ml of green tea without sugar.
    • Second breakfast - a glass of low-fat kefir.
    • Lunch - 150 g of boiled chicken breast, a portion of green buckwheat sprouts, a salad of spinach, kale and basil.
    • Snack - 200 ml natural yogurt without fruit or berry filling.
    • Evening - steamed buckwheat (100 g), a cup of herbal infusion.

    Dinner should be done a few hours before bedtime. Drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day - this is table water and non-carbonated mineral water, green tea. You are guaranteed to lose 3 kg per week on the chicken-buckwheat diet.

    Effective diet - minus 8 kg!

    A lighter option is the seven-day chicken diet. She will not require you to indulge in only chicken breast meat: in addition to it, you can also include cereals, pineapples, root vegetables, leafy vegetables, cabbage. Follow the following pattern:

    • On the first day of the diet, eat boiled chicken fillet (0.5 kg) and rice (0.35 kg), dividing this amount of these products into 3-4 servings. Accompany every meal with a glass of orange juice. Before going to bed, black tea without milk and sugar is allowed.
    • The second day involves eating 0.5 kg of fresh pineapples and 700 g of chicken breast during the day. These volumes of food also need to be divided into several equal parts. You can drink mineral water without gas and Herb tea in unlimited quantities.
    • The menu for the third day of the weight loss diet consists of half a kilogram of chicken breast, 150 g of white or Chinese cabbage, five large apples and two raw carrots. Chop these vegetables and fruits and combine them to make a salad. Season it with lemon juice. It is preferable to bake chicken breast in the oven with low-fat sour cream and mushrooms. Natural vegetable and fruit juices are allowed as drinks.
    • The sixth day's diet includes 0.7 kg of boiled chicken and any number of lettuce leaves. Throughout the day, drink plain water, fruit drinks, and dried fruit compote.
    • Meals for the seventh day are similar to the menu of the previous day.

    By following a chicken breast diet for a week, you will be able to lose weight and lose from 7 to 9 kg of excess weight.

    You need to get out of any chicken breast weight loss diet gradually. Avoid overeating, administer daily familiar products nutrition so that the period for returning to the previous diet is twice as long as it took to lose weight. At the end of the chicken breast diet, try to limit the amount of baked goods, sweets, fried and fatty treats you consume. From now on, your menu should be filled mainly with the correct and healthy food!

    Most diets involve strict restrictions and fighting the desire to eat something high in calories. If you do not tolerate mono-diets well and do not accept an exclusively plant-based diet, the best way to adjust your weight is a chicken breast diet. Its main advantage is its high protein content.

    This diet guarantees elasticity muscle tissue, accelerated metabolism, weight loss due to fat deposits. The most common are a weekly and 10-day course of weight loss using chicken diet.

    The essence and rules of the chicken diet

    Protein diet works for chicken in the following way: With the help of diet, an excess of proteins and a lack of carbohydrates is created in the body. To ensure the course of metabolic processes, the body is forced to draw energy from fat reserves, the fat depot. At the same time, the muscles remain toned. Protein is synthesized into glucose, and fat tissue begins to be burned. Man losing weight naturally without experiencing stress due to lack of nutrients.

    When combined with light exercise, a protein-rich diet will speed up your metabolism and improve your diet results. Besides, this is the best way not to just throw overweight, and give the silhouette a seductive shape. Lightness and smartness have never upset anyone.

    There are no chicken diet options. strict prohibitions, but there is a set of general rules:

    1. You should eat often, but in small portions;
    2. The breast must be cooked in any way other than frying;
    3. Salt and sugar are removed from the diet;
    4. The energy value every day should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal;
    5. It is important to comply drinking regime- drink up to 2.5 liters of water, natural juices, herbal tea.

    For cooking dietary dishes Chicken breast is perfect. The rest of the chicken contains quite a lot of fat. The use of such meat is contrary to the principles of the diet.

    Chicken diet for weight loss: advantages and disadvantages

    The advantage of this diet is the availability of products and a large assortment of permitted dishes. Buying fresh chicken meat is not a problem at any time of the year. Breast is almost completely absorbed by the body of a young, adult and elderly person. It is recommended even in children's diet food.

    In addition to protein, chicken breast contains a full range of vitamins and minerals: potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. The calorie content of 100 g of product is 113 kcal. Nutrients provide satiety, vigor, and excellent mood. Polyunsaturated fatty acid They fight directly the cause of excess weight - fat deposits. Breast contains tryptophan, an amino acid that affects the production of the hormone serotonin. The same one that inhibits the development of stress.

    Boiled breast is ideal for people with gastrointestinal problems. It is allowed to eat it for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Animal protein reduces acidity gastric juice and promotes better digestion food.

    The list of advantages of the chicken breast diet:

    • Beneficial effect on metabolism;
    • Losing excess weight due to fat deposits;
    • Slow digestion, which creates a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
    • Balanced diet for healthy weight loss;
    • There is no need to take dietary supplements and vitamins in addition to the diet.

    Chicken meat should be thoroughly cooked to prevent bacterial contamination.

    Disadvantages of the diet:

    1. Not suitable for a short course, since the result of a 3-day diet will be insignificant (1-1.5 kg);
    2. Contains no fat, therefore optimal time will take 7-10 days;
    3. A mono-diet quickly gets boring, so it’s better to combine it with grains and vegetables.

    In combination with healthy and affordable low-calorie foods, the diet arouses interest even among opponents of dietary restrictions.

    What to consider before starting a diet

    Switch to dietary
    food without medical supervision or preliminary consultation with a nutritionist is only possible for people who do not have chronic diseases digestive system. With an abundance of protein foods, the load on the kidneys and urinary organs increases. Lack of fat and complete absence salt can negatively affect metabolism and the entire body.

    Unjustified risk will lead to deterioration in well-being, and the results of the diet will most likely be negative. To prevent the development of stress, during a long-term diet you should choose a diet with a variety of vegetables and fruits.

    Chicken Diet Options

    There are many options for losing weight with chicken breast: with vegetables, fruits, buckwheat, rice, and other cereals. Fillet can be combined with lettuce leaves, green crops, flavored with lemon and orange juice, prepare a sauce for it from tomatoes, garlic, plums, grapes. If you are not lazy in the kitchen, a chicken diet will give you new tastes and a good mood.

    Mono diet on chicken breast

    Lasts only 3 days. At this time, they consume only boiled chicken meat and drink a lot of water. Chicken breast should be cooked daily to keep the food fresh. It is permissible to boil a piece in large quantities water or bake it on a baking sheet. If you sprinkle the chicken before baking herbs and wrap it in foil, you will be able to preserve all the juices, and the breast will delight you with the aroma and pleasant taste. For 1 dose, it is recommended to consume 100-120 g of chicken. Before your meal, drink a glass of clean water.

    Afterwards you can brew a decoction of aromatic herbs - mint, oregano, currant leaf.

    1 kg of raw breast is provided per day. When boiled, it is divided into 5-6 meals. Even during a mono-diet, you can use herbs and greens as natural flavors.

    If you are planning a longer diet, the chicken and vegetables option is suitable for you. Vegetables in the diet will saturate the body with healthy carbohydrates, reduce the load on the kidneys, and improve intestinal motility.

    Diet with chicken breast and vegetables

    The good news is that you can eat a variety of vegetables, except potatoes. It is acceptable to include fruits in your diet, except sweet bananas and grapes. This option is optimal for a 7-day diet. The result of such nutrition will be a weight loss of 4-5 kg. Main principle- consume no more than half of the calories required for your age, weight and lifestyle. It is advisable that the volume of food per meal does not exceed 200-250 g. The number of meals, as in other options, is 5-6.

    Diet rules:

    A calorie table and scales will help you with your diet. Do not exceed the recommended norms, then the result of the diet will definitely please you.

    Buckwheat is included in many programs dietary nutrition aimed at losing weight. This grain product is a leader in the content of nutrients.

    Buckwheat is rich:

    1. Iron;
    2. Potassium and calcium;
    3. Iodine, phosphorus, fluorine;
    4. Amino acids;
    5. B vitamins;
    6. Vitamins PP, E;
    7. Folic acid.

    One of characteristic features buckwheat - digestibility up to 80%. Product - source healthy carbohydrates, thanks to which protein diet turns into a balanced, safe for the body. Cereals are approved for consumption by diabetics.

    Buckwheat and chicken breast go well together as part of the diet. Low calorie protein product complements a rapidly digestible source of carbohydrates.

    In a diet on buckwheat and chicken breast, you should adhere to the following rules:

    • Eat 1 chicken breast and as much buckwheat a day as your body requires;
    • Cook the cereal without oil and salt, with just water;
    • End daily ration a piece of chicken breast is required;
    • At night it is permissible to drink a glass of low-fat kefir;
    • In addition to water, you can cook vitamin drinks- juices, fruit drinks, compotes.

    It is possible to maintain such a diet for no longer than 7-10 days, but the result is stable. There are no changes in metabolic processes in the body, as with a mono-diet; it gets everything necessary substances except fats.

    Chicken soup diet

    This is an option weekly diet on chicken fillet, when all the product is used to prepare a low-calorie soup. Chicken bouillon- a wonderful dish, warming, filling useful substances. If you don’t want to “sip” one liquid every day, you can prepare a tasty and healthy soup for weight loss.

    For fat burning soup you will need:

    1. 1 chicken breast;
    2. One carrot and one onion;
    3. 2-3 sweet peppers;
    4. White cabbage;
    5. 1 tomato;
    6. Parsley and basil.

    cook chicken broth. Chop carrots, cabbage and onions and add to the broth. Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the skin, cut into cubes. Peel the peppers, cut into strips, and add to the soup along with the tomatoes. Cook for 10-15 minutes at low boil. Pour the finished soup into bowls, add chopped herbs.

    You can eat a cup of soup 5-6 times a day. It saturates quickly and completely eliminates deficiency. useful elements. Every day you need to prepare a new portion of soup. The duration of the diet is 7 days.

    You can take this soup into service for the future and arrange 1-2 fasting days with it.

    Chicken breast diet with grapefruits

    This is a version of the chicken diet with fruit, where grapefruit can be replaced with oranges. Both citrus fruits are rich in coenzymes that are involved in fat burning. Since the body receives only proteins and carbohydrates during a diet, it is forced to borrow fat from its own reserves. On the other hand, during the diet, the intestines are cleansed well, the composition of the blood improves, and extraordinary lightness is acquired.

    The diet is quite strict, more like a diet with one product. You can only consume peeled grapefruit slices and boiled chicken breast for 7 days. It is better to alternate foods - eat citrus fruit at one meal, and a piece of chicken at another. In addition, you can drink water and herbal teas.

    To achieve impressive results, perform a set of simple physical exercises daily.

    Chicken breast diet: food options

    For different types Many diets are suitable interesting recipes. Among them are options with vegetables, cereals, fruit sauces and dressings.

    For this recipe you will need Georgian tkemali sauce. It is made from plums capsicum, garlic, cilantro, other spices. All components have a beneficial effect on digestion and contribute to the breakdown of old fat reserves. Among the modern modifications are sour sauces, where plums are replaced with red currants or gooseberries. Ready sauce original recipe can be bought at the supermarket.

    For preparation you will need:

    • 1 breast;
    • 5 spoons of tkemali sauce;
    • 2-3 sweet peppers;
    • Bulb;
    • A bunch of cilantro.

    Slice chicken breast
    into pieces and place in a bowl with a thick bottom. Cut the onion and pepper into half rings and add to the chicken. Fry everything together for 5-7 minutes. Juicy vegetables and the chicken will immediately release its juices, so no oil is needed. Add a glass of water and 5 tablespoons of tkemali to the mixture. Close the lid and simmer for 20 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with fresh cilantro.

    Buckwheat pilaf

    A tasty and satisfying version of a chicken and buckwheat diet dish. Of course, here you will have to consume both products at the same time. But one day it is quite acceptable to prepare such a delicacy.

    You will need the following products:

    1. Chicken breast;
    2. 300 g buckwheat;
    3. Carrot, onion, 1 tomato.

    Chop the carrots and onions, cut the tomato into pieces, simmer everything in a frying pan until half cooked, add pieces of chopped breast, simmer a little more. Pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook with the lid open on medium heat until the cereal swells and absorbs all the water. Then close the lid tightly, cook for 4-5 minutes on the lowest heat and turn off. Do not open the lid. Tasty in half an hour crumbly pilaf you can try.

    This is an excellent option for those who want to follow the rules of a mono-diet, but add a piquant taste to unsalted chicken meat. Pieces of boiled chicken are delicious to dip into the sauce and put into your mouth. The same fruit sauces are suitable to accompany other dietary meat and fish.

    For the orange sauce you will need:

    • 2 oranges;
    • 2 spoons of honey;
    • A few drops of balsamic vinegar;
    • A spoonful of mustard.

    Squeeze the juice out of the oranges, add honey and simmer. When the sauce begins to thicken a little, add vinegar and mustard. Cook for another 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour into a gravy boat, cool and serve with chicken breast.

    Another variant sweet and sour sauce- from fresh apricots. It requires:

    1. 300 g ripe apricots;
    2. spoon of honey;
    3. Spoon of Dijon mustard.

    Peel the apricots, add a small amount of water and simmer over low heat. Grind soft apricots through a sieve or grind in a blender until pureed. Add a spoonful of honey and mustard and mix. Multi-colored mustard seeds add flavor and enhance the texture. If the sauce seems too thick, add a little water and bring to a boil. It will resemble amber in color.

    People enjoy the chicken diet
    even athletes. With its help, they achieve elastic muscles and a beautiful silhouette.
    To improve the taste of unsalted meat, you can sprinkle it with orange or lemon juice or sprinkle with natural spices.

    The chicken fillet diet is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. This weight loss is suitable for those who cannot live without meat. this meat is complete in its own way biological composition because it contains all the essentials that are needed to the human body. For preparing dishes with this diet, only skinless fillets are used, since it does not contain anything harmful to blood vessels.

    Principles of the chicken diet

    Products prohibited for consumption during the diet are:

    • other types of meat, including chicken legs;
    • fish;
    • fatty dairy products;
    • and baking;
    • flour products (dumplings, pancakes, pasta);
    • smoked meats;
    • confectionery and sweets;
    • marinades, sauces;
    • pickles, preservation;
    • , dried fruits.

    Carbonated drinks and strong alcohol should also be excluded from the diet menu.

    Benefits of a chicken diet

    The indisputable advantage of the chicken diet is the absence psychological discomfort during weight loss, since eating chicken meat prevents the feeling of hunger. Do fitness or other activities physical activity when on a diet, it is not necessary, but it is advisable.

    A nice feature of the chicken diet is that you are allowed to drink a glass of any dry wine per day. Sugar-free alcohol, taken in small quantities, accelerates metabolic processes and promotes fat burning.

    Absence strict menu is perceived positively by those losing weight. At their discretion, they can choose the dishes that will be prepared for dietary table. The main thing is not to use other prohibited products when cooking.

    Disadvantages and contraindications for losing weight

    Losing weight on a chicken diet is not recommended for those who do not like chicken. The main diet during this period is chicken fillet, which should be cooked without salt. This bland dish is not to everyone's taste.

    The chicken diet has no strict restrictions, so it has few contraindications. Like all other weight loss diets, this diet should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers. People suffering from diseases of the digestive system and kidneys should consult a doctor before losing weight using a chicken diet. After one dietary course, you need to start the next one no earlier than a month later.

    Three-day and five-day mono-diet

    Every day for three days, eat only 700 g of chicken breast, which is divided into 6 servings. It cannot be salted. Apart from meat, nothing else is allowed. Every 2 hours you need to drink 200 ml of herbal decoctions, green tea or pure water. In the morning you can drink one cup of coffee (without added sugar or other sweeteners). According to those who have lost weight using a three-day chicken diet, you can lose up to 2 kg in 3 days.

    If necessary, you can extend the weight loss for another 2 days: this way you can additionally lose a couple more kilograms. On the fourth day of the mono-diet, you need to eat only 300 g of fillet, divided into 5 servings (except for dinner), and for dinner, prepare a salad of one tomato and cucumber (without salt and dressing). The fifth day of the chicken mono-diet should pass without food. On this day you need to drink a lot of liquid. If it is difficult to bear complete hunger, you can eat 1-2 pieces of toast or 1 orange.

    Chicken diet for a week

    To create a diet for a week, you can use the menu recommended for a weekly chicken diet as an example:

    1. First day - 0.5 kg of chicken breast, 0.4 kg of boiled rice. Divide this by 6 times. At the end of each meal, drink a glass of any freshly squeezed juice.
    2. Second day - 0.7 kg chicken breast, 0.5 kg fresh pineapple, grapefruit or orange.
    3. Third day - 0.5 kg of chicken breast, 200 g of cabbage and carrots, 4 apples.
    4. The fourth and fifth days repeat the menu of the third.
    5. Sixth day - 0.7 kg of chicken breast and lettuce, which can be seasoned with lemon juice. Any freshly squeezed juices are allowed during the day.
    6. The seventh day can repeat any of the previous days.

    Every day, 2 hours before bedtime, you should drink a glass of low-fat kefir. Fermented milk product improves digestion and promotes weight loss. The 7-day diet of all chicken diet options is the most effective and easily tolerated by those losing weight.

    7 day chicken soup diet

    For those who love first courses, for weight loss you can choose seven day diet on chicken soup. As the name suggests, the main dish on the menu is chicken soup. No other products other than chicken soup and clean water should be consumed on weight loss days.

    The soup requires domestic chicken. Before cooking, remove the skin from the chicken and trim off all the fat. After boiling, the first water along with the foam is drained, and the chicken is washed well. Place the chicken in the pan and add fresh cold water. You need to cook the broth over low heat, adding parsley roots, onion, and carrots 30 minutes before readiness. Chopped parsley is allowed as a seasoning.

    Every day, every hour and a half, you need to drink a glass of hot chicken soup, and half an hour before drinking it, a glass of water (this will reduce the volume of the stomach). In a week of eating this way, you can lose 9 kg, but when leaving this diet, you must remember that this must be done very carefully. You should start introducing foods into your diet with vegetables and fruits, then - dairy products, fish, meat.

    Step by step chicken diet

    Losing weight in this way provides three menu options that replace each other (three days each). Thus, the total duration of weight loss is 9 days.

    In the first three days, eat up to 1 kg of chicken fillet per day and wash it down with low-fat chicken broth. In addition, during the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of pure water or uzvar without sugar.

    The second 3 days are spent on apples (1.5 kg daily). Apples can be eaten fresh, baked or freshly prepared. At the same time, you need to drink water in the same volume as in the first 3 days.

    Three last days carried out with chicken broth, vegetable broths, teas and water. Chicken broth can be replaced with low-fat kefir. The total volume of fluid per day should be at least 2 liters. After 9 days you can lose up to 6 kg.

    Two-week chicken-vegetable diet

    This chicken diet lasts two weeks. The advantage of this diet is that staying on it is not accompanied by constipation, which is typical for other diets. dietary rations. Due to the content of vegetables in the diet of this diet option, vegetable matter enters the intestines, which helps to normalize stool.

    This option does not have a strict menu for the day, but there are certain recommendations for drawing up correct menu. Food is taken in three main meals and two additional ones:

    • breakfast - 150 g fillet and 150 g raw vegetables;
    • snack - 100 g fillet;
    • lunch - 150 g of porridge with water and 150 g of fillet;
    • snack - apple;
    • dinner - 50 g fillet and 200 g raw vegetables.

    Be sure to drink a glass of clean water every 2 hours. This diet is not very strict, so it can be used by those who do not have iron willpower. In two weeks of this diet you can lose up to 5-6 kg.

    Chicken diet for three weeks

    During each of the 21 days of the diet, you need to prepare dishes from the same list of products:

    • 0.6 kg chicken fillet;
    • 0.4 kg of vegetables;
    • 200 g oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
    • 2-3 unsweetened fruits.

    Vegetables can be eaten raw or prepared from them into various side dishes (except fried). IN vegetable salads It is allowed to add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Food should be cooked without salt and spices.

    During the day you should drink water, green tea, fresh juices (up to 8 glasses). The number of meals per day is 5-6. In 3 weeks you can lose up to 6-8 kg.

    Fasting day on chicken

    For those who don’t need to lose a lot of weight, but just want to maintain their slimness, you can try going on a fasting chicken day once a week. For it, broth is prepared from chicken (preferably homemade), removing the skin and cutting off the fat. The broth is boiled until the chicken is cooked. You cannot salt or season it with spices. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of this broth in 5 doses.

    The chicken diet is usually well tolerated by those losing weight. Having many options with different degrees dietary restrictions, everyone can choose the optimal one for themselves. Many people love chicken meat, so its presence in diet menu, and even in large quantities, is undoubtedly welcomed by those losing weight. Protein food Suppresses hunger for a long time. You can stick to it for a long time, taking breaks for a month. The effectiveness of the diet is not as high as with more strict diets, but the results last a long time.



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