How to properly germinate wheat grains. How to germinate wheat at home safely and quickly

Wheat is even more popular today than it was when it first appeared. Cult proper nutrition is increasingly talking about the benefits of sprouted grains and sprouts. How to germinate wheat correctly? What mistakes should be avoided when sprouting? Are there any contraindications to its use?

The benefits and harms of sprouts

Wheat appeared in the life of civilizations 9000 years ago BC. e. Its homeland is Western Asia, Transcaucasia and Iran. In Russia, mention of wheat appeared more than 15,000 years ago. Even in the Bible there is a mention of this valuable cereal.

And today this cereal is valuable, indispensable and one of the most commonly used around the world. Flour is made from it different kind pastries, bread, pasta, pasta, pizzas, pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings and much more.

According to official sources almost half of the land suitable for planting is devoted to growing wheat. No wonder they say that bread is the head of everything!

However, in recent decades, in connection with the emergence of the cult of healthy and proper nutrition, a lot of information has appeared on the use, in addition to grains, sprouts and wheat germ that are familiar to us.

This is due to the fact that, according to research by scientists, sprouts and sprouts have tremendous power and contain a lot of substances that are useful to humans.

  • Contain a large number of protein, which helps to strengthen and grow muscles, nails, teeth, bones.
  • Thanks to low content carbohydrates is low glycemic index that as a food product is shown to people suffering from diabetes.
  • The high fiber content that wheat has has shown to people struggling with overweight. After all, it is she who increases intestinal motility and promotes weight loss.
  • Contains monounsaturated acids that promote correct work digestive system and remove even very old toxins from the intestines with prolonged use.
  • B vitamins are nutrition for the human nervous system. Wheat is one of the first places in the content of this vitamin.

  • Vitamins A and E are responsible for the growth and appearance of nails, hair, and skin. Rich in these vitamins and wheat germ. Natural way rejuvenation of the skin, hair and the whole body.
  • As in other natural sprouts, a large amount of calcium, chromium, copper was found, which strengthen the body. With the participation of calcium, 90% of all processes in the body occur, therefore, to talk about its excess in the body in existing conditions it is forbidden.
  • The very strong energy contained in sprouts helps a person fight free radicals, which are harbingers of cancer. It is not for nothing that more and more often doctors prescribe wheat germ when detecting oncology.
  • Increasingly, the results of studies on the use of wheat germ to improve the vision of patients appear on the Internet. In some cases, about 80% of people who lost their sight were able to restore it using only this useful cereal and special gymnastics.
  • People suffering from constipation, with regular use of wheat germ with big amount waters note improvements in bowel function without the use of other medications.

There is much more to say about the benefits of this wonderful product. But unfortunately, he also has contraindications. Eating sprouts and wheat germ is not recommended:

  • people suffering from diarrhea: the risk of causing dehydration is increased;
  • those who have kidney disease and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for those who suffer from the disease of civilization and have gluten intolerance, it’s better not to even experiment here.

Children should be given sprouts with extreme caution, because the children's body is very susceptible to unusual products. You should also refuse to take sprouts for people who, after starting to take it, felt a deterioration in their health and did not notice any improvement within 10-14 days of continuous use. There may be a place individual intolerance product.

Comparing all the pros and cons, it is clear that the benefits of this cereal are incomparably greater than the contraindications to its use. But still, in order to maintain health and prevent deterioration, it is necessary to consult with a therapist before using the product.

Raw material selection

So, you have decided to improve your nutrition and germinate wheat. Where to start? Of course, with the choice of grains for sprouting. After all, having last year's, old, damp, broken or chemically processed grain, you will not move further.

You can buy it on the market - the cheapest and surest option. You can buy a little there, try it at home and, if everything works out, buy in reserve. The supermarket can also have wheat grains, the main thing is to take into account the expiration date, the integrity of the cereal. However, there is a high probability of buying chemically treated grain, which is unlikely to germinate. You can also order the product online in special stores healthy eating. Here, someone is closer.

Wheat should be taken whole, Brown, no chips or stains. If the wheat is in a bag, then there should not be a husk in it, because it will no longer be a whole grain, and only strong and healthy cereals are capable of sprouting.

It is difficult to understand whether the grain was treated with chemical reagents, but if so, then it will not germinate.

Preliminary preparation

After buying grain, it is necessary to rinse it well. cold water several times until it becomes transparent. It is better to pour the grains into a bowl, fill it with water, mix with your hand and carefully drain the water through a colander. The grains that float up during washing are also removed, because they are already empty from the inside.

Germination technology

When the water becomes clear and all the debris is gone, you should re-soak the grains in water for 8-10 hours. In warm weather, this will be enough, in winter and cold weather - you will need a little more. To do this, place the wheat in a glass, ceramic or enameled container and pour settled water over it. Leave overnight.

After that, the water should be drained and the grains should be placed in 1-2 layers on moistened gauze and covered with the other half of the gauze. It is better to place a container with wheat in a place with indirect sunbeams.

Rinse the grains with cool water every 6 hours to prevent mold and unpleasant odors.

After 11-15 hours, the seedlings will be ready. It all depends on the type of wheat and adherence to the germination technology.

You can also quickly germinate seeds at home in a half-liter jar, if you do not need large volumes. After soaking, place the wheat in a jar, put gauze on top and put on a thin elastic band. Or you can put on a plastic lid and make holes in it for easy washing of cereal. Every 6 hours it is necessary to wash the grains with water, and after 11–15 hours the seedlings will be ready for use. You can not pour a lot of grains, a maximum of 2-3 layers, as the wheat will rot and disappear.

It should also be remembered that seedlings no larger than 3 mm are suitable for both treatment and food. You can store them for about a day - one and a half in the refrigerator, because this is a natural product.

For constant use you should get several containers or jars, making marks on them with the date and time of soaking, so as not to get confused. In summer, you can safely add seedlings to fresh vegetable salads, in winter - in salads with beets, fresh and sauerkraut. They add spice to any dish.

But what to do and what to do if, for some reason, the seedlings have grown by more than 3 mm. Can they just be thrown away? Of course not. Sprouts are no less useful than sprouts! It remains only to grow them.

You can complete this task in three ways, it remains only to choose which one you like. You can germinate sprouts in sawdust, earth or any loose paper.

If you take sawdust or earth, then you need to pour them into a container by 0.5-1 cm, add the seedlings in one layer and again fill it with the same amount of earth. Water as needed to keep the soil moderately moist. The place should be chosen with an indirect sunlight. It is advisable to then cover the container with a film or glassware to create the effect of a greenhouse. At the same time, it must be aired at least once a day. When the first shoots appear on the surface, the film or glass should be removed and germinated in a warm and sunny place. Periodically, at least once a day, they should be sprinkled with water.

In paper, the germination process is about the same. We spread a layer of loose paper on the bottom, moisten it. Toilet paper, paper towels, newspaper and plain white paper are best not to use for these purposes. We cover the box with glassware or film until the first sprouts appear. Next, we remove the film and dishes and periodically spray paper and grains from the spray gun, waiting for the size of the sprouts we need.

Sprouts up to 13 cm in size are used for food. Greens must be cut at the root with scissors. The harvest from one grain can be harvested about 4 times if wheat was grown in the ground, 3 times - if in sawdust, 2 times - if in paper. They will continue to grow, but their nutritional value will no longer be high. Sprouts are taken orally, adding to salads, smoothies, yogurts. They can be eaten as greens, sprinkled on salads, or chopped in a blender. You can make bread from them. You can also squeeze juice out of them, daily dose which 30 ml.

Possible problems

If the grain does not germinate, a lot of reasons can contribute to this. This is the old last year's grain, and chemical processing. Chipped grains will also not germinate.

At the first attempts, you can not take into account all the factors: either overexpose the grain in water, after which it will begin to mold and rot, or not enough necessary water. Everything needs practice. Over time, you will feel exactly what the grain needs.

For information on how to use wheat germ, see the following video.

Hello dear readers. Sprouts are categorized wholesome food. They strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency. Seed sprouts protect the body from various diseases.

A distinctive feature is that they are consumed raw and stored for a short time. These qualities make it possible to maximum amount vitamins, minerals and energy. In addition, such food allows you to cleanse the body and activate cell regeneration.

They are useful for children, the elderly, pregnant women, people with increased physical and mental stress.

The content of the article:

Many people pass by sprouted grains, although they bring many benefits to the body:

  1. Strengthen immunity.
  2. Normalize metabolism.
  3. Soothe nervous system.
  4. Cleanse the body.
  5. Activate digestive activity.
  6. Help peptic ulcer GIT.
  7. Improve blood quality.
  8. Reduce pressure.
  9. Reduce cholesterol.
  10. Render positive impact on the heart, reducing the risk of seizures.
  11. Prolong the youth of the body.
  12. Promote active cell renewal.
  13. Charged with energy.
  14. Reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms.
  15. Positive effect on potency.

How to germinate seeds at home

  1. Seed washing. To do this, they are poured weak solution potassium permanganate and leave for 5 minutes. After that, they must be thoroughly washed in three waters.
  2. Germination. Pour the seeds with water and cover with gauze. Seeds germinate at room temperature. They are ready to eat when the sprouts are 2-3 mm long.
  3. Before eating, rinse them with water.

sprouts have minimum term storage. They can be left in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

How to use sprouts

Seed sprouts are natural food additive. They cannot replace food, but can only be added to it. The product goes well with cereals, fruits, green vegetables, cottage cheese and soft cheese. They can be added to salads and smoothies. For them to bring maximum benefit health, should use 2 kinds of seed sprouts at the same time. The set is recommended to be changed every 2 months.

Seeds should not be swallowed, they should be chewed thoroughly. You can also use them in crushed form.

The maximum daily allowance for an adult is 70 grams. product. If acquaintance with seedlings is just beginning, then you should start with 1 tsp. and gradually increase the volume.

Sprouts Contraindications

Sprouts have practically no contraindications. They can not be eaten during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Do not advise people in the postoperative period.

Some experts classify them as "adult" food and do not recommend giving sprouts to children under 12 years old. Other physicians find them very helpful for the developing child's body and they say that they can be added to the menu of babies from the age of one. But this is possible in the absence of other contraindications. Therefore, you should first consult with a pediatrician.

Plants used for sprouting

Cultures are rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates.


  • IN 1. It is characterized by calming qualities, improves digestion and assimilation of food.
  • AT 2. Positively affects the central nervous system. Important for the liver, protecting it from various ailments.
  • AT 3. Is a member various processes metabolism, is part of many enzymes. Required for normal operation brain and circulatory system.
  • AT 5. Important for hormone production and hair health.
  • AT 6. Supports metabolism and hormone production. It removes cholesterol, helps in the work of the liver.
  • AT 9. has a positive effect on reproductive function. Participates in construction nerve cells. Necessary for the production of serotonin and red blood cells.
  • E. Helps normalize hormonal background It has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is considered a vitamin of beauty, since the condition of the epidermis, nails and hair largely depends on it.
  • F. Helps fight inflammation, participates in the construction of fats.

    Micro, macro elements:

  • Vanadium. One of the most useful elements for the heart and blood vessels. It hinders education cholesterol plaques and is the prevention of heart attacks.
  • Iron. Without it, hemoglobin is not produced. The element is required by the heart, nervous system and immunity.
  • Potassium. Normalizes blood pressure and pulse. Increases performance and promotes more quick recovery body after a hard workout.
  • Calcium. Important for bone tissue. Has antihistamine properties. Helps remove "bad" cholesterol. Activates metabolic processes.
  • Magnesium. Calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, calms the heartbeat. Required for normal operation endocrine system. Required by the reproductive system.
  • Manganese. Involved in the work of most organs and systems of the body. It has the highest significance for the heart, digestive system and nervous system.
  • Copper. Helps the liver and spleen to work, helps to preserve memory.
  • Phosphorus. Present in bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Selenium. Helps cleanse the body of free radicals. Participates in metabolic processes.
  • Zinc. Activates the production of hormones. Strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on brain processes.

Such a rich composition is invaluable for of cardio-vascular system. Sprouts improve the work of the digestive tract. Wheat and rye have laxative properties. Wheat is effective in the treatment of gastritis and colitis, and rye helps to normalize the intestinal microflora.

Sedative qualities help increase the resistance of the nervous system to stressful situations. Wheat and rye heal hair and skin. Wheat is an excellent cleaner of the body, it helps to reduce the predisposition to oncology. Sprouts increase the level of oxygen in the blood, strengthen the immune system, improve vision.

Green buckwheat composition

Roasted buckwheat, available in every store, is devoid of many useful components because of heat treatment. Green buckwheat is much healthier and can be used for sprouting. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3. mineral complex includes iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper, phosphorus. In addition, buckwheat contains:

  • Vitamin P Activates the properties of other elements. Strengthens blood vessels, enhances immunity. Protects the body from free radicals.
  • Bor. Without it, vitamin D does not work, so the mineral plays an important role in maintaining skeletal system. Reduces susceptibility to joint diseases. Normalizes and maintains hormonal balance.
  • Iodine. Important for health and normal functioning thyroid gland. Its deficiency worsens health, leads to obesity and other diseases.
  • Cobalt. Provides an exchange of acids. Has calming properties. Required by the pancreas and vascular system.
  • Nickel. In combination with other minerals, it positively affects the composition of the blood and the production of red blood cells. Helps increase hemoglobin levels. Saturates the cells with oxygen. Promotes the development of the muscular system.

Green buckwheat sprouts are good for the eyes, as they can reduce intraocular pressure. They are recommended for diabetes constant stress susceptibility to hypertension. Buckwheat strengthens the heart and vascular walls. Helps with bleeding gums.

Green buckwheat lowers cholesterol and takes care of the cleanliness of blood vessels. It is recommended for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Lentil composition

Lentil sprouts contain protein, fiber, B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B9). The mineral composition is no less diverse: iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium.

Lentil sprouts have a positive effect on blood quality and help in the work of hematopoietic systems.

Milk thistle composition

Sprouts have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. They are good for the liver and gallbladder. Render therapeutic effect with colitis and cholelithiasis. Milk thistle sprouts are recommended for people suffering from allergies.

These seeds take longer to germinate than wheat seeds. They have maximum value when the first 2 leaves appear.


Sprouted sunflower seeds contain a large amount of fatty acids and protein. They contain vitamins of groups B, E, F, P, D (a vitamin required for the absorption of calcium). Mineral composition no less saturated: iron, calcium, copper, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, cobalt.

Sprouted sunflower seeds should be used for thickened blood, heart disease and disorders in the vascular system. Sunflower sprouts help restore damaged gastrointestinal mucosa. They are useful for women during menopause. In addition, essential for skin and hair. The product has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Oats for sprouting

For germination, you can use only naked varieties, devoid of hard shell. Oats increase immunity, have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.

Oat sprouts are good for the digestive tract. They eliminate inflammation, remove toxins and toxins. Sprouted oat seeds are indicated for dysbacteriosis, as they help to improve the microflora.

The product is useful for kidney problems, thyroid dysfunction. It enhances the effectiveness of hepatitis therapy.


Flax sprouts contain fatty acid, mucus, carotenes. They are good for health, so they help strengthen bone tissue, normalize the tone of the vascular walls.

Flax energizes, improves memory and immunity. Sprouts have laxative properties, remove toxins. They restore the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, help with hemorrhoids.


It is one of the most convenient plants for sprouting. Sprouts are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. They contain inulin, which helps lower blood glucose.

Sprouted peas rid the body of toxins, improve bowel function due to the presence of fiber. It strengthens the immune system, allows you to rejuvenate the body.

Amaranth for sprouting

Seedlings contain a high concentration of squalene, which is one of the most strong antioxidants. Due to this, the use of amaranth reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms. It is effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.

Sprouted amaranth seeds should be present in the diet of people after chemotherapy. As well as those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. The product is good for the heart, and also reduces the risk of diabetes. Amaranth sprouts contribute to the healing of ulcers of internal organs.

Amaranth normalizes work hormonal system. In addition, its sprouts are recommended for men to preserve sexual activity even in old age.


Pumpkin seed sprouts are different anthelmintic action. They allow you to normalize the water-salt balance, improve the work genitourinary system. Pumpkin helps men reduce the risk of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Germinated pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the brain and nervous system. They improve thought processes and allow you to treat insomnia. They help the body recover faster increased loads(physical, mental, nervous).

Sprouts are inexpensive biological additive which are very beneficial for health at any age. But so that the benefits do not turn into harm, they should not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

How to germinate grains video instruction

Sprouted wheat grains have long been used in diet food. They are rich in vitamins that you will not find in pastries made from wheat flour. Sprouted wheat can be eaten raw on its own or added to different dishes. The main question is where to buy, how to choose and germinate ordinary wheat grains with your own hands.

Such different cereals

Grains are one of the main food products most different peoples peace. Rice, buckwheat, rye, barley and wheat make up a significant part of our diet. Due to established food traditions, most cereals are prepared without regard for their true nutritional value. For example, unpolished dark rice has far more health benefits than white rice, which consumers have long been accustomed to.

The same goes for wheat. It is usually used to make flour for baking bread and sweets. Cakes, rosy buns, muffins and other goodies perfectly satisfy hunger, but do not bring the body anything but "empty" calories. The latter give energy for only an hour or two, after which they are deposited on the sides with an unattractive fat.

The reason for the uselessness of such products is that in the process of industrial processing, cereal grains lose all their nutritional value and vitamins. It is important for those who want to lose weight to remember this. In order for the fat to begin to melt, you need to abandon any pastries and muffins. They should be replaced with whole grain products: cereals and sprouted grains. For breakfast, it is better to eat a plate of barley porridge than the most delicious sandwich from white bread with a piece of ham.

Wheat germ: what are the benefits?

Raw wheat grains are rich in vitamins (F, C, B1, B6, PP, E), folic acid, pectins, lactose, carotene, starch, biotin, essential oils, fiber, boron, iron, magnesium and a whole set useful substances. Sprouted wheat allows you to get all this wealth in in kind. Here is what the components of this food product give the body:

  • fiber improves intestinal motility and removes toxins;
  • pectins absorb toxins, help to avoid fermentation and decay processes;
  • vitamins normalize the work of all organs and systems, improve skin, vision, memory;
  • biotin regulates the reserves of fats and proteins in the body, helps to lose weight;
  • folic acid normalizes metabolism, improves mood, helps blood formation and other body functions.

And this is only part of the benefits that sprouted wheat brings! It has long been used to treat diseases of the digestive system.

Where to buy wheat for sprouting?

Previously, grains of cereals could only be bought in the market. Usually they were sold for fattening chickens, ducklings and other domestic animals. A big offer could be met on the eve of Easter. For this holiday, all Orthodox are preparing very healthy dish, which should be introduced into your usual diet - kutya.

Now grains, as well as wheat germ, are sold in most supermarkets, as there is a high demand for them. A lot of women in an effort to lose weight and improve their health have introduced wheat germ into their menu. When buying grain, pay attention to the production date. Sprouting wheat that has lain on the shelves for more than a year is not good. If the package is transparent, check the wheat for damaged grains and foreign matter.

Growing wheat at home

There are several ways to germinate wheat for food. The simplest one is as follows:

  1. First, wheat grains for germination must be soaked in water at room temperature. Simply pour wheat into the bottom of a deep bowl and cover with water. The latter should be twice as many as the grains.
  2. After 3-5 hours, the grains will absorb water and swell a little. The liquid must be drained, and the wheat itself should be washed well under the tap (use a sieve for convenience). At this stage, it is easy to get rid of the debris.
  3. Then the wheat again needs to be poured clean water and leave alone for a day. None special conditions for the germination of good grains is not necessary. The very next day, small sprouts of wheat will hatch. If the product is expired, they will appear in 2-3 days, but we do not recommend eating such wheat.
  4. After sprouting, the wheat must be washed and decomposed thin layer on a flat plate. The grains must be kept moist and air environment. They will continue to grow.

The wheat must always be sufficiently moist, but not too drenched. Too much water can cause mold to form on the dish. When the wheat sprouts reach a length of 3-5 mm, germination is complete. Now you know how to properly germinate wheat.

How to save and how to use wheat germ

Sprouted wheat is a complete living product. In the spring, it can be planted in the ground and after a while you get the first green shoots, and then the ears. If farming isn't your thing, wheat germ can be kept in the refrigerator and added little by little to salads, boiled soybeans, and other dishes. Wheat germ goes well with various vegetables, herbs, canned corn, sesame seeds, cucumbers, etc.

In the refrigerator, germinated wheat can be kept in cheesecloth or in a plastic container. Don't keep it for too long. It is better to germinate a new portion of grains than to use old ones. On sale there are also ready-made germinators for grain with a flat tray and a sieve to drain excess water.

There are so many reasons why wheatgrass juice is called the nectar of the gods...

Perhaps you have heard more than once about the benefits of sprouted wheat, right?

But how to grow wheat sprouts at home?

It's quite simple.

Today I invite you to get acquainted with our online guide - how to germinate wheat at home ... This post will tell you everything "from and to" ...

To be honest, more than once I had to germinate sprouts. However, all the time we did not always manage to do it right, especially at first. They started to get covered with mold and everything disappeared.

Therefore, I suggest that you, together with me, try to properly germinate wheat for human consumption.

If you are new to healthy eating and not quite familiar with the health benefits of wheatgrass and its juice, be sure to check out our article -

In short, one thing can be said ... These mega useful sprouts wheat can prevent even cancer diseases large intestine and stomach.

In general, the history of sprouting and eating wheat began long ago, after one of the simplest experiments. It all started in the 1930s as a result of the experiments of agricultural chemist Charles Schnabel, who fed sick chickens with wheat germ.

After eating wheat grass, the birds got better. Moreover, Schnabel noted that they began to carry more eggs than their initially healthy "neighbors". Impressed by the experiment, Charles Schnabel introduced wheat germ into his family's diet.

When experimenting again with next year the result was reproduced, Schnabel noted double egg production in hens consuming wheat germ as a dietary supplement.

After many studies, sprouted wheat is credited with the most different properties, including both aging and treatment for tuberculosis.

How to germinate wheat at home correctly

In general, you need to start with the choice of wheat grain. You can order wheat grains in any online store.

But I made it easier...

Just took the houses in the village. If you don't have that option, go to the nearest farmers' market and buy them.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that they are not etched from rodents. This is often done by farmers to keep their crops throughout the winter.

Step #1: Pre-germinate the sprouts

So, we have already chosen a grain of wheat ...

Pure, home grown and pesticide free. This is the type of sprouting wheat I recommend for maximum health benefits. It is these grains that will give you a little sweetness and a pleasant taste.

This wheatgrass juice of yours will contain many vitamins and minerals that will improve your health.

So, let's begin …

  1. Pre-germination is important to achieve a good harvest.
  2. Get a glass of wheat seeds. Or simply fill the bottom of your planting mold in one layer, but thicker.
  3. Rinse the seeds in clean water, strain, and then soak the seeds in filtered water in any container.
  4. Soak for 8-10 hours.
  5. After 8-10 hours, drain the water and then soak them again as in point 2 above and soak them in water for another 8 hours.
  6. After the second soak for 8-10 hours, drain the water.
  7. Check the grains. They should put out little roots.

These germinated seeds can even be eaten. Many adherents of a healthy diet eat them that way.

But if you need super healthy juice moving on to step two...

Step #2: Preparing the Wheatgrass Planting Tray

Step #3: Planting Wheat Grains

  1. Spread the sprouted grains evenly and tightly in one layer on wet soil into the tray. Gently press the seeds into the soil or stir lightly.
  2. Place the tray out of direct sunlight or just closer to daylight. It could be somewhere near a window and good ventilation. Remember, wheatgrass doesn't like hot, direct sunlight.

Step #4: Watering and Sprouting Tracking

Young shoots should be watered at least twice a day to keep them slightly moist. If the soil becomes dry, young shoots may die. And of course, they also do not like overflows.

Therefore, we suggest that you use a simple sprayer (sprayer) if you are afraid to overfill.

When the shoots become higher than 2 - 3 cm, this will take about five days, reduce the amount of watering to once a day, for example, in the morning. But always make sure that the soil does not dry out. Again, avoid overwatering.

Mold growth can sometimes occur. This is especially common in humid and hot climates.

But, don't worry, there are some good solutions:

  1. Try soaking the seeds overnight instead of just 8-10 hours as suggested above. This will allow the grains to absorb more moisture, they will expand even more, allowing them to germinate better and reduce germination time.
  2. Arrange the seeds in the tray tightly, but in one layer. Try to prevent overlapping them so that there is enough air for each sprout to breathe. This will definitely reduce mold.
  3. Don't overfill the wheatgrass. As we wrote above, use a spray bottle.
  4. Finally, you can even try doing following procedure. After your seedlings take root, substitute another tray or some form without holes under the wheatgrass tray with holes, so to speak, as a reservoir. Thus, instead of watering from above, the shoots will take right amount them water. But that too can be wrong.

But nothing worked out for us several times, all the time the sprouts died from mold. But we still want to achieve the result we need and try all the same this elixir of youth and health.

Step #5: Harvesting Homegrown Sprouts

When wheat sprouts germinate to 15 - 20t cm, they are ready for harvest. Use scissors and cut the greens just above the grains.

If there is mold, avoid it and cut a little higher. You have to cut enough greens to make about 30 ml of juice so that they provide you with energy throughout the day.


You can keep watering cut greens for a second or even third crop, although they won't grow as high. But you will get additional grams of the most useful juice.

Otherwise, empty the tray and get a new, fresh crop.

Step #6: Make Wheatgrass Juice and Enjoy

In order to make wheatgrass juice, you need a special juicer. You can refer to our for the whole family and your healthy diet.

I can warn you right away that centrifugal juicers will not allow you to get juice from wheat germ. It can even clog it heavily, as they are highly fibrous.

How to grow wheat at home video

If you do not understand everything, I suggest you to look interesting video. This is a very informative and enjoyable video to watch, made by the "gummy vixen", as she calls herself... πŸ™‚ Cool? …


Now you have a real plan of action and you can easily repeat these steps. As you have seen, it is not at all difficult to germinate wheat at home. This is not rocket science.

And if you are also a lover of flowers, for example, then I think it will not be difficult for you to germinate wheat for food.

If you're not yet ripe for wheat sprouting, check out our list of benefits again in the article I wrote about at the beginning. Yes, science does not stand still and soon we can learn a lot more about wheatgrass juice.

There is even evidence that 30 ml. wheat grass juice equivalent in vitamins and minerals 1 kg fresh vegetables! Super! …

How do you germinate wheatgrass and what else do you know about the benefits of this juice? Write to me in the comments below! I always love reading other people's stories.

While white flour is one of the top five foods that people should stop using in the first place. Sprouted wheat is very important for those who fast, do not eat meat, or are eager to cleanse their body of toxins, that is, to seriously address their health issues. Well, in addition, from wheat germ and grains you can cook wonderful dishes.

To properly germinate it, you need to do everything according to this plan:

  • What do we need for wheat to germinate?
  • How to choose wheat for germination?
  • How long to store wheat germ?
  • What are the benefits of sprouting wheat at home?

First, before germinating wheat at home for food, you need to collect the following:

  1. Wheat, in the amount of faceted glass.
  2. 3D plate or tray.
  3. A piece of clean gauze.
  4. Purified water (at least 1 liter).

If necessary, germinated wheat should always be at hand. How to germinate? To start, take big dish, or at least a tray. You can use an enameled tray if a sufficiently large amount of wheat is germinated, about half a kilogram. But when you grow only 1-2 times for one person's food, a small plate or even a saucer will suffice. Over time, everyone will understand how much sprouted wheat they need and will germinate only the right amount. Usually, daily rate wheat sprouts - about 80-100 grams per eater, but this, of course, does not matter, you can use larger or smaller quantities.

Choosing the Right Seeds

If there is a chance to buy wheat in the bazaar by weight, it will be the best choice. The fact is that wheat is treated with chemicals before being sold, in order to be stored in storage, without loss. But such wheat is not suitable for eating. What is needed is wheat that can germinate and be untreated. Certainly, the best option and safe when a person himself can grow it.

In addition, sprouted wheat can vary greatly in taste, depending on the variety and quality. In any case, it is better to take soft wheat varieties.

The shape of seeds in wheat should be round, the color is rich, bright, without visible defects, the smell is clean, pleasant, bready or no smell at all. The taste of grains, when chewed, powdery taste, without visible mustiness, bitterness, not oxidized.

How to germinate wheat?

Need tiny wheatgrass? How to germinate them correctly? Yes, you need barely visible sprouts. best score The fact that the wheat has sprouted enough to be a living food and is ready to use is that the sprouts have appeared about 2.5-3.8 mm, or a little lower. As soon as this has happened, the wheat germ must be washed, of course, only clean drinking water and then place everything in a clean bowl.

And in order to germinate properly, it is necessary to rinse the grains. It is better to use purified water for this, because chlorine in tap water is not good for the stomach. To purify water, you can use a simple household filter. So, they remove all the garbage from wheat and damaged and spoiled grains. Thus, grains of wheat that float on water are already dead and will not germinate. These grains must be thrown away immediately.

And then put on a tray, or whatever you have, and preferably in one layer. Cover it all with a regular gauze cover. The gauze must be folded in 2-4 layers to prevent water loss, it must be slightly constantly moistened with clean water so as not to dry out. After that, put the plate or tray in a warm place.

How much to germinate wheat in seeds?

12 to 16 hours, which is the time it takes for wheat to germinate, in suitable place. Of course, this time is not the same, because the time is different for all varieties of wheat and the temperature in the houses. Therefore, germination time may be longer in a cool environment, and shorter if warm enough. If possible, put the wheat in the sun, this can also provide the sprouts with additional vitamins. Alternatively, you can use any phytolamp, there will be the same effect, although less pronounced.

How to store wheat germ?

When they want to keep such wheat for a longer time, it should be remembered that it cannot be kept warm for a long time, and wheat should only be kept in the refrigerator, but not more than 2-3 days. Otherwise, it will overgrow, and the wheat germ will become sprouts, and such, overgrown, are not very good for nutrition. They just need to be thrown away. And, of course, the sooner such wheat is eaten, the more useful it will be.



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