Hormonal contraceptives for guards. Which contraceptive methods are not suitable for breastfeeding?

Unplanned pregnancy after childbirth is quite common. Many couples believe that it is impossible to get pregnant a short time after childbirth or even simply forget to use protection. Meanwhile, there are convenient and reliable contraceptives for nursing mothers. We will look at different possible options. Surely some of them will seem suitable to you. Many of them are sold freely in pharmacies and do not require skill to use. However, this fact does not cancel a planned visit to the gynecologist approximately 2 months after the birth of the child. And the doctor will tell you the recommended list of contraceptives for nursing mothers: spermicides, barrier methods of contraception, oral contraceptives, IUDs (intrauterine systems).

Chemical contraception

These are well-known remedies trademarks"Pharmatex" and "Patentex Oval", as well as their various "versions", that is, drugs that have similar composition, but usually sold at a lower price.

The effect of these drugs, which are introduced into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse, is that they paralyze sperm and form reliable protection throughout the vagina and cervix, preventing them from penetrating further.

However, the effectiveness of spermicides is rather average. All because it is possible that many people violate the instructions for their use. They begin sexual intercourse before the drug has time to evenly cover the entire vagina.

And two more unpleasant moment- a burning sensation that can occur in both men and women. As well as a violation of the vaginal microflora. With frequent use of chemical contraception, many women experience vaginal candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis.

These postpartum contraceptives are good for irregular sex life.

Barrier contraception

The most known remedy- this is a condom. Reliable, inexpensive, can always be used. The downside is that some men experience worse erections when using condoms. According to them, sensitivity decreases. But this is rather a psychological moment. And there is always the opportunity to purchase ultra-thin condoms, which are not inferior in reliability to classic ones.
Now there is such a large selection available. And there are different sizes, and different devices to enhance pleasure. There are plenty to choose from. And before you start using condoms, you do not need to consult a doctor for advice.

The female type of condom is the uterine or cervical cap. Eat different types and sizes. The doctor must select it. Even if they were used before childbirth, contraception after childbirth must be selected again. After all, the size of the vagina and cervix could change. In addition, the doctor will explain how to use the cap correctly and how to properly close the cervix with it. Its effectiveness will depend on its correct use. By the way, you can significantly increase it if you use additional spermicides.

Oral contraceptives

Contraceptives for breastfeeding mothers in the first 6 months after childbirth are the so-called mini-pills. Oral contraceptives, only in a lighter version, not containing the hormone estrogen. But despite this feature, the effectiveness of the tablets is very high. Almost comparable to combined oral contraceptives. And given the fact that during lactation it is often problematic to get pregnant due to high levels of the hormone prolactin, you don’t even have to worry about the possibility of unwanted conception.

There is one minus - you need to wait for your menstruation. And start taking the drug from the first day of the cycle. Never skip pills if you experience vomiting, diarrhea, or need to take other medicines- carefully read the instructions and (or) consult a gynecologist.

The most popular contraceptive pills for nursing mothers are Lactinet, Charozetta, Microlut, and Exluton. Usually they are recommended to be taken in the first six months, and then switch to combination drugs. However, some women continue to take mini-pills because estrogen-containing drugs are not suitable for them for some reason.

Intrauterine systems

There are a lot of them. There are systems (popularly called “spirals”) containing hormones; they are usually used in the treatment of endometriosis, containing metals, including precious ones: gold, silver. Spirals vary in size and shape. But overall they are all identical. Most cheap option costs about 200-300 rubles. And protect from unwanted pregnancy she can be up to 5 years old. Which is very convenient and profitable. Although intrauterine systems undoubtedly have disadvantages. After their installation, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs may occur, the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection increases, intermenstrual bleeding and heavy menstruation. Also, the spiral may fall out or shift, and as a result, it contraceptive effect will be lost.

Install intrauterine system possible no earlier than 2 months after birth.

Women who have previously used birth control decide to take birth control pills while breastfeeding. this method contraception. However, not all remedies are suitable for lactation. Features of protection during breastfeeding, effective and safe contraceptives- in the recommendations of obstetricians and gynecologists.

Offensive new pregnancy within a short time after childbirth is possible, even if the woman is breastfeeding. Lactational aminorrhea, in which menstruation does not occur, does not provide reliable protection from conception. The absence of menstruation and its irregularity do not allow a woman to predict the likely timing of the release of a mature egg. In fact, pregnancy can occur any day. Therefore, gynecologists recommend starting to use protection not from the period of menstruation, but from the moment of sexual activity, that is, from the sixth to eighth week after childbirth.

Popular means of protection

In 2011, the magazine “My Child” conducted a sociological survey on the topic of birth control after childbirth. Almost two-thirds of women surveyed responded that they pay attention to contraception high attention and use it for this special means. More than half of them used a condom, and just under thirty percent chose the pill. About ten percent of the mothers surveyed used barrier contraceptives(cap, vaginal ring). And almost eight percent trusted the calendar and cervical methods.

This survey showed that postpartum birth control pills and other hormonal-type contraceptives are used infrequently by young mothers. The reason for this is low level trust due to the danger of decreased lactation, interference with hormonal background. In addition, to choose contraceptives, you should consult a doctor, which takes time. It is much easier to use “improvised” means that do not have a pronounced effect on the body.

But doctors warn about the risks of using them.

  • Condom. The most popular type of contraception, and not only during breastfeeding, but also in ordinary life. It is completely safe for women during lactation. Condoms are available, you can buy them at any pharmacy, hormonal balance they have no influence. Their advantage is also protection against sexually transmitted infections, which is especially important in postpartum period, until restoration of natural defense mechanisms uterus The disadvantage of a condom is that it requires strict adherence to the rules for its use. In addition, there is a psychological barrier associated with an insufficient level of sensations. Not all couples can overcome it.
  • Barrier means. Barrier contraception during lactation it is not in great demand. At the same time, gynecologists note its relevance for nursing mothers. A contraceptive cap or diaphragm does not interfere with hormonal levels and does not affect lactation and work reproductive system. They are chosen by women who have already used similar contraceptives before pregnancy. After childbirth, the first acquaintance with them may be unsuccessful. Only a doctor can choose the correct size and insert a diaphragm or cap, for which you need to contact an antenatal clinic.
  • Chemicals. These include suppositories, spermicidal ointments, vaginal tablets. These drugs can be used as contraceptives during breastfeeding, as they act exclusively within the vagina, inhibiting sperm motility. Their effectiveness is up to 90%; the likelihood of conception increases if the requirements for use are not met.
  • Natural contraception. Involves the use of three methods of self-control. The first is calendar. With him, a woman calculates the days possible conception by mathematical calculations. The most dangerous period is the middle of the cycle, when the likelihood of pregnancy increases. The second method is cervical, involves monitoring the volume and quality of mucous discharge from the vagina. An increase in their number suggests that ovulation has occurred. And the third method is symptothermal. A woman measures the temperature in her rectum every day and if it increases, she can conclude that dangerous days. The disadvantage of all these methods during lactation is the lack of an established cycle. In addition, self-discipline and experience are important.
  • Lactation aminorrhea. Natural contraception during breastfeeding due to high level the hormone prolactin, which blocks ovulation. Its effectiveness reaches 98%, but several conditions form it. It is necessary to feed the baby only breast milk, without supplementing with water, without using supplementary feeding. It is not allowed to offer the baby pacifiers, and breastfeeding should be as frequent as possible. Reduce the protective effect long breaks in feedings, for example, on night sleep. The method stops working if the baby is six months old or the mother begins menstruation.

Natural and barrier methods of protection against pregnancy are the safest for a woman’s health. They act “superficially” and do not interfere with the processes occurring in the body. But in terms of effectiveness, birth control pills are more preferable for nursing mothers. They provide increased level protection against conception.

Hormonal drugs

Means that correct a woman’s hormonal levels are represented by tablets, coils, and implants. Not all of them are suitable for a young mother. Preparations containing the hormone estrogen negatively affect lactation and suppress the production of breast milk. Therefore, use traditional oral agents prohibited during lactation.


An alternative to oral contraceptives. The drugs contain gestagens that do not affect the production of breast milk. The principle of action of contraceptives during lactation is to disrupt the possibility of fertilization of the egg.

Gestagens cause the following reactions in the body.

  • Change the quality of mucus on the cervix. Its structure becomes denser and denser. Increased density makes it irresistible to sperm.
  • Reduce peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. A decrease in the productivity of epithelial movement does not allow a mature, fertilized egg to reach the uterine cavity.
  • Prevents the fixation of the egg. If the egg is fertilized, it does not attach to the walls of the uterus and is therefore rejected by the woman’s body.

“Gestagens have a gentle effect on a woman’s body,” comments obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Pankova. - They do not change the composition of breast milk, its taste, and do not affect lactation. But their effectiveness depends on the woman’s self-discipline. It is important to take the pills at the same time every day. A break of more than twelve hours reduces the protective effect.”

Contraceptives for breastfeeding such as mini-pills are represented by the drugs “Charozetta”, “Laktinet”, “Femulen”, “Exluton”.

Disadvantages of drugs:

  • penetration of small doses of hormones into breast milk;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle - increased intensity, decreased cycle duration, intermenstrual bleeding;
  • deterioration of skin condition, development of acne;
  • the likelihood of developing polycystic ovary syndrome.

Despite the mild effect of the drugs on the body, side effects of mini-pills exist. Therefore, they should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the woman’s health condition. Whenever adverse reactions A doctor's consultation is required. After stopping the drugs for two to three months, the woman’s condition usually normalizes without additional treatment.

Hormonal IUDs are more convenient than pills. Their action always remains at the same level. The effectiveness reaches 98%, the result is based on suppressing the process of egg maturation.

Doctors do not rule out the use intrauterine device as a solution to the question of how to protect yourself while breastfeeding. But they note following features its application.

  • Childbirth without complications. Insertion of the IUD is only possible for women who have not suffered ruptures or significant damage to the cervix during childbirth. In this case, it is possible to use an IUD as early as six or eight weeks after the birth of the baby. If the birth was traumatic, the insertion of the IUD will need to be delayed, sometimes for up to six months.
  • Risk of inflammation. Using a spiral increases the likelihood of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, a woman should be regularly observed by a gynecologist.
  • Side effects. Like other hormonal-type drugs, the IUD can affect the frequency and nature of menstruation and cause ectopic pregnancy.

For a woman who has installed an IUD, it is important to consider the period of its validity. It ranges from several months to five years. Even if the IUD is in effect for a long time, regular examinations by a gynecologist are necessary to monitor your own health.


If a woman is not sure that she will be able to take birth control pills correctly after childbirth and is afraid of inflammation that may occur after the installation of the IUD, she can choose a subdermal implant. It is a thin rod 4 cm long. It is implanted subcutaneously, on inner side shoulder The procedure is quick and is carried out under local anesthesia, takes about three minutes.

The implant contains the hormone progestogen. It does not affect lactation, but blocks ovulation. Its duration of action reaches three years. A woman can have an implant as early as six weeks after giving birth.

Harm to health subcutaneous implants they don't bring it. But when using them it is possible bloody issues in the middle of the cycle. For warning negative reactions Regular examinations by a gynecologist are required.

Emergency contraception

Emergency contraception during breastfeeding is used after unprotected sexual intercourse, if there is high risk unwanted conception. Drugs in this group are hormonal and contain high doses hormones, so they should be used carefully, only in case of urgent need.

Tablets "Exapel" and "Postinor" contain the hormone levonorgestrel. It can affect lactation and reduce milk production. However, due to the short-term course of these drugs (2 tablets per day), they are considered conditionally compatible with lactation.

Currently exists a large number of means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Many of them can be used as contraceptives during breastfeeding. It is allowed to use effective hormonal contraceptives in the form of a mini-pill, IUD, or implant. Your doctor will help you choose the one that’s right for you, taking into account your health status and the characteristics of your body’s recovery after childbirth.


Breastfeeding protects against pregnancy if the following conditions are met:

  1. Feedings should be frequent, during the day and at night, with intervals between them of no more than 3 hours.
  2. You need to latch on to your baby and not limit the sucking time.
  3. The baby should not consume anything other than breast milk - water, formula, complementary foods. The use of a pacifier is also not permitted.
  4. should be missing.

A high contraceptive effect is achieved only if the entire list of conditions is met. When the baby begins to sleep more at night, or he has to be given, the effectiveness of this method drops sharply. The most effective lactation method of contraception is for mothers of restless, actively suckling babies. And even in this case, you will have to think about additional contraceptives when the child turns 6 months old and should normally begin.

The disadvantages of the method are:

  • the need to control the frequency of breastfeeding, sometimes the child will have to be woken up to give him breastfeeding;
  • strong decline contraceptive effect when a child is ill, when it is necessary to give him the medicine in a diluted form or additionally supplement it with saline solutions;
  • lack of protection against infection penetration into a woman’s genital tract, so it should be used only when full confidence in a partner.

If the contraceptive effect decreases, pregnancy can occur during the first ovulation; the appearance of menstruation is not required for conception. Gynecologists do not consider breastfeeding a sufficiently reliable method of contraception and insist on using other methods, especially in cases where repeat pregnancy in the near future is contraindicated.

Methods of protection during breastfeeding

Resume sexual intercourse after childbirth in most cases resolved after 2 months, with a mandatory preliminary examination by a gynecologist. From now on, it is worth thinking about contraceptives.

There are quite a few contraceptive options for a nursing mother; adjusted for maintaining lactation, all main methods are allowed:

  1. Interrupted intercourse in combination with the calendar method is the riskiest contraceptive method. In 73% of cases, pregnancy occurs within the first year of its use, and in the case of insufficient self-control of the man, even earlier. In addition, it negatively affects sexual function both the woman and her partner.
  2. Spermicides in the form of vaginal tablets, gels, creams and suppositories are not much more effective, with them the probability of pregnancy is 71%. These drugs can also cause allergic reactions.
  3. Condoms in quality contraceptive method especially recommended when changing sexual partners. Besides venereal diseases, they will protect against the introduction of new microflora, which can disrupt the balanced system of bacteria in a woman’s vagina. When using high-quality products in accordance with the instructions, pregnancy will not occur in 98% of cases. In case of errors in application contraceptive effect reduced to 85%.
  4. Other barrier methods - uterine caps, female condoms - are often used in Western countries, but are not very common in Russia. It's pretty effective ways, which allow a woman to control the possibility of conception herself, without relying on a man.
  5. The intrauterine device is the best contraceptive for women who do not plan to become pregnant within the next 5 years. Copper coils provide 99.2% protection. The Mirena system, which contains the hormone levonorgestrel, which is approved for breastfeeding, is considered the most effective contraceptive and provides 99.9% protection against pregnancy. Prerequisites for their use - installation only by a gynecologist and the absence of inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs.
  6. Oral contraceptives have a contraceptive effect in 99.7% of cases. Not all pills are allowed for nursing mothers, only mini-pills. They contain only the hormone desogestrel, which is safe during breastfeeding. Despite this, they are no less effective than full-fledged birth control pills.

If after sexual intercourse you need emergency contraception, nursing mothers can use drugs based on levonorgestrel - Postinor and Escapelle. The sooner you take them after unprotected sex, the better the protection will be. Breastfeeding will have to be interrupted for a day after using them. Levonogestrel suppresses fertilization, but is safe for an already established pregnancy; it is not an abortifacient.

Contraceptives for breastfeeding mothers (names)

Contraceptive pills for nursing mothers are allowed to be used 2 months after the birth of the child, that is, they can be protected immediately after the start of sexual relations. Regular tablets are combined, that is, they contain progestogen and estrogen. They cannot be used in the first six months of the child, since estrogen suppresses lactation. For nursing mothers, tablets containing only gestagen are suitable.

The characteristics of the most common oral contraceptives allowed during breastfeeding are given in the table:

Contraceptive (name) Compound Description Price per month, rub.
Laktinet, Hungary Desogestrel 75 mcg They contain 3rd generation gestagen, have a maximum contraceptive effect, and provide protection if you miss taking a pill for up to 12 hours. Do not affect the quantity and quality of breast milk. Have less side effects compared to products that contain estrogen. 800
Charosetta, USA 1380
Modell mam, Hungary 560
Exluton, Netherlands Linestrenol 500 mcg The contraceptive effectiveness of the pills is lower than that of previous drugs; they require strict adherence to the time of administration, a delay of no more than 3 hours is allowed. May be prescribed as a contraceptive if there is a risk of thromboembolism. 2600

Effect of birth control pills

Contraceptive pills that contain only progestogen in the smallest amount that provides contraception are called minimal pills, or mini-pills. They were created for use in cases where estrogen is contraindicated - for smoking women, for diseases of cardio-vascular system, for mothers who are breastfeeding.

When using these contraceptives There is no risk for a breastfeeding child. To receive the dose of gestagen contained in just one tablet, the baby must be fed breast milk for 3 years. Mini-pills also do not have a negative effect on the amount of milk and feeding time. Moreover, some studies note an increase in lactation volumes with their use.

The action of birth control pills with gestagen is based on a change in the density of the mucus that is located on the cervix. It becomes more viscous and sperm cannot reach the egg. Also, drugs containing desogestrel suppress ovulation; in 99% of cases, the release of an egg does not occur. For linestrenol-based mini-pills, this figure is lower (about 50%), which explains their lower contraceptive effect.

With the birth of a baby, the mother has a lot of worries that can disrupt emotional condition. Keep it handy.

How to take contraceptives during lactation

Contraception should be started no earlier than 3 weeks after the baby is born. Best time for the first tablet – 6 weeks after birth, before resuming sexual activity. In this case, additional protection is not necessary. If you start taking it later, you need to make sure there is no pregnancy and use other contraceptives in the first week.

You need to take birth control pills during lactation 1 piece per day at the same time. With different times of administration, the contraceptive effect decreases, especially with Exluton. If you miss a dose, you need to use other methods of protection for 7 days and continue to take the mini-pill. A pass is considered a break of more than 36 hours (27 for Exluton).

For diarrhea and vomiting due to stomach upset, absorption contraceptive drug may be incomplete. In this case, additional protection is necessary, as when missing a pill.

Some antiepileptic, sedative, antifungal agents, part of antibiotics, St. John's wort, Activated carbon. When prescribing these drugs, you should ask your doctor about the possibility of taking them together.

Side effects during hepatitis B

Basics side effect when taking gestagen-based tablets - change in character menstrual flow. In 40% of women, the endometrium enters an inactive phase and its thickness decreases. In this regard, the discharge becomes scanty, irregular, and may disappear completely, especially after six months of use. These phenomena are considered normal and disappear in the first cycle after discontinuation of contraceptives.

When taking the pills, the follicles in the egg continue to mature, they may be larger in size than usual, and then they resolve on their own. When performing an ultrasound, it is necessary to warn the specialist about taking contraceptives in order to exclude incorrect diagnosis.

In the first months of use, mini-pills may cause headache, mood changes, nausea. With further use of the drugs they disappear or decrease significantly.

Some are prohibited during breastfeeding, as they can suppress lactation and negatively affect the development of the baby. So what to do? Avoid sex during lactation? There's no way out, so radical methods does not add joy to the family. Rely on the effectiveness of interrupted intercourse? This is also not an option - a young mother, even without the risk of an unwanted pregnancy, has enough reasons to worry.

So what methods of contraception should you choose so as not to deprive yourself of the joys of intimacy with your loved one, but at the same time not to worry about your health, or the health of your own child, or breast milk, and not to doubt the reliability of your contraceptives?

Some young mothers place the responsibility of protecting against unwanted pregnancy on lactation itself. Indeed, nature provides a mechanism for the so-called lactational amenorrhea: While a young mother is breastfeeding, egg maturation should not occur. But one cannot hope for 100% effectiveness of this method, because it only works if the following conditions are strictly observed:

  • No more than 6 months have passed since the birth
  • Mom hasn't started her period
  • The child does not receive additional complementary feeding, that is, breast milk makes up his entire diet. At the same time, he receives breastfeeding at least every 3 hours during the day and every 6 hours at night.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, it’s time to run for contraceptives. In order not to be afraid of harming either yourself or your baby, we advise you to pay attention to such contraceptives as “mini-pills” and intrauterine devices.

"Mini-drink." Advantages and disadvantages

Spiral. What are the advantages?

For those who do not like to take pills, or do not want to burden themselves with the need to take them every day, an intrauterine device is suitable.

What to pay attention to, answers Nina Yuryevna Shinkarenko, obstetrician-gynecologist:

  1. Models containing an alloy of copper and gold (the so-called) are characterized by the lowest degree of rejection, combined with high protection against unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, the service life of such spirals reaches seven years. It is important that gold has its own bactericidal properties, which reduces the risk of inflammation. In addition, this combination allows you to add less copper itself, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
  2. The IUD can be installed only six weeks after birth - more than early stages there is a risk of falling out.
  3. The spiral can only be installed by a specialist, so you will need to visit a doctor for this.

After finishing feeding, the young mother will have to choose a method of contraception. Now there are many varieties of combined oral contraceptives, from which a woman can choose the ones that are suitable for herself. However, if due to some contraindications you have to refuse birth control pills, then a modern spiral, for example, containing gold, may be your choice. The main thing to remember is that no matter what method of contraception you choose for yourself, it is better to consult with specialists before making a final decision.


Comment on the article "Safe lactation: contraception for nursing mothers"

#ASK_ADVICE Question from a group member: “Is it possible to breastfeed if your mother is sick?” In our group, every mother can receive information on breastfeeding and baby care. “We have an argument with my sister, we cannot come to a consensus. The situation is as follows: what to do if the mother is sick and the child is breastfed? My opinion is that a mother should definitely continue to breastfeed her child, even during illness, breastfeeding will help to avoid...


Consult your pediatrician and be sure to visit a therapist. Take care of yourself, your baby needs you healthy!

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How to maintain lactation if there is no way to feed the baby? There are times when mother and baby are not together in the first days after birth, or the mother cannot feed. This may be related serious condition baby: prematurity, pathological birth or other situations requiring medical attention. If a child, due to a condition disorder, cannot suckle at the breast, then it is best to feed him expressed mother's milk. Sometimes a mother cannot be fed because of the medications she is taking...


Yes, I still pump, at first the baby just didn’t suck the breast, but now I’m just used to it. We feed “directly” only in the morning, but dad can also take Active participation in feeding, and from time to time I can at least unwind a little and go out somewhere. In this regard, a breast pump is simply a salvation, because pumping with hands is just a dead end for me, even though I’ve already watched a bunch of videos about this.

I have never been apart from my baby. I was very lucky.

Hygiene for a nursing mother More recently, nursing mothers were advised to wash their breasts with soap before and after each feeding and treat nipples with alcohol-based antiseptics. To date, it has been established that frequent washing Brushing the breasts, especially with soap, removes the protective lubricant from the skin of the nipples. The skin begins to dry out and cracks appear. In the first weeks after childbirth, the skin around the nipple is very sensitive. But to care for her, it is enough to lubricate the nipple with a drop of late milk after feeding and...


The pads were needed back in the maternity hospital. Already on the third day, milk appeared to replace colostrum and at moments when the baby has already eaten or is still sleeping, pads are simply a necessary thing. They are made of a special material that does not rub the chest, and are well attached to the underwear using stickers. For my second birth, I bought pads in advance.

On the contrary, I didn’t want to wash more often than necessary, I had a phobia that because of foreign odors, the baby would refuse to breastfeed. But my grandmother told me about lubricating her nipples with milk, at a time when doctors recommended creams with panthenol.

How to survive " stormy tide» milk for a nursing mother? Immediately after birth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breasts. It is released in small quantities, and the mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of 3, beginning of 4 days after birth, the breasts begin to increase in size, become denser and more tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. They are often accompanied painful sensations, slight increase local temperature...


I had little milk after giving birth, as they did C-section. I needed some advice from the article when weaning my baby.

During my first pregnancy, I suffered for a very long time and pumped myself. And when I gave birth to my son, I bought a breast pump, heaven and earth, much easier and very convenient!

Hi all. Most mothers dream of breastfeeding their baby, but it often happens that there is not enough milk. There is a lot of advice and recommendations on the Internet. Personally, I tried a lot, but the most effective is this co-sleeping!!! YES YES, sleep next to the baby and there will be no problems with lack of milk. For comfortable sleep There are very cool pillows next to your baby, pillows for nursing mothers from EASYMOM. The pillows were designed by mothers of many children after for long years feeding with short breaks...

The famous English pediatrician B. Warton writes: “A newborn baby needs 3 main factors: warmth, love and mother's milk" Situations when a woman cannot breastfeed occur rarely and are associated with quite serious circumstances. Therefore, you should not miss the unique opportunity to feed your baby with breast milk. Breastfeeding is the very first manifestation of maternal love and care. Breast milk will be the ideal food product from the first days of life...

Hello! My baby is now 1 year 8 months. I want to finish GW in March. How to do this correctly? I’ve read a lot that it’s better to do this gradually, but my son hangs on the sissy around the clock, so “gradually” won’t work.


Hello. My youngest is now three and a half years old, I myself am forty-eight. He sucks the breast very intensely, is not going to refuse, the guy is persistent and stubborn - he achieves his goal by any means: yelling at the whole house, a tragedy with wringing of hands, pressing on pity "(well, just once, well, three times please, I'm three years old..." )
Even leaving and leaving it to someone else is also not an option - even after leaving for three to five days I return - and he sucks the breast again, the milk appears again (or maybe it never went away, I’m already so used to it that I don’t feel it) .
How to finish?? I’m tired already, I don’t get enough sleep. Please advise who also fed for a long time. Thank you in advance

Hello Irina! I'm glad for your baby, who was fed long enough. Statistically, he was very lucky.
What is the request, is the answer: if it doesn’t work out “gradually”, then it won’t work out “right” either, unfortunately.
In short, I can tell you how to curtail breastfeeding without problems for your mother’s breasts. But there are no ways to end breastfeeding painlessly for a baby at such short time, especially considering that the baby “hangs on the boobs all day and night.” This suggests that your baby is not yet ready to wean, no matter what his age is at the moment.
So, if you decide that at any cost you want to stop breastfeeding your baby in March, you should stop latching on your baby, keep your breasts full, but not overfilled, pumping only until relief. Do not allow discomfort - after all, the breast does not know that the mother has already decided to wean the baby, and for some time it will produce milk according to the same pattern - approximately as often as the baby suckled. The mechanism of decreased lactation in this case is due to the fact that in full breasts milk comes in slower. You will have to “keep your finger on the pulse” - monitor overflow and discomfort in order to avoid stagnation of milk. Some mothers use sage to reduce lactation - drink 1 glass of decoction during the day. For some it doesn't help. It is not recommended to drink hot drinks in large portions.
It often happens that a mother loses much more freedom during weaning than she gains.
I advise you to think in advance about HOW you will now put your son to sleep and whether you are ready to rock your big baby to sleep at night, instead of breastfeeding and continuing to sleep.
This article very well describes typical situations in which a mother makes a decision to wean. Often, tiresome breastfeeding is not the cause, but the consequence of the relationship in a mother-baby pair, and weaning will not change anything in the relationship. Breastfeeding a child over one and a half years old. Psychological and behavioral characteristics
Every mother wants her baby to feel good. Unfortunately, our culture tends to view breastfeeding as an indulgence that should not be indulged. However, the need to suck is not a bad habit.
about the need for sucking - how long does it last
[link-2] The need to suck is not only needed to eat. It is also a way to calm down, relax and “digest and assimilate” the impressions of the day. If the baby is deprived of the opportunity to relax in his usual way, he will either have to urgently find a replacement for sucking (and what he will choose is unknown), or – impressions and tensions may begin to accumulate, spilling out in the most unexpected way.
To minimize the trauma of weaning for your baby – as much as possible skin-to-skin contact, hugs - show your son that you still love him, it’s just that now it will manifest itself differently. Be sure to talk to him, trying to find decent explanations for weaning not only for him, but also for yourself. And let's hope that the baby will understand you and be satisfied with what he has.
about learning to fall asleep alone. Research by neurophysiologists
It will still be better if there is a temporary resource to make the weaning smoother, gradually reducing the number of attachments, leaving sucking only for dreams and in the morning. Then it will be possible to limit the duration of sucking during sleep with some kind of agreement, for example: “let’s agree that you suck while I sing you a song.” Then sucking at bedtime can be replaced with some ritual pleasant for the baby, for example, a massage, reading a book, singing a song, or just lying next to him.

Imagine a couple in love. Both love each other very much and love to kiss. She is sure that such an idyll will last forever. But one day, upon meeting, the beloved suddenly begins to dodge her lips, limiting himself to shaking hands and patting her on the shoulder. At the same time, he assures that he still loves her, he just decided that they had already grown out of “calf tenderness” and “that’s enough.” Will the girl believe her lover that nothing has changed in their relationship?

In short, there must be very compelling reasons for abrupt weaning.
I wish you to weigh all the arguments and make the most correct decision for yourself about the timing and methods of weaning.

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Time flies unnoticed, and yesterday’s helpless baby is today a completely independent toddler. And sad as it is to realize, his need for his mother is becoming a little less. First of all, this concerns, of course, breastfeeding. When the child is about one and a half to two years old, the mother is faced with the question of how to wean the baby from the breast. In order for this process to be as painless as possible, the mother needs to know several physical and psychological...

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Birth control pills are considered the most common method of contraception when breastfeeding. They help prevent pregnancy. Moreover, hormonal levels are not disrupted, and weight does not begin to increase. For this reason, even nursing mothers choose this type of birth control option for themselves. To prevent it from affecting the baby’s health, it is worth carefully studying the types of tablets and the features of their administration.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Types of birth control pills

Such drugs are divided into combined oral contraceptives (COCs for short) and mini-pills. COCs contain synthetic analogues of hormones, namely estrogen.

This type of drug can be mono- or triphasic. In the first case, the level of hormones in the tablets is always the same, and in the second it gradually decreases during administration.

The mini-pill contains a synthetic progestogen. Such contraception Designed for nursing mothers while breastfeeding.

There is another classification hormonal contraceptives, also used during breastfeeding. According to it, tablets are divided into 4 groups depending on the amount of hormones:

  • Microdosed. These include Mercilon, and. They are suitable for nulliparous young girls who actively lead sex life. Also, such drugs are prescribed to women who have not previously taken hormonal contraceptives.
  • Low dosage. This is Charosetta and Silest. The drugs are intended for women who have given birth and older women.
  • Medium dose. It's about o, Triquilar and Tri-regola. They are suitable for both women who have given birth and women of reproductive age.
  • Highly dosed. Ovidon and Non-ovlon belong to this category. Most often they are prescribed if there is hormonal diseases. In some cases, these drugs can be taken by women who have given birth.

What contraceptives can breastfeeding mothers take?

Many mothers don’t even know whether they can drink and how to take birth control pills while breastfeeding.

According to many foreign studies, mini-pills do not have negative influence on lactation and child health.

List of birth control pills for nursing mothers:

  • Charosetta. These pills are suitable for women for whom their own safety and a small dose of hormones are very important. The drug is not prescribed for various diseases liver, uterine bleeding, the presence of tumors and intolerance to certain components. The effectiveness of Charozetta is comparable to most COCs.
  • Exoluton. It contains linestrenol. With the help of the drug it is possible to establish menstrual cycle and avoid unwanted pregnancy. Contraindications include uterine bleeding and liver diseases.
  • Microlute. Main active substance- this is a gestagen. Its amount is minimal, making the drug well tolerated. Contraindications include diseases of the biliary tract and liver, as well as uterine bleeding.

Mini-pill – perfect option for nursing mothers. These pills have virtually no side effects. Also, the drugs do not affect milk production. Moreover, they minimize the likelihood of thrombosis and do not affect libido and mood.

Mini-pill – the best option for nursing mothers!

Mini-pills are often prescribed for painful menstruation, And . When the drug is discontinued, the ability to conceive is restored in a short time.

Before you start taking it, you need to study the list of contraindications for the mini-pill. This includes various tumors, impaired renal function, uterine and vaginal bleeding of unclear nature, epilepsy, exacerbation of hepatitis and damage to blood vessels of the heart and brain.

Benefits of the mini-pill:

  • quite rarely cause any unwanted effects upon admission,
  • do not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk,
  • do not reduce the duration of breastfeeding,
  • their appointment is practiced in the treatment inflammatory diseases organs of the female pelvis, as well as painful menstrual bleeding,
  • they reduce the risk of thrombosis.

The effect of contraceptives on the baby

When choosing contraceptives, you must remember that pills intended for nursing should not contain estrogen. This hormone negatively affects lactation and also slows down the development of the child. COCs can be taken only after the final completion of breastfeeding.

Birth control pills for breastfeeding should not contain estrogen!

Nursing mothers should choose only mini-pills. According to studies and observations, these drugs are absolutely safe. While taking them, the quality and quantity of milk remains the same, and the child’s development occurs without delays.

Rules and features of application

The tablets that contain should be taken no earlier than 6-7 weeks after birth. In this case hormonal changes the body will pass naturally. Progestogen tablets can be used after a month.

The drug should be taken within certain time . It is best to do this in the evenings. In order not to forget about the tablet, you can install it on mobile phone reminder. If the next dose was 3 hours later, the effectiveness of the contraceptive is reduced.

After 12 hours, the likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly. Today, progestogen tablets are available for sale. When taking them, the “delay” can be a maximum of 12 hours. This will not affect the effectiveness of the product.

It must be remembered that oral contraceptives are not able to protect against vaginal infections. Also, birth control pills should not be used together with antibiotics, which are usually prescribed after a cesarean section.

Other methods of protection

If for some reason a nursing mother cannot take oral contraceptives, then she should choose one of the following methods of contraception.

Contraceptive suppositories

Along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages of using chemical method contraception. At long-term use contraceptive suppositories can disrupt the vaginal microflora, which will certainly cause discomfort.

Sexual intercourse is tied to a certain time when the candle will take effect; not all couples are suitable for such a framework. The same applies to hygiene procedures: When using birth control suppositories, you must wait a certain amount of time before you can shower.

But despite everything it would seem negative points use similar method contraception, contraceptive suppositories during breastfeeding are very convenient and this makes them so popular.

Barrier methods

The good thing about using condoms and diaphragms is that they do not affect lactation and the development of the baby. The size of the cap or diaphragm must be clarified, because the vagina stretches due to childbirth.

Barrier methods should be used no earlier than 2 months after birth.

Intrauterine device

Doctors often recommend the IUD because of its effectiveness.

If the birth took place without complications and the nursing mother has no contraindications, then the insertion of the IUD is allowed in the postpartum period.

If you install an IUD 6-8 weeks after birth, the risk of prolapse is significantly reduced.

If an infection is suspected, the introduction of a spiral is possible after the diagnosis has been refuted or cured.

Natural Methods

This is about calendar method, measurement, and research cervical mucus. These methods can be used when the menstrual cycle is completely restored.

It is pointless to measure while breastfeeding, because in the morning it rises due to night feedings. In general, all of the methods mentioned are considered ineffective.

Information about . Free your child from colic and allergies.

Find out how to treat a runny nose for a nursing mother. Everything about treating colds while breastfeeding.

Male and female sterilization

This method is very effective, but irreversible. For this reason, it is worth carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Such decisions cannot be made under the influence of stress or certain circumstances. If there is any doubt, then you should refuse sterilization.

Some couples choose to abstain while breastfeeding. In fact, this method is often difficult to tolerate, so abstinence should not be practiced for a long time.

Nursing mothers often choose birth control pills. To prevent them from affecting the baby’s health, you must carefully select the drug using experienced doctor. You must also follow the instructions, otherwise oral contraceptive will turn out to be ineffective.



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