Where is fish oil found? Fish oil: composition, properties and benefits, indications and contraindications for the use of fish oil

On last weeks During pregnancy, all expectant mothers are accompanied by feelings of anxiety and various fears around the clock. At these times, the fetus rises to its maximum and is thus located directly under chest, making it difficult to breathe.

You can also notice that at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls, as the uterus is already beginning to prepare for the upcoming birth and thereby causes training contractions. Therefore, at this time, many experts recommend not going on long journeys, so as not to risk your health.

Main features of the 36-38th week

At this time future baby continues to gain weight rapidly. The movements of the fetus in the uterus are more active, and are usually accompanied by strong movements of the arms and legs. A woman must constantly listen to them, since during a normal pregnancy, the baby should produce about ten kicks within twelve hours.

Causes of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnant women should immediately draw the attention to the fact that the pain with a pulling character, which may appear on later pregnancy is quite common. Therefore, there is no need to worry right away.

This may be a consequence of an increase in the size of the uterus, which increases pressure on internal organs which are located nearby. The belly gradually grows, which means that the center of gravity changes, as does the background female hormones, joints relax. All this causes the appearance of unpleasant nagging pain in the pubis, hips, abdomen and lower back.

Starting from the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman may develop or worsen hemorrhoids, which can cause such unpleasant sensations.

Sometimes such pain can appear after so-called “training contractions”. In this case, the pain is sudden and short-lived.

If the pain constantly intensifies or other pain appears associated symptoms, it is best to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Symptoms of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of pregnancy

36th week of pregnancy, stomach hurts: reasons

Quite often, women encounter painful sensations such as a nagging pain in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of pregnancy, when the lower abdomen pulls and hurts strongly, most often there is nothing wrong with this, because a new life is developing inside it.

During this period, the uterus significantly enlarges and begins to put pressure on nearby organs. Stomach big size can lead to a shift in the center of gravity; changes in hormonal levels are also observed, as a result of which ligaments and joints relax.

A woman may feel pain in the pelvic area, nagging pain in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of pregnancy, in the pubis and hip joints. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about if you experience pain in the abdomen at this time, when the end of pregnancy is approaching.

During pregnancy, a woman may worsen or develop hemorrhoids. You should not be embarrassed about such a problem; you need to visit a doctor without delay.

After the examination, the doctor will select the optimal drug that will allow you to deal with the problem as quickly as possible. During pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo screening in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy; more details about this procedure are written in the article: what is screening in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

The 36th week of pregnancy is considered early for the birth of a child. Many doctors believe that childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy is undesirable.

The reasons for this opinion are that at this stage of pregnancy the child is still considered not quite full-term. The main reasons that can trigger the onset of labor at such an early stage of pregnancy, the reasons for childbirth at 36 weeks, are health problems and diseases such as hypertension, a consequence of diabetes, problems with the uterus (uterine defects, etc.).

d.), excessive exercise stress(physical overexertion can provoke childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy), insufficient secretion by the body of certain hormones that should be produced during the process of gestation.

The cause of such a problem as pain in hip joint, pain in the pubis at 36 weeks can be explained by the fact that at this time a softening process occurs, a process of relaxation of not only ligaments, but also joints. It is best to start treating such a problem by visiting a gynecologist.

Some of the most common reasons for the appearance of such a symptom as nagging pain in the abdomen, lower abdomen, when there is severe pulling and pain in the lower back, are: weight gain and a gradual increase in the load on the pregnant mother’s back, a consequence of the pregnant mother standing for a long time, walking for a long time.

Dangerous causes of abdominal pain and nagging pain in the lumbar region are infectious diseases. Therefore, it is very important to promptly seek help from a doctor if a woman has symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the lower back, when there is a strong and unbearable pull in the lumbar region, when there is constant pulling in the lower back.

Pregnancy is a huge journey from two lines on a test to the magic of giving birth to a new life. And at 36 weeks of pregnancy, most of this journey is already behind you. What problems might you encounter during this period?

Why does my stomach hurt at 36 weeks of pregnancy?

Are you bothered by pain? This body is preparing for the upcoming birth. At 36 weeks of pregnancy, be very attentive to your vaginal discharge.

Light mucous discharge, even with a pink admixture, is normal. The alarm should be sounded if there is a lot of discharge, they Brown and at the same time your stomach hurts.

The reasons for this phenomenon are the development of some complications. You should consult your doctor without delay.

Fetus at 36 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

It seems that all the space in the tummy has already been occupied, and there is nowhere else to grow, but the height and weight of the fetus continues to increase. At week 36, the baby has stretched up to 47 cm and possibly even more, body weight can exceed 2,600 g. His cheeks and shoulders have become rounded, subcutaneous tissue, fat appeared.

Of course, such a hero has no room to accelerate, but he continues to flounder and does not stop moving. Listen to them - they can tell you a lot about things.

Thus, excessive activity, which is even sometimes painful for the mother, will tell about the inconveniences experienced by the baby due to insufficient oxygen supply or the mother’s uncomfortable position for him.

The absence of the baby's movements for even several hours is also alarm signal, if present, you should immediately go to the doctor.

On average, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, the mask makes itself felt approximately once every 10-15 minutes. In 12 hours, the baby responds at least 10 times. The baby’s jolts and movements are felt very well, but by the end of pregnancy, when the baby grows even more and takes the position before “starting” from the belly, the number of its tangible and intangible movements will decrease by half.

The baby is already the same as you will see him for the first time, but the bones of the skull remain quite soft, flexible and pliable - this is necessary to overcome obstacles on the way to this world and facilitate passage through the narrow birth canal. During childbirth, the baby's head may even become deformed to protect the brain from injury. Nature is unsurpassed in its wisdom!

Future mom

She even cares about the expectant mother. And yours sleepless nights Now they are preparing the body for the night regime after childbirth: the baby will require a lot of attention.

However, this doesn't mean you don't need sleep. Find your formula for pre-night calm.

Drink less liquid at night, listen to music, ask your husband for a massage, don’t lie on the couch all day so that you can’t find a place in bed later.

What happens to the baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy?

At this time, the child practically does not let his finger out of his mouth, constantly sucking on it. In this way, he hones the sucking reflex and trains the muscles of his mouth, which in the future will allow him to take his mother’s breast without any problems. The baby's face is noticeably rounded, her cheeks become plumper.

The baby is formed and almost completely ready to be born. Now he weighs about 2.7 kg, and his height reaches 46 cm or more.

The bones of the fetus have become noticeably stronger, but the sutures of the skull do not heal, and the fontanelles, large cartilaginous areas, remain between them. This gives mobility for the easiest possible passage of the head through the birth canal. After the birth of a child, the fontanelles gradually ossify and overgrow.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the baby continues to move actively, although his movements are constrained, because there is very little space left in the uterus. At the same time, he had already taken his final position.

Ideally, the child should be positioned head down. However, this does not always happen; sometimes the fetus may be in a breech or lateral presentation.

It will no longer be possible to change its position, so doctors will consider the question of the method of delivery. There is no need to worry, because the child is in a breech or transverse position no more often than in 4% of cases.

Moreover, with breech presentation it is possible natural birth is saved.

The nervous, immune and endocrine system. The functioning of the heart and blood vessels is improved. The normal number of heart beats per minute should be 140. The baby’s heartbeat can be easily heard with a stethoscope.

Surfactant continues to accumulate in the lungs. Thanks to him, the baby will be able to breathe independently outside the mother's womb.

Acute abdomen during pregnancy

Well, the time has come when we are actively starting to prepare for future births, your bag for the maternity hospital is already packed, you can get acquainted with the literature on how and where it is best to give birth, you know by sight all the future mothers in your area, and you too , most likely, has already chosen a maternity hospital for herself. Now the moment has come when you need to spend more time on yourself and preparing for future births.

You will receive information:

  • What stage of development is your baby at?
  • How should you feel as a mother?
  • 36 week of pregnancy tummy tugging
  • Discharge from the genital tract
  • How important it is to eat right
  • Preparing for the upcoming birth

Now you are starting to notice that everything annoys you, starting from the fact that it is difficult for you to move as quickly as in the initial stages, you cannot do everything necessary work around the house, not to mention the accumulating irritation and bouts of tearfulness.

Your own helplessness becomes one of the most irritating factors, at this stage many women complain and want to give birth faster, since by the end of 36 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulling.

The closer you get to the due date, the stronger they become discomfort, such as, pulling the stomach at 36 weeks of pregnancy. You may feel pain in the lower back, pubis, hip and knee joints, some women feel signs of hemorrhoids, which cause not only itching, but also slight bleeding from anus.

If you experience any unpleasant symptoms, when 36 weeks of pregnancy have passed and you have pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Most women experience painful sensations various localizations exactly on latest dates pregnancy.

If labor begins at 36 weeks, it will be considered early or premature. As a rule, second and subsequent children are born at such periods. Therefore, if a woman begins having contractions that are not training (their intensity increases and the rest interval decreases), then she must go to the maternity hospital.

Labor can be provoked at this stage chronic diseases genital tract, any acute infectious processes, fetal malformations, alcohol intake and smoking during pregnancy. At risk are women under 18 years of age and over 40 years of age, as well as those mothers whose previous births were also premature.

The last weeks of pregnancy are usually the most exciting for you. expectant mother, which is associated with worries about the process of childbirth, with a general deterioration in well-being. Often, from the 36th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen begins to pull, accompanied by pain, and a feeling of heaviness appears throughout the body.

I'm already 36 weeks pregnant. Many fears and anxieties are already left behind. And there is such a long-awaited future happy event- the appearance of a baby in the family. However, small unpleasant sensations still remain and haunt the mother.

Unlike the beginning and middle of the period, at 36 weeks of pregnancy a woman can already take more medications. Therefore, to make the pain go away, take no-shpa.

Remember that the 36th week of pregnancy is the period when you should be ready to go to the maternity hospital at any time. Everything you need should already be in your bag. Your phone should always be at hand. After all, contractions could start at any moment. And childbirth at 36 weeks is very common. So it’s better not to relax, thinking that you still have two whole weeks left.

Tatyana (pregnant 39 weeks)

me too sometimes sharp pains happens when there is a sudden movement, for example. I lamented on the Internet that these are ligaments that support the growing uterus and that at a later date they should stretch properly and stop hurting.

But I feel that these are not terrible pains. They are somehow on the sides of the abdomen and pass on their own quite quickly.

I had a threat and I know what kind of pain is dangerous. But I can’t diagnose you.

If pain bothers you, it’s better, of course, for a doctor to determine what’s wrong

VaselisKiss (Soon there will be a baby =))))

sharp pain in the lower abdomen - what is it?

33 weeks. Sharp pain appeared in the lower abdomen in the groin area. spicy. sometimes to the point of tears. in their time it is impossible to go gray. not always. but the period is about 15 minutes. It doesn’t look like training contractions; the stomach is not in good shape.

It feels like the child is either just beating so painfully or twisting his head so hard.

Has anyone had this? What do the doctors say?

Men are our weakness, and children are our joy. Once you relax, you will be happy for the rest of your life

36 weeks of pregnancy is the period when your baby is waiting to meet you. But remember, if your lower back hurts during the 36th week of pregnancy, tell your doctor about it during your examination.

The last trimester of pregnancy is quite difficult. Because the proportions of the body have changed, and it’s simply hard for a woman to wear one big belly. After all, the baby weighs a little less than three kg and is almost half a meter long. Not too bad for the little egg he was a few months ago.

But, despite all the joys of creating a new life, it is very difficult for the expectant mother. After eating, she is often tormented by heartburn and nausea, her legs begin to swell and get tired, and the woman longingly remembers the time when she was slim and active. Melancholy comes especially when in bed the realization comes that in order to turn on the other side you need the help of your husband.

But still, 36 weeks of pregnancy is a wonderful time. The baby is already ready to be born and is actively kicking. His body became rounded, cheeks appeared, and the ultrasound showed him sucking his finger in a funny way. It’s not easy for him now either.

He is preparing for what awaits him ahead, because he has no longer fit into his once so comfortable mother, and, trying to straighten up, he always touches something. Its bones also become stronger, leaving only the bones of the skull soft, which may have to bend to protect the brain as it passes through the birth canal.

He has very little left and he also really wants it all to end, in order to start again. Where they have been waiting for him for so long.

What does lower back pain mean?

The woman has to put up with unpleasant sensations because she is already 36 weeks pregnant. The lower back hurts more and more often, since the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, and the stomach shifts the center of gravity so that the back always has to bear increased load.

Also, in preparation for the upcoming birth, the body produces hormones, under the influence of which joints and ligaments soften. This happens so that the baby does not suffer while crossing the birth canal.

However, if the pain in the lower back becomes nagging and is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which seems to become a stone, then you must definitely tell your doctor about it. Such symptoms may be the beginning of uterine hypertonicity and risk premature birth.

The 36th week of pregnancy means reaching the finish line, especially if twins are expected. Obstetric system When calculating the gestational age, the full period from conception to birth is 40 weeks.

To learn more about the material on this topic, you can watch the video guide, which is called “40 weeks.” main idea What the video guide is trying to convey is that pregnancy is not scary, and when the baby is born, all fears will be forgotten.

One of the problems that women often face is a condition in which lower back pain occurs during pregnancy. Most often, they are felt at 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 weeks. As a rule, they are dull and aching in nature, and can be caused by several reasons.

Incomprehensible sensations, after I get out of bed everything goes away by itself. The stomach does not turn to stone.

Has anyone had something similar?))) Don’t send me to a doctor, I was there recently and didn’t find anything serious. Everything is fine on the ultrasound, everything is closed.

Best answer It happens that you sip, this is absolutely normal. Other answersThinker (9485) 1 year ago in the morning when I wake up (on either side)).

pulls like before menstruation (only many times weaker, but the sensations are similar).

It goes away as soon as I start moving

Parents should know that pain in the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of pregnancy is very common. Nagging pain in the abdomen in the final stages of pregnancy is most often associated with the fact that the uterus is strongly stretched; it gradually begins to put intense pressure on those organs that are located next to it, which is why there is a feeling that there is a strong pulling and pain in the lower part abdomen in the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy.

The causes of discomfort and the feeling that nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen may be due to the fact that due to the size of the abdomen in the final stages of pregnancy, the center of gravity of the pregnant woman shifts.

As a result, lower back pain appears. Lower back pain at 36 weeks of pregnancy is especially disturbing for those women who have felt back pain even at the 36th week of pregnancy. early stages fetal development.

If a woman at 36 weeks of pregnancy has a nagging pain in the abdomen, if there is severe pulling and pain in the lower abdomen, if such pain cannot be described as discomfort, then it is recommended that you make an appointment with a doctor.

Any abdominal pain or pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, especially at 36, 37, 38 or 39 weeks of pregnancy, should be treated with caution. Parents need to know that sometimes it is the last weeks of a woman's pregnancy that are the most exciting for the mother.

Therefore, it is better to visit a doctor once again and find out the causes of pain in the lower abdomen, make sure that such abdominal pain does not threaten pregnancy or any problems with it. The gynecologist should talk about all the changes in the health of a pregnant woman that have recently occurred.

Considering the fact that the causes of pain at the 36th week of pregnancy are varied and even a doctor is not always easy to determine them without specific diagnostics, one should not treat the appearance painful symptoms frivolously.

It is necessary to come to an appointment with a gynecologist. It is also important for parents to remember that starting from the 36th week of pregnancy it is necessary to keep a ready-made kit for the maternity hospital, so that at any time, if necessary, they do not waste time, but go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.

If we analyze all of the above, we can conclude that if at 36 weeks of pregnancy there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, if the lower abdomen pulls and hurts, if the lower back hurts, then such pain cannot be tolerated, it is necessary to promptly seek advice and diagnose the problem from a gynecologist .

If you don't respond in time dangerous reasons the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, then there may be premature birth.

Usually, at this stage of a woman’s pregnancy, the doctor recommends a routine ultrasound, ultrasonography, but if severe pain appears in the lower abdomen, when a pregnant woman has severe abdominal pain and pain, the doctor may do an unscheduled ultrasound examination.

Usually an ultrasound after 36 weeks of pregnancy is done in order to determine the parameters of fetal development, even determine the size of the fetus and its weight, whether there may be entanglement of the umbilical cord, determine the location of the fetus, the condition of the placenta and many other parameters.

Ultrasound in the final stages of pregnancy is usually performed to identify and exclude all possible complications, which can only happen during childbirth. During pregnancy, a blood test for hCG is often done; more information about this type of analysis is written in the article: which hCG level can be considered the norm.

One of dangerous situations in the final stages of pregnancy is a state when the uterus is in good shape. Such a problem at the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy can cause the development oxygen starvation baby.

And such oxygen starvation affects the development of the fetus and can cause a delay in the development of the baby. In some cases, such high or increased uterine tone at 36 weeks of pregnancy can lead to premature birth.

If, in addition to pulling in the lower abdomen and the reasons are not clear to the woman, vaginal discharge also appears, such symptoms may be signs of the process of placental abruption. And such a condition can be dangerous for not yet born child.

If at 36 weeks of pregnancy you feel pain in the lower abdomen, you should urgently contact your nearest medical institution. The reasons for such troubles may be different, but you cannot risk the child’s health for a long time.

Dangerous abdominal pain in a pregnant woman - possible causes

If your stomach hurts, what does it mean?

It's a dull pain in the abdomen, in the last stages of pregnancy, is not evidence of the presence of any diseases in the body. In fact, the baby in the womb assumes the position in which he is ready to be born.

Future mom

The bandage is also needed in order to calm down at least a little, and in best case scenario– and completely reduce to a minimum – back and lower back pain, so common in the last weeks of pregnancy. Avoid standing for long periods of time, unload your back more often, and do not bend or turn your body to minimize pain.

Be prepared for the fact that now the pain in your body will make itself felt more strongly. pelvic area, in the hips, in the pubis. The body completes its final preparations for the start of delivery: at this stage, it produces the hormone relaxin in larger quantities than usual.

Under the influence of relaxin, joints soften and weaken, pelvic bones slowly diverge, which will make it easier for the baby to travel through the birth canal. Well, this effect of relaxin is now causing you some inconvenience.

If you develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you are guaranteed to experience pain in the area. anus. There is no need to be ashamed of this sensitive problem: tell your doctor about the disease, consult further actions and try to cure hemorrhoids.

We have already mentioned above that pulling stomach in combination with pulling in the lower back– sign increased tone uterus Before going to the doctor for an appointment, if you notice such signs, take No-shpa and lie down in bed. No-spa should relieve spasms and relax the uterus, helping to reduce the risk of premature birth.

Even if the belly has dropped, this does not mean that you will give birth in the first few hours: after the belly has dropped, the mother may well wait another 1-2 weeks before labor begins. Moreover, starting from the 36th week, you must be prepared for the fact that the baby will ask to come out at any minute.

And you should not be alarmed if this does happen: childbirth at 36 weeks is in most cases successful, and children born at this period are viable, their bodies are ready for independent functioning.

And yet, do not stop taking care of yourself: be that as it may, it is better if the pregnancy is full-term. Now you go to the gynecologist every week - the time for delivery is getting closer.

However, it is still too early and undesirable to give birth, so do not provoke labor with your actions. This also applies to sex.

But you need to be prepared for them now, because in reality you can start giving birth any day, especially if you have a multiple pregnancy. And you should prepare not only physically, carrying an exchange card with you everywhere, collecting all the necessary things, buying for the baby, etc., but also psychologically.

Some women develop a fear of childbirth - this is in vain. Childbirth is very natural natural process.

Everyone emphasizes that this is work. You will have to do it anyway.

But if you prepare and do everything with the right attitude and actions, then the work will pass easy, successful and will not drag on. Remember that your baby is trying just as hard as you during childbirth.

In such company you will definitely have a safe birth.

Do not be alarmed by the increase in the amount of discharge: slightly thicker, astringent discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy is evidence of the gradual separation of the mucous plug, which until this moment covered the cervix.

The plug may come off in parts, and in this case you will notice minor mucous clots in the discharge. However, the plug can come off all at once - you will find out about this by finding a mucous clot, possibly streaked with blood.

But “full” bloody issues do not ignore: blood, even in small quantities, with a high degree of risk indicates placental abruption. Typically, placental abruption is marked not only by the appearance of bloody discharge, but also by abdominal pain. If you experience such symptoms, immediately call doctors for help: placental abruption in itself is dangerous for the health and life of the child and mother.

Placental abruption against the background of increased uterine tone is a risk of profuse and severe bleeding.

The most difficult time of pregnancy begins. In the last weeks of the eighth month of pregnancy, the expectant mother literally has no rest, either night or day.

She suffers from sleep disturbances caused by the fact that, when going to bed, a woman begins to choke. And, having woken up, he cannot fall asleep again for a long time due to anxious thoughts about the upcoming birth.

You can only lie on your side, because when you try to roll over onto your back, your lower back begins to hurt.

image.jpgMoreover, the so-called vena cava syndrome is sometimes possible, in which, as a result of compression of the vein, fainting is possible when the woman lies on her back.

The uterus puts pressure on the digestive organs, therefore, the woman cannot eat either - any food, even in very small quantities, causes heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. A baby pushing in the liver area prevents him from walking for a long time. And it’s not surprising - after all, only the child himself weighs more than two kilograms at this time! And there is also the weight of the uterus itself, the placenta, amniotic fluid.

It is at the 35th week that the expectant mother begins to experience enormous fatigue from her position as a pregnant woman and when asked by her friends about who she wants more, a son or a daughter, she answers in her hearts: Even a frog, but sooner.

Of course, this does not mean at all that the woman has stopped loving her baby, who until recently gave her so much joy with his presence in her life. She was tired not of the child, but of the pregnancy.

Moreover, all her feelings are quite understandable.

The fact is that now the fundus of the uterus has risen to the very high point for the entire pregnancy. And the large uterus with a two-kilogram fetus in it seemed to fall with all its weight onto the woman’s diaphragm, lungs and stomach.

The only thing that can be advised is to sleep half-sitting, rest more often during the day, eat a little and, most importantly, be patient - this torment will end in a week or two, when the child drops down the pelvis. It will become easier to breathe and life will seem less tiring.

In the meantime, you need to devote as much time as possible to the baby, talk and play with him, so that he, at his own level, also understands that his mother has not stopped loving him, that they are still waiting for him and do not transfer a drop of guilt to him for the fact that his mother is so I'm tired and feeling so bad.

Needless to say, the closer to childbirth, the more undesirable it is for a pregnant woman to leave for a long time. However, let us say again that traveling in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

This is especially true for airplane flights - flights are prohibited without written permission from a doctor. If it is absolutely necessary to leave for some reason, then you need to find out the name in advance good doctor and the address of the hospital at the place of arrival.

Of course, even if a woman remains in her place of residence, she already needs to decide where and how she is going to give birth. Many women who have this opportunity prefer to conclude a contract with the maternity hospital in advance, meet the doctor, find out whether the father can take part in the birth, whether visits to the father after childbirth are possible, and get answers to many other questions.

It is better to make the choice of a maternity hospital during this period. It’s good to first ask your friends or look at the ratings of maternity hospitals that are given on some Internet sites.

Not only the expectant mother herself, but also the uterus in the eighth month is already preparing to give birth to a baby. In the last trimester of pregnancy, so-called false contractions or Braxton-Hicks spasms are already possible.

Pregnancy is a joyful time for the expectant mother, but at the 35th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls like during menstruation and you are simply at a loss. This pain haunts you even at night.

In most cases, it is natural, as it is associated with training contractions. A woman feels false contractions during pregnancy from the 20th week.

In the very last weeks of pregnancy, they bring discomfort and become stronger.

At 35 weeks, my stomach hurts and my lower back is strained

At these moments, you can easily feel the uterus if you place your hand on your stomach. It is easy to distinguish between true and false contractions. Training sessions last a minute and are repeated no more than once every 5 hours. If the sensations recur frequently and last a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in the very upper part of the abdomen should cause alarm, and if it is also accompanied by headache, blurred vision, and vomiting, then this is a sign of preeclampsia.

Cutting pain at 35 weeks

How important it is to eat right

Your nutrition should follow the principle: fewer calories and more physical activity. And, meanwhile, nutrition must be kept complete and containing essential microelements and natural vitamins.

Try to limit your fat intake as much as possible during this period, since reduced physical activity will lead to excess accumulation of cellulite, which will not only make you heavier. labor, but it won’t go away as easily as you would like.

As for drinking, try to drink purified water, take a break once a week fasting day, try not to eat at night, exclude from your diet fatty and high-calorie foods that contain carbohydrate calories, such as cakes or buns.

I'm already 36 weeks pregnant. Many fears and anxieties are already left behind. And ahead is such a long-awaited joyful event - the appearance of a baby in the family. However, small unpleasant sensations still remain and haunt the mother.

This is the pain in abdominal cavity. There can be many reasons why pain occurs. And they cause great concern among pregnant women. No wonder. Because the expectant mother thinks and worries about the baby.

36 weeks pregnant lower abdomen hurts

At 36 weeks of pregnancy - normal and quite common occurrence, as a rule, does not pose any danger. After all, a woman carries a little man inside herself. And the uterus greatly increases in size. Puts pressure on internal organs. In addition, a large belly causes a shift in the center of gravity. In addition, it changes hormonal background, which causes joints and ligaments to soften and relax. It leads to pain in the hip joints, pubis and pelvic area. Therefore, pain in the lower abdomen is quite normal and natural. Especially in the last stages of pregnancy.

In addition, during pregnancy it may appear or worsen. There is no need to be ashamed of this problem. Contact your doctor as soon as possible. The most suitable one will be assigned to you, safe remedy which will help you get rid of this disease.

When severe pain in the lower abdomen you can drink no-shpa. But if the pain does not go away after taking the pill, call ambulance. Since pain, like during menstruation, can appear with. This indicates that the volume of amniotic fluid is too small. And the baby is very uncomfortable in the stomach. In addition, if you have oligohydramnios, it will be quite difficult for you to give birth.

Video: False contractions at 36 weeks of pregnancy. My experience

36 weeks of pregnancy nagging abdominal pain

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, nagging pain in the abdomen can very often occur, as during menstruation. There is no need to be afraid of this. After all, nagging pain is an integral symptom in the last weeks of bearing a child. This is due to the appearance of spasms. During this period of time, the baby changes its location. His head is already below. The weight of the baby is concentrated in the center of the uterus. Because of this, the woman has the feeling that her stomach is slowly starting to sink. Because of this, nagging pain appears, which can periodically radiate to the back and lower back.

Video: 1H Diary PREGNANCY 36-37 weeks! HARNESSES OF BIRTH!!

Unlike the beginning and middle of the period, at 36 weeks of pregnancy a woman can already take more medications. Therefore, to make the pain go away, take no-shpa.

Also, nagging abdominal pain can occur as a result of training contractions. They happen to almost all pregnant women. Nagging pain, as during menstruation, is often the reason that the body is preparing for future childbirth. But in this case, the pain is sudden. And after a few minutes it goes away. If the pain is prolonged, and is also accompanied by bleeding, immediately call an ambulance.

Among other things, nagging pain can occur when the uterus is in a state of increased tone. At week 36, such behavior of the uterus is highly undesirable. After all, it can cause oxygen starvation of the baby or the onset of premature birth. Distinctive feature such pain is . If the pain does not disappear at rest and continues for more than one day, then you should consult a gynecologist. After all, the pregnancy needs to last at least two more weeks.

During the appearance nagging pain Many pregnant women start to panic. Remember that you shouldn't be nervous. Try to calm down. No matter how difficult and scary it may be for you. Drink some water. Breathe deeply. Observe the sensations carefully. It often happens that when a woman comes to her senses and calms down, the pain immediately goes away.

If you are very worried about any abdominal pain, it is better to consult your doctor. The 36th week of pregnancy is the most crucial period. And you are doing the right thing by listening to your body. Don’t be afraid to call an ambulance again or ask your doctor a question. Not only your child’s health, but yours too, depends on you now. Do you think you have started? What if not? It's better not to guess. Go to the clinic and see for yourself. After all, only a doctor can accurately determine if your contractions are false or if real labor has begun. Your doctor has been monitoring your pregnancy. He knows the specifics of your health.

And most importantly, never self-medicate. After all, ignorance of the symptoms or uncertainty can cause bad consequences.

Video: Pregnancy Diary | 33-34 weeks | Abdominal prolapse, pain and swelling

Remember that the 36th week of pregnancy is the period when you should be ready to go to the maternity hospital at any time. Everything you need should already be in your bag. Your phone should always be at hand. After all, contractions could start at any moment. And childbirth at 36 weeks is very common. So it’s better not to relax, thinking that you still have two whole weeks left.

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The 36th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 9th month or 3rd trimester

The 36th week of pregnancy is a kind of exit to the finish line of pregnancy. By this time every future mommy knows that a child is usually born at 40 weeks; within the normal range, deviations of two weeks are possible (both earlier and later).

So, you only have to wait a month, or even less, to meet your baby. The traditional fear of premature birth gradually disappears, and the woman prepares for the upcoming changes. Indeed, from the moment the baby appears, the entire life pattern that existed until now, not only of the mother, but of the entire family, will completely change.

What happens at 36 weeks

Many women at 36 weeks begin to worry about sudden pain. This is due to the fact that the uterus has already expanded to its maximum size. possible sizes and props up the sternum, and, as a result, pregnant women have little control over their breathing. Now any movement of the baby is clearly felt, and the pain is significantly worsened, often impossible to tolerate. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a special painkiller (at this time, you can and should check with your doctor about the details of the use of painkillers during childbirth).

Now the best adviser is a doctor, and the Internet is becoming just a place for additional consultations. It is necessary to visit your gynecologist at least once a week, or more often. This is the only way to protect yourself as much as possible from complications during childbirth and maintain your morale at the proper level.

What happens to the child

Every mother wants to know what happens to her baby at 36 weeks. The toddler's main activity at this time is thumb sucking. This is a kind of imitation of the future sucking of the mother's breast. Because of this, the cheeks become rounded and plump. As a result, minor facial changes occur. In general, the fetus is ready to be born: all the bones, except the skull (which is still fragile) have already strengthened. During this period, the fetus weighs on average 2 kg 700 g, which directly affects the well-being of the expectant mother.

At 36 weeks the baby is completely ready for birth. All body systems and internal organs are fully functioning, the skin and subcutaneous components are formed.

Externally, a 36-week fetus is a newborn child with average parameters of 2.5 kg of weight and 47 cm of height. Such numbers are already considered normal for a newborn child.

But there are still 4 weeks ahead, allotted by nature to improve what already exists. The child continues to grow in the womb, and the components of his body (organs and systems) continue to improve, they learn to interact and work harmoniously.

This process takes place much easier in the mother’s body than outside it. The child feels great during this period and therefore is very active, moves his arms and legs, and has a sucking reflex.

Childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Natural childbirth at this stage is not at all uncommon. Doctors convince women to be psychologically prepared for the fact that every day from the beginning of the 36th week, the birth of a new life is possible at any moment. Quite a large number of babies are generally born before the deadline determined by doctors. And in such cases, there is no reason for concern at all: childbirth at this stage is not dangerous, and the baby is already completely ready for its independent life.

In order to properly prepare for childbirth, we recommend reading the following articles:

A little about ultrasound

As a rule, by this time all planned ultrasounds have already been completed. But there are times when the doctor recommends conducting such a study again. Usually there are available for unscheduled ultrasound good reasons: need to know exact weight child, or to clarify the degree of maturity of the placenta, or to confirm the prenatal position of the fetus, or to find out the presence/absence of umbilical cord entanglement.

The importance of the information obtained from a control ultrasound far outweighs the potential for harm from ultrasound. Depending on the results, it is determined what kind of birth will be: natural or C-section, appropriate measures are taken to prevent possible complications.

Ultrasound pictures at 36 weeks

At an ultrasound at 36 weeks, parents see the baby as he will be born. Skull crumbs on this moment very soft. This is not a pathology, but required condition For successful completion along the birth canal. During childbirth, the cranial bones converge at the site of the fontanelles (large cartilaginous areas) and the baby's head decreases significantly, acquiring an ovoid shape. After birth, the bones return to their places, and after a while they harden. IN last resort the fontanels are overgrown (usually this process is completed by a year and a half).

An important point in the ultrasound examination during this period is fetal presentation. Ideally, the baby should be turned with his head towards the birth canal (the so-called cephalic presentation). In 4% of cases, breech presentation is observed. In this case, a caesarean section is recommended, since it is very high probability birth trauma or that the child will not be able to pass at all birth canal. But, at the same time, there are often cases of successful natural births in this position of the fetus.

Ultrasound at 36 weeks


A common occurrence at 36 weeks is the transformation of a pregnant woman into a bun. But this doesn't always happen. It is not uncommon for the belly to be relatively small even during this period. In this case, the expectant mother begins to worry. It is worth noting that such fears may not be idle fantasies. Perhaps the weight of the fetus is too small or there is a lack of water. Only a doctor can give the correct answer. If no problems are found during the examination, there is no need to worry; the stomach may simply appear small due to your body type.

This week, the belly (both small and large) gradually lowers as the baby begins to descend, usually the fetus takes a head down position, resting on the bottom of the pelvis. If your stomach drops, it means that childbirth is just around the corner. Such changes significantly improve the well-being of the expectant mother. Since the uterus stops putting pressure on the internal organs, annoying heartburn disappears, and breathing becomes easier.

During this period, a lot of attention should be paid to caring for the abdomen. In this case, experts recommend a prenatal bandage; it greatly alleviates the condition of the pregnant woman. It is also important to lubricate the skin of the abdomen with a special cream that will help avoid the appearance of such unpleasant stretch marks from a cosmetic point of view.

Photo of the belly at 36 weeks

What you need to know about childbirth

At 36 weeks, a woman should be ready to go into labor at any moment. Despite the fact that according to the rules, childbirth takes place between 38-42 weeks, children are often born a little earlier. This is not the premature appearance of a long-awaited miracle, but a consequence of what is absolutely determined the exact date Conception is, in principle, very difficult, so an error of two weeks is a variant of the norm. Enough large percentage women give birth this week.

Feelings of mom and movements in the stomach

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is not difficult for the expectant mother to trace the movements of the child who has gained weight, height, activity and strength. But this should not weaken the attention of the expectant mother. It is still necessary to carefully listen to the baby’s movements. The fact that everything is fine with him is evidenced by at least 10 movements in 12 hours. Usually during this period the baby’s movements are very active, the baby can react to the voice of mom and dad, make it clear that he likes the music that the pregnant woman listens to.

At the same time, the mother herself, as the birth approaches, also needs more attention and support. Many pregnant women, especially if they are about to give birth for the first time, begin to be afraid and panic. Anxiety penetrates the soul, and moodiness, nervousness and irritability become the norm. The optimal way out of this situation is not to get hung up on this condition and perceive childbirth as a natural and inevitable process from which there is no escape.

The physical condition of the expectant mother also does not improve. TO chronic fatigue a very heavy stomach is added that constrains movement. Even walking becomes a problem. Therefore, in order to gain strength before the important process of childbirth, the remaining time should be spent as calmly as possible. Try not to be nervous, not to get irritated over trifles and, most importantly, not to be afraid. Focus on the future, because huge changes are coming. The best medicines during this period - stay on fresh air, physical activity, good sleep and nutrition and a huge portion of patience. This is the only way a woman can ensure a successful birth outcome for herself.

Weight of the expectant mother

Compared to the weight before pregnancy, the expectant mother may increase by 13 kg. It is generally accepted that during pregnancy a woman should gain no more than 16 kg. But this is not always the case, or rather, almost always not the case. Weight characteristics in this case are a very individual thing. And, in general, during pregnancy a woman gains weight due to several components - the weight of the child itself, amniotic fluid and directly the fat and water accumulated in the mother’s body.

Pain at 36 weeks

Why does my stomach hurt and pull?

During this period, many pregnant women begin to experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which, of course, becomes a cause for concern. There may be several reasons for this.

Firstly, by 36 weeks your baby is already fully formed, he is finishing preparations for birth, comfortably positioned with his head down. Many pregnant women feel a tightening in their lower abdomen at this time. This happens because the baby's weight puts pressure on the internal organs. So, the expectant mother may feel not only a tightening in the lower abdomen and pain in the perineum, but also frequent urination. If the pull at the bottom is strong, a pregnant woman can take painkillers that her doctor will prescribe to her.

If at 36 weeks the stomach feels tight, this may also be evidence of the onset of premature labor, which can be triggered by uterine hypertonicity. These pains are severe and may be accompanied by back and lower back pain. Define exact reason Only a doctor can help with abdominal pain.

Many women at 36 weeks feel that their stomach is pulling due to training contractions. Such abdominal pain can be characterized by suddenness. A pregnant woman may suddenly feel pain that goes away after a few minutes. Many people feel such pain during menstruation. In this case, there is no need to worry, you just need to try to relax.

Pain very often accompanies pregnancy. As the uterus enlarges many times, it puts pressure on the internal organs. A large belly shifts the center of gravity, which increases the load on the lower back and back. Because of this, back pain can accompany a woman throughout her pregnancy, especially in the last weeks. Softening and relaxation of ligaments and joints towards the end of pregnancy provokes the appearance of pain in the pubic and pelvic area. There is also a high risk of hemorrhoids. This disease usually causes enormous discomfort and severe pain. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only he will select a safe option for pregnant women from the many available drugs.

The reasons described above for which the stomach may hurt are the most common; only a doctor can help you understand exactly what is happening in a particular case. Therefore, if you have concerns about your condition, be sure to consult a doctor. If at 36 weeks of pregnancy you have sharp, very severe pain in the abdomen or lower abdomen and bloody discharge you need to go to the hospital urgently.

Read more about abdominal and lower back pain in the following articles:

What to do if your stomach turns to stone?

Oddly enough, a stone belly at this stage is a fairly common phenomenon, but you should not ignore it. Hard belly at 36 weeks can be either an absolutely painless consequence of the actions of a pregnant woman or serious reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

For example, filled bladder, awkward position or staying in one position for a long time can cause this sensation. If everything goes away when you change position or after going to the toilet, there is no reason to panic. If your stomach becomes hard and flatulence appears, you should reconsider your diet and eliminate foods that cause gas.

When the stomach becomes stone often, you should definitely consult a doctor, because this may be an alarming signal about hypertonicity of the uterus, and this in turn can cause premature birth. In any case, only a doctor can accurately answer the question of why your stomach is getting hard. But don’t panic, because a stone belly may simply be due to large quantities physical activity. So just relax and listen to your feelings.

Legs hurt and swell at 36 weeks

Leg pain and swelling is a very common problem during this time of pregnancy. At this stage of pregnancy, even those who did not have them in previous months are at risk. The uterus puts more and more pressure on the pelvic veins and the flow of blood from the lower part of the body worsens. If this is the case, then swelling will usually appear towards the end of the day or as a result of prolonged sitting/standing and will not be dangerous. Good advice for pregnant women - lie down several times a day for 15 minutes with your legs raised higher than 45 degrees.

But in some cases, edema is a symptom of gestosis, a complication that manifests itself in late pregnancy. This is a violation of the functioning of the kidneys. In addition to edema, gestosis is indicated by the presence of protein in the urine and increased pressure. Then it is necessary immediate help doctor

Useful articles for pregnant women about leg diseases with recommendations:

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Also, bleeding is a reason for immediate medical intervention. This is direct evidence of the onset of placental abruption, which is very dangerous for both the fetus and the mother.

You should call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital even if liquid white or yellowish discharge. This is when your water begins to break, indicating the onset of labor. The water does not necessarily break immediately; this process can occur gradually.

Sex during pregnancy

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can have sex almost before birth, but it is worth remembering that in the later stages, orgasm can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. And this, in turn, can cause premature birth. In this matter, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations.


The biggest threat at the end of pregnancy is late toxicosis. And also great amount troubles: varicose veins, swelling, back pain, clumsiness. It is not uncommon to see an increase in body hair due to hormonal fluctuations. This should go away after giving birth.

Because the big fruit worsens the blood circulation process in the mother’s body, it itself lacks oxygen. Therefore, it is extremely important to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

To provide for the baby, required quantity squirrel, in daily diet The expectant mother should have vegetables, meat, eggs, and pharmacy vitamins.

To avoid the formation of edema, it is worth monitoring the liquid consumed and released.

And lastly, you need to carefully monitor your mood. It directly depends on him general health pregnant woman.

Twins pregnancy at 36 weeks

36 weeks is considered normal multiple pregnancy. The internal organs of the babies are already formed, they do not weigh as much as with one fetus, but sometimes the weight of the babies is 3 kg each.

For a pregnant woman, this period is the most difficult, the body is tired and is already beginning to give up, and children strive to be born as soon as possible. One of the twins begins to move down towards the pelvis.

Pregnancy with twins is quite a difficult experience for any woman. Many people give birth naturally, but in 70% of cases a caesarean section is performed. There is no need to be afraid of this word; it is important to understand that only thanks to this procedure you will be able to see your children. And if you are planning another pregnancy after this, it will certainly happen. The caesarean section itself does not play any role in further fertilization. The main thing is that some time should pass for the body to renew its strength and health, at least 3 years.

I'm already 36 weeks pregnant. Many fears and anxieties are already left behind. And ahead is such a long-awaited joyful event - the appearance of a baby in the family. However, small unpleasant sensations still remain and haunt the mother.

This is pain in the abdominal cavity. There can be many reasons why pain occurs. And they cause great concern among pregnant women. No wonder. Because the expectant mother thinks and worries about the baby.

36 weeks pregnant lower abdomen hurts

At 36 weeks of pregnancy - a common and fairly common occurrence, as a rule, does not pose any danger. After all, a woman carries a little man inside herself. And the uterus greatly increases in size. Puts pressure on internal organs. In addition, a large belly causes a shift in the center of gravity. In addition, hormonal levels change, causing joints and ligaments to soften and relax. This leads to pain in the hip joints, pubic area and pelvic area. Therefore, pain in the lower abdomen is quite normal and natural. Especially in the last stages of pregnancy.

In addition, during pregnancy it may appear or worsen. There is no need to be ashamed of this problem. Contact your doctor as soon as possible. You will be prescribed the most suitable, safe remedy that will help you get rid of this disease.

If you experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, you can drink no-shpa. But if the pain does not go away after taking the pill, call an ambulance. Since pain, like during menstruation, can appear with. This indicates that the volume of amniotic fluid is too small. And the baby is very uncomfortable in the stomach. In addition, if you have oligohydramnios, it will be quite difficult for you to give birth.

36 weeks of pregnancy nagging abdominal pain

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, nagging pain in the abdomen can very often occur, as during menstruation. There is no need to be afraid of this. After all, nagging pain is an integral symptom in the last weeks of bearing a child. This is due to the appearance of spasms. During this period of time, the baby changes its location. His head is already below. The weight of the baby is concentrated in the center of the uterus. Because of this, the woman has the feeling that her stomach is slowly starting to sink. Because of this, nagging pain appears, which can periodically radiate to the back and lower back.

Unlike the beginning and middle of the period, at 36 weeks of pregnancy a woman can already take more medications. Therefore, to make the pain go away, take no-shpa.

Also, nagging abdominal pain can occur as a result of training contractions. They happen to almost all pregnant women. Nagging pain, as during menstruation, is often the reason that the body is preparing for future childbirth. But in this case, the pain is sudden. And after a few minutes it goes away. If the pain is prolonged, and is also accompanied by bleeding, immediately call an ambulance.

Among other things, nagging pain can occur when the uterus is in a state of increased tone. At week 36, such behavior of the uterus is highly undesirable. After all, it can cause oxygen starvation of the baby or the onset of premature birth. A distinctive feature of such pain is. If the pain does not disappear at rest and continues for more than one day, then you should consult a gynecologist. After all, the pregnancy needs to last at least two more weeks.

When nagging pain appears, many pregnant women begin to panic. Remember that you shouldn't be nervous. Try to calm down. No matter how difficult and scary it may be for you. Drink some water. Breathe deeply. Observe the sensations carefully. It often happens that when a woman comes to her senses and calms down, the pain immediately goes away.

If you are very worried about any abdominal pain, it is better to consult your doctor. The 36th week of pregnancy is the most crucial period. And you are doing the right thing by listening to your body. Don’t be afraid to call an ambulance again or ask your doctor a question. Not only your child’s health, but yours too, depends on you now. Do you think you have started? What if not? It's better not to guess. Go to the clinic and see for yourself. After all, only a doctor can accurately determine if your contractions are false or if real labor has begun. Your doctor has been monitoring your pregnancy. He knows the specifics of your health.

And most importantly, never self-medicate. After all, ignorance of the symptoms or uncertainty can cause bad consequences.

Remember that the 36th week of pregnancy is the period when you should be ready to go to the maternity hospital at any time. Everything you need should already be in your bag. Your phone should always be at hand. After all, contractions could start at any moment. And childbirth at 36 weeks is very common. So it’s better not to relax, thinking that you still have two whole weeks left.



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