Lemon balm. Indications and contraindications for the use of lemon balm

lemon balm

Lemon balm - the best herbal remedy for the heart

- a genus of perennials herbaceous plants, distributed in Europe, Central Asia, North America and Africa. Melissa officinalis, popularly known as " lemon balm", is the most popular type of this plant. Its name comes from the Greek word Μέλισσα - “honey bee”, and it is called lemon for its rich citrus smell.

The entire above-ground part of the plant is eaten. Lemon balm has many beneficial properties. It contains 0.33% essential oil, which contains essential human substances such as ascorbic, caffeic and ursolic acids, coumarins (anticoagulants indirect action), and also tannins, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium. Lemon balm is used as medicinal product from time immemorial. The first mentions of it can be found in the works of ancient healers. In the early Middle Ages, compresses made from crushed lemon balm leaves were used to heal insect bites. The famous Avicenna spoke very positively about Melissa. The Persian scientist believed that it had a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and helped with melancholy.

Paracelsus later announced lemon balm the most useful plant for the heart of all that is on earth

Today, decoctions and tinctures of lemon balm are used not only for treatment cardiovascular diseases, but also for rheumatism, stomach atony, nerve diseases and as a sedative. Melissa tea is recommended for those who are regularly exposed to serious mental stress. It is generally believed that it helps concentration and improves memory. Lemon balm also has contraindications: it should be used with caution by people suffering from ulcers and arterial hypotension.

Methods of use and cultivation

Melissa oil has found application in the cosmetics and perfume industries. A couple of drops of lemon balm essential oil are good to add to baths for relaxation. Another area of ​​application of this unique plant- beekeeping. Beekeepers cultivate lemon balm because it is a valuable honey plant and can produce an excellent harvest for 20 years. In cooking, lemon balm is used not only for cooking herbal drinks, but also as a seasoning. It is included in the list of ingredients in many salads, soups, main courses, pickles, etc.

Interestingly, if you rub lemon balm on your skin, bees will not bite you.

Growing lemon balm is not difficult even for a novice gardener. Mint can be easily grown from seeds. It is demanding on the soil, but is quite unpretentious in care. You can sow in the spring, when stable warm weather sets in, or in the fall “before winter.” The soil should be nutritious, thoroughly loosened, fertilized with humus. The seeds do not need to be buried too deeply; just sprinkle them lightly with soil.

Melissa – medicinal plant, which is popularly called lemon balm or lemon grass for its lemony aroma. Melissa officinalis is a perennial plant, reaching a height of 0.5-1 meter, green in color, the stem is erect, and tetrahedral, highly branched. The leaves are dark green on the upper side, lighter below, with jagged edges. The flowers of the plant are white or pink, collected in the upper leaves. The special smell of lemon balm is due to the essential oils contained in it; for such a pleasant lemon aroma it is used in cooking as a seasoning.

This is a well-known medicinal spicy-aromatic plant that has accompanied humanity for more than 2 millennia. It has been known since ancient times, it was used in Ancient Rome and Greece, as evidenced by the memoirs in the work ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus, History of Plants. The ancient Egyptians used lemon balm to stimulate the appetite. Currently, the plant grows wild in Central and Southern Europe, countries North Africa, North America, Middle, and Central Asia. This plant is cultivated throughout Europe and North America.

Harvesting and storing lemon balm

Raw materials are harvested before the beginning of the flowering period, since the content of essential oils in the leaves at this time is maximum. The collected sheet must be laid out thin layer and dry at approximately 35 degrees. Dry raw materials are stored in bags that do not allow air to pass through, or in tightly closed containers in dry places, away from direct sun rays. The storage period should not exceed 12 months. To obtain essential oil use only fresh plants, which participate together with water vapor in the distillation process.

Use in everyday life

Having a pleasant lemon smell and aroma, the leaves and young shoots of lemon balm are used in American and European cuisine as a seasoning for salads, sauces, soups, mushroom dishes, meat, fish, as well as in pickling and canning homemade cucumbers and tomatoes. In dry form, the herb is added to tea, flavored compotes, kvass and other drinks, and also used to ferment cabbage. IN fresh Chopped lemon balm is added to summer salads, giving them an aromatic taste, which makes them more healthy. The dried herbs of the plant are used either alone or in combination with other herbs in vegetable, meat and fish salads, as well as in omelettes and rice dishes.

Fresh leaves of the plant are used in the preparation of sauces and any soups (fruit, vegetable, pea, potato). Since lemon balm is a very delicate spice, it should be added 1-3 minutes before the end of cooking, or even better, into the finished dish.

Added to extragone, lemon balm adds flavor to steamed vegetables and apples. good taste. Possessing pleasant smell In industry, lemon balm is used to flavor tea, vinegar, and to flavor liqueurs and tinctures.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. The composition of lemon balm includes: 0.1-0.3% essential oil, coumarins, bitterness, mucus, resins and other biologically active substances.
  2. The plant is also rich in carotenoids, vitamins B1, B2, C, macroelements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and microelements (manganese, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel).
  3. The healing properties of lemon balm have been known since ancient times. It is used for nervous disorders oh, and as a digestive aid.
  4. Having an analgesic and antispasmodic effect, lemon balm is prescribed for disorders digestive system, headaches, insomnia, painful menstruation.
  5. The plant is very useful for neuroses, mild forms coronary disease heart, dyskinesia, dysbacteriosis, acute and chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, acute and chronic ailments of the upper respiratory tract, dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers ah, for toxicosis during pregnancy.
  6. Melissa officinalis is widely used in pediatric pharmacology. It is used to treat childhood neuroses, rheumatism, in pediatric herbal medicine for heart defects, to treat chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus and obesity.
  7. In folk medicine, lemon balm is used in the form of infusions, as a laxative and diaphoretic, and also for the treatment of headaches, atherosclerosis, hypertension, anemia, bronchial asthma, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Externally it is used in the form of compresses and poultices for the treatment of rheumatism, ulcers, bruises, and for rinsing oral cavity for gum diseases.
  8. Ibn Sina wrote in his treatises that lemon balm invigorates and strengthens the heart, helps with brain blockages, and eliminates “bad” breath.
  9. The Arabs were the first to appreciate the medicinal benefits of lemon balm. They used this herb to treat epilepsy, mental illness, and melancholy. In the Middle Ages it was used to strengthen the heart and lift the spirit.
  10. In France, lemon balm was added to food to maintain the strength of women in labor. In Bulgaria it is used as an analgesic, antispasmodic, tonic nervous system increases appetite.
  11. It is used externally in the form of infusions and compresses, for rinsing the mouth and gums, as well as for boils. In Poland, the plant is used as an analogue of valerian root.
  12. According to scientists, lemon balm has a calming effect, strengthens the heart muscle, and stimulates the nervous system. In patients who regularly take drugs based on it, attacks of tachycardia stop.
  13. It has a beneficial effect on the stomach, brain, and has good action for dizziness, tinnitus. Melissa improves gastrointestinal function intestinal tract, especially when bloated, has a calming effect.
  14. It is also widely known as a pain reliever. An infusion of lemon balm leaves and shoots is used for neuralgia, insomnia, anemia, digestive system disorders, and also as a laxative and diaphoretic.
  15. Melissa is widely used in pharmaceuticals in the preparation of packaged medicinal teas, herbs and decoctions.
  16. Essential oil, obtained from lemon balm, found wide application in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical, alcoholic beverage industries.
  17. In many countries, lemon balm essential oil is used in the perfume industry.
  18. In Ukraine, this plant is usually called “queen plant”, as it is used for female diseases.
  19. Use in folk medicine

    Soothing tea

    Melissa is very suitable for nervous, highly excitable people who cannot calm down and fall asleep in the evening. In this case, it is recommended to brew lemon balm tea: pour 3 teaspoons of finely chopped lemon balm leaf with 250 grams of boiling water, cover with a lid, and then let it brew for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups per day. If you add honey to tea, its effect as a sleeping pill is enhanced. The infusion is indicated for dizziness, headaches, and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. You can prepare tea in another way. To do this you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for about one hour, strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

    The use of lemon balm for kidney diseases

    For hepatic colic, you can prepare the same solution as indicated above, but instead of 1 liter of water, you need to take 0.5 liters, leave for 1 hour and take 125 grams 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

    Tincture for tinnitus and neuroses

    For tinnitus, you need to prepare the following solution: 10 grams of fresh herb, pour 30 ml of vodka, leave for a week in a dark place, strain through double gauze, instill 3 drops into each ear at night. An alcoholic tincture of lemon balm, prepared from essential oil, is used for neuroses of the heart and stomach and as a sleeping pill, and when used externally as a rub. The tincture is especially good in the cold season, as it mobilizes protective properties body.

    Soothing baths

    Having a soothing property, lemon balm is also used for cooking. medicinal baths. 50-60 grams of herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave to brew for 10 minutes, strain and pour into the bathroom.

    Melissa essential oils for colds and viral diseases

    To treat cough, inhalations are prepared from the oil. Mix 3 drops of oil with honey, add a little water, breathe for 15 minutes. The same infusion is suitable for the treatment of stomatitis and gingivitis; lemon balm oil applications are also used. This oil effectively fights viruses; it is indicated for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections as inhalations.

    The use of lemon balm for headaches and nervous tension

    For relaxation and relief nervous tension you need to take a bath with lemon balm oil. Place 5 drops of oil into the bath. The duration of such a bath is 30-40 minutes. The oil can be used in combination with olive and peach oil.

    Contraindications for use

    Melissa is contraindicated in patients suffering from arterial hypotension, as well as in cases of individual intolerance components of the drug. In case of significant one-time use, it can cause prolonged drowsiness and apathy.

Melissa is a perennial plant with a branched root system and a stem height of 20 to 75 cm. Its leaves contain 0.05% essential oils, characterized by a subtle citrus aroma and spicy taste. The plant is also different high concentration vitamin C, flavonoids and organic acids. Due to this, it is widely used in official and folk medicine. How is lemon balm useful for our body, and in what cases should it not be used?

Features of the collection and preparation of lemon balm

To get the maximum benefit from a plant, it must be properly collected and subsequently stored. IN medicinal purposes For lemon balm, only shoots and young leaves are used until it begins to bloom. That's why optimal time its collection is during June. At this time, the plant is literally filled with juices and has highest concentration phytoncides and healing components. Melissa grows on the edges of mountain forests, on river banks and clean reservoirs. If possible, it can easily be planted in your own garden plot, since it can easily overwinter in open ground.

As for storage, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • during drying, lemon balm should not be mixed with other medicinal herbs;
  • It is better to store it in a tin can or clothes bag.

Beneficial properties of lemon balm

In aroma and vaguely in taste, lemon balm resembles mint. It has a pleasant lemon aroma, which often dominates even in herbal mixtures. Melissa leaves contain large number saponins and tannins. B vitamins, vitamin C, selenium, manganese, iron and potassium are just a small part of the microelements present in the plant.

Most often, lemon balm is used as a natural sedative. This is the main area of ​​its application, since the plant has a pronounced relaxing effect on the body. Therefore, lemon balm tea is especially effective for neuroses, chronic stress, nervous fatigue. Pediatricians recommend giving it to children fresh tea from lemon balm leaves overnight. The permitted children's brewing ratio is 1 tsp. dry raw materials per 250 ml of water.

Melissa flowers are useful for colic, poor digestion And unstable work Gastrointestinal tract. Its systematic use helps to normalize the activity of the intestines, liver, gall and pancreas. An infusion based on it is useful for irregular bowel movements and stomach cramps, increased gas formation and gastritis.

Melissa has proven its effectiveness as a good antiviral agent. Brewed according to the classical scheme, it enhances the immune response and strengthens the body while fighting the disease. For these purposes, lemon balm leaf tea goes well with blueberry, cranberry or lingonberry juice.

It can be brewed with high blood pressure, asthma, dizziness, skin diseases.

Melissa oil

In pharmacology, essential oil extract from lemon balm is widely used. It is used as a base for ointments for rheumatic pain and in female medications to stabilize hormonal levels during menopause. For those who suffer from insomnia, doctors recommend dropping lemon balm oil into an aroma lamp and inhaling its aroma. This guarantees sound and healthy sleep.

You can resort to natural oil lemon balm and for cosmetic purposes. It relieves redness and effectively fights acne. It is used both in pure form, lubricating a cotton pad, or in combination with other oils. Girls suffering from oily hair, can solve this problem by enriching their shampoo with a few drops of lemon balm oil. It will improve performance sebaceous glands, will make hair manageable and add natural, natural shine.

Tea made from lemon balm leaves is an excellent immune stimulant. Its effectiveness in the fight against seasonal colds and bronchial diseases has been proven. It needs to be brewed in the same proportion as almost any other herb: one teaspoon per glass of boiling water. To achieve best effect lemon balm is best combined with green tea(in equal proportions), linden and honey. If you don’t want the extra hassle of straining the tea, you can immediately buy the bagged version.

Melissa contraindications

Since this is a medicinal herb, it has certain restrictions on its use. It should not be drunk by people suffering arterial hypotension (low blood pressure). Before use, it is also worth monitoring whether there is an individual allergic reaction to the components that make up lemon balm. Therefore, you need to start with small volumes.

Technologies for brewing lemon balm based on purpose

Depending on the problem, lemon balm can be used in the following ways:

  1. If you have problems falling asleep and increased excitability, you need to make a steam based on young lemon balm leaves. For 1 liter of boiling water you need to take 15-20 g of dry raw materials, mix and leave to steep for 20 minutes. It is advisable to drink the resulting infusion at night, 1 glass. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey to it.
  2. In case of migraine, the following proportion is used: 1 tbsp. pour dry and crushed lemon balm leaves into a standard glass hot water(up to 95°C). Leave the infusion for 1 hour. The optimal dosage is ½ glass before each meal.
  3. To treat bruises and rheumatism at home, you can use the following recipe: 2 tbsp. lemon balm leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover the container with a lid, remove and leave to infuse for 45 minutes. The resulting steam must be filtered and used for compresses on problem areas.
  4. For gum disease and toothache, an infusion of lemon balm leaves and tops is used. It is enough to take 1 tbsp. all components of the plant and pour boiling water over them (250 ml is enough). Leave to infuse, covered, for 1 hour, then strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product several times a day.
  5. From unstable menstrual cycle naturopaths recommend the following infusion option. 15 g of dry and crushed herbs need to be poured with 180 g of strong boiling water. The maximum infusion time is 1 hour. This steam can be used in the form of tea or warm baths.

Another area in which this medicinal herb has proven itself successfully is proper nutrition. It is low in calories - only 45 kcal per 100 g. Tea or infusion of lemon balm in combination with healthy food will help in the fight against extra pounds, because it “accelerates” metabolism. It also promotes gentle cleansing intestines, avoiding constipation. And due to the fact that lemon balm has a sedative effect on the nervous system, people do not break down by overeating junk food.

How to prepare an infusion of lemon balm specifically for the purpose of losing weight? Take 10 g of chopped herb and pour 1 glass of boiling water over it. Brew for an hour and strain. You need to drink the drink half an hour before meals, 70-100 ml (approximately half a glass). It is advisable not to prepare tea for future use throughout the day.

You can enhance the effect of the drink by adding honey, ginger or mint to it.

Another option for using lemon balm on a diet is a nutritional shake. To prepare it you will need two fresh cucumber, cut into small cubes, and a bunch of chopped lemon balm leaves. Mix the ingredients and fill them with 500 ml of low-fat yogurt. This great alternative snack or light summer dinner.

A tonic drink based on lemon balm leaves will appeal to those who are looking for an affordable and safe remedy to increase performance. Mix 10 g of thyme, lemon balm and blackberry leaves, 3-5 rose hips and a handful of calendula. Take 20 g of the resulting mixture and pour 300 ml of boiling water over it. Let it sit for at least one hour. Nutritionists recommend drinking up to 70-100 ml of infusion 2-3 times a day.

External use of lemon balm leaves

The unique effect of lemon balm on the body is not limited to its use in the form of steam. It is also effective in combating skin rashes, inflammation of tissues and muscles. For these purposes, it must be brewed in the following proportion: 4 tbsp. dried herb for 1 liter of boiling water. The spray should sit for an hour, after which it can be soaked into a bandage or gauze and applied to the problem area. It works very well in combating irritations on the face. It is better to use cotton pads only for treating small areas.

In case of skin ulcers, polyarthritis or joint pain, you need to grind the lemon balm leaves to a fine crumb. Pour boiling water over them (for 20 g of leaves - a glass of water), leave to infuse, cool and apply the pulp to the body.

The effectiveness of lemon balm and ordinary alcohol are greatly enhanced. This tincture is used for rubbing or as an immune stimulant. To cook this universal remedy, you will need 50 g fresh leaves lemon balm and 250 ml of alcohol or vodka. Dry raw materials need to be crushed in a blender or ground in a mortar, folded into glass jar, pour alcohol and cover with a lid. Then put it in a dark place for 3 weeks. Alcohol tincture take 15 drops before each full meal.

Melissa can be grown on windowsills, planted in the garden or collected from organic foxes. Well, or just buy it at the pharmacy. It has been found that people who love lemon balm tea have a fresh complexion and can better cope with daily psychological stress. They have stronger immunity and everyone works more harmoniously digestive tract. Melissa is especially useful for older people and hyperactive children.

Video: beneficial properties of lemon balm

Melissa is a godsend for women. Infusions and teas with this plant bring order hormonal background, and thanks to its calming effect, lemon balm helps to cope with irritability during PMS and alleviate a woman’s condition during menstruation.

During pregnancy, with moderate consumption, lemon balm eliminates nausea and vomiting due to toxicosis. And during breastfeeding, this plant is not at all interchangeable - lemon balm naturally increases lactation.

For men

Men should be careful when consuming lemon balm. In no large quantities it tones the body and helps cope with stress. But if abused it will more harm than good, as this will negatively affect potency.

For children

Tea with lemon balm improves memory and helps children absorb information at school. Pediatricians often advise including lemon balm tea in the diet of hyperactive children. who have difficulty concentrating and cannot sit in one place for a long time. This will help them calm down and focus on their studies.

A prerequisite before consuming lemon balm is to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Chemical composition of a medicinal plant

100 grams of lemon balm contain 3.7 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 8 g of carbohydrates and 49 kcal. The essential oil content in the leaves of the plant is approximately 0.2% and is determined by geographical and climatic conditions.

The essential oil components in lemon balm are monoterpenes.– natural hydrocarbons (citral, geraniol, nerol), as well as plant organic compounds aromatic series - phenylpropanoids (rosmarinic acid). Melissa contains sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, vitamins A, B, C and PP.

Indications for use

  • Increased emotional excitability.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Ringing in the ears, headache.
  • Depression, apathy.
  • Respiratory tract diseases.

Can it cause harm?

Before starting treatment with lemon balm, you should definitely consult your doctor. Melissa itself is harmless, but you should not consume it in large quantities.

Side effects

At long-term use lemon balm tea or tincture of its leaves may cause side effects. This is expressed in general weakness, fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy appear. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur.

If you are hypersensitive to the substances that make up lemon balm, itching, cramps and heartburn may occur.


Instructions on how to use this herb for medicinal purposes

For medical purposes for treatment various diseases lemon balm tea, tincture and decoction of its leaves are used. In addition, compresses and lotions are used. Infusions and decoctions from this plant should be drunk in small portions several times a day for 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to drink lemon balm tea at night. The course of treatment should not exceed three months.

For prevention

To strengthen the immune system, improve the overall health of the body and lift your mood, it is useful to drink a cup of lemon balm tea before bed. For greater effect, you can add a teaspoon of honey. This tea will warm you up and prevent you from getting sick when cold. autumn evenings when the body is most vulnerable to viruses.

To make tea, add a glass of boiling water to a few lemon balm leaves. Drink warm for 2 weeks.

For depression

Internal tension, anxiety and stress can become signs of depression. To eliminate them, traditional medicine recommends regularly taking herbal infusions and decoctions.

The most common prescription for depression is lemon balm, which has a tonic effect and is known for its antidepressant effects. This medicinal plant has long been used to treat nervous disorders and anxiety.

Tea and lemon balm infusion can help cope with depression. It is better to drink tea at night, after meals. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed lemon balm leaves into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour under a closed lid. Strain the finished infusion and drink in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is individual and prescribed by a doctor.

For tinnitus

Melissa officinalis is a good helper in the fight against tinnitus. A tincture of this herb is especially effective, which, to enhance the effect, is recommended to be drunk with the addition of honey.

20 grams of lemon balm must be poured into a liter of boiling water and left for an hour. Drink a glass of warm tincture three times a day. The course of treatment is 7 – 10 days.

For arrhythmia

Melissa officinalis will help cope with attacks of arrhythmia and dizziness. Its calming effect has a beneficial effect on the heart and central nervous system. Melissa can be used as a tincture or add a couple of leaves to tea.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of small lemon balm leaves into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Drink half a glass several times a day after meals.

Melissa for arrhythmia is effective both separately and as part of a mixture. Most often in herbal teas In addition to it, angelica roots, valerian and mint leaves are added. The course of treatment is 10 – 14 days.

As a choleretic

Melissa infusion improves the functioning of the intestines and pancreas. The rosmarinic and caffeic acids contained in the plant enhance bile secretion and perfectly cleanse the body.

To help the body get rid of bile, pour 2 tablespoons of dry lemon balm leaves with 2 cups of boiling water. After 2-3 hours, you can drink the infusion. It is recommended to consume half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 10 – 14 days.

For bronchitis

Melissa – good helper in the treatment of respiratory diseases, including bronchitis. A tincture from this plant thins mucus, removes it from the bronchi and prevents further education. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, lemon balm prevents germs from entering the lungs.

To get rid of bronchitis, you need to grind lemon balm leaves into powder (you should get a teaspoon), add the juice of two lemons and 2 teaspoons of honey (boil the honey before adding). Take in acute period diseases one teaspoon every half hour. The course of treatment is a maximum of 7 days.

For the nervous system

Melissa is a good sedative and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. This plant has long been known for its ability to restore sleep, relieve nervousness and irritability. Melissa infusion copes well with stomach pain caused by stress.

To prepare the infusion, pour 3 teaspoons of chopped lemon balm into a glass of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for two hours. The finished infusion should be drunk in small portions throughout the day.. The course of treatment is 10 – 14 days.

What is it used for in cosmetology?

  • Melissa essential oil is highly valued in cosmetology. Thanks to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties the oil fights inflammation and irritation on the skin well, helps get rid of acne.
  • Shampoo with the addition of lemon balm oil eliminates dandruff and excess greasiness in the hair, and the balm gives the hair smoothness and a pleasant smell.
  • Lotions and tinctures based on lemon balm improve skin elasticity and give it healthy looking and have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Melissa oil can be used in an aroma lamp and rubbed into the skin during a massage.

Melissa is a real storehouse of vitamins and an excellent assistant in the fight against such serious diseases as bronchitis, arrhythmia and depression. It’s not for nothing that they call her “ female grass", because lemon balm can correct hormonal levels, eliminate the effects of PMS and is irreplaceable for breastfeeding. Women also trust this plant for their youth and beauty.

However, everything should be in moderation and you shouldn’t overuse lemon balm. Like everyone else medicinal herbs, it has contraindications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with. Better yet, consult a doctor.

This plant has several names, popularly known as lemon aroma, lemon grass or lemon balm. Melissa – medicinal properties and the contraindications are well known to healers; the herb was used to treat insomnia, neurosis, and was added to drinks in some recipes for weight loss. This medicine is taken in the form of infusions, decoctions, the herb is added to baths, tea; in cosmetology, lemon balm essential oil is often used, which has a beneficial effect. therapeutic effect on the skin.

What is lemon balm

Melissa officinalis is a plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family; it reaches a height of more than 50 centimeters. This perennial herb has an erect branching with a tetrahedral stem, opposite petiolate, heart-shaped, ovate, coarsely toothed leaves covered with soft hairs. Small pale pink or white flowers are located on short stalks. The plant blooms in the 2nd year of life in mid-summer. The fruits of the grass are 4 brownish ovoid nuts. The Mediterranean region is considered to be the birthplace of lemon balm.

The flower spread across Europe from Ancient Rome, where it was grown several thousand years ago. In the homeland of lemon balm, the grass is considered a weed; it grows, as a rule, in grassy areas, open forests, in shady bushes, on river banks and along roadsides. Now lemon balm grows actively in Russia, Central Asia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Crimea.

Chemical composition

Useful properties lemongrass have made it one of the most common medicines available to everyone. Few contraindications wide range medicinal positive effects associated with chemical composition herbs. The plant includes the following components:

  • resins;
  • flavonoids;
  • bitterness;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins B, C, D;
  • tannins;
  • biologically active substances;
  • caffeic, rosmarinic acids;
  • macro- and microelements, for example: potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, calcium, nickel, vanadium, molybdenum, chromium, manganese.

Benefits for the body

The beneficial properties of lemon balm extend to many body systems. The plant has a sedative effect, has antispasmodic, sedative, hypnotic effect. It is recommended to take lemon balm tea to reduce blood pressure or for heart diseases, the herb has expectorant, anticonvulsant, astringent, hypoglycemic medicinal properties.

Decoctions and infusions of this plant have proven themselves well in anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial therapy; lemon balm has antiallergic and antioxidant effects. Medicines based on this herb contribute to:

  • decrease in heart rate;
  • improves appetite;
  • elimination of fermentation anomalies;
  • stimulate secretion gastric juice;
  • reductions blood pressure;
  • increased gastric motility (improves digestion);
  • activation of the intrasecretory function of the thyroid gland;
  • getting rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • therapy of migraines, nervous disorders, insomnia, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, anemia, gout, bruises, flatulence, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, dyskinesia, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis.

Application of lemon balm

In folk medicine and many pharmaceutical drugs The medicinal properties of lemon balm are used. At different types pathologies use certain dosage forms plants. In some cases, baths with the addition of herbs will be much more effective than taking a decoction or infusion. Traditional medicine recipes are aimed at therapy specific pathologies or general maintenance of the health of the human body.

Treatment of viral diseases

Medicinal properties medicinal fees from lemon balm help cope with inflammation and colds. For respiratory ailments, flu, and fever, this herb is used. The plant has properties that help relieve fever, increase diaphoretic processes, and effectively fight almost all colds. Children over 3 years of age and adults are allowed to take decoctions and infusions (without alcohol).

For the kidneys

From medicinal raw materials based on lemon balm, you can prepare a solution that will help cope with hepatic colic. You need to take 125 g of dry herb and leave it in 0.5 liters of water for 1 hour. Drink the infusion on an empty stomach 3 times a day. There are no contraindications for taking the herb for kidney stones. The plant has astringent action. Has a diuretic and analgesic effect.

Melissa is not independent means treatment of this pathology, it is part of complex therapy. To enhance therapeutic effect herbs are used additional components, plants. For the treatment of kidney stones, it is recommended to take a tincture of the herb according to the following recipe:

  • mix mint, lemon balm, chamomile flowers 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pour the collection with 200 ml of boiling water;
  • let it brew for about 30 minutes;
  • drink 200 ml per day.

For the nervous system

Folk recipes cooking plants have sedative effect. Infusions and decoctions are used in complex therapy for the treatment of nervous diseases. The components of the plant calm the nervous system, the medicine helps to cope with:

  • stress;
  • insomnia;
  • neuroses;
  • irritability.

Strengthening the immune system

Often the impetus for the activation of a cold or nervous disease is a weakened immune defense person. As long as the body is able to resist microbes, diseases do not manifest themselves in any way to viruses, so it is very important to maintain immunity. Melissa contains elements that help strengthen immune status, vitamins strengthen protection. Recommended during periods of possible epidemics colds drink lemon balm tincture for preventive purposes.

Melissa in folk medicine

The plant was originally used by traditional healers who noticed the wide range of medicinal properties of lemon balm. This is one of the most popular plants in folk medicine for preparing infusions, decoctions, and essential oils. The plant is used for tachycardia, melancholy, neuralgia, and, if necessary, to reduce the heart rate, relieve spasms and pain in the stomach, dizziness, and slow down breathing. Women often use lemon balm essential oils for anti-aging baths.

Decoctions and infusions

There are several options for preparing lemon balm for oral administration. An infusion, decoction or tincture is prepared from medicinal raw materials. The preparation method is selected depending on the disease. The following cooking rules exist:

  1. Infusion. This option does not use alcohol; you will need water heated to 60 degrees Celsius. For 0.5 liters, add 8 teaspoons of lemon balm leaves. Pour everything into a thermos and leave for 6 hours so that the liquid is saturated with the medicinal properties of the plant. You need to drink 100 ml of the product 3 times a day. The infusion is recommended for use for: nervous diseases, overwork, gastrointestinal dysfunction, overexcitation, irritability, insomnia, gum pathologies. The remaining inflorescence of the plant is used to apply compresses for radiculitis, muscle pain, and bruises.
  2. Melissa tincture. The essential oil of the plant is highly soluble in alcohol. This is the basis for preparing tinctures. For 3 parts of vodka or 40% alcohol you need 1 part of raw materials. Infuse for 2 weeks in a sealed container. It is necessary to drink the tincture orally for the treatment of pathologies that are included in the list of indications for treatment with lemon balm. The frequency of administration and dosage is selected individually by the doctor or traditional healer. The tincture has healing properties when treating tinnitus, in this case it is instilled using a pipette, 4 drops into each ear canal.
  3. Decoction. For preparation you will need 500 ml of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of dry lemon balm leaves. After boiling, let the water cool for 5 minutes, place the herbs on the bottom of the glass container and fill with liquid. Cover the container with a lid and let the product brew for 30 minutes.

Melissa tea

Tea with this ingredient is excellent antiviral agent. It is acceptable to combine black or green variety for brewing. This remedy is an option for the prevention of bronchopulmonary and colds. Good for brewing plants green tea and honey, it turns out delicious drink with lemon scent. Raw materials can be grown directly on your plot at the dacha or found in some fields, they are also sold ready fees. Preparing tea is no different from the usual process of brewing a drink.


The medicinal properties of the plant are very versatile, they are used effectively traditional medicine. There are some limitations that you need to know before use. It is not recommended to drink an infusion or decoction if:

  • There is a need to drive or control complex mechanisms. The medicine has a sedative effect, which can interfere with concentration and lead to an accident.
  • A child is less than 3 years old and his or her fragile body may react unconventionally to some properties of the plant;
  • Epilepsy has been diagnosed, this is a contraindication for taking the medicine.
  • A person has allergic reaction or increased sensitivity to the components of the herb.
  • Diagnosed renal failure, this is a contraindication for taking the drug;
  • A person has low blood pressure sedatives for such pathology are contraindicated;
  • There are problems with potency. Frequent use this remedy leads to a decrease in sexual activity.




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