Braces before and after: photos. What is put after braces?

Aesthetic dentistry is one of the most in-demand areas in the oral care industry.

Every person wants to have a perfect smile, so the use of orthodontic structures is becoming increasingly popular.

In addition to a beautiful appearance, aligning teeth relative to each other helps prevent their destruction and inflammation of the periodontal canals.

Basic active ingredient bracket systems - a power arc that affects the dentition and brings its elements into correct position relative to each other and jaw line. The arch is held in the desired position by a set of brackets that are fixed in the center of each tooth.

Despite the variety of forms and materials of manufacture, the principle of operation of braces remains unchanged. It is based on slight mobility of the elements of the dentition. With prolonged force, the teeth move slightly into the desired position.

This happens gradually, so it does not cause any discomfort. To consolidate the effect for some time after removing the braces, dentists recommend using retainers - special clamps that prevent the teeth from returning to their original position. It is also possible to install a cap.


The difference between bracket systems lies in the option of their fixation on the tooth surface: they can be located on visible side or hidden in the inside of the jaw. Based on the material used, there are also several types of orthodontic structures.

Vestibular ligatures

Vestibular braces are the most common option when correcting the bite. The power arc in this design is located on outside dentition and is attached to the brackets using ligature fasteners.

Most often, a nickel-titanium alloy is used for its manufacture - a material that has shape memory and returns to its original position when deformed.

Ligatures in such systems can be of two types:

  • Rubber rings need to be replaced when the arc is regularly tightened to the desired level.
  • Metal wires are most often used at the beginning of the course of treatment to create a rigid structure.

Vestibular self-ligating

In vestibular self-ligating brace systems, placement is also carried out on the outer part of the dentition, but there is no ligature.

The plates attached to the teeth are connected to each other using a metal arc. It is secured using special locks: spring clips or latches.

These mounts are designed to block the arc, not secure it. Due to this, the impact on the teeth occurs with less friction force than when using ligature analogues.

Self-ligating systems differ from ligature systems in being smaller in size. They cause less discomfort when wearing and are more convenient to care for.


Lingual braces are fixed on the inside of the teeth. Due to the rather deep placement, the structural elements are not noticeable during communication. In addition, they are smaller in size compared to their vestibular counterparts.

Each structural element is made after the formation of a 3D model of the jaw, which makes it possible to take into account all the factors influencing the effectiveness of subsequent treatment. Due to a fairly strong impact on the teeth with the help of lingual braces, you can get rid of many anomalies in the structure of the dentition.

Thanks to the location with inside the design does not prevent the dentist from assessing the intermediate result during the treatment process and adjusting it if necessary.


Metal bracket systems are made of medical steel, which does not cause allergic reactions. In some cases, they may contain titanium. Most often, such structures have a vestibular ligature structure.

The arc of the system is capable of remembering the shape given to it during manufacture. When installed on the jaw, it tends to return to its original position, creating pressure on the dentition.

Metal braces are quite reliable; they are installed in cases where the treatment can last for long time. They do not become deformed during chewing of solid food and are quite easy to care for.


The braces plates, made from artificially grown sapphire, are absolutely transparent and invisible. They are not prone to oxidation and color change under the influence of coloring products.

Thanks to giving sapphire round shape, damage to the mucous membrane oral cavity can't happen. Getting used to the design occurs quickly, and allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Despite its strength, sapphire belongs to the category of brittle materials, so it can crack upon impact. For these reasons, such systems are not used when there are significant irregularities in the alignment of the teeth in relation to the jaw and each other.


Ceramic othodontic systems are inferior in strength to metal analogues, but have a more aesthetic appearance. Strong fixation of the plates allows you to avoid their tearing off the tooth surface under severe system overloads. The ceramic surface of the plates merges with the enamel and is not stained by food coloring.

A significant disadvantage of ceramic braces is the relative fragility of the material., from which they are made. Therefore, if it is necessary to create strong pressure Such braces are not used to correct serious malocclusions.


Modern braces allow you to see the first result of correcting your bite within a few months after starting to use them.

The speed of obtaining the final result depends on the patient’s age, the complexity of the bite pathology and the structural features of the teeth. On average, bite correction is carried out in 1.5-2 years.

As a result of undergoing orthodontic treatment using braces, the patient gets rid of the following problems:

  • incorrect location of one or more teeth in relation to the others;
  • abnormal arrangement of the dentition relative to the elements of the second jaw;
  • too close placement of teeth;
  • large interdental spaces;
  • pathology at the connection of the upper and lower jaw.

Each of these problems can be resolved by wearing properly fitted braces. The sooner treatment begins, the higher its effectiveness and the faster the result.

Correction of specific bite pathologies

The use of braces is justified not only when there is a slight violation of the position of the teeth in relation to each other. With the help of these orthodontic systems, many serious malocclusions can be significantly corrected.

Open bite

In open bite pathology, the elements of the lower and upper jaws do not touch in some places: when they connect, a gap is formed. The reason for this deformation may be: abnormal development and the formation of the maxillofacial system and the injuries caused.

Elimination of this pathology requires serious and complex treatment, starting from childhood. It happens in several stages:

  • During the growth of baby teeth, vestibular types of removable braces are used.
  • For children over 6 years of age, vestibular type dental arches are installed.
  • At further treatment use the Engel apparatus or plates with a screw.
  • Teenagers and adults are fitted with orthodontic braces.

Depending on the complexity of the situation and the age of the person The duration of therapy is at least a year.

Deep bite

A deep bite is characterized by difficulty in completely closing both jaws. This makes it difficult to bite and chew food. To increase effectiveness, it is advisable to start therapy at childhood.

Children five to six years old are set various devices for correction of pathology and redistribution of chewing load on deformed teeth: Bruckle apparatus, plates with a bite surface. Starting from the age of 12, children are fitted with lingual and vestibular braces.

Timely start of treatment guarantees quick correction of the bite, without a retention period.


This malocclusion pathology is accompanied by the teeth crossing each other when the upper and lower jaws close. This leads to poor diction and problems with eating.

Treatment of crossbite should begin when primary teeth develop. Children are fitted with spring expansion plates and Frenkel regulators. Teenagers are advised to wear braces, which can be narrowed or widened in a certain area of ​​the dental arch.

In children's and adolescence crossbite easy enough to fix. In adult patients, surgery is often required.

Mesial bite

Mesial bite is characterized by the protrusion of the teeth of the lower jaw beyond the upper ones when they are connected. For children whose occlusion continues to form, special structures are installed to restrain the excessive development of the lower jaw, for example, the Brückle apparatus.

After completing the formation of the size of the jaws, they are used to correct the pathology. different types bracket systems: ligature or self-ligating. To fix the result, you may need to install retainers.

Distal bite

With a distal bite, the situation is the opposite: the teeth upper jaw protrude significantly forward in relation to the bottom row. This can lead to problems with diction, damage to the enamel and tissues of the oral cavity.

To eliminate pathology, braces are used. The fastest way to correct a bite is in childhood. To achieve a noticeable result, it most often takes no more than two years.

Diastemas and trema

If there are significant gaps between the teeth: three and diastema, a person may feel pain in the process of chewing food. You can get rid of this defect with the help of braces.

The essence of the treatment is to reduce the gaps between the teeth to the required size. The duration of wearing orthodontic devices often does not exceed one year.

Crowded teeth

If there is not enough space in the jaw, the problem may arise that the teeth are too close together and overlap each other.

There are two methods used to expand the jaw: sequential movement of each tooth due to the distribution of the load on them, or the removal of one or more elements of a row. The duration of elimination of a defect in the dental structure depends on the person’s age and characteristics anatomical structure jaws.

For many patients, braces become the ticket to new life. A life filled with joy, smiles and confidence in yourself and your abilities. After all, so much depends on a person’s smile. And it is quite understandable that people want to correct bite problems or crooked teeth. And braces can really radically change the situation. This is confirmed by the “before and after” photos. In this article we will look at what results can really be achieved using these leveling systems.

Why are braces worn?

The main purpose of braces is to correct the bite. A correct bite is known to be the key to a beautiful smile and proper digestion. Aligners can correct a large number of orthodontic problems.

With crooked teeth and malocclusion, along with external unattractiveness, problems such as:

  • deterioration in the functioning of the temporomandibular joint;
  • problems pronouncing any sounds;
  • impaired jaw growth;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • violation digestive system caused by poor chewing;
  • defects of the facial skeleton;
  • chronic viral infectious pathology (sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis);
  • loosening of the dental organs, which is caused by the lack of uniform distribution stress when chewing (there are even cases of tooth loss and the occurrence of periodontal disease);
  • Difficulty brushing your teeth.

The listed problems caused by malocclusion can be eliminated, or even prevented altogether, if you use braces.

These structures are increasingly also used before, so that the oral cavity is prepared for the upcoming implantation of an artificial root.

How do they work?

Leveling structures are a complex system. A separate plate (bracket, bracket, clasp) is attached to each tooth. Next, all these plates on the teeth of a row are connected with a metal arc.

The arc has unique property return to its original shape, which corresponds to the correct bite. Thus, as the arch gradually returns to the shape that was the original task, it also pulls the teeth along with it, helping them move to the right places.

The treatment process involves several arch corrections. It is either tightened, increasing pressure on the teeth, or replaced with a thicker and tougher one. How many times the arch will need to be changed or adjusted depends on the severity of the pathology and the design used.


Malocclusions today great amount. Some of them can be ignored, while others must be eliminated.

You need to straighten your teeth with braces when they are fully formed, that is, at permanent dentition. Such procedures are not recommended before primary teeth fall out. You can generally use braces from the age of 12.

Such leveling systems are indicated in the presence of gaps between the teeth, curvature of the dentition and malocclusion.


Let's consider absolute contraindications to installing braces:

  • autoimmune disorders;
  • chronic infectious diseases oral cavity;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the blood and skeletal system;
  • allergy to components of the material of the leveling structure.

Relative contraindications that can be gradually corrected:

  • periodontal disease;
  • bruxism;
  • the presence of infections in the oral cavity.

In addition to the listed situations when braces cannot be placed, it is worth highlighting separately the absence large quantity dental organs. In this case, the braces system will not lead to a positive result.

What are they?

Regarding the place of attachment, braces are also available.

The first type is distinguished by the fastening of a row of teeth on the front side. These braces are the most popular and varied. Different materials are used in their manufacture.

Lingual braces are attached with back side dentition. When communicating, they are completely invisible. The braces themselves are smaller in size than in vestibular apparatus, which makes wearing them more comfortable. However, often when using them, the patient’s diction is impaired.

Let's look at the types of braces relative to the material:

  1. - the most common type. Many doctors consider such products to be the most reliable. Their design has not changed over the years. You can even use them to solve serious problems. This type of braces is made mainly from stainless steel, medical titanium alloy and gold. Gold items are more expensive than others, but they give the patient status, and there are cases that due to an allergy to other metals, only they can be suitable for the patient.
  2. - aesthetic products. Their plates are made of artificial sapphires, for this reason they are transparent and invisible on the teeth. They do not stain, do not oxidize and do not cause allergies. The arc is made of metal, but it is often painted White color to reduce visibility. However, in terms of reliability, such braces are inferior to metal ones due to their sufficient fragility. When struck or strong influences they may break.
  3. - are also little noticeable on the teeth due to the fact that they can be made from a material that is maximally matched to the color of the teeth. Ceramics does not stain and does not lose its color. In addition, this material is hypoallergenic. However, it is also quite fragile, and the treatment period with such braces is longer than when using metal braces.
  4. (composite) - also considered aesthetic, but much more susceptible to breakage than sapphire and ceramic. Another disadvantage is their ability to be colored with food coloring. But they can be made in any shade, and if desired, a design can be applied to them.

Regarding the method of attaching the arch to the braces, two types of leveling structures are distinguished:

  1. - to fasten the arc they use thin wire or elastic rubber rings (ligatures). With their help, you can tighten the arc weaker or stronger.
  2. . They do not have additional fastenings. Instead, they are equipped with special locks with covers in which the arc is fixed.

What pathologies can be corrected?

Bite pathologies vary and may require different approach during treatment. Let's consider the main types of defects:

  1. Open bite - lack of closure of the upper and lower teeth (mainly the front teeth). It will be more effective to treat this problem in childhood, but adults also manage to get rid of it. Treatment of an open bite is not easy and often requires an integrated approach, including surgical methods.
  2. Deep bite - the lower row of teeth is partially or completely hidden under the upper one. At the same time, the enamel upper teeth usually wears off quickly. To correct this type of bite with braces, the lower dental organs are covered with special overlays designed to increase the bite. After they are removed, orthoelastics are attached to the braces to improve contact between the teeth.
  3. Crossbite is one of the rare types of defects. With it, during the closure of the jaws, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws intersect. Teeth in such a situation may have abnormal sizes. The rows can narrow or widen, giving facial asymmetry. Often, when eliminating this problem, it is necessary to remove some teeth and then treat the bite with braces.
  4. Mesial bite - the teeth of the lower row are moved forward relative to the upper. Patients with this problem have a strongly protruding chin and distorted speech. IN simple cases, such a pathology can be cured with braces. However, surgery will be required to change the size and position of the jaw.
  5. Distal overbite is a strong protrusion of the upper jaw over the lower jaw. The mouth of a patient with this problem is constantly open, and there is a fold on the chin. In severe cases of this anomaly, surgical treatment methods are used. In lighter ones, leveling structures can cope with them.
  6. Diastemas (gaps between the two front incisors of 1-6 mm) and trema (gaps between other teeth except the two front ones). Treatment is carried out using braces or by hiding the defect or.
  7. Crowding of teeth is the most common anomaly. It consists of teeth erupting outside the dental arch, overlapping them, and being in an unfolded state. Simple cases of this pathology can be corrected with braces in six months. Sometimes some “interfering” teeth have to be removed (mostly wisdom teeth).


The quality of the installation of braces largely depends on the correct preparation of the oral cavity for it.

At your first visit to the doctor, you need to draw up a treatment plan. If the patient has any dental diseases, they must be treated.

It is important at this stage to examine the patient for contraindications to the installation of structures and to study the condition of the joints.

There are also situations when it is necessary to remove living teeth from a patient that are interfering with alignment.

The installation of braces itself takes approximately 2 hours. The enamel is dried and coated with special glue. Each plate is glued in turn to the dental organ for which it is intended. After this, excess glue is removed from the tooth surface. Then polymerization is carried out so that the adhesive hardens, and an orthodontic arch is inserted into the braces.

What is the wearing time?

It is impossible to say exactly how long you will have to use braces. Even when a doctor plans treatment, the terms are determined only preliminary. They may be changed during treatment.

But on average, the systems are worn for at least a year. It happens that the correction procedure is delayed for several years.

The wearing life of the structures depends on clinical picture, and on the characteristics of the patient’s body. Age also plays a significant role. In childhood, it takes less time to correct the bite than in adults.

What to do if there is toothache while wearing the systems?

Pain after braces is installed is a natural reaction of the body. But it usually goes away no later than a week. During this period, the patient's condition can be alleviated by using painkillers (for example, ibuprofen). In this case, taking aspirin is undesirable, since this drug may lead to bleeding.

In order to reduce discomfort on the lips and gums, you can rinse your mouth saline solution up to three times a day.

On a note: The first week, it is better to eat soft foods. Attacks of exacerbation of pain can be eliminated by sucking on a piece of ice or eating ice cream.

Features of care

Those with braces must practice much better oral hygiene. Ignoring care can lead to gum inflammation.

The braces and leveling arch placed on the teeth greatly interfere with teeth cleaning, making it much more difficult. Therefore, teeth with braces should be brushed for at least 10 minutes after each meal. IN in rare cases When you don’t have a brush at hand, you can limit yourself to thoroughly rinsing the mouth.

To clean teeth with braces, use special brushes, brushes, irrigator and floss. After removing the systems, it is recommended professional cleaning teeth.

You should also be very careful with the systems. Do not eat foods that can damage its elements - crackers, chewing gum, toffee, tough meat. Hard vegetables and fruits should also be limited. Too high or too low temperatures can also have a bad effect on the structure.

If your teeth hurt after removing braces

It happens that the patient experiences pain after removing braces, and quite severe. This is explained by the fact that the teeth were accustomed to the position in braces, and it was much more familiar and convenient for them. Thanks to the ligaments, the teeth tend to their previous location. If you ignore this phenomenon, you can ruin your bite even more than it was originally.

Another cause of toothache when removing systems may be weakening of the enamel during wearing. In this case it is necessary special therapy to restore it when the teeth are covered by various means with a restorative effect. After this therapy, the pain goes away.

Retention period

The need to consolidate the result of braces is explained by the fact that the dental organs, after removing the leveling structures from them, tend to return to their original (incorrect) position.

The period of consolidation of the result after correction is called retention. It lasts approximately twice as long as treatment with braces.

The structures that are placed on the teeth after the braces are removed are called.

This is a metal arch that is attached to the back of the teeth using special glue. These devices are invisible and do not cause much discomfort. They can be permanent (non-removable thin splints that are placed in the groove on the teeth and covered with filling material), removable (), which remain on the surface of the teeth and can be removed if necessary (lip bumpers and elastic splints), and also presented in the form . Mouthguards are made of light and transparent material. They are literally pulled on by the teeth, which is almost imperceptible.

What to expect from treatment?

Braces are worn in order to correctly distribute all the elements of the dentition. During treatment, the specialist checks several stages of correct bite.

Let's consider the main criteria that the result obtained from braces must meet:

  • absence of pathological forms of bite;
  • completely restored functions of breathing, chewing and digestion;
  • eliminating all pathological complications caused by malocclusion;
  • arrangement of dental organs in accordance with international standards.

It is important that all these criteria are achieved after treatment. We should also not forget about the need for a retention period, which will secure the results of braces.


First of all, the price of braces depends on the material from which they are made. The complexity of the anomaly also plays an important role, which implies possible holding additional examinations, a certain number of doctor visits and the complexity of the work. In addition, the price will also depend on the status of the clinic.

Let's consider the average approximate cost different leveling structures:

  1. Metal products - from 12,000 rubles. Turnkey price from 23,000 to 85,000 rubles.
  2. Ceramic systems - 20,000 rubles. Turnkey price from 30,000 to 90,000 rubles.
  3. Sapphire - from 35,000 rubles. Turnkey price from 65,000 to 140,000 rubles.
  4. Lingual - 70,000 rubles. Turnkey price - up to 200,000 rubles.


Treatment with braces gives good results. With their help, many patients were able to get rid of some health problems and made their dream of perfect smile. Moreover, among such patients there are people different ages. The main thing you should pay close attention to before installing leveling systems is choosing a good and experienced specialist.

Braces are non-removable orthodontic structures used in dentistry to correct patients’ bites.

Due to its effectiveness, this method of correcting malocclusion has gained immense popularity. Every year new types and methods of installing braces appear.

In this article we will look at the types of braces and also understand how they work.

The design of braces is a complex system. An individual orthodontic bracket is bonded to each tooth. Then all attached elements are connected by an arc made of a special alloy.

The peculiarity of the arch is its ability to return to its original shape, corresponding to the correct bite. Gradually returning to the desired shape, the arch framing the dentition helps move the teeth in the desired direction.

During treatment, the doctor can adjust the operation of the arc, changing the force of its pressure, or even replace it with a more rigid one.

The decision to correct the operation of the arc is made by the doctor individually. The frequency of arch replacement depends on the type of orthodontic device chosen, as well as the complexity of the pathology.

Today, there are several types of bracket systems depending on the type of material from which they are made, as well as the method and location of their attachment.

The choice in favor of one type of brace or another is made by the patient, after consulting with the attending physician.


Vestibular ligatures

This type of braces is attached to the outside of the tooth. To connect each staple to the working arch, a special auxiliary element is used - a ligature. The ligature ensures reliable fastening of each staple to the arch, facilitating efficient work systems.


  • due to the presence of an additional element the system becomes massive, which makes it less aesthetically pleasing;
  • process hygiene care taking care of your teeth requires special care;
  • frequent visits to the orthodontist caused by the need to replace ligatures;
  • discomfort in the first days after installation.


Vestibular self-ligating

The special design of the system allows each bracket to fit tightly onto the archwire without using additional elements. Each bracket itself binds and fixes the arch, which ensures its freer movement with minimal pain for the patient.


  • The installation and removal process is faster and is easier to tolerate by the patient;
  • adjustments are made less frequently usually once every three months;
  • accelerated treatment;
  • ease of hygienic care.


  • price. Due to the complexity of the design, self-ligating braces cost almost twice as much as ligature braces.


They are attached to the inside of the teeth and are visually completely invisible. This is their main advantage.

In terms of time, the installation of this orthodontic device can last two, and in some cases, three times longer in comparison with vestibular systems. Lingual braces are significantly more expensive than all other types of systems; the price starts from 70 thousand rubles.


  1. Difficulty of installation and adjustments.
  2. Distorts the patient's diction.
  3. High price.
  4. Duration of treatment in comparison with external bracket systems.


This type of braces was one of the first to appear in dentistry. Thanks to the durable material, the design is reliable, and the treatment is as effective as possible, speeding up the process of straightening the teeth.

This type is the most affordable. The price for ligature metal braces starts from 15 thousand rubles. However, metal staples have poor aesthetic qualities compared to more discreet materials such as ceramics or sapphire.


  • the cheapest;
  • most effective.


  1. very noticeable;
  2. high level of traumatic material. Possible damage to the mucous membranes of the gums and cheeks; contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to metals.


The doctor selects ceramic braces according to the tone of the patient’s enamel, making them almost invisible. This material does not darken or deform, which makes the structure reliable and aesthetically pleasing.

Ceramics is a hypoallergenic material. This perfect option for use by persons suffering from hypersensitivity to metals.

The material is low-traumatic, which eliminates the possibility of damage to the mucous membranes of the gums and cheeks.

However, treatment ceramic braces may last longer than metal ones, 4 - 6 months.

They are more expensive than metal ones, but cheaper than sapphire ones.


  1. the structures are not very noticeable on the teeth;
  2. hypoallergenic, low traumatic material;
  3. among aesthetic systems - the most affordable option.


  • duration of treatment.


Absolutely transparent and invisible on the teeth. They do not distort diction and do not create discomfort, as they are practically not felt.

The treatment process is longer. To speed it up, it is necessary to carry out the correction procedure more often. It is also possible to use a metal arch, which will speed up the treatment process, but will make the braces more noticeable.

The sapphire construction is very fragile and requires special care Therefore, food products should be treated more responsibly. If possible, avoid hard foods such as nuts.

Price for sapphire braces starts from 30 thousand rubles.


  1. neat appearance.


  • fragility of the structure;
  • requires special hygienic care;
  • relatively high price, on average 30% more expensive than ceramic;
  • duration of treatment.

In the video, a dentist talks about the types of braces.


Treatment with braces is time-consuming and creates some inconvenience for the patient. At the same time, a correct bite is the key to a person’s health and the beauty of his smile. Correcting a bite with braces allows you to straighten your teeth and help a person gain self-confidence.

The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the bite, the age of the patient, the type of orthodontic device used, and the patient's compliance with the doctor's recommendations.

In adolescents, adjustment of the position of the teeth occurs faster; in adults, treatment takes from a year to two. IN difficult cases treatment can last up to four years.

It is worth keeping in mind that after removing the braces, the patient will need to wear mouth guards for some time in order to avoid the teeth shifting to their previous position. Without following this rule, all treatment may come to nothing.

In order for the treatment to be effective and the result to meet expectations, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Prepare teeth for braces, that is, to heal caries, remove plaque, etc. Teeth and gums must be absolutely healthy.
  2. Visit the orthodontist as scheduled to adjust the system.
  3. Follow your doctor's recommendations on oral hygiene and diet.
  4. After removing braces, the patient must wear mouthguards prescribed by a doctor term.

When choosing external or internal braces, you should listen to the doctor’s recommendations - depending on your bite, he will advise what will be more effective in your case.

Otherwise, the choice of system depends on you, in accordance with your wishes for the aesthetics of the system, price, and duration of treatment.

Correction of specific bite pathologies

Exist various pathologies bite development, each of which has certain types of difficulties.

Particularly complex defects cannot be cured without surgical intervention. In other cases, the bite can be corrected with braces.

Open bite

An anomaly in which the upper and lower teeth do not close with each other, forming a gap. Most often, such a gap forms between the front teeth, less often - between the side teeth.

Treatment is most effective in early childhood. However, a variety of brace systems allows you to correct this type pathologies in adult patients.

Treatment for open bite very complex and, as a rule, involves A complex approach using surgical methods.

Deep bite

A pathology in which the upper row of teeth completely or almost completely covers the lower one. This defect is characterized by rapid wear of the enamel of the upper teeth.

When correcting a deep bite with brace systems, special pads are installed on the lower teeth to increase the bite, then the lower pads are removed and orthoelastics are fixed to the brackets, designed to improve contact between the teeth.


One of the rarest pathologies in dentistry. It is characterized by the crossing of the teeth of the upper and lower rows when the jaws close. In this case, the teeth may be characterized by abnormal sizes, narrowing or widening of the dentition, which gives asymmetry of the face.

Often when correcting such a bite, the doctor surgically removes some teeth and only then installs braces.

Mesial bite

A fairly common malocclusion, in which the lower row of teeth is pushed forward in relation to the upper one. In patients with this pathology, the chin protrudes strongly and speech is distorted.

In the simplest cases, the position of the dentition is corrected using braces. But changing the size and position of the jaw itself occurs exclusively through surgical intervention.

Distal bite

In this case, the upper jaw protrudes significantly above the lower jaw. A person with this pathology, as a rule, always has a half-open mouth, and there is a fold on the chin.

In severe cases distal occlusion, when its cause is an anomaly in the development and relationship of the jaw bones, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

In other cases, the bite is corrected with braces. However, doctors often resort to using a face bow to achieve faster results.

Diastemas and trema

Diastema is a pathology of the two upper front incisors, characterized by a large distance, the so-called gap between the teeth (from 1 to 6 mm).

Tremas are the same pathology, but in this case, gaps are assumed between any other teeth except the two front incisors.

The treatment uses the method of correcting the position of the teeth by installing braces, or it is possible to close the resulting gap with artificial onlays, veneers and crowns.

Crowded teeth

One of the most common anomalies in dentistry. With this pathology, teeth erupt outside the dental arch, overlap each other and are in an unfolded form.

In the simplest cases, treatment with braces can last only 6 months. Often, in order to free up sufficient space in the dental arch, the doctor has to get rid of some teeth, primarily wisdom teeth.

Installation of lingual braces in this case is sometimes difficult due to the lack of free access to some teeth from the inside.

Interested in learning and seeing how your face changes after braces? We will provide the most striking results, before and after photos. They will give an idea of ​​how the oval of the face can change during the correction of an uneven bite.

The desire to improve a smile, restore straight teeth, and remove a heavy chin are the main motivations for long-term orthodontic treatment for most patients. And, having achieved this, a person will be proud of the efforts spent and his result. After all, most often such correction of appearance makes him beautiful.

Does your face change after wearing braces?

The action of these structures occurs in a certain direction - moving the teeth in the desired direction, aligning the row, changing the structure and location of the jaw. As a result of treatment, the teeth are removed, each unit is located exactly in relation to the others, the smile becomes more beautiful and pleasant.

Thus, braces change the face, because bone is rebuilt, which entails correction of the oval, and sometimes even the entire skull. This is exactly the load on hard tissues and is felt by the patient during the treatment period, as the ligaments begin to work differently, and the bones are pulled in the right direction. As a result, not only the smile, but the entire face changes.

There is no need to be afraid that the shape of the skull will become asymmetrical after treatment. After all, an incorrect bite is also reflected in disturbed facial proportions. Correcting the first element using braces, positive impact it turns out the second one too. Many patients are happy that after undergoing correction with such designs, they received pleasant changes in their appearance:

  • heavy chin decreased;
  • the shape of the face has become more even and natural;
  • the asymmetry has disappeared;
  • the smile acquired pleasant features.

How much the face changes after treatment depends largely on the form and intensity of the malocclusion, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment. The more the bone structure was distorted, the brighter the results will be and the more noticeable to others as correction progresses.

And only in some cases, the patient may not like the oval of the face after correcting the bite. It happens that the cheeks sink, and the features themselves seem to stretch out. This occurs when the effect on the dentition does not entail similar changes in the jawbone. In such a situation, it would be advisable to special exercises which will help restore a more pleasant oval face.

Photos before and after

Possible negative consequences

Experts do not always warn patients about what happens during treatment and what unpleasant sensations and consequences may arise. So, you should prepare for the following changes:

  1. The adaptation period is characterized by a high unusual load on the jaw apparatus, muscles and ligaments, among others. Most often, this stage does not last longer than two weeks, but a lot depends on individual characteristics the patient, the intensity of the disorders, etc. Immediately after installation, as well as every time after tightening and correcting the location of the arch, the patient feels severe pain and discomfort. In some cases, you even have to take painkillers.
  2. Especially when wearing it, people complain about impaired diction, difficulty speaking, and pronouncing certain sounds. The fact is that, being located on the inside of the dentition, the clasps occupy the space that previously belonged to the tongue. And it is required certain time until a person gets used to talking with such structures. To do this, doctors recommend saying tongue twisters and doing exercises.
  3. occurs when wearing almost all orthodontic products, but especially if they are made of. From constant contact of artificial material with soft tissues(tongue, cheeks, gums) they are injured. Braces can cause wounds, cracks, scratches, and sores. To prevent this, you need to use a special one, which is designed specifically to protect the mucous membrane from negative mechanical impact systems. If wounds have already formed, they can be treated with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and analgesic dental ointments.
  4. Also, for many patients, an unpleasant fact of treatment is the requirement to give up some of their favorite foods. Thus, hard fruits can lead to breakage of the product, and sticky and viscous sweets can get stuck between structural elements, which will be very difficult or even impossible to clean. Therefore, you should prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to follow a certain diet and, during treatment, give up seeds, nuts, prunes, chewing gum, etc. And if you want to eat an apple, you need to chop it up or at least cut it into thin slices.
  5. Particular attention should also be paid to hygiene procedures. They will have to be carried out much more often than usual - after almost any meal. It is necessary to treat the surface of the teeth and clean the structure for up to 10-15 minutes each time, carefully removing food debris and plaque from the most inaccessible places. This requires a certain amount of endurance and discipline. But as a result of such efforts, teeth after treatment can become even whiter, because special attention was paid to them, and the habit of keeping the oral cavity perfectly clean will help prevent many dental diseases in future.

There are a number of other complications that may occur in patients after wearing braces:

  • the enamel is destroyed, which occurs not so much because of the design itself, but as a result of the individual characteristics of the patient, his health, immunity and the natural strength of the tooth surface, and also depends on the level of hygiene that was observed by the person during the treatment period;
  • after heavy load and difficulties in cleaning the structure, individuals Various dental diseases are observed (caries, etc.), but this is also more the result of personal hygienic dental care than the direct impact of the orthodontic system.

Video: how the shape of the face changes after wearing braces.

For any negative reactions or the appearance of diseases, severe painful sensations You should always inform your doctor. He will be able to alleviate your condition:

  1. Prescribe painkillers to relieve the adaptive feeling of discomfort.
  2. He will prescribe a gel for healing wounds on the mucous membrane and teach you how to use wax for braces.
  3. Will tell you how to properly clean the oral cavity with an installed structure in order to prevent various pathological changes in hard and soft tissues.
  4. If the arch is too tight or the patient has increased sensitivity, then the specialist can loosen its tension, which will bring significant relief.
  5. At allergic reactions on the components of the structure, in time to change it to another, hypoallergenic one (for example,).
  6. If destructive processes are noticed on the teeth or active inflammation gums, you may even have to remove braces ahead of schedule and carry out timely treatment.

Not every person these days can boast of a perfectly smooth and beautiful smile. An uneven bite becomes the cause of many complexes, when a person cannot even smile without embarrassment. Often the bite deteriorates in childhood, when the child, for some reason, dental reasons fangs or other teeth grow unevenly. An experienced orthodontist will help correct the problem by installing high-quality braces. They can be worn not only by children - the installation of structures is also prescribed for adults with an incorrect bite, which often affects the face

Braces - what are they?

Braces are a non-removable dental device for straightening canines and other teeth in adults and children. Depending on the characteristics of the curvature, the device can be attached both to the outside and to the inside of the dentition. Briquettes are special in that each of them seems to direct the tooth in the required direction, which is prescribed in its program. The design of braces also includes an arch, characterized as orthodontic. This arc can be bent as you like, however, it will always return to its original position.

Additional parts can also act on the teeth in this system, among which are iron springs and orthodontic-type rings. Sometimes, to carry briquettes, the fours are removed. The changes in the face after wearing braces are obvious, and the result can be clearly seen in the photo.

Types of braces

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There are many options for braces that change the bite; metal products are still considered the most effective. Moreover, now they have become more advanced and convenient than before.

In recent years, dentists have often offered their patients self-ligating braces. Thanks to such a system, the position of each tooth is corrected, which is extremely important. Due to this feature of self-ligating models, teeth straightening with braces occurs to the maximum. Photos of braces will help you understand their types well.


How to install and remove braces?

The process of installing a bracket system is complex and requires maximum responsibility from a specialist. Before its implementation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures, including detailed studies the patient's oral cavity and its sanitation.

In order to make plaster model After braces, impressions are taken from the lower and upper jaws. Based on the resulting model, the dentist draws up a detailed treatment plan. Next, the bracket system is made from the material chosen by the patient.


TO relative contraindications relate:

  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • metal implants;
  • periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

Concerning absolute contraindications, That we're talking about about such factors:

  • lack of many teeth;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases.

How long should you wear braces?

Many people are interested in how long they need to wear braces. good result? The process of treating a malocclusion with braces is quite lengthy. Regardless of the type of braces and the material from which they are made, tooth movement is up to 1 mm per month. If minor tooth imperfections are corrected with braces, the course of treatment can last from 2 months to 1 year. In some cases, they can be removed after six months. In other cases, namely to improve the bite and the entire smile, braces need to be worn much longer and this period ranges from one and a half to 2 years. The effectiveness and duration of treatment depends not only on the type of braces - the professionalism of the orthodontist plays a big role here.

Rules for caring for braces

Metal braces need to be looked after no less than structures made from any other material. The basic rule of caring for this system is careful oral hygiene - teeth must be brushed after every meal. This is explained by the fact that plaque can accumulate not only on the teeth, but also on the braces themselves. If it is not removed in time, you can even get gum inflammation.

The presence of briquettes also means that their owner should not accept solid food. If this recommendation is neglected, the structure can not only be damaged, but also torn down.


To correct bites, so-called retainers are often used, including in the treatment of children (we recommend reading:). The product is a wire bent in such a way that it straightens teeth. Wearing retainers is not as painful as constant wearing braces systems. If desired, you can install removable or non-removable, night or day retainers.



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