Aesthetic dentistry: before and after. What is aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry is a complex area that requires a creative approach and certain skills. The high quality of photopolymer materials allows the use of more complex aesthetic designs in addition to conventional fillings. At the same time, the shape, size, and shade of the color of a natural tooth are reproduced.

Types of aesthetic designs

Restoring the anatomical shape of a tooth during aesthetic restoration is a difficult and time-consuming process in which the tooth is recreated in its original form or close to it.

Veneers are used to cover the labial surface. They are used for pronounced violations of shape, size, and position. Veneers are either composite or ceramic. Unlike porcelain veneers, composite veneers are installed in one visit and are less expensive, but they can change color in the humid environment of the mouth, requiring periodic adjustments and polishing.

Adhesive bridges restore the continuity of the dentition, while achieving minimal invasive intervention on hard tissues.

Splinting structures using photopolymer materials strengthen mobile teeth.

If the tooth is very badly damaged and there is no way for a therapist to restore it, then it is possible to make an inlay from ceramic or composite material. The inlay is made in the laboratory according to an impression taken by the doctor. This orthopedic design will most accurately recreate the shape and restore lost functions. This design will last much longer than a filling.

Many people normally have a yellowish tint to their enamel. During its life, enamel is exposed to various dyes. This is where whitening can help. This is a manipulation that allows you to change the color to a lighter one. Sometimes this requires professional cleaning. If the desired effect is not achieved, then professional whitening is performed. For those who are afraid of dental procedures, but want to have white teeth, there is home whitening. The doctor will make mouth guards of the required size and give a gel, which will need to be poured into the mouth guards at night and put on the teeth. It is important to understand that you can only whiten your own teeth. Whitening techniques do not work on fillings, veneers, or ceramic crowns.

The use of modern methods of treating the carious process and non-carious problems in the practice of dentists ensures the high quality of the latest technologies such as restoration, reconstruction, adhesive prosthetics, splinting using photopolymers.
Not everyone can boast of straight, snow-white teeth, but today it has become possible to correct this situation thanks to aesthetic dentistry.

Do you want to become the owner of a great smile? Then evaluate the results that you can achieve with braces, implants, whitening and other methods widely used in aesthetic dentistry. Today, achieving a perfect smile is much easier than ever.

Dental alignment

If you want to correct your bite, consult an orthodontist. The main tool used to straighten teeth is braces. With the help of these systems, it is possible to correct bite in patients of different age categories. Braces place long-term pressure on the teeth and, as a result, move them into the desired position.

The most common non-removable system is metal braces, which have a reasonable cost. If you are concerned about the aesthetic aspect, you can choose transparent braces, which, however, are somewhat more expensive.

Dental restoration

When restoring teeth, aesthetic dentistry uses veneers, which are essentially plates attached to tooth enamel. These devices are distinguished by their attractive appearance and durability.

In addition, you can install a good dental crown, for example, in our clinic you can install high-quality zirconium dioxide crowns. It is worth noting that phosphorus, metal, ceramics and other materials can be used in the manufacture of crowns.

Another direction in aesthetic dentistry is the installation of implants. As a rule, titanium is used in the manufacture of these products, which is distinguished by its strength and absolute harmlessness to health.

Implants are an effective replacement for tooth roots that provide reliable support for crowns. The cost of installing implants is becoming more affordable; today their prices are much lower than a few years ago.

Teeth whitening

A snow-white smile is an effective means of winning over your interlocutor. The reasons for the darkening of tooth enamel may lie in the constant interaction of tooth tissue with coloring drinks, such as red wine, coffee, and so on. In addition, tooth enamel can darken due to certain medications or mechanical damage.

At its core, teeth whitening is a chemical oxidative process during which the tooth enamel changes its shade from dark to lighter.

This procedure uses hydrogen peroxide and urea. In order to stabilize these components, glycol is also used.

Please note that teeth whitening is contraindicated for certain categories of patients, namely persons under 16 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women, due to the lack of data on the safety of the procedure during this period, as well as if the patient is allergic to the whitening drug .

After whitening, the dentist prescribes preventive medications to the patient that contain calcium. To achieve the most effective results, whitening can be done once a year.

Teeth decoration

If you want to emphasize your individuality and want a dazzling smile to be noticeable to everyone around you, you can use another aesthetic dentistry service - decorating your teeth with precious metals or semi-precious stones.

It is worth noting that installing such dental jewelry is a procedure that does not harm the patient’s health, since it does not interfere with dental tissue.

To ensure that the jewelry you choose stays firmly on the tooth, a weak acid solution is applied to the tooth surface. After this, a small depression is made in the tooth enamel. The decoration is firmly fixed thanks to the use of a binding agent.

This procedure is completely painless, and its duration does not exceed half an hour.

Thus, visiting an aesthetic dentistry clinic is a guarantee of not only a healthy, but also an attractive smile. You just need to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the best way to make your teeth beautiful.

What is aesthetic dentistry?

We can say that aesthetic dentistry is plastic surgery for teeth. It has long gained great popularity in the West, and today it is becoming increasingly in demand in our country. It can significantly improve the quality and appearance of teeth. But we must say that aesthetic dentistry services are very, very expensive.

Achievements in aesthetic dentistry are based on the most modern developments of scientists. High quality tools and devices are used.

In addition, it is very important to choose a good specialist. He must have a certificate giving him the right to carry out all types of procedures used.

Why is aesthetic dentistry needed?

We need aesthetic dentistry because... It’s rare that anyone can boast of naturally beautiful teeth. In addition, the appearance of a person’s teeth deteriorates greatly with age. Cracks, dark spots, and chips appear on their enamel. Teeth may also become crooked.

People with dental problems are often embarrassed to smile or open their mouths. This negatively affects their self-esteem.

Currently, aesthetic dentistry is developing at a very fast pace.

It is very important that aesthetic dentistry services are painless and cause virtually no discomfort to the patient. And a positive result will not take long to arrive.

Aesthetic dentistry - bite correction

Correcting the bite and changing the position of the teeth on the jaw is the most time-consuming and unpleasant of all processes. Teeth are straightened using permanent equipment – ​​braces. They are special brackets that are strung on an arch. These braces place constant pressure on the teeth and cause them to straighten. You need to wear them for quite a long time; it is impossible to take them off during this time.

Braces can ruin a patient's appearance. But today they are made either almost invisible or decorated in different ways.

Aesthetic dentistry - dental restoration

It is carried out using a light-curing composite with ceramic particles. Bonding is also used. This procedure makes it possible to simultaneously solve both functional and aesthetic problems.

A specialist can fill the missing parts of a tooth using artificial material. This material is practically indistinguishable in appearance from natural enamel. An experienced professional is able to individually select color, saturation and transparency for each patient with maximum accuracy.

Bonding is usually prescribed for carious lesions. It allows you to increase the length or width of the tooth. This procedure also creates a protective covering when part of the tooth root is exposed. The restored tooth surface cannot be distinguished from the natural one. Restoration differs from a filling precisely in that it pursues not only therapeutic, but also aesthetic purposes.

Restored teeth function just like real teeth. The restoration is usually completed with contouring, which is the grinding and polishing of the teeth. This allows you to improve their shape.

Aesthetic dentistry - crowns and bridges

Crowns and bridges have long been used to disguise a damaged tooth. Aesthetic dentistry is distinguished by its use of metal-free technologies. In this case, it is possible to achieve maximum closeness to the natural appearance of the teeth.

Crowns are attached using the most modern adhesive materials. They allow for stable fixation. In addition, after the procedure, the patient does not experience the sensation of a foreign body in the oral cavity.

Veneers are considered the main alternative to crowns on the front teeth today. They are also often called "venirs". This name is more correct, because in the original it sounds like veneers.

Veneers were invented about 30 years ago. Back then they were made of plastic. Currently, they are very thin, translucent ceramic overlays. Veneers are very popular, especially among celebrities.

These crowns make it possible to very effectively change the appearance of teeth for the better in the shortest possible time. This procedure is carried out painlessly. It does not require grinding of the tooth body. In addition, there is no need to remove nerves.

Almost instantly, damaged front teeth can become perfectly straight and straight. In this case, a specialist strengthens the onlays on the surface of the tooth using special procedures.

The tooth does not suffer; veneers even protect it from damage. Veneers can be Hollywood or classic. The first group is mainly for visual effect. They are a petal overlay that covers the tooth only from the front. The second group is functional full overlays.

There are also Lumineers. They are the thinnest and very durable linings. All types of veneers are practically not susceptible to the negative effects of tea, coffee and tobacco.

Aesthetic dentistry - clinical whitening

Clinical teeth whitening is prescribed when it is necessary to improve only the color of the teeth. There are different types of clinical whitening. In aesthetic dentistry, laser is most often used. It is effective and durable.

In this case, a preparation containing a little hydrogen peroxide is applied to the tooth enamel. The tooth is irradiated with short laser flashes.

Photobleaching is also used. Irradiation is performed with a halogen lamp. At the end of the procedure, the doctor applies amorphous calcium phosphate to the tooth, which fills microcracks.

Aesthetic dentistry - teeth decoration

Teeth decoration is the latest trend in aesthetic dentistry. Teeth can be decorated with various applications made of precious metals, Swarovski crystals, and imitation tattoos.

Jewelry is often used to disguise a dark stain or damage to a tooth. These decorations are attached to the surface using special glue; they can be removed at any time. They last up to 6 months. In this case, you must follow the recommendations for oral hygiene.

Everyone dreams of a Hollywood, glamorous smile. And not in vain, because having a dazzling smile, we become more successful in our personal lives and careers. It has been proven that people with a beautiful smile are more likely to be successful, and their social status and reputation are higher.
Do you really believe that there is nothing you can do if your teeth start to deteriorate?
Remember that modern dentistry can give you a beautiful and healthy smile, even if your teeth are severely damaged, damaged or deformed.
Chapter aesthetic dentistry includes the following procedures: whitening, restoration, grinding, cleaning, prosthetics, braces, veneers, dental jewelry.

Teeth whitening- makes your smile much brighter. The effect of whitening in a dental office is instantaneous, but if you decide to whiten your teeth at home, you will have to be patient and spend up to two weeks. These procedures make it possible to achieve a uniform color of all teeth, hide unsightly stains on the patient’s teeth, and also whiten teeth that have become darker as a result of certain procedures.
Tooth shape correction- a very popular service among patients. Many would like to change the appearance of their teeth, since nature does not always give us straight teeth. In this case, you may be offered to install a special thin porcelain “petal” - a veneer. This way you can correct the shape and color of the tooth at the same time.
Teeth alignment services provided by the orthodontist. Incorrect position of teeth in patients is, unfortunately, a very common phenomenon. Often this not only interferes with proper and thorough chewing of food, but also spoils the smile. Modern dentistry makes it possible to correct the position of your teeth. You can also get rid of wide gaps between teeth. Orthopedic procedures are performed not only for children, but also for adults, who tend to care more about their appearance than children.
Dental jewelry, also known as skyes, are various jewelry made of gold or precious stones. Such jewelry makes your smile more attractive. This rhinestone can be attached or removed at any time without causing damage. And the procedure itself is fast and safe.
Aesthetic dentistry also offers restoration of severely damaged teeth.
Many clinics provide their patients with special inserts, onlays, crowns, bridges, etc.
Inserts are a porcelain-based dental material that is extremely durable. These inserts “fill in” the missing part of the tooth. Externally, they are indistinguishable from real teeth.
Onlays - used if most of the tooth is damaged and the patient does not want to get a crown. The onlay makes it possible to preserve a significant part of the tooth structure.
Crown- this is, figuratively speaking, a cap covering a tooth that is too damaged. Today, many clinics offer special cosmetic crowns that are almost indistinguishable from real teeth.
Bridge used if the patient has lost part of his teeth. This method is much more functional and aesthetic. A bridge prosthesis is made from materials that, when placed in the oral cavity, do not differ in their aesthetic properties from natural teeth.

Consultations on Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry - addresses and prices

  • Aesthetic dentistry in Moscow

    1545 addresses, prices from 6 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in the Moscow region

    309 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in St. Petersburg

    795 addresses, prices from 70 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Barnaul

    75 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Belgorod

    1 address, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Vladivostok

    61 addresses, prices from 2,000 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Vladimir

    2 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Volgograd

    79 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Voronezh

    12 addresses, prices from 4,500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Yekaterinburg

    121 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Izhevsk

    39 addresses, prices from 100 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Irkutsk

    89 addresses, prices from 1,000 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kazan

    11 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kemerovo

    24 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kirov

    20 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Krasnodar

    213 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Krasnoyarsk

    63 addresses, prices from 5,500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Nizhny Novgorod

    167 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Novosibirsk

    152 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Omsk

    60 addresses, prices from 150 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Orenburg

    30 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Penza

    47 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Perm

    76 addresses, prices from 100 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Rostov-on-Don

    147 addresses, prices from 300 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Ryazan



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