Which is very useful for men. What men need for good health

Healthy foods entering the male body can have a positive effect on health internal organs and systems, including the health of the male reproductive system.

Consuming every day healthy food men can protect their immunity, increase testosterone levels in the blood, and saturate the body with essential minerals and vitamins.

There are many products that improve general health men, these include:


A product that is a leader among the most beneficial products for men's health. Shellfish contain high level organic zinc, amino acids (activate the production of the hormone testosterone) and increases male sexual desire(libido). If it is better to eat oysters raw, because heat treatment of shellfish “kills” significant amount useful substances.

It will enhance the taste of shellfish lemon juice, which is customary to sprinkle on the dish before eating.

Eating oysters should not be constant; scientists have proven that eating shellfish can lead to a variety of diseases due to the high mercury content in them. Men who have liver disease, low immunity, diabetes, or low acidity, should avoid eating oysters raw.


Very useful and delicious fish, which can improve the functioning of the male genital organs, as well as fill the body necessary complex vitamin. Flounder contains high levels of amino acids, vitamins A, E, B, trace elements and zinc. In order to preserve all the beneficial substances in fish, it must be cooked in a double boiler, boiled or stewed. Flounder is useful for men who play sports, because this type of fish is a dietary dish.


Boiled mackerel preserves required amount Omega fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6), which have a beneficial effect on the production of the hormone testosterone. Boiled mackerel increases male potency and improves general state health. After all, mackerel contains phosphorus, iodine and protein, which is the “builder” of sperm.


Turnip is on the list of leading products that improve male potency and have a beneficial effect on digestive system. Turnips are rich in vitamins and microelements that strengthen male immunity and accelerate the production of the hormone testosterone.

Oddly enough, turnip also has contraindications; the vegetable is contraindicated for those men who have inflammatory processes in the intestines, hepatitis, as well as central nervous system disorders.


Meat products are considered high-energy foods that increase thyroxine production. The hormone thyroxine maintains hormonal balance male body. Microelements also predominate in meat, which help cure potency problems. The healthiest meats for men are beef, horse meat, turkey, chicken fillet and rabbit meat. So that the meat preserves everything beneficial features cook it in a double boiler or stew it with herbs and vegetables.


For good health, men need to eat nuts every day. Nuts are very useful for potency; they contain vitamins B, E, as well as zinc and magnesium. All the beneficial substances contained in nuts have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system and help remove “aggressive” substances from the body.

Essential nuts for men's health: cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts And . In order for the body to receive maximum benefit from nuts, they should be consumed raw or dried.

Men should pay attention Special attention pine and nutmeg. Pine nuts strengthens the male reproductive system. A nutmeg should be consumed carefully, because nuts of this type in large proportions can cause poisoning and even have a risk of death.

Seafood for men

Seafood is an aphrodisiac. It is especially important to eat shrimp, crayfish, and squid. These products contain zinc and selenium, increase libido and enhance potency. Seafood should be cooked with minimal heat treatment.


Chocolate helps increase male libido, improve mood, and the antioxidants that make up chocolate have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the male reproductive organ. A special one that contains at least 67% cocoa.

People with liver disease and pancreatic problems should use chocolate with caution, especially with artificial fillers and low cocoa content (less than 65%).


Even astronauts eat dates; a person can live on dates alone for more than 1-2 months. Men should diversify their usual diet with dates, because dates help prolong sexual intercourse and improve the quality of sperm, in addition, they saturate the body with amino acids.

Quail eggs

It is important to include in the diet of those men who have problems with potency. This product increases sexual desire and contains phosphorus and iron. Quail eggs should be consumed raw; on average, you should drink 3-4 eggs per day.

Also quail eggs They are contraindicated for use by people who have problems (diseases) with the kidneys and liver.

Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs do not contain as many useful substances as quail eggs; they can be consumed raw, but with caution. After all, fresh eggs carry infectious diseases. For a man, chicken eggs are useful when boiled, or like an omelet with onions, such dishes have a beneficial effect on the genitals of men.

Berries and various fruits

Berries and fruits contain many useful vitamin and substances that can strengthen the immune system and increase male potency. Fruits and berries contain antioxidants that can slow down the aging of body cells. Healthy fruits and berries for men: strawberries, blackberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, bananas, grapes, apples and a variety of citrus fruits.

Freshly squeezed juices for men

Fresh juice saturates the body with essential vitamins and nutrients that are vital for men's health. Most healthy juice Pomegranate juice is recognized. It increases blood circulation and blood flow to the pelvic organs, and also strengthens the circulatory system.

Freshly squeezed juices against potency problems:

  • Pumpkin juice increases male strength, A high content The zinc in it restores the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system.
  • Celery juice increases the production of the hormone testosterone and improves the overall health of men.
  • Watermelon juice contains the amino acid citrulline, which improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system.


Ginger contains vitamins A, B, C, amino acids, minerals and trace elements that improve the health of the entire cardiovascular system, thin the blood, strengthen blood vessels and remove toxins from the body.

Not everyone can use ginger; people with certain diseases (stomach ulcers, gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver, biliary tract) you should avoid ginger.

Harmful products for men's health

Not all foods have a beneficial effect on the male body. Some types of products can harm not only general well-being, but also disrupt the production of the hormone testosterone and reduce male sexual desire.

Foods that a man should avoid in order to maintain his health and youth:

  • Smoked products reduce testosterone production and have toxic effects to internal organs.
  • Alcohol negatively affects the functionality of the testicles and inhibits the production of male hormones.
  • Carbonated drinks contain chemical sugar and caffeine, all of which harmful substances dehydrate the human body.
  • Flaxseed and soybean oils reduce production male hormone testosterone.
  • Yeast bakery products negatively affect men's health.
  • Fast food foods contain “aggressive” substances and reduce testosterone production.
  • Soy products. Soy contains the hormone phytoestrogen, which reduces male sexual potency.
  • Pizza, chips, crackers, mayonnaise, sauces and ketchups cause the accumulation of cholesterol in the circulatory system.
  • Instant coffee reduces the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood and also puts a strain on the cardiovascular system.
  • Cilantro in large proportions reduces potency, so cilantro is useful for men only in minimal portions.
  • Excessive consumption of sugar and salt negatively affects the functioning of all internal organs, and also negatively affects male sexual power.

Men's health depends on many factors: the right image life, absence bad habits, playing sports, and in many ways from a balanced healthy diet. What foods are good for men's health? These are mainly protein-rich foods unsaturated fats and vitamins.

Essential Products for Men's Health

For supporting good health men need to consume foods that help strengthen muscle mass, improving mental activity and strengthening male potency.

Especially useful are foods that promote the production of the main hormone - testosterone. The main products for men's health are:

  1. Vegetables, fruits and berries are red.
  2. Bananas.
  3. Celery.
  4. Fatty fish, oysters, mussels.
  5. Eggs are not only a storehouse of protein and iron, but also contain a set of all necessary microelements.
  6. Chicken contains protein. White meat helps strengthen nervous systems s and memory improvement.
  7. Red meat beef and veal. Meat is the basis, as it contains the building material for muscles - protein. Red meat is rich in iron, which saturates cells with oxygen. Beef is especially useful for men engaged in heavy physical labor, as well as for athletes. It is important to note that sausages are not useful source microelements for the body.
  8. Soy. This product has a beneficial effect on reproductive function, cardiovascular system. Daily use soy reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  9. Brown rice is an important food because it contains zinc.
  10. Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol and prevents the development of arteriosclerosis. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system, preventing strokes, heart attacks and the development of diabetes.
  11. Dairy products contain leucine, an amino acid that helps strengthen muscles. Particularly useful dairy products, rich in protein, potassium and bifidobacteria. You should be careful with milk consumption: for men over 40 years of age, restrictions on this product are recommended. Kefir, yogurt, and cottage cheese are of great benefit.
  12. Truffles. These mushrooms contain the plant hormone androsterone, which is similar to male testosterone.
  13. Nuts: walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios
  14. Honey. Combined with nuts this product promotes .

The benefits of seafood for men

Zinc is extremely important for men, as it is involved in sperm production, prevents prostate cancer, strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Daily dose zinc is 11 mg. Seafood is rich in zinc, calcium and such valuable microelements as fatty acid Omega-3.

These polyunsaturated fats found in the following seafood:

  1. Tuna.
  2. Mackerel.
  3. Herring.
  4. Oyster.
  5. Mussels.
  6. Sea kale.

Fatty fish contain vitamin D, which is necessary for bone tissue, prevents cancer, diabetes, hypertension.

  1. Heart diseases.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Arthritis.
  4. Disorders of the liver and digestive system.
  5. Decreased vision and mental activity.
  6. Metabolic disease.
  7. Decreased potency.

Cod is a source of phosphorus and selenium. Regular consumption of this type of fish increases performance and prevents depression.

Salmon, tuna, sardines and herring are a storehouse of Omega-3. This trace element strengthens the immune system, improves sperm quality and prevents the development of prostate diseases.

Sea shrimp are rich in vitamin D, and anchovies have a beneficial effect on brain activity, improve memory.

Oysters are an expensive delicacy, but their benefits are so great that the body will “thank you” for it. good health and longevity. High concentration zinc in oyster meat has a positive effect on sperm viscosity and prevents cancer prostate gland, prolongs men's health.

Mussel meat improves mental activity, memory, and strengthens the nervous system.

Seaweed is a source of iodine. This seafood product is extremely important, as it has a beneficial effect on work thyroid gland, strengthens the immune and nervous system.

Seafood is one of the main components in a man's diet.

Vegetables and fruits are the key to health and longevity

Plays an important role plant food in a man's life. The most preferred products are:

  1. Carrots slow down the aging process and are an excellent tonic. Carrots significantly improve vision, strengthen hair, nails, and teeth thanks to their rich vitamin complex.
  2. Tomato is a natural antioxidant. It contains lycopene, which prevents the development cancer cells. Tomatoes provide positive action on the pancreas.
  3. Red cabbage is an excellent antioxidant and prevents multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Red berries: cherries, blueberries, strawberries improve brain function. Berries are rich in vitamin C and prevent frequent colds. Eating berries improves mental activity and slows down the aging process.
  5. Celery and parsley contain plant hormones similar to male hormones. Fresh Juice from greens increases male potency.
  6. Avocado normalizes blood pressure and improves the condition of blood vessels.
  7. Banana is rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin B. This fruit normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Bananas strengthen bone tissue and reduce the risk of stroke.
  8. Pomegranate is excellent. Pomegranate juice It can sometimes be more effective than Viagra itself. This fruit prevents prostate cancer.
  9. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, an excellent antioxidant.
  10. Dates are rich in plant carbohydrates, protein and fiber.
  11. Whole grains, useful content fiber, a complex of vitamins and minerals, have positive impact to the work of the heart and muscle tissue. They lower blood cholesterol levels and normalize prostate function. Oat and barley flakes are recommended for consumption. The daily dose of soluble oat fiber should be 10-25 g.
  12. Nuts are rich in magnesium and selenium, which are powerful antioxidants. Nuts have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and reproductive system.

Eating vegetables protects your skin from harmful effects ultraviolet radiation, reduces the risk of developing prostate hyperplasia. Useful for men herbal products

red food: from cherries to red peppers.

Hazardous food products

  1. There is a list of products that are not only useless, but even dangerous to health:
  2. White bread.
  3. Sausage, frankfurters, sausages.
  4. Beer and other alcoholic drinks.
  5. Chips, crackers.
  6. Fast food products.
  7. Sweet water.
  8. Mayonnaise, seasonings.

Candies, sweets, baked goods.

These products contain preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives, which have a detrimental effect on all body functions. And daily consumption of beer leads to impotence and weight gain. Thus, healthy eating necessary for a man to ensure productivity and improve the quality of life.

long years Full-fledged sexual relations – one of the conditions for a good quality of life. Therefore, both women and men need their reproductive system to function perfectly. To maintain health, it is very important to treat emerging diseases in a timely manner, but preventive support for the body is no less important. Thanks to it, it is possible to strengthen the body and maintain health. Preventive measures consist in creating optimal conditions for the body, under which there is no injury or overload that causes more serious problems . To maintain potency, the principle of action is similar - men should do what benefits their reproductive system and not expose it to adverse influences from the outside. But to comply with this principle, you need to know what is good for potency, what rules and recommendations need to be followed. Only in this case will it be possible to save this function

until old age. When it comes to what's healthy, people think of food first. This is true, since a person’s well-being, metabolic characteristics, activity and much more depend on how correct the nutrition is. Most of the pathologies their development can be eliminated by changing the diet. The reproductive system in this sense is no exception. To save it in in good condition, as well as to improve functioning, it is very important to evaluate your diet and choose healthy foods.

However, food isn't all you should pay attention to. For male potency, the absence of unfavorable factors, since they also affect the functioning of the reproductive system. These factors need to be known in order to eliminate their influence. Therefore, many are interested in what is useful for male potency.

Vitamins and minerals

And yet, food is the first thing a man should focus on when trying to maintain potency. However, before choosing products that are useful for this area, it is worth finding out which substances and elements are valuable. After all, the choice of products for a healthy diet is based on their content.

Products that can help maintain male strength must include:

  • Vitamin B. Thanks to its presence in the body, the production of testosterone is accelerated, which has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. Also, vitamins of this group normalize the activity of the nervous system, which helps improve overall well-being and eliminate psycho-emotional problems. Since potency is often impaired due to the abundance stressful situations, to restore it, it is necessary to normalize the activity of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin E. It promotes cell rejuvenation, prevents the formation of blood clots and normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system. All these features of the body have a positive effect on potency. In addition, with the help of vitamin E you can reduce the harmful effects of insulin and estrogen on testosterone. Also, if there is a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body, the risk of developing endocrine diseases is reduced.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin is useful for the reproductive system because it stimulates the production of testosterone.
  • Zinc. Thanks to its effects, the activity of the prostate gland improves. This microelement also helps cleanse the body, participates in the synthesis of testosterone and in the process of sperm production. Sufficient quantity zinc in the body of boys ensures the full development of the genital organs, which is why its use in early childhood is so important.
  • Selenium. It is characterized by the ability to strengthen the immune system. Its presence in the body reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases in genitourinary system. It also improves the functioning of the prostate gland and has a positive effect on sperm motility.

The listed elements can be consumed in the form of synthesized preparations, but it is more effective to obtain them together with food. Therefore, it is important to find out which products are worth using on an ongoing basis.

What to eat

Since food greatly affects the functioning of the body, to maintain health you need to carefully think through your diet. Most diseases can be overcome if you use food wisely. It is not difficult to create a diet suitable for eliminating a particular problem; you just need to find out what substances and elements are needed for normal operation organ. After this, you need to eat only foods rich in these elements.

To eliminate problems with potency or to prevent them, you can also follow this rule. The diet should be composed of dishes that are healthy for male strength. Systematic consumption of such food will have a positive effect not only on the reproductive system, but also on the entire body.

The male body, if there are problems with erectile function, needs:

Seafood is one of the natural aphrodisiacs, which is why it is large quantities eaten by those who want to preserve male strength for a long time. But oysters are the most useful product from among them. They contain zinc, which helps get rid of sexual problems. Oysters also contain dopamine, the function of which is to stimulate the activity of the reproductive system. Eating them daily will help maintain men's health for a long time and even in old age will not complain about potency. The best time to consume oysters is fresh, because after heat treatment Substantial part valuable elements will be lost.

Sea fish (mackerel and flounder)

Sea fish is beneficial for the male body due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins (A, B and E) and amino acids. Vitamins help to regenerate cells in all organs, which is very important for the functioning of the prostate gland. Valuable microelements prevent blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, which is valuable for people leading sedentary lifestyle life. Iodine found in fish has a positive effect on sperm motility, helping to normalize reproductive functions.

This is very healthy vegetable which contributes general strengthening body. With him systematic use testosterone is more actively produced in food. It is most effective to use this vegetable raw or boiled. You can enhance its effect by cooking it in milk or carrot juice.


It persists for a long time in those representatives of the stronger sex whose diet includes red meat. low-fat varieties. These include beef and horse meat. You should also eat rabbit, chicken, and turkey. More exotic types of meat, such as pheasant, are also allowed.


Greens have a huge amount valuable properties. Thanks to chlorophyll, blood circulation can be improved, and microelements have a beneficial effect on the prostate. For effective impact Parsley should be eaten daily.


This product, in combination with honey, has long been used to improve potency as a traditional medicine. Nuts contain vitamins B and E, as well as magnesium and zinc, which provide them beneficial influence on a man. For normal functioning reproductive system is worth using different types nuts

Vegetables and fruits

Their consumption in fresh form best supplies the body with useful substances. Therefore, a healthy diet always involves the use of plenty of vegetables and fruits. Men need apples, bananas, strawberries, raspberries, garlic, asparagus, celery, etc. Thanks to them, you can not only maintain potency, but also strengthen your immune system.

Eggs (chicken and quail)

They are also often used in folk medicine if there are problems with the reproductive system. Eating them daily stimulates sexual desire.

To improve the functioning of the reproductive system, it is important not only that the food is healthy. Potency is also affected by how often unhealthy foods are used. Therefore, it is worth either completely abandoning the harmful components of the diet, or reducing their amount as much as possible.

Healthy drink

In order to improve potency, you need to know not only what is healthy to eat, but also what is healthy to drink. Some drinks have a detrimental effect on erectile function, so you should stop using them.

To avoid problems with men's health, it is necessary to replace caffeine-containing drinks with the following:

Fresh juice

It contains many valuable elements and vitamins - much more than in store-bought juices. Drinking freshly squeezed juices has a positive effect on the entire body, helps strengthen immune defense and improves the tone of the reproductive system. You can drink any juice, but the most useful are pumpkin, pomegranate and watermelon.

Kumis (mare's milk)

It contains hormones that have a positive effect on the immune system. Koumiss also helps accelerate testosterone production and improve sperm quality. If possible, you should drink it every day after breakfast.

Ginger tea

It is prepared on the basis of ginger root, which must first be crushed. Grated ginger root pour boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. To improve the taste of this tea, you can add honey, lemon or ginseng. Benefit ginger tea is associated with the presence of vitamins A, B and C, which strengthen blood vessels and improve potency.
These drinks, when consumed systematically, will help improve the results obtained after changing your diet.

Additionally for potency

Despite the fact that food is one of the key aspects of human health, it is not the only thing that affects potency. For the normal functioning of the reproductive system, certain rules must be followed. Following them will also be useful. They are as follows:

  • Rejection of bad habits. Negative influence Alcohol, nicotine and drugs have a very significant effect on the body. Therefore, men who want to maintain potency until old age should get rid of addictions.
  • Sports activities. Thanks to them, the body is strengthened and muscle tone is normalized. In addition, physical activity increases blood circulation, including in the pelvic organs. This is a good way to prevent impotence.
  • Avoiding overwork. Any physical activity should be moderate. Because of excessive loads The performance and endurance of the body gradually decreases, which leads to the development of problems with different functions. Therefore, in order to maintain potency, it is useful to rest often and follow a daily routine.
  • Treatment of infectious diseases of the reproductive system. Advanced infectious diseases can subsequently cause disruption in this area. Therefore, if you suspect the development of pathology, you should consult a specialist.
  • Regular sex life. Long-term abstinence negatively affects potency. This means that even men mature age can't be avoided intimate relationships. However, moderation is very important in this area to avoid overload.
  • Bath procedures. Visiting a bathhouse or sauna has a beneficial effect on your well-being. Under influence high temperatures Toxins are removed from the body and blood circulation is increased. This helps prevent impotence.
  • Cold and hot shower. This method tones the muscles well and strengthens the immune system. Also, alternating exposure to cold and heat stimulates blood circulation, including in the pelvic organs.
  • Foot massage. Impact on certain points on the feet, problems can be overcome of different nature. This massage also affects potency. You can use the services of professional massage therapists, but a regular mat with spikes at home will do.
  • Walking. They are both physical activity, and a way to improve health. It is especially important that when walking, blood circulation in the pelvis is stimulated, which helps prevent impotence.

In order to maintain potency until old age, you need to take care of the body in your youth. Knowing what benefits the reproductive system, you can prevent the development of problems, but for this you need to be responsible for your health and not neglect the rules.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/1.jpg" alt="Products for men's health" width="300" height="200" data-recalc-dims="1">!} Problems of male power, potency, reproductive health men are always attracted by the attention of the stronger and weaker sex; their interest never ends in which products for men's health are most useful, and sometimes simply necessary.

When talking about men's health, the whole health is taken into account, because Viagra and aphrodisiacs are not the whole healthy diet.

Unfortunately, with age, the stronger sex attacks a whole army uninvited guests: high cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, excess weight, problems with potency and other problems.

Let's look at what compounds are necessary for men's health, how beneficial they are and in what products they are concentrated.

What is necessary for men's health

There is a certain set of different organic compounds that are necessary for men's health.

They are the basis of men's health:

  • zinc – it is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body, as it is one of the main minerals (the body needs 11 mg of zinc per day)
  • Protein is the building blocks for muscles, and therefore normal function male power
  • testosterone is a male hormone that decreases in the body with age, giving way to estrogen
  • vitamin B9 – in its absence, erection decreases
  • Omega-3 improves sperm motility, protects against prostatitis and adenoma
  • iodine is necessary for normalization hormonal levels body
  • vitamin A, C, D – slows down the aging process of the body, important antioxidants
  • fiber – will ensure timely detoxification of the body, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, copper - without these micro and macroelements there is no health

Let's consider where we can get the listed compounds, because we need them in in kind, which means they must enter the body with food. The products listed below will help us with this.

Products that are necessary and beneficial for men's health

There are many of them, such products that help a man maintain health and potency for many years. Let's look at some of them.

Dish No. 1: Oysters as a source of zinc and iodine

Agree that it is difficult to refuse such a “medicine”. Only a few oysters contain daily norm zinc and iodine. A number of reactions in our body, including DNA repair, depend on the presence of zinc. It can also prevent cell degeneration, leading to prostate cancer.

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If you have nowhere to buy oysters, replace them with tuna, chicken, turkey, and pumpkin seeds.

Dish No. 2: Bananas as a source of potassium

Bananas are rich in potassium, which makes your nerves steely and your heart calm. Normalizing arterial pressure, potassium protects against a number of pathologies and reduces the risk of stroke. If bananas aren't your thing, you can get potassium from other foods, such as oranges, milk, tomatoes, or legumes.

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But, in addition to potassium, bananas contain vitamin B6, which is necessary for the immune and nervous systems, and protein metabolism.

Dish No. 3: Oily fish as a source of Omega

Not every well-fed fish is considered fatty. Only salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel and herring are awarded this proud title. The reason for this name is not the thickness of the fish, but the content of unsaturated fatty acids.

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They are very good for the heart and immune system, and most importantly, reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer.

Dish number 4: Broccoli as a cancer prevention

Broccoli made the list men's products not by chance. This variety of cabbage is excellent prophylactic heart diseases and cancerous tumors. Broccoli may protect against cancer Bladder, which occurs more often in men than in women.

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This vegetable is also rich in vitamin C, A and potassium. It is useful for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Dish No. 5: Brazil nuts as a source of magnesium and selenium

These nuts are rich in natural antioxidants magnesium and selenium, which prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancerous degeneration of cells. Selenium prevents the formation of blood clots, leading to thrombosis, and also reduces cholesterol levels and improves the functioning of the pancreas.

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With absence brazil nut, you can replace it with walnut, almond, pine nuts, pistachios.

Meal #6: Whole grains as a source of fiber

Porridge and whole grain breads must be in a man's diet! They are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy heart and a masculine figure. These substances are the building material for all your muscles, and, in particular, the cubes (not balls) on your stomach.

Jpg" alt="Whole grains as a source of fiber" width="500" height="332" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C199&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Also, soluble fiber contained in oatmeal and barley reduces cholesterol levels and is good for the prostate!

Dish No. 7: Eggs as building material for sperm

It is protein chicken egg is a building material for sperm production. American nutritionists for problems with potency recommend up to three eggs per day, claiming that they will not add bad cholesterol.

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If you have vascular sclerosis, you can only use chicken protein, without yolk. Although the yolk is very rich in almost all vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds.

Dish No. 8: Multi-colored berries, fruits and vegetables

Interesting fact: blue, red and purple berries are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, which are very beneficial for health. They improve the performance of the most important thing male organ- the brain (and the second one too)!

Png" alt="Colorful berries, fruits and vegetables" width="500" height="297" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..png?w=800&ssl=1 800w, https://i2.wp..png?resize=300%2C178&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

And red and orange vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. They are simply necessary for health, beauty and good mood. Therefore, include this juicy and bright “medicine” in your menu as often as possible.

Which berries are the most beneficial?

If you want to meet old age without sclerosis, then we begin to introduce cranberries into our diet, and best of all, cranberry juice - it is absorbed faster. To improve vision and hearing, we regularly eat blueberries (they retain their beneficial properties when frozen).

Love freshly squeezed pomegranate juice - it increases potency by more than 40% and is considered more effective than the well-known Viagra (as stated by studies of impotence by the International Center).

IN Lately a fairly common deviation that prevents a woman from getting pregnant is sedentary sperm. WITH similar problem Resveratrol is released very well. It is found in large quantities in the skins of red grape varieties. For positive result It is enough to consume up to 10 grams of grape skins per day - and the production of mobile and high-quality sperm will begin. The grape skins can be replaced with a glass of quality red wine.

Jpg" alt="Cherry" width="300" height="188" data-recalc-dims="1">!} Also include cherry compote in your menu, or better yet, eat it fresh. The cherry berry has anti-inflammatory effect, relieves muscle pain and post-traumatic syndrome(overtraining, micro-muscle tears).

Avocado fruits are heart attack protection, thanks to Omega-3 content. If this fruit is not available in your area, substitute it. olive oil(1 teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning).

Which vegetables are the healthiest?

Among vegetables, the first place belongs to tomatoes. Tomato salad or tomato paste in the form of a sauce for your favorite dishes protect the male body from prostate cancer(due to the content of a substance such as lycopene).

Ginger root will increase the body's resistance to infection, improve intestinal motility, slightly will increase metabolism and also improve mood, which is important for depression.

Stewed or raw carrots– a source of many useful substances, especially vitamin A. It is an antioxidant that rejuvenates the body and tones it up perfectly. Supports vision, improves hair, nails and skin.

If you want to avoid Alzheimer's disease– we introduce red cabbage to the menu. It will literally save you from cerebral vascular sclerosis.

Jpg" alt="Red cabbage for vascular sclerosis" width="500" height="358" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C215&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

White cabbage removes excess estrogen from the body of men. This happens due to the compound indole-3-carbinol, which increases the level of the male hormone testosterone. To do this, it is advisable to consume at least 500 mg of cabbage per day (not a gram, but a milligram).

With age, the percentage of content in the male body increases female hormones, which is greatly facilitated by such widespread and seemingly harmless consumption of beer. And there are hops, which contain phytoestrogen...
Source folic acid(B9) – leafy vegetables. It is in the green leaves of lettuce, parsley, and dill that this men's vitamin . Celery and parsley are characterized by the presence of plant hormones similar to male ones. Their consumption in food increases potency.

Listen to a urologist's advice on proper nutrition for men:

Now you know what foods are good for male reproductive health, what they regulate and why it is advisable to introduce them into a man’s diet.

Bon appetit, dear men! I wish you to preserve your male strength for many years! Remember - proper nutrition provide you good quality life for many years.


Chicken is a dietary type of meat. Chicken fillet is loved by bodybuilders and other athletes for its main advantages:

  • high protein content (see table below);
  • low calorie and low content fat;
  • cheapness;
  • easy preparation;
  • easy to digest.

Really, chicken breast- meat that is easily accessible and easy to prepare. You don't have to be a culinary genius to simply boil chicken fillet. Among other things, chicken meat contains B vitamins, vitamin PP, A, minerals magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc.

Use: boiled, steamed or baked meat retains its properties best. It is better to eat with a vegetable side dish.


Pork is a high-calorie and fatty meat. Being fatty product, pork nourishes and warms the body well. It is not recommended for frequent consumption due to its high cholesterol and lipid content. Plus, like all red meat in animal agriculture, pork is raised using hormones and feed additives to promote rapid growth.

Despite its obvious shortcomings, pork is a meat rich in composition. Thus, pork contains a full spectrum of B vitamins, in fairly large quantities, as well as other minerals and vitamins.

Usage: can be boiled, stewed and baked. It is not recommended to fry, as fatty fried meat is considered one of the most dangerous products for human health, due to the resulting carcinogens and poor absorption.


The beneficial properties of beef depend on the quality of the meat, its variety, and storage conditions. Fresh meat should be juicy red in color, fibrous-marble structure, and fairly elastic. The meat of an old animal has a dark red tint. Give preference to the highest grades of beef or tender veal, which in its taste and beneficial properties is superior to ordinary beef (although the cost of veal is much higher).

Beef is considered the lowest calorie among red meats, but its calorie content depends on the part of the carcass and the method of preparation. Rich beef mineral salts zinc, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins B, E, PP.

Consumption: just like pork, beef is not recommended to be fried due to the formation of carcinogens and an increase in its calorie content. Best consumed with a product rich in vitamin C, such as sauerkraut - this happens better absorption iron contained in beef.


In terms of calorie content, it occupies an intermediate place among pork and beef, but contains the least cholesterol. It is considered “clean” meat because prerequisite Raising sheep and rams is the presence of natural green grass covers. But this does not mean that lamb meat does not contain harmful substances, like other red meat. In terms of composition, lamb is rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, D, K, as well as various micro- and macroelements, in particular iron and sulfur.

Use: best consumed boiled, stewed or fried over an open fire, along with vegetables and herbs.

Soy meat - good or bad for men?

It is worth mentioning separately soy meat. Soy meat is a product made from vegetable (soy) protein. According to their own taste qualities resembles meat and is used to prepare vegetarian dishes. The advantage of soy textured meat over natural meat is its low calorie content, low fat and cholesterol content. According to vitamin and mineral composition soy is even superior to real meat. Plus, soy contains plant fibers that improve intestinal function.

What do men need from meat? - Comparison table

Firstly, men need meat to replenish protein and amino acids. This is especially necessary in severe physical labor or playing sports. Secondly, any meat contains cholesterol, which is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones. Thirdly, meat contains the necessary set of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins B, E, C and zinc minerals are especially important for the male body (plays vital role in the formation of the testosterone molecule), magnesium, potassium, calcium.

Table 1 - Comparative characteristics types of meat and composition per 100 grams*

Protein content, grams 21 – 23 16 19 17
Ease of absorption +
Calorie content, kcal 160 320 – 500 180 200
Cheapness + +
Availability + + +
Zinc content, mg 1 – 3 1 – 3 3 – 8 2 – 6
Content of hormones, antibiotics and chemicals +/- +/-

Considered the cleanest red meat product in livestock farming

*The data in the table indicates indicative values ​​only


Mostly, positive side meat is to replenish protein and amino acid reserves, necessary for the body. Therefore for frequent use optimal would be poultry meat (boiled chicken breast, for example), which has low calorie content and high protein content. If the meat portion size is small and the amount of consumption does not exceed 2-3 times a week, then any of the presented products can be included in the menu, subject to the general rules for the consumption of meat products (see below). As for so necessary for men zinc, then it is better to replenish it with the help of other foods (see).

General rules for eating meat:

  1. Do not eat meat frequently or in large portions. It is recommended to consume meat 2 times a week in limited quantities: your portion should not exceed 50-70 grams (a portion the size of a bar of soap or a deck of cards). Thus, the recommended weekly volume of meat products should not exceed 100-150 grams. Why so few? It's all about the content of hormones used in animal husbandry to raise livestock. You can read more about this. If you have the opportunity to consume meat products from domestic animals, for the cultivation of which hormones and other chemicals were not used, then you can double the weekly portion. And keep in mind that the word “meat” does not mean meat products from the store such as sausage, smoked meats, meatloaf, sausages or minced cutlets - you should completely avoid these products.
  2. When purchasing meat, you should give preference to refrigerated products over deep-frozen ones. Firstly, this way the meat will retain more nutrients. Secondly, it can be checked for freshness before you buy it. When purchasing chilled meat, make sure that it has not had contact with insects (in particular flies) and has not been near polluted air (dust, exhaust fumes, etc.). To do this, meat must be stored in proper conditions: a refrigeration unit, closed from external penetration or a transparent display case that acts as a refrigeration chamber.
  3. The cooking method is no less important than the quality of the meat itself. It is not recommended to fry meat - such a product is most dangerous to human health, since frying produces harmful substances and also increases the calorie content of the product. Especially avoid frying fatty meats such as pork. It is recommended to boil, stew or bake meat products.
  4. It is better to eat meat with vegetables and herbs, which promotes faster digestion and elimination from the body. Do not consume carbohydrates (for example, potatoes) with meat, as they are poorly absorbed together.
  5. You should not refreeze meat, as it loses all its beneficial properties. After purchasing, if you plan to freeze the meat, divide it into portions so that you do not have to defrost the entire piece in the future.


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