My wisdom tooth hurts for a week after removal. Teeth hurt after wisdom tooth removal: consequences, treatment methods and traditional methods

Thanks to the availability of high-quality painkillers and the professionalism of dentists, wisdom tooth removal is almost painless. This is a planned procedure, before which there is no need to panic or be afraid. Minor discomfort may occur after 2-3 hours (the anesthesia wears off). But if the pain does not subside, but intensifies, this is a reason to contact a specialist again. Complications after wisdom tooth removal can be caused by various factors.

Wisdom tooth: all the features of the “eight”

Dentists call a wisdom tooth a “figure eight”: if you divide the oral cavity into two parts with a vertical line, then in the upper and lower rows the teeth will be located in eighths (at the very end). The peculiarity of these teeth is late time growth. They usually erupt in the period from 20 to 30 years, at the moment when the human body slows down growth and enters a state of maturity.

IN dental practice There are often cases when a wisdom tooth causes discomfort even in the initial stages of growth, since eruption is painful and long. Most often this is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory zone. The tooth itself, covered with damaged tissue, is constantly injured by pieces of food. Bacteria penetrate the tissues and inflammation worsens. As a result, this leads to purulent inflammation (pericoronitis).

It is important to know! To prevent such troubles, it is recommended to consult a dentist to remove the hood over the tooth.

General facts about the procedure

Removing this tooth has its own characteristics. It is located a little deeper than the others, and the number of nerve endings is an order of magnitude higher. Improper removal can lead to prolonged healing and provoke various complications. Pain after the procedure is a normal and natural reaction of the body. There should be a blood clot in the hole that was previously occupied by the tooth, preventing infection from entering the wound. This shouldn't scare you.

Often, when wisdom teeth erupt, many people experience a rise in temperature, and dentists consider this natural, since “eights” are unusual teeth. After removal, an increase in body temperature also often occurs. This is a consequence of inflammation caused by the intervention.

Even a temperature of 38-39 degrees does not indicate significant suppuration of the hole or the development of an infection, but requires caution and attention from the person. It is recommended to lower temperatures above 38 degrees with the help of appropriate medications. You should sound the alarm only if the high temperature lasts for more than two days. The specialist will definitely identify the cause of the complication and prescribe appropriate therapy.

What causes complications: list of main factors

Causes, causing complications after such operations, there may be the most banal:

Open carious cavities in the mouth;

Generalized caries;

Inadequate oral care.

There are also a number of other reasons that have nothing to do with dentistry, but can become a catalyst for complications. Among such factors, experts identify hypertension, increased blood pressure V stressful situations and capillary fragility. Constantly heavy physical work can also be signs of complications.

For reference! Bad habits - smoking, alcoholism - undermine the immune system and reduce protective forces. This is also the reason for prolonged wound healing and the development of complications against this background.

Types of complications and their treatment

Complications after wisdom tooth removal occur quite rarely. But if this does happen, you should not blame only the dentist. On occurrence undesirable consequences may also influence individual characteristics the structure of the body or how a person cares for the oral cavity.

Why is there bleeding from the hole?

Usually the blood in the hole coagulates within the first minute, being covered with a thin protective film. If the dentist performed a complex wisdom tooth removal, the blood will take a little longer to clot. To avoid this, doctors make several tightening sutures and also apply a hemostatic sponge to the hole.

Some specialists apply stitches immediately after the procedure, but their other colleagues do not take risks due to the possible development of other types of complications. When suturing a wound, doctors recommend following several simple rules.

  1. People with hypertension need to closely monitor their blood pressure levels. Those who take medications to lower them should remember that due to stress, blood pressure can remain high for a very long time, so the usual dosage of medications will not be enough.
  2. Prohibited to use alcoholic drinks– they dilate blood vessels.
  3. People who smoke should abstain from this habit for a while. There is also no need to spit or suck out blood from the wound.
  4. A wide smile is beautiful, but not in this case.
  5. Lifting heavy objects should be limited.
  6. There is no need to touch the sutures placed on the wound. If an infection gets there, there will be an even greater complication.

It also happens that bleeding from the hole begins at home. Here, too, you need to remain calm and try to stop the bleeding yourself.

  1. Make a thick swab from a sterile bandage and place it on the hole (while pressing firmly).
  2. In place extracted tooth, on the outside of the cheek, you need to apply something cold (ice cream, meat or ice), after wrapping it in a towel. Hold for 3 minutes with breaks until bleeding stops completely.
  3. If the bleeding does not stop, you need to call an ambulance. Doctors will take you to the nearest medical Center where qualified assistance will be provided.

Pus on the gum or alveolitis

One of the most unpleasant complications is the development of the process of gum suppuration - alveolitis. During normal healing, a blood clot, which is gradually tightening. With alveolitis, this clot acquires a “jelly” structure and has bad smell and taste.

The main factors causing this complication (other than cavities and tooth decay) may be infectious diseases or reduced immunity. With this type of complication, the doctors who performed the operation may also be at fault. The procedure could have been carried out unprofessionally, and a piece of root could have remained in the hole.

Treatment of alveolitis is divided into two types: initial stage and late therapy. The latter involves cutting the gum and rinsing it antiseptic solutions, as well as installation of drainage for the outflow of purulent masses.

If alveolitis has not had time to develop, then specialists limit themselves to removing the festered piece from the hole, washing the wound with antiseptics and placing it there. special medicine For quick recovery bone tissue and healing of the hole.

Residual phenomenon in the form of a hematoma

The appearance of swelling and pain at the site of an extracted wisdom tooth is not a sign of alveolitis alone. Such symptoms may be a signal that a hematoma has formed at the site of removal.

But the dental concept of hematoma is somewhat different from its everyday understanding. The main causes of hematoma may be increased fragility capillaries, as well as hypertonic disease. Also, a hematoma can be caused by damage to one vessel during local anesthesia.

Hematoma of the wisdom tooth socket is unpleasant and painful problem. Unlike alveolitis, which can be seen on early stage development, there are no primary signs of hematoma. But if the gums look swollen, although there is no pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. And an attempt on your own home treatment- warming up, baths, lotions - will only worsen the situation.

The correct solution for such a complication is surgical intervention. The actions of doctors are the same as for severe alveolitis. But here the gum incision should be made very carefully, not completely.

After the mini-surgery, you need to visit the dentist for at least a week and also take prescribed antibiotics. Visits to the doctor should be made every other day for:

- dressings;

— if it is necessary to change the drainage;

- observations of general health patient.

Dry socket as a type of alveolitis

During the normal healing process, fibrin, which is a blood clot with impurities, will remain in the sockets. It speeds up the healing process and is a protector against infections. If it happens that fibrin is not produced, then the complication “dry” socket occurs, which is accompanied by following symptoms:

- pain at the removal site;

bad smell in the mouth.

The appearance of these symptoms appears on average 2-3 days after visiting the dentist.

Paresthesia or loss of sensation

Paresthesia secondary to damage to the jaw nerve is quite rare, but is unpleasant phenomenon. Temporary loss of sensitivity occurs during complex operations and goes away on its own after a couple of weeks. If a small area is damaged, sensitivity returns on its own after 2 days. In advanced cases, help and treatment will require consultation with relevant specialists (surgeon, neurologist).

The phenomenon develops due to the action of several factors.

  1. Incorrect location of roots, presence severe inflammation. Proximity to nerves increases the risk of sensory loss.
  2. Negligent attitude and unprofessionalism. The dentist did not study the features of the bones and the location of the roots before the operation.

Why does my cheek swell?

Flux is the result of non-compliance with hygiene rules and infection in the periosteum (this causes inflammation). Characteristic symptoms:

- the gums become swollen and red;

- the person experiences excruciating pain at the removal site;

- a swelling also appears on the cheek;

- the temperature is rising.

Edema may act as normal reaction on the performed manipulations, and a signal about the beginning dangerous inflammation. The bag of pus may rupture on its own: the symptoms will go away, but the inflammation will continue inside the gum.

Interesting to know! Most dangerous caseallergic edema V respiratory tract immediately after the procedure. The cheek swells greatly, breathing is accompanied by whistling, shortness of breath appears. In such a situation, emergency hospitalization cannot be avoided.

Traumatic complications

Rare cases (no more than 5% of total number complications) - fractures or complete destruction enamel of neighboring teeth. To minimize injury, it is important to pre-do x-rays and other tests (at the dentist’s discretion). Full information information about the condition of the wisdom tooth will help the specialist decide which tactic to choose for removal.

Cracks in the jaw

During the manipulation, bone tissue is removed - this weakens the cross-section of the jaws. It is often necessary to remove the adjacent healthy “seven” to reduce the risk of injury.

The presence of a crack may not be noticed in the dentist's chair. Clinical picture complications, expressed by swelling, high fever, aching pain, may appear a week after the operation.

Defects in an adjacent tooth

If the dentist has no results preliminary diagnostics, the shape of the bones may become an unpleasant surprise. The result is uncertain actions, incorrect calculation of force and slipping of the forceps. Both neighboring teeth and soft tissues can be damaged.

For reference! If the “seven” is additionally weakened by caries, the damage will be more significant.

If a tooth is broken, only extraction is prescribed. If a dislocation occurs, a splint is fitted for 30 days.

Root in soft tissue

One of the complications of this group is the involuntary pushing of the root into the area under the tongue. The provoking factor is resorption (destruction, resorption) of the lingual wall. As a result, the root of the wisdom tooth moves inside the groove.

If the defect is detected immediately, the root can be returned to its place using a soft tissue incision. Advanced cases require hospital stay.

Briefly about other consequences

Due to infection, stomatitis can develop, which is easily treatable. You just need to regularly rinse your mouth with various medicinal solutions. Also, a cyst may develop at the site of removal, which can only be removed through surgery.

The patient may experience momentary loss consciousness. Fainting in such a situation is the result of strong feelings and worries (emotional overstrain). This situation is not dangerous, but it frightens other patients significantly. An influx of water will help bring a person back to his senses. fresh air, ammonia and washing with cold water.

How to prevent complications?

Despite the variety of complications after removal of the “eight”, there is a general set of rules of conduct after surgery.

  1. Do not rinse your mouth during the day; brush your teeth also on the second day.
  2. Do not eat for 2 hours after the procedure.
  3. Avoid high and low food temperatures (as well as sudden changes).
  4. Do not touch the hole with your tongue or chew on the removal side in the first few days.
  5. Use antibacterial agents for rinsing.

Let's sum it up

It must be remembered that with proper oral care and following simple rules, no complications will arise when wisdom teeth are removed. Familiarization with the information presented will excellent occasion quit smoking, alcohol and other bad habits, paying attention to the state of your health.

From this article you will learn:

  • Tooth pulled out, gums hurt: what to do.
  • why gums hurt after tooth extraction: reasons,
  • How many days should the pain last?

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Many patients complain that their gums hurt in the first days after tooth extraction. Pain is a normal response of the body to injury, and therefore mild pain that does not last long is normal. However, pain occurs not only as a consequence of injury to the bone and gums, but also because inflammation of the gums could develop after tooth extraction.

According to statistics, inflammation and improper healing of the socket after tooth extraction occurs in 3-5% of cases (but this applies to teeth of any location except wisdom teeth). But it leads to the development of complications in approximately 25-30% of cases. This article will help you understand the cause of the pain, whether your tooth socket is healing properly, and what to do if it becomes inflamed.

Type of gums after tooth extraction (normal) –

How much does your gum hurt after tooth extraction?

How much the gums hurt after tooth extraction directly depends on the degree of trauma of the removal and whether inflammation of the socket occurred or not. Normal after easy removal the pain usually lasts for 1-2 days, and once it occurs, its severity should gradually decrease by the next day. Therefore, if your gums ache a little after tooth extraction, there is no need to panic right away.

Why does my gum hurt after tooth extraction?
Severe pain after tooth extraction usually occurs when significant trauma is caused to the bone tissue around the tooth. This happens when removing a complex tooth, when the doctor is forced to saw out the bone tissue with a drill or saw through the crown of the tooth in order to extract the tooth in fragments. In these situations, severe pain may be justified, but even in these cases, it still more often occurs due to doctor errors...

1. Severe pain after removal and surgeon error -

When a tooth has been removed, the gums hurt so much that even strong analgesics help little - the reason most often turns out to be the incompetence of the surgeon. Unfortunately, many surgeons do not strive to minimize trauma to bone tissue and gums during the removal process, which leads to severe pain. Below we list the main medical “flaws” in the process of tooth extraction -

  • When sawing out bone with a drill
    According to the rules, when cutting out bone around a tooth, the doctor must use a surgical handpiece, which supplies coolant to the drilling area. In 90% of cases in surgical rooms Tips without such cooling are used. As a result, the bone suffers a thermal burn and superficial necrosis, and the patient suffers sharp pains after removal.

    If you have had a bone cut out and your gums hurt after tooth extraction: what to do in such a situation will depend on the condition of the socket of the extracted tooth. If the clot is dense and there are no symptoms of inflammation other than pain, you should wait and take strong NSAID-based analgesics. If the socket is empty and there are signs of inflammation (see below), you need to go for a second visit to the dentist and clean the socket.

  • Movable bone fragments in the wound
    the surgeon may leave large, inactive bone fragments in the socket of the extracted tooth, which are formed when the tooth dislocates/rocks. Their presence can lead to severe pain and inflammation of the extracted tooth socket, as well as the need for a second visit to the surgeon to remove them.
  • Wrong removal strategy
    this is the most common mistake. The fact is that different doctors (due to differences in experience and intelligence) remove exactly the same teeth in different ways. This leads to the fact that one surgeon can torment the patient for 1-2 hours, trying to use only forceps and elevators when removing and regardless of the trauma caused to the bone, while another will decide to immediately saw the tooth into 2 parts (removing them separately), and spending only 15-25 minutes on the entire removal.

  • The doctor did not stitch
    Before removal, the mucous membrane around the tooth is peeled off from it with a trowel, which leads to the fact that the edges of the mucous membrane around the socket of the extracted tooth will be mobile. Often, even seeing the need for suturing, surgeons are too lazy to do it. Ideally, at least 1 suture should be applied even after the removal of small single-rooted teeth, not to mention multi-rooted ones.

    Studies have shown that suturing the socket can reduce pain intensity by 30-50% and reduce the risk of developing inflammatory complications up to 90%, accelerates wound healing, and also almost completely prevents the loss of a blood clot from the socket and the risk of bleeding. I can recommend to you - always, before removal, ask the doctor to suture the hole (even if you have to pay an extra 250-500 rubles for 1 or 2 stitches). This will save you a lot of nerves.

  • If the doctor has not prescribed it, there is high risk development of inflammation of the socket and, as a result, severe pain. Antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor, so you should go for a re-examination and complain about pain.

What to do in all these situations -

How long does the gum hurt after tooth extraction in these situations - normally, pain should last no more than 1-2 days after simple removal, and its severity should be mild or moderate. Moreover, pain, swelling (if it also appears) and other negative symptoms should gradually decrease. After complex removal pain can be severe and normally last 3-5 days, but starting from next day they will also begin to decrease.

If the intensity of the pain does not decrease within 2 days, if you feel bone fragments in the wound with your tongue, if you experience pain in the socket when responding to cold/hot water, if a blood clot has fallen out of the socket, if there is an unpleasant odor from the socket... – you need to urgently go to the surgeon for a second appointment (without waiting for your gums to become inflamed after tooth extraction).

2. If the cause of pain is inflammation after tooth extraction

Quite often, patients return again with complaints of constant aching pain that does not decrease, a bad smell from the socket, and the fact that their gums are festering after tooth extraction. If a patient experiences such inflammation after tooth extraction, treatment can only be carried out by contacting the dentist again.

When examining such patients in the oral cavity, you can see the following picture: the socket is filled with traces of necrotic decay of a blood clot and food debris, bone tissue in the depths of the socket is exposed, which is very painful when touched and when cold or hot water. This inflammation is usually called alveolitis of the tooth socket.

Inflammation after tooth extraction: photo

Sometimes the pain due to inflammation of the socket is so severe that even the strongest analgesics do not help. The duration of the pain can be from 10 to 40 days, and, as a rule, it ends only after treatment of the inflamed hole by the dentist. The most severe symptoms are usually observed with alveolitis of the wisdom tooth socket (there is also severe suppuration and swelling of the cheek).

Inflamed gums after tooth extraction: what to do...
It should be noted that suppuration of the gums after tooth extraction can develop both through the fault of the doctor and after wrong actions patient (for example, you may have rinsed your mouth vigorously and rinsed out a blood clot). will consist of cleaning the socket of the extracted tooth from necrotic decay of the clot and food debris, and placing special anti-inflammatory drugs in the socket.

Alveolitis (inflammation of the socket after removal): video
in video 1 you can see what classic alveolitis looks like, and in video 2 you can see what it looks like when pressing on the gums in the area of ​​both extracted teeth wisdom, pus is released from the holes.

3. Pain during hematoma suppuration –

Sometimes you have to deal with the following situation - the blood clot in the socket of the extracted tooth is dense, there is no inflammation in it... but at the same time, the patient can observe the following symptoms, indicating the formation of a hematoma and its suppuration -

Despite modern technologies in dentistry, aimed at long-term preservation beautiful and healthy teeth in humans, sometimes it is impossible to do without their removal. Very often this concerns wisdom teeth. Their extraction is a serious dental operation, after which there is always pain. Fast healing In this case, healing of the soft tissues of the gums is carried out only through proper care of the socket after tooth extraction.

How is a wisdom tooth removed?

The procedure for removing wisdom teeth itself is painless, since due to its complexity it is used local anesthesia. If the effect of the anesthetic ceases before the end of the operation, the patient is given special tablet to relieve pain.

Extraction of wisdom teeth on the lower and upper jaws is different. It is much easier to remove the figure eight from above than from below. This is explained by the fact that the tooth roots are upper jaw not as strong and tortuous as on the bottom. The bone tissue below is denser, which greatly complicates the procedure.

The operation to remove a molar takes place in several stages:

Causes of alveolitis

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Removal of a wisdom tooth is often accompanied by unforeseen complications, because the eights are difficult to reach and have wide roots. One of these unpleasant and frequent consequences can be alveolitis. This is inflammation of the walls of the socket, which is associated with infection in the wound after surgery. The main reasons for the development of alveolitis can be:

  • presence in oral cavity chronic inflammation fabrics;
  • periodontitis;
  • dry socket as a result of improper care;
  • a situation where there are remains of tooth fragments in the wound.

With the development of alveolitis, a specific odor appears from the mouth, a gray coating forms on the alveolus, plus, severe pain appears, which makes it painful to swallow and eat (we recommend reading:). Self-medication or untimely appeal to a specialist can lead to serious complications, among which:

Symptoms of inflammation

Removing a wisdom tooth is a time-consuming and complex procedure, and future restoration may be accompanied by a number of symptoms, including:

  • soreness;
  • swelling;
  • temperature increase;
  • hematoma in the cheek area;
  • discomfort when trying to open your mouth.

With normal healing characteristic symptoms They leave within a week at most. If the wound takes a long time to heal and the symptoms do not go away within the above period, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Also, the severity of symptoms may indicate inflammatory process or other complications.

A blood clot formed in the hole, after tooth extraction, gradually changes its color from dark burgundy to light pink with a yellowish color. You can always find photos on the Internet that show what a normal postoperative socket looks like without inflammation.

Gum pain

Pain after wisdom tooth removal is a common and completely natural phenomenon. It can affect not only the wound itself, but also neighboring teeth, gums, the entire jaw and even the throat. The pain is nagging and normal development Events go away on their own within a couple of days. If it does not go away, but rather intensifies, and pain relievers do not help, then this indicates possible damage and inflammation of the surrounding tissues.


An increase in temperature after such a procedure is also considered normal. On the first day after surgery, it may rise to 37.5 degrees, but stabilize the next day. Perhaps her slight increase for several days in the evening. If the temperature rises gradually, rather than abruptly, and does not return to normal within a couple of days, this indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process. If you have a high temperature, you can take Paracetamol and see a doctor immediately.

The hole is dry

Dry socket is a very serious complication caused by the use of anesthetics simultaneously with vasoconstrictor drugs. As a result of arterial spasm, the formation of a blood clot does not occur, which performs vital role. It promotes normal process healing, protects bone and nerve endings, new bone tissue is formed on it. For this reason, in order to avoid complications such as dry socket, rinsing and brushing your mouth on the first day is prohibited.

Discharge of pus

Pus appears in the hole only if it gets infected. The main factors leading to suppuration are the following:

  • failure to follow the hygiene rules prescribed by the doctor;
  • the remaining tooth fragment (see also:);
  • inflammatory process after complex removal.

It is important to go to the dentist the first time you see pus. If you do not remove the reason why pus accumulates in time, you can provoke the development of a fistula or cyst.

How long can a hole hurt?

After the removal of a wisdom tooth, the healing process of the resulting wound and, in particular, its duration are purely individual character, and also depend on the quality and competence of the operation (more details in the article:). Usually full recovery And concomitant treatment takes from one week to one month.

If the molar had crooked roots or was difficult to remove, then the hole will take longer to heal and the tissue around it will take longer to recover.

Also, the healing process may be delayed if:

  • incorrectly selected anesthesia;
  • damage to the gums during surgery;
  • poor quality technique for performing the procedure.

The sutures after such an operation are removed a week after the wisdom tooth is removed. The bone in the place where the molar was pulled out completely heals after 4-5 months.

Recovery may be accompanied by pain and other symptoms. Three hours after the anesthesia wears off, pain always occurs in the gums (we recommend reading:). They can be constant or intermittent, and how long they last varies from person to person.

The gradual subsidence of pain in a normal situation takes place by 4, maximum 5 days. During this period, the condition can be alleviated with painkillers. In case of complex removal, pain may accompany healing for up to 10 days. If the wound continues to hurt after this time and heals more slowly, then you should definitely see a specialist.

The most important stage after wisdom tooth removal is postoperative period and caring for the hole at this time. Compliance with all the dentist’s recommendations will speed up and protect the healing process of gingival soft tissues and eliminate possible complications. The table below shows a number of manipulations that should be performed at certain periods after surgery to avoid complications:

A period of timeProcedures and tips
Immediately after extraction
  • We need to stop the bleeding. For this purpose, the doctor installs a small gauze swab, which helps form a clot in the gum pocket. If the bleeding does not stop, apply a compress to the wound to stop the bleeding (we recommend reading:).
  • For severe swelling, it is recommended to hold an ice pack on the affected side for 40 minutes. This will help reduce swelling.
The first 3-4 hours after removal
  • Do not eat, drink or rinse your mouth.
  • Do not exercise and avoid stress. As a result, it increases blood pressure, which is fraught with washing out of the clot.
  • Do not touch the socket with your fingers, tongue or toothbrush. Bleeding may begin.
  • Do not take a bath, steam bath or sauna.
  • If the pain is severe, take a painkiller. For example, Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Celecoxib.
First days
  • Prevent infection from entering the hole. For these purposes, make baths of solutions of 0.04% Eludril or 0.12% Chlorhexidine. For half a glass of water there are 2 tablespoons of medicine. The solution is taken into the mouth for a couple of minutes and spat out.
  • Take painkillers as needed. It is important not to overuse.
  • Oral gymnastics. Open your mouth until pain appears.
A week later
  • If the wound does not hurt and there are no complications, treatment and all manipulations, such as baths or pain relief pills, can be stopped.
  • Further recovery proceeds independently.

Diet: what can you eat?

Eating is of no small importance in the healing process of the socket after wisdom tooth removal, because the main irritants of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity are food. For example, eating spicy or salty foods during this period leads to increased pain, hot foods and drinks dilate blood vessels, thereby causing swelling and bleeding. Another reason for bleeding and pain is mechanical injury mucous membrane as a result of chewing too hard foods.

Typically, pain after wisdom tooth removal occurs when the anesthesia wears off. There is nothing surprising or scary about this. After all, during surgical intervention tissue rupture occurs, and this is painful. Fortunately, there are excellent medications that can help you get through the painful period that should end within a few days after surgery. It’s bad if the pain does not go away, and it is accompanied by tissue swelling and a high temperature that does not subside.

Wisdom teeth (third molars or "eights") have characteristic differences from their "neighbors". They occupy the last place in the jaw arch, so they are difficult to reach.

They often have a large crown and numerous and tortuous roots, as a result of which they may not have enough space in the gums. Because of this anatomical shape the third molars may be in an incorrect position. For example, rest against the second molar (“seven”), which we talked about in the article “What to do if a wisdom tooth grows horizontally into another tooth.” Or cut into the buccal side - this situation we discussed in the article “If wisdom teeth grow into the cheek.”

It’s no wonder that the specificity of the “eights” brings a lot of trouble, and often it all ends with their removal. Especially if your wisdom tooth hurts severely and for a long time due to acute inflammation or cyst formation. The remaining conditions for the operation can be found in the article “Wisdom teeth: treat or remove.”

From anesthesia to pain several hours

Surgery is the main cause of pain after wisdom tooth removal. Around the pulled out third molar, the tissues responsible for its fixation are injured: gums, blood and lymphatic vessels, ligaments, nerve branches, which invariably causes pain.

Of course, the patient should not feel anything during the operation. After all, even before it, the dentist-surgeon anesthetizes nerve fibers, responsible for the sensitivity of the “eight”. But after a few hours, when the effect of the painkiller wears off, aching pain appears, which gradually increases. Thus, the body reports violent intervention.

If wisdom teeth have been removed, no doctor can say for sure how long the wound will hurt. Much depends on how the third molar was pulled out: simply or with complications. Let's consider this point in more detail.

Simplicity or complexity

The operation will be quick and simple if the “eight” has already erupted, is located vertically, has even roots and a complete crown. And also in the absence of inflammation, cysts, abscesses and other complications. In total, the dentist will have to carry out three actions: push back the mucous membrane of the gums, loosen and pull out the wisdom tooth.

As a result of such manipulations, the wound in the gum after the removal of the third molar will hurt for about 2-4 days. After this time, severe pain should give way to aching pain and gradually subside.

A complex operation takes much longer. It is prescribed if a wisdom tooth is stuck in the jaw bone or gum, has a non-standard placement, multiple and curved roots, or a destroyed crown. To get to the “eight”, the doctor has to cut the gum and drill a hole in the bone. Only then loosen and pull out the wisdom tooth. If necessary, cut it into pieces and take them out one by one. And then stitches.

That's not all

In some cases, a problematic third molar may be surrounded by inflamed tissue, purulent abscesses, neoplasms: cysts, granulomas. This prolongs the operation time, since the dentist additionally needs to remove excess and clean the site of the removed wisdom tooth from unnecessary contents. This increases the load on the tissue, and the wound ends up being large.

The pain after removing wisdom teeth in this way lasts much longer than after a simple operation. Approximately 5-7 days. The gums and cheek may also swell and the temperature may rise. After a week, the wound may still ache a little. But any discomfort should gradually disappear, and your health should improve.

Its location in the dental system can also affect how much your gums hurt after the removal of a wisdom tooth. As a rule, it is easier to pull out “eights” on the upper jaw than on the lower jaw. At the top, the jaw tissues are loose, and the third molars have a simplified root structure. Below, all the tissues are dense, and the roots are tortuous and numerous.

You can survive the painful period

Don't discount it pain threshold the patient and his body’s ability to regenerate. If a wisdom tooth is removed, how long will it hurt? damaged tissue, sometimes depends precisely on these parameters.

At normal course process, the wound at the site of the torn “eight” will begin to heal, the tissue will begin to recover, and the pain will subside. To survive the painful period, you can use painkillers:

  • "Ketanov": 1 tablet every 4-6 hours;
  • Ibuprofen: 1 tablet every 6 hours;
  • “Nimesil”: 1 sachet in the morning and evening;
  • "Nurofen": 1 tablet every 6-8 hours;
  • "Mig 400": 1 tablet every 6-8 hours;
  • "Pentalgin": 1 tablet every 6 hours;
  • "Viox": 1-2 tablets per day;
  • “Nise”: 1-2 tablets per day;
  • "Oxadol": 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours;
  • "Ketonal": 1-2 tablets 1-2 times a day;
  • "Tempalgin": 1 tablet every 6 hours;
  • “Bol-ran”: 1 tablet every 6 hours;
  • "Solpadeine": 2 tablets every 4 hours;
  • "Movalis": 1-2 tablets per day;
  • "Etoricoxib": 1 tablet per day;
  • "Rofika": 1-2 tablets per day
  • "Arcoxia": 1 tablet per day.

You can use any medications after the third molar has been pulled out only with the permission of the attending physician.

Complicated symptoms

Let's summarize. After a wisdom tooth has been removed, the gums hurt, there is swelling of the soft tissues, a hematoma (bruise) on the cheek, a slight rise in temperature, and mild headaches are possible. All this continues for about a week. Afterwards the patient's condition should return to normal.

It’s bad if the pain after wisdom tooth removal lasts longer than 7 days, increasing every day. And also, if the tissues at the site of the removed third molar are severely swollen, bleeding begins again, the readings on the thermometer remain at 38 degrees or higher, and where the “eight” was, purulent gray-green liquid is visible and the breath smells rotten .

These symptoms may occur all together or separately. In any case, they talk about complications. Let's figure out why the wound hurts longer than expected, and what to do if you had to deal with the consequences after surgery.

Interestingly, the duration of pain can be affected by mental condition patient. If the wound aches for a long time, he may be very nervous or experience psychosomatic, phantom pain.

Pulpitis and nerve damage

Sometimes, after the third molar is removed, throbbing pain occurs. It is periodic in nature. With time quiet periods become shorter, and the pain increases. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.

Pulsation may indicate pulpitis affecting the second molar. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the pulp - the soft tissue of the teeth. Sometimes, after a wisdom tooth is pulled out, part of its pulp remains in the wound, connected to the nerve branches. Its inflammation can also cause similar sensations. Like dental chips or fragments dental instrument, remaining in the tooth socket after surgery.

If the wound is pulsating, it may be that there was a lot of pressure during the operation. nerve damage, and neuropathy arose - it was not inflammatory lesion. As a result of the development of this disease, spasms of the facial muscles appear and facial function is impaired.

It is possible that neuritis – inflammation of the nerve – may occur. In addition to throbbing pain, the disease is accompanied by tingling, numbness and swelling of soft tissues, the formation of ulcers, and severe headaches.

In any case, it is recommended to immediately contact the dentist to clarify the diagnosis. To do this, you need to take an x-ray and undergo electroodontometry - a procedure to identify the sensitivity of tissues to electric current. If the cause of the pulsation is forgotten fragments of teeth or instruments, the dentist must remove them free of charge.

Tissue infection

If a week after pulling out the “eight” the pain still does not go away, the damaged tissue may have become inflamed.

Inflammation may occur due to poor quality work dentist This happens when he uses non-sterile instruments or does not properly treat the wound with antiseptic solutions.

The patient himself is often to blame, especially if he ignores postoperative measures: picks a tooth socket with a toothpick, smokes, brushes teeth or rinses your mouth on the day of surgery. Acquainted with full list Prohibited and permitted rehabilitation actions can be found in the article “What to do after wisdom teeth removal.”

As a result of negligence, a blood clot – a thrombus – falls out of the wound or is washed out. That is, injured tissues are deprived of natural protection and become a favorable environment for the activity of bacteria, microbes and other microorganisms that can cause inflammation.

Inflammatory disease

Overdrying or infection of tissues due to poor treatment with medications or instruments, or loss of a blood clot can lead to the development of alveolitis - inflammation of the alveoli (tooth socket). Pathology can also be caused by separation of the sutures with which the dentist tightens the edges of the wound. Sometimes the disease occurs in the presence of a blood clot, if it has festered.

Alveolitis is accompanied by sharp, sometimes throbbing pains spreading along the path trigeminal nerve. Under the influence of the disease, serous and then purulent fluid begins to be released from the inflamed tissues. It quickly fills the wound and exudes an unpleasant, putrid smell. As a rule, symptoms of the disease appear 3-4 days after the third molar is pulled out.

Trying to treat alveolitis on your own is a dangerous idea that can lead to even more serious complications. Especially with pain that lasts longer than expected and radiates to the ear, temples, high temperature and swelling of the soft tissues around the wound. There is only one way out - urgently consult a dentist.

Possible relapses

Poor quality work by a dentist or advanced alveolitis can cause periostitis or simply gumboil. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the periosteum and is accompanied by pronounced, ongoing pain, large-scale swelling of the facial soft tissues, from the nose to the neck and chin.

As the pathology develops, the temperature rises to critical levels, and health deteriorates sharply. At any moment, an abscess can form - an accumulation of pus in the tissues due to their prolonged inflammation. Or develop phlegmon - spilled purulent inflammation connective tissue.

If the wound tissue is very painful, acute headaches, nausea, vomiting and a critical temperature appear, osteomyelitis may have begun - extremely dangerous consequence advanced periostitis. The disease leads to purulent-necrotic damage to the jaw bone, as well as the bone marrow. The latter situation is an advanced form of the disease requiring urgent hospitalization and full treatment in a hospital setting.

If the wound becomes inflamed after a wisdom tooth has been pulled out, how long the damaged tissue will hurt depends on the patient’s reaction. The sooner he goes to the dentist, the sooner treatment will begin. How long therapy will last depends on the degree of inflammation.

Other painful options

Sometimes your jaw hurts after wisdom tooth removal. This symptom is a natural postoperative consequence. Especially when performing a complex operation, when the third molar is embedded deep in the jaw tissue. In this case, the dentist has to get to it by drilling a hole in the bone. And then spend a long time picking out the “eight” or its parts.

Pain in the jaw may also indicate a fracture or crack. This phenomenon is accompanied severe swelling facial tissues, bleeding, impaired chewing function, inability to fully open the mouth. The reasons are the fragile structure of the bone tissue that could not withstand surgical intervention. Or dental ankylosis, a pathology in which the periodontal ligament is lost and the cement of the wisdom tooth fuses with the bone. The situation will be corrected by applying special plates or splints.

The jaw may also hurt due to the development of any previously mentioned inflammatory disease. What will the suppuration of the wound and the specific smell from the mouth tell about? We described above what to do in this case.

Bleeding and cooling process

Painful sensations after pulling out the figure eight may be associated with prolonged bleeding from the wound. This is common postoperative consequence occurs due to violations medical recommendations, mechanical damage holes, inflammation, severe injury blood vessels. Other reasons can be found in the article “How long can blood bleed after wisdom teeth removal.”

In the first 2-4 days, you can relieve pain with painkillers, the list of which is given above. Cold compresses that should be applied to outside cheeks in the area of ​​the sore spot. The fabrics need to be cooled for 2-3 minutes with breaks for the same amount of time.

It is strictly forbidden to warm damaged tissues, drink hot drinks and take hot baths. Impact high temperatures will increase pain and tissue swelling. If there is an infection, it will cause it to spread throughout the mouth. This is fraught with poisoning of the body.

If you have had to deal with wisdom teeth removal, please share your experience in the comments.

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Wisdom teeth can cause a lot of trouble. Often their appearance in the oral cavity is associated with severe pain during eruption, with the formation of periodontal pockets and traumatic stomatitis caused by friction.

In addition, wisdom teeth are quickly destroyed due to insufficient chewing load.

It is recommended to remove wisdom teeth, especially if there is existing caries or dystopia ( incorrect position). During removal, the patient may experience extremely intense pain because vestigial organ has powerful developed roots. After removal, complications may arise due to non-healing of the extraction site, suppuration of the extraction site, or due to incomplete extraction of fragments. What to do if your teeth hurt after wisdom tooth removal?

What consequences occur after the removal of a wisdom tooth and why do teeth hurt in principle?

Removal permanent teeth is always associated with intense, sharp pain both during the procedure and for a significant time after. In addition to pain, a number of dangerous complications can develop.

Potential complications:

  1. Pain (both at the extraction site and radiating to adjacent teeth).
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Suppuration.
  4. Temperature increase.
  5. Dry hole.
  6. Alveolitis of the socket.
  7. Periodontitis.
  8. Facial paresthesia.

What to do with swelling after wisdom tooth removal? Read about it.


Pain after removal of a wisdom tooth (eighth molar) is quite normal. The gum tissue (socket) at the site of tooth extraction is swollen and painful both on palpation and at rest for 1-5 days after the procedure.

The pain may radiate to the cheek, adjacent teeth, gums, temple or throat. It is also very common for the jaw to hurt after wisdom tooth removal. It’s rare, but it also happens that your throat hurts. This occurs due to trauma to soft tissues and nerve endings during extraction.

If the pain is still intense and does not go away on the fifth day, then you should contact your dentist. “Normal” pain dulls 1-2 days after removal, and after 4-5 days it almost completely disappears. If the pain is just as intense or has intensified, then this may indicate the addition of an infection, the development purulent lesion or the presence of other complications.

After surgical extraction of the eighth molar and its fragments, a prolonged presence of acute pain is characteristic.

The patient may be offered admission to the department maxillofacial surgery For inpatient treatment and 24/7 condition monitoring.


Tooth extraction is inevitably associated with trauma to blood vessels, so the presence of bleeding is not considered a pathology.

A cotton swab or gauze folded in several layers is applied to the removal site, which must be changed as it becomes saturated with blood.

Mild bleeding may periodically begin for several (usually 1-3) days after removal.

If the bleeding is heavy and does not go away, it is better to consult a doctor. Stitches may be required.


The appearance of pus from the hole or gum is a sign of an attached infection.

The process may be accompanied by intensive painful sensations, which are localized not only at the site of removal, but also in all adjacent tissues.

The reason may be failure to comply with the dentist's instructions regarding the regularity of rinsing and irrigating the oral cavity.

Another reason is tooth fragments remaining in the gums. If purulent inflammation is ignored, a cyst or fistula may develop on the gum.

The appearance of suppuration is dangerous, because it can provoke damage to the bone tissue of the jaw (osteomyelitis) or general blood poisoning (sepsis).


An increase in body temperature (hyperthermia) is also considered a normal and natural reaction of the body. In relatively in rare cases hyperthermia reaches pyretic levels (40 °C). Most often, hyperthermia manifests itself within 38.5 °C and lasts about 1-3 days from the moment of wisdom tooth removal.

Antipyretics (fever-reducing drugs) may be prescribed as treatment. Recommended drinking plenty of fluids and regular mouth rinses. It is very important to try to avoid infection wound surface gums.

If hyperthermia does not go away for more than 2-4 days or it cannot be eliminated with the help of antipyretics, then you should consult a therapist or dentist. Persistent hyperthermia is dangerous because it can mean the development of severe inflammation or suppuration in the socket. In addition, with a crumbled tooth, it is possible that some of the roots remain in the gum and provoke inflammation.

Ear hurts after wisdom tooth removal - what is dry socket?

An important nuance of wisdom teeth removal is the formation of a small thrombus (blood clot). If this does not happen or for some reason the clot has resolved, then a dry socket appears. This complication is characterized by radiating pain. That is, the pain “shoots” in the ear, tonsils, tongue, neighboring tooth or cheek.

A dry socket increases the risk of infection at the tooth extraction site, since the wound surface remains unprotected. It is worth noting that the hole itself may also hurt after removal.

Often the patient does not feel a dry socket until acute pain develops. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain regular visits to the dentist in the period after wisdom tooth removal.

For treatment, a special gel (or a tampon soaked in gel) is applied to the site of the extracted tooth, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration.


Alveolitis of the socket is a local process of inflammation of the gum tissue at the site of tooth extraction.

Cases when the gums partially cover the diseased wisdom tooth

Characterized by acute pain, severe swelling localized in soft tissues gums, cheeks, sometimes tongue.

A sharp, specific odor appears from the mouth.

Ignoring alveolitis can provoke the appearance of periostitis (pathology of the periosteum), abscess (abscess) or phlegmon (extensive suppuration).


Periodontitis after wisdom tooth removal is quite rare.

Signs of periodontitis and gingivitis

But if a person is prone to gum inflammation this procedure may become a provoking factor.

Periodontitis develops due to insufficient wound regeneration and secondary abundant proliferation of bacteria.

To avoid this, you need to use antiseptic rinses and carefully monitor the condition of your mouth.


When wisdom teeth are removed, nerve endings can be damaged. Most often, such damage manifests itself as numbness in the tongue, cheek, or entire half of the face.

In addition to numbness, goosebumps, twitching or tingling may appear. If the removal was uncomplicated (without cutting the gums), then paresthesia goes away on its own after 1-4 days.

If carried out surgical removal, then nerve damage is possible. In this case, paresthesia may persist long time or stay forever.

If you do not follow your dentist's instructions, removing a wisdom tooth can have serious consequences.

Don’t be lazy to rinse your mouth, follow food recommendations, and don’t miss scheduled consultations.

How long do wisdom teeth and gums hurt after removal?

On average, the gums hurt from 2 to 8 days. If the removal itself took place without cutting the gums, and the patient carefully monitors oral hygiene, then already on the fourth day the blood clot is replaced by young connective tissue.

The process of granulation is actively underway, and by the end of 5-7 days the entire cavity of the socket is covered with connective tissue.

This helps isolate the wound surface from bacteria and microorganisms, and also protects nerve endings. Therefore, the pain will go away completely.

Wisdom tooth sockets in the upper jaw, as a rule, heal quickly and without complications. Firstly, their traumatization by food is extremely low. Secondly, they have fewer nerve endings.

Damage to the gums after wisdom teeth removal lower jaw They take longer to heal, and this process may be accompanied by more intense pain.

The lower eighth molars have deeper and more branched roots. Therefore, pain in the gums after extraction of the mandibular teeth can last up to one and a half weeks.

What to do if your gums or jaw hurt after tooth extraction

If you feel intense pain in the gums or jaw, you can use painkillers - analgesics. Most often, the doctor prescribes certain drug immediately after the end of the procedure, describes the frequency of administration and maximum dose per day. Recipes can be used traditional medicine, especially rinsing. This will help speed up tissue regeneration, but is ineffective against pain.


To relieve pain, the following may be prescribed:

  • Nimesil (NSAID);
  • Ketorolac (Ketorol, Ketanov);
  • Metamizole sodium (Baralgin, Sedalgin, Tempalgin);
  • Codeine-containing analgesics (Solpadeine);
  • Ketoprofen (Ketonal);
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen).

All drugs are prescribed primarily in the form of tablets for oral use. It is very important to follow the dosage of the drug. You need to understand that by taking a handful of tablets you can get a serious overdose, the consequences of which will be very disastrous - even coma and death.

If the pain does not subside after taking 1-2 tablets, you can use local anesthetics intended for use in the oral cavity. The most popular and accessible local anesthetic is lidocaine. A cotton wool or gauze ball soaked in the solution is placed on the surface of the hole. However, it is better to consult a dentist before using lidocaine. Independent use local anesthetics may interfere with healing.

Folk remedies

It is unlikely that it will be possible to relieve pain using traditional medicine recipes. But with their help you can prevent infection of the hole and speed up the process of granulation (healing).

To rinse the mouth after wisdom tooth removal, the following are used:

  1. Sage and mint - one tablespoon each dried leaves sage and mint per 1 liter of hot water.
  2. Oak bark - 1 tbsp. spoon for 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Melissa or oregano (1 tablespoon) and chamomile (2 tablespoons) per 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Yarrow (1 tablespoon) and plantain (2 teaspoons) per 500 ml.
  5. St. John's wort – 2 tbsp. spoons per 250 ml of water.

It is preferable to cook decoctions in a water bath for 30-40 minutes, without bringing to a boil. To make an infusion, you need to pour dry herbs hot water and let it brew for 15-30 minutes. For rinsing you need to use chilled liquids.

It is necessary to follow several rinsing rules so as not to cause the development of complications:

  1. Start rinsing only two full days after tooth extraction.
  2. Rinse your mouth immediately after every meal, no matter how small. Also try to rinse your mouth after drinking sugary drinks. This will avoid infection.
  3. Before rinsing, rinse your mouth with clean boiled or bottled water.
  4. Use infusions and decoctions only at room temperature or slightly cooler.
  5. Do not apply compresses or lotions to the hole. This provokes wetting and the development of inflammation.
  6. Be sure to notify your doctor of your intention to rinse your mouth with a decoction or infusion.

In addition to using decoctions or infusions for rinsing, you can pour them into ice cube trays and put them in the freezer. The resulting ice cubes can be applied to the painful removal site. This will help relieve pain and reduce swelling.

One of the effective folk methods of removing mild pain The use of saline solution is considered. Salt has a weak bactericidal effect and promotes lymph flow to affected tissues. This speeds up the regeneration process, so the wound heals faster. To prepare a saline solution, you need to add 1 tablespoon of salt (without a slide) to a glass of clean boiled water.

Signs of complications and pathologies after wisdom tooth removal:

  • The pain does not subside for more than 7 days.
  • Painkillers are ineffective or do not work at all.
  • Heavy bleeding later than the second day after removal.
  • Intense bleeding for more than 6 hours in a row.
  • The appearance of an extremely unpleasant putrid smell from mouth.
  • Severe swelling of the tissues of the oral cavity or cheeks later than the fifth day after removal.

Removing a wisdom tooth is a very traumatic procedure, especially considering the branching and length of the roots of the eighth molars. Pain is the body’s normal “response” to deep trauma. But if signs of complications appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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