How to maintain a beautiful smile? The secret to healthy and beautiful teeth. Check-ups at the dentist - for beautiful and healthy teeth

The beauty of a smile is one of the most important visual components of your image. You may have the appearance of a handsome man from the stories of classical literature, excellent manners, a great sense of style, but if your smile makes the interlocutor unpleasant feelings or even disgust, then there can be no question of any sympathy. But then what should a person do, who by nature yellow teeth, or are there chips? Whitening can help, but not for everyone, and for the restoration of chips, only tooth extension remains. In some cases, building up is impossible: when the chip is small, the material simply has nowhere to gain a foothold, so after a while it will crumble.

Veneers are the solution to this problem. Veneers are porcelain or composite plates that replace outer layer teeth. The main function of the veneer is cosmetic improvement, as well as the restoration and masking of defects. The thickness of veneers starts from 0.2 millimeters, that is, they do not increase the tooth, like crowns.

By the way, veneers, like dentures, are made individually.

What kind of veneers can you install, how do they feel and how long will they last?

Before installing veneers for many clients dental offices arise general issues. We will answer in order.

Are there non-ceramic veneers? If yes, what is the difference? How to understand that you are installing a veneer from ceramics, and not from a cheap material?
There are two popular types of veneers: composite and ceramic. Composite veneers are made from filling material and have a number of disadvantages, such as: poor color reproduction of the material, frequent chips, violations of the marginal fit to the tooth. Porcelain veneers look better, convey the texture of the tooth well, do not shrink with prolonged wear, and do not absorb food dyes.

Healthy teeth are not only about good genetics. The main role is played by proper care for them. Under " proper care” implies daily observance of all hygiene rules, and regular visits to the dentist.

Dental care at home

In home dental care, the most important thing is regularity. Teeth need to be brushed every day. Dentists recommend doing this procedure after every meal. But if you are not ready to make such “sacrifices”, then do it at least twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Brushing your teeth in time should last at least 2-3 minutes. You should carefully pass the toothbrush over all accessible surfaces of the teeth.

What is important when caring for your teeth at home:

    Toothbrush. Brush selection depends on individual features person. For sensitive teeth It is worth choosing a brush with soft bristles. And for people who suffer from permanent caries due to densely set teeth, a brush with fibers of different lengths will do. Or an electric brush that rotates at a certain speed. Do not forget about the surface of the tongue. It should also be cleaned regularly.

    Toothpaste. And this remedy oral hygiene completely depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Most toothpastes contain fluoride. It not only helps to whiten teeth, but also restores tooth enamel. But, unfortunately, such pastes will not work for people who suffer from fluorosis (an excess of fluorine).

    Dental floss. used this remedy to clean interdental spaces that cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush. Everyone can choose a thread for themselves, as they come in different tastes, with the addition of fluorine, etc.

    rinse aid. It is perfect for taking care of oral cavity generally. It should be used after every meal. It goes very well with toothpaste.

Dentist visit

It is necessary to visit a specialist in this field not only with the appearance of pain. It is recommended to have a check-up with a dentist at least once a year. This will help you know in advance possible problems and prevent them from initial stage development.

It is very important to regularly (1-2 times a year) do professional cleaning teeth. This is necessary in order to remove tartar. If this is not done, then it can adversely affect the periodontal periodontal tissues.

Teeth whitening

Of course, you can whiten your teeth at home. To do this, there are special toothpastes that contain great amount fluorine. There are also special dental pads. They contain whitening gel. But it is best to have your dentist take care of this issue. Since there are many contraindications to teeth whitening. For example, periodontal disease.

If you do not know where to turn, then come to the DS Dental clinic. Our experienced specialists will help to make your smile healthy and beautiful. And our prices are available to every average citizen of the country.

Healthy teeth are important not only for correct operation digestive system. They also affect your appearance. The fact that you need to visit the dentist twice a year is hardly worth reminding. But you can also do a lot to keep your teeth healthy, white and beautiful. These tips will help you keep your pearl teeth in perfect shape.

Eat a "White Teeth Diet"

If you don't give up red wine, like to drink tea and smoke cigarettes, then you should not be surprised that your smile is not as white as it used to be. Also, dark juices, colas, and sauces can be to blame for discoloring your teeth. This means that any dark food you put in your mouth can stain your teeth. To clean them, rinse your mouth immediately after eating and use a good bleaching agent if you don't want to be at the dentist's soon. To clean your teeth quickly and efficiently, you can also eat an apple. In addition, if you do not want to give up juices and drinks that have a rich color, it makes sense to drink them with a straw. This way they won't come into contact with your teeth.

Change your toothbrush

Or replace the head electric brush at least once every two or three months. Otherwise, you will constantly transfer the bacteria that accumulate during long-term use into your mouth. According to dentists, the best way to brush your teeth is to place the brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and gently move it in a circular motion, rather than just moving it back and forth. Hold toothbrush just like a pencil so you don't press too hard.

Cleanse your tongue

Use a tongue scraper every morning to remove plaque and freshen your breath. One of the main reasons bad smell from the mouth - these are bacteria that have accumulated on the tongue. If you clean your tongue daily, you can get rid of them. In addition, a tongue scraper is more effective than a toothbrush.

Eat cleansing foods

Hard or crunchy food products help you clean your teeth when you eat them. We have already mentioned apples, which are often referred to as nature's toothbrush. Additional options - raw carrot, celery or popcorn. In order to achieve best results Always end your meal with these foods, especially if you know you won't be able to brush your teeth immediately after eating.

Use apple cider vinegar to rinse

Rinse your mouth apple cider vinegar in the morning and then use a toothbrush. Vinegar helps remove stains, whitens teeth, and kills bacteria in the mouth.

Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week

This will help remove stains and whiten your teeth. Brush your teeth with baking soda just like you would with toothpaste. Just remember to spit it out to avoid getting swallowed. Also, if you start to feel that your gums are getting too sensitive, you can start brushing your teeth with salt every day.

Freshen your breath

To test the freshness of your breath, lick your palm and sniff it while it's damp. If you smell it, it's time to freshen your breath. Do you buy mouthwash? Make sure they do not contain alcohol. Most mouthwashes contain too much alcohol, which can dry out the tissues in your mouth. This makes them more susceptible to bacteria.

Do prevention with floss

If you can floss without a mirror, that's an added bonus to your dental care. Buy several packs of floss and leave them in your car, on your desk, in your bag, briefcase, and nightstand.

Brush your teeth twice a day

While this is obvious, many people don't. But brushing your teeth right after you wake up and before you go to bed is very important. That's because saliva, which contains plaque that causes cavities, dries out at night, so it's best to clean off all plaque before bed. In the morning, it is very important to first clean off the bacteria and plaque that may have accumulated while you were sleeping.

Mask with color

This advice is for women. Choose coral or light red lipstick. These colors make your teeth appear whiter, while lighter colors will accentuate the yellowness of your teeth.

Criteria and standards for beautiful teeth in dentistry differ depending on the racial, cultural, religious characteristics of mankind. The signs of beautiful teeth for the Caucasian race, in our time (beginning of the 21st century), are listed below.

  1. Correct bite, in which upper teeth cover the bottom.
  2. The color of the teeth is white with different shades of yellowness (according to the Vita scale: A3, A2, B2).
  3. Dental rows are dense without gaps.
  4. The enamel is dense, without cracks and chips.
  5. The center of the dentition coincides with the center of the face.
  6. The longitudinal inclination of the anterior teeth is perpendicular to the interpupillary line.
  7. The height of the dentition gradually decreases from the central teeth to the back.
  8. The contour of male teeth is closer to a rectangle, and female to an oval.
  9. The height of the central incisors and canines by 1 mm. higher than the lateral incisors upper jaw.
  10. With a smile, over upper incisors and canines can be seen gingival strip with a height of not more than 1.5 mm.

These landmarks are used to recreate ideal teeth for prosthetics and orthodontic treatment.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the most beautiful teeth are perceived and evaluated by each person for themselves purely individually, based on personal preferences.

Treatment history: before and after photos

Patient: Gennady, 41 years old

Complaints: This patient was dissatisfied with his teeth, he was embarrassed by the curvature and color of the teeth. Like many, he wanted to get perfect and beautiful teeth.

Treatment: Before the start of prosthetics, a wax modeling of the dentition was made, and the patient was able to see and agree on the design in advance. After a comprehensive preparation of the teeth in several visits to the dentist. Then ceramic veneers and zirconium crowns were made. The patient was very pleased with the result

Number of visits to the clinic: 9


Patient: Polina Radionova, 37 years old

Complaints: The patient did not like the aesthetics of her smile, her teeth seemed small, and the yellowish tint made the patient uncomfortable when talking and smiling

Treatment: It was decided to install veneers on the front teeth of the upper and mandible 6 veneers, and chewing teeth crowns. Before prosthetics, wax modeling is complete so that the patient can agree on the shape of future teeth by the attending doctor. Psole underwent a comprehensive preparation of the teeth, and crowns and veneers were made in the laboratory. The patient was satisfied with the result of the treatment, and increasingly began to smile with her beautiful teeth.


Patient: Oksana Romanenko, 34 years old

Complaints: Most of my teeth are affected by caries. The patient wanted beautiful teeth

Treatment: Porcelain veneers were installed on the anterior teeth of the upper and lower jaws, and zirconium crowns were made on the chewing teeth. Pre-carried out complete treatment all teeth affected by caries, and teeth prepared for prosthetics. A wax model of future teeth was also made.


Patient: Svetlana Demochkina, 40 years old

Complaints: The patient applied with a request to replace the old metal-ceramic crowns on the anterior teeth of the upper jaw. Sfetlana wanted to get beautiful white teeth like celebrities

Treatment: It was decided to replace the old metal-ceramic crowns in the upper jaw with new all-ceramic ones and veneers were partially installed, in the lower jaw the anterior 6 teeth were covered with ceramic veneers, and all-ceramic crowns were installed on the chewing teeth. Before treatment, wax modeling of future dentition was performed. The patient got the beautiful teeth she dreamed of

Number of visits to the clinic: 12


Patient: Anna Fedoskina, 48 years old

Complaints: The patient did not like the color of her teeth, she wanted the teeth to look like on the map of famous Hollywood actors

Treatment: Before starting the transformation of Anna's smile, a wax model of future teeth was made and the patient was able to see in advance how the new teeth would look like. After everything was agreed upon, the doctor carried out a comprehensive preparation of the teeth for prosthetics, and ceramic veneers were made in the dental laboratory, the old metal-ceramic crowns were replaced with new zirconium crowns. The patient was completely satisfied with the result of the treatment.

Number of visits to the clinic: 12


Patient: Valentina Zaitseva, 37 years old

Complaints: The patient asked to replace the old ceramic-metal crowns on her front teeth, which, in her opinion, spoiled her smile.

Treatment: the old metal-ceramic crowns were removed and new zirconia crowns with a lighter shade were made in their place, adjacent teeth, adjacent teeth were also covered with crowns. The result of the treatment exceeded Valentina's expectations many times over. The teeth turned out to be aesthetic, and the smile became more attractive. Before the treatment, a wax model was made so that the patient could agree on the shape of future teeth.

Number of visits to the clinic: 12


Patient: Konstantin Ugolnikov, 41

Complaints: Konstantin did not like the shape of the two front teeth on the upper jaw. There was a gap between the teeth

Treatment: Before the treatment, the teeth were modeled on wax so that the patient could approve the shape. After a comprehensive preparation of the teeth, two ceramic veneers were made.

Number of visits to the clinic: 4


Patient: Lyudmila, 28 years old

Complaints: The patient did not like the color of her teeth

Treatment: A comprehensive preparation of the teeth was carried out, and 8 ceramic veneers were installed. The patient was very pleased with the transformation of her smile

Number of visits to the clinic: 10


Whitening for beautiful teeth

Any demonstrative photo of beautiful teeth emphasizes their whiteness and transparency. To change the color of dark teeth, sometimes it is enough to remove dental deposits. Massive dental deposits and tartar darken natural color dentin and enamel. The color is especially spoiled by the plaque of cigar smokers, to a lesser extent cigarettes and hookahs. Coffee lovers also have dark plaque on their teeth. Therefore, the use of Air flow and ultrasound, followed by polishing with professional pastes, allows you to restore your natural color.

In cases where more light color than their natural ones, dentists offer laser whitening, which is the safest, most effective and fastest way to whiten teeth by 4-6 tones. To support the whitening effect, whitening homemade pastes and correction are prescribed. personal hygiene oral cavity.

Veneers for beautiful teeth

The history of veneers, as overlay plates for creating beautiful teeth by changing their shape and color, began more than 80 years ago in Hollywood.

Today, porcelain veneers can completely transform curves and curves in just one week. dark teeth. That's just short list problems that modern veneers solve:

  1. Malocclusion
  2. Gaps between teeth
  3. Dark color
  4. Teeth protruding from the row and deployed around the axis
  5. Chipped and chipped teeth.

As a rule, for the installation of ceramic or composite veneers, a slight grinding of the enamel in the amount of 0.5 to 1.5 mm is required to create a border contour that holds the edges of the veneer in the enamel.

Technologically, ceramic veneers are made by pressing and firing leucite glass-ceramics in a dental laboratory. Properly made and installed ceramic veneers on the front teeth have a shelf life of up to 15 years and are considered the most aesthetic and hygienic dental structures for creating beautiful teeth.

Beautiful teeth, photo

Beautiful and straight teeth with braces

beautiful, perfect teeth by definition must be equal. The inclination and curvature of the dentition is solved by dentists with the help of braces and other orthodontic appliances, aligners, adjustable plates and positioners.

Modern braces allow you to straighten crooked teeth and correct pathological bite within 12-36 months, depending on the severity of the pathology. According to the materials of manufacture and fixation, vestibular and lingual braces made of metal, ceramic or sapphire are applied to the teeth. After alignment, according to the treatment plan, ceramic veneers or crowns can be installed.

Price for beautiful teeth

What is the cost for beautiful smile? The question is by no means superfluous, especially since the cost depends on many factors:

  1. From the amount of work
  2. From the type of prosthetic structures
  3. From the qualifications of the dentist and dental technician
  4. From the price niche in which the dental clinic operates

For example, if you only need to remove dental deposits, then in Moscow it costs from 5,000 rubles, ceramic veneers will cost from 30,000 rubles per unit, a metal-ceramic crown from 7-8 thousand rubles per unit, the cost of treatment on braces from 130,000 rubles on a turnkey basis, for the entire period of treatment.


Beautifully shaped teeth- today many people dream about it. And this is no coincidence, because having a healthy and beautiful smile is a real happiness. Beautiful teeth facilitate communication with other people, do not create discomfort when communicating. However, there is one more advantage - at the same time beautiful teeth help to preserve health. People with malocclusion who have lost their teeth often think about their restoration by professional dentists.

One of the options for making beautiful teeth in dentistry is artificial crowns. This is a well-known type of prosthesis. As a rule, it is used in the event that it is no longer possible to restore teeth. The main advantage of crowns is that they strengthen the teeth. In addition, crowns prevent further negative impact destructive factors. Depending on the severity of the problem, several types of crowns can be used, which are selected by dentists directly when examining a patient.

Photo after the restoration of the dentition with the help of implants

Restoration of one missing tooth with a dental implant

New job, Kirill, 55 years old.

When are crowns needed? Types of artificial crowns

Once every person who has violations and problems with teeth said to himself “I want beautiful teeth”. However, most often things do not go beyond desire, so attractive teeth remain just in the plans. The most beautiful teeth of the stars, as everyone knows, cost a considerable fortune. A common person cannot afford such pleasure. Nevertheless, even the usual establishment of dental crowns allows you to achieve the effect no worse. All that is necessary for this is to correctly follow the instructions of the treating specialist.

Most often, the use of dental crowns is observed in the following cases:

  • damage own teeth caries without the possibility of recovery;
  • severe deformation of the teeth, cracks and chips;
  • restoration of broken teeth, their strong wear;
  • retention of bridges;
  • a sharp change in the shade of enamel, etc.

The crown installed on the teeth will not stand out in color, since at the very beginning the dentist selects its most optimal shade. At the same time, the attending physician will professionally determine the bite level and shape. At right choice crown and its correct installation, the functionality becomes many times better than that of a damaged tooth.

There are the following main types of crowns that allow you to make beautiful front teeth, and sometimes back teeth:

  • metal-plastic - serve an average of 3 years, are great for lateral teeth;
  • metal - strong and durable crowns with a service life of more than 5 years;
  • ceramic - do not require mandatory deletion nerve, which is why they are so popular;
  • cermet - very reminiscent of natural teeth retain their properties for 5 years. They are mainly used for back teeth;
  • zirconium oxide crowns - used for deformed teeth, the best way withstand loads of any type. Average term crown services - from 5 to 7 years.

When a tooth is lost, crowns are a must.

Features of dental treatment

Beautiful teeth in children and adults are not a problem at all if you find a qualified person for this business. an experienced specialist. Everyone can make beautiful teeth in the ARTOKS clinic - proof of this are the before and after photos of beautiful teeth presented.

Patient Oksana, 39 years old (Lumineers on the front teeth - before and after)

Patient Tamara, 46 years old (thin lumineers - before and after photos)

Patient Alla, 28 years old, installation of lumineers (thin veneers) on the teeth



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