Oral care. How to properly care for your mouth and teeth

Even with careful daily care, 30–40% of the resulting plaque remains on the surface of the teeth. After all, it is not possible to fully clean the interdental spaces and subgingival spaces with a brush, few use dental floss, and only a few use a home irrigator. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar twice a year.

Professional hygiene includes diagnosing existing dental problems and subsequent step-by-step cleaning of plaque and stone. If necessary, local anesthesia is used.

First, soft and hard deposits are removed from the visible surfaces of the teeth and from the spaces between them using ultrasound. In this case, the enamel is not damaged, because plaque and stone seem to peel off from it. At the next stage, the subgingival spaces are treated. To do this, use special hand tools that do not damage teeth and, if used correctly, do not injure gums.

If the plaque is pigmented (from tea, coffee, nicotine, some medications), then in addition to ultrasound, an Air Flow device is used. He cleans his teeth using a jet spray of sodium bicarbonate aerosol.

After removing the stone, it is necessary to polish the enamel, which will protect it from the attachment of bacteria and the deposition of plaque. To do this, polishing pastes are used, which are applied with special attachments in the form of brushes and rubber bands. And in places where teeth touch, special strips are used.

At the final stage of professional cleaning, fluoride-containing varnish is applied to the enamel. This remedy gives her additional protection and relieves the increased sensitivity of the treated teeth.

Products for oral hygiene at home

For complete oral care at home, you will need a set of several products. Often people limit themselves to a toothbrush and toothpaste, but this does not allow for proper cleaning of the interdental spaces. But bacteria and food debris accumulate here. Therefore, it is advisable to additionally use other means.


The toothbrush is selected individually. When purchasing it, you need to take into account the stiffness of the bristles, size, and ease of grip of the handle. Most people use medium-hard brushes. Soft bristles will be needed for cleaning sensitive teeth and bleeding gums, and hard bristles will be needed for completely healthy teeth and for caring for dentures. You should brush your teeth twice a day for about 2 minutes. The brush should be changed every 3 months.


Toothpaste is an important oral care product. Pastes are therapeutic and prophylactic, cream and gel-like, with different fluoride content. Medicinal pastes are selected only on the recommendation of a doctor; you should not independently purchase specialized oral hygiene products for prevention.

Toothpaste should be changed every few months. In some cases, it may be necessary to use several agents with different effects. For example, if you are predisposed to the development of caries and periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontal tissues), the dentist may recommend brushing your teeth with an anti-caries paste in the morning, and with an anti-inflammatory paste in the evening.

Proper oral care is absolutely common for modern people.

How to carry out the correct care procedure and what products to use, as well as how to care for the oral cavity in special cases, is further in the material.

Basic Rules

High-quality results are ensured by comprehensive oral care.

For a healthy smile, you need to follow a set of dental care procedures every day:

  • clean them;
  • use dental floss or toothpicks to clean the space between your teeth from remaining pieces of food;
  • use rinse aids;
  • rinse your mouth after each meal with saline solution, mouthwash or warm water;

Timely change of accessories for brushing teeth is also one of the important points of care. Old toothbrushes have a traumatic effect on the surface of the enamel, gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The toothbrush must be changed every 1.5-2 months.

You should also monitor the expiration date of the hygiene products used. If the expiration date expires, the product must be changed. Purchasing products for comprehensive oral care will cost, on average, much lower than the current cost of dental services.

You should brush your teeth twice a day: after and before bed.

This frequency of treatment is selected to ensure optimal care.

The duration of the teeth cleaning procedure should be at least 3 minutes.

To control the time of the procedure, you can use an hourglass, as many dentists advise.

The dental office must be visited for a routine examination 2 times a year, as well as if there are any complaints or suspicions of diseases of the oral cavity.

Oral care products


A toothbrush is the main item of oral hygiene.

When purchasing a brush, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

Electric and regular toothbrush

Toothbrushes are also classified into:

  • manual;
  • electrical;

Battery-powered electric brushes can reduce the time required for the procedure, as well as provide better cleansing of bacteria and plaque in the oral cavity.

There are various models of electric brushes: with a timer, removable brush heads, and others. They also vary in price.

There is an opinion among dentists that frequent use of electrical devices increases the risk of inflammatory processes in the gums and can also cause loose teeth.

Dental floss

Dental floss is also an important oral care device. They make it easy to clean the interdental space after eating.

There are several types of dental floss:

  • round. This type is suitable for people with large interdental spaces;
  • volumetric. They swell when wetted and are suitable for any type of teeth;
  • flat. They clean the teeth well at small intervals;
  • tape Suitable for gentle cleansing of teeth with large interdental spaces.

Using floss allows you to reduce the risk of oral diseases to a minimum, as well as maintain freshness and cleanliness of the oral cavity without additional procedures.


No teeth cleaning procedure is complete without toothpaste. Multi-ingredient toothpastes reduce the friction of tooth bristles on enamel, and also have a healing effect on teeth and gums.

The composition of toothpaste may include: fluoride, calcium, phosphates, abrasive particles, whitening, antiseptic components and other compounds.

There are many different types of toothpastes, mainly the preparations are classified into:

  • hygienic;
  • treatment and prophylactic;
  • medicinal.

In everyday life, people use the first two types of toothpastes depending on their preferences.

The third type is intended for use by people suffering from dental or gum diseases. To reduce sensitivity or, whitening or comprehensive care, you should choose different pastes. Sometimes it is recommended to change their types.

When choosing oral care products, customers should pay attention to the purpose of the paste and individual needs.

Rinse aids

Mouth rinses allow you to give the oral cavity freshness, a pleasant smell and clean the interdental space from food debris without the need for a brushing procedure.

When wearing orthodontic structures, the use of rinses is mandatory.
There are several types of rinses:

  1. antiseptic. Aimed at cleansing the oral cavity from bacteria;
  2. medicinal. Aimed at caring for gums and eliminating inflammation.

There are many rinse aids from different companies. Oral care products should be tailored to individual needs: determine the purpose of using the product and choose the appropriate one.

Caring for the oral cavity of a seriously ill patient

Seriously ill people are not able to independently provide themselves with the necessary oral hygiene. To avoid the processes of erosion and decay, it is necessary to regularly help the patient brush his teeth.

Hygienic care of the patient's oral cavity is carried out using a soft toothbrush, which is not capable of damaging the mucous membranes.

If the patient is conscious, oral care for the patient is as follows:

  1. help the patient place his head in the correct position;
  2. put a towel under your chin, place a container on the towel for spitting;
  3. rinse your mouth with water;
  4. put on gloves, squeeze the paste onto the toothbrush and, using sweeping movements, clean from the incisors to the chewing teeth on all sides of the dentition;
  5. ask the patient to spit out the paste several times during the procedure;
  6. rinse your mouth;
  7. If necessary, lubricate the surface of the lips with Vaseline.

If you have dentures, they must be removed and this procedure performed without the participation of the patient.

After tooth extraction

  • eat food within 2-3 hours;
  • drink hot drinks;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol for a day;
  • take water procedures in very hot water;
  • experience intense physical activity;
  • touch the area of ​​the extracted tooth with your tongue or other objects;
  • make intense movements with the muscles of the mouth.

Features of care after tooth extraction:

  1. In the first few days, intensive mouth rinsing is not recommended. This can cause tissue damage and subsequent bleeding;
  2. Intensive cleaning of the damaged area is prohibited. It is best to go around the hole with a toothbrush in a circle;
  3. if there is pain, it is recommended to take analgesic medications prescribed by a doctor;
  4. When applying, apply ice wrapped in a towel to your cheek. Keep the area cold for no more than half an hour.

The gauze pad that holds back the blood must be removed half an hour after the procedure. If the bleeding does not stop, you should contact your doctor again.

After dental implantation

To avoid possible complications after the procedure, oral care after dental implantation must be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. It is not recommended to chew with implants for several days, especially if the food is hard or fibrous;
  2. smoking, drinking alcoholic and hot drinks is prohibited during the day;
  3. After the procedure, it is recommended to avoid brushing the installed tooth for several days. Instead, it is recommended to use special rinses;
  4. in the first days it is necessary to eat only chilled drinks and dishes;
  5. It is not recommended to touch the implant frequently, as it may be damaged;
  6. It is necessary to ensure sleep on a higher surface so that the head is in the correct position. To do this, you need to use several pillows;
  7. in the presence of pain, it is recommended to take painkillers.

Implantation is a rather complex and expensive procedure, so care for the implanted tooth should be of the highest quality.

Features of hygiene procedures for children

Regular and proper oral care must be taught from an early age. To clean children's teeth, there are special children's toothpastes and brushes designed for baby teeth.

As soon as a child's first teeth appear, parents need to provide regular care for them. When a child becomes older and can carry out the cleaning procedure independently, the parents’ task is to ensure proper care.

For children, oral care algorithm is as follows:

  1. Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to your toothbrush;
  2. the child should not swallow the paste;
  3. movements must be correct: sweeping, but not circular;
  4. the procedure time must be at least three minutes;
  5. it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue and cheeks;
  6. Parents should help the child complete brushing his teeth if he does not do it well enough and plaque remains on the enamel.

The future health of a child’s smile depends on the hygiene skills acquired in childhood. If you turn the procedure into a game, the child will be happy to take care of the oral cavity.

Useful video

In this episode of the “Live Healthy” program, Elena Malysheva and her medical colleagues talk about how to care for your oral cavity:

To prevent unpleasant diseases, you need to know how to properly care for your teeth and oral cavity. In this article we will provide you with a large amount of information on this matter and share useful recommendations and hygiene rules.

After reading the tips in this publication, you will take better care of your teeth, which will help you avoid problems with them in the future.

Five basic rules

To properly and effectively brush your teeth, you must strictly adhere to the following:

  1. Comprehensive care - a toothbrush, no matter how carefully you use it, will not be able to reach all corners of the mouth, especially the space between the teeth, where plaque and harmful bacteria will constantly accumulate, which will eventually lead to the appearance of caries and other diseases. Therefore, also mouth rinses.
  2. We update the arsenal - if dental floss and rinses do not require updating (the latter only deteriorate when their expiration date expires), then the brush must be changed every 3 months.
  3. Expensive, not always of high quality - you should not rely on the most expensive products; the dentist’s recommendations and your personal experience will be more important. Of course, sometimes you have to pay a high price for a good result, but not always (this is not the most important factor).
  4. Regularity and thoroughness - the procedures should be repeated twice a day (the cleaning process should last from 3 minutes): after the morning meal and before going to bed.
  5. Visit the dentist – we visit a specialist preferably 2 times a year.

Only comprehensive implementation of three basic rules will be an effective means of prevention. Otherwise, it will not give the desired results, and the resources spent will not protect against tooth loss.

Oral hygiene products

To effectively care for your teeth and mouth, you should use a number of products:

  • brush;
  • paste;
  • a thread;
  • rinse aid;
  • Sometimes you can resort to chewing gum.


A toothbrush, although not perfect, is the main element of care; it accounts for about 90% of all teeth cleaning work. Therefore, its choice is one of the most important stages.


  • toothbrush hardness - there are three types: medium, soft and hard. The latter are suitable for cleaning dentures, the medium ones are suitable for people with normal tooth sensitivity, and the soft ones are suitable for children and those with sensitive teeth or problem gums;
  • electric or conventional - the cost of an electric brush is higher, but the cleaning effect is more noticeable. Do not forget that the attachments for them need to be changed once every 3 months. The power source for them can be either batteries or an accumulator.

Dental floss

Floss is an integral part of comprehensive oral care, since it is the only remedy that can effectively clean the interdental space (there are others, but they are noticeably more expensive).

Now there are a lot of dental floss on the market and you should choose them according to certain criteria:

  • We recommend choosing flat threads with lubricant to avoid injury to the gums - lubricant not only reduces friction, but also has an antibacterial effect, which is very effective for the prevention of dental diseases;
  • waxed or unwaxed – the former are better for beginners, they are more durable and easier to use;
  • the threads can be fluoridated - this should provide the teeth with additional protection from diseases. But they must be used carefully and after consulting a dentist, since excessive amounts of fluoride can seriously harm your teeth;
  • synthetic or silk - in most cases, flosses are made from synthetic materials, more expensive ones are made from silk. If you choose the first option, be sure to make sure that the composition does not contain allergens (information is available on the packaging).


  • watch for the presence of fluoride - it is presented as a very useful element of toothpaste and this is true, but only in certain cases, for example, for the prevention of caries. If you already suffer from this disease or have (an excess of fluoride in the body, as a result of which the teeth become covered with characteristic stains), then this remedy is contraindicated for you;
  • the most expensive pastes do not guarantee the most positive effect - it depends on a combination of factors, including the body’s predisposition to a particular product or its components;
  • Whitening pastes do not always bring the desired effect, and when choosing one, it is better to consult a dentist.

It is best to opt for a complex paste or a therapeutic and prophylactic one.

Rinse aids

Mouthwashes are the most complex of all the products listed above, since their effect extends not only to the teeth, but also to the entire oral cavity. Nuances of choice:

  • preventive or therapeutic - the former provide comprehensive care for your mouth, while the latter act on a specific problem (for example, bleeding gums) and can only be used after a dental consultation;
  • the composition of the rinse aid - make sure that it does not contain allergens. All the necessary information can be found on the packaging or ask a specialist about it;
  • select a rinse in accordance with the toothpastes you already use - in this case, the effect of their use will be much higher.

How to properly care for your teeth? Step-by-step instruction

To effectively care for your oral cavity, you should do it consistently and constantly. It is recommended to have a clear algorithm of actions:

  1. We brush our teeth equally thoroughly both from the outside and from the inside, the brush should move from bottom to top (from the gums to the end of the tooth). After this, you can clean the chewing surface of your teeth.
  2. You need to press on the brush, but you shouldn’t apply too much force - this can cause harm (especially in the case of sensitive teeth or gums).
  3. The next step is to clean your tongue, since this is where a large number of harmful bacteria accumulate. You can take care of your tongue with a regular toothbrush; as a rule, there is a special ribbed surface on the back of it. Use not too firm movements to move from the root to the tip of the tongue. Important! If possible, it is recommended to use special means (for example, a tongue scraper). You can also clean the inside of your cheeks in the same way.
  1. After these procedures, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean water and proceed to the next stage - cleaning the interdental space from plaque using dental floss:
    – take the floss (a 20-25 cm piece), wrap it around the index fingers of both hands;
    – begin to pull the floss between the teeth, gradually lowering it;
    – repeat the procedure for each tooth gap: first the front teeth, then slowly move towards the back teeth. Use a new section of floss for each new tooth joint, otherwise you may spread infection from the diseased area of ​​your mouth to the healthy area.
  2. The last step is to use a mouthwash, a small amount of which (1 tablespoon) should be put into your mouth. Then thoroughly rinse each area of ​​your mouth with it (about 2 minutes).

These steps should be performed twice a day: in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (before bed).

At first glance, such a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity will require too much time, but after some time you will adapt and the procedure will take no more than 7-8 minutes.

Video: choosing pasta in the “Live Healthy” program with Elena Malysheva

Features of care for children

The first step is to debunk the myth that there is no need to care for a child’s baby teeth. The lack of preventive measures will lead to serious problems with permanent teeth, and visits to the dentist at such an early age do not promise anything pleasant for either the child or the parents.

Therefore, it is worth starting care from the moment the first teeth appear; this must be done carefully and gradually, but regularly.

  • the first brush should be soft and have a small cleaning surface;
  • it is very important to monitor its composition: look for a note on the packaging regarding the possibility of its use by children indicating the age;
  • baby toothpaste must be as organic as possible, but it is necessary to monitor the presence of allergens in its composition;
  • Pastes with a high fluoride content will be undesirable - they can lead to disruption of the development of both milk and permanent teeth;
  • You should definitely consult a pediatrician and dentist - this will not only give you the opportunity to get recommendations on the choice of children's hygiene products, but will also accustom your child to regular medical examinations.

At the time of changing baby teeth, in addition to the oral care described above, it is necessary to monitor the quality of drinking water and food; if it contains too much fluoride, its dosage should be reduced, and vice versa.

After the final change of teeth, you can use the same products and in the same order to clean your mouth as for adults.

Fresh breath and a dazzling white smile are the dreams of many girls. Thanks to Girlfriend, you can make it come true. In this section of the online store catalog you will find dental products that will help solve many problems.

Big choice

In the Podruzhki assortment you will find such oral care products as:

  • Toothpastes and powders with various effects: whitening, refreshing, antibacterial, medicinal with herbal extracts, against caries, preventing the formation of tartar, for sensitive teeth.
  • Toothbrushes of varying degrees of hardness for the care of sensitive and problematic teeth.
  • Mouthwashes for freshening breath, whitening teeth, strengthening gums and preventing diseases.

Taking care of your oral health from trusted manufacturers

In our store's assortment you will find high-quality dental and oral care products that meet all modern standards. We offer toothpastes, powders, brushes and mouthwashes from such popular brands as:

  • Blend-a-med;
  • Biomed;
  • C. J. Lion;
  • Colgate;
  • Lacalut;
  • Listerine;
  • Oral-B;
  • "New Pearl";
  • "Forest Balm"

Purchasing goods

You can buy products for teeth and oral cavity in any of the Podruzhka stores, which are located in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. Taking care of your comfort, we have located branches of the retail network both in central and residential areas. You can find your nearest one on the “Stores” page on this website, where a complete list of addresses is provided.

You can also order products for teeth and oral cavity through the online store with delivery to any location in Russia.

It has an excellent effect if done correctly. If you do not approach this issue carefully, many problems will appear over time. Dental diseases arise that require long-term and expensive treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the affected tooth. Therefore, it is important to maintain oral hygiene. Recommendations on this matter are presented in the article.


Remembering the basic rules of oral care is not difficult. It is important to follow them every day. You just need to not be lazy, and soon this will become a useful habit. The rules for caring for teeth and oral cavity include the following:

  1. You should brush your teeth daily, morning and evening. During the day, a lot of bacteria accumulate in the mouth, which must be eliminated before bed.
  2. The cleansing procedure must be completed for at least 3 minutes.
  3. The toothbrush needs to be changed every 3 months.
  4. Toothpaste must be selected individually, taking into account the condition of the teeth and gums, as well as the presence of oral diseases. You shouldn't skimp on this.
  5. The tongue, gums, and cheeks require no less care; you should not limit yourself to just brushing your teeth.
  6. Additional care products are required. Procedures with them are performed after each meal. To do this, use dental floss and mouthwash.
  7. You should visit the dentist every 6 months.

Such rules of oral care serve to prevent diseases. You need to follow them regularly, and then you won’t need expensive dental treatment.


The rules for caring for your teeth and oral cavity include choosing the right toothpaste. Depending on the incoming substances, it can have a certain effect on the teeth and gums. For example, gel has a delicate structure and gently cleanses enamel without erasing it compared to bleaching agents.

Toothpastes are hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic. The former allow you to eliminate bacteria and unpleasant odors. The latter have a profound effect on the oral cavity. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are divided into several types depending on their purpose:

  1. For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the mucous and periodontal tissues. Such products consist of infusions of herbs, enzymes, and mineral salts.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate inflammation and bleeding gums. They contain antiseptics that destroy pathogens.
  3. Reducers contain calcium, they normalize the acid-base balance. Such pastes can replenish the integrity of collagen fibers in the gums.
  4. Pastes labeled “anti-caries” include fluoride, which stops the destruction of tooth enamel.

The right toothpaste affects the quality of your oral hygiene. The basics of proper care will help you choose quality products for regular care. Children need special pastes that have a pleasant taste and a safe composition that will not harm the body if accidentally swallowed.

Brush selection

It is necessary to know how to choose hygiene products correctly. Oral care is impossible without a suitable brush. But now there are many devices on sale, and how to choose yours? It is necessary to focus on the characteristics of the brush:

  1. Material. Natural bristles are considered softer than artificial ones. Moreover, it is a breeding ground for bacteria; natural fibers are an excellent living environment. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase a brush with artificial bristles.
  2. Rigidity. If there is no indication from a dentist, a medium-hard brush is used; it is ideal for adults and children. Soft bristles are more suitable for children, and very soft bristles are more suitable for preschoolers. Only on the recommendation of a specialist can you use a brush with high rigidity. This parameter is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.
  3. Size. This parameter is important when choosing. A brush of a sick size is not convenient to use; its working part should not be more than 3 cm.

In addition to standard brushes, manufacturers produce electric and ultrasonic ones. With them you will be able to perform high-quality hygienic care. If there are diseases of the teeth and gums, an electric device may be a contraindication. Ultrasound can be used for various pathologies; they are not harmful to hard tissues and mucous surfaces.

Teeth cleaning

Teaching oral hygiene rules should be done from early childhood. The child must be taught to brush his teeth correctly. This procedure is performed daily:

  1. First, the brush is wetted in running water. This removes germs and dust accumulated from previous cleaning. In addition, this will make the procedure more comfortable.
  2. Then the paste is applied to the bristles. The quantity should not be more than a pea with a diameter of 1 cm (for children - 2 times less).
  3. After this, you can perform the cleaning itself. Using smooth movements from the gums to the top of the teeth, you need to clean the inner surface, and then the outer. The basic rule of the procedure is to brush in only one direction, from the root of the tooth upward, eliminating mucus. The upper part of the teeth is brushed with a back and forth motion. At the end of the session, circular movements should be made along the outside of the teeth, with the jaws closed.
  4. Then you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

This procedure should be performed according to these rules by adults and children. Over time, it becomes a habit, so it will become easier to implement. Her oral cavity will be completely fine.

Tongue cleaning

The rules of oral care also include cleaning the tongue, because a lot of food debris and bacterial plaque accumulate on it. With saliva, microbes penetrate the teeth and gums, which causes diseases and an unpleasant odor. Regular cleaning will prevent many problems.

The procedure is performed based on the following rules:

  1. The work is performed after brushing your teeth.
  2. To do this, use a special scraper or the back surface of a toothbrush, if it can be used for this (there should be a relief three-dimensional pattern).
  3. Movements must be performed from root to tip.
  4. Then several movements are performed across the tongue.
  5. Then rinse with water.
  6. The best effect is provided by a special gel or toothpaste. The product is applied to the surface, scraped, and washed off with water.

Regular procedures protect against many oral diseases. In addition, this way a person feels more confident that everything is in order.

What are rinse aids used for?

How to take care of your teeth and oral cavity so that you always have fresh breath? For this purpose, rinses that differ in purpose are used. Some products are designed to treat caries, others are effective for gum disease, and others freshen breath. Sometimes dentists recommend using rinses to perform complex therapy.

These products are used after brushing your teeth (you can also use them after meals). When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. For daily use, products with plant extracts can be used. To protect against caries, products containing fluoride and calcium are used. Rinse your mouth for at least 3 minutes for the ingredients to act on the enamel. Anti-inflammatory drugs usually contain chlorhexidine. If alcohol is present, it should not be used on children or drivers.

Dental floss

Basic rules for oral care include the use of dental floss or floss. Only then will you be able to clean the space between your teeth yourself, removing plaque, bacteria and food debris. Since this part of the tooth is difficult to reach, caries often appears in it.

To perform the procedure with floss, you need to unwind it and then tear it off so that there is 15 cm of free thread between them. Then they insert it between the teeth. Take turns pulling the thread back and forth. The thread allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors. Care must be taken, since during the first procedures there is likely to be damage to the gums and bleeding due to lack of skill. Cleaning is performed once a day, preferably before bedtime. Dental floss should not be used if you have gum disease or if you have crowns or bridges.

Professional care

The rules of oral care include not only home procedures. Professional methods are also used for this. These include performing:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning. This will perfectly remove plaque and tartar. The procedure is carried out using a modern ultrasonic device, which affects the tooth with wave vibrations. In this case, the enamel is not damaged. Cleaning is considered safe and painless, as well as effective.
  2. AirFlow method. The device under pressure releases soda, air and water, cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar. As a result, the enamel will be 2 shades lighter and become shiny.
  3. Polishing. For this purpose, professional products containing zirconium microgranules are used.
  4. Fluoridation. Mouthguards with gel are placed on the dried surface of the teeth; the exposure period is 1 minute. The enamel receives fluoride ions.
  5. Recommendations from a specialist. The doctor can tell you with his mouth. Only a dentist is able to select a suitable list of products that help maintain the health and cleanliness of the oral cavity.

Cleanliness from childhood

Children should be taught the rules of oral care from childhood. When teeth have not yet appeared, special napkins are required for this. They need to wipe the gums after each feeding. For teething teeth, there are silicone finger guards similar to a toothbrush. There will probably be some crying during the first attempts, but the child will get used to the procedure and in the future it will not be difficult to accustom him to the paste.

At the age of 1-2 years, you should teach your child to brush their teeth on their own. We need to buy him a baby brush and toothpaste. But still, the baby will not be able to perform quality cleaning. Therefore, parents should help with this until he can do it on his own. It is important to get used to brushing twice a day. To interest in the procedure, rhymes, nursery rhymes or songs are used. The main thing is that hygiene is not a chore. When choosing baby toothpaste, you must be careful - it should not contain fluoride.

The effect of proper care

Diseases of teeth and gums appear from bacteria that are found and multiply in plaque and food debris. A clean surface is an unfavorable environment for their development. Therefore, with proper care, it will be possible to prevent the development of diseases.

If you do not maintain oral hygiene, plaque and caries appear. Without treatment, gum diseases appear - periodontitis, gingivitis. Due to the constant accumulation of bacteria in the mouth with insufficient hygiene, stomach problems appear. An important factor in the problem of oral cleanliness is the aesthetic part. An unpleasant odor is the main sign that a lot of bacteria has accumulated in the mouth.

Dental procedures usually require special care. The dentist usually provides advice on this matter. The doctor must also provide rules of care when installing crowns, fillings and bridges. Following these recommendations will allow you to preserve the results of dental procedures for a long time.


Thus, the rules for performing oral care are not complicated. It is important that the procedures become a habit. And then the oral cavity will be in perfect order.



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