Symptoms of a vaginal cyst and the causes of its appearance. Causes of vaginal cyst formation

A vaginal cyst is a capsule with liquid contents located in the wall of the vagina. The shell has elements of muscle and connective tissue, the inner layer covers the epithelium various kinds. Mucus is transparent with yellow or brown tint, when infected, turns into pus. Education can grow into different parts: on the sides, on the back wall, front, in the vestibule of the vagina. For our readers, we will tell you in detail what kind of pathology this is, why it occurs, and how to deal with it correctly.

More about the disease

Between the vagina and urethra, closer to the openings, there are paraurethral ducts or Skene glands, which open into urethra and produce a mucous secretion to remove bacteria from the outside of the urethra. Blockage or anomalies in their structure lead to the accumulation of fluid inside, which causes the formation of the vestibule of the vagina. It is located in the front wall. A Bartholin gland cyst also appears at the entrance due to its blockage.

In addition, during intrauterine development other ducts are formed, which due to anomalies do not disappear and can turn into a capsule with liquid contents.

In the case of a Gartner cyst, formations form on the sides closer to the vaginal vaults. An abnormality of the Müllerian ducts is accompanied by pathology of vaginal development, for example, atresia - fusion of the walls.

Except congenital causes, a cyst can form as a result of trauma to the vagina, when epithelial cells enter deep into the tissue of the vaginal wall and begin to divide, resulting in a cavity.

The education capsule has rounded shape, sometimes protrudes into the vaginal lumen or grows deep into the tissues. May look like a chicken egg with an average size of about 5 cm, in extreme cases reaches 10 cm in diameter. The formation is soft or elastic to the touch.

The pathology is rare - occurs in 1-2% of women. Diagnosed at a young and young age. No cases of malignancy or malignancy of the process were identified. According to ICD 10, the formation of the Bartholin gland has code N 75, the capsule in the ducts as a result of pathologies of intrauterine development - Q 50 and 52.4.

Attention! A vaginal cyst is not a true tumor.

Classification of vaginal capsules:

  1. Congenital are considered to be formations from the Müllerian, Gartnerian, paraurethral and other ducts, which were formed against the background of abnormal development of the listed elements. They grow in the front or sides of the vagina.
  2. Acquired formations are the consequences of injuries and hematomas formed as a result. Most often localized in tissues back wall.
  3. Implantation capsules appear when gynecological operations and after a difficult birth as a result of pregnancy epithelial cells in the tissue of the walls (usually posterior) of the vagina.
  4. A retention cyst is a formation inside the Bartholin gland due to blockage of its opening at the entrance to the vagina.


We have looked at the primary mechanisms of cyst formation, and then we will look at where they can come from. similar pathologies. The following circumstances in a woman’s life provoke the occurrence of education:

  • Anomalies of intrauterine development;
  • Injuries from rough sexual contact and other actions leading to the occurrence of a hematoma;
  • Damage during abortion, curettage and other gynecological manipulations;
  • Difficult childbirth with ruptures and subsequent suturing in the vagina and perineum;
  • Infections genitourinary organs, especially those related to sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Lack of normal hygiene of the intimate area.

Fact! Among the prerequisites, the first place is occupied by trauma to the perineum and vagina. Congenital defects extremely rare.

Clinical picture

The initial stage of the disease does not give any symptoms, signs appear as the formation grows:

  • A woman can detect a Bartholin gland cyst or capsule on the vestibule of the vagina independently, both visually and by touch;
  • Feeling foreign object in the vagina;
  • Pain and bleeding during sex;
  • The formation in the anterior part puts pressure on the urethra and leads to problems with urination;
  • A large cyst on the back wall can compress the intestines, leading to constipation and bloating;
  • Pain and discomfort when walking and physical activity;
  • Leucorrhoea as with colpitis due to leakage of the infected capsule contents;
  • Hyperthermia of the affected area;
  • Symptoms of fever with severe inflammation;
  • Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by colds, general infections of the body, hypothermia, after drinking alcohol;
  • Increased menstrual pain may occur.

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Expert opinion

Oleg Yurievich Nikolsky

Doctor, expert

Attention! The appearance of bright symptoms indicates the presence of a large formation, the treatment of which should not be delayed.

Differences in manifestations depending on the location of the cyst

The clinical picture of the disease depends on where the formation is located:

  • The capsule in the vestibule of the vagina is not only visible, but also gives clear signs of your presence. It creates inconvenience when moving, and also leads to an increase in body temperature and other symptoms of fever;
  • Formation in the tissues of the posterior wall appears only at large sizes. It all starts with discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Implantation cyst gives severe pain when emptying the bowels and bladder.


A gynecologist can detect the capsule during an examination on a chair. If there are no convex round formations on the surface of the vagina, but there is a protrusion of the wall, then most likely the cyst is located deep in the tissue. Colposcopy will help to examine the vaginal mucosa in more detail. Next, they conduct an examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound, which will accurately show the size of the capsule and its location.

Laboratory tests are required:

  • General blood and urine samples;
  • Smear of vaginal flora;
  • Bacterial culture to identify the causative agent of infection.

You may need to consult a proctologist, urologist, pediatric gynecologist and obstetrician if the pathology is diagnosed during pregnancy.

Treatment of vaginal cyst

Formations of small and medium sizes are observed, noting the growth rate. Large capsules, which make the patient’s life difficult, give vivid symptoms and threaten rapid growth and infection, can be removed using various surgical methods:

  1. Puncture aspiration or pumping out the contents through a puncture is an ineffective measure, since the cavity fills with liquid again over time. However, this method is justified for use during pregnancy, when there is a formation of enormous size, and complete removal dangerous for the child.
  2. Marsupialization is a method in which the cyst is cut, the contents are cleaned out and the walls are sutured to the mucous membrane. Gentle and effective method allows you to remove formations during pregnancy and childhood.
  3. Radical excision of the capsule along with the membrane. Indicated for recurrent formations, large cysts, infectious inflammation.

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Expert opinion

Oleg Yurievich Nikolsky

Doctor, expert

As a rule, all manipulations during surgical intervention carried out transvaginally, that is, through the vagina. However, in some cases, when the cyst is located deep in the tissue and excision is fraught with damage to the intestines or bladder, access to the formation occurs through laparotomy - an incision in the abdominal wall.

In cases where the contents of the capsule are purulent, the operation is performed in a special way:

  1. Carefully pump out the liquid.
  2. Wash the cyst cavity with antiseptic solutions.
  3. Education is cut out.
  4. The bed is sutured.

Needle aspiration and marsupialization can be performed under local anesthesia. Radical removal under general anesthesia.

IN postoperative period Patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics to avoid infection. In addition to them, vitamins and immunomodulators may be prescribed for quick recovery body. Banned until complete healing physical exercise, lifting weights, intimacy and alcohol.

Attention! There are no medications that can reduce or remove a cyst from the vaginal wall.

Possible complications

Subsequently surgical intervention Unpleasant consequences may occur:

  • Damage to the bladder and intestines;
  • Infection of surrounding areas;
  • Formation of scars on the vaginal mucosa;
  • Recurrence of the cyst.

Of the above, the most common factor is the proliferation of connective tissue, which can subsequently affect patency birth canal. The risk of other complications is probable.

Features of removal during pregnancy

Cyst expectant mother do not touch in the 1st trimester, since during this period any manipulation is very dangerous for the child’s life. Cysts of medium and large sizes they try to empty it using puncture aspiration before delivery so that the capsule does not rupture during the passage of the child.

The situation with suppuration and the risk of abscess requires a quick resolution. In this case, surgical intervention is carried out at any stage, because the growing fetus, due to its pressure, can provoke rupture of the capsule.

If the contents of a large cyst were pumped out during pregnancy, then the removal operation can be combined with postpartum manipulations, such as suturing ruptures.

Formations up to 3 cm in diameter that do not grow are not dangerous, so they are not touched.

What happens if you don’t get rid of a cyst on the vaginal wall?

The growing formation puts pressure on other organs, problems with the intestines and bladder. In addition, the patient suffers from pain and discomfort. Sooner or later the contents become infected. Interior inflammatory process affects the general condition: fatigue, weakness, headaches appear.

The worst complication is an abscess, when pus from the capsule, when ruptured or leaks, spreads into the surrounding tissue. If the pathology is not treated, it will lead to sepsis and death.

Prognosis after surgery

After removal, the patient’s body quickly recovers. Menstrual function returns to normal after a month, and then healing ends surgical field. Neither the cyst nor its removal has any effect on the ability to conceive. Therefore, the patient can become pregnant immediately after recovery.

If after the operation a scar has formed in the vaginal tissues, then subsequent birth of children is indicated by cesarean section.

Is it possible to get rid of the disease using traditional methods?

You can try to eliminate a small cyst that doctors left under observation with home remedies. Use is considered effective fresh juice from burdock leaves three times a day, a tablespoon to complete cure. Take the drug regardless of meals. The same liquid is used for tamponing for 30 minutes before bedtime.

Carefully! Self-treatment of purulent cyst big size will lead to serious consequences.

Prevention of pathology

Rare cases cannot be prevented congenital anomalies, otherwise the precautions are as follows:

  1. Cleanliness of underwear and genitals.
  2. Dress according to the weather. Both overheating and hypothermia are harmful.
  3. Therapy of any inflammatory processes.
  4. Normal activity warns congestion what causes various pathologies in the pelvic organs.
  5. Observe prevention venereal diseases– use condoms, limit yourself to one partner.
  6. Give up harmful addictions. Alcohol changes normal processes in the body at the cellular level, smoking in addition to similar action significantly reduces the production of female hormones.
  7. Visit your gynecologist regularly, once every 6-12 months, even if nothing bothers you.


A cyst in the vaginal area is a disease that does not pose a direct threat to a woman’s life, but it also cannot be called harmless. Today, gentle elimination methods have appeared, when such formations are removed with minimal damage and without the risk of reappearance. Therefore, you should not be afraid of surgery.

One of possible pathologies female intimate health is the appearance of cysts in the vagina. Gynecological specialists classify this type of tumor formation as the most harmless of all tumors, but they can cause significant discomfort to a woman. Despite the fact that such cysts usually do not have a tendency to degenerate into malignant neoplasms, do not interfere with the conception of a child, pregnancy and childbirth, and also rarely grow to a size of more than 10 centimeters, in some cases the attending physician will recommend removing the vaginal cyst, since, over time, this pathology will cause significant inconvenience to the woman intimate life, and in some cases the tumor may become suppurated or infected.

What are vaginal cysts and why do they appear?

A cyst in the vagina is a retention neoplasm that is localized in the walls of the organ. Its size can increase due to the accumulation of fluid in it.

A tumor of this nature can be located superficially on the wall, or penetrate into its deeper layers, reaching the peri-vaginal tissue.

Although, in most cases, the tumor in the vagina is not large, sometimes it can reach the size walnut or chicken egg. The structure of the formation can be soft or tight-elastic.

The outer walls of the cyst are composed of connective tissue, partly muscle, and internal cavity covered with cubic or columnar epithelium.

Inside the formation there is mucous or serous contents of a yellow or light brown hue.

Depending on how the cyst appears, they can be congenital or acquired. The development of the former occurs from the embryonic parts of the paraurethral and Müllerian ducts, as well as Gartner's ducts, and the latter are localized in the lateral walls of the vagina, on the fornix, and can transfer to the parametric tissue. Congenital cysts often combined with vaginal malformations.

Secondary or acquired cysts are also called implantation cysts. They can develop against the background of the surgical abortion received birth injuries, or surgical interventions for vaginal fistulas. Most often they are located in the back wall lower sections organ.

Symptoms and signs of a tumor: how to detect

As shown medical statistics in the field of gynecology, vaginal cysts, unless they are particularly large in size, rarely reveal themselves with any specific manifestations. If a woman does not have regular intimate life, the presence of a tumor will most likely be determined only during a planned gynecological examination.

Naturally, if the size of the formation reaches more than 10 centimeters, the woman feels discomfort and the presence foreign body in the vagina. During sexual intercourse there are sharp pains. In addition, the growth of the cyst may be accompanied by impaired defecation due to compression of the rectum, as well as dysuric disorders.

If the covers of the cyst are subject to the appearance of ulcers, and its contents become infected pathogenic microorganisms and begins to fester, the affected person feels increased pain, not only during sexual intercourse. She also has signs of colpitis:

  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • spotting not associated with menstruation;
  • redness of the organ mucosa;
  • purulent discharge.

Methods of treating pathology: surgery

Gynecologists, for the most part, are of the opinion that small cysts with an asymptomatic course do not require surgical removal - they only need to be observed over time, using drug therapy if necessary.

Indication for surgical removal tumor is:

  • increase in size;
  • the appearance of unpleasant or painful symptoms;
  • diagnosed signs purulent lesion cysts;
  • manifestations of colpitis.

As for contraindications to the procedure, surgical removal of the tumor is not performed if the woman has acute infectious processes in the genital organs. To carry out the operation, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment, and only after achieving positive result permission to proceed with removal.

Types of surgical intervention for detecting vaginal cysts

Gynecological surgeons, if a cyst is detected that requires surgery, can recommend one of the following methods of getting rid of the tumor:

  • puncture aspiration, in which a puncture is made in the wall of the cyst, and then through it, its internal contents are sucked out with a special device;
  • Marsupialization: dissection of the cyst wall, pumping out its contents, and suturing its walls to the vaginal mucosa;
  • radical excision: in this case, the mucous wall of the formation is subjected to a longitudinal or oval dissection, after which the cyst itself is removed from the tissues of the vaginal wall, and then the cyst bed and mucosa are sutured with a catgut suture.

The first method is used only if the patient is pregnant and the cyst reaches a large size, since its effect is temporary. Soon after such an operation, cystic contents again accumulate on same place. The method of radical excision is dangerous due to possible injury to the walls of the rectum or bladder. Therefore, doctors most often prescribe marsupialization.

If, for certain reasons, removal of the cyst through the vagina is ineffective, the operation can be performed laparotomically or laparoscopically.

Preparation and technique for removing a cyst from the vagina

As part of the preparatory measures, the attending physician must determine that the affected person has no contraindications. To do this, 2 weeks before the date of the test, he sends the patient for tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • PCR smear for the presence of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Blood PCR for HIV and hepatitis;
  • analysis for the presence of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis.

Most often, the procedure is performed using local anesthesia, therefore, 8-10 hours before it starts, it is forbidden to consume food and liquid. In the evening, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema and take a laxative. The doctor informs the patient in advance about all special preparation requirements.

The surgical procedure differs depending on the type of cystic formation. The patient is positioned on the couch and an anesthetic is injected. After the anesthesia begins to take effect, the doctor begins manipulations.

If the tumor originates from Gartner's tract and is filled with serous contents, it is cut, and the bleeding edges of the wound are sutured with a furrier's suture. If the cyst extends far into nearby tissues, and its upper pole is located too close to the bladder, the surgeon, even when removing the tumor, leaves a piece of the cyst wall in this place to avoid damage to the bladder wall.

Removal of a tumor of the vaginal vestibule is considered the simplest procedure of this nature. An incision is made up to the capsule, and surgeons prefer an oval incision method so that the cyst does not burst during the process and its contents do not enter the vaginal cavity. The tissue area is grabbed with forceps and pulled towards the incision, separating the cyst capsule. After this, stitches are applied if necessary.

After all manipulations are completed, sutures are applied, and the operation area is treated in accordance with aseptic requirements, the patient is transported to the ward.

It should be noted that surgical removal of vaginal cysts usually does not require the woman to be sent to the hospital, but she should be under the supervision of a doctor for several hours after the operation.

Recovery after the procedure

Surgical removal of a tumor from the vagina, in most cases, is successful without negative consequences. General period rehabilitation does not exceed several weeks.

Sexual contact should be avoided for 10-14 days. In the first month after removal, it is forbidden to visit swimming pools, baths, saunas, or swim in open water, in order to avoid infection of the healing wound.

Removal of a cyst does not in any way affect a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a fetus, as well as her menstrual cycle. After the procedure, the patient should visit a gynecologist at least once every 3-4 months for a preventive examination.

It is extremely rare that an operation performed poorly or carelessly can cause injury to the walls of the rectum or bladder. In some cases, if the tumor was not completely removed, the cyst re-grows in the same place.

Typically, removal of a vaginal tumor does not require opening a sick leave after surgery.

Surgical manipulation to remove tumors in the vagina is considered a simple and safe operation for the patient. Provided that the preparation rules are carefully followed and the doctor is properly qualified, after two to three weeks the woman returns to to the usual way life without special restrictions. You just need to make it a rule to periodically visit a gynecologist to prevent the development of new cysts.

  • Purulent vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal discomfort during prolonged sitting
  • Discomfort in the vagina while walking
  • Discomfort during urination
  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • Bleeding during intercourse
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the vagina
  • Urinary disorders
  • A vaginal cyst is a hollow formation filled with transparent contents. Can form in upper sections or on the back wall of the vagina. A cyst of the vaginal vestibule is often found. The volume of the tumor can vary from one to ten centimeters. IN international classification diseases (ICD 10), such a disorder has code N76. This disease is not very common - in gynecology it occurs in only two percent of females.

    The main reasons for the formation of cysts are STDs, congenital structural pathologies, trauma, non-compliance or irregular adherence to personal hygiene rules. Symptoms of the disease include the occurrence of discomfort and pain during sex, the feeling of a foreign object in the vagina (this is most intensely expressed while walking or from prolonged sitting), the appearance of transparent or purulent discharge, disruption of the process of urine emission and an increase in temperature. Despite the presence of such signs, in medical field There have been no recorded cases of transformation of such a neoplasm into oncology. In addition, the cyst does not in any way affect the course of menstruation or pregnancy, and intrauterine development baby and labor.

    This disease can be detected during a routine gynecological examination, but a colposcopic examination and ultrasound of the pelvic organs may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment of the disease consists of surgery. To eliminate signs of the disease, you may need to take medicines or the use of traditional medicine.


    Quite often, a vaginal cyst is a congenital pathology. Other reasons for the formation of such a neoplasm are:

    • formation of hematomas inside the vagina due to injury;
    • abortive termination of pregnancy;
    • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
    • presence of STDs;
    • ruptures during childbirth;
    • chronic inflammatory processes;
    • surgical treatment of vaginal fistulas.

    Acquired cysts are several times less common than the congenital form.


    There are several classifications of vaginal cysts. The first of them divides the disease depending on the causes of its occurrence. Thus, neoplasms are:

    • congenital;
    • acquired;
    • implantation - occur against the background labor activity and are often localized on the posterior wall of the vagina;
    • retentional - their formation occurs against the background of chronic.

    Depending on the location, this disorder is divided into:

    • vaginal vestibule cyst– this form of the disease can be diagnosed independently. This is because this area located quite close to the vaginal opening. This type of illness can occur for quite a long time without expressing any symptoms, but this is until the tumor reaches a large size. After professional diagnostics surgery is required;
    • cyst of the anterior vaginal wall– is often congenital pathology. The cyst can be located either in this area or deeper. In such cases, a final diagnosis is possible only after an ultrasound scan;
    • cyst of the posterior vaginal wall– such a neoplasm is often acquired in nature rather than congenital. Very often develops due to miscarriage or during childbirth. This cyst can cause pain and bleeding during sex.


    Regardless of whether the vaginal cyst is a congenital pathology or acquired, clinical manifestation will be the same. In most cases, with small tumors, the disorder can occur without expressing any symptoms. Symptoms of the disease are:

    • sensation of a foreign object in the vagina;
    • discomfort when walking or sitting for long periods of time;
    • discharge of purulent or clear liquid from the vagina;
    • disruption of the process and discomfort during the emission of urine;
    • an increase in body temperature - occurs only if the cyst has reached large volumes;
    • discomfort, pain and bleeding during sexual intercourse.

    In addition, there is a deterioration general condition women during menstruation, use alcoholic drinks, prolonged hypothermia or when infectious and inflammatory processes occur in the body. Some of the signs of the disease can be eliminated with folk remedies. Despite a large number of characteristic symptoms, the cyst does not carry negative influence on the course of pregnancy. The only exception may be if the growth volume is too large, which may interfere with the natural course of labor.


    Despite the fact that a vaginal cyst does not in any way affect the course of menstruation and pregnancy, as well as the process of giving birth to a baby, if removed untimely, several complications can develop:

    • accession infectious process, formed against the background of suppuration of the contents of the cyst;
    • recurrence of a vaginal cyst after successful treatment;
    • labor by performing a caesarean section.

    Complications can result from self-relief of the disease at home using folk remedies. It must be remembered that any type of treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist.


    Establishment correct diagnosis will not be difficult for experienced specialist, since the basis diagnostic measures is a gynecological examination. But before this, the doctor needs to familiarize himself with the patient’s medical history. This is necessary to identify the causes of the disease. After this, you need to find out the presence and extent of symptoms.

    During a gynecological examination, the doctor uses special colposcopic instruments, which make it possible to examine the internal female genital organs under magnification. Then it is necessary to take a smear from the vagina for subsequent laboratory and bacteriological studies.

    Instrumental diagnostic methods include ultrasound of the pelvic area, which makes it possible to identify the exact location of the cyst on the vaginal wall relative to nearby internal organs.

    In some cases, consultation with specialists such as a urologist, proctologist, pediatric gynecologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist (if the patient is a woman during pregnancy). After confirming the diagnosis, the attending physician develops treatment tactics for vaginal cysts, in particular using folk remedies.


    This disease can be treated in one way - surgery, aimed at removing vaginal cysts from the tissues of this organ. This procedure can be carried out in several ways:

    • puncture aspiration– but such medical intervention has only one drawback: it is a temporary effect. Some time after removal, the tumor begins to accumulate fluid again;
    • implementation of marsupialization– most safe way treatment that can be used by girls and women during pregnancy. The procedure consists of dissecting and emptying the cyst, followed by suturing the walls and mucous membrane;
    • radical method of cyst removal– making an incision on the front wall abdominal cavity, through which the new growth occurs. At the end of the operation, catgut sutures are applied.

    If a small vaginal cyst is detected, dynamic monitoring of its development is required.

    In addition, vaginal cysts can be treated using traditional medicine. To do this, you should use recipes for decoctions and tinctures based on:

    • burdock;
    • cabbage leaves;
    • golden mustache;
    • celandine and milk;
    • wormwood and St. John's wort;
    • string and yarrow;
    • sage, nettle and knotweed.

    It's worth remembering what to use folk remedies it is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician, especially for girls and women carrying a child.

    Specific prevention similar disease does not exist, you just need to regularly and carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene, limit yourself from hypothermia and properly monitor the development of pregnancy.

    Is everything correct in the article? medical point vision?

    Answer only if you have proven medical knowledge

    Cysts are sac-like formations filled with air, fluid or other substances. In most cases, cysts are not harmful to health and are not painful.

    Vaginal cysts can be caused by trauma during childbirth, benign tumors in the vagina, or a buildup of fluid.

    The content of the article:

    Types of vaginal cysts

    Some types of cysts are formed as a result of injuries received during childbirth.

    Vaginal cysts can form various shapes. Exist the following types cysts in the vagina.

    • Bartholin gland cyst. These cysts are filled with fluid, and they appear in the Bartholin glands, which are located on both sides of the entrance to the vagina. Bartholin's glands produce a natural lubricant that lubricates the outer labia.
    • Epidermal cyst. Typically, cysts of this type form on the lower part of the vaginal wall. Typically, epidermal cysts are very small, making them difficult to notice. This is one of the most common types of cysts that appear in the vagina. Epidermal cysts can result from trauma received during childbirth.
    • Muller's cyst. Another common type of cyst, which is formed due to residual material from fetal development. They can appear anywhere in the vaginal walls and often contain mucus.
    • Gartner's canal cyst. These cysts appear when the canals developing embryo after childbirth they do not disappear as they should. The remaining canals can develop into vaginal cysts over time.

    Causes of cysts in the vagina and risk factors

    Cysts are most likely to appear when the ducts or glands become clogged, since such conditions create conditions for the deposition of substances. The causes of cysts in the vagina are usually determined by their type.

    For example, trauma to the vaginal walls causes the appearance of epidermal cysts.

    The biggest risk factors for epidermal cysts are cuts and tears during childbirth and surgery, causing damage to the vaginal lining, and episiotomy (a small cut between the vagina and anus), made before the birth of a child in order to expand the vaginal outlet.

    Bartholin's gland cysts occur when the gland's openings become blocked by the skin that covers them. This causes formations filled with fluid to appear.

    Symptoms of cysts in the vagina

    Cysts often go unnoticed and can only be discovered during a regular examination by a gynecologist.

    Cysts in the vagina rarely cause any noticeable symptoms in a woman. Depending on the size and location of the cysts, women may or may not feel these formations.

    Often, cysts in a woman’s vagina are found by a gynecologist during an annual examination. Cysts may remain constant in size or become larger over time.

    Most cysts do not cause pain. However, sometimes large cysts can cause discomfort during sexual activity, walking, playing sports or inserting tampons.

    Cysts are more likely to cause pain if they become infected. Bacteria on the skin or sexually transmitted diseases can cause cysts to become infected, which ultimately leads to abscesses, that is, purulent inflammations.

    What complications do cysts in the vagina cause?

    Most probable complication cysts located in the vagina - infection and subsequent abscess. The pus that accumulates during an abscess causes redness, pain and swelling. If an abscess forms, it can be drained for therapeutic purposes.

    Large numbers of skin bacteria, as well as those acquired as a result of sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, can cause cysts to turn into abscesses. Sometimes a Bartholin's gland abscess is caused by bacteria that are normally found in the intestines, such as E. coli.

    When should you go to the doctor?

    For every woman, annual visits to the gynecologist should be part of a set of measures aimed at maintaining her health. The doctor may check any new vaginal lump to see if it is benign.

    A woman should seek medical help if the cysts in her vagina become painful or show signs of infection.

    How to treat cysts in the vagina?

    Cysts in the vagina are often treated with sitz baths, which cause the cysts to rupture and drain on their own.

    In most cases, vaginal cysts do not require treatment. Health care, usually given if a woman experiences discomfort or pain due to large cysts or infection.

    If treatment is required, one of the following options may be used.

    • Antibiotics Usually prescribed by doctors if a vaginal cyst is infected, or if tests show that a woman has a sexually transmitted infection. If the abscess that has formed is properly drained, antibiotic treatment may not be necessary.
    • Sitz baths involve a woman being in a container filled with heated water several times a day for 3-4 days. Such procedures aim to rupture and drain cysts without any additional intervention from medical professionals.
    • Marsupialization used for frequently recurring and persistent cysts. The doctor places stitches on each side of the draining incision to create a permanent opening. To improve drainage, a rubber tube may be inserted for a few days to help prevent recurrence.
    • IN in rare cases Bartholin gland cysts are practiced removal of glands.

    Surgical drainage may be required to clean out the contents of infected or large cysts. Such operations are often carried out under local anesthesia or after patients use sedatives.

    The doctor makes a small incision in the cyst and then drains its contents. After draining the cyst, the doctor places a small rubber tube into the incision. This allows the cyst to remain open for several weeks to drain completely.

    How to prevent cysts from appearing in the vagina?

    The appearance of vaginal cysts is difficult to prevent. In order to reduce the incidence or get rid of these formations altogether, it is recommended to keep the vagina clean. Healthy and safe sex will help avoid sexually transmitted infections.


    The prospects for treating vaginal cysts are usually good. Many women don't even know they have cysts until their gynecologist finds them. Sometimes vaginal cysts can cause pain or become infected. In such a situation, a woman should seek treatment and avoid activities that may irritate the affected areas. In rare cases, vaginal cysts become a source of permanent problems for women.

    A vaginal cyst is a tumor-like formation localized on the wall or in upper area vaginas. Fluid accumulates inside it, and this anomaly is predominantly congenital.

    The vaginal cyst does not transform into cancerous tumor, does not have any effect on the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. The main way to combat the formation of cystic formations in the vagina is surgical intervention.

    What's happened

    A vaginal cyst is a benign tumor formation, which most often forms due to lack of therapy infectious pathologies. In some cases, a tumor may appear if a set of medicinal procedures is not prescribed in a timely manner.

    The cystic formation is round or oval shape and the vaginal wall becomes the primary site of its formation, but it can grow into the deeper layers of tissue.

    The constituent elements of the cyst are a layer of muscles and connective tissues, and the surface is covered various types epithelium. A secretion colored brownish-yellow accumulates inside the formation.

    Size benign tumor can reach 10 cm. To date, there is no evidence that a cyst can turn into cancer. However, this does not mean at all that you can avoid diagnosing and treating it.

    When the tumor grows to a large size, they usually resort to surgical removal of the cyst. An indication for such treatment is the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, which cause severe discomfort to the woman.


    Experts define several classifications of cystic formations of the vagina, and the first of them subdivides the pathology, taking into account the cause of its occurrence. Highlight:

    • congenital;
    • acquired;
    • implantation;
    • retention cyst.

    Most often, a vaginal implantation cyst appears as a consequence of childbirth, and its location is the posterior vaginal wall. Retention formation is predominantly formed against the background of chronic bartholinitis.

    Depending on location benign education The following forms are distinguished.

    Vaginal vestibule cyst

    A woman can determine this pathology on her own, since the formation is located too close to the entrance to the genital organ. Over a long period of time, pathology can develop without the appearance of pronounced clinical picture until the cyst grows to a large size.

    Anterior vaginal wall cyst

    Mostly this pathology is congenital and can be localized in the vaginal area and deep in the tissues. In such a situation, it is possible to make an accurate diagnosis only with a control ultrasound.

    Posterior vaginal wall cyst

    Such a tumor is most often acquired and appears as a consequence of termination of pregnancy or during labor. The formation can cause severe discomfort and pain to a woman, and also cause bleeding during sexual intercourse.

    The cystic formation can be oval or round shape, and the consistency is tightly elastic or softly elastic.


    The following factors can provoke the formation of a cyst on the vaginal wall:

    • congenital abnormalities of the genital organ;
    • failure to respect personal hygiene;
    • inflammatory chronic diseases;
    • different kinds infections, sexually transmitted;
    • ruptures after childbirth or the formation of defects;
    • abortion;
    • damage of various nature, causing formation hematoma;

    A benign formation on the vaginal wall may appear from some parts of the paraurethral ducts or Hartmann's ducts. Implantation cysts are most often congenital or formed from epithelial debris that enters the tissue after childbirth or abortion.


    It is possible to determine the presence of a vaginal cyst if you carefully monitor your condition and pay attention to unusual symptoms. A vaginal cyst is usually accompanied by the appearance of:

    • Feel foreign bodies in the genital organ;
    • violations defecation;
    • swelling labia;
    • painful syndrome during sexual intercourse;
    • discomfort in the perineal area when walking;
    • rise temperature bodies without symptoms of colds or viral diseases.

    There is a deterioration in the general condition of a woman during menstruation and when drinking alcoholic beverages. In addition, malaise appears after prolonged hypothermia of the body or during an infectious-inflammatory process occurring in the body.

    Despite the unpleasant symptoms, most often cysts do not affect the course of pregnancy in women. Only if the formation reaches a large size can this affect natural course childbirth


    For staging accurate diagnosis The patient’s medical history is studied to determine the causes of the disease. After this, the presence and appearance of characteristic symptoms is determined.

    During a gynecological examination, special colposcopic instruments are used, the use of which allows one to examine the woman’s genital organs with magnification. After this, a vaginal smear is made for further bacteriological and laboratory testing.

    Main instrumental method Diagnosis of a vaginal cyst is considered to be an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Using this procedure, it is possible to determine the exact localization of the formation on the walls of the vagina in relation to nearby internal organs.

    Can it develop into cancer?

    A vaginal cyst is a benign formation, so it never develops into cancer. This formation has a soft cavity in which liquid accumulates. In some cases, the cystic tumor can rapidly increase in size and surgery is required.


    The main method of treating vaginal cysts is surgery, during which a benign formation is removed from the vaginal tissue. Today this operation is carried out in several ways:

    1. puncture aspiration. A significant disadvantage of this method of therapy is the fact that it allows one to achieve only a temporary effect. Some time after the operation, the tumor begins to accumulate fluid again.
    2. Marsupialization. This method of treatment is considered one of the safest. It can be used both to treat pathology in women during pregnancy and in girls.
    3. Radical method for eliminating cystic formation. During this operation, an incision is made on the anterior wall of the peritoneum, through which the tumor is removed. At the end of the procedure, stitches are placed on the wound.

    In a situation where it is not possible to remove a cystic formation through the vagina, laparoscopy is used. In some cases, peeling can be damaging bladder and intestines.

    However, often the tumor does not need to be removed and most often surgery is resorted to when it reaches a size of more than 3 cm. If the tumor is localized too deeply, the cyst stalk is not completely removed.


    Gartner's cyst is not an obstacle to conception and birth of a child. In addition, such a benign formation is not a contraindication to childbirth naturally and does not affect menstrual function. However, women with such a diagnosis should be under dynamic observation doctor

    In case of incomplete enucleation, which is often noted during puncture aspiration, there is a high probability of recurrence of the cyst. The operation to remove a benign tumor does not affect the woman’s health in any way and the prognosis is quite favorable.


    The frequency of relapses in most cases depends on the method of surgical intervention. At timely diagnosis And effective therapy Treatment of benign tumors has favorable prognoses.

    Deterioration can only occur if the tumor grows to gigantic proportions or an inflammatory process begins in the problem area.


    First of all, it is necessary to diagnose in a timely manner cystic formations in the vagina, which will allow you to avoid problems with pregnancy in the future. In order to avoid their occurrence, it is recommended to increased caution carry out all vaginal manipulations and listen to all instructions from the midwife during childbirth.

    In the absence of bright severe symptoms it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cyst on the vaginal wall over time.

    Cystic formation does not in any way affect a woman’s ability to give birth to a child, but can cause accumulation purulent exudate inside. If the enucleation or aspiration is not thorough enough, there is a high probability that the cyst will reappear in the vagina.

    Compliance preventive measures allows you to avoid the development of pathology and dangerous complications.



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