If your tooth hurts badly during pregnancy, what should you do? What natural factors cause pain?

If a tooth hurts, it’s always a problem. But if a tooth hurts during pregnancy, the problem is twofold. It is not always possible to see a doctor immediately. And not all painkillers available to ordinary patients can be used while pregnant. What to do, how to get rid of toothache during pregnancy, so as not to harm your body and baby? The answer is simple - use only permitted methods and methods.

Why do pregnant women have toothache?

In general, pregnant women have toothache for the same reason as people outside this physiological state. Poor or insufficient care, genetics, unhealthy diet, ecology, lack of prevention and systematic timely treatment. But in addition to these aggravating circumstances, during the period of bearing a baby, another one is added. Changes in hormonal levels are a direct consequence of pregnancy. Toxicosis and nausea, metabolic disorders and a lack of elements in the body that it spends on the full formation of the fetus. Among these elements, calcium occupies one of the main places. Almost all of it is spent on the formation of the child’s skeleton. The mother is left with rapidly decaying teeth and associated pain.

By the way. During pregnancy, even the composition of saliva changes. Its microflora ceases to resist, as before, the onslaught of bacteria, and does not have a protective effect that protects against caries.

Types of pain

The nature and duration, strength and depth of toothache experienced by a pregnant woman depends on the diagnosis made by the dentist. Of course, all people have different pain thresholds, but by how exactly the tooth hurts, you can most often understand what exactly happened to it.

Important! For any pain in a tooth, the best thing a pregnant woman can do is to immediately go to the dentist. During the period of bearing a child, teeth, deprived of protection and the necessary building elements, are destroyed so quickly that if treatment and treatment are not done in a timely manner, the likelihood of tooth loss increases by 80%.

Table. How teeth hurt due to various diseases

DiseaseDescriptionPainful sensations

The frequency of occurrence during pregnancy is very high, since the composition of saliva changes and the gums become inflamed with any, even minor, mechanical damage.The gums are completely or in some places swollen. Pain appears in the gums. When you brush your mouth, your gums begin to bleed.

In this case, the disease damages the hard dental tissues, as well as the enamel covering them.At the beginning of the disease, the pain is not severe, moderate or mild. Teeth become more sensitive to temperature changes. There is an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth.

The tip of the tooth root becomes inflamed. An infection that begins in the pulp spreads to the bone tissue and periodontium. The process is accompanied by the formation and discharge of pus. May occur due to injury.

During the transition to the chronic form, an acute period of pus discharge is interspersed with periods of relative rest.

In the acute phase, with the outflow of pus, the pain is twitching and severe.

During the rest period, tapping or pressing on the tooth helps determine the presence of a problem. If pain occurs, then it’s time to go to the doctor.

The well-known and most popular among the people is damage to dental soft tissues. It also occurs twice as often in pregnant women.The pain of pulpitis cannot be confused with anything. It is aching, exhausting, paroxysmal, twitching and pulsating in jerks.

Due to changes in the composition of saliva, impaired immunity and hormonal metabolism, stomatitis during pregnancy is a frequent visitor.The inside of the mouth becomes covered with ulcers that hurt and irritate, constantly growing and occupying an ever larger area.

Another problem that gets worse with pregnancy is the eruption of wisdom teeth. Usually occurs during the active peak of the reproductive period. And although this process cannot be called a disease, it can be accompanied by noticeable pain and discomfort, even if it goes away without inflammation of the gums. Suppuration of the gums during pregnancy during the eruption of wisdom teeth occurs more often than in other clinical cases.

Before visiting the dentist

It is not necessary to endure and wait for a medical appointment if the pain occurs in a situation where the dentist is unavailable, for example at night. During pregnancy, it is not forbidden to use some folk remedies to relieve pain.

  1. Medical patch. This is a traditional gentle remedy that relieves pain by acting on various reflex zones, which, according to Chinese medicine, are each responsible for their respective organs. For tooth pain, the patch is applied to the jaw on the desired side and to the big toe of the same side. Can be used for pain accompanying any dental disease.

  2. Impact of hands. This method will help relieve pain for a short time, while being absolutely safe. You need to rub dry hands intensively with your palms against each other until they become warm and a slight tingling sensation appears. Then place one palm on the cheek where the tooth hurts, and the other on the forehead. Hold for four minutes. During the first two, the pain will intensify, then it will begin to subside. Remove your palms and vigorously shake off the pain from your hands. It will best help with caries.

  3. Rinsing. Used for stomatitis and gingivitis, inflammation of the pulp. During caries, rinsing is practically useless. You can rinse with herbal decoctions, of which the most effective are: calendula, peppermint, yarrow, sage, string, chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort. The broth should be warm (slightly above body temperature). Rinses are carried out every hour. A decoction of oak bark also has an antiseptic and pain-relieving effect, especially for stomatitis. For pulpitis and periodontitis, the most effective short-term pain relief is a decoction of table salt, or better yet, sea salt.

  4. Lotions. Tampons with various fillings help when applied to a diseased tooth. This can be calendula tincture (wet a tampon), propolis, mummy (apply), clove oil, sea buckthorn oil, fir oil - a few drops on a tampon.

  5. Applications. Traditional healers suggest using foods such as garlic and lard to reduce tooth pain. Salted lard is cut into thin plates, which are used to cover the disturbing tooth on all sides. Most likely, the pain-relieving effect is achieved through salt, and rinsing with a saline solution is much more effective, but if you prefer to use lard, this can be done during pregnancy. Garlic - a clove is applied to the wrist opposite the sore side, or placed in the opposite ear. First remove the husks and wrap them in several layers of gauze.

Pregnancy rarely goes smoothly and painlessly. Some pain symptoms and ailments during this period are due to physiological causes and are considered normal variants. Others, such as toothache, indicate specific disorders in the body and require therapeutic measures.

Why do teeth often hurt during pregnancy? How to relieve pain safely and effectively? Why is it dangerous to ignore and tolerate pain symptoms? You will receive comprehensive answers to these and other questions after reading the article.

Why do pregnant women have toothache - the main reasons

Toothaches during pregnancy can become a real torment if you treat them incorrectly. It happens that the expectant mother, being in the grip of prejudices, prefers to endure instead of going to the dentist or trying to muffle the symptoms with safe means.

This is a fundamentally wrong approach, and in the next section you will learn why it is dangerous for the health of the woman and the unborn child. Here we will talk about the reasons why pregnant women have toothache.

There are many of them:

  • caries– causes discomfort when eating hot/cold/sour/sweet foods;
  • gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)– according to statistics, it occurs in 45% of pregnant women, caused by hormonal changes or a lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • pulpitis– inflammation of the pulp (internal tissue of the tooth), accompanied by a sharp throbbing or aching pain, causes inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes, sometimes an increase in temperature, worsens at night;
  • apical periodontitis– inflammation of the periodontium (tissue located at the tooth root);
  • infectious lesions of the gums and other tissues of the oral cavity– purulent inflammatory processes are especially dangerous;
  • untreated teeth– diseases that existed before pregnancy, but did not make themselves felt, often worsen during the period of bearing a child;
  • deficiency of calcium and other microelements– the result of an unbalanced diet;
  • metabolic disorders– interfere with the full absorption of nutrients;
  • changes in the chemical composition of saliva– during pregnancy, saliva contains less phosphates and other compounds that protect enamel.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body becomes extremely sensitive to various kinds of changes.

Neurohormonal changes affect the functioning of all systems - and in particular, blood circulation. Because of this, the gums and oral cavity experience a deficiency of nutrients and microelements, which inevitably affects their status. Hence infections, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, decreased immunity.

The main cause of sore teeth and gums in pregnant women is caries. This disease is characterized by a wide variety of manifestations - it causes acute reactions to foods of certain temperatures and tastes, and develops into further inflammation of dental tissues at a deeper level (pulpitis). The latter is truly an unbearable hellish pain that requires the mandatory intervention of a specialist.

What are the dangers of toothache during pregnancy?

Any pain, if it is constant, is fraught with the development of chronic and serious diseases. This is a signal from the body about problems in the functioning of systems and organs. Tolerating and ignoring it is dangerous and unwise, especially during pregnancy, when you risk not only your health, but also the health of the fetus.

At the same time, pills that a person normally takes without any hesitation should be taken with great caution during pregnancy and only after they have been prescribed to you by a doctor. Even the familiar Analgin and Aspirin are prescribed to pregnant women extremely rarely.

If you use painkillers and other drugs without the approval of specialists, this can cause the body to react even more dangerously - this time to the pills that the woman takes to drown out the symptoms.

What else is dangerous about toothache?

  • the development of an infectious process that is dangerous for the development of the fetus (the first weeks are especially dangerous in this regard, when the placenta is still forming and does not protect the embryo from external agents);
  • the release of adrenaline, which accompanies strong pain reactions, narrows the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching the fetus;
  • if the disease is not treated on time, this will lead to the progression of the disease - the tooth will have to be removed, and doing this for pregnant women, especially in the late and early stages, is extremely undesirable (stress can trigger premature birth).

But the main enemy of the expectant mother is not pain symptoms, but the wrong attitude towards her. Fear of the dentist is fraught with dangerous consequences. An untreated infection can easily enter the fetus’s body in the first trimester of pregnancy, and this is a real threat to the baby’s life.

The only way to avoid dangerous complications is to consult a doctor as soon as problems arise.

What painkillers can pregnant women use - dentist’s recommendations

The first rule that all pregnant women need to learn: take pills only on the recommendation or direct instructions of a medical practitioner. Self-medication is unacceptable, no matter how harmless it may seem.

When prescribing painkillers, doctors take into account the patient’s condition, the results of tests and examinations, and the timing.

What medications can pregnant women take?

In the early stages

In the first 2-3 months (10-15 weeks) of pregnancy, it is generally undesirable to treat teeth, due to the absence of that same placental barrier. You definitely cannot use anesthesia or prescribe potent drugs of any pharmaceutical group, since their effect on the fetus is unpredictable.

There are situations when calling a doctor, much less visiting him, is impossible for some reason. What to do in such cases? How to relieve and soothe pain, get rid of torment and alleviate painful symptoms? The best option is to take folk remedies, which we will discuss in detail in the following sections.

In the later stages

Toothache in the 2-3 trimesters occurs more often and is characterized by increased intensity. The formation of the skeletal system requires more and more calcium, and if it is not supplied enough from food or is not absorbed, the baby takes it from the mother’s teeth and bones.

During this period, even harmless caries can turn into acute pulpitis in a few days. But this disease cannot be cured with drugs from the home medicine cabinet. And any other dental diseases too - the only thing that can be done is to temporarily alleviate the symptoms.

If you do not trust folk remedies or non-drug pain relief methods do not help, we can take some tablets from the universal list of conditionally safe drugs. The choice of drugs that do not cross the placental barrier is quite extensive.

First of all, this includes No-shpa. Analogue – Drotaverine. The product relieves spasms and pain symptoms quite successfully. But even such a harmless drug should be taken with caution, since in rare cases it causes excessive muscle relaxation, and this provokes a miscarriage.

The use of Paracetamol (Efferalgan and analogues) is allowed.

Other tablets that are prescribed (in emergency cases) in the third trimester:

  • Ketonal, Ketanov;
  • ointments and gels for pain relief (such as Kalgel);
  • Analgin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Novocaine solution;
  • dental drops for pregnant women.

But using Nurofen (for children) and similar medications at the last stage of pregnancy is not only harmful, but prohibited, since they reduce the volume of amniotic fluid.

How to get rid of pain yourself - safe ways

Self-administration of medications, even to relieve severe symptoms, is undesirable at any stage of pregnancy. Relatively safe products are dental drops and gels that disinfect the oral cavity and have a local anesthetic effect. On thematic forums, reviews about these drugs are only positive - all mothers praise them very much.

Before visiting the dentist, the following groups of remedies will help remove or alleviate symptoms.

Traditional painkillers

Warm rinses with the addition of salt and soda are a proven folk remedy for all times.

Herbal decoctions are also used:

  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • oak bark;
  • coltsfoot;
  • successions.

You need to rinse as often as possible. The ideal frequency is once an hour. It is prohibited to warm the sore spot from the outside.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

A painful reaction is a sign of an inflammatory process caused either by the spread of infection or by the activity of antibodies. Inflammation is relieved with antiseptic solutions - both natural anti-inflammatory drugs (chamomile) and medicinal ones (hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Ibuprofen) are suitable.

Saline solution is also a good antiseptic. To stop inflammation quickly, dissolve a spoon (teaspoon) of salt in a liter of water and the drug is ready. Soda will enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.

Other ways to relieve pain

Other proven remedies are beet juice, water with hydrogen peroxide, garlic, which is applied to a problem tooth or to a vein on the wrist, cloves (sprinkled on the gum), aloe and Kalanchoe leaves, propolis (if you are not allergic to bee products).

But plantain, sage and other plants of these families should not be taken - they increase the muscle tone of smooth muscles and can cause miscarriage.

When to see a doctor

You should see a doctor every time you feel pain or discomfort. Moreover, even if your teeth do not bother you, visit the dentist for preventive purposes.

And don’t be afraid that he will prescribe aggressive treatment that will harm the child. A qualified doctor, and we hope that this is the majority in our clinics, will never take unjustified risks, especially if the woman is pregnant.

Moreover, caries and many other diseases of the teeth and gums in the early stages can be easily cured without any radical treatment, x-rays or the use of potent drugs.

But advanced cases, on the contrary, are fraught with complications. Caries develops into pulpitis, pulpitis into periostitis. And this disease already requires surgical operations with anesthesia and all the ensuing risks.

Conclusion: We consult a doctor in all cases when the pain is constant, severe, lasts more than 2-3 days, and is accompanied by fever, headaches, nausea, inflammation, and swelling.

Preventive measures - how to avoid an unpleasant illness

It is easier (cheaper and smarter) to prevent any disease than to treat it.

Preventive measures are simple but effective:

  • regular visits to the dentist;
  • complete oral hygiene;
  • timely treatment of caries;
  • balanced diet: ideally, a diet developed by a nutritionist;
  • use of additional hygiene products for rinsing and oral care.

It is also advisable to plan your pregnancy in advance and undergo a full medical examination during the preparation stage, including from a dentist. The maximum task is to cure all diseases that a specialist can find.

FAQ – frequently asked questions

And now – answers to particularly pressing and pressing questions.

Is it possible to do x-rays?

Diagnostic procedures that use X-ray radiation are prescribed to pregnant women extremely rarely - only in cases where it is impossible to diagnose pathology or check the condition of organs in other ways. The benefits of radiography must outweigh the possible harm.

If a study is still prescribed, x-rays are performed using the most modern equipment in the safest possible way, using additional protection. The exposure to rays is short-term.

Is it possible to have a tooth removed during pregnancy?

Again, only if there are no other options. Indications for removal: acute pain symptoms, the presence of tumors or cysts in the oral cavity, acute inflammatory reactions, mechanical injuries to bone tissue.

The exception is wisdom teeth - they are almost never removed during pregnancy.

Is it possible to use anesthesia during tooth extraction?

In the second trimester, the use of fast-acting anesthetics with minimal side effects is allowed. Drugs such as Articaine or Isocaine act within 1-3 minutes after the injection and are considered safer than strong analgesics.

Useful information on the topic in this video:


Toothache during pregnancy is a common symptom that indicates inflammatory, infectious or other pathological processes in the body. Any severe or long-term pain requires medical intervention.

Be healthy and see you again!

During pregnancy, the female body is significantly weakened, as it has to work with double load. As a result, various pathologies may appear in any part of the body. The oral cavity will be no exception when during gestation.

Why do teeth ache during pregnancy?

Pain in the jaws of pregnant women can be of a dental or physiological nature.


  1. . The process takes place in the periosteum or bone of the tooth. Accompanied by unpleasant sensations that appear when consuming.
  2. . Damage occurs to the nerve and tissues surrounding the tooth root. There is swelling of the cheeks and lips, enlarged lymph nodes, and increased temperature.
  3. . Inflammation affects soft tissue (pulp). Severe aching in the jaw appears not only when eating, but also at rest, worsening at night.
  4. - wisdom teeth. Unpleasant sensations last throughout the growth of solid formations.
  5. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Not only the teeth hurt, but also the temples, part of the nose, the edge of the mouth and gums, mainly on the right side.


Due to the increased excretion of Ca from the body of the expectant mother, aches and pains appear in the bones, joints and teeth. Inflammation and aching sensations in the gums and jaw cause hormonal imbalances due to increased gonadotropin and progesterone. After childbirth, this condition usually normalizes.

Toxicosis provokes the appearance of increased acidity in the mouth and changes in the composition of saliva, reducing its protective functions.

What to do if your teeth cramp during pregnancy

It is not recommended to endure pain in the oral cavity, since if the pathology is not treated, it becomes the source of a more serious problem. A simple way out of this situation is to contact a specialist. But dental treatment in the early stages, as well as in the later stages, is undesirable.

In the first trimester, the slightest damage to the mucous membrane, which often happens during dental procedures, will lead to toxins entering the embryo through the mother’s blood. This is dangerous, since at 1-12 weeks the baby’s organs are formed, and the not yet fully formed placenta will not be able to protect them.

In the 3rd trimester, excess stress for the expectant mother is contraindicated because as the fetus grows, the load on the body increases and this can lead to premature birth.

The most favorable visit to the doctor is from 14 to 21 weeks. During this period, the woman’s condition stabilizes, and during treatment it is possible to use anesthesia and the use of x-rays.

What painkillers can you take?

Aching in the jaw cannot be tolerated, as it negatively affects the condition of the mother and child. Therefore, it is important that analgesics are prescribed by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the woman from the first days of pregnancy. And after suppressing the acute pain, it is recommended to consult a dentist.

When choosing an effective, and most importantly, safe medication, the following factors are taken into account:

  • gestational age;
  • presence of low or high blood pressure;
  • woman's weight;
  • features of pregnancy;
  • concomitant diseases - diabetes, kidney and heart pathologies.


A common antipyretic drug, but it also relieves pain well.

A safe product for mother and baby, which is widely used in gynecological and dental practice.

Despite the fact that the active substance penetrates the walls of the placenta, it does not affect the fetus.

Prescribed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Contraindicated in women with diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.


The medication relieves inflammation and eliminates pain. The product removes signs of chronic pulpitis and periodontitis. It is also produced under other trade names - “Ibuprom”.

Prescribed to women in the first and second trimesters. But it is prohibited at a later stage, as it can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid. The medicine is not recommended for heartburn, stomach pathologies, or frequent attacks of toxicosis.


Effectively relieves pain and reduces body temperature, but is rarely prescribed when other drugs do not cope with the task. The drug gradually penetrates the placenta and affects the condition of the unborn baby.

It is not prescribed in the first trimester, or after 34 weeks of pregnancy. irritates the gastric mucosa and can cause allergies. In extreme cases, when taken, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed, since the substance can thin the blood.

For jaw aches, solutions of potassium permanganate or are used to reduce inflammation.

How to relieve aching toothache using folk remedies

Unpleasant sensations will not go away on their own if no action is taken. And there are times when pain occurs at night, when it is difficult to get to the clinic.

In this case, folk recipes help:

  1. Familiar and effective ways to combat toothache -. They must be strong in order to maximally clean the oral cavity from harmful bacteria and relieve pain. Pour a teaspoon of the desired substance into a glass of warm boiled water and mix thoroughly so that the particles do not settle on the teeth and tongue. The procedure is carried out after eating.
  2. Medicinal plants alleviate the condition. Chamomile rinses are effective, reducing sensitivity and temporarily relieving mild pain.
  3. A decoction of plantain and sage is used for mouth baths. The procedure is carried out three times a day for half an hour. It is advisable to retain the liquid at the location of the aching tooth for a while, then spit it out, and then take a new portion of the decoction.
  4. Aloe pulp applied to the sore spot relieves symptoms.
  5. You can apply a small piece of propolis to the aching tooth. In three out of five cases, this leads to the long-awaited result - relief from pain.
  6. Relieves discomfort by rinsing with water and three drops of tea tree oil.

For severe pain in the jaw and inflammatory processes, the help of a qualified specialist at any stage of pregnancy is mandatory.

Prevention of dental diseases

In order to prevent unpleasant sensations in the mouth, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  • Regularly, once every six months, visit a dental medical facility.
  • , effectively treating the interdental space.
  • Change your toothbrush once a month or a month and a half.
  • Use two pastes - in the morning with calcium and fluoride, in the evening anti-inflammatory.
  • Rinse your mouth every time after eating with special products, decoctions of medicinal plants, or simply boiled water.

The content of the article:

Toothache during pregnancy can bring a lot of discomfort. During the period of bearing a child, taking painkillers is prohibited. Tooth decay during pregnancy is influenced by various factors, primarily an unhealthy and unbalanced diet. As a rule, natural cottage cheese, milk, fish and meat are replaced with preservatives, which negatively affects overall health. As a result, slow but rapid tooth decay begins.

Toothache during pregnancy

In order not to suffer from severe toothache during pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a dental examination before conception:

  1. Tooth enamel is destroyed by caries and other unpleasant diseases. Not only its external destruction occurs, as the infection penetrates inside and affects the nerves.
  2. Teeth become very sensitive to temperature changes, hot and cold foods, sweet and sour.
  3. A growing child takes all the necessary nutrients from the mother’s body, including calcium. A fairly common occurrence in dental practice is the removal of the dental nerve during pregnancy.

How to relieve toothache during pregnancy - painkillers

Today, the pharmacy offers a fairly wide range of various painkillers, but not all are allowed during pregnancy. Before using any drug, you must first consult your doctor.


This is one of the popular and effective painkillers, which is approved for use during pregnancy, but only with occasional use. Through the placenta, the composition of the medicine penetrates into the baby, including into breast milk. The daily dose of the drug is 500–1000 mcg - this volume is divided into 3–4 doses. Paracetamol can provoke allergic side effects, renal colic, anemia, and has a toxic effect on the liver. All these points should be taken into account by the doctor before prescribing the drug during pregnancy.


In the first trimester of pregnancy (12–14 weeks), doctors consider taking Analgin inappropriate. It is during this period that the formation and formation of the child’s internal organs occurs, so this medicine can cause serious harm.

In the second trimester of pregnancy (14–28 weeks), short-term use of the drug is permitted. If Analgin is used for a long time, there is a risk of negative effects on the fetal heart, kidneys, and circulatory system.

During the third trimester of pregnancy (28–40 weeks), the risk of labor or obstetric hemorrhage increases. This condition develops as a result of the fact that Analgin disrupts blood clotting. There is a risk of decreased immunity, weakened labor pains and infection.


Doctors are not against taking this drug in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, but only in extreme cases. In the third trimester, you should stop using this anti-inflammatory drug. The painkiller affects the proper development of the male genital organs.

In the last months of pregnancy, taking Nurofen is strictly prohibited, as there is a risk of miscarriage, which occurs as a result of premature contraction of the uterus and a decrease in amniotic fluid.

The main active ingredient of the drug is ibuprofen; it does not contain alcohol. The dosage of the drug (in tablets) is 200 mg, which are divided into 3-4 doses (the medicine must be washed down with plenty of plain water).


For severe and almost unbearable toothaches, an antispasmodic is taken in the form of tablets or injections. The drug promotes vasodilation, relieves uterine tone, and is an effective remedy that provides temporary relief. Only a dentist can eliminate the cause of toothache.

During pregnancy, you should take no more than 1 tablet per day. You should not drink the product too often, because No-Spa is not a panacea for the disease itself.

How to relieve toothache during pregnancy - folk remedies

The use of modern medications during pregnancy can pose a serious danger to the child's health, but you can use an alternative option - folk remedies. The main advantages of traditional medicine are the natural origin of the medicine and the effect it provides.

Before taking any folk remedy, you should first consult your doctor.

Sage Rinse

This herbal remedy can also be used for dental purposes, as it has an analgesic and bactericidal effect. You can purchase sage in tablet form or dried herb at the pharmacy.

A decoction is prepared from sage, which is used to rinse the mouth during attacks of headaches. However, it is not recommended to abuse this remedy, since an increased amount of sage oil that enters the body can lead to a narcotic effect.

Sage and oak bark

To relieve severe toothache, you need to prepare a decoction. Take sage (1 tbsp) and crushed oak bark (1 tbsp), pour the mixture with boiling water (250 ml) and leave for 30 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and used to rinse the mouth.

Oak bark decoction

You need to prepare a medicinal decoction from oak bark:

  • you will need to take purified water (300 ml) and oak bark (3 tbsp), previously crushed in a blender;
  • the composition is heated in a water bath;
  • then the mixture is left in the same container with a tightly closed lid - the decoction is infused for about 30 minutes;
  • the product is filtered through gauze folded in several layers or a fine strainer;
  • The prepared decoction should be used five times a day, and it should be done daily.
Oak bark is completely safe during pregnancy, and it helps to quickly get rid of toothache without resorting to the use of medications. This decoction can also be used to tighten the wound that remains after tooth extraction.


Mint and lemon balm help get rid of toothache. To do this, a strong infusion is brewed from fresh lemon balm. You should rinse your mouth with the resulting product every day.

Propolis tincture

  1. Propolis (45 g) is crushed on a fine grater and filled with 70% alcohol (90 ml).
  2. The composition is placed in a glass container and left in a dark place for 10 days.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, the precipitate must be filtered.
  4. The finished product can be stored in a cool and dark place - for example, in the basement.
  5. To get rid of toothache, prepare a rinse solution - dissolve propolis tincture (1 tsp) in warm water (100 ml).
  6. The resulting solution should be rinsed in the mouth three times a day.

Pharmacy tincture of valerian

This remedy perfectly relieves toothache. To do this, soak a cotton swab in a pharmacy tincture of valerian and apply it to the problem area. You can also take 20 drops orally three times a day.

Yarrow collection

You will need to take yarrow collection (3 g), oak bark (5 g). The resulting composition is poured with boiling water (900 ml). The decoction is filtered and used to rinse the mouth. Yarrow herb helps accelerate wound healing, relieves inflammation, and helps improve appetite. In combination with other means, the desired effect is much faster.


You need to take chopped chicory (1 tbsp) and add water (300 ml). The resulting solution should be rinsed in the mouth three times a day.

Tincture of aspen bark

  1. Take aspen bark (0.5 tbsp) and grind it using a meat grinder, then pour it with vodka (500 ml) and leave for 7 days. To rinse the mouth, use the following composition: dissolve 1 tbsp in 100 ml of water. l. tinctures. You need to rinse your mouth three times a day.
  2. In a water bath, bring 300 ml of water to a boil, to which 2 tbsp is added. l. crushed aspen bark. The product is infused for 15 minutes, then filtered and used for rinsing.


Grind the turnips on a fine grater and boil them for 5 minutes in 300 ml of water over low heat. Then you need to wait until the broth has cooled and use it three times a day to rinse the mouth.

To quickly relieve toothache during pregnancy, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Mint tampons - mint (3 tsp) is infused in boiling water until you get a strong tea. Then the soaked mint leaves are applied to the problem areas.
  2. For toothache, it is useful to chew propolis. This substance should be stored in the refrigerator and left at room temperature before use so that it can warm up. Then the propolis is chewed until a feeling of numbness appears. You can apply a warm piece of propolis directly to the sore tooth.
  3. A tampon of salted and warm lard is applied to the problem area. It should be applied on both sides of the diseased tooth and left until the pain completely disappears.
  4. Garlic is an excellent and completely natural antiseptic. It needs to be grated on a fine grater and mixed with pre-crushed salt. Then the mixture is applied to the sore tooth and left until a burning sensation appears. You can also mix chopped garlic with peanuts and use it as a tampon.
  5. Cashew nuts help with toothache, preventing the development of caries and effectively disinfecting the oral cavity. It is enough to peel a few nuts and just chew them.
  6. The onions are grated until a paste is obtained, which is placed between two pieces of gauze. This compress is applied directly to the diseased tooth.
  7. A few drops of clove oil are applied to a cotton swab, after which the aching tooth and gums are wiped. At the same time, you can rinse the mouth - dissolve 4 drops of the product in 100 ml of warm water. To relieve toothache, it is recommended to chew ground cloves and apply to the inflamed area.
Before attempting to self-medicate, you should first familiarize yourself with the available contraindications, because some folk remedies can be dangerous during pregnancy. If your doctor allows it, you can use one of the methods described above at home.

More about how to get rid of toothache during pregnancy:

- This is not a rare occurrence during pregnancy. And even if you regularly visit the dentist, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that you will not have problems with your teeth during pregnancy. What to do if pain does appear, is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy and how to relieve acute pain before going to the dentist - this is discussed in our article.

Causes of frequent toothache in pregnant women

Despite the different standards of living and the nature of pregnancy, even absolutely healthy pregnant women often complain of toothache and exacerbation of chronic diseases. This can be influenced by a number of factors:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • changes in metabolic processes in the female body;
  • hormonal changes;
  • increased acidity of saliva as a consequence of toxicosis in the early stages.

When to contact a dentist?

You can avoid dental problems during pregnancy if you do not neglect visits to the dentist. During this period, preventive examinations are especially important, so go to the doctor at least a couple of times during your pregnancy. Remember that caries in the early stages is not always expressed by painful symptoms. Advanced inflammation is always more difficult to treat than new inflammation. If you feel increased sensitivity of your teeth to hot and cold, then even more so, consult a specialist. During treatment, do not forget to warn the doctor about your situation.

About dental treatment during pregnancy

The statement that pregnant women cannot have their teeth treated is nothing more than a myth. And a dangerous myth. If you experience pain while eating, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor. In pregnant women, caries progresses many times faster, and therefore within a week or two, pulpitis can develop from a simple spot. In the early stages of treatment, you can do without anesthesia and x-rays, which means the risk of harming the baby will be zero.

The ideal time to apply is the second trimester

The most favorable time for dental treatment for pregnant women is the second trimester. During this period, as a rule, complex measures are planned, such as tooth extraction and prosthetics. You can have your teeth filled at any time.

What painkillers are allowed for pregnant women?

All modern anesthetics based on articaine and mepivacaine are approved for pregnant women. The only painkillers you should avoid are those that contain adrenaline. It increases blood pressure and is therefore not good for the child.

What about x-rays?

Despite the general ban on X-rays for pregnant women, dental photographs can still be taken. True, infrequently and with the use of specialized equipment and protection.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to take 1-2 photographs of the teeth using a computer radiovisiograph. The radiation from this device is so small that it cannot harm the baby. In addition, during the procedure, a lead apron must be placed on the tummy. It provides additional protection from radiation.

Emergency help for toothache

Suddenly a tooth began to ache – who doesn’t? But if time or health does not allow you to urgently consult a doctor, take a paracetamol-based pain reliever. Shouldn't you swallow the whole pill at once, should you limit yourself first? - ? norms. If it doesn't help, drink more.

Paracetamol is one of the few medicines approved for pregnant and lactating women. It not only helps reduce fever, but also effectively copes with pain of various types. In many cases, it is much better than the “NO-SHPA” recommended by doctors. However, remember that paracetamol is eliminated from the body 6-7 hours after administration, so you should not get carried away with it while breastfeeding.

Disease Prevention

It is highly advisable to take care of your dental health while planning your pregnancy. At this time, it is recommended to go for an examination even if there are no complaints and if problems with teeth or gums are identified, eliminate them.

Directly during pregnancy, you should be especially careful about oral hygiene; with the permission of your doctor, it would not hurt to purchase a vitamin complex to strengthen your teeth. Additionally, you can review your diet and make your meals more balanced. By the way, this is useful not only for teeth, but also for your figure.

That's all the simple advice. Be healthy!



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