How is a tooth removed if only the root remains. How is root removal performed?

From this article you will learn:

  • how to remove the root of the tooth: photo and video,
  • how long does the gum heal after tooth extraction,
  • tooth extraction: price in Moscow for 2019.

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Tooth extraction can be simple and last only a few minutes, or complex, accompanied by an incision along the gum and drilling of bone tissue. Complicated tooth extraction usually lasts no more than 30-40 minutes, but occasionally there are cases when you have to remove teeth for 2-3 hours. Below we will tell you in detail what it depends on and how much it costs to remove a tooth.

Tooth root removal: photo

The main indications for tooth extraction -

  • difficult eruption of the eighth teeth,
  • significant tooth mobility
  • complete destruction of the tooth crown, but only in situations where the tooth root cannot be restored (on which an artificial crown is then fixed).

Important : very often, doctors send difficult teeth for extraction, with which they don’t really want to mess around, but for which they could compete. For example, even with the complete destruction of the tooth (provided that the preserved root is dense and not destroyed below the gum level), such teeth can be restored with a stump tab and a crown.

How is tooth extraction performed?

  • Suturing -
    after a simple extraction, most dental surgeons rarely close the wound. The sutures allow you to bring the edges of the mucous membrane together over the hole, which is a good prevention of bleeding, as well as protecting the blood clot (which as a result cannot be rinsed out or damaged). The risk of developing inflammation of the hole is reduced by 70-90%. Significantly reduced pain after removal.

    I can advise everyone - even before removal, ask the surgeon to put 1-2 stitches on you. Even if you have to pay an extra 300-500 rubles for it. The main problems in patients usually begin after tooth extraction, and stitches here will help prevent most possible complications (with which many then go to the doctor 3-5 times for repeated examinations).

  • What to do after removal
    if the doctor does not forget, then he will definitely tell you more or less in detail about how to care for the hole of the extracted tooth. Detailed recommendations are written by us in these articles -
  • How is tooth root extraction performed?

    Removal of tooth roots, removal of a broken tooth - in most cases, it is easily carried out using elevators (with which the tooth is dislocated from the hole), after which the root is simply removed from the hole with forceps. But inexperienced / indifferent doctors, when removing the roots, try to apply forceps as deeply as possible, while biting a large amount of bone. The latter will then lead to the impossibility of installing an implant without carrying out (bone augmentation).

    Removal of the root of the tooth with an elevator: video 3

    How is tooth extraction performed with flux -

    It is very important if you are planning implantation -
    if you plan to install an implant in place of the extracted tooth, then in no case should you first remove the tooth, and then only go to the implantologist for a consultation - otherwise, along with the implant, you will then have to spend money on bone grafting. Ideally, then it is the implantologist who should remove the tooth, and this should be done as atraumatically as possible for the bone tissue, and bone material should be placed in the hole itself, covered with a membrane and the hole should be tightly sutured.

    And then after 3 months you will get an excellent bone for, and will not need bone grafting. In addition, there are models of implants that can be installed in the socket of an extracted tooth (immediately after its extraction) - this is the so-called immediate implantation technique.

    Complicated tooth extraction with a chisel -

    A chisel is a tool from the times of the USSR, when there were no drills in surgical rooms for drilling bone tissue and sawing roots. The way teeth are removed with a chisel is more like a horror movie when the doctor hits the chisel with a wooden mallet. Removal of a tooth with a chisel is very traumatic for the bone tissue of the jaw and the temporomandibular joint, and often leads to complications.

    Often the chisel slips off the bone and penetrates deep into the soft tissues of the floor of the mouth, and the chisel can easily perforate the maxillary sinus of the upper jaw. Very often, the use of a chisel leads to injury to the mandibular nerve, which runs just under the tops of the roots of the lower teeth. Such an injury can lead to the development of neuritis and prolonged pain, as well as to prolonged numbness of a part of the face. The use of a chisel is not allowed.

    Tooth extraction: price in Moscow

    How much does it cost to pull out a tooth - the price will primarily depend on the complexity of the extraction. However, keep in mind that the price category of the clinic (where you go) will also affect the cost of tooth extraction. In economy class clinics, the price can be 2-3 times lower compared to clinics of a higher price category. But if you want to remove a tooth at a very inexpensive price: the price will be even lower in the paid department of the state dental clinic.

    It is also worth recalling that if you have a medical policy and a passport, then at the place of residence you can have your teeth removed for free (if we are talking about removing a decayed tooth or for acute pain). But removal in the direction of an orthodontist or prosthetist of a paid department will be paid even in a state clinic, even if there is a policy. The prices below are for 2019.

    How much does it cost to remove a tooth in an economy class clinic -

    • Simple tooth extraction - 1500 rubles.
      the price already includes anesthesia, but if you need to suture, then you may be charged another 300-500 rubles.
    • Extraction of a tooth of medium complexity - 3000 rubles.
      this cost already includes anesthesia, sutures, and sometimes a second examination.
    • Complicated tooth extraction - about 5000 rubles.
      is usually performed with drilling of the bone, making an incision in the gums. This category also includes the removal of complex eighth teeth. The quoted price includes anesthesia, stitches and, as a rule, follow-up examinations.

    How much does it cost to pull out a tooth: the price in clinics of medium and high price categories

    • Simple removal - 3500 rubles.
      this price is already "all inclusive" (anesthesia, sutures, re-examination).
    • Complex removal - from 7500 to 9500 rubles.
      those. with an incision, cutting out a bone, and also this includes the removal of complex eighth teeth. This price is already "all inclusive".

    Important : in most cases, it is very difficult for the patient to predict the complexity of future removal. But there are guidelines. For example, all single-rooted teeth are usually removed very easily, even if it is necessary to perform the extraction of a decayed tooth (ie, removal of the tooth root). More often, extraction is difficult when removing multi-rooted 6-7-8 upper and lower teeth.

    Contraindications for tooth extraction -

    All of the following contraindications to tooth extraction are not absolute. Those. removal according to urgent indications is possible even in these conditions, but only in a hospital setting and with immediate resuscitation support.

    • hypertensive crisis,
    • extrasystole, severe arrhythmia,
    • hemophilia, leukemia, hemorrhagic diathesis,
    • epilepsy, schizophrenia,
    • condition after myocardial infarction, stroke.

    Important : if you took anticoagulants (including Aspirin) during the week before the planned removal, then it is advisable to postpone the removal for another 1 week. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of bleeding and the formation of a hematoma.

    Is it possible for pregnant women to remove teeth -

    Tooth extraction during pregnancy is possible, but the decision on this should be made based on the duration of pregnancy and the severity of the inflammatory process, the presence of acute pain ... At different periods of pregnancy, the strategy differs markedly -

    • Tooth extraction during pregnancy in the 1st trimester -
      is not recommended, but only emergency interventions can be performed when there is acute pain. You must understand that in this period there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, and therefore, if possible, the removal should be delayed until a more favorable period.
    • Is it possible for pregnant women to pull out teeth in the 2nd trimester -
      it is possible, because the risk to the fetus during this period is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that the laying of all organs and tissues in the fetus has already occurred. However, the toxic effects of anesthetics should be taken into account, and if possible, removal should be postponed to the postpartum period anyway.
    • Tooth extraction during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester -
      possible, but especially in the later stages, only emergency interventions should be carried out to avoid preterm birth.

    Tooth extraction during breastfeeding has no restrictions. However, it is worth warning the dentist and asking to use the least toxic anesthetics. Tooth extraction during menstruation is not recommended solely because of the unstable psycho-emotional state of women during this period, but if there is pain, then you should safely go to the dentist and remove it.

    A visit to a dental clinic is for many people, especially when it comes to removing the roots of a tooth.

    Modern medicine allows you to perform this procedure without pain, discomfort and complications.

    In what situations is surgery necessary?

    It is not uncommon for teeth to break, fall out, and the root remains inside the gums - this is the main indication for its removal. Leaving the root if the tooth is destroyed is dangerous, as inflammation may begin over time, pus may appear.

    The presence of a root can be determined by the following symptoms:

    • with "twitching" at the site of a lost or extracted tooth;
    • characteristic sharp (pressure while eating);
    • swelling of the soft tissues of the gums;
    • redness, inflammation;
    • suppuration and.

    It is necessary to remove the root as soon as one of the listed symptoms has manifested itself. It is impossible to postpone a visit to the dentist, as this can lead to serious consequences, up to blood poisoning.

    Small spine, but daring

    Tooth root extraction is a surgical intervention that should only be performed by a specialist. The complexity of the operation is due to several factors:

    • tooth size;
    • the state of the tissues around it;
    • gum defects (if any);
    • placement within the gums.

    It is also important to take into account contraindications, since they affect the choice of removal technique.

    The main contraindications are:

    • ARI and SARS;
    • mental disorders in the acute phase;
    • diseases of the central nervous system;
    • recovery period after hypertension or heart attack.

    In some cases, according to the doctor's indication, the root is removed in a hospital setting.

    In most cases, the dentist will offer, despite the fact that the process of removing a completely destroyed tooth, in which only the root remains, will practically not cause negative sensations - this is also a feature of the operation.

    Difficulties during the operation may arise if the root is removed after the crown has broken or the root is deep in the hole.

    It is also difficult to pull out twisted and thickened roots. In other cases, the work of a dentist in this direction is considered easy.

    Preparing for the operation

    Preparation for the operation is carried out according to the general scheme: examination of the oral cavity and directly the area that needs special attention of the dentist.

    At this stage, a choice is made - it should take into account age characteristics, the presence / absence of diseases, body characteristics, for example, allergies to medications.

    Also at this time, the doctor who will carry out the intervention selects the necessary instrument.

    Immediately before the operation, the dentist conducts an examination of the gum tissue to determine if there are any or suppurations.

    The information obtained during the survey allows us to draw up a detailed plan for future work. The operation is performed by a doctor wearing gloves and a mask.

    After that, it is the turn of hygienic treatment of the oral cavity to prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

    Sometimes, before proceeding with the removal of the root, the doctor must first remove plaque or those located near the site of the operation.

    Then the patient must rinse his mouth or Eludril, so you can achieve maximum sterility - up to 90% of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria die, which significantly reduces the possibility of infection of the wound.

    In the event that complex removal is ahead, then an additional stage of hygienic treatment is the treatment of the skin of the face with alcohol, as well as a solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

    After that, a sterile towel or a special cape should be placed on the patient's chest so as not to stain the clothes.

    Pain relief is part of the preparation for tooth extraction. Preparations should be chosen carefully, taking into account the state of human health. Sometimes it is necessary to make a preliminary incision in the gums, especially if the root is deep in the hole or is not visible during visual inspection.

    What tools are used?

    The following types of instruments are used for the operation:

    • syringes;
    • elevators of various types;
    • drill.

    Based on what tools will be selected for the operation, certain work methods are selected.

    For a successful procedure, it is necessary to perform detachment of the circular ligament of the tooth or syndesmotomy. It is carried out regardless of the chosen method. In addition, the choice of method depends on where exactly the removal is required.

    Then one of the following methods is applied:

    1. Root pulling with tongs on the upper jaw is made with an instrument with straight ends. In the event that it is required to remove the roots of molars, then wide bayonet forceps are used, or as they are also called universal, since they are used to extract roots anywhere on the upper jaw.
    2. Rotation technique or rotation should be used if the operation involves the removal of the root of a single-rooted tooth, or if the roots of multi-rooted teeth are located separately. In the event that the roots are connected, then they must be dislocated.
    3. In the lower jaw, the root removal technique is also successfully used. tongs. In most cases, beak-shaped forceps are used. The removal technique is similar to the actions for removing the roots of the upper jaw.
    4. Extraction of the roots of the teeth elevators- Another widely used technique in dentistry. She also suggests that a syndesmotomy will be performed at the first stage of the operation. Then the working part of the elevator is carefully inserted between the tooth root and the wall of the gum alveolus and all the necessary actions are taken to remove the root. In the case when it is necessary to carry out dislocation, the elevator is used as a lever.

    In the photo, the removal of the root of the tooth with forceps

    Removal methods - there are three main ones

    Modern dentistry performs several types of operations to extract the roots of teeth.

    So, with the use of what methods modern dentists remove the roots of teeth:

    1. hemisection or partial extraction of a tooth and root. It is carried out in most cases on the molars located on the lower jaw. The technique allows you to completely exclude the development of pathological processes. The affected root with the crown or upper part of the tooth adjacent to it is subject to removal. After that, the teeth and roots located next to the removed root are sealed.
    2. Amputation or complete removal of the root. This technique is used when it is necessary to perform an operation on the upper jaw. First, you will need to completely expose the roots of the teeth if they are poorly visible or located deep inside the jaw. This means that the doctor exfoliates the mucous tissues on the gum. After that, the root is cut off with a drill and removed from the hole using universal forceps. At the final stage, the space is filled with a special medical composition - osteoplastic material.
    3. Cystectomy or removal formed on the root of the tooth. The operation is performed as follows: it is necessary to expose the upper part of the root, then identify the cyst and remove it. At the end, the doctor fills the resulting space and adjacent tissues with osteoplastic material.

    Removal of the tooth root and subsequent suturing of the holes - a visual video:

    Modern methods of root removal are performed under local anesthesia. Sometimes a special one is carried out, but this is done only in a hospital setting and if a person is undergoing treatment for the underlying disease.

    Therefore, the operation is painless for the patient.

    Special cases

    Sometimes rooting takes place in unusual conditions.

    The following are called special cases:

    • root extraction in case the tooth is destroyed;
    • the presence of gum disease, for example,.

    Also, special situations should include the presence of serious diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus or epilepsy, when it is highly recommended not to use certain types of pain relief.

    In addition, children under 12 years of age may need to remove the roots, in which case the operation also takes place in an unusual mode.

    Thus, root extraction is a painless operation, does not take much time and does not require a long recovery after it. A variety of techniques will allow you to perform dental intervention, taking into account all the characteristics of the body, so you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

    Tooth root extraction is one of the most difficult and unpleasant dental procedures. This article provides information about the methods of root extraction, the subtleties of the operation, the complications that may arise from its incomplete extraction.


    Experts distinguish the following series of main indications:

    • Fractures of teeth of various etiologies.
    • Development of inflammatory processes.
    • Loss of integrity of the tooth (it fell apart, broke, rotted).
    • The third level of root mobility.
    • Abnormal arrangement of decayed teeth.
    • Manifestation of characteristic symptoms of inflammation.

    Important! Extraction of the root of a tooth that has collapsed is a mandatory manipulation. It is the main breeding ground for infection in the oral cavity. The presence of rotten roots at the top provokes the formation of granulomas and cysts, which can subsequently develop into a malignant tumor.

    Preparing for removal

    Remaining tooth root.

    At this stage, the following is carried out:

    • A complete examination of the oral cavity and in particular the area with the root residue. A panoramic x-ray of the jaw is taken, the soft tissues of the periodontium are checked for the presence of inflammatory processes and suppuration.
    • The doctor draws up a treatment plan.
    • A suitable pain reliever is selected.
    • The entire set of sterile instruments is prepared.
    • Hygienic treatment of the oral cavity. If necessary, plaque and calculus are removed.
    • The mouth is rinsed with a solution of chlorhexidine or eludril.
    • The gums are anesthetized.
    • If indicated, an incision is made in the gums, followed by extraction of the tooth root.

    Reference! Proper and complete preparation for the operation is the key to its successful implementation, and subsequently excluding the development of complications.

    Tools: tongs, drill, elevators

    Name Process description Application
    Forceps With their help, a part of the tooth is taken, which protrudes from both sides above the edge of the alveolus. To do this, it is first necessary to separate the periodontium from the root surface or exfoliate the mucous membrane from the boundaries of the alveoli. To carry out manipulations on the paired jaw, an instrument with straight ends is used. Forceps with wide bayonet-shaped blades are used to remove the roots of any teeth located on the upper jaw. The lower jaw is processed using wedge-shaped forceps.
    Elevator The initial stage of operational resolution is carried out by performing a syndesmotomy. After that, an elevator is inserted into the cavity between the walls of the hole on the periodontium and the root body itself. One of the main indications for its use is the deep location of the root in the alveolus, which makes it impossible to extract it with forceps. Roots in the upper jaw that are abnormally located outside the dentition or are a hidden part of the third molar in the lower jaw are removed using a straight elevator. The roots of the teeth in the lower jaw are removed with an angle elevator.

    The Lecluse elevator with a peaked working part removes the large lower molar third in a row.

    Drill It consists in removing the outer wall of the alveolus with a burr, followed by extracting the root with forceps. It is used only to remove the root of a single-rooted tooth or if there is a separate location of the roots of a multi-rooted tooth.

    This method is indispensable for root extraction after a fracture of its apical section, significant curvature, hypercementosis, or anomalies in shape and position. Also, the drill is used when the root is located in the depth of the alveolar process, or it is completely covered with bone tissue and mucous.

    Tooth root extraction is a complex dental procedure that requires high professionalism from the dentist-surgeon. The correct choice of tools for its extraction is the key to a successful operation.

    Extraction methods

    In dental practice, the following methods are used to remove the tooth root:

    • Hemisection. It is used primarily on the molars of the lower jaw. The diseased root and the crown that adjoins it, or the part of the tooth located on top, is removed. The next stage of the procedure will be the filling of the roots and teeth. This technique excludes the development of pathologies.
    • Amputation. Used when surgery is required on the upper jaw. Initially, the visible section of the periodontium is separated, the root is cut off with a drill and removed from the alveoli with forceps. The manipulation ends with the filling of the hole with an osteoreplacing material.
    • Cystectomy. Provides for the excision of a cyst on the root of the tooth. The procedure begins with the process of opening the upper section of the root. After removal of the neoplasm, the vacated space is filled with medical material.

    All modern techniques for removing the roots of teeth are carried out with the help of local anesthetics. This avoids pain.

    Further processing of the alveoli

    Normally, a blood clot should form in the hole.

    After root extraction, careful treatment of the alveoli is a mandatory rule. For this purpose, the well is washed with special antiseptics, followed by the application of special anti-inflammatory drugs to the wound.

    They are used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes, despite the presence of an inflammatory process in the hole.

    Their use promotes faster healing of the wound and prevents the development of inflammation.

    Peculiarities of tooth root extraction on different jaws

    There are slight differences in the methods and types of instruments used in manipulations on different jaws.

    On the top - for the extraction of molars, bayonet-shaped forceps are used. C-shaped dental pliers are used to extract incisors and canines. For these purposes, rotational movements of the pliers are carried out, which ensures minimal damage to the periodontal tissues. If it is impossible to extract the tooth root with dental pliers, then a drill is used.

    The rejected root is removed after preliminary sawing of the bottom of the tooth cavity. After a drill with a spherical tip, the necessary cavity is created in the inter-root commissure for longitudinal sawing of the bottom of the tooth with a fursor drill. Further, in the prepared cavity, with the help of an elevator and bayonet-shaped dental pliers, the palatine root is dislocated.

    The procedure for removing roots on the lower jaw is much simpler. For these purposes, as a rule, dental pliers with bends along the edge and with thin and narrow cheeks are used. Extraction of the roots of wisdom teeth is carried out by surgeons with the additional use of an elevator.


    Flux is one of the complications after tooth extraction.

    Manipulation for the extraction of the roots of the tooth is quite traumatic and complex. Therefore, often due to the physiological characteristics of the body, or unprofessional actions of the surgeon, the following difficulties may arise after this manipulation:

    • Infection of adjacent teeth and soft tissues.
    • The spread of inflammation to the ligamentous apparatus with the gums and teeth.
    • Chronic inflammation will provoke the development of periodontal disease and other dental pathologies.
    • The formation of flux, phlegmon or cysts.
    • Severe pain that can last for several days.
    • Swelling and inflammation of the soft tissues of the periodontium and face.
    • The manifestation of pain when swallowing.
    • Problematic mouth opening.
    • Rapid rise in body temperature.
    • Bleeding gums.
    • Suppuration of the alveoli.
    • Loss of sensation in the jaw area.

    Attention! If the slightest signs of inflammation appear after extraction of the tooth root, you should immediately visit a doctor to correct the therapeutic course and prevent the development of serious complications.

    How painful is manipulation?

    High-quality anesthesia makes the procedure painless.

    Many patients are interested in whether it hurts to pull out the roots of the teeth? The duration of the operation depends on the clinical picture of the condition of the tooth and the root itself. Its location also plays a significant role. On average, with the high professionalism of a dental surgeon, such an operation lasts for half an hour. But, if a complex extraction of the root of the wisdom tooth is carried out, then the time of such manipulation can be delayed by 90 minutes or more.

    In modern dentistry, when extracting the root of a tooth, strong anesthetics are used, under the influence of which pain is not felt at all. They are selected for any pain threshold. The effect of such drugs is enough not only for the operation itself, but also for two hours after it. Also, depending on the complexity of the manipulation, general anesthesia can be performed.

    Important! The selection of anesthesia should be carried out exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the patient's state of health and his age category, as well as the complexity of the operation.

    How much does it cost

    The cost of tooth root removal depends on the status of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor. As a rule, the price includes diagnostics, consultation with an anesthesiologist and, if necessary, other specialists, anesthesia, the operation itself, and the materials used.

    The average cost of tooth root extraction in Moscow clinics is from 1800 to 5400 rubles.

    Root removal at home

    Removing the root of a tooth is a complex dental operation, it is forbidden to carry it out at home!

    Despite the availability of modern methods for extracting the roots of teeth, many people are terrified of this procedure. Therefore, some of them decide to carry out this manipulation on their own at home.

    For these purposes, they manage to use pliers. With his tongs, people try to grab the base of the root and thereby carry out its removal.

    Naturally, such a resolution of dental pathology is unacceptable and unacceptable, since it poses a significant threat to health:

    • Infection of the wound occurs, which can lead to the development of sepsis.
    • Formed traumatic shock and stress shock.
    • It is impossible to remove it completely. The fragments remaining in the wound rot, which contributes to the development of additional dental diseases.
    • High risk of developing serious complications.
    • There may be extensive bleeding.

    Attention! If it is necessary to extract the tooth root, it is strictly forbidden to carry out the operation on your own, but you should immediately visit the dental clinic.

    What is special about molar root extraction

    Wisdom tooth root removal

    Extraction of the root of the wisdom tooth refers to a number of complex and painful operations. This is due to its location, which runs along the longitudinal axis of the jaw. That is, the molars grow across the roots of the remaining teeth.

    Therefore, the removal of the root of the molar must be carried out by the hands of a highly qualified surgeon. A prerequisite for this manipulation is the conduct of radiography, and in some cases, orthopantomography. The picture will clearly display the features of the placement of the root in the gum.

    The doctor, based on the diagnostic results, selects the most appropriate method and tools for a successful operation. The duration of such manipulation is on average no more than one and a half hours. During this time, the patient:

    • Strong anesthesia is administered, and general anesthesia may also be needed.
    • Next, an incision is made in the gum tissue and extraction of the root of the tooth.
    • After the alveolus is cleaned, treated with antiseptics and a special anti-inflammatory agent is applied to its cavity.
    • If necessary, a drainage is installed for the outflow of purulent exudate.
    • For deep periodontal incisions, suturing is performed.

    Advice! To avoid the development of complications after extraction of the molar root throughout the entire recovery period, it is necessary to strictly follow all medical prescriptions and recommendations. You should also undergo a consultative examination on the third day.

    Popular questions

    • What are the features of the operation in the presence of overgrown periodontal tissues?
    Tooth root overgrown with gum

    Manipulation is carried out under general anesthesia by a surgeon in the presence of an anesthesiologist. First, a gum resection is performed, which opens access to the root and its canals. After a special tool, the root is extracted and the alveolus is treated with medication.

    • What doctor does this?

    Surgery is performed by a dental surgeon. If necessary, other narrow specialists may be involved for a consultative examination.

    • Do I need to remove the roots with caries or treat?

    The expediency of therapy for this pathology is determined by the dentist in each case individually according to the results of x-ray examination. The main indication for the extraction of the root of a tooth affected by caries is its damage by more than 50%. In other cases, treatment is carried out by installing an inlay and a special artificial crown.

    • How is a cyst removed from the root of a tooth? Granuloma?

    Removal of a cyst or granuloma is carried out by surgical intervention. For this, depending on the indications, the following methods are used: cystectomy, hemisection, cystotomy, laser extraction. In the presence of purulent exudate, after opening the granuloma, drainage is performed.

    • Is it necessary to remove the roots of milk teeth?

    Extraction of the roots of milk teeth is not recommended. Significant evidence is required for this manipulation. These experts include severe carious tooth decay, an advanced stage of periodontitis, pulpitis or fistula on the gums, the formation of a cyst on the root of the tooth, as well as inflammation and rapid infection.

    • What technique is used to extract the pin from the root of the tooth?

    This manipulation is carried out using ultrasound. Under its influence, it is possible to carefully loosen the structure without damaging the natural tissues of the hidden part of the tooth.

    • Why is the cheek swollen after this manipulation?

    The main reasons include: the complexity and high traumatism of soft tissues during the operation; the development of an inflammatory process or suppuration; unprofessional root extraction, the body's reaction to certain medications; the appearance of a hematoma due to fragile capillaries.

    • How is the extraction of the root of the tooth from the maxillary sinus?

    First of all, its bottom is perforated, followed by endodontic treatment. Thanks to this technique, the hard tissues of the hidden part of the tooth are gently affected during its extraction.

    Removal of the roots of the teeth is the case when it is absolutely impossible to tighten. In most cases, it is due to the fact that the roots simply begin to rot. There can be many reasons for this, but first we will deal with possible complications.

    What happens if you do not remove the root of the tooth:

    1. Formation of pus in the root. The more a person walks with a destroyed tooth, the more this pus accumulates. This leads to constant, pain, as well as other consequences.
    2. Decreased immunity. Ironically, one bad tooth can cause serious health problems for a person. The fact is that festering roots attract all infections and bacteria. In turn, the immune system begins to fight this infection, which takes a huge amount of resources necessary for life. As a result, a person becomes vulnerable to various viral diseases, due to a weakened immune system.
    3. gum damage. In 100% of cases, neglected problems with decaying tooth roots lead to a rarefaction of bone tissue, as a result of which it forms. The reason for this is the inflammatory process, which is caused by decay, as well as the formation of a strong plaque around the damaged area.
    4. Flux. This is one of the most difficult and painful complications, which is caused by untimely removal of the roots. The constant ingress of bacteria, infections, and rotting pieces of food causes the formation of pus. When it accumulates enough, it begins to "look" for a way out. Thus, it corrodes the bone tissue and stops under the periosteum of the upper or lower jaw. This process is accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the cheeks from the affected tooth.

    Flux in the gum. If you endure her pain and still put off going to the dentist, the person will begin to experience unbearable throbbing pains that radiate to the ear, as well as a serious fever.

    Reasons for deletion

    There can be many reasons for root removal. But it is worth saying right away that it is far from always necessary to remove the roots, as many do. In many cases, everything is treatable without removal.

    This process, however, is expensive and often painful.

    Now consider the main reasons for removing the root:

    1. Purulent processes that destroy the root. If the tooth is no longer treatable, then it is necessary to remove either the entire root or its upper part (depending on the damage).
    2. Mechanical damage. Often, there are situations when a part of a tooth breaks off in a person. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Often, this is not accompanied by pain, and people walk without part of the tooth. Complications may not appear for several years, depending on the complexity of the injury, immunity and other individual characteristics. But sooner or later this place will give up. Without the necessary protective coating (enamel), the damaged part gradually begins to deteriorate under the influence of various bacteria. If this is not given importance, then over time the root will begin to deteriorate. Subsequently, it will need to be removed.
    3. Tooth destruction. Often, this happens due to non-compliance with daily oral hygiene, education, enamel damage and many other reasons. As a result, the tooth simply begins to crumble and crumble into small pieces. The problem of this often lies in the root or nerve of the tooth, which simply begins to die off, as a result of which the nutrients do not get into the tooth.


    There are not many ways to remove roots. The patient is also not given such a choice. The choice of removal method is carried out by a specialist, depending on the complexity, location, and a number of other parameters.

    The process of removing the root of a tooth

    Consider all options:

    1. With forceps. The simplest procedure is when, with the help of forceps, the doctor simply pulls out the root. It sounds scary, but in fact, all this happens under anesthesia and very carefully.
    2. Removal of the roots of the upper and lower jaws. There are special forceps for each jaw. It is worth saying that operations with the lower jaw are much easier.
    3. Removal by direct and angular elevator. The tool, although it sounds menacing, is nothing terrible. There are different types of elevators for different teeth. For example, angled elevators are used for molars, since it is almost impossible to reach them with a straight elevator.


    The complexity of the procedure depends on the specific case.

    The simplest option looks like this:

    • preparation of the damaged area;
    • anesthesia;
    • removal.

    If the patient is treated with severe pain and flux, everything can be much more complicated. It is difficult to perform an operation at the time of severe pain, because the procedure, even under anesthesia, will bring pain to the patient. In such cases, they often act differently.

    Initially, the pus is cleaned by cutting the gums, and after a few days, when the inflammation subsides, the root is removed.

    Stages and cost

    Let us consider in more detail all the stages of the procedure.

    It is worth saying right away that now a case will be considered when a person does not come with unbearable pains and completely rotten roots:

    1. preparation and anesthesia. Preparation for surgery can vary from a simple x-ray to filling other teeth or treating other oral diseases. This is followed by anesthesia.
    2. Separation of the gum from the socket. This is done so as not to damage the gum during removal. This will help speed up the healing process later on.
    3. Removal process. On average, it takes 15 - 45 minutes (sometimes more).
    4. After the operation, most often, sutures are applied, which will need to be removed in about a week.

    It is worth saying that removal in different clinics can cost differently. The average price for the entire procedure ranges from 1300 rubles to 1600 rubles. If the operation is serious, then the price can reach up to 3000 rubles.

    Going to the dentist's office is a challenge for many people. Patients believe that the removal of the roots is accompanied by pain, as well as the obligatory cutting and suturing of the gums. However, modern methods, tools and materials allow the operation to be performed with little or no discomfort and complications.

    Do I need to remove the root of a decayed tooth?

    When there is no dental crown, but the roots remain in the gum, you need to determine what condition they are in. The crown part can be destroyed both on a tooth with a nerve and on a pulpless one. If the roots of a tooth are severely damaged, it cannot be restored. The dentition is restored with the installation of an implant or bridge after the removal of fragments of the unit.

    Do I need to extract teeth if they do not hurt? Patients often turn to dentists with the following symptoms: the tooth has crumbled to the ground and rotted, while the person is not bothered by pain. The forces of immunity allow for a certain time to restrain the spread of infection, but there comes a time when acute inflammation occurs, accompanied by edema. Then you can lose both the collapsed unit and the neighboring ones.

    Absolute indications for removal

    Amputation of a rotten root is mandatory, since it is a breeding ground for infection. The problem is not only bad breath - bacteria multiply in the remains of the unit, there is supragingival or subgingival calculus on them, which causes inflammation of the gums. Almost always, the tops of the roots are infected, due to which a granuloma can form, subsequently leading to a flux (we recommend reading:). What a broken tooth looks like can be seen in the photo.

    Removal is indicated in the following cases:

    • periodontal disease;
    • if the tooth is loose;
    • the presence of a cyst, abscess;
    • caries damage;
    • complex fracture of the tooth;
    • the presence of fragments deeply stuck in the hole;
    • atypical position of the unit.

    Removing the roots of a wisdom tooth is almost always required. These are far-away molars, for which there is no way to take good care of them, so the “eights” are quickly destroyed. Wisdom teeth often provoke displacement of other units and constant inflammation due to cheek biting. Units are kept if they have grown correctly and are not too damaged. A crown is placed on the wisdom tooth or used for further restoration of the row with the help of a bridge.

    When can the root be left if the tooth has crumbled?

    If possible, dentists strive to save at least one root of a decayed multi-rooted tooth. It can become a support for the crown, thanks to which the unit will continue to perform its functions.

    If there is a wall or only a root due to the loss of a filling of a pulpless tooth or a chipped piece of it, the remaining parts can be saved. This is done in cases where the root or surrounding tissues are not subject to pathological processes.

    1. Forceps. There are different types of forceps, including separate mandibular and maxillary instruments, root extraction devices for limited mouth opening, etc.
    2. Elevators. Each type of instrument (straight, angled, etc.) is designed for a separate group of teeth.
    3. Drill. The device is necessary for sawing the tooth and removing the roots or their parts.

    Amputation process

    The operation begins with the detachment of tissue around the unit. Amputation of the tooth root is performed using certain methods of work:

    The choice of root removal method is influenced by the degree of damage to the tooth and the presence of transformations in the bone tissue. If the root is rotten, and the bone is slightly deformed due to inflammation, then the extraction specialist will only need forceps. They are applied at the final stage after the separation of the alveoli and gums. When this tool fails, the doctor uses the elevator.

    What to do if the tooth has rotted to the gums (more in the article:)? In this case, a drill is used. The device allows you to cut the unit into pieces, then each piece is taken out separately. The fragments are removed with another tool. When extracting a wisdom tooth, additional devices are used (we recommend reading:).

    If the root is pulled out before its complete destruction, the operation will be simple. The procedure usually takes about 10 minutes. Extraction in people over 40 years of age is quite easy, since the alveolus atrophies and a focus of inflammation forms - the body independently rejects a piece of the remaining tooth. When several roots are planned to be removed, the procedure is considered complicated.

    Amputation of the subgingival part of the unit with preservation of the crown is rarely resorted to. It is carried out with the formation of a cyst or granuloma, when there is a chance to save most of the unit.

    Possible consequences

    Complications after extraction of a tooth or root is a phenomenon that occurs due to the lack of experience of the doctor or his negligence. If the unit fell out due to injury, it is worth taking an x-ray so that the doctor makes sure that there are no fragments left in the hole. During the procedure, the following may occur:

    1. Breaking off the top of the root. Bleeding from the wound, so the fragments are not always visible. The specialist must prescribe a second removal.
    2. Fragment stuck deep in the well. Part of the tooth cannot be seen without an X-ray, it is covered with epithelial tissue and does not bother you at first. Subsequently, a capsule of fibrous tissue and a fragment provokes the formation of an abscess or phlegmon.
    3. Pieces of bone get stuck in soft tissues. This is a local complication, and fragments can often be removed on their own or in the doctor's office under anesthesia (without tissue cutting).

    Do I need to remove the remaining fragments of the tooth? Leaving them in the wound is unacceptable, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences:

    What to do if a piece remains after removal?

    If a fragment remains in the gum, you should not delay visiting a doctor. The specialist will remove the residual fragments and treat the wound with an antiseptic. The operation is performed in two ways:

    • when a fragment is on the surface, extraction is carried out in a few minutes with a special tool;
    • if the piece is located deep, a gum incision is made to extract it.

    Sometimes doctors are faced with a situation where the fragment is overgrown with gums - it is completely covered with mucous. In this case, the treatment is carried out in several stages:

    Is it possible to pull out a rotten tooth root at home?

    There are many videos on the Internet showing people trying to extract a tooth at home. Is it worth experimenting so cruelly on yourself? Attempts to remove it yourself can lead to unpredictable consequences for a number of reasons:

    • choosing an anesthetic and correctly injecting it in the right dose into the gum is very problematic without a medical education;
    • it is difficult to maintain sterility at home, so there is a high risk of infection in the wound;
    • inept tissue incision can cause serious bleeding;
    • without the use of anesthesia, pain shock is possible.

    If the removal of a strong whole tooth can still be realized, then a rotten root will not succumb to extraction. The crown of the tooth or its subgingival part may crumble, the fragments will get stuck in the hole, decomposing and infecting the surrounding tissues. Dentists categorically do not recommend trying on their own to remove not only permanent, but even milk teeth.



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