Salt dressings cure almost everything. Treatment with salt dressings

Greetings to all readers of my blog. I recently came across an article that described salt treatment and saline dressings and amazing healing properties salt. I thought it would be nice for my readers to know about them too.

There are a lot of enthusiastic materials on this topic on the Internet, is it really that simple - put salt on the sore spot and get better? Read the article to the end to have a more or less realistic idea of ​​medicinal salt dressings.

Gift of nature

The life-giving properties of salt were used during World War II to treat wounded soldiers. The doctors were preparing special composition from water and ordinary salt, which was used to heal contaminated wounds.

To do this, they took gauze, moistened it generously with the solution, and applied such a bandage to the wounded area. Only 4 days passed, pink skin appeared at the site of the wound, the temperature dropped, and the soldiers were sent to the rear.

Thanks to the hypertonic composition, it was possible to avoid many deaths and purulent infections. This method was first used by Dr. Shcheglov.

What ailments can a saline solution save you from?

This method cures cholecystitis, nephritis, rheumatic carditis, pneumonia, rheumatism of the joints, osteomyelitis, suppuration after injections. The miraculous composition was able to get rid of bursitis, hematoma, even (chronic) appendicitis.
It turns out that it acts as a powerful absorbent, pulling out liquid with diseased flora from the tissue.

Even childhood whooping cough can be cured. How it's done. Healing bandages should be applied to the back for about 5 hours. 4 stickers are enough for the disease to recede.

Salt cures cancer

And this is not a fantasy! One patient came to the doctor with an unusual problem. The growth was purple, very large, and a brownish liquid was oozing from it. Clearly it was cancer! They started putting salt stickers on her. Even after one application, the tumor became much smaller.

After the second application, the mole turned pale and the discharge stopped. When the 4th application was done, the mole became an ordinary mole, without surgery.

A young girl with breast adenoma came to the appointment. She was offered to undergo surgery. The nurse, at her own peril and risk, told the girl how to make salt stickers on the mammary gland.

The girl applied the stickers for 2-3 weeks and no surgery was required. 6 months have passed since the adenoma affected the second breast. The girl already knew how to be treated, and again without surgery.

With the help of healing bandages, one man got rid of an adenoma prostate gland. A woman who was diagnosed with leukemia began to wear a salty blouse and trousers at night and regained her health in three weeks. There are many such examples, which means, indeed, saline solution excellent doctor!

Application of salt dressings in practice

  1. The salt solution should not exceed 10%, otherwise the capillaries will burst. It is better to make an 8 or 9 percent composition. It will draw out any impurities from the diseased organ. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to use a breathable bandage.
  2. It should only be applied to the affected area. By absorbing fluid from the upper layer of the skin, salt begins to draw viruses and microbes from the deeper layers, as a result, fluid changes in the tissues, which means the elimination of pathology.
  3. Treatment occurs within 10-15 days, and sometimes lasts up to 3 months.

How to prepare a healing saline solution

Take 90 gr. salt, stir in 1 liter boiled water, you get a 9% composition. Therefore, if you take 80 grams of salt, you will get an 8% solution, 100 grams of salt - a 10% solution, but it is better not to do it, so as not to harm yourself, use the 8 and 9 percent composition.

It is forbidden to make a compress, only a bandage. The best dressing will come from a linen towel, washed and washed many times. You can apply 8 layers of gauze. You cannot put cellophane on the bandage, only bandage it with a bandage or secure it with a plaster.

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When treating, the solution is taken hot, and the gauze is well moistened.

How long should I keep the bandage on? The time depends on the disease. See specific recipes and recommendations below.

How to treat a cold

Make the composition, moisten the gauze, wrap the forehead, back of the head, keep it up all night. After an hour, the runny nose disappears, and by morning the pain in the head subsides. For a cold, a healing bandage is an excellent remedy.

And if the infection has affected the bronchi, then the application is applied to the head, neck and back. Apply 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towels to your back. It must be kept from evening until morning. After 4 or 5 procedures it is noticed complete healing.

Liver treatment

When attacks of cholecystitis begin to torment you, you can get rid of them in 7 days if you apply 4 layers of gauze soaked in healing composition and keep it on all night. The bandage is bandaged with a wide bandage. In 10 hours the gauze is removed, and a hot heating pad is placed on the liver, which is kept on for 30 minutes. A heating pad is placed to widen the bile ducts, through which thick bile can easily pass.

There are examples where women were cured of uterine tumors by applying salt tampons directly to the cervix. The tampon is inserted for 10 hours, the procedure lasts 2 weeks.

In case of lung pathology, the bandage should be applied to the back. In order for the gauze to fit more tightly to the back, on the wet layers, between the shoulder blades, you need to put a roller and secure it together with the gauze.

Treatment of pelvic pathologies

You can cure hemorrhoids, polyps, colitis, rectal tumors, prostatitis, fibroids, uterine fibroids.

For the procedure, fold gauze in two layers, moisten it in a 10% warm solution, apply it to the pelvis, cover with a towel, bandage tightly, and leave overnight.

The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Rollers are placed in the groin dimples, then the whole thing is bandaged in one layer.


This healing method also has contraindications. Use with caution when:

  • hypertension,
  • heart failure,
  • migraine,
  • diseases of the urinary system.

Opinions of doctors and specialists

If you are interested in the salt treatment method, but have any doubts, listen to the opinion of doctor Boris Skachko about medicinal salt dressings and the properties of salt. In this video he will talk about the properties of table salt, sea ​​salt and layers Dead Sea, about what happens when salt is taken internally and externally.

Hello! As the topic for today's post, I chose this topic - salt treatment. Not many people know about this, but since ancient times, doctors have used salt as a medicine, and a very potent one at that. With the advent of traditional medicine, this remedy was simply forgotten, as it seems to me undeservedly. Therefore, I decided to correct the situation a little and fill in the gaps in knowledge.

Salt dressings help a lot with a wide variety of diseases. The material for dressings must be sterile and water-permeable. Simple gauze is best suited as it has all these qualities. Use gauze, rolled into 5-6 layers, do not cover the top with anything. The salt concentration in the solution used for adults is as follows: 2 teaspoons per 200 ml. water, for children: 2 teaspoons per 250 ml. water. Water must be used hot. The bandage is applied for 15 minutes, then the area is washed fresh water. And be sure to remember the main rule of salt treatment - you cannot increase the concentration of the saline solution used. Below I will give several recipes for using salt in the treatment of various diseases.

Traditional recipes for treatment using table salt

Treatment with salt for boils, poisoning, abscesses

  • In case of poisoning, a bandage should be applied to the stomach.
  • Salt concentration as described above.
  • , all kinds of abscesses, pustular diseases treated with a 10% salt solution, which eliminates stagnation.

Treatment with salt for liver diseases

  • For liver diseases, a salt bandage also helps; it is made wider.
  • Apply it from the area right breast to the middle of the abdomen in front and further to the spine in the back.
  • The bandage is kept for 10 hours, after which it is removed, and a heating pad is then placed on the epigastric region for half an hour. All this is necessary for the patient to dilate bile ducts and, accordingly, the bile mass could more easily pass into the intestines.

Salt treatment for foot fungus

  • You can also get rid of it with salt.
  • Soak cotton balls in saline and insert between your toes, then apply a wide bandage and wrap it around your entire foot.
  • Then take a wide bandage and wrap it around your entire foot. You can put a clean sock on top to secure the bandage.
  • A similar procedure is done 12 times, that is, 12 days.
  • In parallel with salt treatment, you need to disinfect shoes, boil socks and bed linen.

Salt against colds

  • In addition to salt dressings, of course there are many other methods of treatment with salt. For example, just heat the salt in a frying pan, pour it into a cloth bag and apply this bag to your feet.
  • Keep it on until you are completely warm and sweaty.
  • You can also rub woolen socks with salt, pour a little dry mustard or red pepper into them, add chopped garlic and onion and put them on overnight. The product is very effective, I advise you to try it.

Using salt for headaches

Treating osteochondrosis with salt

  • For osteochondrosis, take 1 kg. table salt, 2 tablespoons dry mustard powder, water in the amount of a quarter glass.
  • Heat this mixture to 50 degrees and apply to the spine area where it hurts.
  • Place either plastic film or oilcloth on top and cover yourself with a wool blanket.
  • After several similar procedures relief should come.

These are just a few recipes for salt treatment. Of course there are many more. Once you've tried these and seen their effectiveness, you'll probably want to try others. It’s not difficult to find them if you want, and I will probably write about this topic in the future. See you on the pages of this blog.

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It's about amazing healing properties salt, which was used during the Second World War to treat wounded soldiers. During the Great Patriotic War I worked as a senior operating nurse in field hospitals with surgeon I.I. Shcheglov. Unlike other doctors, he successfully used a hypertonic solution of table salt in the treatment of the wounded.

He placed a loose, large napkin generously moistened with saline solution on the large surface of the contaminated wound. After 3-4 days, the wound became clean, pink, the temperature, if high, dropped almost to normal indicators, after which it was superimposed gypsum bandage. After another 3-4 days, the wounded were sent to the rear. The hypertonic solution worked great - we had almost no mortality.

About 10 years after the war, I used Shcheglov’s method for treatment own teeth, as well as caries complicated by granuloma. Good luck came within two weeks. After that, I began to study the effect of saline solution on diseases such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic carditis, inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses after injection and so on.

In principle, these were isolated cases, but each time I received it quite quickly positive results. Later I worked in a clinic and could tell you about a number of quite difficult cases, when a saline dressing was more effective than all other medications. We managed to cure hematomas, bursitis, and chronic appendicitis. The fact is that the saline solution has absorbent properties and draws liquid with pathogenic flora from the tissue.

Once, during a business trip to the region, I stayed in an apartment. The housewife's children suffered from whooping cough. They coughed continuously and painfully. I put salt bandages on their backs overnight. After an hour and a half, the cough stopped and did not appear until the morning. After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

At the clinic in question, the surgeon suggested that I try a saline solution in the treatment of tumors. The first such patient was a woman with cancerous mole on the face. She noticed this mole six months ago. During this time, the mole turned purple, increased in volume, and gray-brown liquid was released from it. I started making salt stickers for her. After the first sticker, the tumor turned pale and shrank. After the second, she turned even more pale and seemed to shrink. The discharge has stopped. And after the fourth sticker, the mole acquired its original appearance. With the fifth sticker, the treatment ended without surgery.

Then there was a young girl with a mammary adenoma. She had to undergo surgery. I advised the patient to apply salt dressings to her chest for several weeks before the operation. Imagine, no surgery was required. Six months later, she developed an adenoma on her second breast. Again, she was cured with hypertensive patches without surgery. I met her nine years after treatment. She felt well and did not even remember her illness. I could continue the stories of miraculous cures using bandages with a hypertonic solution. I could tell you about a teacher at one of the Kursk institutes who, after nine saline pads, got rid of prostate adenoma. A woman who suffered from leukemia, after wearing salt bandages - a blouse and trousers at night for three weeks, regained her health.

What does salt treatment do?

Salt - sodium chloride - is close in composition to human blood, therefore very useful for the body. It contributes to the normalization of very important salt metabolism, as well as exchange minerals, removes toxins, radiation and poisons from the body, reduces joint pain. However, we must understand that excessive consumption and use of salt in medicinal purposes may lead others, no less serious illness, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and stroke. This is seen more often in people with overweight and older people. People with heart failure, prone to edema associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system, as well as people with kidney diseases. Salt for treatment must be used in particularly precise dosages and at a strict frequency of sessions. This gives greater effect from the treatment and eliminates unnecessary troubles and complications.

Sodium chloride, which is part of the salt, has a beneficial effect on joints and bones, therefore, when traditional methods During treatment, patients are recommended to take a saline solution containing sodium chlorine, and when using traditional medicine recipes, salt baths, compresses, and rubbing.

Salt baths

Hot salt baths being prepared in the following way. The bath is filling up hot water, a small cup of Epsom salts or magnesia is dropped into it. After it has completely dissolved, you need to go into the bath and lie there for no more than 30 minutes. Taking such a bath helps reduce pain in the joints and relaxes tense muscles. The procedure can be performed every day.

Salt baths are very useful for people with diseases spinal column and joints, although useful and healthy people to improve well-being, normalize metabolism and salt balance in the body, relieving inflammation, tension and fatigue.

Salt compresses

Salt compresses are useful for gout and rheumatism. Their purpose is to warm up the sore joint and improve blood circulation in it, thereby enhancing metabolic processes.

Steam salt compresses made using a small bag of soft thick fabric and heated salt. Salt, heated in a frying pan to 70 degrees, is poured into a bag and applied to the sore joint. If you are unable to tolerate such heat, you can place a towel or cloth and then remove it as the salt cools. From above, the joint with the bag is covered with film and wrapped, resulting in a steam room around the joint. This procedure for treating joints with salt gives an analgesic and relaxing effect. For chronic forms of diseases that cause suffering to the patient, such a steam compress can be done even twice a day.

Practice of using salt dressings

1. Table salt in aqueous solution no more than 10 percent - active sorbent. It draws out all impurities from the diseased organ. But healing effect will only happen if the bandage is breathable, that is, hygroscopic, which is determined by the quality of the material used for the bandage.

2. The salt dressing acts locally - only on the diseased organ or area of ​​the body. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, it rises into it. tissue fluid from deeper layers, carrying with it all pathogenic principles: microbes, viruses and organic matter. Thus, during the action of the bandage, fluid is renewed in the tissues of the diseased body, cleansed of the pathogenic factor and, as a rule, the pathological process is eliminated.

3. A bandage with a hypertonic solution of table salt acts gradually. The therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days, and sometimes more.

4. Using a solution of table salt requires a certain amount of caution. For example, I would not recommend using a bandage with a solution concentration exceeding 10 percent. In some cases, even an 8 percent solution is better. (Any pharmacist will help you prepare the solution).

5. Some people may have a question: where are doctors looking, if a bandage with a hypertonic solution is so effective, why is this method of treatment not widely used? It's very simple - doctors are being held captive drug treatment. Pharmaceutical companies offer more and more new and more expensive medicines. Unfortunately, medicine is also a business. Trouble hypertonic solution is that it is too simple and cheap.

Meanwhile, life convinces me that such bandages are an excellent remedy in the fight against many ailments. For example, for a runny nose and headaches, I put a circular bandage on the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour and a half, the runny nose goes away, and by the morning it disappears and headache. For any colds I apply bandages at the first sign. And if, nevertheless, I missed the time and the infection managed to penetrate into the throat and bronchi, then I simultaneously make a complete bandage on the head and neck (from 3-4 layers of soft thin fabric) and on the back (from 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towel), usually on all night long. Cure is achieved after 4-5 procedures. At the same time, I continue to work.

To avoid any nuances, it is advisable to strictly follow the following rules.

  1. The dressing material must be hygroscopic. An old washed cotton or linen towel folded into four will do. IN as a last resort, you can use a wide bandage folded eight times. The towel will hold the solution longer.
  2. The bandage will only affect the area of ​​the body or organ directly under the bandage. Based on this, you should plan the size of the bandage. But don't get carried away. And here the principle of gradualism applies. A small bandage was applied. If everything went well. Next time you can increase the area a little.
  3. The effect of the bandage will begin to appear in a week or two, depending on the severity of the disease. I wrote above about alternating courses.
  4. Do not under any circumstances exceed the concentration of the salt solution. No more than 8 - 10%. If the concentration is exceeded, it can harm the capillaries circulatory system, which can lead to undesirable consequences. A pharmacist at a pharmacy can help you prepare a saline solution.

    You can do it yourself. To prepare the solution, take one liter of boiled or distilled (in general, well-purified water) and dissolve 90 grams of table salt in it. This will be a 9% solution.

  5. Apply the bandage at night. Do not cover it with plastic sheets. A.D. Gorbacheva recommended covering the bandage with a piece of clean lamb skin with wool. It is possible without skin. All this is bandaged well so that the bandage does not change location during the night. Remove everything in the morning and repeat in the evening.

A few years ago, a relative approached me. Her daughter suffered from acute attacks cholecystitis. For a week, I applied a cotton towel bandage to her sore liver. I folded it in 4 layers, soaked it in a saline solution and left it overnight. The bandage on the liver is applied within the boundaries: from the base of the left mammary gland to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, and in width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front to the spine in the back. Bandage tightly with one wide bandage, tighter on the stomach. After 10 hours, the bandage is removed and a hot heating pad is applied to the same area for half an hour. This is done in order to expand the bile ducts as a result of deep heating for the free passage of dehydrated and thickened bile mass into the intestines. A heating pad is required in this case. As for the girl, many years have passed since that treatment, and she does not complain about her liver. I don’t want to give addresses, first names, last names. Believe it or not, a 4-ply saline bandage made from a cotton towel applied to both mammary glands for 8-9 hours at night, helped a woman get rid of cancer in two weeks mammary glands. A friend of mine, using saline tampons placed directly on the cervix for 15 hours, coped with cervical cancer. After 2 weeks of treatment, the tumor thinned 2-3 times, became softer, and stopped growing. This is how she has remained to this day.

Saline solution can only be used as a bandage, but never as a compress. The salt concentration in the solution should not exceed 10%, but should not fall below 8%. A dressing with a solution of higher concentration can lead to the destruction of capillaries in the tissues in the area of ​​application. The choice of material for the bandage is very important. It must be hygroscopic. That is, we get wet easily and without any residues of fat, ointments, alcohol, or iodine. They are also unacceptable on the skin on which the bandage is applied. It is best to use linen and cotton fabric (towel), which has been used many times and washed more than once. Ultimately, you can use gauze. The latter is folded into 8 layers. Any other of the specified materials - in 4 layers.

When applying a bandage, the solution should be quite hot. The dressing material should be squeezed moderately so that it is not very dry and not very wet. Do not apply anything to the bandage. Bandage it with a bandage or attach it with an adhesive plaster - and that’s it. At different pulmonary processes(excluded in case of bleeding from the lungs) it is better to apply the bandage to the back, but you need to know exactly the localization of the process. Bandage chest tight enough, but not squeezing your breath. Bandage the stomach as tightly as possible, because during the night it is released, the bandage becomes loose and stops working. In the morning, after removing the bandage, the material should be rinsed well in warm water.

Here is the recipe description:

1. Take 1 liter of boiled, snow or rain or distilled warm water.

2. Put 90 g of table salt in 1 liter of water (that is, 3 level tablespoons). Stir thoroughly. The result was a 9 percent saline solution.

3. Take 8 layers of cotton gauze, pour out part of the solution and hold 8 layers of gauze in it for 1 minute. Squeeze slightly so that it does not leak.

4. Place 8 layers of gauze on the sore spot. Be sure to put a piece of pure lamb wool on top. Do this before bed.

5. Bandage everything with cotton cloth or a bandage, without using plastic pads. Keep it until the morning. In the morning, remove everything. And the next night repeat everything.

This amazingly simple recipe cures many diseases, draws out toxins from the spine to the skin, kills all infections. Treats: internal hemorrhages, severe internal and external bruises, internal tumors, gangrene, sprains, inflammation of joint capsules and other inflammatory processes in the body. Using this recipe, several of my friends and relatives saved themselves - from internal hemorrhage- from a severe bruise on the lungs - from inflammatory processes in the knee articular capsule- from blood poisoning, - from fatal outcome with hemorrhage in the leg due to a deep knife wound. - for cold inflammation of the neck muscles... And I want the nurse who sent this recipe to the newspaper, and the professor who treated soldiers at the front with this method, to live long, long lives. Low bow to them. And I would like this recipe to be used by many, many people who are in dire need in our difficult times, when dear medical services not suitable for pensioners. I'm sure this recipe will help them. And after that they will also pray for the health of this nurse and professor.

SALT - PROTECTION FROM EVIL AND MAGIC Salt restores the strength we have lost, heals holes in astral body. A evil people and especially those who have taken on the soul the sin of corruption or witchcraft cannot tolerate salt. It was not for nothing that our ancestors took salt with them on the road as a talisman. In “unclean” places it was thrown over the shoulder so that evil forces could not harm a person. Salt was also used in magical rites- white crystals restored happiness and removed evil witchcraft from a person. How to protect yourself with salt?

RECIPE 1. Our great-grandfathers noticed that it is easiest to put the evil eye on a person at the moment when he is engrossed in a conversation and does not pay attention to what is happening. This is where the envious person casts an evil eye, distracting you with flattering conversation. To avoid such a misfortune, it was customary in Rus' to place salt on the table in an open salt shaker. She's "putting it out" negative energy, removes the evil eye. A evil wishes return via underworld to the one who sent them.

RECIPE 2. To determine whether there is an unclean spirit in the house, and immediately drive it out of the threshold, between 11 and 12 o’clock in the afternoon, take an ordinary clean metal frying pan (Teflon or enamel will spoil), put it on high heat and pour thin layer salt. The salt needs to be heated for one to three hours. If there is energetic dirt in the house, salts appear dark spots. As the evil spirits leave the house in panic, they lighten up. In addition, we advise you to walk through all the rooms with a hot frying pan to cleanse their energy. In urban environments, it is best to do “salt cleaning” weekly.

RECIPE 3. Well, what if a spell is cast on your house and the owners are in danger deadly danger, repeat the ritual with the frying pan: the salt will give a warning that the spell really exists, with a crash and loud “shots”.

RECIPE 4. Salt is also a great healer - it cures bad dreams and insomnia. If you were born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, dissolve three pinches of salt in water, place the liquid at the head of the head and at the feet on the floor at night. Born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Leo - Virgo, Sagittarius or Capricorn, you just need to place two "bowls with dry salt at the head and at the feet (on the floor). And in the morning, salt or salt water should be poured into the toilet. Do this procedure for three nights in a row, and your sleep will become sound and deep .

RECIPE 5. Well, what about salt for its intended purpose - in the kitchen? When adding salt to food, especially soups and sauces, try to speak and think only about good things - remember that your wishes are written in the aura of the dish. Evil words can lead to indigestion. And it’s best if the housewife, when salting food, makes it a rule to read the “Our Father” aloud. This helps maintain health and strength of body and spirit. Chronic tensions that persist after the provocation of stress are modified into unconscious bodily stereotypes, destroying our emotional health, as they reduce individual energy and limit mobility. But thanks to the masters who created these energy protection a person can cope with life situations more efficiently, and when his energy level is elevated he comes out depressive state and regains its vitality and good emotional well-being.



Treat with salt

Humanity has long known that ordinary table salt is a real home doctor, which can help cope with many ailments. Such a familiar and familiar salt can help you in many cases. You don’t need to run to the pharmacy to get it - it’s always at hand, and it costs nothing.

Like any other substance, salt can become a poison or a medicine. It all depends on the specifics of its use, the concentration and amount of sodium chloride entering the body daily.

Of course, many have already heard about the healing properties of table salt from TV shows and in the conversations of friends. They know that salt compresses for treating headaches and solutions for dental diseases are very useful. But these are not all the properties of salt; it also copes well with other ailments. Think about salt caves and the cure of respiratory diseases in them.

Some folk recipes for salt treatment have already become popular because they are effective.

At unconventional methods Both table and sea salt are often used for treatment, since they have medicinal properties due to their content sodium chloride, which is the main component of the salt composition. It is he who determines many of its medicinal properties. The main indications for the use of salt in treatment are metabolic disorders, dehydration of the body, in which sodium chlorine restores acid-base balance in organism, normal level moisture content. As you know, treatment with table and sea salt is used in many medical solutions, which are used for the rehabilitation of patients after operations and serious illnesses.

In addition, salt helps get rid of cellulite.

Salt plays important role in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Cancer cells afraid of oxygen. They can only live in oxygen-poor environments. When the body is well hydrated, salt increases the volume of circulating blood, helping it reach all parts of the body; oxygen and active immune cells enter the cancerous tissue and destroy it.

As much as salt is beneficial for asthma, excess potassium is just as harmful. Abuse of orange juice, bananas and any drinks with increased content potassium may trigger an asthma attack. Very useful to add to Orange juice a little salt to balance the role of sodium and potassium in maintaining the required volume of water inside and outside cells. In some cultures, it is common to pickle watermelons and other fruits, and this is a good thing. The fact is that these fruits contain a lot of potassium. Adding salt to them helps balance the effects of sodium and potassium.

Salt is useful for melancholic people (especially short-term hot baths with sea water, but you can also use table salt before bedtime, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water) and phlegmatic people (it is especially good to rub salt while taking a sauna), it promotes the digestion of food, eliminates heaviness in the stomach, and opens blockages in the liver and spleen. Harmful (if consumed in excess) weak people those with a thin body, choleric and sanguine people, as well as for the kidneys and Bladder, with hypertension. Excessive use it reduces the amount of semen and can cause skin disorders, eye diseases, and blurred vision.

Salt is included in medications for eczema. Salt helps with all types of mucous tumors, itching, gout, and lichen. If you mix it with olive oil, vinegar and honey, then it is good to use this remedy for diphtheria and all types of sore throats. Salt with honey helps with stings from bees, bumblebees and wasps. For tumors, salt is mixed with raisins, dry mint, vinegar and applied to cold mucous membranes and wind tumors. In case of mushroom poisoning, you need to drink vinegared honey (for a glass of boiled water, take 2 teaspoons of honey and 1–2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar, the solution should be pleasant, sweet and sour) with salt.

Salt with vinegar is used in the form of lotions for scabs on the head, lichen, and with aloe it is useful (when taken orally) for catarrh. Used with vinegar and honey for dropsy. Rinsing with salt and vinegar helps with gum disease and loose teeth. Rinsing your mouth with a solution of salt in water is useful for strengthening the gums and healing the holes formed when teeth are removed. For periodontal disease, it is useful to rub salt dissolved in honey into the gums.

For nosebleeds, pour half a teaspoon of table salt into a glass of cool water, stir and draw in the resulting solution through your nostrils 10–15 times, hold for ten seconds and pour out. Do the procedure daily, the bleeding will stop.

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, salt is most often used for age-related disorders metabolism in joints and bones: for arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases. If traditional medicine in such cases, uses solutions with high content sodium chlorine, then in folk medicine salt baths and rubdowns are recommended.

Modern technologies today make it possible to regulate the composition of salt by adding certain microelements necessary for the normal (optimal) functioning of the body.

The benefits of table salt have been known for a long time; there are many folk recipes for various diseases.

Salt can become a true friend for a person if used correctly.

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Salt treatment is the oldest effective way healing diseases of our Slavic ancestors. This method is thousands of years old and is magnificent in its simplicity and effectiveness.

Since ancient times, salt has been used as flavoring agent To various dishes. Salt (sodium chloride) is also used to season the food being prepared. Many first and second courses acquire a new taste perception if they are supplemented with a pinch of salt. Scientists have found that sodium chloride has a beneficial effect on the body, and living cells constantly need salt supplements.

But at the same time, excess salt can have a detrimental effect on a person’s condition. Due to large quantity sodium chloride develops hypertension, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary diseases, kidney and heart failure. The dosage of salt should be moderate, but in no case zero. You can’t exclude seasoning from your diet!

Salt is both a medicinal component and a poison, as they say, in one bottle. Much depends on its quantity, application and results. Sodium chloride requires special attention.

Entering the store, the buyer sees a wide range of salt. It happens different types, compositions, purposes and prices. It is difficult for an unprepared person to make a choice right away.

Treatment with salt according to folk recipes

  1. Pus and hard-to-heal wounds. Medicinal composition:
  • chopped onion or garlic;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt;

Mix the products into a single paste, and then heat the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Place the decoction on gauze bandage and carefully tie the contents. The compress is applied to the damaged area and wrapped with a bandage on top. Leave this bandage on all night and unwind it in the morning. You can treat the wound with sea buckthorn oil.

  1. Blood from gums. Iodized salt fine grinding helps relieve symptoms. If your gums are inflamed, you will need to resort to a solution: mix 1 tablespoon of salt with a glass of water. Apply a swab soaked in liquid to the infected areas of the gums.
  2. Toothache . A solution works great: 1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water, but instead of lotions, use mouth rinse.
  3. Fungus on feet. Prepare 2 liters of boiling water, 8 tablespoons of salt and garlic. Mix salt with boiling water, and then crumble finely chopped cloves into it. After waiting a little, lower your legs into the basin and steam them for 15 minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure both during the day and in the evening. After taking a foot bath, dry them and put on socks.

Treatment of other diseases with salt

  • Fermented milk products+ a little salt before bed helps protect the body not only from gastrointestinal diseases, but also from heart problems.
  • Food poisoning Treated with a glass of vodka and a pinch of salt. Of course, this infusion is suitable only for adults, but not for children!
  • Fermentation in the stomach and bitterness in the mouth require tea with milk + a pinch of salt.
  • Sexual impotence Treated with hemp seeds and sea salt. Roast the grains and mix them with the seasoning. 1 teaspoon per day is enough to gradually delay dysfunction. You can mix salt and black pepper and then drink the solution. If there is a burning sensation in the mouth, it is advisable to drink the product with water.

Salt treatment

  1. Arthritis and rheumatism. Compress recipe: take 5 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of mustard powder. Dilute the mixtures with kerosene to form a viscous mass, like sour cream. The consistency is spread on a clean cloth or gauze, and then wrapped in it. Before the procedure, wipe the “sore” vegetable oil, then lay mustard plaster of salt. Secure the bandage elastic bandage or gauze. Leave on for up to 10 minutes, then remove. At strong burning sensation you will have to abstain from the procedure.
  2. Sore throat or laryngitis. Gargle and oral cavity saline solution. To do this, add a spoonful of salt to a glass of boiling water, and then half a spoonful of soda. Add 10 drops of iodine to the mixture and start rinsing.
  3. Varicose veins veins. Add salt to the water, wrap the mixture in gauze and apply it to infectious site on the body. Make the bandage secure by additionally tying it with a bandage. The compress is done at night, preferably several times in a row. The duration of the salt course is about 14 days.

Healing salt

  • Breast tumor. Add two tablespoons of salt to a glass of boiling water. Wet the gauze with the solution, then apply it to the chest. Bandage the gauze with two layers of bandage and get ready for bed. In the morning the compress is removed. The course of treatment lasts about 20 days. For diseases of cardio-vascular system the same compress is applied, but 3 times a day.
  • Prostatitis. Apply a salt bandage to parts of the groin. You can secure it with an adhesive plaster from the first aid kit. After a couple of hours, remove the bandage. The duration of the course is 2-3 weeks.
  • Cystitis. Prepare a cloth bag and heat 1 kg of salt. Pour the seasoning into a bag and place it on the floor. Before standing on a hot object, wet a towel with water and cover the bag with it. Standing on it, stomp on the spot a little, feeling the warmth with your fingers. A 10-minute procedure before bed is enough. Needs to be repeated until full recovery.
  • Symptoms of acute respiratory infections. Prepare 1 kg of salt, a frying pan and a cloth bag. Heat the salt over high heat, then pour it into a cloth container. Apply the bag to one or the other foot. After completing the procedure, insulate your feet with warm socks. By analogy, heating occurs cervical regions.
  • Coughing . Pour 1 spoon of salt into a container and fill it with boiling water. After waiting for dissolution, get ready for the procedure: lower your head over the container, cover it with a towel, and breathe over the steam. 5-7 minutes a day is enough to get rid of a cough. Repeat if necessary.
  • Hoarse voice . Prepare a glass of green tea: add teaspoons of salt, soda and vinegar to it. Rinse your mouth and throat with this mixture. Repeat until condition improves vocal cords.
  • Low pressure. Dissolve a few grams of salt in the sublingual area. Another option is to eat a piece of bread with a thick portion of salt, but do not wash it down with water.
  • Bee sting. First of all, get rid of the sting, then sprinkle the bite area with a generous layer of salt. The seasoning will help reduce swelling and reduce painful sensations.
  • Bad mood . After breakfast, rub your body with a saline solution - 1 liter of water per 2 teaspoons of table salt is enough.

Video “About treatment with sea and table salt”



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