What is the root of Lakonos? Lakonos (phytolacca americana) is an excellent herbal healer

Lakonos or Phytolacca americana is a tall (up to 3 m) branched plant with massive stems, straight roots, ellipsoid leaves, small flowers in racemes and purple-black fruits.

Vice-President of the International Medical Homeopathic Organization Tatyana Demyanovna Popova talks about the plant like this: “My first meeting with phytolacca took place in Kyiv at an exhibition medicinal plants.

Suddenly, among the lush greenery on the shelves, I saw thick shiny ears of corn, but for some reason purple. I rushed towards them. The grains of the cob turned out to be juicy berries of the lacquerberry, an American grape. It was so magnificent that I somehow didn’t even notice the other plants, at least I didn’t remember them. I felt sorry that I had never before seen the raw materials for the preparation of the so often used homeopathic medicine “Phytolacca decandra”.

Lakonos: healing properties

The healing properties of lacconaceous plant have been known for a long time. It was used as an emetic, anthelmintic, laxative, and also for rheumatism and syphilis. Old leaves were used for compresses for ulcerations, and in veterinary medicine for compaction in the udder.

The berries were part of pain-relieving balms. It was noticed that pigeons and other birds that ate the berries of the plant acquired a reddish color in their plumage and lost a lot of weight. This led to the idea of ​​taking them to obese people, but the toxicity of the drug prevented this. There are even known cases of fatal berry poisoning.

The red dye "Kermes", made from the plant, is considered poisonous. At the same time, the juice of its berries is used to color wines and confectionery products, and the roots, leaves and fruits of Phytolacca berry, growing in the Himalayas and Japan, are used as food. This is the same sacramental problem of doses, the awareness of which is so important in medical science.

Lakonos: use in folk medicine

Because of its amazing healing properties, Lakonos deservedly enjoys love and respect among the people. It has long been revered as a sacred plant that carries vital energy, rejuvenating and strengthening the body, prolonging life.

It must be borne in mind that the laconic plant becomes healing after 3 years. The root has particular healing properties, although the leaves and fruits are also healing. Tincture from the root perfectly treats osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and radiculitis. There is another feature in medicinal characteristics herbal healer: it works well for people suffering from delicacy deficiency.

Lakonos: use in homeopathy

The initiative to introduce Lakonos into the homeopathic pharmacopoeia belongs to American homeopaths. Animal and volunteer studies were conducted at the American Homeopathic Institute and the North American Academy of Homeopathy. If homeopaths of the past considered the plant a remedy for the treatment of the initial stages of syphilis, then the current ones propose to study it as one of possible means AIDS treatment.

They proceed from the fact that the reaction to phytolacca is especially pronounced in the lymphoid and glandular tissues body.

Homeopaths use fresh root extract for sore throat, rheumatism, radiculitis, joint aches and pain, varicose veins, and headaches.

T. Popova recalls how she was once amazed by the effect of a plant on a tumor parotid gland. It was a dense, painless knot, comparable to walnut left over from mumps five years ago. During colds, a slight swelling appeared around the area, which disappeared after recovery, but the node itself did not change. Under the influence of a homeopathic medicine, not only did frequent colds, but the tumor itself had resolved.

Phytolacca saved many women from inevitable surgery acute mastitis, mastopathy, goiter.

Lakonos: application in modern medicine

Based on this wonderful plant pharmaceutical industry prepares “Anginol” and “Merifit”. They are used to treat pharyngitis, various inflammations throat, sore throat, bronchial asthma. Preparations "Akofit" and "Fitolactin" - effective medicine for radiculitis, polyarthritis, varicose veins veins

Growing Lakonos

Lakonos is successfully cultivated on personal plots in our country. The plant reproduces vegetatively (root parts), seeds, shoots.

Seeds are often sown in winter (late October) in furrows up to 2 cm at an intermediate distance of 15 cm. They are sprinkled with earth, and on top - with peat, fallen leaves, and sawdust. This ensures the safety of the seeds from frost.

However, they can be sown in the soil after it has thawed. This plant is not afraid of short-term frosts. Just before sowing, you should wrap the seeds in damp gauze for 5 days.

It is allowed to grow phytolacca seedlings - in February-March the seeds are planted in boxes. Young shoots with 3–4 leaves are planted in individual pots with soil or humus mixture. With the onset of warmth, they are planted (together with potting soil) in the ground at a mutual distance of 1 m.

Lakonos grows quite quickly. In the first year it grows up to half a meter, blooms magnificently, grows into a large (up to 1.5 m) bush with shiny, bright green and large leaves, produces fruits that are original in shape and color large berries(with seeds). He practically does not get sick and is not affected by garden pests.

A beautiful ornamental plant will always delight the soul and decorate any garden or vegetable garden. Phytolacca looks great surrounded by mignonette, marigold or calendula. Dried branches with berries look like candlesticks with candles. IN winter time they will always remind you of the approach of spring.

Lakonos: recipes for making tincture

To prepare the tincture, the roots are dug in October-November, crushed, and dried in an oven at 60º.

  1. Fill a 200-gram glass with crushed roots, transfer the contents into a bowl where the medicine will be infused, and pour half a liter of vodka or moonshine. Keep it in the dark for a week, remembering to shake it periodically. The resulting tincture is used to rub areas of pain in arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and neuralgia.
  2. Half a glass of dry roots is poured with half a liter of alcohol and 25 g of honey or propolis is added. They are kept in the dark for a week. Externally used for polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, hemorrhoids, joint and headaches, edema, dropsy. At long-term use tinctures of the disease disappear.

If the tincture is mixed in warm, slightly salted water (1:10), you will get an excellent remedy for tonsillitis, sore throat and pharyngitis. Children can also rinse their mouths with this solution.

American berry (phytolacca), its medicinal properties and contraindications

American berry (phytolacca), its medicinal properties and contraindications

American Lakonos- an ornamental perennial herbaceous berry plant, which is also called fat grass or phytolacca(lat. Phytolacca decandra). In our area it can be found rarely, since phytolacca prefers a warmer climate. But in the Caucasus, Crimea, Iran and America, it is a common inhabitant of gardens, which not only decorates garden plots, but is also used as a cure for many diseases.

Lakonos is one of the most ancient food dyes. Burgundy juice its berries were used to color wines and confectionery V medieval Europe and America.

Beneficial and medicinal properties of American laced plant (phytolacca), areas of application of the root and berries

Currently, this area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of lakonos is extremely limited due to emerging information about its toxicity.

But for magical and medicinal properties no one vetoed the Lakonosa. Mystically minded citizens use it as a remedy for damage and the evil eye. It is believed that phytolacca on a personal plot is a guarantee that a man in this house will be bold and courageous.

Lakonos is also used as a means of treating many diseases. Wherein healing properties possess all parts of the plant, but in practice traditional healers the roots and berries are most often used. They are used to prepare various drugs with strong therapeutic effect in relation to such ailments:

Chemical composition of Lakonos

Calorie content of phytolacca small - up to 20 kcal per 100 g. But it is important to remember that even 100 g of any part of the plant (leaves, berries or roots) is deadly to humans. They contain a large number of poisonous alkaloid phytolaccin (1.6 mg) which in small doses has therapeutic effect on the body, and in large cases can be fatal.

Besides toxic substances, all parts of the plant contain a considerable amount of useful ingredients:

How is phytolacca used for weight loss?

Phytolacca is used for weight loss because it can stimulate metabolism and rid the body of toxins. It is recommended to use it only for really obese people and in very small large quantities: at one time you should take a small part of fresh or dried commonweed root(no bigger than a fingernail) index finger), crush it into powder and stir in water. The resulting powder should be drunk a quarter of an hour after eating. Under no circumstances should people suffering from anorexia or teenagers use preparations made from lakonosa for weight loss.

The use of lakonos in healthy and medicinal nutrition

Despite its toxicity, American phytolacca is used as food by some peoples. In this case, the fresh roots of the plant are boiled in salt water until full readiness and are used as a side dish or as an independent dish.

But given the abundance of products on store shelves, you shouldn’t risk your health and try to follow the traditions of the Native American people, for whom eating lacquerella as food is a culinary norm.

At first glance, milkweed berries seem completely harmless and attractive, but they are not eaten medicinal purposes is strictly prohibited.

How to choose a good phytolacca

In our country, Lakonos has not yet come to the attention of official medicine, so it cannot be found in a regular pharmacy. Can buy ready-made drugs phytolacca (phytolacci) homeopathic doctors or in countries Western Europe, where a medicine based on lacconaceous plant, Phytolaccin, is widely used.

However, there is another way to get the coveted medicinal plant– grow lacquerberry yourself or find it in natural environment a habitat. In any case, the roots should be dug up in the fall, after the above-ground part of the plant has dried. Under no circumstances should you use red roots - they are very poisonous! The roots should be light yellow or milky both outside and on the cut.

The extracted roots are washed from the ground and dried under artificial heating to 45-50 0. You can also store lacquerberry berries and its leaves for future use. But usually the above-ground part of the plant is used only for fresh.

How to eat Lakonos

Plant part Method of use
Berriesfresh berries - no more than 10 at a time
dried berries - crush into powder and use 1 tsp. per appointment
Leaves and young shootsexternally – applied to sore joints or affected areas of skin
juice from the aerial part of the plant is used in the manufacture of compresses and lotions for the treatment of joint and skin diseases, gargles and douching solutions
RootsWater infusion: a tablespoon of dry roots and one glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour under the lid. Consume no more than 3 tablespoons per day in three doses.
Alcohol tincture: Pour a glass of crushed roots into a bottle of vodka and leave in the dark for seven days. You can add a spoon. Used for external rubbing for diseases of the spine and joints. Oral use is limited to 20 drops per day in 3-4 doses.

Features of storing phytolacca

Harvested medicinal raw materials are stored for no more than a year in a linen or paper bag. During storage it is important to ensure good circulation air and low humidity.

Harm and contraindications of American Laconia

Phytolacca or Lakonos - poisonous flower. There are cases where people died after eating this plant, since it has a convulsive and nerve-paralytic effect in large doses.

Symptoms of poisoning are:

  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • sleep and behavior disorders;

Latest consultations

Synonyms and popular names american lacustrine. Phytolacca americana.

Pharmacy nameamerican lacustrine. Radix Phytolaccae americanae (roots of American laced plant).

Botanical description american lacustrine. Perennial herbaceous plant, reaching up to 3 meters in height. It has a multi-headed rhizome and a tap root. There are usually several stems, they are smooth, reddish-green in color. The leaves are ovate, pointed towards the base, with a short petiole, 5-20 cm long. The flowers are small, white, located at the ends of the shoot, the inflorescence is a raceme. Blooms in June-August.

Prevalence of American Laconia in nature. Lakonos comes from North America. It was brought to Europe as an ornamental plant and is cultivated. Found in the Caucasus.

Common parts used. In medicine, the roots of the lacquer plant are often used.

Collection, preparation and storage of American palmflower. Lakonos roots are harvested in the fall. The above-ground part is cut off, the roots are washed with water. If the roots are red at the break, they cannot be used.

Active Ingredients of American Laconia. The roots contain essential and fatty oils, sucrose, starch, triterpenoids, saponins, steroids, phytolaccin, oxidase, phytolac and formic acids. Leaves contain ascorbic acid, flavonoids and saponins, fruits - saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins B1 and PP, carbohydrates.

Pharmacological action of American Laconia. Actions of American Laconia: anti-inflammatory, general immunostimulating, analgesic, bacteriostatic, wound healing. Has a laxative effect, improves metabolism.

Indications for use of American Laconia. Most often used for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for diseases accompanied by fever, as a pain reliever.

Method of application and dosage of American lacquer. To prepare a tincture of American laced weed, take 100 ml of 70% alcohol per 10 grams of fresh plant roots. It should be infused for 2 weeks, after which the tincture is filtered. Take 5 drops 4 times a day for inflammatory diseases ENT organs, neuralgia, to stimulate the immune system. For external use, use ointment from the roots (for scaly lichen), fresh leaves Traditional medicine recommends applying it to boils and hemorrhoidal cones. At hypertension use a decoction of lacquerberry berries.

For the treatment of diseases of the pharynx, larynx and tonsils, the drug Tonzipret, which includes the extract of Lakonosa amnrican, is often used.

Eating American Lakonosa. The plant is poisonous, so its use in the Pushcha is very limited. Previously, its berries were often used to color wine, but in Lately this practice has almost disappeared. In some areas, young shoots are used for food.

Side effects of American lacquerbush. Overdose is very dangerous. Its symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, headache, speech impairment, paralysis, possible cardiac and respiratory arrest.

Many plants distributed throughout the world have unique medicinal qualities. Some of them are actively used by specialists in official medicine, and pharmacists use them to create pharmaceutical drugs. Other crops are used exclusively in folk medicine, but their effectiveness does not suffer from this. One of the amazing medicinal plants is American lacquer, the medicinal properties and uses of which we will consider on www..

So, this is an ornamental plant that came to us from America. Lakonos is therefore also known as Phytolacca americana. This is a poisonous crop that can reach three meters in height. It is found in southern Russia, as well as in Ukraine. It is grown for decorative purposes.

This is American Laconia (photo)

Medicinal properties of American laced plant

Lakonos has a number of medicinal qualities. It has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Preparations based on it can be taken as a laxative and diuretic. This plant is also characterized by wound-healing qualities and can be used to achieve an anthelmintic and expectorant effect.

Lakonosa-based products can be used to treat hypertension; they are recommended to be taken to eliminate headaches, for effective correction symptoms of menopause. Such drugs are indicated for patients with kidney disease and disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

Lakonos is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Remedies based on this plant effectively treat hemorrhoids, skin ailments, including boils. This culture can be used to eliminate radiculitis and arthritis.

There is evidence that external application of a tincture based on the root of such a plant will help cope with obesity, osteochondrosis, joint pain, dropsy and swelling.

About the form in which and why American lacquerus is useful (use and recipes)

For preparing different medicines The root of the plant is often used; the root obtained from a three-year-old plant is best. It needs to be dug up in October-November after it begins to die. top part such a culture. Wash and dry such raw materials, grind them and dry them in the oven at a temperature of 55-60C.

To prepare a tincture based on the root of the plant, you need to combine ten grams of dried or fresh raw materials with one hundred milliliters of seventy percent alcohol. Infuse this medicine for one and a half weeks in a fairly dark place at normal room temperature.

The resulting tincture can be used for both internal and external use. It has a remarkable immunostimulating effect, treats ulcerative lesions digestive tract, kidney problems and conjunctivitis. It should be taken twenty-five to thirty drops twice a day shortly after meals.

As an alternative to tincture, you can use decoctions and infusions based on Lakonosa. So you can combine five grams of root with a glass of boiling water. Leave until completely cooled, then strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

If you suffer from the flu, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, sore throat, stomatitis or toothache, you should use the same infusion for rinsing. For this purpose, you can also dilute a tablespoon of tincture of Laconia root in a glass of water.

To prepare rinses and compresses, you can use a decoction based on the leaves and small twigs of the plant. Brew a couple of tablespoons of this raw material with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Compresses from such a decoction perfectly treat burns, radiculitis and rheumatism, and also help eliminate fistulas, mastitis, joint pain and purulent lesions soft tissues.

To eliminate pain in the back and joints, it is worth preparing an infusion based on the leaves of the plant. Brew ten to fifteen leaves of such a plant hot water in the amount of one glass. Cover the container with a lid and leave in a fairly warm place for two weeks. Use the prepared medicine to prepare compresses or rub it on your back or sore joints.

It is believed that milkweed juice helps improve the functioning of the digestive tract. For achievement positive effect you need to eat several berries (two or three) of such a plant.

It is worth noting that Lakonos is quite poisonous plant. Therefore you should not use it in therapeutic purposes without consulting a specialist. An overdose of lakonos can provoke the development of vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. Also overconsumption medications based on it are fraught with dizziness, headaches and even serious problems: the appearance of paralysis, respiratory and cardiac arrest.

If you suspect poisoning from Lakonos, you should seek doctor's help. Call ambulance, perform gastric lavage and drink absorbents.

Syn: phytolacca americana, oily grass, Judea ivy, kermes berries, lentil berries.

A large perennial herbaceous plant with thick succulent stems and a powerful multi-headed rhizome. It is valued as a medicinal plant with many medicinal properties: laxative, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, sedative, diuretic, expectorant, etc. It has long been cultivated for its juicy berries, rich in coloring juice. It has decorative and melliferous value. The plant is poisonous!

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In medicine

In a number of countries in Europe and America, the American laccone plant, root and fruit are included in the State Register of Medicines. IN official medicine USA, England, Germany, Japan is used as a laxative and emetic, and is also recommended for skin diseases. American Lakonos is used in the preparations: “Anginol” and “Akofit”.

"Anginol" is used for various types tonsillitis (catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, phlegmonous); the drug "Akofit" - for acute radiculitis, radiculo-ischialgia, funiculoneuritis of the lumbosacral localization, for lumbago, plexitis, neuromyositis of the lumbar localization.

Contraindications and side effects

American Lakonos has toxic properties. When used in large doses, Lakonos preparations can cause: violation reflex activity, diarrhea, dizziness, severe headache, vomiting, diarrhea, cold sweat and cooling of the extremities, paralysis, shortness of breath and convulsions, and in severe cases of poisoning can: stop breathing, occur serious problems with heart and even possible death. The use of the plant and preparations based on it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children. External use of Lakonosa preparations has no contraindications, except hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic rashes are possible.

In homeopathy

American Lakonos is used in homeopathy. Based on it they prepare homeopathic medicines, for example, an extract from the roots is part of the drug "Tonsipret", used for sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis as symptomatic remedy. An extract from the fresh roots of the plant is recommended for rheumatism, radiculitis, sciatica and fever, and a decoction of the fruits is recommended to reduce blood pressure on initial stages hypertension. American Lakonos has long been revered by homeopathic doctors as one of the effective means For homeopathic treatment oncological diseases. List of diseases for which homeopathy is used in homeopathy last years has expanded significantly - this is lymphadenitis, hidradenitis, induration lymph nodes, fibrous nodes thyroid gland, headache, uterine fibroid, ovarian cyst, diseases of the urinary system, albuminuria, etc.

In other areas

Young shoots, stems, leaves, boiled in salt water, are eaten. The juice of the fruit is used as a red food coloring. A decoction of the fruit is used to dye silk and wool in burgundy color. The roots and seeds are considered poisonous.

Young shoots (stems and leaves) of American lacquertail have nutritional value, but only in very small quantities due to the emetic and laxative effects of the plant. For example, in the Caucasus they eat young shoots of milkweed, boiled in salt water. In Abkhazian cuisine, the fruits (berries) of the plant are used for pickling cucumbers, cabbage, hot pepper and garlic as a spice, giving the products tartness and spiciness, as well as a pink-purple color. The juice of the fruits of the milkweed is used as a food coloring for compotes, creams and other confectionery products.

American Lakonos is widely used in winemaking. The plant has long been grown in the wine-growing regions of Europe and Asia for its juicy fruits, from which dark red juice was obtained for coloring wines. Silk, wool, and fabrics made from natural fibers were dyed red-burgundy with the juice of the fruits of the lacquer.

American laced plant is also grown for decorative purposes. The plant is very attractive both in summer (during flowering) and in autumn (when beautiful large clusters of dark red juicy fruits are formed). Lakonos looks good in single and group (surrounded by marigolds or mignonette) plantings on lawns. Powderwort branches dried with berries as part of winter bouquets are often used to decorate the interior of offices and homes.

American Laconia is a good honey plant; bees willingly visit and collect nectar from its white flowers.


American Lakonos (lat. Phytolacca americana) - belongs to the most famous genus Lakonos (lat. Phytolacca) in the Laconaceae family (lat. Phytolaccaceae). The genus includes approximately 35 species of perennial herbs growing in the tropics and subtropics of America and Africa, as well as in South and East Asia. In Russia there is 1 species (American lacquertail).

Botanical description

American lacconium is a giant perennial herb, up to 3 m high, with a multi-headed rhizome, thick, succulent, mostly reddish stems and large clusters of whitish or greenish flowers. The leaves are entire, ovate-elliptic, usually glabrous, without stipules, with a short angular petiole. The flowers are bisexual, usually actinomorphic, small, in dense terminal inflorescences - racemes, up to 15 cm long. The perianth is simple, 5-membered. Stamens 10. Pistil of 10 carpels. The ovary is superior, multilocular. The fruit is a berry with a shiny surface, dark red, almost black when ripe, and dark red colored juice. Blooms in June-September. The fruits ripen in September-October.


The American squid is native to North America and Bermuda. In Russia it is found in the Caucasus, especially Crimea, as a ruderal plant. It grows in weedy places, along roads, near homes, in gardens and orchards.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal value V to the greatest extent have roots (less often stems, leaves, berries). Raw materials are harvested in the fall. The roots are dug up after the end of the growing season, cleared of soil and thoroughly washed in running water. Dry the roots in dryers at a temperature of about 50 °C or in the oven. At the break, the roots are yellowish-white, fibrous (roots with a red core cannot be used for medicinal purposes). Leaves are harvested throughout the growing season. The berries are used fresh, but can be prepared for future use by first drying them in the oven or under a canopy on mesh racks. The finished raw materials are stored in linen bags in a dry, ventilated area. The shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.

Chemical composition

American Lakonos is rich in many potent biological active substances. The roots contain: alkaloids phytolaccin (0.16%), lectins, carbohydrates (sucrose, starch), essential oil, triterpenoids (oleanolic and yaligonic acids, etc.), steroids (α-spinasterol, Δ-stigmasthenol, etc.), triterpene saponins (phytolaccosides A, D, E); saponins, flavonoids (astragalin, isoquercitrin, kaempferol and others), phenolcarboxylic acids (vanilla, p-hydroxybenzoic, sinapic, p-coumaric, ferulic, coffee; fruits contain carbohydrates and related compounds (pinite), saponins, alkaloids, anthocyanins are found in the leaves ; in seeds - triterpenoids β-acetyleanolic acid), saponins, neolignans (isoamericanol, americanol). In addition, a protein (PAP-toxin) that cures leukemia (type B43-PAP) was found in the roots.

Pharmacological properties

Use in folk medicine

American laccone has been used in folk medicine for a long time and widely, while all parts of the plant (berries, leaves, stems and roots) are used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, ointments, etc. In folk medicine of Mexico, North America and Cuba, as well as in In some European countries, Lakonos is used to treat various tumors. American Indians drink an infusion of Lakonosa fruits for arthritis. The roots and fruits or juice from the fruits are used for rheumatism, and washes are also made with a strong infusion of the roots or aerial parts. To enhance blood formation, use young shoots or drink an infusion of roots. The plant is used for laxative purposes, and also as an emetic and expectorant. Treat with ointment made from roasted, crushed roots or powder from dried and crushed roots. chronic ulcers skin, boils, carbuncles, inflamed glands, hemorrhoidal cones; infusion of roots - eczema, psoriasis, scabies, scaly lichen. Crushed roots are applied to bruises. Skin tumors (bumps) are rubbed with raw fruits. A decoction of the roots is used to make lotions for dislocations, bruises, and swollen joints.

Historical reference

The medicinal value of lakonos has been known for a long time. Back in 1898, the famous professor of the New York Homeopathic College and member of the American Homeopathic Institute E. Nash wrote that homeopathic preparations based on Lakonosa are one of the most valuable remedies for treatment inflammatory processes throat (follicular pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, diphtheria).

Europeans first brought the plant to their homeland after the discovery of America. The American lacconaceous plant has been cultivated in Europe since 1615; the plant came to Transcaucasia from Iran, and to Iran from Europe.

Beginning in the 18th century, American lacquerberry was specially grown in the wine-growing regions of Europe and Asia; the dark red juice of its berries was used as an intense food coloring for confectionery and tinting wines (especially light ones).

Among the people, the laccone was used to remove the evil eye and curses, the plant was carried with oneself for courage, the juice of the berries was used as a magical ink, and to find the loss it was mixed with hydrangea and violet, then scattered around the place where the object was last seen, etc. d.

The name of the genus and family comes from the Greek. “phyton” – plant and lat. “lacca” is a varnish that is associated with shiny, as if varnished, dark red, almost black when ripe, densely arranged berries.


1. Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR / Ch. ed. acad. N.V. Tsitsin. M.: Medgiz, 1962. P. 14-16. 702 pp.

2. Biological encyclopedic dictionary / Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov) 2nd ed., corrected. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia. 1989.

3. Blinova, K. F. et al. Botanical-pharmacognostic dictionary: Reference. allowance / Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovleva. M.: Higher. school, 1990. P. 252.

4. Plant life / Ed. A. L. Takhtajan. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. T. 5. Part 1. 425 pp.

5. Nash E. B. Leading symptoms in homeopathy. Publishing house "Berike and Tafel". USA. 1898

6. Directory VIDAL " Medications Russia." Ed. CJSC "AstraPharmService" 2007.

7. Phytolacca // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.



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