How to cleanse the colon at home. How to cleanse the intestines at home? Folk remedies for bowel cleansing

The large intestine is one of the most important parts of our digestive tract. Its length is approximately equal to two meters, and its diameter is 4-5 cm. It can contain a variety of substances.

The list of them is quite large, here are just a few: proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, water. In addition, it serves to remove digestive waste.

The large intestine is a habitat for a large variety of bacteria (about five hundred species).

Colon cleansing the issue is extremely serious, it is considered the main pollutant of the body and therefore the process of cleaning it should be taken with all responsibility.

The food that we consume has a huge impact on the quality of the intestines, the composition of its microflora. Since they are of both plant and animal origin, the bacteria that appear on them are of completely opposite benefit to the body.

For humans, those bacteria that settle on plant products are beneficial.

As a result of their work, vitamins and amino acids are released from fiber, in addition, inside the large intestine is stored and maintained on natural level acceptable acid-base balance.

Another function of these bacteria can be called the destruction of putrefactive and fermentation processes, as well as an increase in immunity.

play a completely opposite role for body health bacteria that grow on food of animal origin.

First of all, this applies to meat. Under their influence, putrefactive processes arise and intensify inside the body, the body's defense becomes weaker, the percentage of probability of occurrence oncological diseases increases sharply.

To carry out the cleansing process, you first need to consume a certain amount of lightly salted water (9-10) glasses in an hour and a half. The cooking process looks like in the following way. Boil two liters of water, then let it cool to a temperature of forty degrees. After that we add sea ​​salt, at the rate of one teaspoon per liter of water. Very important point so that the resulting water has a higher degree of salinity than our blood. Otherwise, the desired result cannot be achieved. Let me break down the above a bit.

If you use ordinary water for cleansing, then it will simply be absorbed by the intestines. In contrast, salt water draws fluid from the intestinal walls onto itself. As a result, this action contributes to the separation from the walls of the intestines. The laxative effect will increase many times over. All slags exfoliated from the walls of the intestines will leave with water away from our body. best time this type of cleansing can be considered morning, and this should be done on an empty stomach.

Initially, it is recommended to drink two glasses of water and wait for a while until it is in the intestines. Then slowly drink other glasses. After a short period of time, there will be a desire to go to the toilet. The total number of glasses of water drunk should not be less than nine. However, if you feel some discomfort, then at first you can reduce the number of glasses to 5-6. After the completion of cleansing activities, food is allowed. Most optimal products in this situation there will be vegetables, cereals and fruits. If you feel thirsty, you can drink some juice.

There are serious contraindications to this method of bowel cleansing. They are dysentery, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, appendicitis. Remember that before you carry out any cleansing of the body of harmful substances, you must consult a doctor on this issue. Don't get sick and stay healthy.

Drink a glass of warm salt water (human body temperature).

Perform the 1st exercise, opening the pylorus of the stomach and allowing salt water to penetrate into the duodenum 12.

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, slightly apart. Interlace your fingers without joining your palms, and raise them above your head, stretching up. The back is straight, breathing is calm.

Lean over without deflection of the body, first to the left, then without stopping in the final position, straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat the movement 4 times, making 8 tilts, alternately to the left and right, for about 10 seconds.

Perform the 2nd exercise, forcing water to move through the small intestine. The starting position is the same. Stretch the right arm horizontally, raise the left arm and bend it so that the index and thumb touched the right collarbone. Then rotate the torso to the right, directing the outstretched arm back as far as possible. Without stopping at the end of the turn, immediately return to the starting position and turn in the opposite direction. The movement is repeated 4 times (2 turns each) for about 10 seconds.

Perform the 3rd exercise, promoting water through the small intestine.

Take the snake pose thumbs legs and palms of the hands touch the floor, the hips are located above the floor surface. Feet shoulder width apart (the distance between them is about 30 centimeters). Raise your head, look at the ceiling. Turn your head and torso to the right until you can see the opposite heel without stopping in the extreme position, return to the starting position and do the same on the other side. The movement is repeated 4 times (2 turns each) for about 10-15 seconds.

Perform the 4th exercise, the most difficult in the series, which forces the water to move intensively through the intestines.

Starting position: standing, feet one and a half times wider than shoulders, turn socks slightly inward.

Bend your knees slightly, rest your left hand on your left knee. Sit down, at the same time turning the body to the left, bending down and trying to touch right hand floor on the outside of the left foot. Do not lift both feet off the floor. Try to keep your left thigh pressed against your stomach when you bend. Immediately return to the starting position, changing the position of the hands on the go. Make an inclination to the right. Repeat the exercise 4 times in each direction for about 15-20 seconds.

Drink another glass of salt water and repeat the entire series of exercises.

Continue the complex in this way until you drink 6 glasses of salt water and do six sets of exercises. After the completion of the sixth procedure, there is usually an urge to go to the toilet. In this case, the first evacuation is carried out almost immediately, with normal stools, and then with increasingly liquid ones.

If this does not happen no later than after 5 minutes, the series of exercises is repeated again. IN rare cases you have to take a small enema with boiled water, but this is usually not required.

After every visit to the toilet anus wash with water, wipe thoroughly and lubricate vegetable oil to avoid irritation caused by salt.

After the first bowel movement, they again drink a glass of warm salty water, perform a set of exercises and empty the bowels again. The cleaning cycles are repeated until the water comes out practically clean. This usually happens after taking 10-14 glasses of salt water. After that, water intake and exercise are stopped and wait complete emptying intestines.

After completing the procedure, it is useful to rinse the stomach - drink two or three glasses boiled water and induce vomiting by slightly irritating the base of the tongue.

Then you should rest and eat no earlier than half an hour and no later than an hour after the completion of the procedure, but in no case more than an hour.

The first meal should consist of peeled rice, boiled in water, but not boiled. Rice can be lightly salted tomato juice but do not use spices. You can add some carrots or beets to rice. 30-40 g is added to rice (heaped tablespoon) butter.

Over the next 24 hours, it is forbidden to drink milk or kefir. In addition, over the next day, sour food and drink, fruits and raw vegetables. Bread is allowed to be eaten during the second meal. You can eat any hard and semi-hard cheeses. After a day, you can return to your normal diet, but in the early days try to avoid eating large quantities meat.

After the procedure, there is usually a feeling of thirst. But despite this, do not drink any liquids, even pure water, before the first meal, as this will support the evacuation mechanism. After the first meal, you can drink water without gas or green tea. Within 1.5 days you can not drink alcohol.

The first bowel movements will appear 24 or 36 hours after the cleaning is performed, they will be golden yellow in color and odorless, like a nursing baby.


In rare cases, there may be difficulty with the passage of water through the intestines. In this case, after taking several glasses of water, there is a feeling of nausea and heaviness in the stomach. In this case, water intake is stopped and a set of exercises is performed several times in a row or a birch pose is taken, then the body is rejected and touches the floor behind the back with the tips of the toes. If the feeling of nausea has disappeared, the procedure is resumed. If the feeling of nausea does not go away, then the procedure is stopped, induce vomiting, wash the stomach with warm unsalted water.

Due to the strong intoxication of our body with toxins and daily intake inappropriate products, the question often arises of how to clean small intestine. At first glance, this seems like a simple task, but by doing the cleanup without additional information at home, you can cause a number of complications and translate into acute phase some chronic diseases.

1 Organ structure

The human intestine is a tract that begins with the pylorus and ends with the anus. The small intestine is considered the largest part of the intestine, which includes the following departments:

  • duodenum;
  • iliac part of the upper left part of the peritoneum;
  • iliac part in the lower right part of the peritoneum.

The length of the human small intestine is from 2.5 to 4.5 m. The diameter of the organ ranges from 3 to 5 cm. The inner layer of the intestine is covered with a mucous membrane, which performs suction, splitting and motor functions throughout the organ. The mucosa is covered with microhairs that carry out absorption nutrients. The microflora of the small intestine mucosa is very sensitive to the quality of food, to the composition of fluids consumed by humans. You can break it medicines, alcohol, frequent stress, injuries.

All organs of the gastrointestinal tract are very sensitive to environmental situation, quality drinking water, mental disorders organism.

2 Location

Speaking of the small intestine, it is necessary to mention the large intestine. The large intestine is represented by a section of the intestine from the ileum of the lower right part of the peritoneum to anus. It absorbs liquids and forms food into stool.

The inner layer of the large intestine is also lined with a mucous membrane that facilitates the passage of stool. The length of the large intestine in an adult reaches 2 m. Food travels a rather long way. Depending on what kind of lifestyle a person leads, over the years, the intestinal walls can accumulate up to 10 kg of fecal stones on their mucosa. They are held on thin walls intestines, clogging it and complicating the processes of advancing feces and absorption.

Do not think that dietary disorders and many negative factors that affect the small intestine do not destructive actions to thick. The most dangerous for the colon are alcohol and antibiotics consumed by a person. It is the components of these substances that enter the body that disrupt the functioning of the intestines and impede its motor function, causing prolonged constipation and colic. If you ignore the cleansing of the large intestine during your life, then you can cause serious inflammatory processes, which eventually acquire chronic form, adhesive processes, impeding the movement of feces, and stagnation on different areas tract.

Common symptoms of the presence of toxins in intestinal tract the following:

  • increased sweating;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • tendency to fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dry skin;
  • fragility of the nail plates;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • weakening of thought processes;
  • weakening of memory;
  • excessive nervousness.

How to clean colon- a priority issue before a general bowel cleansing.

3 cleaning options

Colon cleansing can be done medical centers and at home. Some patients who have problems with the functioning of the digestive tract, such as peptic ulcer or duodenum, enterocolitis, adhesive processes, it is possible to clean the intestines only under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

In the public media, it is described great amount ways to clean the intestines at home. Of course, all these methods have certain rules for the execution of this procedure.

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the boom in the popularity of colon cleansing tips at home occurred in the late 80s - early 90s. And this information came from folk healer Gennady Malakhov, what this person positioned himself as (formerly an electrician). The information was contradictory, in our countries it was not confirmed by practical developments, and they caused considerable damage to the health of most unprepared people. Although there were a lot of those who actually healed from long-term health problems.

To begin with, consider the classic options for how to cleanse the intestines of toxins.

Fiber is able to cleanse hard-to-reach areas of the intestine throughout its entire length. For cleansing activities, bran from hard cereal crops, alimentary fiber pumpkin, pineapple, carrot, melon. All this can be bought now even in ordinary supermarkets. You need to take fiber in the morning on an empty stomach and during the day at lunch and in the evening half an hour before meals. So, 2 tbsp. l. glass of fiber natural juice, mineral water without gas or tea without added sugar. The course of cleaning according to such a plan should last at least a month and be carried out at least once a year.

No matter how trite, but cereals can be well cleansed of toxins from the large intestine. In these cases, brown rice is effective, pearl barley, buckwheat, oats. You just need to make it a rule to use a full-fledged side dish of these cereals every day. Within a few weeks, the long-awaited result will appear.

There are many recipes for vegetable soups, salads, juices that effectively cleanse the colon and improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. For example, salads made from beets, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers are very useful. Cleansing the intestines with vegetables is a very productive procedure, but it is not suitable for everyone. When diagnosing a stomach or duodenal ulcer, raw vegetables may be contraindicated as they increase secretion. gastric juice and causing increased gas formation.

Nature has generously endowed earthlings medicinal herbs, unfortunately, most people still take phytopreparations lightly and resort for any ailments only to pharmacy synthetic means. Most herbs are capable of neutralizing toxins at the site of their "deployment". Since the absorption of the bulk of the consumed fluid occurs in the large intestine, herbal decoctions will “work” precisely in the areas where slag heaps are located. Herbalists recommend taking decoctions of plantain, chamomile, marsh cudweed, birch buds, St. John's wort, immortelle, yarrow, and strawberry leaves to cleanse the large intestine.

Decoctions of the listed herbs not only clean the large intestine. These funds will perfectly clean the vessels, remove excess liquid from the body, cause the breakdown of fecal and liver stones.

4 Salt method

Cleansing the small intestine is inextricably linked with cleansing the large intestine. In principle, all the methods used to remove toxins from the large intestine have a beneficial effect on cleaning the small intestine. It is usually less slagged than the large intestine, but more prone to adhesions and inflammatory processes.

The most effective methods for cleansing the small intestine are Shank-Prakshalana, castor oil cleansing and Epsom salts.

Gennady Malakhov proposes to carry out 4 times a year in each season, one cleansing of the small intestine according to the Shank-Prakshalana principle. This ancient method Indian yogis, which is practiced in the countries of the East to this day. But it doesn't suit everyone. When performing Shank-Prakshalana, the patient drinks at least 2 liters of salted water for 2 hours at the rate of: 1 tbsp. l. table salt 1 liter of warm boiled water. Individuals prone to high blood pressure, do not carry out this procedure without the consent of the doctor.

Also brine can exacerbate the condition of peptic ulcer and significantly increase the secretion of gastric juice. During the entire procedure, the patient continuously empties the intestines until clean, odorless water comes out. You can stop the procedure only with a glass of unsalted water, drunk in one gulp and forced vomiting to remove the rest of salt water from the stomach cavity. After the Shank-Prakshalana, you need to eat very restrainedly, excluding salty, smoked, sweet, spicy dishes and meat.

Ways to cleanse the small intestine with castor oil or Epsom salts require less debilitating procedures, so many people lean towards these methods. Castor oil comes in capsules, making it easy to take orally. the right amount. Epsom salt - magnesium sulfate, is available in pharmacies in free sale.

Anyone can cleanse the intestines at home, taking into account the specifics of their body. Not only the result is important, but also its consolidation. Do not ignore diets and absorb foods that lead the gastrointestinal tract to slagging and inflammatory processes. When taking antibiotics, do not forget about your intestines, in which at these moments all microflora is destroyed, including healthy ones.

The small intestine is a section of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Its length is about 5 m, and it consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum.

When problems with digestion, skin, and well-being begin, it is first necessary to cleanse the intestines. Over time, old feces and toxins accumulate in it, the gastrointestinal tract ceases to absorb useful material, which leads to beriberi and loss of strength. But toxins absorbs perfectly, poisoning the body. Together, constipation may develop. Pain in the gastrointestinal tract will become more frequent, cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids will appear.

The gastrointestinal tract can be cleansed with medical and folk methods, yoga and massage.

Medical cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract

Medical cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine is considered a mild method, because, unlike an enema, which is used more for cleansing the large intestine, beneficial microflora is not washed out.

Before taking medication, you need to adhere to for 2 days light diet: fruit, kefir. Better cleaning guaranteed.

Cleansing with Forttrans Powder

If there is a fear of cleansing with an enema, an alternative cleansing with a French laxative medicinal product Forttrans will do. The drug is powerful, evacuates fecal deposits, toxins, stones and mold deposits from the gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed before an operation that requires complete emptying of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is suitable for preventive purposes or for routine cleaning in order to improve well-being and have a beautiful appearance. It can clean the entire gastrointestinal tract, including hard-to-reach folds and bumps. Suitable for cleaning the small intestine before starting fasting.

Forttrans is available in the form of a white powder, easily soluble in water. To clean the gastrointestinal tract for a person weighing up to 90 kg, 4 sachets of the drug are enough. It is forbidden to give the product to children under 15 years of age and people with ulcerative lesions GIT.

The procedure requires spending a free day. It will take 4 hours to receive Forttrans, 6 hours to go to the toilet. The procedure is accompanied by sharp urges, some have gastrointestinal pain, so you need to have access to the toilet at the time of the urge.

Powder needs to be diluted boiled water from the ratio of 1 sachet per liter of water for every 20 kg of weight. For an adult weighing 80 kg, you will need 4 bags diluted with 4 liters of water. The resulting solution should be drunk in small but frequent portions in 4 hours. In practice, every second person has a reluctance to drink and a nausea reflex due to the specific taste of the drug. In this state of affairs, you can drink the solution in one gulp, eating slices of lemon, orange or tangerine. Urges to the toilet will be every 15 minutes. Cleaning the gastrointestinal tract will last 7 hours.

How to properly heal the body

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with Epsom salts (magnesia)

Cleanse the gastrointestinal tract with sulfuric acid Magnesia - cheap and effective method. Magnesium sulfate stimulates bowel contraction, thereby helping to empty and expel toxic stools.

Magnesia comes in several forms, but only a white powder is suitable for cleaning, from which a suspension is prepared.

2 weeks before cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, exclude everything from the diet, except for fruits, vegetables and milk porridges from whole grains. Drink plenty of fluids. Buy magnesia powder, the next morning (no later than 7) dissolve 30 grams in 100 ml of water. Drink up. The urge to go to the toilet will begin in 3 hours. The procedure is accompanied by pain in the gastrointestinal tract, so you can’t eat until the evening.

In addition to magnesium, there are other mineral laxatives that can cleanse the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Carvalol salt. It is prescribed for hepatic patients.
  2. Glauber's salt.
How to cleanse the liver?


Cleansing with activated charcoal

Activated carbon - well-known remedy for cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, which can be classified as a drug and folk method. To cleanse the toxins formed due to poisoning, a one-day intake as an adsorbent is sufficient. If the goal is to clean the gastrointestinal tract from all contents - drink for 10 days, at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg. Drink 2 glasses of water. Since the urge can start at the most inopportune moment, it is best to always be close to the toilet.

For 10 days of admission, all toxins, toxins and stones will come out of the digestive tract.

Cleansing with massage

Cleansing with massage is better suited with a combination of other methods such as cleansing diet. Fits perfectly into your daily routine busy people who cannot always be near the toilet. You can do self-massage of the gastrointestinal tract or contact a specialist. The masseur, using the method of various manipulations with his hands and pressure on the stomach, makes the gastrointestinal tract contract, move last year's slags and accumulated gases to the exit, which cannot go away naturally. For a complete cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract, a one-time massage will not help, you need to leave the full course.

Cleansing with Yoga Shank Prashalana

A very specific way of cleaning, but the result is achieved. According to the method of exposure, it is similar to cleansing with a massage. In both cases, there is a manipulator pressure on the gastrointestinal tract. The cleaning is so high-quality that the waste that stuck a few months ago is removed from the walls, and they could not be removed with the help of an enema and medical cleansing.

Shankprashalana is translated as the action of the conch. Water passes through the digestive tract as if through a sink. The essence of the method is special exercises, which push water along with all the accumulated contents through the entire gastrointestinal tract and bring it out. The gastrointestinal tract, in terms of purity, acquires a primordial state like that of a baby. Shankprashalana more effective method than enemas. Enemas, although they are made to clean the entire gastrointestinal tract, work more on the thick one, and laxatives perfectly clean the small intestine.

Yoga should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. Better to do it on a day off. To clean the digestive tract, you need a liter of boiled warm water and a tablespoon of sea salt.
Pour salt into water, dissolve, drink on an empty stomach in the morning, before eating. If salt water does not come out, you can reduce the salt concentration by adding water, or add a few drops of lemon. After that, you need to do 4 exercises:

  • Tilts to the side.
    Stand up straight. Legs - shoulder width apart. Feet are straight. Close the fingers with palms apart from each other, twist. Raise your hands. Lean to the right. Return. Lean to the left. Take the starting position.
    It was a warm-up for stretching the lateral muscles. Then there are tilts to the right and left. It is necessary to repeat 4 times, quickly, without stopping.
    What's happening? The gatekeeper opens. Through it, water from the stomach merges into the duodenum.
  • Left hand in line with the shoulder, right - bent. Fingers lie on the left collarbone. Body to the left. Eyes look at the fingers and collarbone. The hand goes back. After turn in reverse side. Having reached the initial state, swap the positions of the hands.
    Turn the body with a change of hands to repeat 4 times in all directions.
    Exercise pushes water from the duodenum into the jejunum.
  • The torso lies on the floor, on the stomach, the palms are on the sides of the chest, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the toes rest on the floor. Hands are straight. Raise the trunk and bend back. The head is raised, looking at the ceiling.
    Turn your shoulders, head and torso to the right, twisting your spine. Look at left heel. Return. Turn left. This promotes the movement of water through the intestines.
  • Exercise for squeezing the abdomen. Water will immediately go through the large intestine.
    Stand up straight, put your legs wider than your shoulders, socks - inward. The knees are bent. The left hand rests on the left knee. The second one is set aside.

Sit down, turn the body to the left. The hand reaches for the floor, for the foot.
Return to the initial state, repeat the action with the right side.
The exercise is done 4 times in all directions.

For visuals who do not perceive textual information well, it is recommended to find a video from the Internet with poses for cleaning the digestive tract. Due to the movements, there is pressure on the intestines. After yoga, the urge to go to the toilet will begin. First, solid feces will come out, then it will begin liquid stool, with which the remains of toxic substances will leave.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with alder

Make a dry mixture of alder cones, rosemary and chamomile. All for 30 g, add 20 g of galangal root. Pour the resulting mixture into a paper bag, store in a dark place. To clean the digestive tract, brew 1 tbsp. l. mixture with boiling water, cover the glass with a saucer. Infuse for about an hour in a warm place. Drink with honey as tea, in the evening, after meals. Course: 2 months with breaks for a week every 7 days.

Cleansing with an enema

For an enema, an Esmarch mug or a heating pad with a hose and a faucet at the end are best suited. It is better not to use a syringe, because even with the largest volume, you need to insert the tip into the anus several times, which will certainly lead to discomfort and injury.

The best position is lying on your side. The knees are drawn to the stomach. Air is released from the tube, after which the valve is closed and inserted into the rectum. For convenience, the handset and anal passage can be lubricated with Vaseline. Open the faucet for a slow stream, release water into the intestines. When pain tap must be closed. Pain indicates stretching of the intestines, which is unacceptable with an enema. Use cold, boiled water. If you squeeze 1 lemon into it, the acid will help soften the compressed waste.

Complete cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract is achieved by 2 enemas in a row. With the first, you can lie down for 10 minutes, with the second - from 5 to 10. After 2-3 double enemas with lemon, feces are soaked and come out, tightly dried to the walls of the intestine.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with herbal laxatives

Herbal laxatives in the form herbal preparations prescribed for people suffering from constipation, but they do an excellent job of cleaning the digestive tract, as they act like a laxative.

Collection of herbs for the digestive tract No. 1

To 1 spoon of yarrow, add 2 nettles, 1 - chamomile, 3 buckthorn bark. Hide the resulting mixture from sun rays. Pour a glass of water into an enamel bowl, add tsp. mix, boil for 10 minutes. Strain, cool, drink before bed.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract collection No. 2

To 2 tablespoons of licorice add 2 - anise fruits, 1 - chamomile, 6 - senna. Ch. l. dry mixture is poured 200 ml of boiling water. An hour is infused, filtered through cheesecloth, drunk before bedtime.

Herbs for the digestive tract №3

1 part of coriander is mixed with 1 - licorice root, 1 - chamomile, 8 - buckthorn. 2 tsp. boil in a glass of water. Strain, cool, drink at night.
For greater efficiency, the concentration of dry mixes can be increased from 1 spoon (part) to 3.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with apples

Within a month on an empty stomach before lunch, you need to eat 3 apples. Can be used at once or divided into three doses. Apples are an excellent panicle for the entire gastrointestinal tract, so in a month they will sweep out all fecal stones, other adhering deposits and toxins. In addition, the body will be saturated with vitamins and trace elements. Especially iron.

When choosing apples, you should give preference to juicy sweet and sour varieties.
People with hyperacidity And peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal this cleansing is not suitable.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with gout

Squeeze out the shoots of goutweed in May, take the resulting juice in a spoon half an hour before meals. From the third day, you can drink 100 ml of herbal fresh (10 days).

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with castor oil

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which is an excellent laxative for the digestive tract.
Drink 30 ml of castor oil in the morning on an empty stomach. If in pure form difficult to drink, can be added to a glass of milk.
Effective cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract will be ensured if, 2 days before taking castor oil, heavy food is abandoned in favor of fruits and vegetables.
From castor oil you can prepare an emulsion:
3 art. l. castor oil mixed with 1 tbsp. l. maple syrup, 30 ml of water. Shake in a shaker for 3 minutes.
Drink the prepared emulsion in the morning on an empty stomach.
Replace maple syrup with liquid honey or pear juice.

Improvement of the gastrointestinal tract: basic rules and secrets


All of the above methods are suitable for urgent need. To simply maintain order in the digestive tract, you can make it a habit to eat apples more often, drink kefir, carbonated mineral water. Arrange fasting days once a month. Drink 2 liters of pure or acidified water daily. Jogging to shake the gastrointestinal tract. Do self-massage of the abdomen. News healthy lifestyle life. If you follow simple rules support of the gastrointestinal tract, you can forget about medicines and enemas.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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Attention, only TODAY!

Normal bowel function is a guarantee full life. This organ is involved in the process of digestion of food, extracts the necessary nutrients. Ultimately, the proper functioning of the whole organism depends on the functioning of the intestines. Our habit of combining in the diet of foods that are poorly digested together leads to the fact that the remains of food rot in the intestines, and the decay products pollute the blood. A colon cleanse solves this problem by preventing toxic waste from poisoning the body. How to carry out this procedure at home, read on.

Folk remedies for cleaning the intestines from toxins at home

If you notice yourself fatigue, drowsiness, reduced attention, frequent exposure colds, then your gastrointestinal tract can be clogged with various muck. It can be malignant bacteria, fecal stones, rotting food debris. The article will tell you what folk remedies are used for bowel cleansing. Each given recipe helps fight waste, slagging, diseases of this part of the digestive tract.

Flax seeds or flaxseed meal

The cleaning process by this method consists in the use of sunflower oil and flax seeds. The mechanism of action is as follows: flax-seed characterized by a dissolving, softening, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, enveloping and laxative effect. It stretches the intestines, increases contraction, accelerates the movement of food. activate the motor function of the digestive tract, and the secreted mucus envelops it. Sunflower oil lubricates the tract, saturates fatty acids helps with cleaning.

The basic rules for intestinal cleansing with flaxseeds are as follows:

  • The diet consists of fish, vegetables and other plant food.
  • The duration of the cleaning course is 10 days.
  • Sugar, flour, alcohol are excluded, it is allowed to sweeten drinks with honey.
  • Visible result may not appear immediately, but only after a week.

The recipe for an intestinal cleansing procedure is as follows:

  • Ingredients: 250 ml vegetable oil, 100 g of flaxseed.
  • Preparation: grind flaxseed in a coffee grinder, pour sunflower unrefined oil, insist for a week.
  • Application: take the resulting remedy 40 minutes before a meal, a tablespoon three times a day, at least 10 days. The mixture must be shaken before use. Incoming food during cleansing passes through the intestines unhindered, the seeds absorb some of the harmful substances, thereby facilitating the functioning of the liver.

Kefir with beets

Cleansing the intestines with kefir with beets removes heavy and toxic substances thanks to the laxative effect of this pair of products. Beets and kefir relax the stomach a little, thanks to which they cleanse it in a few days. Fermented milk product prevents damage to the intestinal walls by food, enveloping them inside, preserving the mucosa and improving the microflora. Beets contain iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, cobalt, which are required for the health of nerves, blood vessels, and the reproductive system. The fiber in the vegetable helps to cleanse the stomach.

A three-day cleansing course involves the use of 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir and 1 kg of boiled beets in five doses. They should be eaten separately at half an hour intervals. Other than these products, nothing is allowed when cleaning. Drinking regime includes one and a half liters of water to prevent dehydration of the body, because along with toxins a large number of liquids. In addition to colon cleansing, this procedure allows you to lose weight by 1.5 kg.


The most common and easy cleaning intestines - conducting enemas. This event requires skill and experience, as well as the following:

  • mug Esmarch 2 l;
  • stopper for a mug;
  • rubber hose;
  • plug with hose outlet;
  • tip.

Before carrying out an enema, it is necessary to boil the tip. Water is pre-boiled and cooled to room temperature. If it is equal to body temperature, then the intestinal walls will suck it in and there will be no effect. Too much hot water scald the organ. The enema is put like this: get on all fours, insert the tip of the tube 5 cm into the anus, lower your head, wait for the water to enter. As two liters are drawn, the tip is pulled out, the water is kept inside for 10 minutes, then natural emptying occurs.

Castor oil

The main impurities of the intestines are located between the villi that cover it inside. Can wash them Castor oil, which has a high cleaning function. After use, the oil causes the intestinal walls to shrink, shaking out the deposits between the villi, cleansing them themselves, because they are involved in the absorption of vitamins and microelements.

For cleaning, you need to take 1 g of oil and 2 g of lemon or grapefruit juice per 1 kg of weight. On the day of the cleansing, you should eat the last time at 13 o'clock oatmeal on the water. At 17 o'clock we take the oil in one gulp, drink it with juice. It is allowed to eat a slice of orange or grapefruit. The cleanser can begin to work after half an hour or the next morning. At your discretion, you can carry out the procedure at any time. The main condition is that you can’t eat 5 hours before and 8 after.

If you experience nausea, suck a lemon wedge in your mouth. During the next day, eat oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, boiled rice so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. Spicy, alcohol, onions, peppers and garlic are strictly prohibited. The cleaning procedure may be accompanied by general weakness, intoxication, fogging, headache, unpleasant sensations in a stomach.

salt water

Salt water colon cleansing is based on the fact that unsalted liquid is quickly absorbed. If it is saltier than the environment inside you, it will draw water out of the walls, peeling off growths, harmful accumulations. In addition, salt water acts as a mild laxative, bringing out all impurities. The procedure is best done on an empty stomach in the morning. First, drink a few glasses. When you want to go to the toilet, drink a few more. The action is repeated until it starts to exit pure water. More than 12 glasses should not be taken when brushing.

To prepare a solution for cleaning all parts of the intestines, boil water, cool it so that it is warm. Dissolve sea salt - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water. After taking the solution, have breakfast with fruits, vegetables, rice, other porridge without seasonings and salt. It is allowed to drink mineral water or juices. The course includes 3-5 procedures in 1-2 days. During the procedure, perform exercises between water intakes that will contribute to greater efficiency by activating the large and small intestines:

  • Stand straight, raise your hands above your head and connect them. Make left and right tilts.
  • We stand straight, stretch one hand in front of us, with the second we try to touch the opposite collarbone. Keeping the position, we make turns with the body so that the outstretched arm is as far back as possible.
  • We lie down on our stomach, rest our toes and hands on the floor. The distance between the legs should not exceed 30 cm. Raise the pelvis, turn the head and torso to see the opposite heel.
  • We put our legs at a distance of 30 cm between them, squat and put our hands on our knees. We turn to the sides, directing the opposite knee to the floor. Right thigh should be directed during movement to the left side and vice versa.


Bran contains a large amount of fiber, and therefore play the role of a broom for the digestive tract. In water, they swell and stimulate peristalsis by increasing volume. Such mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls causes the urge to defecate. Bran has a choleretic effect, which absorbs toxins, activates digestion, removes toxins, remnants of rotting food, waste products of microbes.

For cleaning, it is necessary to take three times a day 20 minutes before a meal 2 tbsp. l. bran, washed down with water enough(1-2 glasses). Nothing else is required in addition to cleansing. Maximum dosage- 6 tbsp. l. per day, it is not recommended to increase it. The course lasts a month every day. This gentle cleaning method is allowed to be carried out annually.


Oatmeal plays the role of a scrub for the intestines. It helps to maintain the immunity of those people who are more sedentary image life. They are prone to gastrointestinal problems. After cleaning oatmeal I feel light, energized. For the cleaning procedure, it is required to pour 3 tbsp. l. flakes 0.25 cups of boiled water and 1 tbsp. l. boiled milk. In the morning, chew thoroughly without drinking, 3 hours before a meal. The course is once a week for a month.

What medicines are used to cleanse the intestines

Toxins and toxins in the intestines do a lot of harm to the body, knocking it off correct operation. The liver ceases to cope with its functions, harmful substances from the intestines are distributed throughout the systems. That is why cleansing is so important. Preparations are a cleansing method that is gentle on the intestines. They have a beneficial effect on damage to the intestinal walls, do not provoke violations of the microflora.

activated charcoal tablets

Activated charcoal is an adsorbent cleanser for the intestines. It is characterized by high sorption capacity, surface activity. Can reduce absorption toxic substances from the digestive tract, alkaloids, salts heavy metals, medicinal substances, glycosides, favoring the cleansing of the body. It adsorbs gases on its own surface.

  • Compound: Activated carbon.
  • Indications: intoxication, dyspepsia, flatulence, allergic diseases, hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid of the stomach, a decrease in gas formation during endoscopic and x-ray studies.
  • Application: to cleanse the intestines for 2-4 weeks, take 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight twice a day.
  • Cost: from 9 rubles.


Fortrans - belongs to the group of laxatives for the intestines. Its cleansing action is based on the retention of water molecules, resulting in an increase in volume and osmotic pressure intestinal contents. The electrolytes in the composition of the drug suppress the violation of the water-electrolyte balance. Fortrans is not metabolized and is not absorbed from the digestive tract.

  • Ingredients: macrogol 4000, potassium, sodium, sulfate, bicarbonate, saccharinate.
  • Indications: preparation for operations that require the absence of contents in the intestine, for x-ray and endoscopic examination, cleansing of all parts of the intestine.
  • Application: for cleaning, dilute 3-4 bags of the product in 3-4 liters of water. We drink within 3-4 hours in portions of 250 ml. An hour later, the effect lasts up to 10 hours.
  • Cost: from 535 rubles.


For a thorough cleansing of the body, Metla salad is used. It must be consumed three times a day for two unloading days. Next days eat salad with other dishes. There are several recipes:

Check out other methods, how it is carried out.



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