Reviews and results. General characteristics of the diet

Diet No. 9 normalizes carbohydrate metabolism and metabolism in general. Prescribed when diabetes mellitus type II, bronchial asthma(and others allergic diseases).

Indications for dietary table No. 9

Diet No. 9 is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus if the patient does not have overweight bodies. The diet is also used for some allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma.

Dietary goal No. 9

The goal of diet No. 9 is to normalize metabolism (primarily carbohydrate metabolism).

General characteristics of dietary table No. 9

Diet No. 9 satisfies physiological needs person in nutrients and energy. The caloric content of the diet is normal, simple carbohydrates excluded, extractive substances are moderately limited. Diet enriched dietary fiber. Sweeteners are used. Food is prepared steamed, boiled or baked. Extinguishing is acceptable.
Diet No. 9 provides for fractional meals 5-6 times a day. For diabetes mellitus with severe obesity, diet No. 8 is used.

Chemical composition and energy value of dietary table No. 9

Proteins: 85-90 g (including 45 g of animal proteins).
Fats: 70-80 g (including at least 30 g of vegetable fats).
Carbohydrates: 300-350 g (simple carbohydrates excluded).
Daily calorie content: 2,200 - 2,400 kcal.
Free liquid: 1.5-2 l.
Salt: 6-8 years
Vitamins: retinol (A) - 0.4 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 2.2 mg, thiamine (B1) - 1.5 mg, a nicotinic acid(B3) - 18 mg, ascorbic acid (C) - 100 mg.
Macronutrients: sodium - 3.7 g, potassium - 3.9 g, calcium - 0.8 g, phosphorus - 1.3 g.
Microelements: iron - 15 mg.
Optimal food temperature: from 15 to 65 degrees Celsius.

Bread: whole grain, with bran, diabetic varieties.
Soups: vegetarian soups (with vegetables, borscht, rassolniki, with beans, okroshka); 1-2 times a week, allow soup with weak meat or fish broth.
Meat dishes: lean beef, veal, lamb, pork, as well as turkey, chicken, rabbit, boiled or baked in pieces.
Fish dishes:low-fat varieties pieces of boiled fish, seafood.
Side dishes: cereals - limited (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet) in the form of porridges, casseroles, etc.; Any vegetables raw, boiled, baked, stewed are recommended; limit potatoes; Diabetic pasta and buckwheat noodles are allowed.
Dairy products: skim or low-fat milk, cottage cheese (fresh or in dishes), fermented milk drinks, cheese.
Eggs: no more than 1 egg per day in any form.
Snacks: aspic, doctor's sausage, salads from fresh, soaked, boiled vegetables, vegetable caviar, soaked herring.
Sauces: vegetable (including tomato), dairy.
Sweet dishes: any unsweetened fruit and fresh berries. Sugar is excluded confectionery only diabetic ones with sweeteners. Compotes, jelly, and jellies with sweeteners are allowed.
Beverages: tea with and without milk, coffee substitutes, rose hip decoction, unsweetened juices, mineral water.
Fats: fresh vegetable oil, low-fat butter.

Excluded foods and dishes of the diet table No. 9

Should be excluded from the diet flour products from premium wheat flour, baked goods, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, jam, honey, confectionery, bananas, grapes, raisins, figs, fatty meat, poultry, lard, liver, cooking fats, strong meat, fish and mushroom broths, salted fish, smoked meats, rice and semolina, fatty and sweet dairy products (baked milk, cream, fermented baked milk, sweet yoghurts), pickles, canned food, marinades, savory snacks, seasonings, sauces, herbs and spices. Sweet and alcoholic drinks are also excluded.

Sample diet menu No. 9

First breakfast:buckwheat, boiled meat, tea with milk.
Lunch: kefir.
Dinner: borscht, baked pork, stewed cabbage, rosehip broth.
Afternoon snack: cheesecakes with berries.
Dinner:fish cutlets, carrot zrazy, cucumber salad, tea.
At night: curdled milk.

For diabetes mellitus, mild and medium shape gravity. The diet is prescribed by a doctor and is necessary for diabetic patients to normalize and correct metabolism. The basic principles of the table 9 diet for type 2 diabetes are to maintain a balance of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Principles of the “Table No. 9” diet

Diet 9, also known as “Table No. 9,” consists of reducing the caloric content of the diet by significantly reducing easily digestible carbohydrates. You can choose healthy foods yourself using a special glycemic index table. Products with high rate should be excluded from the diet, and vice versa - make up your own daily diet follows mainly from foods with low GI. The main principles of the “Table No. 9” diet:

  • eat small portions;

  • eat food 5-6 times a day, that is, every 2.5-3 hours;

  • strictly exclude everything smoked, fried, salted and spicy;

  • completely eliminate canned food, mustard and alcoholic drinks.

  • Replace sugar with safe sweeteners;

  • limit the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, but proteins must correspond to the daily physiological norm;

  • dishes should be either baked, boiled, or stewed.

Diet 9 is designed to chemical composition food was sufficiently balanced and contained everything nutrients For normal life. Diet 9 menu should include foods with increased content ascorbic acid and B vitamins. This can be bran or rose hips. Also, according to the diet, it is recommended to include in the menu fresh apples, berries, vegetables and herbs. To improve liver function, Diet 9 includes foods rich in lipotropic substances, that is, those that promote fat burning. For example, products such as cottage cheese, oatmeal, cheese, low-fat fish. For improvement fat metabolism, the diet should contain a proportion vegetable fats, that is, salads from fresh vegetables It is better to season with olive oil.

Sample menu of “Diet 9” for a week

Presented as an example possible menu“Diets No. 9” for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus of the second degree, that is, non-insulin dependent.

The first day:

  • first breakfast: skim cheese- 200g with berries - 40g;
  • second breakfast: one glass of kefir;
  • lunch: vegetable soup – 150ml, baked lamb – 150g, stewed vegetables – 100g;
  • afternoon snack: cabbage and cucumber salad dressed with olive oil - 100g;
  • dinner: grilled dorado fish – 200g, steamed vegetables – 100g.

Second day:

  • first breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk 150g;
  • second breakfast: two green apples;
  • lunch: borscht (without meat) - 150ml, boiled beef - 150g, dried fruit compote without sugar;
  • afternoon snack: rosehip decoction – 150ml;
  • dinner: boiled fish – 200g, fresh vegetables – 150g.

Day three:

  • first breakfast: cottage cheese casserole - 150g,
  • second breakfast: rosehip decoction - 200ml;
  • lunch: fresh cabbage soup (without meat) – 150ml, fish cutlets – 150g, fresh vegetables – 100g;
  • afternoon snack: boiled egg;
  • dinner: meat cutlets steamed – 200g, stewed cabbage – 150g.

Day four:

  • first breakfast: two-egg omelette with vegetables 150g;
  • second breakfast: drinking yoghurt 150ml;
  • lunch: broccoli cream soup – 150ml, stuffed peppers – 200g;
  • afternoon snack: carrot casserole with cottage cheese -200g;
  • dinner: chicken kebab – 200g, grilled vegetables – 150g.

Day five:

  • first breakfast: millet porridge 150g, apple;
  • second breakfast: 2 oranges;
  • lunch: fish soup 200ml, meat goulash -100g, pearl barley porridge-100g;
  • afternoon snack: a glass of kefir, bran – 100g;
  • dinner: meat cutlets - 150g, buckwheat porridge -100g, baked asparagus -70g.

Day six:

  • first breakfast: bran 150g, apple;
  • second breakfast: soft-boiled egg;
  • lunch: vegetable stew with pieces of meat (beef or lamb) – 200g;
  • afternoon snack: salad of tomatoes and celery stalks – 150g;
  • dinner: stewed lamb with vegetables – 250g.

Day seven:

  • first breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese 100g with yogurt 50g;
  • lunch: chicken breast grilled 100g;
  • lunch: vegetable soup – 150ml, meat goulash – 100g, salad of celery stalks and apples – 100g;
  • afternoon snack: berries – 125g;
  • dinner: boiled shrimp – 200g, green beans steamed – 100g.

Diet 9: Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantage of diet number 9 is balanced diet which includes everything useful material necessary for the body. The fact is that the amount of carbohydrates and fats is reduced, but not so radically, so the diet can be used enough long time. People with great overweight Doctors recommend using the diet throughout your life. For many, diet 9 may seem inconvenient and complicated, due to the fact that most of the dishes need to be cooked, then counted and measured required quantity products. But these disadvantages are compensated by the ability to safely and gradually lose weight, maintain weight steadily, and control blood sugar levels.

Diet No. 9 (table No. 9) is designed specifically for diabetics therapeutic nutrition, which will help control and treat diabetes mellitus.

Diet 9 is suitable for patients with grades 1 and 2; it is able to normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the body and eliminate lipid metabolism disorders, therefore it is also suitable for weight loss.

Allowed and prohibited foods for Table 9 diet, menu for the week

The basic rules on which the “Table 9” diet is based:

Daily norm proteins should be up to 90 g, and 55-60% of them should be animal;

You need to consume from 70 to 80 g of fat per day, of which up to 30% is vegetable;

Daily requirement in carbohydrates – 300-350 g;

Salt is allowed to be consumed up to 12 g;

A person should consume no more than 2200-2500 kcal per day;

Fractional meals– 5-6 times a day;

Dishes should be prepared by stewing, boiling, steaming, baking without using oil, or grilling.

There are quite a few permitted foods on the diet list, but it is important to consume exactly the amount every day that corresponds to the daily requirement according to the rules of the diet for the content of fats and carbohydrates.

Among the permitted products are:

Soups - low-fat broths, okroshka, borscht, vegetable soups, beetroot soup, cabbage soup;

Greens and vegetables, priority is given to those with the highest carbohydrate content - carrots, peas, beets;

Meat dishes - poultry, veal, beef, lamb, dietary varieties of sausages;

Varieties of low-fat fish, canned food is allowed, but only in tomato or in personal juice;

You can consume eggs, but not more than 1.5 eggs per day, while the consumption of the yolk should also be limited;

Berries and fruits, fresh and dried;

Nuts – walnuts, pine, almonds, peanuts;

Honey is a permitted product in strictly limited quantities;

Any types of oil - no more than 40 g daily;

Special diabetic confectionery;

Flour products up to 300 g per day;

Natural juices without sugar, teas, decoctions, compotes from dried fruits and vegetables, it is allowed to add a sweetener.

Prohibited products include:

Pasta, rice, semolina;

Most of the presented assortment of sausages, smoked meats, sausages;

Sweets, desserts, baked goods, baked goods;

Jam, toppings, cream, sweet yoghurts;

Ryazhenka and baked milk;

Broths based fatty meat;

Milk cream soups;

Various spices and seasonings;


Any sauces;

Carbonated sweet drinks and packaged juices;

Some fruits such as bananas, grapes, and dried varieties - raisins, figs;

Fatty and salty fish dishes and varieties of fish, as well as their eggs.

If possible, you should exclude from your diet those foods that are not on the list, but you are sure that they will not bring benefits to the body.

Diet preparation Table 9 diet: menu for the week

Sample menu For diabetic diet#9 might look like this:

1. Monday:

Breakfast: porridge with water from pearl barley, 1 egg, weak coffee without sugar, green and cabbage salad;

Lunch: first Lenten borscht– 200 ml, for the second piece of boiled beef, bread and dried fruit compote without sugar;

Dinner: boiled shrimp and green beans prepared in the same way;

2. Tuesday:

Breakfast: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with berries – up to 200 g;

Lunch: cabbage soup based on young lean veal, cabbage and cucumber salad, a slice of bran bread, rosehip infusion;

Dinner: cottage cheese with berries and salad with ingredients: cucumber, pepper, cabbage;

3. Wednesday:

Breakfast: a glass of fermented baked milk, wheat porridge with prunes;

Lunch: vegetable soup, a small portion of buckwheat - from 3 to 5 large spoons of porridge with meat goulash, 2 slices of whole grain bread, jelly;

Dinner: River fish on a bed of vegetables - broccoli, cabbage and zucchini;

4. Thursday:

Breakfast: fresh salad from a grated apple and the same carrots, a mug of skim milk with a slice of bread;

Lunch: vegetable stew with the addition of pieces of any permitted meat;

Dinner: pearl barley, boiled chicken fillet, fresh vegetable salad, bread, berry juice;

5. Friday:

Breakfast: up to 100 g of chopped beets, bread, portion wheat porridge 50-70 g, a mug of tea;

Lunch: vegetable soup, fish cutlets, vegetable salad;

Dinner: braised cabbage, vegetables and meat from the grill or baked, cheesecakes and tea;

6. Saturday:

Breakfast: squash caviar with an egg, yogurt without sweet additives;

Lunch: fish soup based on lean fish, pearl barley porridge with goulash, stewed cabbage;

Dinner: cauliflower and minced chicken casserole;

7. Sunday:

Breakfast: apple with a portion of bran;

Lunch: low-fat cabbage soup chicken broth, and for the second, stuffed peppers, a mug of tea with sweetener (optional);

Dinner: vegetable stew with lamb.

For second breakfasts, you can choose any permitted fruit, glass fermented milk product or milk, decoction or herbal infusion, yogurt, natural berry or fruit jelly.

Afternoon snacks can include fruit and vegetable salads, cottage cheese, fruits, natural juices, jelly.

For the second dinner, which can be avoided, it is advisable to choose similar products.

Preparing a variety of dishes for Table 9 of the diet, menu for the week

Recipes for diluting the usual menu:

1. Pudding according to a dietary recipe.

You will need:


Melted butter;

Sour cream;

130 g of zucchini and 70 g of apples need to be grated on a fine grater, add 30 ml of milk, 4 tbsp. l. mix flour and remaining ingredients, except sour cream, and place in a baking dish. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°. Pour sour cream into finished form.

2. Ratatouille - vegetable dish.

It is necessary to puree peeled tomatoes with herbs and garlic. Add the resulting mixture to pieces of bell pepper, zucchini and eggplant fried until half cooked in olive oil. Simmer for 10 minutes under the lid.

“Table 9,” which is prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes, is not just preventive measure, but necessary, which reduces the risk of such terrible symptom How diabetic coma. Therefore, following a diet for people with this disease is mandatory and strict.

Features of the “Table 9” diet

Indications: diabetes mellitus type II;

Duration: constantly;

Peculiarities: restriction of animal fats and carbohydrates in the diet and complete exclusion of foods containing sugar from the diet; Some of the sweetness of the food can be compensated for by sugar substitutes such as xylitol, stevia, aspartame, etc.; You should eat at the same time, skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner is strictly forbidden; and if you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, and for some reason you have to skip a full meal, having a snack at least with a piece of bread, fruit or a special bar is vital; in other words, when getting ready for a trip or trip, stock up on some “medicinal” provisions.

Energy value: 2400-2600 kK;

Fluid volume per day: not less than 1.5 l;

Best type of preparation: steaming, baking or boiling;

Meal frequency for diet Table 9: On a diet for diabetes, table 9 should be eaten in fractions, 5-6 times a day;

Diet "Table 9": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. Only lean varieties of meat and fish are allowed, which are consumed boiled or baked. Among those allowed: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, navaga, cod, pike and others. Seafood is allowed and is considered very beneficial for diabetes. Any canned food, smoked meats and semi-finished products should be eliminated from the diet. So fat meat products like pork, goose, duck, liver are prohibited. Meat and fish soups can be used infrequently and only secondary ones.

Eggs. Can be consumed daily egg whites, but you can allow yourself yolks only occasionally. Best option– white omelet or soft-boiled egg.

Bread and flour. The amount of bread consumed should be limited - no more than 300 g per day. It is advisable to eat some amount of wheat bran daily.

Dairy products. As part of the Table 9 diet, milk and dairy products are acceptable, but only low-fat ones. Any sweet milk is strictly prohibited. These are products like curd mass, sweet glazed cheese curds, drinking yoghurts with fillings, etc.

Vegetables. Vegetables with a low carbohydrate content are allowed in the diet - such as cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes, eggplants and lettuce. Potatoes, carrots, beets are high-carbohydrate vegetables, so their consumption is strictly regulated: little by little and only 2-3 times a week.

Fruits, berries and desserts. The Table 9 diet is very loyal to almost all fruits (but only in pure form, and not in the format of fresh juices, when consumed, sugar immediately enters the bloodstream), but is very strict when it comes to desserts. Anything containing sugar should be excluded from the diet. Only special diabetic products(which can always be found on the specialized shelves of any supermarket) can be consumed, and even then with the greatest caution. Fruits and berries with high content sugar (including grapes, figs, bananas, dates, etc.) is also, alas, under the strictest taboo.

Beverages. You can and should: clean water, mineral water, unsweetened tea and coffee with skim milk, vegetable juices. Don't: fruit juices, sweet soda, alcohol.

Additional prohibitions. In the “Table 9” diet there are an impressive number of prohibitions: sweet fruits and desserts are not allowed, any products made from butter or puff pastry are not allowed, and for starters, fatty meat and fish broths are not allowed. In addition, salty cheeses (feta, feta cheese, chechil and others), pickles and marinades, any smoked meats and semi-finished products should be excluded from the diet. Among dairy products, curd mass, sweet glazed cheeses, cream, and ice cream are prohibited. You will also have to forget the taste of mayonnaise, hot and salty sauces.

Sample menu for the day

You should eat on the “Table 9” diet in small portions – 5-6 times a day. Approximate menu a day might look like this:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with skim milk (butter is acceptable, but not more than 5 g);
  • Lunch: fruit salad;
  • Dinner: a fresh vegetable salad, mushroom soup with pearl barley, boiled fish with pumpkin puree, apple;
  • Afternoon snack: hot toast with mushrooms and tomatoes;
  • Dinner: boiled meat with buckwheat;
  • 2-1.5 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir;

Healthy recipes for the Table 9 diet will help diversify your diet:

Hot toast with mushrooms and tomatoes

Ingredients: two wheat baguettes, fresh mushrooms 150-200 g, 2 tomatoes average size, head of garlic, 1 onion, about 100 g of hard unsalted cheese, herbs to taste, 1 tbsp. olive oil, leaf salad;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Cut the wheat baguettes into oblong slices. Rub each slice with half a clove of garlic. Cut the tomatoes into equal, even slices, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the mushrooms and onions, wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and separate them one at a time.
  • 2 Fry mushrooms and onions in olive oil until the onions are golden brown. Then, using a slotted spoon, remove the fried mushrooms and onions from the pan, and in the same oil, quickly fry the baguette slices on both sides - it is important not to fry the bread, but only slightly warm it and brown the edges.
  • 3 Then put on the warmed bread: a slice of tomato, on top - a leaf of lettuce, on it - fried mushrooms, and finally - grated cheese; And so on for each slice of baguette.
  • 4 Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Place toast with mushrooms on a baking sheet. Place in the oven, lowering the temperature to 180 degrees, for 10 minutes (until the cheese turns into an appetizing crust).
  • 5 Before serving, warm toast can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Pumpkin soup with chicken and mint

Ingredients: 500-600 g pumpkin, 150 g chicken fillet(that is, your entire daily requirement for meat if you are diabetic), 1 onion, 50 g of Dorblu cheese;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes. Boil the chicken fillet for 20-25 minutes, draining the broth twice. Cut the onion into rings.
  • 2 Stew the pumpkin and onions in a saucepan. Remove the boiled chicken fillet from the broth, grind in a blender and add to stewed pumpkin. Continue “beating” with the blender.
  • 3 As soon as the consistency becomes homogeneous, add chicken fillet broth to this mass (since it is not the first, and not even the second - it can be consumed even if you have diabetes). It is important to get a puree soup as a result of mixing.
  • 4 Before serving, add pieces of finely chopped Dorblu cheese and mint leaves to the soup. Perfect couple for pumpkin soup - a crispy, slightly dried wheat baguette.

Red buckwheat pancakes

Ingredients: half a cup of wheat flour (to reduce the fragility of buckwheat pancakes), 2 cups of buckwheat flour, 1.5 cups skim milk, 2 egg whites, 2 egg yolks, 15-20 g yeast, 2 tbsp. butter or ghee, vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Heat 1 glass of milk and stir in the yeast. Sift wheat flour and add to milk with yeast. Knead thoroughly. Cover the container with a towel and place in a warm place for 40 minutes.
  • 2 Then add another glass to the dough warm milk, buckwheat flour, 1 tbsp. butter and yolks. Knead thoroughly again. Return to a warm place for another 1 hour.
  • 3 Beat the egg whites into a fluffy thick foam, add them to the dough, mixing thoroughly. Heat a pancake frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil and bake pancakes in it, frying on both sides. Carefully! Buckwheat pancakes are much more “fragile” than regular wheat pancakes, so be especially careful when turning them.
  • 4 When assembling the finished pancakes, do not forget to grease them with a tiny piece of butter or melted butter.

Diet No. 9 for type 2 diabetes

Endocrine disease is caused by a metabolic disorder, the immunity of cells to
insulin and is accompanied by an uncontrolled increase in blood sugar. In diabetes, the pancreas is forced to constantly increase the production of a hormone that absorbs glucose. As long as beta cells are able to produce it, sugar levels are under control. If they fail to complete the task, concentration increases. Over time, this leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels and the development of serious diseases.

To adjust the intake of carbohydrates, patients are prescribed special diet. Key moment in the treatment of diabetes - eating food with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats. If all conditions are met, the indicators stabilize to 5.5 mmol/l and metabolism is restored.

Principles of nutrition for patients with type 2 diabetes

Endocrinologists have compiled a balanced low-carbohydrate diet No. 9 from healthy products, which do not provoke the release of insulin. Products with a GI above 50 units, which are quickly broken down and sharply increase the amount of the hormone, have been removed from the menu. Patients are advised to eat up to 6 times a day in portions of 200 g. Food is stewed, boiled, baked, steamed.

Daily caloric intake is calculated in accordance with energy needs, on average does not exceed 2200 kcal. Overweight diabetics reduce daily norm calories by 20%. You should drink a lot during the day clean water.

What you can and cannot eat

To provide the body with vitamins and minerals, include in the diet different products, but which do not cause a surge in insulin. Every diabetic knows which foods to avoid.

List of prohibited products:

  • seasonings:
  • alcohol, beer, soda;
  • vegetables – beets, carrots;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • fatty poultry, fish;
  • canned and smoked foods;
  • rich broths;
  • feta, curd cheese;
  • mayonnaise, sauces.
  • Dessert;
  • fast foods.

List of foods for the diet:

  • dairy products with fat content up to 2.5%;
  • pumpkin, bell pepper, potatoes - no more than 2 times a week;
  • cereals, durum pasta.
  • asparagus, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens;
  • lean meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • avocado;
  • whole wheat bread.

For appetizers, seafood salads, vegetable caviar, jellied fish, and beef jelly are allowed. Unsalted cheese contains no more than 3% carbohydrates, so it is also included in the menu for diabetics.

Drinks include: teas, coffee, vegetable smoothies or juices, berry fruit drinks, compotes. Instead of sugar, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, sorbitol, and xylitol are used.

Suitable for cooking vegetable oils, melted butter in minimum quantities.

Is it possible to eat fruits and berries?

Previously, it was believed that fruits should be completely excluded from the diet of diabetics due to their fructose content. Today doctors say the opposite. Moderate consumption sweet and sour fruits are extremely beneficial. However, some types with high GI are prohibited from consumption. This:

  • grape;
  • dates;
  • apricots;
  • figs;
  • bananas;
  • watermelons;
  • cherries.

Good for diabetics - kiwi, grapefruit, quince, tangerines, apples, peaches, pears. No harm - pineapples, papaya, lemons, limes. Berries eaten include gooseberries, currants, cherries, strawberries, and blueberries. Saturate the body with vitamins - chokeberry, viburnum, Goji berries, sea buckthorn, rosehip infusions. The fruits are consumed in in kind or prepare fruit drinks from them. Juicing is only allowed from vegetables.

Are grains good for diabetes?

  • Buckwheat valued for its ability to saturate for a long time and maintain stable glucose levels.
  • Oats contains plant inulin – a hormone analogue. If you constantly eat oatmeal for breakfast and drink an infusion from it, the body's need for insulin will decrease.
  • Barley grits refers to dietary products that slow down the absorption of simple sugars.
  • From pearl barley and crushed corn turn out nutritious cereals. They contain a lot of fiber and minerals (iron, phosphorus), which replenish the body's daily needs.
  • Millet rich in phosphorus, contains fatty acid, B vitamins, complex carbohydrates. It is prepared with water, with pumpkin and consumed with kefir.
  • Flax porridge“Stop Diabetes” with Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, cinnamon, onion, and a mix of the above cereals was created specifically to reduce blood glucose.

What are the benefits of legumes

Lentils - dietary product rich in amino acids, vegetable protein, vitamin B, A, PP. The grains are well digestible.

Beans, chickpeas, peas, beans, soybeans are rich in proteins, plant enzymes, vitamins P, fiber and pectins. They remove salts heavy metals. Carbohydrates are easily utilized by insulin. The main thing is not to exceed the norm. If you have colitis or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to avoid legumes.

The amount of soup is 200 ml, meat - 120, side dish - 150, berries - 200, cottage cheese - 150, kefir and milk - 250, cheese - 50. You are allowed to eat a slice of bread three times a day, 1 big fruit. To satisfy the feeling of hunger in the pauses between meals, you can drink a glass of yogurt or curdled milk with bran bread, eat a handful of nuts, 5 pieces of dried apples, or a vegetable salad with a small amount of olive oil.

Sample menu for type 2 diabetics

The amount of BZHU (proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates) balanced. Diet No. 9 implies the consumption of up to 350 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of proteins, 70 g of fats, of which 30% are vegetable.


  • 1 breakfast - oatmeal with milk + 5 g butter.
  • Lunch - fruit.
  • Lunch - pearl barley mushroom soup, vegetable salad with boiled or baked fish.
  • Afternoon snack - toast with whole grain bread and avocado.
  • Dinner - boiled breast with buckwheat and salad.
  • At night - kefir.


  • 1st breakfast - Millet porridge + rosehip infusion.
  • Lunch - Boiled pumpkin with chopped nuts.
  • Lunch - Rassolnik with kidneys, baked potatoes in their skins with stew, salad with seaweed.
  • Cottage cheese casserole+ kiwi.
  • Shrimp with salad or squid stuffed with vegetables.


  • 1st breakfast - Buckwheat porridge + tea or rose hips.
  • Lunch - Steamed quince.
  • Lunch - Chicken soup, baked broccoli with eggs in the oven.
  • Cottage cheese + 50 g nuts + green apple.
  • Seafood salad or with cod and vegetables.
  • Berry juice.


  • 1 breakfast – Slice of cheese + flaxseed porridge for diabetics.
  • Lunch - Unsweetened yogurt without berries + 3 walnuts.
  • Lunch - Pumpkin soup, chicken with barley, lettuce + arugula + tomatoes + parsley.
  • Black bread with eggplant-squash caviar.
  • Beef liver in tomato sauce with buckwheat, a portion of cabbage salad.
  • Vegetable juice.


  • 1st breakfast - Lazy dumplings.
  • Lunch - Diabetic cake with bran and sorbitol.
  • Dinner - Vegetarian soup, cabbage rolls with lean beef and rice, green salad.
  • Dietary pudding made from zucchini, apple, milk and a spoonful of semolina.
  • Baked meat with any side dish or steamed chicken balls.
  • Fermented milk product.


  • 1st breakfast - Omelette with spinach.
  • Lunch - Cheesecakes in the oven.
  • Lunch - Pike perch fish soup, seafood cocktail with salad.
  • Fruit jelly.
  • Ratatouille + beef stew.
  • Ryazhenka.


  • 1st breakfast - Potato zrazy.
  • Lunch - Cottage cheese + apple.
  • Lunch - Vegetable soup with meatballs, chicken breast with champignons.
  • Green bean stew with nuts.


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