Why is nicotinic acid needed in the human body? Nicotinic acid in tablets for hair growth: how to use correctly

A nicotinic acid and its derivatives make up the group of water-soluble vitamins PP. It is used as medicine. Speaking about what nicotinic acid is needed for, it is immediately worth noting that it has a vasodilating effect, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, and normalizes heart function.

Nicotinic acid preparations are used for neuritis, metabolic disorders, and hepatitis. They help reduce the likelihood of developing a heart attack, eliminate headaches, depression, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Nicotinic acid has a positive effect on stomach ulcers, diabetes, poorly healing wounds, chronic diseases vessels.

Why is nicotinic acid needed?

Under the influence of vitamin PP, many different things happen in the human body. biochemical processes, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • protein metabolism;
  • fats;
  • amino acids;
  • biosynthesis useful substances;
  • breakdown of glycogen into glucose.

Without the participation of this substance, not a single redox process occurs. It helps normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, nicotinic acid accelerates the movement of food through the intestines, stimulates the production gastric juice and improves liver function. Vitamin PP is of greater importance in the process of hemoglobin synthesis.

Signs of nicotinic acid deficiency

With improper or inadequate nutrition, a lack of nicotinic acid is observed in the body, which leads to the development various diseases, deterioration of health. This has a negative impact on appearance.

The most dangerous consequence of hypovitaminosis is the disease pellagra. As it progresses, signs of dermatosis are observed, namely: the skin cracks, peels, and red itchy spots form on it. A person is worried about diarrhea, weakness and insomnia are observed. The last stage The development of the disease is considered dementia.

To prevent hypovitaminosis, you need to learn to promptly recognize the signs of its occurrence. A lack of nicotinic acid is indicated by symptoms such as:

If several signs of nicotinic acid deficiency appear, you need to balance your diet and consult a doctor to determine the cause of dangerous symptoms.

What is the remedy prescribed for?

Many people are interested in why nicotinic acid is prescribed intramuscularly and orally. Products with vitamin PP help in the treatment of many diseases. Against the background of their use, metabolic processes, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and also removes toxins from the body much faster. Preparations containing nicotinic acid are prescribed for diseases such as:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • pellagra;
  • enterocolitis;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • heart pathologies;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels.

A course of vitamin therapy may also be prescribed for malignant tumors, atherosclerosis, tinnitus. As a preventive measure, this remedy is used to improve memory and vision, as well as speed up the process of fat breakdown. It can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, or taken orally.

What products contain

This water-soluble vitamin is found in many foods, so you need to make sure that they are present in your usual diet. Sources of nicotinic acid are divided into plant and animal. The latter include:

  • turkey, chicken, goose;
  • beef;
  • a rabbit;
  • fish, seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

Most nicotinic acid is found in products of animal origin, in particular in pork. internal organs and beef liver. TO plant sources vitamin should be attributed to:

  • sorrel, parsley;
  • wild rice, wheat, buckwheat, oats;
  • mushrooms;
  • pistachios, peanuts.

Nicotinic acid is found in some herbs, for example, mint, nettle, chamomile, sage, clover.

What drugs contain

You need to not only know what nicotinic acid is needed for, but also understand how to use it correctly. It is available in the form of tablets and solutions. This medication should be taken only as directed and under the close supervision of a doctor. Self-administration vitamins or exceeding the maximum permissible dosage may entail dangerous consequences for the body.

There are many special supplements and complexes that allow you to replenish the missing amount of this substance in the body, namely:

  • "Astrum-Mammi Complex" - for pregnant and lactating women.
  • "MenoFix" - a complex for women's health.
  • "Diet Support" - fat-burning vitamins natural ingredients.
  • "Complex AstrumVit" - replenishes the lack of microelements and vitamins.
  • "Transfer Factor Cardio" - to maintain the activity of the cardiovascular system.

The method of using nicotinic acid largely depends on the form of release of the drug. Vitamins in tablet form are often used for the prevention and long-term treatment of many diseases. In order to strengthen the body, they should be taken after eating food, 0.015-0.025 g for adults and 0.005-0.02 g for children. During the treatment of pellagra, patients are prescribed 0.1 g of this vitamin 4 times daily, and children are prescribed 0.005-0.05 g up to 3 times a day. People with high stomach acidity need to take the drug mineral water or milk.

Nicotinic acid is also prescribed in ampoules for intramuscular injection. In this case, the use of 1 ml of a 1% solution of nicotinic acid 1-2 times a day is indicated. The course of therapy is 10-15 days.

In ampoules, nicotinic acid for intravenous administration is prescribed for insufficient oxygen supply to brain tissue and ischemic stroke. Injections are carried out very slowly to avoid complications and deterioration of well-being. Apply 1 ml of 1% solution daily. The medicine does not provide irritant effect on the gastric mucosa and is evenly distributed throughout the body at the most as soon as possible.

Nicotinic acid during pregnancy

What is nicotinic acid for and how to use it during pregnancy? This question interests many women. Despite the complex therapeutic effect, vitamins are not recommended for use during pregnancy if no pathologies are observed. The main indications for the use of nicotinic acid are:

Under the influence of this vitamin, it is possible to eliminate vascular spasm, reduce blood viscosity and prevent the formation of blood clots. Ultimately, the threat can be eliminated premature birth and fetal death.

A lack of niacin during pregnancy can lead to hair loss and mental disorders. As a result, the woman becomes very irritable and prone to depression. She also has problems with digestion, namely disruption of stool and absorption of nutrients by the intestines. Knowing about beneficial properties nicotinic acid and the features of its use, you can achieve very good results in treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Many mothers ask questions about how nicotinic acid is useful for the child’s body, when exactly it is necessary to take vitamin supplements and how to do it correctly. Popular pediatrician Komarovsky believes that a lot of vitamins should be supplied with food. In his opinion, it is necessary to take nicotinic acid or other complexes only in case of their deficiency.

The doctor considers their preventive intake unnecessary due to the fact that a deficiency of nutrients in a child develops only when he finds himself in extreme conditions, when food is completely absent. Others significant reasons, if there are different types of products in the diet, there is no use for this substance. Komarovsky believes that it is better to try to diversify the child’s menu and include everything necessary.

Is it possible to lose weight with nicotinic acid?

Many women are interested in how to use nicotinic acid for weight loss and how effective it is. It is known that this substance takes part in the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates. Often, a lack of nicotinic acid leads to excessive consumption of confectionery and flour products. This results in health problems and overweight. That is why, in some cases, taking the supplement helps eliminate unwanted weight and normalize well-being.

The positive effect is due to the fact that PP vitamins promote the breakdown of lipids and the regulation of metabolic processes. Nicotinic acid helps stabilize cholesterol balance and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as remove toxins from the body.

Many diets promote depression and increased sugar cravings, so niacin is required to produce serotonin in the brain, which helps improve mood and prevent depression and overeating. Indications for taking this substance may include obesity and lipid metabolism disorders.

Under the influence of nicotinic acid, metabolic processes are enhanced, all fats coming from food are well absorbed, but are not deposited on the waist and hips. The pills help set the body in the right way and the weight comes off easily. On those unique properties Nicotinic acid should be taken into account by those who want to lose extra pounds.

However, you should first consult your doctor, as it is important to choose the right dosage. You can take no more than 2 tablets per day.

Contraindications and side effects

Exist certain contraindications the use of nicotinic acid, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • pressure changes;
  • gout;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • bleeding.

When taking niacin, side effects are quite rare, but can still occur. Among them the following should be highlighted:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • feeling of heat;
  • redness of the face and body;
  • dizziness;
  • stomach problems.

To somewhat reduce the side effects of nicotinic acid, you need to add cottage cheese to your usual diet.

Overdose of nicotinic acid

Uncontrolled use of nicotinic acid can lead to various consequences. Hypotensive patients may experience dizziness, fainting, or even deep coma. This is due to a sharp drop in pressure. An overdose of this vitamin can lead to itching of the skin, as well as gastrointestinal disorders.

In some cases, allergies develop, difficulties with swallowing food are observed, and tactile sensations are reduced. Such symptoms require consultation with a doctor and the patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

You should take nicotinic acid with caution if you have gastritis with high acidity or a stomach ulcer. During treatment with this vitamin, especially in large dosages, liver function must be carefully monitored.

If nicotinic acid is compatible with other drugs, consult a doctor, as side effects may occur. This substance should not be mixed with a solution of thiamine chloride, as it will be destroyed. The combined use of antispasmodics, cardiac glycosides and fibrinolytic agents increases their toxic effect.

Particular care must be taken when combining with antihypertensive drugs, as well as anticoagulants, as this is associated with the risk of developing hemorrhage. Simultaneous use contraceptives and niacin may increase the need for niacin. And the use of the supplement along with antibiotics increases hyperemia.

Nicotinic acid in cosmetology

Vitamin PP, nicotinic acid in ampoules helps improve blood microcirculation in the scalp, normalizes nutrition hair follicles, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the strands. As a result, they stop falling out and grow more intensively, acquiring a natural shine and more attractive appearance, their dryness and fragility disappear.

This water-soluble vitamin is used to make healing masks, add it to scrubs and shampoos. In addition, ampoules with acid are used. To enhance healing effects It is recommended to add other components to this substance, for example, vitamin E, herbal decoctions and aloe juice.

After using nicotinic acid, the hair becomes silkier and does not dry out. In people with oily curls, the production of subcutaneous sebum decreases and unwanted shine disappears.

You need to open the ampoule vitamin remedy, apply its contents to the scalp after washing it with massaging movements, evenly distributing the liquid over the entire surface. Do not rinse off. Nicotinic acid should be used once every 3 days. The recommended course is 14 procedures. It can be repeated once every 3 months.

Nicotinic acid has a fairly good effect on the skin of the face. The product helps improve its condition, remove acne and prevent early aging. It contains components that are required to maintain beauty and health. IN for cosmetic purposes use ampoules and tablets with the active substance. They can be used internally and externally. You can add the solution to lotions, serums and masks. When taking vitamins orally, you must follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

Basically, the course of therapy lasts no more than 2 weeks. These vitamins are also prescribed before and after plastic surgery, as they speed up the process of tissue repair and help quickly eliminate inflammation. Before using nicotinic acid, you need to test for skin sensitivity to its components.

Having figured out what nicotinic acid is needed for, it must be said that this remedy is used in the treatment of many diseases, including eliminating acne, as well as restoring the skin. To get rid of blackheads and acne, you can use various cosmetics with the addition of this medicinal substance.


If there are contraindications to the use of this product, then it is worth choosing analogues of nicotinic acid, the instructions for use of which should be studied first. The drug “Nikoshpan” is considered an effective identical supplement. It affects the tone of blood vessels in the brain. The main active ingredient of the drug is nicotinic acid, as well as other components.

It is used for diseases accompanied by vasospasm. The medicine has a positive effect on the hemodynamic process and helps eliminate painful manifestations resulting from acute failure blood circulation It is worth remembering that Nikoshpan can provoke negative changes in organs and systems, which is why you must first study the instructions for use.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, vitamin PP, niacin) - description and instructions for use (tablets, injections), what products contain, how to use for weight loss, for hair growth and strengthening, reviews and price of drugs

Thank you

A nicotinic acid is a water-soluble vitamin also called niacin, vitamin RR or AT 3. This vitamin ensures the normal course of all redox processes. biochemical reactions in any organs and tissues. And since redox reactions are the basis of the life of any cell, then, accordingly, nicotinic acid is necessary for the normal functioning of any organs and tissues of the body.

Nicotinic acid deficiency leads to pellagra– a disease that also bears the figurative name “three D”, since its main manifestations are dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia.

Action of nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is the only vitamin that is classified as a medicine because it has the ability to treat any disease. In principle, vitamin PP is the most effective drug that lowers blood cholesterol levels.

However, in addition to its therapeutic activity, nicotinic acid performs a number of very important biological functions. Thus, nicotinic acid activates enzymes that ensure the production of energy in cells from fats and carbohydrates. That is, it is under the influence of vitamin PP that sugars and fats are converted into the energy necessary for the life of every cell of any organ or tissue. Accordingly, with a lack of this vitamin, the process of energy production is disrupted, as a result of which cells various organs stop working normally and performing their functions. This is why nicotinic acid supports normal functioning all organs and tissues, and is especially important for the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, niacin activates enzymes that ensure the formation of sex hormones in men and women (estrogens, testosterone, progesterone), as well as insulin, cortisone and thyroxine.

As a medicine, vitamin PP has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Vasodilator;
  • Hypolipidemic (reduces the level of atherogenic lipid fractions in the blood);
  • Hypocholesterolemic (reduces cholesterol levels in the blood).
Thanks to the above effects, nicotinic acid normalizes the ratio of lipid fractions, the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and also dilates blood vessels, improving microcirculation in various organs and tissues, including the brain. In addition, niacin reduces the tendency to form blood clots.

That is why niacin is the most effective drug as a medicine. effective means control blood cholesterol levels. Thus, in people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, regular use of nicotinic acid increases the percentage and extends survival much better than any other pharmaceutical drugs.

In addition, nicotinic acid fights major risk factors cardiovascular diseases, such as:

  • Increased levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood;
  • Low lipoprotein levels high density(HDL) in the blood;
  • High concentration of lipoprotein in the blood;
  • High levels of triglycerides (TG, TAG) in the blood.
Nicotinic acid significantly reduces the risk of developing or worsening cardiovascular diseases associated with the above factors.

Also, the use of nicotinic acid can significantly reduce the dosage of insulin in people suffering from type I diabetes. In addition, with regular use, vitamin PP prevents the development of diabetes, as it protects pancreatic cells from damage. According to a study conducted in New Zealand, preventive administration of niacin to children aged 5–7 years reduced the incidence of diabetes by half (50%).

In osteoarthritis, nicotinic acid reduces the severity pain syndrome and improves the mobility of affected joints.

Vitamin PP has a sedative (calming) effect. In addition, nicotinic acid increases the effectiveness medicines, used to treat depression, anxiety, decreased attention, alcoholism and schizophrenia. In these conditions, the isolated use of nicotinic acid gives a positive therapeutic effect.

Nicotinic acid has excellent detoxifying properties, so it is used to remove toxic substances from the body of people who have been exposed to them for some time.

Regular intake of nicotinic acid can prevent migraine attacks and alleviate their course.

Daily requirement for nicotinic acid and products containing it

Since there is no depot of nicotinic acid in the human body, this vitamin must be supplied with food daily in quantities necessary to meet the needs of all organs and systems. Daily requirement in vitamin PP for people of various ages next:
  • Children under 1 year old– 6 mg per day;
  • Children 1 – 1.5 years old– 9 mg per day;
  • Children 1.5 – 2 years old– 10 mg per day;
  • Children 3 – 4 years old– 12 mg per day;
  • Children 5 – 6 years old– 13 mg per day;
  • Children 7 – 10 years old– 15 mg per day;
  • Children 11 – 13 years old– 19 mg per day;
  • Boys 14 – 17 years old– 21 mg per day;
  • Girls 14 – 17 years old– 18 mg per day;
  • Adult women and men over 18 years of age– 20 mg per day;
  • Adult women and men engaged in heavy work physical labor – 25 mg per day;
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers– 20 – 25 mg per day.
The daily requirement for vitamin PP increases to 25–30 mg per day in the following situations:
  • Work related to neuropsychic stress(for example, pilots, surgeons, air traffic controllers, etc.);
  • Living in the Far North;
  • Work in hot climates;
  • Work in hot shops (for example, blast furnace production, crimping and steelmaking shops, etc.);
  • Periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • Heavy physical work;
  • A diet with a low protein content and a predominance of vegetable fats over animal fats in the diet.
The largest amounts of nicotinic acid are found in the following foods:
  • Porcini;
  • Walnut;
  • Yeast;
  • Potato;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • Burdock root ;
  • Chicken meat;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Raspberry leaves;
  • Dandelion leaves;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Peppermint ;
  • Dog-rose fruit ;
  • Wheat sprouts;
  • Products made from whole grains;
  • Beef liver;
  • Fish;
  • Pork;
  • Sunflower seeds ;
  • Fennel seeds;
  • Heart;
  • Pistachios;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Prunes;
  • Champignon;
  • Eggs;
  • Barley grits.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B 3, vitamin PP, niacin) – regulator of cholesterol in the blood - video

Symptoms of deficiency and overdose of nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid deficiency in the body can be complete or incomplete. At the first stage, with incomplete deficiency of vitamin PP, various nonspecific symptoms develop, which are signs of trouble in the body. However, in this case, there is still a small amount of nicotinic acid in the tissues, which ensures the flow of vital processes, and therefore specific symptoms and there are no severe disturbances in the functioning of various organs. At the second stage, when the nicotinic acid present in the tissues is used up, an absolute deficiency of the vitamin occurs, which is characterized by the development of a specific disease - pellagra, and a number of other severe dysfunctions of various organs.

Incomplete deficiency of nicotinic acid manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy;
  • Apathy;
  • Severe fatigue;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Reduced body resistance to infectious diseases.
With long-term or complete deficiency of vitamin PP, pellagra develops, manifested by the following symptoms:
  • Chronic diarrhea (stool up to 3-5 times a day, having a thin, watery consistency, but not containing blood or mucus);
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach area;
  • Heartburn and belching;
  • Burning sensation in the mouth;
  • Increased gum sensitivity;
  • Salivation;
  • Redness of the mucous membranes;
  • Swelling of the lips;
  • Cracks on lips and skin;
  • Numerous inflammations on the skin;
  • Papillae of the tongue protruding in the form of red dots;
  • Deep cracks in the tongue;
  • Red spots on the skin of the hands, face, neck and elbows;
  • Swelling of the skin ( skin covering it hurts, itches and blisters appear on it);
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Headache;
  • Feeling of numbness and pain in the limbs;
  • A crawling sensation;
  • Unsteady gait;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Dementia (dementia);
  • Depression;
  • Ulcers.
This list contains all possible signs pellagra, but the most typical and striking manifestations of this disease are dementia (dementia), diarrhea (diarrhea) and dermatitis. If a person has all three signs - diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis to varying degrees of severity, then this clearly indicates a deficiency of vitamin PP, even if the other symptoms listed above are absent.

With long-term admission very large quantities nicotinic acid into the human body may cause fainting, itching of the skin, disorders heart rate and work disorders digestive tract. Excessive consumption of vitamin PP does not cause other symptoms of intoxication, since nicotinic acid has low toxicity.

Pellagra (nicotinic acid deficiency) - symptoms and signs, treatment (how to compensate for vitamin B 3 deficiency) - video

Nicotinic acid preparations

Vitamin PP is contained in medicines in two forms - nicotinic acid itself and nicotinamide. Both forms are active ingredients drugs have the same pharmacological activity and similar therapeutic effect. That is why medicines containing both forms of vitamin PP as active substances, are usually combined under one general name “nicotinic acid preparations”.

Currently on pharmaceutical market CIS countries have the following nicotinic acid preparations containing nicotinamide as an active component:

  • Niacinamide tablets and solution for injection;
  • Nikonatsid;
  • Nicotinamide tablets and solution for injection.
In addition, in the CIS countries there are the following drugs containing nicotinic acid as an active ingredient:
  • Apelagrin;
  • Niacin;
  • Nikoverine (nicotinic acid + papaverine);
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Nicotinic acid buffus;
  • Nicotinic acid-Vial;
  • Enduracin.
Nicotinic acid preparations are available in two pharmaceutical forms– tablets and solution for injection. Accordingly, these drugs can be taken orally or injected.

Nicotinic acid - indications for use

Nicotinic acid preparations are indicated for use in the following diseases and states:
  • Prevention of pellagra and vitamin PP deficiency;
  • Treatment of pellagra;
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and lower extremities;
  • Chronic arterial insufficiency I – III degrees;
  • Hyperlipidemia ( increased level in blood various types lipids, for example, triglycerides, cholesterol and others);
  • Spasm peripheral vessels of various origins(for example, with obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease, migraine, disorders cerebral circulation, scleroderma, etc.);
  • Complex rehabilitation therapy after stroke and myocardial infarction;
  • Angina pectoris stable and unstable;
  • Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis;
  • People with risk factors for coronary artery disease in combination with hyperlipidemia;
  • Hartnup disease;
  • Hypercoagulation ( increased coagulability blood with a tendency to thrombosis);
  • Neuritis facial nerve;
  • Intoxication;
  • Long-term non-healing wounds;
  • Ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Frequent or long-term infectious diseases;
  • Organ diseases gastrointestinal tract(especially gastritis with low acidity);
  • Liver diseases (cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis).

Nicotinic acid - instructions for use

Injections (ampoules)

You can administer nicotinic acid preparations in the form of subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injections. Intravenously the solutions are injected in a stream, but slowly. For intravenous administration of nicotinic acid, you must contact medical institution, since such injections should only be performed by highly qualified nurse. The fact is that intravenous administration nicotinic acid can provoke severe allergic reactions that can only be treated in a medical facility.

Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections You can do it at home yourself, but you must remember that such injections are very painful. To perform an injection, you first need to choose the right location. For intramuscular injections, the optimal sites are the external upper third shoulder, anterior outer surface of the thigh, anterior abdominal wall(for people without overweight) and the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. For subcutaneous injections, the optimal areas are the areas of the forearm and the outer anterior wall of the abdomen.

Having chosen the injection site, you need to wipe it with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic (alcohol, chlorhexidine, etc.). Then draw into the syringe required amount solution, release a few drops by lifting it up with a needle, and inject. After the injection, it is necessary to re-treat the injection site with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic. For each subsequent injection, it is necessary to choose a new place, deviating from the previous injection by 1 - 1.5 cm.

Intramuscular injection is performed in the following way: the needle is inserted deep into the tissue, after which the solution is released using slow pressure on the piston. Intradermal injection is done as follows: With two fingers, a small area of ​​skin is grabbed into a fold. Then a needle is inserted into this fold, holding it almost parallel to the underlying skin and at the same time perpendicular to the lateral surface of the fold. The needle is inserted until tissue resistance is felt. As soon as the needle begins to move freely, the insertion is stopped. After this, slowly pressing on the syringe plunger releases the solution into the tissue.

The choice of method of administration of nicotinic acid is made by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease, general condition and required speed appearance positive effects. For intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, 1%, 2.5% and 5% solutions of nicotinic acid are used, which are administered 1 to 2 times a day. The amount of solution required for administration is calculated by the amount of nicotinic acid contained in it.

Dosages and duration of therapy depend on the disease and are as follows:

  • For the treatment of pellagra and symptoms of vitamin PP deficiency - adults are administered intravenously 50 mg or intramuscularly 100 mg 1 - 2 times a day for 10 - 15 days;
  • For ischemic stroke, a solution of nicotinic acid is administered 100–500 mg intravenously.
For all other diseases, as well as for children, nicotinic acid preparations are used orally in the form of tablets.

Nicotinic acid tablets

It is recommended to take the tablets after meals and wash them down with cool drinks (water, fruit juice, compote, etc.). Taking nicotinic acid tablets before meals can provoke unpleasant sensations, such as a burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, etc. It is advisable to swallow the tablets whole, but if necessary, you can chew or crush them.

The dosage and duration of use of nicotinic acid depend on the severity of the condition and the type of disease. Currently, the following dosages of tablets are recommended for: various states for people of different ages:

  • For the prevention of pellagra and vitamin PP deficiency – adults take 12.5–25 mg per day, and children – 5–25 mg per day;
  • For the treatment of pellagra – adults take 100 mg 3–4 times a day for 15–20 days. Children take 12.5 – 50 mg 2 – 3 times a day;
  • At for atherosclerosis, take 2–3 g (2000–3000 mg) per day, divided into 2–4 doses;
  • For hyperlipidemia and fat metabolism disorders Start taking it with a low dosage and gradually increase it to the required one. In the first week, take 500 mg 1 time per day. With absence side effects in the second week, take 500 mg twice a day. In the third week, increase the dosage to 500 mg 3 times a day and take the tablets for a total of 2.5 - 3 months. Then you need to take a month's break and, if necessary, undergo a course of therapy again;
  • To increase HDL concentrations you need to take 1000 mg of nicotinic acid per day;
  • If you have risk factors for cardiovascular disease take 500 – 1000 mg per day;
  • For other diseases adults take 20–50 mg 2–3 times a day, and children take 12.5–25 mg 2–3 times a day.
The optimal daily dosage of nicotinic acid tablets for adults is 1.5 - 2 g (1500 - 2000 mg), and the maximum allowable is 6 g (6000 mg).

The duration of one course of treatment for various diseases with nicotinic acid is on average 2–3 months. Such courses of therapy can be repeated if necessary, maintaining intervals of at least 1 month between them.

If for any reason treatment was interrupted before completion full course, then you can start taking nicotinic acid again after 5 - 7 days, but in smaller dosages and gradually bring it back to the desired level. In this case, the course of treatment is extended by only a 5-7 day break.

special instructions

Nicotinic acid should not be used to correct the concentrations of lipid fractions in people with diabetes, since this is impractical due to its low effectiveness. In addition, nicotinic acid should be used with caution for people suffering from stomach diseases, since vitamin PP irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and can provoke an exacerbation chronic pathology. These people need to take nicotinic acid at half the recommended therapeutic dosage.

With long-term use of nicotinic acid, it is necessary to monitor liver function every three months by determining the levels of lipids, glucose and uric acid, as well as the activity of AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase in the blood. With a sharp increase in the levels of these indicators above the norm, it is necessary to reduce the dosage. To reduce possible negative impact nicotinic acid on the liver, you must include foods containing methionine (for example, cottage cheese) in your diet or take medications with methionine.

On initial stage treatment, it is necessary to monitor blood glucose levels and, if necessary, begin therapy with small doses, gradually increasing them to therapeutic ones.

Unfortunately, not all people can take high and effective doses of nicotinic acid, since they are poorly tolerated, causing hot flashes, redness of the skin and gastrointestinal disturbances. In such situations, individually selected maximum dosages that are well tolerated by humans.

In addition, with prolonged use of nicotinic acid, it can be washed out of the body. ascorbic acid. Therefore, to prevent its deficiency, it is necessary to take vitamin C along with nicotinic acid.

It is also necessary to remember that use of nicotinic acid in therapeutic dosages can provoke the following negative consequences:

  • Increased acidity of gastric juice with exacerbation of gastric or duodenal ulcers;
  • Increased blood glucose levels;
  • An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood up to the formation of gout;
  • Increased frequency of arrhythmia attacks;
  • Acanthosis ( brown spots on the skin);
  • Swelling of the retina, causing blurred and blurred vision.
These negative symptoms are unstable and, after discontinuation of nicotinic acid, disappear quickly, independently and without a trace without any treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

Nicotinic acid should be used with caution simultaneously with drugs to lower blood pressure, Aspirin and anticoagulants, since the effect of their interaction is difficult to predict.

Nicotinic acid enhances the effects of cardiac glycosides (Strophanthin, Korglykon, etc.), antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Papaverine, etc.), fibrinolytics (Streptokinase, Urokinase, etc.) and alcohol.

When taken with lipid-lowering drugs, the risk of developing toxic effects on the liver may increase.

In addition, vitamin PP reduces the severity of the therapeutic effect of antidiabetic drugs.

Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid

Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. This method allows you to quickly remove lactic acid from tissues affected by the inflammatory process, which actually causes sharp, excruciating pain and severe swelling.

When using electrophoresis, nicotinic acid is delivered directly to the affected area of ​​tissue, thereby ensuring its action in the place where it is needed. In addition, due to the supply of vitamin PP directly to the affected tissues, the therapeutic effect develops quickly, and relief occurs literally after the first procedure. Also, after electrophoresis with nicotinic acid, the supply of other medications (taken orally or injected), oxygen and nutrients into the affected tissue areas, since vitamin PP improves blood microcirculation. It is thanks to these effects that when using electrophoresis with nicotinic acid, the healing process and relief of an attack of osteochondrosis occurs much faster.

To carry out electrophoresis, a 1% solution of nicotinic acid is used. The procedures are carried out once a day for 10 days. If necessary, a course of electrophoresis with nicotinic acid can be carried out periodically to prevent exacerbations and prevent the progression of osteochondrosis.

Application in various fields

Nicotinic acid for hair

Vitamin PP improves blood microcirculation in the scalp, which increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied to the hair follicles. Due to a more intense flow of oxygen and nutrients, hair under the influence of nicotinic acid stops falling out, begins to grow faster and takes on a shiny, beautiful appearance. Vitamin PP eliminates dryness, reduces the number of split ends, maintains normal hair color, preventing the appearance of gray hair. Thus, nicotinic acid has a positive effect on the health and speed of hair growth.

However, it must be remembered that all of these effects of nicotinic acid are not due to its properties, but to the fact that vitamin PP increases blood flow in the area of ​​the hair follicles, as a result of which the hair receives more nutrients and vitamins. Accordingly, the effect of using nicotinic acid for hair will be noticeable only if a person eats normally and fully and has sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals that the bloodstream can deliver to the hair follicles. If a person eats poorly or suffers from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, then there will be no effect from using nicotinic acid for hair, since increased microcirculation in the area of ​​the hair follicles will not increase the amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied to them.

Nicotinic acid for hair can be used in the following ways:

  • Take orally in tablet form in courses;
  • Add to various means for hair care (masks, shampoos, etc.) to enrich it;
  • Apply pure nicotinic acid solution to the scalp.
It is necessary to take nicotinic acid orally to improve hair condition in short courses - 10 - 20 days, 1 tablet (50 mg) per day. Such courses can be repeated, maintaining intervals of 3–4 weeks between them.

Add nicotinic acid to homemade and ready-made products for hair care it is necessary in the form of a 2 - 2.5% solution. For every 100 ml of mask or shampoo, add 5-10 drops of nicotinic acid solution and use the prepared composition immediately. Hair cosmetics enriched with vitamin PP should not be stored, since vitamin PP is quickly destroyed when exposed to oxygen.

The simplest and most effective way The use of nicotinic acid for hair is to rub it into the scalp. To do this, use ampoules with a 1% solution. The ampoules are opened immediately before use, the solution is poured into a small container and gently rubbed into the scalp with your fingers using gentle massaging movements along the partings. First, the crown and forehead are treated, then the back of the head and temporal areas.

Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, 1–2 ampoules of nicotinic acid solution are needed at a time. It is recommended to rub in nicotinic acid after washing your hair. Some time after applying nicotinic acid to the scalp, a feeling of warmth and slight tingling may appear, which is normal and indicates activation of blood flow. After application, there is no need to rinse off the vitamin solution, since it is absorbed into the skin and hair and has its positive effect.

To obtain the optimal effect, you need to rub nicotinic acid into the scalp every day for a month. After this, you need to take a break for at least 1 month, after which the course of using vitamin PP can be repeated.

Nicotinic acid for face

Since vitamin PP activates blood microcirculation in peripheral tissues, then it increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen delivered to the skin, and also accelerates metabolic processes in all its layers. This action leads to the fact that under the influence of nicotinic acid the condition of the skin improves, since it receives better food, and its structures are constantly maintained in optimal condition due to a good metabolic rate.

Plastic surgeons in the USA recommend that their patients take a course of nicotinic acid before surgery, as this reduces recovery time normal structure skin after surgery. In addition, cosmetologists actively recommend taking nicotinic acid to people whose skin is dull, flabby and tired. In principle, any girl or woman can periodically take nicotinic acid to improve the condition of the skin.

This should be done according to a certain pattern. 10 days before the expected next menstruation, you need to start taking nicotinic acid tablets at a dosage of 50 mg per day, and do this before the start of your period. On the first day of menstruation, stop taking nicotinic acid. Then they drink nicotinic acid in the same way for two more menstrual cycles. The total duration of therapy with vitamin PP tablets is 3 menstrual cycle 10 days each. Such courses can be repeated periodically, maintaining intervals between them of at least 2 months. In one course of use, skin irregularities are smoothed out, and pimples and post-acne (even old ones) completely disappear.

Some time after taking nicotinic acid, slight redness of the face may appear, which is normal reaction and is due to the expansion blood vessels. The redness will go away quickly. However, it is precisely because of the effect of facial redness that many cosmetologists do not recommend using nicotinic acid, fearing that it will disappoint and scare away clients.

It is not recommended to apply a solution of nicotinic acid to the skin externally, as this can cause severe drying and severe redness with the formation of telangiectasia ( spider veins). However, if you want to conduct an experiment, you can add 3–5 drops of a 1% solution of nicotinic acid to 50 ml of cream and apply the finished composition to your face.

Nicotinic acid for weight loss

Nutritionists and doctors consider nicotinic acid to be an effective remedy that accelerates the process of losing weight and makes it easier to tolerate. However, you need to know that nicotinic acid itself does not promote weight loss, it only speeds up metabolic processes in the human body and improves mood. And therefore, vitamin PP will help you lose weight faster only for those people who follow a diet and exercise.

For the purpose of losing weight, nicotinic acid should be taken 20–100 mg per day for 15–20 days while following a diet. After this, you should stop taking nicotinic acid, but if necessary, the course of its use can be repeated after 1 - 1.5 months.

Side effects

Immediately after taking or injecting nicotinic acid, the following transient side effects may develop due to the release of histamine:
  • Redness of the facial skin and upper half torso;
  • A tingling and burning sensation in the area of ​​reddened skin;
  • Feeling of a rush of blood to the head;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Orthostatic hypotension with rapid intravenous administration (pressure drop when moving from a lying position to a standing or sitting position);
  • Decreased glucose tolerance;
  • Hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels);
  • Increased activity of AST, LDH and alkaline phosphatase;
  • Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Contraindications for use

Nicotinic acid is contraindicated for use in the following conditions or diseases:
  • Increased individual sensitivity or allergic reactions to drug components;
  • Exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum;
  • Severe diseases or dysfunction of the liver;
  • Gout;
  • Hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood);
  • Severe hypertension;
  • Severe atherosclerosis (intravenous administration of nicotinic acid solutions is contraindicated).
Caution should be exercised when using nicotinic acid for the following diseases and conditions:
  • Gastritis with high acidity;
  • Stage of remission of gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Hemorrhages;

Remember when we were scared as children that a drop of nicotine would kill an adult healthy horse? It was an unsuccessful attempt to explain that smoking is bad. But for many this information did not leave a response in the soul. A horse in a city is an almost fabulous, rare creature. And a drop of nicotine seemed bad.

A lack of this substance leads to hypovitaminosis. In this case, pellagra develops. Without proper treatment, this disease ends sadly. In addition to vitamin deficiency, the following organs and systems suffer from a lack of vitamin PP:

  1. blood cell synthesis is disrupted;
  2. production of gastric juice decreases;
  3. hormonal imbalance occurs;
  4. neuralgia of various parts of the nervous system develops;
  5. impaired blood sugar control;
  6. Pregnant women experience disturbances in the development of the nervous system of the unborn baby.

Nicotinic acid as a medical product

Nicotinic acid helps with liver inflammation.

Pharmacies offer nicotinic acid in ampoules for intramuscular injections and tablet forms in different dosage. Indications for use:

  • pellagra;
  • - hypoacid gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the liver;
  • spasm of blood vessels in various organs and systems;
  • inflammatory processes in the peripheral nervous system;
  • skin ulcers;
  • trophic violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • treatment of the consequences of toxic effects.

Vitamin PP is a vital compound, but there are a number of conditions for which it should not be used. Contraindications for use:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. ulcer in the acute stage;
  3. increased blood pressure;
  4. liver diseases;
  5. heart rhythm disturbances;
  6. chronic inflammatory diseases;
  7. pregnancy;
  8. disorders in the circulatory system;
  9. neurotic conditions.

Effective dosages depend on the age and diagnosis of the patient. The drug is administered by drip, so intramuscular injections are painful. It is advisable to carry out the manipulation after eating. This will reduce the likelihood of developing unpleasant sensations of itching and heat. Effective dosages for various diseases:

  • coronary disease, stroke - once a day at the rate of 1 ml of the drug per 10 ml of saline - a course of 10 to 15 droppers;
  • pellagra - the dosage is the same, but 2 droppers are indicated per day, and the duration of treatment is from 15 to 20 days.

Other drugs containing vitamin PP are indicated for the treatment of children. But if there is no alternative, then nicotinic acid is prescribed in an amount of no more than 20 ml per day. An excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as their deficiency. In addition, medications can cause unpleasant symptoms. Adverse reactions nicotinic acid.

Nicotinic acid is rightfully considered the most important substance For human body. Its other names are niacin, nicotine, vitamin B3 or PP. The main task of nicotinic acid is to convert food consumed by a person into energy. The significance of this medicine for the success of recovery processes and the treatment of many diseases is beyond the slightest doubt. Nicotinic acid is produced in two forms: tablets and liquid for injection. It should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor - like all medications, nicotinic acid has contraindications for use.

Indications for use

The composition of nicotinic acid is unique. The main advantage of this medicinal substance is its powerful antipellagric action. Therefore, it is nicotinic acid that is recommended to be taken by patients diagnosed with pellagra. Another name for the drug is vitamin PP. If treatment with nicotinic acid is started in a timely manner, at the initial stage of the disease, the chances full recovery big enough. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Nicotinic acid, which helps improve carbohydrate metabolism in the body, is widely used to treat:

  • Mild form of diabetes.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.
  • Heart disease.
  • Stomach ulcers.
  • Duodenum.
  • Inflammatory processes in the small and large intestine.
  • Wounds and ulcers.

Nicotinic acid is often used as a vasodilator. It is also used to reduce the amount of lipoproteins in the blood - for this purpose the patient is prescribed 3-4 grams. nicotinic acid per day. The dose is undoubtedly high. But in this situation it is appropriate and effective.

Doctors often prescribe nicotinic acid to patients with hypercholesterolemia - pathological condition an organism in which the level of cholesterol in the blood is abnormally high. Nicotinic acid not only reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, but also improves general condition. It is also used to treat diseases of the stomach and liver (including in patients with low acidity):

  • Gastritis.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Acute hepatitis.
  • Liver cirrhosis.
  • Spasms.

Nicotinic acid promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers - even those that other medications cannot cope with. It is also included in complex therapy in the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve, atherosclerosis and most infectious diseases.

Osteochondrosis is called degenerative change cartilage tissue, leading to the destruction of joints, thinning of the spinal discs and ligaments, the development of inflammatory processes and the appearance intervertebral hernias. The spine becomes less flexible and mobile, the patient suffers severe pain, sudden dizziness, constant nausea, noise and painful sensations in the ears. Taking nicotinic acid (niacin) for osteochondrosis is a guarantee rapid improvement well-being and a speedy recovery.

  • It is well known that for the prevention of osteochondrosis and its treatment, proper good nutrition plays an important role. The drug, being essentially a vitamin, replenishes the deficiency of nicotinic acid in the patient’s body.
  • The medicine helps improve blood circulation, thereby stimulating tissue nutrition.
  • The substance provides cells with protection from free radicals and prevents their damage.
  • Nicotinic acid helps the body get rid of toxins, heal and rejuvenate tissues.
  • Thanks to taking the medicine, metabolism improves and waste waste is removed from the body.
  • Acid restores damaged neuron structures, helping to renew nerve tissue and preventing the inflammation process from starting.

Proper Use

Nicotinic acid is prescribed in two forms - in the form of tablets and solutions for injections or injections. The drug is used both for the treatment of diseases and for their prevention. The daily preventive dose for an adult should not exceed 0.025 g, for a child – 0.005 g.

The course of treatment for pellagra with nicotinic acid tablets is at least two weeks. You need to take the medicine 3-4 times a day, 0.1 g. The course of treatment with the solution is longer - eighteen days. For injections, use 1% nicotinic acid, administer the drug 1 ml in the morning and evening.

For the treatment of other diseases, doses of the drug are calculated by the doctor on an individual basis. For an adult patient daily dose nicotinic acid is most often 0.04 g. Children are prescribed no more than 0.03 g. substances per day and it is recommended to divide its intake into several parts (2-3 times a day).

If nicotinic acid was prescribed for the treatment of osteochondrosis in combination with other medications, the healing process will accelerate significantly. This also applies to the treatment of osteochondrosis. cervical spine. However, we're talking about only about injections- Such a disease cannot be cured with pills. Manufacturers offer one percent solutions of nicotinic acid in ampoules - each containing 1 ml of the drug. The doctor will explain how to treat osteochondrosis. It will amount to individual scheme treatment, according to which injections will be given intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. The result of the injections will not be long in coming - the blood vessels will dilate, the blood supply to tissues will improve, the body’s metabolism will be restored, and the patient’s condition will stabilize.

Rules for administering the injection solution

The process of introducing nicotinic acid into a vein must be slow - otherwise the appearance of discomfort in the patient cannot be avoided. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections nicotinic acid requires extreme caution from the person placing them - they are very painful. Therefore, such injections are excluded from medical practice today. Minimize skin irritations sodium nicotinate or nicotinamide allow - these are what experts recommend using.

Maximum dose

Reception maximum dose Nicotinic acid should not be exceeded under any circumstances. For an adult, a single dose is 0.1 g of the substance in tablet form. You can take no more than 0.5 g of the drug per day.

A single dose of nicotinic acid injection should not be more than 0.1 g, the daily maximum when injecting the substance into a vein is 0.3 g.

Doctors are of the opinion that the dose of tablets can be increased if necessary. However, only a doctor can make such a decision. When treating atherosclerosis and the patient's existing disorders in lipid metabolism, the daily dose of nicotinic acid can be increased to 0.5 g. But only if the patient has no side effects when taking the drug.

Side effects

Not all patients tolerate treatment with nicotinic acid well; some experience side effects while using the drug. Without a doubt, if the dosage was calculated correctly and the patient strictly followed the doctor’s recommendations, dangerous complications excluded. However, when you first take the medicine it is possible:

  • Facial redness.
  • The appearance of slight dizziness.
  • Feeling of a rush of blood to the head.
  • The appearance of skin rashes.
  • Numbness of the limbs.
  • Sharp decline blood pressure(when the drug is administered into a vein).

Usually such unpleasant sensations go away within a couple of days. And they occur most often in those who take the pills on an empty stomach. However, in particularly sensitive patients, it is quite possible that allergic reactions may occur while taking nicotinic acid.

If the slightest discomfort occurs and unpleasant sensations that do not go away within two days, you should stop taking nicotinic acid. And immediately contact your doctor - he will adjust the dose or completely stop the drug.


If you have certain diseases, taking nicotinic acid is strictly prohibited. The drug is contraindicated if the patient has:

  • Severe form of hypertension.
  • Frequent increases in blood pressure.
  • Atherosclerosis in advanced form.
  • The likelihood of allergic reactions to nicotinic acid.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Diseases of the duodenum.
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys.
  • Hyperuricemia.
  • Neurosis.
  • Sinus tachycardia.
  • Nephrosclerosis.
  • Severe arrhythmia.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Circulatory failure.

When taking nicotinic acid in patients diagnosed with similar diseases, the risk of serious complications and dangerous side effects is quite high.


Long-term use of nicotinic acid threatens such complications as fatty degeneration in the liver area. To avoid such complications, doctors recommend that patients include foods rich in methionine and amino acids in their diet. If an overdose is established and the patient’s condition is of concern, he is prescribed prolipotropic drugs that interact with fats in the liver.

When taking a large dose of nicotinic acid, under no circumstances should you delay contacting a specialist. In especially severe cases, the patient will be placed in a hospital, where he will spend some time under medical supervision.

Possibility of use for children

Nicotinic acid is prescribed for the treatment of pellagra in children only in special cases. More often it is replaced with analogues - nicotinamide and sodium nicotinate, which are included in complex therapy (6-18 ml of medication per day). The same drugs are used to prevent pellagra.

Use during pregnancy

The use of nicotinic acid by pregnant women is strictly prohibited, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. The substances that make up the drug can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the unborn baby. Also, doctors categorically prohibit the use of the drug during lactation - nicotinic acid entering the baby’s body along with mother’s milk can cause irreparable harm to his health.

Driving while taking the drug

Nicotinic acid entering the body can cause dizziness and slow reaction. This is why doctors recommend stopping driving while taking the drug. Just like other activities that require special concentration, the risk of accidents and incidents is quite high.

Compatibility with other drugs

By interacting with certain medications, nicotinic acid enhances their effect. For example, the effect of taking cardiac glycosides increases significantly. Especially digitalis glycoside.

Doctors also warn against mixing solutions of substances such as nicotinic acid and cyanocobalamin in one syringe. Their combination is quite dangerous for the human body and can cause allergies and other side effects. In addition, the joint introduction of these drugs into the body leads to the destruction of cobalt vitamins.

You must inform your doctor if you are taking any medications. Only then will he be able to correctly calculate the required dosage of nicotinic acid, and, if necessary, reduce it.

pharmachologic effect

Nicotinic acid promotes the transport of phosphate, improves nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism in cells, and is involved in the regulation of DNA synthesis. Quite often the drug is prescribed for the treatment of ulcers and wounds of any origin that do not heal for a long time due to the patient’s weakness.

Absorbed into the blood within half an hour and immediately beginning its restoration work, nicotinic acid gradually becomes an oxidizing compound in cells and within short period time is excreted from the body along with urine.

Storage conditions

Nicotinic acid ampoules and tablets must be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of no more than +23 C. Ready solutions must be used immediately - they cannot be stored without an ampoule. The shelf life of the drug itself (in original packaging) is no more than 5 years.


Nicotinic acid is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Approximate price drug:

  • Ampoules 1% - from 60 to 70 rubles (10 pieces).
  • Tablets of 50 mg - from 20 to 40 rubles (50 pieces).

Nicotinic acid, produced in tablets and ampoules for injections, has great benefits for the body. This vitamin replenishes the deficiency of substances, improves health, has a positive effect on metabolic processes and energy production. Familiarize yourself with the indications for its use, dosage, and methods of administration. The amount of product used varies depending on individual characteristics.

What is nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP, B3 or nicotinic acid is an important substance for the body. Once inside, it breaks down to niacinamide, which is involved in the process of fat metabolism. The main purpose of the vitamin is to convert food into energy. The daily requirement for nicotinic acid is 5-10 mg, for pregnant women - 15 mg. The attending physician prescribes it if indicated.

Benefits and harms

Nicotinic acid causes harm in the form of allergic reactions and gastric ulcers, which intensify when taken. The benefit of the drug is positive impact on metabolism and the following influences on the body:

  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • removes toxins;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • nicotine for blood vessels dilates them, thins the blood;
  • prevents atherosclerosis.


IN medical practice over-the-counter nicotinic acid preparations are used. They are produced in powder, tablet and ampoules formats. It is recommended to store all varieties away from sunlight, without children's access. The composition of the preparations includes pyridinecarboxylic-3-acid. This is crystalline powder white, poorly soluble cold water and alcohol, but highly soluble hot water.

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin B3 plays an important role in ensuring the vital functions of the body and is a component of the prosthetic groups of codehydrase enzymes. The latter transfer hydrogen and carry out redox processes. Vitamin B3, entering the body and being broken down into nicotinamide, transports phosphates. Without them, the disease pellagra develops.

Release form

According to pharmacological definitions, the following forms of release of this drug are distinguished: vitamin preparation:

  • vitamin B3 in ampoules - 1 ml, glass ampoules, pH solution for injection 5-7;
  • powder for injection;
  • tablets (50 pcs.) – a drug to replenish acid deficiency, the active substance content is 0.05 g;
  • sodium nicotinate solution – 0.1% nicotine solution.

Indications for use

According to the instructions in medicine, the following use of nicotinic acid occurs: medicinal purposes:

  1. Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. The method quickly removes lactic acid from tissues affected by inflammation, relieves pain and swelling, and enhances the healing process. To carry out the procedure, a 1% solution is used, a course of 10 days, once a day.
  2. For the treatment of pellagra, improvement carbohydrate metabolism, mild forms of diabetes, liver diseases, heart diseases, ulcers, enterocolitis, poorly healing wounds, myopathy.
  3. Reducing the level of lipoproteins in the blood, lowering the concentration of triglycerides, treating hypercholesterolemia.
  4. A specific remedy for gastritis, vasospasm, brain.
  5. Stimulates hair growth (30-day course, rub 1 ml into the scalp every day), and according to reviews, eliminates dandruff.
  6. To actively lose weight, against cellulite - take 1 g tablets per day, several times a day.
  7. Prevention of diabetes, reduction of pain in osteoarthritis.
  8. Increasing the effectiveness of medications for the treatment of depression and anxiety.
  9. Detoxification of the body, prevention of migraines.

Nicotinic acid preparations

The vitamin is an integral component of the drugs Vitaiodurol, Vicein, Xanthinol Nicotinate, Lipostabil, Nikoverin, Nikoshpan, Spazmokor. It is found in two forms - acid and nicotinamide. Both formats are active components of the drugs, have the same pharmacological purpose, and similar therapeutic effects. Nicotinamide is included in the drugs:

  • tablets and solution for injection Niacinamide;
  • Nikonatsid;
  • Nicotinamide tablets and solution;
  • Apelagrin;
  • Niacin;
  • Nikoverin;
  • Enduracin.

Instructions for use of nicotinic acid

According to the annotation, vitamin PP can be used in the form of tablets (orally after meals) and ampoules (parenterally). As a preventive measure, adults are prescribed 0.015-0.025 g per day. For pellagra, take 0.1 g 2-4 times a day for 15-20 days, or inject a 1% solution of 1 ml twice a day for 10-15 days. For other diseases, adults take up to 0.1 g of the drug per day. If not side effects, in the treatment of atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism disorders single dose can be increased to 1 g, and the daily dose to 4 g.


Vitamin PP in tablets is used for long-term therapy and disease prevention. In the first case, they are recommended to be taken in autumn and spring for people with circulatory problems in the lower extremities. It is allowed to take 1-2 tablets three times a day, while simultaneously taking methionine preparations to protect the liver. If the patient has increased acidity of gastric juice, the medication is taken after meals, washed down with mineral water or warm milk.

If you take the tablets before meals, this may cause discomfort: a burning sensation in the stomach, nausea. Dosage depends on age, weight and disease:

  • for prevention, up to 25 mg/day is taken;
  • when pellagra appears, 100 mg 3-4 times a day for 15-20 days;
  • for atherosclerosis 2-3/day, 3-4 doses;
  • if fat metabolism is impaired, take 500 mg once in the first week, twice in the second, three times in the third, course 2.5-3 months;
  • to increase the concentration of high-density lipoproteins, take 1 g/day;
  • to reduce the risk of heart disease 500-1000 mg/day;
  • courses of therapy are repeated at monthly intervals.


The drugs can be administered in the form of subcutaneous, intravenous or intramuscular injections. Injections of nicotinic acid are administered into a vein slowly, in a stream, in a hospital setting due to possible risk severe allergic reactions. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are allowed for independent use at home. They are very painful, so you need to choose the right place.

The optimal areas for injections are the upper part of the shoulder, the front surface of the thigh, the anterior abdominal wall, provided there is no excess weight, upper outer quadrant of the buttock. For subcutaneous administration, it is better to give injections in the area of ​​the forearm and the anterior wall of the abdomen. Use for intravenous, intramuscular and hypodermic injections you can use 1.5 or 2.5% solutions administered 1-2 times a day. The dosage depends on the type of disease:

  • for pellagra and deficiency symptoms - 50 mg intravenously or intramuscularly 100 mg 1-2 times a day for a course of 10-15 days;
  • for ischemic stroke – 100-500 mg intravenously;
  • For other diseases and for children, tablets are used.

How to inject intramuscularly

After choosing a place, wipe it with an antiseptic, draw a solution into a syringe, release a few drops by lifting it up with a needle to expel air bubbles, give an injection, treat the puncture site with alcohol or chlorhexidine. For each injection, choose a new place, deviating 1-1.5 cm from the previous one. The intramuscular injection is done as follows: insert the needle deeply, slowly press the piston and release the solution.

Nicotinic acid during pregnancy and lactation

If pregnancy proceeds normally, vitamin PP is not prescribed. In cases drug addiction, multiple births, dysfunction of the placenta, pathology of the liver and biliary tract, the drug is indicated for use. When carrying a child, the product eliminates spasms, improves blood circulation, and reduces its viscosity. Vitamin B3 prevents the formation of blood clots, blockage of blood vessels in the placenta, and reduces the risk of fetal death and premature birth. To increase lactation, tablets are indicated, but with caution and monitoring the child’s condition.

Use in children

Children under two years of age are contraindicated in taking vitamin B3 ampoule. The child can only be given the tablet format of the drug, orally after meals with cool drinks or mineral water. The dosage depends on the purpose:

  • for prevention – 0.005-0.02 g per day;
  • for pellagra – 0.005-0.05 g 2-3 times a day;
  • other diseases – 0.005-0.03 g 2-3 times a day.

Nicotinic acid and alcohol

Practicing doctors and scientists note the intoxicating effect of vitamin B3. It helps to quickly remove toxic substances from the body, binds free radicals, neutralizes the effect of poisons on cells of organs and tissues. The drug is widely used in the removal hangover syndrome, in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction, exposure to harmful substances in production.

Drug interactions

Before prescribing vitamin PP, tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications, as it has the following drug interactions:

  • when combined with fibrinolytics, cardiac glycosides and antispasmodics, it enhances the effect;
  • when taking barbiturates, neomycin, sulfonamides, and antituberculosis drugs simultaneously, it is accompanied by an increase in toxic effect;
  • increases the risk of side effects when used with antihypertensive drugs, aspirin, anticoagulants;
  • nicotinic acid develops toxic effect with lipid-lowering drugs;
  • reduces the severity of the effect of the antidiabetic medication system.

Alcohol compatibility

According to the instructions for use of vitamin B3, it is incompatible with alcohol and drugs that contain ethanol. Dangerous action becomes an increase toxic effect on the liver, decreased absorption of sequestrants bile acids. You should refrain from drinking alcohol-containing drinks and medications while taking the drug.

Side effects and overdose

If the dose of vitamin PP is not prescribed correctly, the following side effects may occur:

  • redness of the face, upper part of the body (when taken on an empty stomach or by persons with hypersensitivity), fever;
  • dizziness;
  • urticaria, skin rash;
  • paresthesia (numbness of the limbs);
  • lowering blood pressure (with rapid intravenous administration);
  • gout;
  • acanthosis;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • increased frequency of arrhythmia attacks;
  • blurred vision due to retinal swelling.


Instructions for the use of vitamin B3 in ampoules and tablets contain instructions on contraindications:

  • severe forms hypertension, atherosclerosis (intravenously);
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • long-term use threatens fatty liver (you can get rid of this by combining the intake of the drugs with foods rich in methionine, prescribed methionine preparations or lipotropic action)

special instructions

The leaflet included inside each nicotine package contains special instructions that must be followed when taking the product:

  • High doses of the vitamin are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • During therapy, liver function should be regularly monitored;
  • use nicotinic acid with caution for hyperacid gastritis, ulcers (irritation of the mucous membrane), hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus;
  • not used to correct dyslipidemia in diabetics;
  • at the initial stage of use, the content of fats, sugars, and uric acid is monitored;
  • Long-term use threatens the leaching of vitamin C.


Based on the active substance, the following structural analogs of the drug in question are distinguished, having a similar therapeutic effect, produced by domestic or foreign manufacturers:

  • Niacin;
  • Nicotinic acid Bufus or Vial;
  • Enduracin;
  • Apelagrin;
  • Liplit;
  • Nicodon;
  • Nikonatsid;
  • Nicotene;
  • Nikovit;
  • Peviton;
  • Vitaplex.


Vitamin B3 preparations can be bought in an online store or ordered from a catalog through a pharmacy. The cost depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. Approximate prices:




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