What are the benefits of cottage cheese for the body? Low-fat cottage cheese: benefits and harms, beneficial properties

Beneficial properties of cottage cheese - a fermented milk product obtained by ripening whole milk followed by removal of the released liquid (whey), are known to each of us. It is valued for its nutritional value, 100% digestibility, taste characteristics and medicinal properties.

Cottage cheese is used in fresh or with all kinds of additives (pasta, sour cream, fruit, berries, preserves, syrup, marmalade, jam, honey, yogurt, cream, sugar, dried fruits, vanillin, cinnamon, garlic, leafy greens, vegetable oils, eggs, etc.).

It is also included in the recipes of many dishes prepared by baking, frying, whipping, boiling, and grinding. The following products made from cottage cheese are popular in cooking: cheesecakes, casseroles, cheesecakes, pies, dumplings, pies, sweet curd mass, desserts, cold savory snacks, salads.

Useful properties of cottage cheese and calorie content

The undoubted benefits of cottage cheese for the body are due to the biologically active compounds present in it. The amount of fat in the product depends on the type and method of production. Tocopherols, folic acid and vitamin B12 are contained only in varieties of cottage cheese whose fat content is higher than 19%.

All types of cottage cheese contain concentrated casein milk protein, carbohydrates (lactose), ash, small doses of vitamins (A, beta-carotene and group B, PP), mineral salts of sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids (including methionine and tryptophan).

The calorie content of a product depends on the amount of fat present in it:

  • fat cottage cheese (19-23% fat content) has an energy value of 232 kcal/100 g of product;
  • classic cottage cheese (9%) – 159 kcal/100 g;
  • semi-fat cottage cheese (5%) – 121 kcal/100 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (less than 1%) – 79 kcal/100 g.

Regular inclusion of cottage cheese and dishes in the recipe of which it is included in the menu helps to increase the amount of hemoglobin and improve blood composition. The product activates the regeneration processes of cells of the nervous system, thereby improving the conductivity of nerve impulses.

Due to the high concentration of calcium, which is in a form easily accessible to cells, cottage cheese strengthens bone tissue.

Cottage cheese is especially valued for its diuretic properties - by activating urine formation, the body is freed from excess fluid in the tissues, which helps eliminate edema of various origins. Methionine in various varieties of cottage cheese prevents fatty degeneration of the liver and the development of obesity in this organ.

A high concentration of readily available proteins (casein) helps to increase muscle mass. Biologically active compounds in cottage cheese improve the body's resistance and condition immune system, normalize the microflora in the intestines and rid the body of waste, toxins, decay products and fecal debris.

Many housewives are concerned about the question of whether cottage cheese loses its properties when frozen? Nutritionists agree that after proper defrosting, everything useful qualities products are stored. Cottage cheese is frozen at temperatures below -18ºС.

In this form it can be stored for 6 to 8 months.

To eat it, defrost it for 10 hours by placing it on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, after which the released liquid must be drained. Next, the cottage cheese is used in the usual way– preparing dishes or adding them to the diet fresh.

Cottage cheese - benefits and harm to the body

According to experienced nutritionists, cottage cheese should be included in the therapeutic and preventive nutrition of patients with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. The product has lipotropic qualities, that is, it helps improve lipid metabolism, making it indispensable in the diet of people suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

The product is required in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, adolescents, adults, and elderly people suffering from osteoporosis. The need for cottage cheese increases with fractures and joint problems. Most athletes consume this daily sour milk product to build muscle mass and replenish protein deficiency.

Scientists have proven that the amount of enzymes secreted in the gastrointestinal tract and gastric juice for the breakdown of cottage cheese is several times lower than when digesting whole or fermented milk. That is why cottage cheese is not irritating the walls stomach, is part of most diets aimed at treating diseases of the digestive system.

Benefits for women

The benefits of cottage cheese for women are invaluable - thanks to essential acids tryptophan and methionine, it normalizes emotional background and helps improve mood, which is especially important during hormonal changes female body (puberty, menstruation, PMS, pregnancy, postpartum recovery, menopause).

According to doctors, cottage cheese should be an integral part of the diet of pregnant women, who especially need increased doses of calcium, which is used to build the baby’s skeletal system. The healing components of dietary products are indispensable during lactation. They are completely absorbed by the mother’s body and are supplied to the newborn along with breast milk.

Low-fat cottage cheese has gained particular popularity in recent years. Its benefits and harms lie in minimum quantity fats and production technology from skim milk by lactic acid fermentation as a result of the introduction of starter cultures. Like all foods low in lipids, it is useful in the diet of people seeking to be slim.

Low-fat cottage cheese has the maximum concentration of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin PP. It is this type of product that most effectively strengthens bones and teeth, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, and heals the intestinal microflora.

Low-fat varieties are especially valued in dietary tables With limited consumption fat, for example, diet No. 5 for pancreatitis.

Fatty types of cottage cheese, including village cottage cheese, are contraindicated in the diet of patients suffering from serious kidney diseases and having problems with the pancreas, as well as in situations where it is necessary to limit the intake of protein compounds and calcium.

It is undesirable to consume cottage cheese with a fat content of more than 5% for those who adhere to a diet aimed at losing weight. More high concentrations lipids can provoke a gain of unwanted fat mass in the body. It is also worth giving up the high-fat product for those who have elevated levels of low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol).

According to the recommendations of experienced nutritionists, the daily serving of cottage cheese for an adult is healthy person should not exceed 0.3 kg. High doses Protein compounds that enter the body with food can cause kidney problems. Children's portions depend on the age of the child and the recommendations of a qualified pediatrician.

The balance of benefit and harm in cottage cheese is determined by the method of its production and the quality of the product. It is natural that maximum amount biologically active compounds contains a product obtained at home by fermenting natural whole milk.

You should not eat cottage cheese that has expired, as pathogenic microflora, in particular E. coli, are actively developing in it. It is undesirable to purchase the product in places of spontaneous trade, since the sale of cottage cheese is carried out in unsanitary conditions. Also, when buying it secondhand from unverified sellers, you cannot be insured against their dishonesty.

Avoid sweet curd cheeses that are so popular in Lately. They contain a lot of sugar, its substitutes, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, synthetic flavors, and sweeteners. It’s better to prepare your child’s dessert yourself by whipping cottage cheese with honey, berries or fruits in a food processor and sprinkling it with natural dark chocolate.

Be sure to include cottage cheese in daily diet adults and children. This will help prevent calcium leaching and relieve brittle bones, as well as strengthen the body and improve vitality.

Be healthy!

Cottage cheese is the most valuable dairy product. It is useful and often necessary for children, as well as adults.

A distinction is made between full-fat cottage cheese, made from whole milk, and low-fat cottage cheese, made from skim milk.

Low-fat cottage cheese contains a lot of complete milk proteins (16%), mainly casein, which are almost completely absorbed by the human body. In addition, it contains lactic acid, minerals, in particular calcium salts, milk sugar, very little fat (0.5%) and 80% water.

In contrast to low-fat cottage cheese, full-fat cottage cheese contains at least 18% fat and no more than 65% water; They also produce cottage cheese containing 9% fat.

Due to the large amount of fat and protein, the calorie content of full-fat cottage cheese is high (100 g of cottage cheese contains 253 high calories, while the calorie content of 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese is 86 high calories). In terms of calories, fatty cottage cheese is superior to beef of average fatness.

Cottage cheese is a favorable environment for the life of various microorganisms, such as milk mold, so it is poorly preserved and its quality quickly deteriorates. It must be used soon after purchase in a store or manufacture. For 1-2 days, the cottage cheese can be stored in the cold, for example in a home refrigerator.

Only fresh cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk can be eaten directly. Cottage cheese made from raw milk may contain unwanted microorganisms, sometimes even harmful to human health.

Cottage cheese purchased at the market or made from raw milk, or stored at home for some time, should not be consumed without prior heat treatment. In this case, it must be heated to a high temperature, i.e., used only for preparing dishes such as cheesecakes, dumplings, etc.


The nutritional value of cottage cheese is determined by the quantity and quality of proteins, fat and mineral salts.

Cottage cheese proteins contain the essential amino acid methionine, as well as choline, which improve metabolism and prevent obesity and atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese is especially useful for children, pregnant and lactating women, as it is rich in calcium and phosphorus salts, necessary for bone growth, blood formation, and for the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

Cottage cheese is recommended for patients with tuberculosis, anemic people, those in need of increased good nutrition. It is useful for liver and kidney diseases with edema, because calcium helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Fat cottage cheese is very nutritious. From it you can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. The fat contained in cottage cheese is absorbed by 90-95%.

Acidophilus-yeast cottage cheese, used to feed weakened children, as well as for gastrointestinal diseases, tuberculosis, anemia. It is enriched with yeast and acidophilus cultures that improve digestion. Low-fat and acidophilus-yeast cottage cheese is also recommended for use for atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, hypertension and colitis with diarrhea.

Cooking at home

To prepare good cottage cheese at home, certain conditions must be met.

First of all, you should pasteurize or boil the milk, since raw milk can contain both beneficial lactic acid bacteria and harmful microorganisms. When heated to a high temperature, almost all microorganisms found in raw milk, including harmful ones, are killed.

During pasteurization, milk poured into a pan must be heated, stirring, to 80° and kept at this temperature for 10-15 minutes, removing the pan from the heat. The temperature of milk during pasteurization should be measured with an alcohol thermometer (without a wooden frame).

Then the hot milk must be cooled as quickly as possible to a temperature of 32-36°. It is best to lower the pan with hot milk into another bowl with cold water, avoiding water getting into the milk and changing the water several times.

Pour the starter containing lactic acid bacteria into the cooled milk in a thin stream, stirring occasionally (about 2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of milk). Essentially, it turns out to be sour milk.

The starter can be ready-made yogurt (not acidophilic) or good sour cream. It is best to use a special starter for cottage cheese, sour cream or fermented butter, which can be purchased in laboratories that produce bacterial starters for the production of various dairy products.

Mix the fermented milk with a spoon, cover the pan with a lid and place in a warm place.

Leave the milk alone until fermentation, i.e. until a curd forms.

The finished clot should be quite dense, have smooth edges on the break, a shiny smooth surface, and the whey that separates should be transparent and greenish in color.

You cannot use insufficiently fermented, weak curds for making cottage cheese. From such a clot the whey is poorly released and the resulting cottage cheese is of low quality. You should also not ferment the milk too much - the cottage cheese will be sour.

The whey should be partially removed from the resulting curd. To do this, you need to cut it into rectangular pieces, transfer them to a sieve or colander, treated with boiling water and covered with gauze folded in half. It’s even better to place the uncut curd with a large spoon in layers on cheesecloth placed on a sieve or colander.

To speed up the separation of whey, you can carefully heat the cut curd to 36-38°. To do this, place the pan with the clot in a bowl with hot water and use a spoon to carefully move the top layers of it from one wall of the pan to the other. At the same time, pieces of curd from the bottom of the pan rise, and the upper ones fall, which contributes to uniform heating of the mass and better separation of the whey. Then transfer the curd to a sieve covered with gauze to drain the whey.

When the whey separation stops, cool the curd mass in gauze and, if necessary, press it out. To do this, place a board treated with boiling water on the cottage cheese in gauze, and place a weight on it. Transfer the pressed cottage cheese to a cool place.

Sometimes at home, raw milk that has accidentally turned sour after being stored in unfavorable conditions is used to make cottage cheese. This cannot be done, since undesirable microorganisms will pass from sour raw milk into the curd. You should also not use accidentally sour pasteurized milk to make cottage cheese.

In cooking

Fat and low-fat cottage cheese is widely used for the production of a variety of cottage cheese products. At the same time, flavoring and aromatic substances, sugar, raisins, candied fruits, cocoa, vanillin or salt, caraway seeds, dill, etc., as well as butter are added to it.

Sweet curd products are produced with different fat contents: high-fat, full-fat, semi-fat and low-fat.

High-fat curd products (20-26% fat) include: special sweet curd mass, Moscow curd mass, special sweet curd cheese, children's curd cheese. They are prepared from cottage cheese, processed to a homogeneous consistency, to which is added butter or cream, sugar (16-26%), as well as flavoring and aromatic substances: honey, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots, marmalade, nut kernels (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts), vanillin, cocoa, coffee extract, cinnamon, etc. .

This group also includes glazed cheese curds, which are high-fat curd sweet cheeses coated chocolate icing.

Close to this group of products are curd cakes, in the production of which curd mass with a high fat content (22-26%), sugar (26-30%) and flavoring and aromatic additives are used. Rectangular or round pieces of 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 g are formed from the mass and their surface is decorated with butter cream.

Fatty (about 15% fat), semi-fat (about 7% fat) and low-fat cottage cheese products are produced in the form of curd mass and curd cheeses with various flavoring and aromatic substances.

In addition to the above mentioned sweet curd products, they also produce curd creams with vanilla, chocolate and other additives. They contain at least 18% fat and at least 30% beet sugar.

Salted curd products include curd mass and fatty curd cheeses (15.5-17.5% fat), semi-fat (at least 8.5% fat) and low-fat. When producing these products, only table salt or salt with various flavoring and aromatic substances and spices are added to the ground cottage cheese: tomato puree, cumin, dill, allspice, red pepper, etc.

Curd mass

To prepare the curd mass, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar and, if desired, butter, melted until creamy.

Part of the sugar (about 1/2) can be replaced natural honey. To add flavor to the curd mass, you can add vanillin, pre-mixed with part of what is added to the mass. granulated sugar.

To prepare chocolate curd mass, in addition to sugar and butter, add cocoa powder to the cottage cheese. You can add candied fruits, dried apricots (without seeds), marmalade or raisins cut into small pieces to the sweet cheese mass.

For uniform distribution Added substances to the cottage cheese must be thoroughly mixed.

Add table salt to the mashed cottage cheese and, if desired, any spices, such as cumin, dill, pepper, tomato puree. You will get a salty curd mass. 4

To prepare 1 kg of sweet cheese mass, add 130-170 g of sugar, 85-130 g of butter, 60-100 g of raisins, candied fruits, marmalade, 20 g of cocoa powder, 0.1 g of vanillin to the fatty cottage cheese; to obtain 1 kg of salted cheese mass - 15 g table salt, 5-15 g cumin, 1 g dill, 1 g allspice, 100 g tomato puree.

Cottage cheese production

This delicate, slightly sour dairy product has long been very popular in our country. And no wonder - cottage cheese is nutritious, tasty, and indispensable in the preparation of many dishes, both first, second and third. Cheesecakes, cheesecakes, dumplings - these are not the most delicious things that can be made from cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is produced in both rural and urban factories. Its production is based on the extraction from milk of such valuable components, like protein and fat. And here lactic acid bacteria come to the rescue.

At state dairies, cottage cheese is produced from pasteurized milk, which is fermented using a starter made from lactic acid bacteria specially selected in laboratories. This guarantees a high quality product.

Curd shop. In rows on the site there are large tanks - baths with a capacity of up to 2.5 thousand liters each. At the Ostankino dairy plant in Moscow, for example, 20 such baths have been installed. This means that about 50 tons of milk can be processed here at the same time. How much cottage cheese will you get? It will be approximately 8 tons, i.e. 6 times less, the rest is whey.

Fermented milk in a bath is a homogeneous mass, the so-called curd. To completely separate the whey, it can be heated, as is done when making cottage cheese at home. But urban dairies instead add a small amount of rennet to the milk at the beginning of the process, making the job easier.

The resulting clot is cut into small cubes with special knives, and a light green liquid appears at the cut sites. The mass in the bath is divided into two layers - one consists of shiny white cubes, the other is whey. She is removed from the bath. To obtain cottage cheese that meets the moisture content requirements technical specifications, the curd mass is pressed. To do this, it is placed in calico bags, which are placed on a special trolley-press. Pressing continues until the whey stops draining. This process occurs at low temperature.

This old way production is gradually being replaced by new ones. It consists of producing low-fat cottage cheese from skim milk, which is then mixed with cream to obtain a product of standard fat content. Thanks to this, the production cycle is accelerated, raw materials are saved and product output is increased.

When producing cottage cheese, observe temperature regime with an accuracy of one degree, carefully control the acidity of the product.

All this is done in order to obtain high quality cottage cheese.

Previously, cottage cheese was sold only in wooden tubs. Currently, a significant part of it comes to stores in the form of 500 g briquettes, packed in thick paper. Many dairies use special machines for packaging cottage cheese. Every minute, such a machine can produce up to 16 half-kilogram briquettes of cottage cheese.

Our ancestors learned to make cottage cheese a long time ago. In many countries this product was revered as nutritional value, and in some they even endowed him with magical powers. So, according to legend, cottage cheese was Krishna’s favorite dish. He praised him for his ability to prolong a person’s youth, protect him from disease and give him strength. Residents ancient india gave cottage cheese the ability to bring good luck. For this purpose, a special ritual was even invented to knock down pots with this product from special poles. Those who succeeded were assured of happiness and prosperity for the whole year.

IN modern world Cottage cheese is also considered a very popular food product. It is easily digestible and compatible with many products. The beneficial properties of cottage cheese are perfectly reflected in the health of a growing body and older people. It is also indispensable in the diet of those who control their weight.

How to benefit and not harm the body by eating cottage cheese

Despite the fact that meat is considered the main source of protein, cottage cheese protein content practically keeps up with him. And if you eat low-calorie cottage cheese, you don’t have to worry about increasing cholesterol in the blood, something that adherents of meat products cannot boast of.

The value of cottage cheese is hidden in the very process of its preparation. After all, it is at the moment of ripening that its most useful components are released: protein and milk fat. With 300 g of cottage cheese you can satisfy the body's need for a daily dose of protein. The amino acids contained in this product can prevent liver disease. Minerals strengthen bones. And vitamins protect against the formation atherosclerotic plaques. Consumption of cottage cheese restores metabolism and nervous system, and also increases hemoglobin. But cottage cheese is useful not only as a food product. It is also used as cosmetic product for skin.

Along with its benefits, cottage cheese can also cause harm to the body. To prevent its consumption from adversely affecting the condition of the pancreas, you should not eat it every day. 200 g twice or thrice a week will be quite enough for the body.

Compared to other fermented milk products, cottage cheese spoils faster, thereby provoking the proliferation of E. coli. This fact must be taken into account when purchasing a product. Without confidence in the conditions of its production and storage, it is better to refuse the purchase. An expired product can affect the functioning of the intestines and kidneys.

It will not be possible to derive any benefit from a curd product that contains vegetable fats. Although it is he who is not capable of harming blood vessels - unlike fatty cottage cheese, which increases cholesterol and contributes to diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese: product composition

Cottage cheese is made from milk - a valuable product that a person tries first in his life. Therefore, all useful elements are concentrated as much as possible in cottage cheese. First of all, it is rich in protein, as well as microelements: iron, calcium and phosphorus. Cottage cheese also contains 12 vitamins. All of them are harmoniously balanced, which helps the human body easily absorb the product.

What benefits and harm does cottage cheese bring to human body? Nutritional value ensures the presence of protein in the product. Phosphorus and calcium contribute to the formation and strengthening of the skeletal system. The presence of minerals helps prevent anemia. And B vitamins regulate metabolism, improve vision, and prevent atherosclerosis.

However, you should not overuse cottage cheese, so as not to harm the liver. It is enough for an adult to eat 200 g several times a week. For preschoolers - 300 g in 3-4 doses. Babies can be fed cottage cheese no earlier than 7-8 months of age, or even later. The first curd complementary food should not contain any additives.

Calorie content of cottage cheese

The nutritional value of cottage cheese directly depends on its fat content. So, 100 g of a fatty product contains 230 kcal, medium-fat - about 160 kcal, and low-fat - 85 kcal.

Moreover, the presence of protein in fatty and low-calorie cottage cheese is not particularly different. Therefore, of course, it is better to choose a low-fat product.

The value of cottage cheese is in calcium

This trace element plays an important role for the human body. It is necessary to strengthen nails, teeth and bones, which is important for both children and the elderly. Calcium promotes growth and physiological development little children. Its deficiency leads to urolithiasis and poor blood clotting.

100 g of cottage cheese contains approximately 100-120 mg of calcium. Homemade cottage cheese contains less calcium. This is due to the fact that during its manufacture, most of the microelement remains in the serum and does not enter the the right quantity into the final product.

For children, cottage cheese is an essential product in the diet. It is necessary to feed your child with it so that he grows well and is strong. Children are first introduced to this fermented milk product before they are one year old. For babies who are bottle-fed or suffer from rickets, cottage cheese is introduced into the diet earlier. Complementary feeding begins with half a teaspoon and over a few days, gradually, is brought up to a tablespoon.

Exactly at infancy The child’s teeth and bones are actively forming, and cottage cheese rich in phosphorus and calcium contributes to this. Support the production of immunity, as well as the formation of cells and enzymes in the body small child Milk protein helps.

It is extremely important to include cottage cheese in the diet of pregnant women

What are the benefits of cottage cheese for pregnant women? For the full development of a child in the womb, this product, rich in calcium, protein, iron and other microelements, is necessary. If something is missing, the child will begin to make up for the deficiency from the mother’s body. And then the woman will start complaining about bad teeth and brittle nails, weak bones and muscles, hair loss. If a pregnant woman’s body lacks iron, which is involved in the structure of the baby’s circulatory system, she may suffer from anemia and even feel the threat of miscarriage. To prevent all this from happening, it is enough for the expectant mother to eat about 200 g of cottage cheese 2-3 times a week. Too much frequent use product may cause problems with the pancreas.

Having decided to include cottage cheese in your diet, the benefits and harms should be discussed with your doctor so as not to harm either yourself or your child. Pregnant women should take into account that a homemade product may be dangerous for them, because... it is unknown whether they were complied with sanitary standards when preparing it. You can eat such cottage cheese only if it has been sold by a seller you have trusted for years. It is best to give preference to a product from a store produced in accordance with GOST. Cottage cheese should be purchased without any additives, and you should also refuse to purchase anything marked “ curd product“- vegetable fats and preservatives are added to it, and the requirements of the State Standard for their production are not met.

How to choose the right cottage cheese in the supermarket

For those who prefer store-bought cottage cheese, you should buy it in clear plastic packaging. You shouldn't take the soft one, because... it is unknown whether it was damaged during storage and whether pathogenic microorganisms got inside. You only need to choose a product with the name “cottage cheese”. Modified names like “curd” or “curd product” have nothing to do with the natural product.

High-quality cottage cheese should contain nothing but milk and sourdough. And natural cottage cheese can be stored for no more than 7 days. As the shelf life increases, the manufacturer adds preservatives.

What should you pay attention to when buying cottage cheese on the market?

Fresh cottage cheese should be white with a delicate pastel shade. Yellowness or blueness in the product indicates its spoilage. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers mix fresh and stale cottage cheese, as indicated by uneven color.

Fresh cottage cheese should not be bitter or too sour. And its smell should not be pungent.

To increase the volume, semolina can be added to the cottage cheese. This is not difficult to recognize. Cottage cheese with impurities will crumble into small pieces when broken, while high-quality cottage cheese will split into large pieces.

It would also be a good idea to pay attention to the amount of cottage cheese sold by the seller. If it is more than 10 kg, then most likely the cottage cheese is stale and was collected over several days. Because one private owner is unlikely to have enough milk to produce such a large amount of fermented milk product. Large volumes are available only to farms.

Cottage cheese that crumbles will be stored longer, but it is extremely difficult to prepare any dish from it. If the cottage cheese is too liquid, then this indicates that it was diluted with something or it has begun to sour.

Is a low-calorie product really healthy?

Most often, cottage cheese with minimal fat content is chosen by people watching their weight. But not everyone knows that manufacturers often add sugar to such a product to improve its taste. You can read about its availability on the packaging. For the same purpose, cottage cheese is also flavored with a large amount of salt, which retains water in the body and leads to swelling and excess weight. Therefore, if you choose it inattentively, low-fat cottage cheese may not always be beneficial.

Grain cottage cheese is not so harmless. It tastes better than diet food because more content fat But you should know that during production, such cottage cheese is flavored with cream, which increases its calorie content.

You can prepare a quality product yourself

This can be an excellent solution for those who are afraid of encountering unscrupulous sellers or cottage cheese manufacturers. After all, when preparing homemade cottage cheese from milk, you will know exactly what you put in it and under what conditions you cooked it.

For cooking home product you need to take 2 liters of sour milk and salt. Place a deep iron bowl with milk on water bath and add half a teaspoon of salt. Heat over low heat. During this process, the sour milk will begin to curdle. Let sit for about five minutes and drain the resulting mass into a colander lined with several layers of gauze. When the whey has drained, wrap the cottage cheese in gauze and leave it hanging for a couple of hours. The output is about 250 g of tasty homemade cottage cheese from milk.

How and how long to store cottage cheese

In the refrigerator - no more than three days. After this period has expired, the product can only be consumed in processed form. If the cottage cheese begins to sour, it should be thrown away, because it is impossible to stop this process, and its use can have a detrimental effect on health.

The product should be stored at a temperature of +2+6 o C. The shelf life in the refrigerator of cottage cheese purchased in a store can be extended if the manufacturer stated so on the packaging. But in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that it contains preservatives. Frozen product can be stored for up to six months. But in this case beneficial features cottage cheese is lost by a third. There should be no meat or fish near him, otherwise he will absorb their smells. You need to defrost the cottage cheese gradually, moving it first to the refrigerator, and after a few hours to room temperature.

When putting cottage cheese in the refrigerator, it is best to place it in a glass jar or plastic container with a lid. You can also wrap it in parchment or foil. In cling film or plastic bag it will quickly deteriorate due to condensation forming inside. To prolong the freshness of the cottage cheese, you can add a piece of sugar to the container.

After heat treatment Curd products can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, and in the case of baking - up to two.

Delicious cottage cheese dishes

We discussed the benefits and harms cottage cheese brings to the body. It is also worth knowing that from this product you can prepare a variety of low-calorie dishes. That is why people who are losing weight often choose it. Curd desserts are easily digestible and replenish the body's need for vitamins and microelements. Let's look at a few delicious ones dietary dishes from cottage cheese. Preparing them is not difficult at all, and the result will meet all your expectations.

Curd and nut snack

Add salt and finely chopped dill to the cottage cheese. Form balls and roll them in chopped nuts. This dish can be eaten for dinner.


Grind the banana into a puree - it will be in this dish as a sweetener. Mix it with cottage cheese. Add 1 egg and a couple of tablespoons of fiber. Pre-soak blue or regular raisins for 10-15 minutes in cold water- this way you will get rid of toxic chemical substance- sulfur dioxide, which is used in drying dried fruits in industry. Then rinse it and pour boiling water over it for a few seconds. Add raisins to the curd mass, stir and, placing in muffin tins, place in the oven. At a temperature of 200 o C, the muffins will be ready in 20-30 minutes. It is better to eat them in the first half of the day due to the presence of carbohydrates in them.

Diet pie with dried fruits

Cup oatmeal mix with the same amount of kefir. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes to swell. Add a pinch of salt, 250 g of cottage cheese and 150 g of various dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, prunes), previously soaked in cold water. 1 tsp put out the soda lemon juice. Beat 1 egg into the mixture and mix. Place in a silicone mold without fat and place in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 o C. It is recommended to eat this pie in the first half of the day.

Among athletes and people who watch their figure, their favorite product is low-fat cottage cheese. His taste qualities practically no different from semi-fat or full-fat cottage cheese. But at the same time it has much lower calorie content. However, there is an ambiguous attitude towards low-fat cottage cheese. In order to benefit from its use and not harm, you should take into account some nuances.

This product contains a minimum of fat in its composition: from 0% to 1.8%. Low-fat cottage cheese contains a lot of protein - 22 g per 100 g of product.

Skim cheese rich in vitamins such as B2, B6, B9, B12, H, PP. It also contains a lot of minerals:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • cobalt;
  • molybdenum;
  • Selena;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • gland.

Because of low content fat, the calorie content of cottage cheese will be low - 74–110 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, it is often included in diets for weight loss and sports nutrition.

Low-fat cottage cheese is rich in vitamins, minerals and protein

Benefits of the product for the body

When consuming low-fat cottage cheese, the human body receives a lot of calcium. This mineral is known to be the main building material for bone tissue. With its deficiency, bones become brittle and teeth are destroyed. However, the importance of calcium for human health does not end there. Mineral accepts Active participation in muscle contraction, regulates the activity of the nervous system. Sufficient quantity calcium is very important during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in childhood For normal development and for the elderly.

The protein that comes with low-fat cottage cheese is an important element for the whole body. Cells, tissues, and enzymes are built from it. It is worth noting that the body does not store protein, so this element must be constantly supplied with food. Protein helps to recover from injuries, fight infections, and stop bleeding.

Low-fat cottage cheese improves blood formation processes and helps lose weight

In addition to the above, low-fat cottage cheese has the following effects on the body:

  • promotes the activation of all metabolic processes. This is important when losing weight, during pregnancy, and for those who play sports;
  • promotes the restoration of acid-base balance;
  • normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regulates the functioning of the central nervous system - improves memory and brain activity, promotes concentration, i.e., benefits for those who study or engage in mental work, and for the elderly;
  • improves hematopoietic processes (hemoglobin increases, anemia, which is often diagnosed during pregnancy, is prevented);
  • helps with heart disease and has a positive effect on blood vessels, which is important when playing sports, as well as for older people;
  • helps improve kidney function;
  • helps restore vision (light and twilight vision is normalized);
  • is a preventative against rickets in children, and also strengthens musculoskeletal system at a more advanced age;
  • helps keep you healthy skin and mucous membranes, makes nails strong and hair silky and shiny;
  • has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system;
  • during breastfeeding, increases lactation;
  • allows you to lose extra pounds.

What harm could it do?

Cottage cheese is one of those few products that cause virtually no harm to the body.

Still, some points should be voiced. First of all, human health may suffer if stale cottage cheese is eaten. As you know, fermented milk environment is ideal for development and reproduction. If the cottage cheese has been stored for a long time or incorrectly, then harmful bacteria such as E. coli and even salmonella can be found in it. After consuming the product, colic, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. will appear. Therefore, when choosing cottage cheese, you should definitely pay attention to the expiration dates, especially if the product is taken for a child.

If cottage cheese is stored incorrectly, harmful bacteria appear in the product.

The second danger that low-fat cottage cheese carries is its excessive consumption. Many people striving for an ideal figure begin to consume the product uncontrollably, citing the fact that it contains few calories. However, cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, which breaks down into amino acids during the breakdown process. The latter break down into ammonia, water and carbon dioxide. Ammonia is toxic substance

, which is neutralized by the liver and excreted from the body by the kidneys. With a large intake of protein, the load on the kidneys increases greatly, which can cause disturbances in their activity. This situation is especially dangerous during pregnancy, when the kidneys work “for two.”

  • Contraindications to consuming low-fat cottage cheese are:
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypolactasia (the body's inability to break down lactose - milk sugar);

diseases associated with impaired calcium metabolism in the body.

How much can you eat

In order not to harm the body, saturating it with all the useful components, you need to follow the recommendations for consuming low-fat cottage cheese. Portions and frequency of intake depend on the person’s age, his condition and the goals he is pursuing.

Childhood After three years of age, low-fat cottage cheese may appear in a child’s diet. Daily norm

is 50–70 g per day. In this case, the product can be consumed in the form of casseroles, dumplings, cheesecakes, etc.

Cottage cheese provides invaluable benefits to children's bodies

Pregnancy During the period of bearing a child, cottage cheese is one of the main products in the diet of a pregnant woman. However, it should not be overused so as not to overload the kidneys. To future mom

I got everything I needed from the product without harming my health; it is enough to eat 150–200 g of cottage cheese every 2–3 days.

The intake of calcium into the body of a nursing woman should be regular, since it is necessary for the full development of the child. If calcium reserves are not replenished, the mineral will be taken from the mother's body. Therefore, consuming cottage cheese during lactation is mandatory. The daily allowance of the product for a nursing mother is 100 g.

Sports and bodybuilding

The necessary intake of calcium and protein into the body of athletes is the key to their victories. Protein is needed to build muscle mass. Low-fat cottage cheese is an excellent substitute for specialized sports nutrition.

Athletes involved in building muscle mass (bodybuilding) consume cottage cheese 1 hour before training to feed the muscles with protein, and 30 minutes after training in order to replenish expended energy. The daily allowance of cottage cheese in this case is 200 g.

For those who are drying their bodies, low-fat cottage cheese is also an ideal product. In this case, it should be eaten no later than 2 hours before the start of training and no earlier than 1.5 hours after it. When drying, it is recommended to eat 150 g of cottage cheese per day.

When playing sports, cottage cheese is one of the main products in the diet.

Weight loss

Low-fat cottage cheese is an ideal product for losing extra pounds. You can build on it effective diets. But this does not mean that you should eat only cottage cheese all day and night. Such mono-diets are fraught serious consequences for the body. Nutritionists recommend switching to balanced diet, which necessarily contains cottage cheese.

When losing weight, the number of meals increases to 5–6 times a day, and portion sizes decrease. Optimal daily dose low-fat cottage cheese is 200 g. Many diets are offered in which the daily dose of the product is increased to 300 g, but do not forget about possible consequences described above, with excessive consumption product.

Low-fat cottage cheese, when consumed correctly, will help you get rid of extra pounds.

Food allergies

Cottage cheese helps maintain immunity for those people who suffer from allergies and intolerance to certain foods. Cottage cheese allows you to compensate for the lack of many nutrients that an allergy sufferer cannot get from other sources. However, even here it is necessary to observe moderation. People suffering food allergies, should eat no more than 250 g of cottage cheese per day, and consumption of the product should not exceed three times a week.

Which is better: low-fat or full-fat cottage cheese?

Which cottage cheese is healthier for the body - fatty or low-fat? Many people probably have this question. It’s worth understanding this and comparing products according to different indicators.

Calorie content

It has already been said above that the calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese is quite low - only 74–110 kcal per 100 g of product, while cottage cheese with medium fat content (5–9%) contains 145–169 kcal, and a product with high fat content (18%) – 236 kcal. This means that for those watching their figure, low-fat cottage cheese wins.

In low-fat cottage cheese low calorie content compared to a fatty product


According to research results, in fatty product contains a large amount of cholesterol. This means that when consuming cottage cheese with high fat content, the risk of the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis increases. In this case, low-fat cottage cheese is safer and is especially recommended for people who have been diagnosed with increased content cholesterol in the blood.

Quantitative protein content

In terms of this parameter, the low-fat product again takes the lead. By reducing the proportion of fat, the amount of protein increases. Thus, cottage cheese with a fat content of 0–1.8% contains 22–20 g of protein, a product with 5–9% fat contains 21–18 g, and cottage cheese with 18% contains only 15 g.

Calcium Absorption

However, there is a fly in the ointment in the assessment of low-fat cottage cheese. It is known that calcium, for which cottage cheese is actually consumed, is well absorbed at a certain balance. So, for complete absorption of 1 mg of calcium, 1 g of fat is needed. Since in low-fat product If fat is almost completely absent, the mineral is not fully absorbed. From this point of view, cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% can be considered ideal. 100 g of such a product contains 95 mg of calcium, and for its absorption you will need 9.5 g of fat, and 9% cottage cheese contains 9 g of fat, i.e. calcium is well absorbed.

Another disadvantage of low-fat cottage cheese is the lack fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K, which bring invaluable benefits to the body. Vitamin A promotes good eyesight

From all of the above, it is impossible to make an unambiguous assessment of which cottage cheese is better: fatty or low-fat. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice must be made taking into account many factors, including the purpose for which the product is used. We can definitely say that it is better to avoid cottage cheese with high fat content (18%).

Video: low-fat versus fatty cottage cheese

How to choose the right cottage cheese

  1. Pay attention to the date of manufacture; the product should not be expired, since its fermented milk environment is ideal for the development of intestinal infections.
  2. Study the composition. IN quality cottage cheese The following components are allowed: skimmed milk and sourdough. Starch and other components reduce not only the cost, but the quality.
  3. The color of the cottage cheese should be white. Since there is no fat in it, there can be no yellowness either.
  4. It is advisable to give preference to cottage cheese that is made according to GOST standards.

Low-fat cottage cheese is a dietary product that cannot make you gain weight. It is rich in protein and other useful components. Cottage cheese recommended to people different ages. However, it is necessary to follow the daily consumption norms so as not to harm the body.


Cottage cheese is one of the most popular fermented milk products. It is considered an essential component of a complete diet for people of all ages. Its beneficial properties have interested people since the times of Ancient Rome.

So much is known today medicinal properties of this product, which can rightfully be considered unique.

What are the benefits and harms of cottage cheese, is it healthy to eat it every day, is regular cottage cheese healthier than low-fat cottage cheese, and when is it better to eat it - in the morning for breakfast, during the day or at night? Let's find out!

Beneficial features

For men

The benefits of this fermented milk product for men are obvious, because protein. This is especially true when active activities strength exercises.

Eating cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps cope with stress and overload.

As is known, dairy products are good for potency, therefore they must be present on the table of any man.

For children

In the first years of life, protein acts as a building material for child's body, That's why V baby food cottage cheese is simply irreplaceable.

In addition, the minerals in which it is so rich promotes growth and strengthening of bones and teeth.

Lactic acid bacteria help form microflora, and, consequently, local immunity.

For babies who are breastfed, curds should be given starting from 9 months. If the child is fed formula, you can start at 7 months.

Complementary feeding begins with one teaspoon, increasing the portion daily.

Benefits for pregnant and lactating women

What are the benefits of cottage cheese during pregnancy? While carrying a child, the expectant mother gives the child vitamins and calcium, the lack of which has a detrimental effect on her body.

That’s why pregnant women need to eat cottage cheese. In addition, its use has a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

However, from this food will have to refuse if the child has an allergic reaction.

The “Live Healthy!” program talks about the benefits and harms of cottage cheese for the human body:

We eat right

Let's try to answer the most FAQ: Which cottage cheese is the healthiest - low-fat or full-fat, when is it healthier to eat it - in the morning, in the evening or at night?

Fresh cottage cheese is most useful. Casseroles, cheesecakes and other dishes also contain vitamins, but some of the lactic acid bacteria, proteins and amino acids die during heat treatment.

You should not overuse glazed cheeses, sweet curds, or curds with additives. They will not bring any benefits, and the high calorie content will affect the figure.

Cottage cheese will be beneficial for both breakfast and dinner, but you shouldn’t eat it later than 2 hours before bedtime. If you like it more fatty, then eat it in the morning, it will bring more benefits.

Do you know what diet is necessary for hemorrhoids? our article. Find out more now!

Contraindications and precautions

Harm is usually determined individual intolerance or lack of freshness of the product. Intolerance refers to the inability of some people to digest the lactose found in dairy products.

In people with this condition, consuming lactose causes diarrhea, pain, and bloating.

Cottage cheese can cause a similar reaction in an absolutely healthy person who has consumed a stale product, since this product is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

It is a big risk to buy at the market; it may contain E. coli. Especially if you choose a fermented milk product for a child.

For an adult, 100-200 g per day three times a week is enough.. Excessive use can sometimes have a negative effect on the liver and blood vessels.

This fermented milk product quite often causes allergic reactions , which manifest themselves in the form of a rash on the skin, runny nose, tearfulness, and sometimes swelling of the skin.

Use for cosmetic purposes

Cottage cheese - not only food product . It is used to prepare creams and masks that help fight the following problems:

  • dry skin, peeling;
  • inflammation, black spots;
  • wrinkles, pigmentation.

For intense hydration and cleansing from dead cells use the following mask: 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese are ground with half a teaspoon of honey and.

The skin must first be cleaned. Then apply the mask in several layers, taking breaks between applications for 5 minutes.

After the last layer has dried, rinse off the remaining mask with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

To get rid of freckles, mix the main ingredient with lemon juice and yolk and leave on your face for 10 minutes.

A mask will help fight acne with the addition of greens, egg white, honey and lemon juice.

IN folk medicine there was also a place for this useful product. To make the burn go away faster, warm cottage cheese is applied to the sore spot three times a day. A compress with honey works well for bruises.

Types of cottage cheese diets for weight loss

Curd diets are considered one of the most effective. They are easily tolerated, characterized by the absence of hunger and good results.

Exists great amount variations of such methods of losing weight, here are a few of them.

Curd-kefir diet. The daily diet consists of 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 2 glasses. Food is divided into 5 meals. You can drink water, tea without sugar. Duration – 3 days.

You are allowed to eat 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day with the addition of bran, brewed in boiling water. You can eat berries, fruits and vegetables. A glass of kefir or fermented baked milk is allowed in the morning and evening. Observed for 5-7 days.

Also popular are diets made from cottage cheese with the addition of, eggs, yogurt, or . On average, a mono-diet helps you lose 500 g excess weight in a day.

Find out everything about postpartum. This might come in handy!

Read about what a diet during pregnancy can be for weight loss in our publication.

Everything you wanted to know about the low-calorie, low-carb Japanese diet,

  • the composition cannot include vegetable fats, hardeners, thickeners. Only milk and sourdough;
  • the consistency should be loose, uniform, and the color white or cream;
  • pay attention to the expiration date;
  • give preference to plastic containers, which guarantee protection from bacteria and extend shelf life.
  • Store-bought cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees. It is advisable to transfer it to a plastic or enamel container with a tight-fitting lid.

    Homemade is stored in foil or parchment and no more than 3 days.

    When the product is hard, dry, or yellow color, has bitter or sour taste, then most likely it is expired and should not be eaten.

    To extend shelf life, the product can be frozen. It will not lose its beneficial properties within a week. If the shelf life is running out, make cheesecakes, casserole, dumplings or pancakes from the leftovers.

    Cooking at home

    The best and quality product made from natural homemade milk. Store-bought pasteurized ones are not suitable, so you need to find fresh, whole ones.

    First you need to wait for the milk to sour. To do this, add a crust of black bread or a couple of spoons of good sour cream and leave it in a warm place for a day.

    Average from three liters of milk you can get about 1 kg crumbly useful substance.

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