Brewer's yeast is a valuable nutritional product containing natural protein, all known amino acids and vitamins B, D, E and C. This unique drug, allowing not only to improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails, but also to strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from exposure unfavorable factors environment. We studied customer reviews and prepared a selection of the best brewer's yeast for your health and beauty.

The best brewer's yeast for weight gain

Brewer's yeast helps achieve optimal weight. This universal remedy. So when overweight by accelerating metabolic processes they go away overweight. And if there is a deficiency, weight gain occurs due to improved appetite and normalization of digestion.

3 Faex medicinalis

The fastest and effective result, weight normalization
Country Russia
Average price: 142 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Brewer's yeast Faex medicinalis provides an excellent metabolic effect, which helps normalize weight. They contain vitamin B1, amino acids and minerals, improving food absorption and normalizing metabolic processes. Regular intake of this brewer's yeast greatly increases appetite, so the usual portion of food becomes insufficient. Within 10-14 days after starting treatment, reviews indicate weight gain.

Dry yeast Faex medicinalis not only normalizes weight, but also allows you to cope with dermatological problems, restore hair structure and strengthen nails. Taking them allows you to gain weight, cure furunculosis, acne and other diseases caused by improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Brewer's yeast from Russian manufacturer SAYNTEC removes toxins and waste from the body, helping to saturate it with vitamins, macro- and microelements.

2 Amateg

Effective replenishment of body weight deficiency
Country: Belarus
Average price: 116 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Brewer's yeast from Amateg (AMT) is recommended to improve the body's performance. This dietary supplement has a general tonic effect, regulates metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It's high effective remedy for withdrawal toxic substances. Users indicate in reviews an improvement in appetite after a course of taking yeast, as well as weight gain. Users do not like the smell, as well as the dosage - from 10 to 15 tablets per day.


  • promotes weight gain;
  • removes toxins;
  • improves appetite;
  • regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • low price.


The best choice is brewer's yeast enriched useful microelements. You decide for yourself what the drug will contain: zinc, succinic acid, sulfur or other substances. So that you can do right choice, we have prepared a small comparison:

Sea salt indications. Sea salt - a universal health soldier

One of the articles that I read at the time may be useful to someone.

Brewer's yeast (namely brewer's yeast autolysate, i.e. a drug obtained from initial biological raw materials) is a dietary supplement, the intake of which is good for weight gain, normalization of metabolic processes and metabolism. Brewer's yeast contains up to 27% of various amino acids, eight of which are essential, i.e. amino acids that are not synthesized independently and must enter the human body with food.

Compound brewer's yeast includes group vitamins B (B1, B2, B6). Yeast also contains vitamins PP, N, D, E, F, K, chains of essential fatty acids, macro- and microelements, such as: iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, manganese, etc. Vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The yeast components are located in protein complexes, which contributes to their better absorption in the body.

IN medicinal purposes, incl. to increase weight, yeast is used due to its high content of B vitamins. Biochemicals are produced from yeast itself or its derivatives, in particular lipids, nucleic and organic acids, enzymes and coenzymes. In the post-war years there were places where speed dial weights sold brewer's yeast in liquid form: this is how they fought against exhaustion.

Autolysate (in tablets or liquid form) of brewer's yeast is prescribed for hypovitaminosis, protein depletion, to enhance the functions of the immune system, normalize metabolic processes and improve digestion, increase the body's activity during physical activity and for better recruitment muscle mass. Consumption of brewer's yeast autolysate often contributes to weight gain.

Is brewer's yeast effective for weight gain?

People often feel the desire to gain weight quickly skinny girls, and the problem often arises due to accelerated, and sometimes even incorrect exchange substances. By the way, rumors that a girl can gain a lot of weight from taking brewer's yeast are greatly exaggerated.

The fact is that the principle of action of brewer’s yeast, in fact, does not correspond to expectations like “I’ll get better quickly from it.”
The effect of brewer's yeast is that it improves metabolic processes, has a good effect on liver function, improves digestion, because it creates a special nutrient medium, where present beneficial microflora intestines. Knowing these properties of brewer's yeast, it would be more correct to talk not so much about their effect on weight gain, but about their ability to bring weight back to normal.

Yeast for increasing muscle weight and mass

As already mentioned, taking brewer's yeast (autolysate) provides the body with a lot of necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as essential amino acids.

Amino acids in the human body act as “building blocks” in the creation and restoration of various tissues. Due to the necessary chains of amino acids, muscle mass is gained, and this leads to an increase in total muscle mass (subject to intense physical activity).

And the vitamins included in the composition improve the absorption of amino acids, which makes the drug useful and effective in gaining muscle mass.

But to gain muscle mass for men, amino acids and minerals alone are not enough. An important and integral condition for weight gain is intense physical exercise. Muscles grow under the influence of heavy weights, so it is important to plan a program for yourself strength exercises, when performed, those muscle groups where you need to gain weight will grow.

Increasing muscle mass leads to an increase in overall body weight, which will be our desired result. This approach to solving the problem underweight body is much more beneficial for our body than an increase in fat mass, which can lead to various diseases. Therefore, for men and girls, if they want to gain weight quickly, it is better not to look for ways to quickly gain weight, but to direct their efforts towards increasing muscle mass.

In addition to what has already been said, when taking liquid brewer's yeast(or in tablet form), you need to carefully plan your diet. The fact is that brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on metabolism, as a result of which appetite increases. If you don’t monitor the amount and composition of your meals, you can actually gain weight not because of an increase in muscle mass. Those. just get fat.

How to gain weight with a brewer's yeast drink

This drink recipe serves as a source of protein and various vitamins and it can be considered as a nutritious food in addition to the regular diet.

To prepare the drink you need pressed yeast (in briquettes) - 50 grams, 15 g of black bread and about 300 g. Drinking water.
The bread is cut into small slices, in the form of crackers, and dried in the oven until golden brown. Then the resulting crackers are poured with boiling water and infused at room temperature for 3 hours.

After this, everything is filtered and brewer’s yeast for weight gain (45g) is poured with the prepared infusion. The mixture is heated to a temperature of about 70 degrees, then cooled to room temperature. Then another 5 g of yeast is added to the resulting drink and stored in a warm place for 7-8 hours. The finished drink can be sweetened by adding honey or sugar.

Best price

Auxiliary Component

Regulating blood sugar levels,

Maintaining acute sense of smell and taste

Strengthening the immune system

Excessive intake of zinc supplements impairs calcium and iron absorption

Promoting bone growth and strengthening,

Reducing the risk of heart disease,

Stimulating hormone secretion

Its excess in the body can lead to calcification of blood vessels (increased their stiffness)

succinic acid

Strengthening the body's immune system,

Normalization of central nervous system activity,

Countering stress and tension

It does not accumulate in the body, so to achieve the desired result it must be taken constantly

Maintaining optimal bile concentration,

Active protection of blood protoplasm,

Ensuring a sufficient level of clotting

Unpleasant aroma in sulfur-containing drugs

Powerful antioxidant effect

Restoration of activity thyroid gland

Relieving the main symptoms of asthma

An excess of selenium in the body (more than 800 mcg per day) causes nervous disorders

1 Eco-mon

Best for Weight Gain
Country Russia
Average price: 114 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Brewer's yeast of the Eco-mon brand cleans and improves its functioning gastrointestinal tract. According to users, this food supplement helps increase appetite and normalize muscle activity, increases the body's resistance to disease and prevents fatigue. All this in a positive way affects those who dream of replenishing their body weight deficit. Buyers emphasize in reviews that when consuming brewer's yeast, they should opt for more high-calorie nutrition, and do not forget about moderate physical activity. The disadvantage is bloating while taking dietary supplements.


  • low price;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improves appetite;
  • prevents fatigue.


  • excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines.

The best brewer's yeast for acne

Brewer's yeast helps get rid of juvenile acne and rashes. Users note in reviews a noticeable improvement in the condition of their skin in general. Dermatologists and cosmetologists often recommend that patients turn to brewer's yeast for skin diseases(psoriasis, furunculosis, eczema, etc.). Facial masks with brewer's yeast, supplemented with kefir or warm milk, can also help clear your face of acne faster.

3 Bioterra

Best price
Country: Belarus
Average price: 55 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Brewer's yeast Bioterra – effective dietary supplement, which effectively relieves acne and rashes at a very modest price. Users describe in reviews positive impact on the skin of the face in a short time - from 2 weeks. The disadvantage is the large daily dosage - 15 tablets, which should be taken 10 minutes before meals. Another disadvantage is the unpleasant smell. Some users have encountered problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with fermentation. Many people notice weight gain due to a strong appetite.


  • low price;
  • relieves acne;
  • the effect is noticeable after two weeks of use.


  • large daily dosage;
  • increases weight;
  • provokes fermentation.

2 Osokor

Highly effective acne treatment
Country Ukraine
Average price: 200 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Osokor brewer's yeast is designed to improve metabolism and enrich the body with vitamins and microelements. This dietary supplement is used as an auxiliary measure for acne. The composition contains zinc and selenium oxides, B-carotene, sulfur, lactose, calcium, ascorbic acid. It is recommended to take 2-3 tablets twice or thrice daily with meals. Users respond positively to this brewer's yeast, noting that their facial skin becomes cleaner and softer. However, a tangible result is waiting for itself - from 2 to 6 months. Among the shortcomings - high probability weight gain.


  • composition enriched with vitamins and microelements;
  • improves skin condition;
  • acceptable daily dosage (4-9 pcs./day);
  • affordable price.


  • risk of weight gain;
  • result after 2 months.

1 Nagipol

The best speed to get rid of acne
Country Russia
Average price: 154 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Brewer's yeast Nagipol is a biologically active supplement in tablet form, enriched with vitamins B6, B9, B12, E, as well as essential microelements– selenium, chromium and zinc. The product is intended to combat acne. Thanks to the balanced composition, skin cells are renewed and blood supply is normalized. Users confirm that this brewer's yeast effectively treats acne and protects facial skin from negative external influences. Reviews note that the first results are noticeable after just a week of use. Discomfort is accompanied by taking pills due to bitter taste And unpleasant odor. The dosage (3-5 pieces/3 times a day) seems inconvenient to many.


  • natural composition;
  • effectively treats skin from acne;
  • eliminates acne within a week of use;
  • protects the skin from external factors;
  • low price.


  • bitter taste and unpleasant odor;
  • large daily dosage (9-15 pcs./day).

The best brewer's yeast for hair

Brewer's yeast stops hair loss and has a general strengthening effect on brittle, unruly, damaged and thinning hair. For this purpose, they can not only be consumed internally, but also prepared on their basis. healing masks. It is best to combine brewer's yeast with kefir and honey for dry hair, and for oily hair with water and a chicken egg.

3 Now Foods

Best release form
Country: USA
Average price: 451 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Brewer's yeast of the Know Foods brand is rich in protein and B vitamins. As customers note in their reviews, after a course of treatment, hair transformation is noticeable. Unlike other dietary supplements, this brewer's yeast is inactive - it does not contain Candida fungus, which can cause thrush. Users especially like the flake form. You don't need to cook them, just sprinkle them on the dish. As a bonus - pleasant taste and aroma. There is also a more common form of release - tablets. The obvious disadvantage is high price, as well as difficulties with searching, since not all specialized stores and especially pharmacies have this brewer’s yeast for sale. Another plus is that their use does not affect weight.


  • improves hair condition;
  • release form - flakes and tablets;
  • safe composition;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • does not affect weight.


  • high price;
  • difficulty of acquisition.

2 Ecco plus

Effective hair treatment
Country Russia
Average price: 138 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The dietary supplement Ekko plus has a pronounced positive action in relation to hair. Users confirm that when consuming this brewer's yeast, it is possible to stop their loss. This result can be explained high content containing calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3 and ascorbic acid. After a course of treatment, judging by the reviews, the hair is noticeably strengthened and its oil content reduced. From negative aspects fermentation in the stomach during use is indicated. Many describe weight gain as a side effect.


  • low cost;
  • strengthens hair;
  • stops hair loss;
  • reduces fat content.


  • causes fermentation;
  • promotes weight gain.

1 Evisent

Evisent brewer's yeast is a leader among highly effective complex natural vitamin products to improve hair, according to user vote. The drug acts as an additional source of vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP. Distinctive feature is that its use does not cause weight gain. This brewer's yeast activates hair growth, reduces fat content, and has a strengthening and regenerating effect. The reviews note that thanks to the inclusion of sulfur in the composition, the condition of the hair returns to normal in as soon as possible. After a week of taking it, their loss stops. Hair becomes soft and manageable. As a side effect, some users report an increase in appetite. Many considered the cost too high.


  • stops hair loss;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • reduces fat content;
  • does not promote weight gain.


  • may increase appetite;
  • overpriced.

The best brewer's yeast to strengthen the immune system

3 “Svobodny-20” with succinic acid

Effective relief of stress and tension, production of beneficial enzymes
Country Russia
Average price: 120 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Brewer's yeast "Svobodny-20" with succinic acid is a general strengthening preparation enriched with calcium. Its use helps improve the functioning of many organs: the heart, brain, kidneys and even the liver. Succinic acid strengthens the immune system, protects it from stress and neutralizes the most dangerous poisons, entering the body through smoking and drinking alcohol. It activates the production of enzymes that are essential for humans, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

The composition of brewer's yeast "Svobodny-20" includes a number of excipients: lactose, aerosil and calcium seatrate (E470). Succinic acid promotes the production of insulin and reduces blood sugar levels, which is important for longevity. Judging by the reviews, the first effect is noticeable within 14 days after the start of use, but we recommend not stopping there and completing general course. Keep in mind that succinic acid is very invigorating, which increases performance, and it is for this reason that it should not be taken at night.

2 Naturlivit

Reducing the load on the nervous system, general strengthening body
Country Russia
Average price: 172 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Classic brewer's yeast "Naturlivit" is a natural source of amino acids, vitamins B1 and B6. They help to improve the health of the body, strengthen the immune system and reduce the load on the nervous system. Daily use of the drug allows you to restore metabolic processes, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Brewer's yeast "Naturlivit" - an opportunity to strengthen immune system in just 1 month. This is exactly how much the course of taking them consists of. This is the only brewer's yeast that promotes resistance to influence negative factors environment: production conditions, tension, stress, overwork, etc. The only contraindication is individual intolerance individual components. Keep in mind that you can only take this brewer's yeast from the age of 12. Their only drawback is small packages containing only 100 tablets, so for 1 course you have to buy 3 packs at once.

1 Beauty

The best source of vitamins B1 and B2, low price for a large package
Country Russia
Average price: 127 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Brewer's yeast "Krasotka" not only has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, but also strengthens the immune system, maintains the natural water-salt balance and improves general health. The drug contains vitamins B1, B2, E and C (ascorbic acid), so they are indicated for vitamin deficiency, severe nervous stress, and poor nutrition.

Brewer's yeast "Krasotka" is the most the best choice for those who want to cope with obesity, dermatological diseases(furunculosis, acne etc.), while strengthening general state health and increased performance. Their use is recommended from the age of 3, since they consist of 50% of the most easily digestible proteins containing amino acids essential for humans. Please note that the course of treatment must be at least 30 days. There are 150 tablets in one package, they are available without a prescription and are not addictive. The only drawback of this brewer's yeast is its sour taste.

Excessive thinness is no better excess weight for human health and appearance. When body weight is insufficient, malfunctions begin throughout the body, and a person often feels unwell. Therefore, nutritionists advise taking brewer's yeast for weight, which normalizes metabolism, improves appetite and helps to quickly gain missing body weight.

Brewer's yeast: use for weight gain

This yeast is taken in tablets, powder and liquid form. It is believed that liquid yeast is more effective, but in the form of tablets, brewer's yeast for weight has a less pungent taste and aroma.

Useful composition of brewer's yeast

If a person has problems with weight, this means that the body has problems with metabolism and does not consume enough food. nutrients and vitamins. Brewer's yeast, which is rich in various useful elements, can help with this issue:

  • amino acid complex;
  • nucleic acids;
  • folic acid;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • potassium;
  • biotin;
  • thiamine;
  • niacin;
  • phosphorus;
  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

Many necessary substances are not independently produced by the body, but can only come from outside. You can recover from brewer's yeast by taking it regularly. Thus, you will improve your appetite and saturate your body with vitamins and essential microelements, even with an insufficiently rich diet. This composition will not only help you gain weight, but also improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

How do you get better from brewer's yeast?

It would be wrong to say that brewer's yeast is what makes you fat. Due to its composition, yeast cleanses the body and nourishes it necessary elements and put the gastrointestinal tract in order, and also improve hormonal background. The answer to the question “does brewer’s yeast make you better?” next: yeast helps bring weight to the required level. This works both ways - both for gaining weight and for losing extra pounds.

Brewer's yeast makes you fat only if sedentary lifestyle life and uncontrolled eating, since yeast improves appetite.

Since there are no magical methods for increasing or decreasing weight, for a good result it is not enough to limit yourself to taking yeast. In addition, you need to eat properly and regularly, follow a sleep schedule, and visit often. fresh air, avoid stress and give your body physical activity. Then you will gain healthy, stable weight, which will go not into fat, but into strong muscles.

The effectiveness of brewer's yeast for muscle mass

Includes yeast food additives included essential amino acids(protein). These substances are actively involved in the structure and growth of muscle mass. And the vitamins that yeast is rich in help amino acids to be absorbed. To achieve results, you need to actively exercise, eat regularly and properly, and supplement these actions with brewer's yeast. Then the body will improve its functioning and thank you feeling good, healthy appetite and strong muscles. In addition, brewer's yeast for weight is quite affordable, which makes its use even more enjoyable.

Brewer's yeast drink recipe for weight gain

Yeast is typically taken as a supplement in tablet form. The dosage regimen must be according to the prescription. Each yeast preparation has its own recipe, so read the insert carefully.

There is also enough effective way weight gain – yeast drinks. Let's look at a simple recipe for making a drink from brewer's yeast. Reviews for the weight of this product are quite tempting.

When it comes to caring for their appearance, some women want to lose weight, while others (and there are quite a few of them) are concerned about the best way to gain weight. This article will tell you how you can gain weight using brewer's yeast while remaining elegant.

Brewer's yeast- an excellent way to get rid of excessive thinness by building muscle mass. So the woman will gain weight without gaining an ounce of fat. And all this is thanks to the composition of yeast.

  • This product can be called natural dietary supplement, since this is a complete set of vitamins (the main ones are E, F, D, K, H, PP, B1, B2, B6) and minerals (Ca, Cr, Fe, Mn, Zn, Se, etc.).
  • 8 essential amino acids for the body, which it is not able to produce on its own, are present in brewer’s yeast.
  • The protein contained in the composition is similar in properties to animal products. It is involved in the structure of cells and connective tissues.

Brewer's yeast also contains fiber, glucose, fatty acidimportant components in metabolism.

Thanks to his healing composition yeast helps strengthen the immune system and normalize the activity of all human organs. Stabilization of glucose levels, insulin production, correct work gastrointestinal tract is only part beneficial influence health product.

By allowing the formation of special microflora in the digestive system, yeast (and they have a fungal basis) helps stabilize hormonal levels and start metabolic processes. Besides overall influence product on human body Individual effects depending on gender are also considered.

By taking yeast tablets, a woman takes care not only of her health, but also of her appearance. As soon as the hormonal levels are adjusted, many diseases (primarily gynecological ones) will immediately recede. IN normalcy will come nervous system, normal blood circulation will be restored.

All this contributes external beauty, and the first signs can be seen on the face - it becomes cleaner, less greasy. If there were pimples, they disappear.

A comprehensive set of vitamins and minerals provide proper nutrition to skin cells and hair follicles, healing them. Brewer's yeast stimulates tissue regeneration, thereby slowing down the aging process.

For skinny women with an angular figure, the product will help give them an appetizing roundness without the slightest sign fat content, which is so valued by many women.

When it comes to appearance, women get creative. If yeast taken orally gives good result, why not use them externally? So they started adding them to various masks and got an excellent effect - minor defects and wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes clean, elastic and toned.

After diluting beer tablets with water into a paste, you should try tonic massages. This perfectly relieves fatigue from the muscles and swelling from the legs. This procedure will help cope with cellulite.

Men did not ignore this product either. True, they approach their appearance from a slightly different position - they are more concerned about the stateliness and athleticism (and some, the solidity) of their figure. Although taking yeast will also have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails. The immune system will be strengthened and the functions of all organs will improve.

Promoting recovery hormonal balance, yeast allows a man to feel his importance, normalizing them sexual function. Therefore this biological additive It is also recommended to be used for preventive purposes to avoid prostate diseases.

You won’t be able to get the coveted “bodybuilder’s abs” by taking this product alone. To have a beautiful athletic body, you need regular physical exercise. The main function of the tablets is to establish metabolism in the body and fill tissues and muscles with energy, which, in combination with proper nutrition and sports will give the desired result.

Brewer's yeast, gain mass: video

Although brewer's yeast is in free sale and are dispensed by pharmacies without prescriptions; in some cases they can be harmful.

  • Contraindications to the use of the product are gout and kidney disease.
  • Since yeast has a fungal basis, it can aggravate thrush (candidiasis) in a woman.
  • Impact of this product on the body is similar to the effect of antibiotics. If a person is allergic to penicillin, then yeast is contraindicated for him.

Individual intolerance to this product is also possible, therefore, before taking it, you need to make sure that the body responds adequately to dietary supplements. Pregnant women should not rush to introduce brewer's yeast into their diet without consulting their supervising doctor. And they should not be given to children under 3 years of age.

Before introducing brewer's yeast into your diet, you should reconsider your diet, because this product will promote protein synthesis. The emphasis is on balanced meals 4 times a day, limiting the intake of fats, sugar and salt. The tableted product is tied to the hours of food intake.

To gain weight, drink 2 tablets 30 minutes before meals (children under 12 years old - 1). In addition to this, you should play sports or visit a fitness club 2-3 times a week. Half an hour after each session, it is recommended to take 1 more tablet.

At the same time, weight is regularly monitored. As soon as the indicator reaches 75% of the desired weight, you can stop taking the yeast. They have a prolonged action, so the mechanism launched by the product will continue to work.


As an alternative to tablets, it is proposed to use a crumbly product, which is used for making malt. It can be purchased from brewery workers. Prepared from “live” yeast healing drink, which children enjoy drinking too.

The recipe is not much different from making kvass. Taking 10 g of sugar and yeast each, pour them warm water(0.5 cup), wrap it up and let it ferment for 0.5 hour. The drink is drunk before meals, each time fresh composition. This is the simplest recipe and the drink is prepared quickly.

Some people prefer to use Rye bread and lemon zest or juice. Then you will have to insist longer, so it makes more sense to make preparations for several steps at once.

The properties of brewer's yeast have long been of interest to pharmacologists, so it is not surprising that such a variety of this product is sold in pharmacies. Below is a list of the most popular in terms of action and low cost.


Dry preparation without impurities. Meets all the properties described above. Perfectly strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and increases weight.


An analogue of Naturlivit, only purified and with an increased amount of iron. Among other properties, it perfectly improves performance and relieves physical and psychological fatigue.

Nagipol 100

This complex composition from lipids, amino acids, protein compounds, enzymes, nucleotides and, of course, mineral and vitamin components. Often prescribed for infectious diseases, heavy metal poisoning and in the postoperative period.

Ecco Plus

Not only will it help increase body weight – some this drug taken simply to normalize weight. Cysteine, biotin, folic acid, vitamins help cope with vitamin deficiency and eliminate skin problems.

AMT brewer's yeast

Most a budget option- Dietary supplement. The drug is supplemented with succinic acid, which accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

Eco-mon with selenium

Not only will it help you achieve required weight, but will also restore strength, improve appearance and preserve youth for a long time. It is a universal product for men and women of all ages.

Having set out to wander around local pharmacies, you can find other drugs with various additives, but they will all be very useful for recovery normal microflora in the intestines, and, therefore, to achieve the required weight.

Price in pharmacy

Prices in different pharmacies for many drugs differ from each other. As for this product, the differences will be small, and since the cost is low, they will not be noticeable.

The drug is packaged in 100 tablets per package, while maximum price barely exceeds 150 rubles. (“Naturlivit”). Basically, the cost of yeast is lower, and as already mentioned, the cheapest option can be considered “AMT - brewer’s yeast” - their retail price is about 70 rubles. “Nagipol” costs a little more – 100 rubles.

If you purchase products through distribution sites, you can buy brewer’s yeast cheaper - at wholesale price, which is always lower than retail.

How to use brewer's yeast for weight gain

The issue of excess weight is of concern great amount people on earth. And the need for someone to gain this weight seems even more far-fetched and insignificant to them. It would seem that it’s so difficult - eat what you want, how much you want and when you want - and you will be happy. However, people faced with the issue of weight gain are by no means so categorical. And this problem is no simpler for them, and often more difficult, than losing weight.

Often, problems with weight normalization are caused by some changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. Excessive thinness is often explained by the presence in the body increased amount substance such as cortisol. They say about such people: “they eat everything and don’t get fat.” In such cases it is even advisable medical examination, to install exact reason, and determine the need for treatment.

Among in various ways weight gain Brewer's yeast is very popular for weight gain. This “popular” opinion is confirmed by scientific research. Thus, upon detailed study, various macro- and microelements were discovered in brewer’s yeast, significant amount amino acids, a complex of vitamins that, when entering the human body, help normalize digestion, improve appetite and liver function.

Yeast is accepted Active participation V metabolic processes body and also have a positive effect on digestive system. Yeast affects reproduction beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which automatically increases a person’s appetite. A person starts using more products, more calories enter the body, which ultimately leads to an increase in body weight.

Approximately half of the composition of brewer's yeast is easily digestible proteins. As you know, this is the main material from which new tissues, muscles and bones are built. In addition, some of the seventeen amino acids present in this product help accelerate the breakdown of substances supplied with food and absorption useful elements into the body, which contributes to the rapid increase in body weight.

Of course, the proteins entering the body with brewer's yeast are not enough to create bone and muscle tissue, but total mass amino acids and vitamins create a very favorable environment in the body for easy absorption of protein compounds supplied with other foods.

How does muscle mass increase?

At normal functioning Gastrointestinal tract and the absence of discomfort in the intestines, a person satisfies his appetite without unnecessary restrictions. Eating four varied meals a day and following a routine will allow you to gain the required weight over time. At the same time, salt, sugar and fatty foods It is worth, if not completely eliminating them from the diet, then reducing their consumption to a minimum. If you need to gain weight by more than 10 kg, you need to take brewer's yeast for weight gain for at least a month.

In the case when, while taking yeast, a person leads active image life, certain physical activities are performed, muscle mass is gained. If you do not allow the body to move, then taking this product will only lead to the formation of an additional layer of fat, which in the future can lead to additional health problems.

How should you take brewer's yeast for weight gain?

Pharmacies sell brewer's yeast in tablets, the intake of which is scheduled for three sessions throughout the day. You can prepare a valuable remedy for increasing muscle mass based on this product yourself.

However, it must be understood that the resulting composition has nothing to do with. This drink, beloved by many, despite the similarity of names, does not contain brewer's yeast. They completely disappear from the workpiece during the process of sterilization and filtration.

Recipes for proper use of brewer's yeast for weight gain

  1. Brown bread crackers, 15g in quantity (dry independently), pour 300 ml boiled water 1000, and infuse for 3 hours. Then you need to add 45 grams of brewer’s yeast to the preparation and strain. Place the resulting infusion on the stove, bring to a boil and let cool. Brewer's yeast is again included in the work - only 5g of it needs to be added, after which the mixture is placed in a warm place for a period of up to 8 hours. Ready product drink ½ glass before meals 30 minutes up to 6 times a day.
  2. For children. In one container, grind brewer's yeast along with sugar (10g each). The workpiece is filled with 250g of boiled water at a comfortable temperature. Let the liquid brew for an hour and then you can take it orally. The resulting volume of liquid is divided into two doses and given to the child 30 minutes before the main meal during the day.

Using brewer's yeast for weight gain will give you pretty soon visible results. And excellent " side effect"will be blooming appearance and uninterrupted operation internal systems and organs.
Svetlana Frantseva “How to use brewer’s yeast for weight gain” especially for the Eco-Life website.



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