Sputum expectorants. Expectorants to cleanse the lungs and bronchi

Take advantage of the unique information on how to remove mucus and phlegm from the bronchi and lungs to cleanse the body with folk remedies at home.

Phlegm in our lungs accumulates mucus that the body does not need. And it understands this. That's why he tries to clear himself by coughing. But not every cough is considered a disease. This is how the body protects itself from dust that enters the air and foreign bodies. Oh, how much dirt we draw into ourselves if, for example, up to 15,000 liters of air enters us per day! Now count how much more soot, soot, microorganisms and gaseous substances settle in the airways. This is where the cough appears, ready to protect them and cleanse them, from the depths respiratory system lift phlegm and remove it.

100 ml of liquid is allowed in the respiratory tract - this is the norm. When the walls of the bronchi become inflamed, the secretion of fluid (mucus) not only increases, but also becomes viscous and viscous. That’s why he clears his throat heavily and lazily.

What is needed for this? Herbs that will thin this mucus. So that, as doctors say today,... And we say that when you cough, you should expectorate well. Come on, it's not that important. The main thing is the effectiveness of the means that are offered.

Traditional recipes for expectoration of phlegm (mucus)

For example, in the East, already in ancient times, they knew how to remove mucus from the bronchi and sputum from the lungs, using herbs that are now used in the manufacture of “Pertussin”, “Mukaltin”, “Bromhexine”, “Potassium Iodide”, etc. And we have healing wealth in the form of medicinal plants from the land where we live. This is the plantain healer, the coltsfoot healer, the thyme that fights colds, the intercessor against various ailments, licorice, and the magical, strength-giving elecampane. You can buy the mixtures at the pharmacy or collect them yourself in bunches, and then mix them and make teas from them. When your cough is dry, you walk around squeaking with it. It tears the chest, but does not remove the phlegm. Then we turn to folk wisdom in search of an expectorant.

Recipe 1 Elecampane

Be sure to keep dry elecampane roots at home, which help remove phlegm and mucus from the lungs and bronchi. Take one, the size of your little finger, and fill it with half a liter hot water(not boiling water). You can also add a slice of lemon to it. And when it gets warm, add a spoonful of honey (to taste). Drink for a few days every time you enter the kitchen, instead of coffee and tea.

Recipe 2 Thyme

Pour a handful of thyme cold water and let it boil. Reduce the heat slightly and let it simmer for another five minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and, covered with a towel, carefully inhale the steam. Then, when it reduces, you can drink the decoction like a light tea, diluting it with boiled water. After such an “internal steam room”, immediately go to bed and cover yourself well. Thyme is generally unique.

Recipe 3 Expectorant collection

To prepare this infusion, you need to buy herbs at the market.

  1. Liquorice root. Grind and take 2 tablespoons from it.
  2. Thyme. It is sold in bunches. Grind with your hands and take 1 tablespoon.
  3. Plantain. Chop the leaves and take 3 tablespoons for collection.
  4. Althea. Grind the roots. Add 1 tablespoon to the mixture.

Take 2 tablespoons from the collection and pour a liter of boiling water. Wrap it up so it cools gradually. You need to drink a glass three times a day. Sputum liquefies under the pressure of such an infusion and is easily removed by coughing. Effective recipes " ".

Recipe 4 Onions and garlic will get rid of phlegm

Don't forget about onions and garlic:

  • Peel the onion and mix with honey, eating a spoonful immediately after eating;
  • Grind the garlic (3 cloves) and mix with warm milk (1 tbsp), then boil and drink a third of a glass at the end of each meal.

Recipe 5 The drink will remove mucus - hold on to it

A tasty drink in the form of an expectorant that helps get rid of phlegm and mucus. It is also recommended for tuberculosis:

  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • cocoa (1 tbsp).

Grind these two products to a homogeneous consistency. Pour in milk (1 tbsp) and boil. Then let it cool slightly and add good oil (1 tablespoon). You need to drink this drink every day. It's very effective.

Recipe 6 Vegetables in compresses to remove mucus and phlegm

Expectorant compresses are good and are required for dry coughs.

  1. Grate the radish. Place a clean white cotton napkin on your chest and spread the radish on top. Then cover with oilcloth and insulate. It will become warm, and then the oven will start. Keep for no more than 15 minutes to avoid burns. Remove the compress and wipe the skin with a dry towel. After this procedure, it is better to lie in bed under a warm blanket.
  2. Spread cabbage leaves with honey and apply to your breasts. On top is a white cotton rag. Then use oilcloth and a warm scarf to dodge.

Information you need to know " ".

Recipe 7 Goat fat and honey will remove phlegm

A recipe will help remove phlegm and mucus from the lungs. Buy goat fat at the market. Melt it and thoroughly lubricate the chest, then insulate it. At the same time, drink hot milk with goat fat and honey. After this procedure you need to stay in bed, so it is better to do it at night. Not everyone will like it, but health is worth a lot. Tell everyone in need how to remove mucus and phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. Expectorants should also be used for prevention.

Choose your own methods and recipes for treatment. Just don’t forget to ask your doctor for a diagnosis. And the doors of Stoletnik will always be open for you! Health and happiness!

Sputum in the bronchi is secreted regularly, but in small quantities. It allows you to cleanse the bronchi from dust, dirt, and germs. Sputum is constantly being released. If there is a failure in immune system, appears inflammatory process or is there an impact tobacco smoke, the amount of viscous sputum begins to actively increase. It must be liquefied and removed, since the accumulation and stagnation of sputum in the bronchi creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria.

Sputum is necessary to remove germs from the lungs. During the disease, the amount of sputum increases significantly, a reflex cough occurs, which provokes contraction smooth muscle lungs and pushes out mucus and bronchi. If the mucus is too sticky, it won't help to push it out. become painful, and phlegm continues to accumulate in the lungs. In these cases, you need to look for ways to thin the mucus in the bronchi.

The main sign of sputum accumulation is a cough. Because of large cluster sputum and the proliferation of viruses, bacteria, and the temperature may rise. When you expectorate, phlegm mixes with saliva and nasal discharge.

The causes of phlegm in the bronchi are usually various diseases upper respiratory tract.

Depending on the causes of its occurrence, sputum can be transparent mucous, serous, purulent, or mixed with blood. It is formed when the following diseases and states:

  • Bronchial asthma. This chronic illness which causes shortness of breath, coughing and often attacks of suffocation. In asthma, clear but rather thick sputum is produced, the discharge of which is often difficult.
  • Pulmonary edema. This is very dangerous condition, in which the amount of accumulated fluid and sputum in the lungs exceeds permissible level. Acute edema can lead to fatal outcome and requires immediate medical attention. The sputum produced is foamy and mixed with blood.
  • . When the bronchi become inflamed, mucus begins to be actively released, causing even greater inflammation. With the bacterial nature of bronchitis, the sputum is yellowish-green, sometimes mixed with blood.
  • Pneumonia. In pneumonia, the sputum often contains particles of pus. Pneumonia is usually infectious bacterial nature, accompanied by cough and high body temperature.

The cause of the accumulation of sputum may be simple, but in this case the sputum is removed without much difficulty and has a transparent appearance.

Drug treatment and antibiotics

Treatment, as a rule, is complex, including drugs to remove sputum, to fight the causative agent of the disease, and to maintain immunity. Often drug treatment accompanied by traditional methods thinning sputum.

Types of medications:

  • Antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia and in some cases for influenza, when there is a risk of complications. Antibacterial drugs are only effective against bacteria when viral infection they are useless. Antibiotics do not have an expectorant or antitussive effect, but act on the very cause of the disease. The first improvements can be observed already on the 3rd day antibacterial therapy. For respiratory diseases, Ciprofloxacin is usually prescribed.
  • Mucolytics. These are drugs that thin the mucus, which makes it much easier to remove. Mucolytic drugs include Ambrohexal. Some drugs have a complex effect: they dilute mucus and enhance the work of the ciliated epithelium, which allows mucus to be pushed out of the bronchi.
  • Expectorants. Expectorants enhance the work of the smooth muscles of the lungs and the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, which allows mucus to be expelled from the bronchi. Expectorant drugs include Bromhexine, Thermopsol,. After taking these drugs, the cough may get worse, as this is a reflex reaction of the body to expel phlegm.
  • Antiviral drugs. They are prescribed for flu and colds. Drugs such as Kagocel, Arbidol, Rimantadine, Ergoferon destroy viruses that cause the disease and block their reproduction. On the background antiviral drugs the disease proceeds easier and faster, but they do not have a direct effect on the sputum and bronchi.

Traditional recipes for removing phlegm

Traditional methods of liquefying and removing sputum can be very effective, especially in the initial stages of the disease. Typically, traditional medicine recipes are recommended to be used in parallel with drug treatment.

It is worth remembering that some diseases such as pneumonia and pulmonary edema cannot be cured only with folk remedies. Some herbs and bee products can cause a severe allergic reaction and increase swelling.

Best recipes:

  • Radish with honey. You need to wash the black radish, cut out the middle like a bowl and pour liquid, slightly warmed honey into it. Leave for about a day. This medicine perfectly relieves inflammation, helps with coughs, thins phlegm, and improves immunity.
  • Onion and garlic syrup. Fresh onion and finely chop the garlic, put it in a jar and sprinkle with sugar. After some time, a syrup will appear, which you need to strain and drink a teaspoon every day after meals. This remedy helps well with inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, but not recommended for gastritis, as it irritates the gastric mucosa.
  • Honey and aloe. Liquid honey is mixed with squeezed aloe juice in a ratio of 1:5 and taken a teaspoon at a time. Aloe can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to start with small doses.
  • Herbal decoctions. To thin and remove mucus, it is recommended to take infusions and decoctions of plantain, thyme, fennel, licorice, pine buds, sweet clover. Herbs can be mixed or brewed separately. Most of them also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Pine milk. This method is considered effective and safe, recommended even for smoker's bronchitis. To prepare pine milk, you need to take 3 green pine cones and a small piece of resin and pour 0.5 liters of boiling milk. All this is infused for 2-3 hours, and then carefully filtered. You need to drink a glass of this remedy in the morning and evening.

Inhalations: drugs and rules

It is difficult to imagine a more effective method of removing phlegm from the bronchi than inhalation. This procedure helps drugs penetrate directly into the lungs, bypassing the stomach and circulatory system.

Inhalation of cold steam using is considered the most effective, since hot steam negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and can lead to burns of the mucous membrane.

Inhalations can be carried out as usual or mineral water. Such procedures are safe even for small children and pregnant women at any stage. Saline solution vapors penetrate the bronchi, diluting mucus and promoting its rapid elimination.

In addition, inhalation moisturizes the mucous membrane and relieves inflammation.

If drugs are used during the inhalation procedure, their dosage is determined by the doctor taking into account the age and condition of the patient. To thin sputum, you can use,.

In order for the inhalation procedure to be beneficial, you need to adhere to the basic rules of inhalation:

  1. All drugs are used in dissolved form. A certain amount of the drug is diluted with saline, and then inhalation is carried out. Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor, as this will not enhance the effect, but will only lead to various side effects.
  2. Inhalations are carried out in courses of 5-10 days. It is advisable to pass the bite to the end so that the sputum comes out completely. One session lasts 5-7 minutes.
  3. Inhalations can be carried out only in the absence of high temperature. If the temperature is above 37.3-37.5, it is better to reschedule the procedure, as it can provoke an even greater rise in temperature.
  4. Before and after the inhalation procedure, you need to wipe the mask with alcohol, and rinse the medicine container well with running water.
  5. Inhalations should be done an hour after and an hour before meals. Immediately after the procedure, it is not advisable to eat, drink, smoke, or go outside.
  6. If during the procedure you feel unwell, feel dizzy, get worse, or have an attack of suffocation, you need to interrupt the inhalations and notify the doctor.

Breathing exercises will be useful for everyone: for draining the lungs, for partially eliminating the effects of smoking, for preventing and relieving inflammation. There are simple breathing exercises that you can do at home three times a day. They are safe and easy to perform. There are also more complex breathing exercises, which are performed with the help of an instructor-massage therapist.

To master the technique simple breathing exercises, you need to perform the following exercises every day, 5-7 repetitions in 1 approach:

  • Sit on a chair or stand up straight. The back should be straight. Take a deep breath and then small fractional exhalations.
  • Train abdominal breathing, since it contributes to more active work lungs. As you inhale and exhale, try to inflate and retract your stomach as much as possible. It will be effective to alternate between chest and abdominal breathing. Rib cage should also rise as much as possible.
  • Lie on your back and place a low pillow under your head. Gently and not completely turn your head alternately in each direction, making deep breaths and exhales.
  • Get on your knees and lean forward, taking deep breaths and exhalations.

During the exercises, breathing will become easier, but sputum may be discharged; it must be removed and the exercises continued.

More information about bronchitis can be found in the video:

In serious cases, specialist help is required. The instructor performs a special massage using shocks and vibrations, and the patient performs various sound and breathing exercises. For the greatest efficiency It is recommended to take an expectorant before the procedure.

After the massage, the patient independently or with the help of an instructor performs breathing exercises and at the end he is asked to cough so that the sputum comes out. If the patient experiences difficulties, it is possible to use a special breathing vibrator. After such activities, the cough may worsen. This is normal, as phlegm is pushed out of the bronchi using the cough reflex. Taking antitussive medications is not recommended.

Normal in the respiratory tract healthy person a certain amount of secretion is always produced. This constant process, aimed at cleansing them, preventing infection from entering them and renewing the cells of the inner lining of the bronchi.

Usually no significant problems with mucus removal are found. Difficulties arise when any disease develops.

In the presence of pathological conditions, sputum begins to be produced in very large quantities, stagnates in the bronchi, becomes too viscous and, as a result, is difficult to come out.

Its accumulation often attracts infection, often bronchitis, causes significant stagnation in the pulmonary circulation, and provokes pulmonary failure.

As a result, the patient develops severe discomfort or may even experience severe pain.

It is necessary to get rid of the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi. To do this, it is advisable to consult a doctor for advice. He will perform a bronchoscopy, clinical and biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound, histological and microscopic examination.

These studies will help determine the reasons for the increased accumulation of secretions in your respiratory tract.

They may be:

  • Flu.
  • ARVI.
  • bronchitis.
  • laryngitis.
  • pharyngitis.
  • pneumonia.
  • bronchial asthma.
  • malignant neoplasms in the lungs.
  • tuberculosis.
  • allergic reactions
  • heart failure.
  • long-term smoking.
  • fungal infection.

With these diseases, inflammation of the respiratory tract occurs, swelling of the bronchi, changes in their structure mucous membrane, As a result, a large amount of sputum begins to be produced. Sometimes there is too much of it and it causes a severe cough.

The secretion is divided into serous, mucous, purulent, interspersed with blood, glassy, ​​etc. Its color varies depending on the disease that has arisen.

There are the most different ways how to get rid of phlegm, often used for bronchitis. This must be done, since its accumulation significantly disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular, pulmonary and circulatory systems. In addition, a large amount of sputum greatly irritates the mucous membrane.

When the sputum comes out, the bronchi are completely freed from its accumulation and the patient’s well-being noticeably improves.

It is especially important to promptly and promptly get rid of accumulated secretions if wheezing, whistling, etc. are heard in the chest. This indicates that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract can no longer cope with its sharply increased volume, which also contains toxic substances and cell breakdown products.


It is necessary to combat the accumulation of sputum with the approval of the attending physician. He will examine the patient, collect a detailed history, and conduct laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Once the diagnosis is clarified, it will be possible to act on the underlying cause increased output and its accumulation in the respiratory tract.

It is very important to distinguish between dry and wet cough. Measures to combat them will be different.

Dry cough is unfavorable symptom, since mucus does not leave the respiratory tract. Therefore, the main method of treatment is to transfer it to wet, when the patient can independently excrete sputum from the body.

For this purpose, medication and traditional methods of treatment are used.

They act in two main ways, using:

  1. Mucolytics(promote the dilution of mucus, turning it into a semi-liquid state and allowing it to easily leave the respiratory tract)
  2. Expectorants(activate muscle layer the inner lining of the bronchi, helping to remove accumulated mucus)

Essential medications also include:

  • bronchodilators;
  • anti-inflammatory substances;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral medications;
  • antihistamines, etc.

They allow you to completely dissolve the secretion in the respiratory tract, remove it out, and eliminate the causes of increased mucus formation in the bronchi. These medicinal substances help the bronchi significantly expand their lumen, push mucus out, and also destroy the infection that provokes a relapse of the disease.

There are many ways to get rid of mucus in the lungs. A proven remedy in this case it is honey and its derivative products. They are prepared the most in various ways and perfectly activate lymph circulation in the lungs, completely liquefy mucus, have a significant expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. In addition, they increase protective forces body.

Find out more:

Herbal remedies

  • Chamomile;
  • nettle;
  • lavender;
  • St. John's wort;
  • blooming Sally;
  • thyme;
  • licorice;
  • immortelle;
  • ivy leaf;
  • coltsfoot;
  • series;
  • aloe;
  • marshmallow
You need to take one tablespoon of dried raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water over it. Then you should infuse this solution for about forty minutes. It is then filtered and taken fifty milliliters three times a day. This effective remedy will perfectly relieve inflammation, completely remove phlegm accumulation, and soften the throat.

To avoid drying out your throat, you should actively humidify the air in the room. It is advisable to place containers of water around the room, or purchase an air humidifier.

  • Milk with the addition of pine parts also helps. You should take 3 glasses of hot milk, add a few crushed cones with resin to it. Then you need to infuse this drink in a thermos for at least two hours, strain and take two hundred milliliters twice a day.
  • Inhalation helps clear the bronchi of mucus. You can carry them out using dry steam, potato decoction, medicinal herbs, essential oils. They have antispasmodic and reflex effects, stimulate blood circulation and help get rid of mucus in the lungs.
  • It is advisable to drink more fluid. It dissolves the secretion, helps its evacuation from the respiratory tract, and promotes detoxification of the body. Fruit drinks, milk with honey, soda solution, green tea or lemon juice.
  • It is necessary to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol stimulate blood flow to the respiratory tract, causing swelling of the bronchi, which contributes to dehydration of the body. In addition, they significantly weaken the immune system. If these are abused bad habits Serious complications may develop that require lengthy and complex treatment.

Drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi

To effectively treat and achieve quick results, you need to know the basic medicines, which will help get rid of the accumulation of phlegm in the lungs. They can only be used after the approval of the attending physician, since each of them has a number of side effects and contraindications.

For dry coughs, mucolytics come first. They transform a dry cough into a wet one and relieve congestion in the respiratory tract.

These most often include:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Glaucine;
  • Codeine;
  • Tusuprex;
  • Libexin.

Often used in these cases Ambrobene And ACC. They are drugs complex action, completely eliminating cough, significantly facilitating breathing and significantly increasing the body's defenses.

Expectorants are more often used for wet cough for bronchitis. They directly regulate the secretion of mucus from the bronchi into the external environment.

Some of them act on the centers of the brain, others on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. For this purpose, such effective pharmacological agents, How:

  • Thermopsol
  • Codelac
  • Gerbion
  • Pertussin
  • Bronchicum
  • Ambroxol
  • Bromhexine

Syrups, medicines, extracts

Various syrups and extracts that contain plant substances with reflex action provide good results. These include

  • marshmallow
  • barberry
  • thermopsis
  • Dill seeds
  • licorice
  • coltsfoot
  • thyme
  • sage
  • chamomile

Aromatherapy using eucalyptus oil, menthol, also has an excellent effect. tea tree. They actively act directly on the patient’s bronchi, providing positive influence on them. They are usually used for wet coughs, when you need to quickly facilitate the removal of mucus that is already gradually leaving.

The pharmacological industry produces special syrups, mixtures and solutions to relieve coughs and remove excess secretions. These include Gedelix, Doctor Mom etc.

All these drugs have effective action in the fight against accumulations of sputum in the bronchi. They differ in their purpose, dosage and duration of treatment.

These drugs have different intensity of effects on the human body and its pulmonary system. Also, they all make it possible to cough, remove secretions from the bronchi and relieve inflammation.

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Breathing exercises to remove mucus

Also stimulates the removal of accumulated mucus special gymnastics. It allows:

  • Completely relieve swelling of the bronchial mucosa;
  • significantly restore respiratory functions;
  • ensure an active flow of oxygen to the cells of the body;
  • stimulate blood circulation in tissues;
  • create required load on the muscular layer of the bronchi;
  • help remove phlegm;
  • relieve cough.

These measures make it possible to make the work of the respiratory system, associated tissues and structures more intensive.

The exercises are quite simple and even a child can do them. They actively help get rid of phlegm during bronchitis and activate the body’s activity.

Here are the most effective examples:

Gymnastics can have an even more pronounced effect than taking medications.

In addition, it can help those who are unable to take pharmacological drugs due to contraindications.

The patient needs to lie on his back, the surface should be flat. After this, he leans to one side at an angle of five degrees. He breathes deeply and spits out the mucus into a specially prepared basin. Then he turns to the other side. Must be done ten times.

Kneel on a bed or mat and bend forward. If the secretion leaves the bronchi, get rid of it. If there is nothing, then after a short break, repeat the exercise ten times.

Lie on the very edge of the bed, the surface should be flat. Hanging out of the bed as much as possible. Then do the same on the other side. Spit out the waste mucus into prepared containers. Do it ten times.

Lie on your back. The legs should be in an elevated position, so it is better to put something under them. Remain in this position for half an hour. After this, stand up, clear the bronchi of secretions and repeat the exercise three more times.

These movements make it possible to naturally clear the airways. They allow you to evacuate secretions very completely, make lung function more intense, and activate lymphatic drainage. In addition, they affect the entire system, including the smallest alveoli.

There are many ways to remove phlegm and you should use them all in order to get rid of the disease and regain lost health.

How to remove phlegm from the bronchi at home?

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In contact with

Expectorants and sputum thinners are common components of treatment for bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Without their use, clear the airways and ensure normal breathing extremely difficult. Such drugs cannot be used without permission, because they can cause side effects.

In what cases are thinners and expectorants used, and when are they prohibited?

The bronchi of every healthy person produces special mucus. She makes it impossible negative impact microorganisms, dust, allergens that enter with the air. IN in good condition the cilia of the bronchi independently push out mucus with everything “unnecessary”. If an inflammatory or some pathological process begins in the respiratory tract, the mucus begins to change its viscosity. It becomes thick and sticks to lung tissue, there are more microorganisms in it, they begin to multiply, which further complicates the situation. The bronchi can no longer cope with excretion on their own. It is in this situation that products that dilute sputum when coughing and promote its rapid elimination come to the rescue.

Expectorant and thinning medications are often recommended for:

  • bronchitis (both acute and chronic form) ;
  • pneumonia of viral and bacterial origin;
  • COPD;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • emphysema of pulmonary tissue;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases accompanied by difficulty removing sputum.

Funds of this type have certain contraindications. The latter directly depend on active substance and mechanism of action. For example, products based on Ambroxol cannot be used in cases of serious violations kidneys and liver, based on Acetylcysteine ​​- for bleeding in the lungs, bronchial asthma, based on plant extracts- with increased acidity, gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis.

In fact, all expectorants and thinners are strictly prohibited when:

  • pregnancy (especially in the first trimester);
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the product;
  • in the early childhood(up to 1 year);
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system.

Mucolytics and their action

Mucolytic drugs are those that are designed to dilute thick mucus in the lungs. Directly or indirectly, these drugs prevent the adhesion of fluid formed in the lungs and have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

All mucolytic agents can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • medications that affect the elasticity of the liquid and the viscosity itself;
  • reduce the volume of mucus;
  • accelerate excretion.

Unlike expectorants, phlegm thinners do not cause more mucus in the lungs. They are actually never recommended for dry cough, which often occurs with influenza and acute respiratory infections. You can take mucolytic drugs when the cough is at least a little wet.

There are 4 active ingredients on the basis of which mucolytic preparations are made:

  1. Acetylcysteine. The main representatives are: ACC, Fluimucil, Vicks Active, ACC Long, Expectomed. Products in this group are most often made in the form of tablets or powder. Less commonly in the form of solutions for preparing and performing inhalations, as well as injections. They cope well with thinning liquids and have a moderate antioxidant effect, thanks to which they can fight some poisons.
  2. Bromhexine. The following drugs are made on its basis: Nycomed, Bromhexine, Bronchosan. One of oldest drugs mucolytic type. Once in human body, undergoes specific processing, thanks to which it turns into Ambroxol. The latter performs a therapeutic effect.
  3. Carbocysteine. Sold under commercial names: Libexin Muco, Bronchobos, Fluditec. In terms of their direct indications and contraindications, these tablets are very similar to Acetylcysteine. Suitable for use for whooping cough, sinusitis, otitis media.
  4. Ambroxol. It is the main component of such drugs as: Lazolvan, Flavamed, Ambrobene, Ambroxol, Ambrohexal. Today it is considered the most effective substance for fighting cough. It is a combined remedy, because it simultaneously liquefies and has an expectorant effect. Ambroxol is able to prevent mucus from sticking and enhances the effect of many antibiotics. Given this, it is often recommended for pneumonia.

Expectorant medications and their use

Expectorant drugs have the main task of removing mucus from the lungs. As a rule, before using them or in parallel with them, doctors recommend mucolytic drugs to thin the mucus in the bronchi, as well as inhalations and expectorant massages.

Drugs in this group, according to their mechanism of action, can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • reflex action - affect the gastric mucosa and activate the vomiting center of the brain, as a result of which the production of mucus is significantly accelerated, so the lungs are forced to reflexively get rid of it;
  • direct action- can affect the bronchi themselves.

Drugs of both groups are taken orally and begin to act after successful absorption by the digestive system. Medicines with reflex action are usually based on plant extracts. Direct-acting agents can have both natural and chemical composition.

Many products of this type have simultaneously expectorant, thinning, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The most prominent representatives of expectorants with reflex action are:

  • medicines based on Althea (Alteika syrup, Mucaltin) - especially often used for bronchitis, emphysema; not recommended for children under 3 years of age, in addition, for gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • thermopsis preparations (Thermopsol, Codelac broncho) - are distinguished by their strong mucolytic and expectorant effects;
  • products based on plantain extract (for example: Stoptussin syrup, Gerbion Coldrex broncho) - can be used for various types cough, including dry cough; are distinguished by their mild action and safety;
  • made from thyme (Bronchicum S, Tussamag, Pectusin) - can be used to treat children from 6 months.

Direct-acting drugs often include components such as essential oils, ammonium chloride, potassium iodides. The main drug in this group can be called Amtersol.

Expectorant and thinning herbal remedies

Some products also help to effectively dilute mucus and remove it from the human respiratory system. herbal remedies, plant extracts:

  • option No. 1 - oregano and coltsfoot particles;
  • option No. 2 - licorice, plantain, coltsfoot leaves;
  • option No. 3 - anise extracts, pine buds, sage extracts;
  • option No. 4 - elements of common chamomile, licorice, calendula herb, violet flowers, wild rosemary,

Additionally, you can use wild rosemary herb. Performs reflex action to the bronchi itself, the central nervous system. Capable of reducing germs in upper lobes organ. Can be used as a gargle and oral cavity, and for oral administration.

Features of the use of thinning and expectorant drugs

Thinning agents and mucolytics today can come in a wide variety of pharmaceutical forms, in particular sold in tablets, capsules, injection solutions, herbal bulk infusion kits, decoctions, teas, syrups, etc.

Important rules that should never be neglected when starting treatment with cough suppressants are:

  • use of a volumetric amount of liquid (for example, warm teas, fruit drinks, boiled or mineral water) - they help to more quickly liquefy mucus;
  • categorical refusal of antitussive drugs - if you combine them, you can count on very serious consequences, including pneumonia, necrosis of lung tissue and even death.

Will not effective treatment mucolytics and expectorants, if optimal conditions for the patient are not provided. Be sure to ventilate the room and provide moist air.

When no improvement is observed within 2 days of starting to use the medications prescribed by the doctor, you urgently need to retake the tests and change the medications or their dosage. It is worth remembering that all expectorants and mucolytics are equally safe; sometimes they cause side effects. Among the most common are:

  • stomach discomfort;
  • diarrhea;
  • migraine;
  • skin rashes;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increased acidity;
  • pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • dizziness.

Most drugs in these groups (especially in tablet form) can cause an overdose. If you notice any of the negative reactions, you should urgently contact a specialist and stop taking the chosen drug.

With successfully selected medications and their use as prescribed in the instructions, the patient does not experience any negative reactions that could interfere with management vehicles or important technical processes.

Although some expectorant medications are alcohol-based, their combination with alcoholic beverages is not advisable, as it increases toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.

Considering the above, you should not refuse your doctor’s advice regarding the use of mucolytic or expectorant drugs when you have a difficult cough. A large number of pharmaceutical forms and active ingredients enable the specialist to choose the most convenient and effective option.

Cough is a symptom familiar to every person. We first encounter him in early childhood, we cough often and thickly in kindergartens and continue to do this in primary school. We drink a lot of tasty and not very expectorants in syrups, tablets and drops. Gradually the cough goes away, only to remind itself again after a while. Do we know why we cough? Do we know how to treat a cough correctly? And on what basis do we choose expectorants?

The modern pharmaceutical market sometimes amazes us with the variety of cough medications. A completely confused person can spend a long time looking at shop windows filled with expectorant variety. And take the first package you come across to finally dispel the pharmacy obsession.

Let's try to put all the expectorants on their shelves and clearly understand when, how much, and, most importantly, what exactly should be taken for a cough.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking effective method to get rid of runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to check out Book section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

Main causes of cough

But before we do therapy, we need to understand why we cough. After all, sometimes a symptom requires the intervention of a doctor and urgent measures, and self-medication is dangerous.

So, coughing is a completely normal, physiological process that helps clear our airways of excessive discharge, foreign particles and, of course, microbes. Frequent cough is almost always a symptom of the disease. It is completely wrong to believe that a cough is necessarily a cold. Reasons for such symptoms include:

  • infections.
    Of course, in most cases, a cough is the result respiratory infections: ARVI, influenza, pneumonia, whooping cough, tuberculosis. Typically, an acute cough lasting less than three weeks is caused by a common cold;
  • reactive respiratory diseases.
    Such pathologies include bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis, including smoker's bronchitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux.
    The backflow of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus is most often the cause of a cough of unknown origin;
  • contaminated air;
  • foreign body;
  • reception antihypertensive drugs blocking ACE (Enalapril, Ramipril and others);
  • psychogenic factor;
  • other factors, including tumors and serious illnesses respiratory tract.

Self-medication of cough: be careful!

You can treat a cough yourself by taking expectorants only in cases infectious diseases. However, one cannot lose vigilance even with a seemingly innocent cough that accompanies ARVI.

Sometimes dangerous symptoms noticed in time save a life, so don’t relax and monitor your condition. Let's list the manifestations that require contacting a specialist.

If, against the background of a “cold” cough, there is a sharp deterioration- a severe fever has begun, weakness, sweating, and purulent thick sputum have appeared - call a doctor immediately!

If your cough has been bothering you for more than three weeks, urgently go to your local therapist!

If there are streaks of blood in your cough, you need immediate consultation with a pulmonologist!

We will return to cough, which can be treated on our own, and deal with detailed description expectorants.

Why are expectorants needed?

If we say that coughing is a physiological reflex, then why are expectorants needed? Let's figure it out.

In a healthy person, the glands of the trachea and bronchi produce tracheobronchial secretions. It helps our respiratory tract cope with bacteria and viruses, and is also involved in the removal of small particles coming from the air. We don’t even notice how we swallow about 100 ml of this mucus per day.

If an infection has entered the body, the volume of tracheobronchial secretion can increase to 1.5 liters per day. Such sputum is an excellent substrate for the further prosperity of pathogenic microorganisms. The body tries with all its might to get rid of the pathological secretion, and a cough begins.

However, thick, difficult-to-clear mucus does not want to leave the respiratory tract. Liquefying viscous secretions is the main function of expectorants used to treat wet coughs.

Expectorants and antitussives: what is the difference?

If expectorants primarily help to liquefy mucus and facilitate its removal, then antitussives act exactly the opposite. Most antitussives have central action and blocks the cough reflex. Antitussive drugs are prescribed only for dry, so-called “barking” cough, the main symptom of which is complete absence bronchial secretion.

Therefore, when treating a cough, it is important not to confuse the cards and not take medications for dry and wet coughs at the same time. Remember that expectorants based on ambroxol, carbocysteine ​​and acetylcysteine ​​should absolutely not be combined with centrally acting antitussives.

Classification of expectorants

There is no clear classification of expectorant drugs. Nevertheless, in pharmaceutical practice it is customary to distinguish:

  • drugs that have an irritating effect: products based on medicinal plants;
  • carriers of sulfhydryl groups: acetylcysteine, carbocysteine;
  • vasicine derivatives: bromhexine, ambroxol;
  • combined expectorants.

Expectorants: pharmacological action

Drugs that stimulate expectoration have many names. Secretolytics, expectorants, expectorants - all these terms combine the same drugs. The mechanism of action of expectorants may be different.

Irritant medications

Thus, some drugs contribute to irritation of the receptors of the gastric mucosa, resulting in reflex stimulation bronchial glands and increased production of bronchial secretions. The mucus thins and is gradually eliminated. To expectorants irritating effect include most medicinal herbs: marshmallow root, thermopsis herb, terpin hydrate, essential oils.

Drugs that directly affect bronchial receptors

Another mechanism of action of expectorants is based on a direct effect on the bronchial mucosa and subsequent stimulation of sputum production. Among these drugs are potassium iodide and ammonium chloride.

Drugs with sulfhydryl groups

Sulfhydryl groups are capable of oxidizing and breaking disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides in bronchial secretions. Thanks to this, the sputum becomes less viscous, and the pus thins out.

Vasicin derivatives

The alkaloid vasicine, which is obtained from the leaves of the Adhatoda vasica plant, has long been used as an effective expectorant. Scientists were able to synthesize a synthetic analogue of vasicin - bromhexine, which, upon breakdown, turns into ambroxol.

Ambroxol promotes the destruction of mucopolysaccharides and mucoproteins that make up sputum. In addition, vasicin preparations stimulate the production of bronchial secretions and increase motor activity ciliated epithelium that lines the walls of the respiratory tract. Separately, I would like to emphasize the anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effect of ambroxol.

Vasicin preparations act at different stages pathological process and are among the most popular and effective means for sputum separation, used for wet cough.

Now, knowing how different expectorants work, we can move on to describing specific drugs.

Treating coughs with the power of plants

Herbal expectorants are highly safe and well tolerated, and reviews from people who prefer natural medicines, this is fully confirmed. The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs in this group.

Ivy-based medicines

Saponins, which ivy is rich in, have a pronounced expectorant, antispasmodic and mucolytic effect, and some ivy-based products are approved for use by newborns and infants. Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women can take these medications after consulting with their doctor.

Ivy preparations are also distinguished by their versatility: they can be used for both wet and dry coughs.

Gedelix, Prospan and Gerbion ivy syrup are registered in Russia.

Plantain preparations

Expectorants containing plantain are also very popular and are effective against all types of cough. Most of them can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

These drugs include Dr. Theis syrup with plantain, as well as combined agents Eucabal (plantain and thyme extract), Herbion plantain syrup (plantain and mallow extract, vitamin C) and others.

Thyme-based products

Common thyme herb extract has antimicrobial activity, as well as expectorant, mucolytic and antitussive effects. Preparations containing thyme extract are used for wet and dry coughs of various etiologies, including smoker's cough.

Among the expectorants with thyme are Bronchicum lozenges, Bronchicum C, approved during pregnancy and lactation, as well as Dr. Theis Bronchosept drops, Tussamag.

An herbal preparation produced by the German company Bionorica, Bronchipret contains a combination of ivy and thyme extract. Bronchipret is widely prescribed for tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. In pediatrics, Bronchipret drops are used from three months of life.

Another product from Bionorica, Bronchipret TP tablets contain extracts of thyme and primrose. The indications for this form are identical to the drops, but the tablets should not be given to children under 12 years of age.

The Slovak preparation Herbion primrose syrup also contains a combination of primrose and thyme. This remedy is prescribed for all types of cough for children from two years of age and adults.

Expectorant medicines based on thyme also include Pertussin, familiar to many from childhood - a stunningly aromatic cough syrup, which, in addition to the main component, contains potassium bromide.

Preparations marshmallow

The recipe for drugs based on the rhizome and roots of marshmallow was developed by Soviet pharmacists. Since then, products with marshmallow extract have been the favorite Russian expectorant medicines, combining effectiveness and efficiency.

Russian pharmaceutical industry produces Mucaltin and marshmallow syrup. Let us add that Mucaltin can be used by dissolving it in a third of a glass of warm boiled water.

Thermopsis tablets

These means are also more traditional for the domestic industry. We have long been accustomed to cheap cough tablets containing thermopsis herb and sodium bicarbonate, which additionally thins phlegm. Russian enterprise Pharmstandard also produces another similar drug called Thermopsol.

Expectorants herbal remedies in combination

Pharmaceutical manufacturers produce combination medications containing plant components in various variations. Their effectiveness is approximately the same, and their safety allows them to be used in pediatric practice. We list the most famous drugs in this group:

  • Stoptussin-Fito (extracts of thyme, thyme, plantain);
  • Cough syrup with plantain and coltsfoot (contains extracts of plantain and coltsfoot herb, as well as mint and eucalyptus oils);
  • Dry cough syrup (extracts of marshmallow roots, licorice, anise oil, ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and benzoate);
  • Amtersol (ammonium chloride salts, potassium bromide and sodium benzoate, licorice root extract, thermopsis herb).

Other expectorant herbal remedies

You can’t ignore the good old medicines that our mothers and grandmothers used to treat us.

Pectusin, which contains eucalyptus leaf oil and racementol, has an antiseptic, mild anesthetic and expectorant effect.

Breast Elixir(anise seed oil, licorice extract and ammonia solution) is a classic expectorant. The standard dosage for both adults and children over two years of age is 20–40 drops three times a day.

Licorice syrup, containing licorice root extract, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Medicinal herbal raw materials as an expectorant

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs and mixtures, which we can prepare ourselves, provide excellent results. Medicinal plants that have long been famous for their expectorant effect include marshmallow and licorice roots, plantain and coltsfoot leaves, thyme and thyme herbs.

Domestic pharmaceutical factories also produce several types of ready-made breast preparations:

  • collection No. 1 - coltsfoot leaves and oregano grass;
  • collection No. 2 - plantain and coltsfoot leaves, licorice roots;
  • collection No. 3 - marshmallow rhizomes, pine buds, anise fruits, sage herb;
  • collection No. 4 - wild rosemary shoots, licorice, chamomile flowers, calendula, violets;
  • expectorant collection - wild rosemary shoots, rhizomes with elecampane roots, calendula and chamomile flowers, coltsfoot and plantain leaves, licorice roots.
  • phytopectol No. 1 ( breast collection No. 1) - marshmallow roots, oregano grass and coltsfoot leaves;
  • phytopectol No. 2 (chest collection No. 2) - leaves of coltsfoot, plantain, licorice roots.

Let us add that decoctions are made from roots and rhizomes, and infusions are made from herbs, leaves and flowers. According to medicine technology, decoctions should be prepared in a water bath for about 30–40 minutes, then left for 10 minutes and filtered. To prepare infusions, 15–20 minutes of water bath and 45 minutes of infusion are enough, after which they can also be filtered and drunk.

Guaifenesin preparations

Guaifenesin-based expectorants have been used in medicine for quite some time. This active substance has vegetable origin- it is extracted from the bark of the guaiac tree, which grows in South and Central America.

Guaifenesin has two main effects at once - a sedative and an expectorant. Guaifenesin preparations stimulate secretory cells of the bronchial mucosa and also destroy acidic mucopolysaccharides in sputum. Expectorants containing guaifenesin are prescribed to treat cough in children over two years of age.

Guaifenesin medications include Coldrex Broncho and Tussin. Besides, pharmaceutical companies They produce a wide range of complex expectorant medications containing guaifenesin. These include Ascoril expectorant and Cashnol, Joset, Stoptussin.

Favorite expectorants: ambroxol preparations

Some of the most famous and effective medicines cough medicine contains ambroxol. It went on sale back in 1978, and immediately took a special place among expectorants.

In Russian pharmaceutical market Dozens of names of drugs containing this active substance have been registered. A bunch of dosage forms Ambroxol is equally popular among patients. Manufacturers produce tablets and syrups, drops and injections, lozenges and solutions for inhalation.

Unlike expectorants of other groups, ambroxol significantly relieves sharp pain in the throat. Therefore, in addition to the dosage forms traditional for cough medications, ambroxol is also available in the form of lozenges for resorption. The dosage of the active substance in such preparations is usually 20 mg. Ambroxol lozenges can quickly relieve severe sore throats, and the effect lasts for at least three hours. In addition, the medicine relieves inflammation and reduces redness and hyperemia of the mucous membrane.

Ambroxol: indications and contraindications


The drug is prescribed for all diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the appearance of difficult, viscous sputum. Acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia), bronchial asthma of various etiologies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an incomplete list of pathologies for which ambroxol can be used. Injectable forms of ambroxol are also prescribed for respiratory distress syndrome, which develops in newborns, and more often in premature infants and is characterized by hypoxia, as well as respiratory depression.


Ambroxol is contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance;
  • stomach ulcer and/or duodenum;
  • convulsive syndrome.

You should be especially careful when prescribing ambroxol to infants who have not yet learned to cough up sputum. A sharp dilution of bronchial secretions in infants can contribute to the occurrence of bronchial congestion.

Pregnancy and lactation

In the first trimester of pregnancy, expectorants containing ambroxol are strictly prohibited. For more later the medicine can be used if the benefit to the mother is much greater than the risk to the baby. However, practice shows that in most cases, safer expectorants can be selected for pregnant and lactating women.

Ambroxol dosage

Average adult oral dosages, i.e. internal medications Ambroxol is 30 mg three times a day. Children are prescribed 7.5–15 mg two or three times a day.

The dosage of drops for inhalation usually ranges from 15 to 22 mg 2-3 times a day. Dose injection solution is the same 15 mg intramuscularly or intravenously, and in severe cases it can be increased to 30 mg 2-3 times a day. The pediatric dose is calculated based on the child’s weight: 1.2–1.6 mg per kilogram of weight three times a day.

The course of treatment can last several weeks. However, if a week after starting treatment the cough has not decreased, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Tolerability of ambroxol

Ambroxol preparations are well tolerated and cause virtually no side effects. Allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain, or headache may occur in 0.1% to 1% of patients taking expectorants with ambroxol.

Experts warn that ambroxol should not be prescribed simultaneously with antitussives, in particular codeine, pseudoephedrine and others.

Ambroxol preparations in the Russian Federation

Ambroxol-based expectorants registered in Russia include:

  • Ambrobene produced by the Israeli company Teva;
  • AmbroHexal (manufacturer - German concern Hexal);
  • Ambroxol Richter, Hungarian company Gedeon Richter;
  • Ambrosan, made in the Czech Republic;
  • Bronchoxol, a Russian drug from the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory;
  • Bronchorus, manufacturer - Russian company Synthesis;
  • Lazolvan, a German drug from Boehringer Ingelheim;
  • Medox, Czech drug, Zentiva;
  • Flavamed, which is produced by the German concern Berlin Hemi;
  • Fervex for cough, Bristol Mayer and others.

Ambroxol is also part of combined expectorant medications. The most famous among them is the domestic elixir Codelac Broncho with thyme (ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate, thyme herb extract) produced by Pharmstandard.

Good old... Bromhexine

When we buy the usual inexpensive pills, we hardly think about the metamorphoses that the medicine undergoes in our body. Many would be surprised to learn that the most common Bromhexine literally half an hour after administration is 99% absorbed into the blood, after which it is metabolized and converted into... ambroxol.

This means that everything pharmacological properties and the indications and contraindications for Bromhexine and Ambroxol are almost identical.

Release forms:

Bromhexine is produced in the form of tablets containing 4 and 8 mg of the active substance, children's syrups with a dose of 4 mg in 5 ml and drops for internal use and inhalation. Unlike ambroxol, bromhexine is not produced in the form of lozenges for resorption.


Bromhexine is prescribed to children from two to ten years old 2-4 mg three times a day, and over 10 years old and adults 8 mg three times a day.

In severe cases, the dosage can be increased to 16 mg, and the frequency of use for children is twice a day, and for adults - up to four.

Bromhexine preparations are well tolerated and rarely cause side effects.

The trade names of almost all bromhexine-based expectorants registered in the Russian Federation do not differ from international name. Among the most popular drugs are Bromhexine Berlin Chemie produced by the German corporation Berlin Chemie Menarini; Bromhexine Nycomed, a drug from the Danish company Nycomed; Bromhexine Ratiopharm, produced by the Israeli concern Teva.

More economical price categories include domestic analogues bromhexine.

Acetylcysteine: modern and effective

Acetylcysteine ​​preparations also occupy an important place among expectorants. The ability of N-acetylcysteine ​​to break disulfide bonds in bronchial mucus allows this substance to be used not only for cold cough, but also in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, pulmonary tuberculosis and other diseases.

Acetylcysteine ​​is one of the most important medications needed in the healthcare system. It is included in the corresponding list of drugs, which is compiled by specialists World Organization healthcare.

Release forms

Acetylcysteine ​​preparations are available in the form of:

  • powder for cooking internal solutions or hot tea. The dosage of such forms is 100, 200 or 600 mg;
  • effervescent tablets that dissolve in cool boiled water;
  • solutions for inhalation;
  • solutions for injections.


Contraindications to taking acetylcysteine ​​include peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, bleeding in the lungs, pathologies of the adrenal glands, liver or kidney failure.

During pregnancy, acetylcysteine ​​preparations are used if the benefit of the medication for the mother outweighs the potential risk for the child.

Side effects

Side effects include rash, hives and itching. Some patients may experience shortness of breath and difficulty breathing during treatment. Reported isolated cases bronchospasm. Considering these data, patients with broncho-obstructive syndrome acetylcysteine ​​is combined with bronchodilators that prevent bronchospasm.


The dose of acetylcysteine ​​is selected individually. As a rule, for adults, 400–600 mg of the active substance, divided into two or three doses, is sufficient. Children are prescribed 300–400 mg of acetylcysteine ​​per day.

For inhalation, use 2–5 ml of a solution containing 20% ​​acetylcysteine. The frequency of procedures is 2–3 times a day.

Acetylcysteine ​​for injection is prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously at 300 mg once a day. The pediatric dose is calculated based on the ratio of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.

special instructions

When prescribing acetylcysteine-based expectorants and antibiotics simultaneously Special attention Please note that acetylcysteine ​​may interact with some antibacterial drugs. These include tetracyclines (except doxycycline), ampicillin, amphotericin B and others. Therefore, at least two hours should pass between taking antibiotics and acetylcysteine.


We list the most famous expectorant drugs containing acetylcysteine:

  • N AC-ratiopharm produced by Teva;
  • Acestin, a German drug from Stad;
  • ACC, a drug from the German company Hexal. It is distinguished by a wide variety of release forms, including ACC 100, ACC 200, ACC Long, ACC injection and others;
  • Mukobene, an Austrian drug from Merkle;
  • Fluimucil, which is produced by the Swiss company Zambon.

Carbocysteine-based expectorants

Just like acetylcysteine, carbocysteine ​​promotes the rupture of disulfide bridges connecting glycoproteins of tracheobronchial secretions. Carbocysteine ​​preparations are prescribed for wet coughs with viscous sputum.

Expectorants based on carbocysteine ​​are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for diseases of the kidneys, bladder (cystitis), and peptic ulcers.

Unlike acetylcysteine, medications containing carbocysteine ​​do not provoke bronchospasm and do not interact with antibiotics. From this point of view, the use of drugs in this group is safer.


Adults are prescribed 2 capsules of carbocisteine ​​or 15 ml of 5% syrup three times a day. After improvement, the dosage is reduced (1 capsule or 10 ml of syrup three times a day).

Children aged 2–12 years are prescribed 2.5-10 ml baby syrup(2.5%) four times a day.


The most common and effective expectorants based on carbocisteine ​​include:

  • Fluditec, syrups 2.5% and 5%, manufacturer - Laboratory Innotek, France;
  • Libexin-Muco, children's and adult syrups, Sanofi, France;
  • Bronchobos, a drug produced in Bosnia, is available in the form of capsules and syrups.

Folk expectorants

We cannot ignore folk, homemade expectorants, which undoubtedly have the right to life.

Black radish

The middle of the radish is cut out, honey is poured into it and left for a day for extraction. After this, the solution is taken 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Popular wisdom says that warm milk, to which honey is added, baking soda, alkaline mineral water and other ingredients is strong remedy for sputum removal.

Honey as in pure form, and dissolved in warm tea, milk or just warm water, has a calming and mucolytic effect.

Official medicine often fully supports the treatment of cough with traditional methods. In a potentially healthy person, “mild” expectorant therapy gives excellent results. But no matter whether you accept medications or prefer to drink tea with raspberries, if there is a sharp deterioration, consult a doctor immediately. And then complications will bypass you.



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