Do all men have it in the morning? Morning erection is not a problem

An erection that occurs at night and in the morning is explained by the special condition of the male genital organ. Thanks to the spontaneous flow of blood, the phallus increases significantly in size.

Full bladder

The question that worries many young people about why guys have an erect penis in the morning was previously explained by the cause of overcrowding, which sends a signal about this to the spinal center. When irritation active point reaches its maximum extent, it spreads to neighboring areas where the erection center is located. As a result, the penis becomes excited. Numerous medical research in the field of the genitourinary sphere confirmed the fallacy of this statement.

Among young people, there is another answer to the question of why guys have erectile dysfunction in the morning. The reason for this may be dreams of an erotic nature. In practice, it turns out that not all people have dreams, and even if they do, their theme may be connected to completely different events. However, it is still present in men.

This is normal

Often the question of why guys have erect penises in the morning worries parents of teenagers and younger boys. Morning erections are considered by adults to be some kind of deviation from the norm and are explained early development modern children. In fact, even in fetal babies, doctors have observed genital arousal.

Concerns about why men's penis is erect in the morning are usually expressed by adults, poorly educated people. Today it is widely known that erection has a direct connection with the night phases of sleep, of which a person has two.

The fast sleep period lasts about twenty minutes, the slow sleep period lasts up to an hour. During the night, the phases alternate and periodically replace each other. Dreams visit a person in a short period REM sleep. At this time, the pulse quickens, the eyeballs move and the body temperature increases slightly. In this state, stimulation of the penis occurs.


If a man wakes up at the moment of fasting, then his penis may be in an erect state. Such a simple explanation can be given to the question of ignorant people about why guys have a phallus in the morning.

The topic of morning and night erections was carefully explored back in the forties of the last century. One and a half dozen young people were long time V laboratory conditions, where equipment was installed that took readings of brain activity and noted the onset and duration fast phase sleep. Also, the behavior of sleeping people was recorded by a hidden surveillance camera.

An examination of the patients confirmed the natural occurrence of several nocturnal erections in each patient, with a total duration of about two hours. As a result of observations, it was concluded that young, physically healthy men stimulation of the penis occurs at night every hour and a half. The duration of standing can last from twenty to forty minutes.

With age, the frequency of nocturnal erections decreases significantly and its duration shortens. In older people over seventy years of age, the ability to arousal is still retained, but the strength and duration are minimal.

Good health

It was also established why men's penis gets erect regularly at night. Such excitement occurs in people who have a strong healthy sleep and many positive dreams. Physical and nervous fatigue, chronic lack of sleep have the opposite effect on erection.

Lack of oxygen

Understanding in detail the question of why guys have a hard time in the morning, we should turn to the physiological aspect of the problem. When the male genital organ is in a calm, non-excited state, the rate of blood flow in it noticeably decreases. During the day during wakefulness, this condition is compensated active work person, often associated with physical labor. In this case, blood circulation occurs evenly in the body, reaching all organs of the body.

At night, leaving the phallus at rest for a long time can lead to a lack of oxygen in the tissues. In response to impending hypoxia, they begin to become excited and, thus, bring the entire penis into a state of erection.

If night standing did not happen, men could quickly lose their sexual health. In other words, involuntary erection maintains physiological state genital organs at the appropriate level. This property of the body is especially important for those men who do not have regular sex life for a long time.

Nocturnal erections occur during sleep and usually go unnoticed. But why do men get erect penises in the morning? This question can be answered in the following way. Morning erection is nothing more than the last night arousal that occurred during the rapid phase of sleep, at which time the person woke up.

Lack of erection in the morning is not a death sentence!

If a man sometimes does not feel aroused in the morning, this fact should not be regarded as a health problem. When the weakening of morning erections becomes regular, or it stops altogether for a long time, this can cause anxiety men and thoughts on the topic of possible impotence. This kind of mood only makes it worse negative state. If it happens similar phenomenon, That the best option There will be an immediate visit to the doctor.

Taking into account the dependence full-fledged work genital area from psychological conditions life, we can say with confidence that the calmer and more stable a man’s life is, the fewer sexual problems will appear.

What determines sexual activity?

Every person should know that sexual activity is directly related to the activity of the heart and blood vessels. The weakening of erections can be influenced by diseases such as ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes. The consequence of these diseases is damage to erectile tissue.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, narcotic substances not only has a negative impact on sexual health, but can also quickly lead to its complete loss.

A sedentary lifestyle also does not improve health, but stress and depressive states contribute to the suppression of sexual function.

The quality of night and morning erections can be significantly influenced by certain medical supplies, used for a long time. These include diuretics, psychotropic medications, tranquilizers, antidepressants. Means that reduce arterial pressure and dilating blood vessels, can also weaken a man’s potency, not to mention night and morning arousals.

The stable functioning of the reproductive system is directly influenced by the presence in the body sufficient quantity testosterone hormone.


Taking into account all of the above, we can confidently say that a morning erection serves as confirmation of a strong men's health. Now it’s clear what to do if your penis is erect in the morning. Of course, rejoice!

Women noticing their lover's erection in the morning, they perceive this as a reason to have fun once again. But is this what men always want? And how to treat your lover’s morning excitement - immediately attack with ardent caresses or still be patient and let the man finally wake up?

Why do men get up in the morning?

Morning erection became the reason for more than one joke. But men themselves have different attitudes towards such manifestations of the body: some are happy about it and are happy to make love, others... are angry. The latter believe that women simply use the characteristics of the male body to enjoy the delights of sexual intimacy. You often hear men tell their friends over a glass of beer that “I hadn’t even woken up yet, and she attacked me: a sexual maniac!”

Medical scientists They also cannot unambiguously explain why representatives of the masculine half are “stiff” in the morning. But they console us - a morning erection is a sign of good sexual health. One of the versions of the “morning boner” - the body awakens, and the functionality of all systems and organs is checked.

But if morning erection, suddenly disappears and is not observed for several weeks (let alone months!) - this serious reason consult a doctor.

Morning erection among representatives of the male sex is often called a “biological test” of the body. But this version, like any other, has its opponents. Those who do not agree with this hypothesis cite as arguments a man’s numerous erections throughout the day, which, by the way, sometimes “happen” in the most inappropriate situations.

Established fact is considered and periodic occurrence erections during night sleep. One can, of course, assume that both day and night the body also tests a man for physical health and the ability to mate, but... Isn’t this too simple an explanation for such an “interesting” (especially for ladies) process?..

Bladder theory

Another reason for morning erections- full bladder. Theory " Bladder“Excitement of the male body during awakening is explained by the fact that the overcrowded organ simply sends impulses to the brain about the need to empty the bladder.

And due to the fact that the zone, responsible for directing the impulse to release the bladder, is located next to the area responsible for, an impulse is simultaneously sent from the brain, prompting the body to have an erection.

There is a simpler explanation– a full bladder simply presses hard on the bladder, so the man gets an erection. The excitement caused by the bladder passes quickly - almost immediately after emptying it.

Erection caused bladder overflow, usually does not last longer than 10 - 15 minutes. Sexual arousal is always more persistent and requires release in the form of orgasm.

The theory of nocturnal erections

There are many other theories that explain morning erections in men.

Let's list a few more of the most popular ones:

  1. Erection as a preventive measure. According to this version, morning arousal of the sexual organ is necessary for the body to regularly renew the blood in the penis. And this is possible only during an erection.
  2. Erection as a manifestation of complex brain activity in the stages of REM sleep. When the passive stage of sleep is replaced by an active one, in the male brain in the pons, begins to be observed high activity. The body of the male half is simply forced to react to bursts of such activity. One form of reaction is the appearance of tension in the penis.
  3. An erection is like a surge of testosterone. The closer to morning, the higher the testosterone content in male blood becomes. The peak occurs between 5 and 9 am. At the moment of awakening, the level of this hormone becomes maximum. Hence the strong erection.
  4. Erection as a result of an erotic dream. Erotic dreams, which become the fruit of a man’s rich sexual fantasy, can lead to morning arousal. An erection during awakening in this case is the logical conclusion of sleep, if discharge has not occurred in the process.
  5. Erection as a result of constant sexual attraction to the woman you love. A man always wants his beloved, and an orgasm is just a temporary release, after which a strong feeling appears again. sexual desire.

Theory for those who believe in the energy of life

In Eastern and Asian countries It is believed that a man's morning erection indicates his desire to live. Nature awakens, the sun rises, and human body filled with energy.

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It's no secret that almost 50% of women do not experience orgasm during sex, and this hits both manhood, and in relationships with the opposite sex.

You can find out the rest of the secrets of unforgettable sex on the pages of our portal.

Morning excitement for representatives of the masculine half, this is a sign of filling his body with the energy of life, which gives him a full existence and helps to generate a new human life with the help of a man’s seed.

Is this normal?

Morning erection is a natural phenomenon. During the night, a man experiences from 4 to 8 erections, the morning one being the strongest. According to doctors, an excited state upon awakening is a sign good health in a man. But if an erection disappears in the morning and does not return for a very long time, this indicates problems.

They can be not only physical, but also psychological: for example, due to constant stress at work, enormous mental and intellectual overload. It is also necessary to keep in mind that the older the man, the weaker the morning erection.

After 50 years Representatives of the male sex experience only 3-4 erections per night, and closer to 80 they may not have them at all, and this is considered a normal age-related change.

Stories from our readers!
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Good health? Or problems?

Men especially need morning erections who do not have regular sex. Excitement in the morning is the only way for them to avoid more serious problems associated with stagnation of blood in the penis. And among these troubles is not only the possibility of getting sick, for example, prostatitis, but also the gloomy prospect of becoming impotent.

If morning erection ends with ejaculation - and it’s absolutely wonderful! Even if a man does not have sex regularly, he has a natural need for release. An orgasm resulting from morning excitement is a good solution to the problem in the absence of the woman you love.

No matter how it turns out personal life men - a morning erection is considered evidence of good male health, like those who lead a constant sex life, and for those who have sex only occasionally.

Lack of oxygen

If a man has
erection disappears in the morning and at night
, blood in the genital organ may stagnate. This leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and hypoxia. There is little good in this!

In order to prevent the member men are oxygen starved, blood must periodically flow to the organ. This is why erections often occur not only in young men, but even in... babies and old people. It happens less often among them, but is considered normal.

Blood flow to the penis occurs t during REM sleep. At this time, not only an erection appears, but also the pulse quickens, the eyeballs, body temperature rises slightly, which is also considered normal condition for a sleeping person.

Lack of erection in the morning is not a death sentence!

If morning erection If it is not observed for several days, there is no need to panic. But if it has not been there for several months, you should definitely contact a urologist. The absence of a morning erection may be a sign of the development of certain diseases. But before diagnosing any disease, it is necessary to figure out which of the reasons led to the disappearance of morning erections.

Reasons can be of two types:

  1. Psychological. When eliminated, the erection returns quickly and easily.
  2. Physical. Caused by disorders in the body. But these changes are not always signs of a serious illness.

Problems leading to mental cause, according to which the morning erection disappears:

Problems leading to physical reasons, according to which the morning erection disappears:

  1. Changes in the body associated with aging. But this is not the worst problem! Morning excitement can be restored if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, do not forget to carefully monitor your health!
  2. Diseases genitourinary system. The doctor will help you establish an accurate diagnosis, and he will also prescribe treatment. After the source of inflammation can be suppressed, the man will again be able to enjoy morning erections.
  3. Hormonal imbalances. Tests will show how serious the condition is. But don’t be upset - this is also successful and usually quickly treated!
  4. Venereal diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. To establish accurate diagnosis you will need to pass a dozen tests. Once they are ready, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Recovery may take several months, but after that the morning erection will return.
  5. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: cardiac failure, coronary disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis. In order to determine which of these diseases caused the disappearance of the morning erection, it is necessary to be examined: do a cardiogram of the heart, take blood tests, urine tests, biochemistry, and undergo other tests that the doctor will prescribe. It is impossible to cure most of these diseases, but there is no need to give up on yourself either. If you follow a daily routine, nutrition and regularly take appropriate medications, an erection returns to most of the patients.
  6. Bad habits: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. In order to enjoy morning erections again, you just need to give them up.
  7. Some medications. Antidepressants, psychotropic, diuretic drugs, and some others can lead to this. If a man takes any pills, he needs to contact the doctor who prescribed them to find analogues that will not affect the erection.

Study - reviews from doctors

According to research specialists, morning erections are observed in 90% of men. Of the 10% of male representatives who show no signs of arousal upon awakening, only 6% subsequently develop serious illnesses. In 4% of men who do not experience an erection in the morning, arousal returns spontaneously after some time.

What determines sexual activity?

Male sexual activity depends on the state of his health, daily routine, nutrition, lifestyle,
Opportunities to have sex regularly. Although morning erection is considered the main sign of male health, it is still not its determining factor. For a male representative, most erections can occur at night; he can wake up a morning erection, so it remains unnoticed by him.

Main indicator of health– availability of full-fledged sexual relations. They mean regular and high-quality sex. In this case, the man should not fear anything. And although it is believed that the peak sexual activity men fall in the morning hours, strong mutual love and ardent unbridled passion will help lovers find correct application male erection at any time of the day.

Erection is special condition penis in a man, accompanied by expansion of the cavernous bodies of the penis, due to which naturally the size of the organ itself increases. An erect state may be a consequence of a man’s sexual arousal, or it may be a morning phenomenon for no apparent reason. About why guys get sick in the morning reproductive organ, not everyone knows.

First of all, doctors note that morning erections in men are an absolutely normal phenomenon that should be present in everyone. They associate the morning “bone” with the structural features of the whole body and work reproductive system. Any young man who has reached the age of puberty should have an erection in the morning. The reasons for its appearance or absence will be discussed further.

Despite the fact that it is a completely natural phenomenon, almost all young men and older men wonder why it’s worth it in the morning. A medical certificate says that the size of the genital organ by nature can increase 3-4 times, which is facilitated in every possible way by a man’s sexual arousal to the opposite sex. Morning erection has other reasons and explanations.

Due to sexual attraction and erection by excitation of nerve impulses that relax the walls blood vessels in the genital area. Thanks to this, blood fills the tissues and cells of the genital organ faster and in greater volume, and the muscles, in turn, form a spasm that blocks the outflow of blood at the very base of the penis. As a result, the penis becomes hard, large and hot, which is called an erection.

The medical certificate also covers cases of involuntary erection, which is in no way related to sexual arousal. Its appearance can be influenced by factors such as irritation of a group of muscles that block the outflow of blood, as well as the activity of some brain centers that are responsible for sexual arousal.

What causes morning erections?

After the onset of puberty, men have their penis erect in the morning, simulating an erect state. But in this case, we should not talk about a man’s desire for sexual intercourse; it is rather a special reaction of the body to a certain group of factors. So, there may be several reasons why most men have a hard penis in the morning, namely:

  1. Hormonal activity- as research by specialists shows, in the morning from 5 to 9 o’clock the most high concentration testosterone in the body. This hormone is directly responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, sexual arousal, erection and potency, and it also causes the cavernous bodies to become more filled with blood.
  2. Overfilled bladder- a frequent and absolutely normal occurrence in the morning, since a man does not empty his bladder during the night. When it is filled, certain signals about this are sent to the brain, and these areas are close to those responsible for sexual arousal. Also, a full bladder, located next to the prostate, puts pressure on it, contraction of its muscles provokes an erection of the penis.
  3. Body testing- when a man wakes up, the body seems to check important systems and organs for their functionality. The same applies to reproductive function, as a result of which the penis becomes erect. This is a relatively new scientific opinion about why men always have their reproductive organ erect in the morning.
  4. Blood renewal- it is known that arterial blood tends to be constantly renewed, and it is this blood that enters the cavernous bodies of the penis during an erection. Without renewal of blood in the penis area, sooner or later hypoxia may form, which leads to impotence. Therefore, such a phenomenon as morning erection occurs, which is especially relevant in men who do not have a constant sex life.
  5. Erotic dreams- any dreams that directly or indirectly evoke sexual desire send corresponding impulses to the brain, which is accompanied by a morning erection.
  6. Active movement during sleep and tight underwear- at hypersensitivity heads, the reproductive organ is able to respond appropriately to any mechanical contacts and movements, even during sleep. If a man tosses and turns in his sleep, friction of the genital organ on the tissue underwear and bed can cause an erection.
  7. Brain activity- an erection, when the penis gets erect, can occur not only in the morning, but also several times during the night. Experts explain that sleep is divided into several phases, and during the fast phase, muscle contraction and rapid movements of the eyeball are observed. Some areas of the brain react to these processes, thereby triggering chain reactions, which entails arousal and erection.

All of the above reasons for morning erection have clear explanations and confirmation from specialists, which means they are true. They also show that morning erection is natural and normal phenomenon, which is determined by the individual processes and reactions of the body to external and internal stimuli.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

Recent research by scientists has confirmed that only strong and healthy men with good quality sleep and rest, regular erections are observed at night and in the morning.

Why do morning erections disappear?

If morning erection is considered a natural physiological process, then its absence for a long time can be considered a deviation from the norm and a consequence of any disturbances in the body. Experts advise not to be nervous about this, as this can provoke a worsening of the situation. You need to visit a urologist or andrologist to find out the reasons for the lack of morning erection.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • hypertension, that is, high blood pressure;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • insomnia or low quality sleep;
  • heart failure;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • depressive states;
  • fatigue;
  • taking diuretics, antidepressants or tranquilizers.

As practice shows, most often the lack of erection in the morning is caused by a man’s banal fatigue, lack of sleep and stressful situations. At worst long absence morning erection may be a consequence erectile dysfunction, venereal diseases, prostatitis. Therefore, it is extremely important for a man to turn to medical specialist to prevent serious violations.

What to do if there is no erection in the morning?

Morning boners used to be perceived extremely negatively, but today they are considered an indicator of good male health. If such a symptom is absent for some time in the morning, the man needs not only to visit a doctor, but also to warn serious complications preventive measures. Namely:

  • you need to do exercises in the mornings and go jogging in the evenings;
  • a man’s diet should consist of 30% fat, the remaining 70% consists of healthy, wholesome food;
  • You need to eat fruits and vegetables all year round to help your body perform its functions;
  • from alcoholic drinks and others bad habits need to get rid of it so as not to downgrade protective functions body;
  • You definitely need to watch your weight and fight extra pounds, due to which testosterone levels decrease;
  • daily sleep should be at least 8 hours;
  • Do not abuse erection stimulants;
  • at night, the genitals need to be ensured comfort by avoiding tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • special attention should be paid to the psycho-emotional background, to protect yourself from stress, complexes, worries, self-criticism, etc.

Do you know how to strengthen your erection?


The most important rule that will help restore everything natural processes sexual sphere, a man’s full and regular sex life is considered. When any alarming symptoms You should immediately contact a urologist or andrologist.


A man's morning erection is not a cause for concern, but, on the contrary, proof that the body and reproductive system work 100%. A man does not need to look for ways to get rid of an erection in the morning, and sexologists and andrologists advise using this time for sexual intercourse with a partner.

Male erection is a sign of healthy functioning of the reproductive system. It occurs during sexual arousal due to the structural features of the male body. Why does the morning erection of the penis occur in men?

An erection is an increase in size of the sexual organ that occurs after sexual arousal. The penis becomes 3-4 times larger, its temperature and hardness increase. Why does this happen? Formed during arousal nerve impulses lead to expansion and relaxation of the arteries of the penis. At this moment, blood penetrates them and occupies the entire internal space. Muscles are also involved here; due to the contraction of some, the root of the male genital organ is compressed. Therefore, blood is retained in the phallus, making it more difficult for it to leave it, which is why the hardness and size of the organ increase.

It's not just arousal that causes an erection in men. Other factors that influence this include the action on certain muscles (leading to compression of the root of the penis) or the activity of areas of the brain that affect arousal.

  • The structure of the penis contains three longitudinal bodies, the basis of which is spongy tissue that ensures erectile function.
  • Spongy tissues are placed in the interweaving of blood vessels.
  • The upper bodies become harder during the erection process and create the so-called skeleton of the penis.
  • Inside corpus cavernosum The urethra is located (through which urination occurs).
  • At the end of the corpus cavernosum is the head of the penis.

The head, like other spongy bodies, is less hard than the cavernous ones. Therefore, it is possible for the seminal fluid to move through the urination channel, surrounded by elastic tissues.

Why do you get an erection in the morning?

What causes the morning to find the male genital organ in combat readiness? After all, we know that the body is supposed to rest and relax during sleep. Reasons that bring a member into vertical position morning hours, may be one of the following:

  • There is an opinion among experts that the occurrence of morning (and night) erection is influenced by brain activity. This happens because our sleep goes through several phases. And during fast, you can observe the work of some muscles and parts of the brain, which in turn leads to different reactions, including those associated with bringing the penis into an excited state.
  • For an overly sensitive penis, it doesn’t take much to get into an excited state; a little pressure during active movement from side to side during sleep will be enough. Tight underwear can lead to the same consequences.

  • While watching erotic dreams male body reacts accordingly and gets excited.
  • Every part of the body needs new supplies. arterial blood. As for the penis, the blood in it is renewed when it stands; this process can occur in the morning even in boys at early age. If this does not happen, then it will come oxygen starvation, which can subsequently result in impotence. Arousal of the genital organ in the morning can be observed more often in those men who currently do not have a regular sexual partner.
  • One of the possible reasons for the origin of morning erections is the so-called testing, which the body, according to scientists, performs immediately after sleep ends. And to check the condition of the reproductive system, the penis is brought into an erect state. This is why doctors are often concerned about patients' lack of erections in the morning.

  • The reasons why a full bladder leads to erection in a man in the morning are of two types. First of all, when filled with blood, this organ puts pressure on prostate gland, which is located nearby. The muscles in the prostate contract and an erection occurs. Secondly, during the filling of the bladder, signals go to the corresponding parts of the brain, and next to these centers there are brain centers that are fundamental during arousal.
  • There is also a possibility that men have an erect penis due to an increase in the hormone testosterone in the blood at this time, because morning is the time for its amount in the blood to increase. And it is this hormone that is important for normal functioning reproductive system and to fill the penis with blood.

What is the right thing to do?

Why do doctors say that it is the morning - best period for making love? This is explained by the fact that the penis is already prepared for this process. The partner does not need to take additional actions to excite her man.

It is better when a trusting relationship is established between a man and a woman, and the woman helps her beloved achieve relaxation in the morning.

You can also use your hands or lips for this; even petting in the morning often leads to both partners reaching the finish line.

If, during the occurrence of a morning erection, it is not possible to have sexual intercourse, there is no need to worry.

Sometimes you can resort to self-satisfaction, since frequent arousal without achieving release is very undesirable for health.

Going to the toilet immediately after waking up also helps return the penis to its normal state. If this does not happen, and the organ continues to stand, you can ignore the erection, and the penis will descend on its own in about 20 minutes.

What can cause the lack of morning erection?

The fact that guys have erect penises in the morning is a sign of a healthy body. The worries start when this doesn't happen. There may be the following reasons:

  • Various changes in the body can lead to disruption of the process of arousal of the penis in the morning, not necessarily associated with disease.
  • Age-related changes. Their action can be slowed down if healthy image life and pay enough attention to your health.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. After visiting a urologist and eliminating the inflammation, morning erections will return again.

  • Hormonal disorders. Modern medicine I found a solution to this problem too.
  • Diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels. This will definitely require consultation. experienced doctor. He will be able to prescribe the optimal medications, help you draw up best mode day and give advice on nutrition. And following all the specialist’s recommendations will lead to the man’s penis being erect again in the morning.
  • Stress. It has long been proven that a person’s experience of stress can negatively affect the performance of many of his organs and systems and lead to serious violations health.
  • Insufficient time for night rest. Regular lack of sleep has a destructive effect on the body's activities in many areas of its functioning.
  • Overwork. This concept implies the effect of a large load on a person. A constant fatigue worsens the condition of many systems.
  • Use narcotic drugs has a detrimental effect on the activity of every human organ. To get your morning erection back, you need to get rid of bad habits.

  • Taking certain medications. If problems with arousal of the male genital organ in the morning coincided with the period of taking any medicinal product, then you can contact your doctor with a request to replace it with an analogue that does not have a similar effect on the body.

If it is noticed that the morning often begins without an erection, and at the same time in a man’s life there is at least one of the factors leading to this, then there is no reason to worry. Here's a repeat of this situation for a long time can be regarded as a necessity for going to the clinic. Why? To check the condition of the reproductive system and find out the reasons for the lack of sexual arousal in the morning.

What to do if there is no morning erection?

If a man’s genitals are not erect when he wakes up, there is no need to be upset, even if such a morning repeats for a month. Because unnecessary worries can become psychological reasons physiological disorders. Here's what you can do:

  • A course of antidepressants will help bring blood pressure back to normal, calm nerves and bring harmony internal state guys, which should also have a positive effect on the performance of the reproductive system.
  • Consult a specialist about the dependence of the number and strength of erections on age. Because with age physiological processes the body undergoes various changes.

Why shouldn't you worry if you don't have an erection in the morning?

In order not to get upset ahead of time, read literature on physiology. The following information can be gleaned from scientific sources: the process of getting an erection in the absence of arousal is considered quite normal. And vice versa - there may be arousal, but no erection; this is due to the initiation process occurring in the body.
The male genital organ erects 4-8 times during the night, every one and a half to two hours, for a period of about 20 minutes. The strength of the erection increases with each new time. Therefore, if your morning erection is not as strong as usual, it may not be your last. This can happen if insomnia or chronic lack of sleep appears in a man’s life.

Thus, morning erection is normal process and a sign of the health of men at any age.

Prevention of impotence

For men, one of the most terrible sentences is impotence; each of them is very afraid that their “friend” will stop standing. Many fears are associated with this disease. And the occurrence of changes in morning erection, or its complete absence, can also direct the train of thought in an unnecessary direction and seem to be a harbinger of the onset of impotence.
It is often difficult for a man to address his concerns to a doctor, so there is no need to wait for actual disorders in this area, but to accept preventive measures. To do this you need:

  1. Get your lifestyle and its components in order: quality sleep, physical exercise, rest, food, labor activity. Adapt these processes to your personal biorhythms.
  2. Give up all habits that are harmful to your health.
  3. Do not use interruption of sexual intercourse as the only way to protect against unwanted pregnancy.
  4. Use self-satisfaction only occasionally and do not allow it to be used as the only way receiving a release.

  1. Treatment of existing and prevention possible diseases related to nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, as well as with liver activity.
  2. If diseases of the reproductive system occur, consult a doctor in the early stages.
  3. Always protect your genitals during situations that may cause injury.
  4. Improve your sex life and make it regular.
  5. Eliminate promiscuity from your life.
  6. Control erectile function and at the slightest changes, consult a doctor.

Observing the usual state of erection in the morning, young men do not really delve into the physiological meaning of this phenomenon, since they are either in a hurry to get to work or use this property of the body for its intended purpose.

Similar exploratory thoughts, quite possibly, visited Robinson Crusoe or Edmond Dantes, since they were deprived of many of the joys and worries of our usual life.

The state of erection in the morning is also typical for people who are not sexually active; it occurs even in infants and old people.

Reasons for erections in men in the morning

Some amateur researchers believe that morning erection is directly related to erotic dreams, but in fact this is not the case at all.

It's not all that romantic. Simply, gradually filling up overnight, begins to send signals to the urination center located in spinal cord. Next to it is the erection center. And the most unexpected neighbors also happen in life. The disturbed erection center, in turn, sends a signal to the penis, and as they say, that’s all it needs. In this case, the probability of ordinary sexual arousal should also be taken into account, and if we compare the power and duration of these two varieties, then the “urinary erection” is clearly inferior to the “sexual one”.

However, restless scientists have come up with another explanation for this interesting phenomenon. The fact is that erections also occur at night, and not just in the morning. Since in calm state Since very little arterial blood is supplied to the penis, it is possible, to put it frivolously, to experience hypoxia due to oxygen deficiency. So, in order to prevent such a nuisance, spontaneous erections are necessary, preserving sexual health for those who are interested in this issue and everything else.

During the night, the number of erections fluctuates in the range of four to seven times, this is on average. This pleasure lasts up to twenty minutes and occurs during the rapid phase of sleep. At the same time, body temperature rises, heart rate increases, and the eyeballs move under the eyelids. But against the background of the penis, few people pay attention to this.

A number of thoughtful researchers explain the morning erection as an outbreak of male sexual intercourse. The fact is that its concentration in the blood changes throughout the day, and this indicator reaches its maximum between five and nine in the morning. Therefore, the activity of the sexual organ increases.

If the boys have before adolescence arises spontaneous erection, this does not indicate sexual arousal. It happens, however, that children artificially hold back urination to prolong the pleasant feeling of sexual arousal. This is not entirely good and children should be taught from an early age to go to the toilet immediately after waking up. The urination center will calm down and the erection will stop.

However, spontaneous erection, this is evidence of good health.

What to do if there is no morning erection?

In this case, what to do if there is no morning erection? Usually this does not always happen, but only on some days, and this is usually a consequence of stress, fatigue, as well as bad and poor nutrition. After night work or during illness, morning erections are also rare. The recommendations here are simple - you should rest, calm down, wait for time, eat right.

If you don’t have an erection in the morning for a long time, don’t rush to ring the bells. If it is present during sexual arousal, then most likely the morning erection simply went unnoticed. IN as a last resort, go see a doctor, because beating yourself up will only make the problem worse.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs