How to make a classmate stand up. Causes of an erection or why does a member get up? Spontaneous erections: norm or deviation

The topic may be funny, but it will certainly be useful for many young people. After all, many people face such a “problem”. Let's talk in our article about how not to get into a stupid situation and what to do if a member got up at the most inopportune time for this.

When testosterone is in full swing, it can happen that an erection occurs almost on its own. Especially if, for example, you don't have a girlfriend and you don't let your sexual energy out in any other way. Let's say you are going to public transport and you see a sexy, beautiful blonde in front of you. And so, your "friend" begins to wake up. So, what to do in such a situation?

Erection at the wrong time

What to do if a member got up and it happened at the wrong time?

  1. Try not to think about it or panic. Yes, you may soon stop and you need to get out, but if you start thinking "Don't get up .... don't get up", then the effect will be just the opposite. Try to relax and not think about anything at all. Especially about the beauty that caused such a curious situation. Take your eyes off her (even though it's difficult) and stop thinking about sex and things related to it. Even about his member, which is torn to freedom.
  2. Alternatively, you can imagine something super-disgusting and anti-sexual. Everyone has something of their own. This could be, for example, underwear Your Trudovik or imagine a naked neighbor grandmother. Well, it will help only in cases where you do not excite such things.
  3. Each of us has muscles that are located at the base of the spine, around the prostate. They are known as Kegel muscles. So, it is also desirable to relax them if they are tense with you. But do it in such a way that you do not think about the process (see point one).
  4. If there is no time for all this, then just try to hide behind. Surely you have some kind of backpack, bag or package with you. Maybe a tablet? If not, then you will have to cover yourself with your hand. Just do not need to take it insolently and cover the penis protruding from your pants with your palm. Simply, as if by chance, place your hand or some object in front of your fly and move towards the exit.

Here are some simple tricks. If this is not the first time this has happened to you, then it's time to think about whether it's worth letting your sexual energy out? Meet a girl, meet her and have sex. If such an option, for some reason for some unknown reason If it doesn't suit you, then just masturbate occasionally. If this is not an option for you, go in for sports. After a hard workout in gym, it is unlikely that you will have the strength for a spontaneous erection on the bus or anywhere else.

Some young and inexperienced guys, by the way, are worried and embarrassed about the fact that their penis gets up while kissing a girl. In fact, there is nothing terrible in this, on the contrary. The girl is sure to like and flatter. Therefore, you should not worry. On the contrary - rejoice and have fun.

Now you know, dear friends, what to do if a member got up. Most importantly, don't take it to heart and don't panic. Even if someone notices your erection, I think that this person will not start poking a finger at you and screaming about your erection. In any case, think that it is much worse if the member does not rise at all.

Often, health problems put a person in an uncomfortable position, especially if the problems are related to the genitourinary system.

Behind the rude question "What if you have?" hides not only an involuntary erection, but also serious problem, which indicates pathological processes in the body and requires immediate treatment.

The concept itself means an involuntary flow of blood to the penis without visible erotic reasons, which leads to its hardening and increase in size.

It can be of different strength and duration, but at the same time, the penis is never excited enough for a man to be capable of sexual intercourse.

The reasons may be:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • increased amount of testosterone in the body;
  • adrenaline rush;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • consequences of stress and overwork;
  • diseases of an infectious nature;
  • poisoning with ethanol, nicotine or marijuana;
  • spermotoxicosis.

During adolescence, when puberty, these spontaneous rises occur very often, as the body goes hormonal changes and consequently the level of testosterone and other male hormones extremely high.

When the penis suddenly stood up at that age, doctors consider this a beneficial reaction of the body, because it causes arterial blood to periodically fill the penis, which saturates it with oxygen and prevents the death of organ cells.

Physiological reason

"What should I do if I got up?" - usually this question does not sound in such a situation, because men know perfectly well what to do. But it happens that this process starts on its own, and this is already a problem.

Which occurs for physiological reasons, is a consequence of the action of the parasympathetic nervous system: the amount of nitric oxide in the blood increases sharply, and the walls blood vessels that feed smooth muscle penis spontaneously expand.

At the same time, cavernous and spongy body the penis fills with blood, the veins compress the corresponding muscles, and the outflow of blood is immediately impossible.

All this leads to a sharp increase and hardening of the organ, which lasts for several minutes.

As soon as the factors that provoked parasympathetic activity disappear, all indicators return to normal, and everything ends.

Healthy arousal also has physiological reason and may occur as a result of penile stimulation or in response to sexual stimulation. This also includes the work of the imagination as psychological factor. Such excitement is normal reaction body and you should not be afraid of it.

There is another variety - this, which occurs spontaneously in a dream or at the moment of awakening. This type is considered subconscious. Even though erections seem to be without cause, they are due to the same factors as healthy penis swelling. These processes are normal and should not be ashamed of.

On the contrary, if such spontaneous excitations do not occur, you should be concerned and consult a doctor, as this may be initial symptom erectile dysfunction. This is especially true for the absence of night and morning situations - they can soon develop into impotence.

I got up, what should I do?

What to do if your penis got up at night or in the morning? Nothing, it normal process in organism. As such, there is no cure for this, if the cause is a healthy physiology. Night and morning swelling usually does not cause discomfort, but daytime swelling can put a person in an awkward position.

How to deal with it? There are several methods:

What to do if your penis is in public place? There are several ways to hide awkwardness:

  • cover the causal place with a newspaper;
  • straighten the shirt
  • wear loose-fitting underwear;
  • think about an abstract topic.

The normal amount is this, and it is also allowed 2-3 times a day in men aged 18 to 30 years.

It is important to know! An effective but not often recommended way to deal with sudden arousal is to take 100 ml of alcohol.

pathological cause

Involuntary erection may occur due to pathology. This is the name of priapism, in which the penis rises suddenly, and it lasts for 6-8 hours, accompanied by severe pain.

It happens without the man's control and there is nothing he can do about it.

It is important to know! During long attacks (more than 1 hour), blood-filled veins begin to be compressed and damaged, which leads to impotence and infertility, and can also cause thrombosis and gangrene of the penis.

Most often, priapism occurs in children 6-10 years old and in men from 20 to 50 years old. This has nothing to do with the arousal of a person when the cavernous bodies of the penis are filled with blood. The nature of priapism is in violation of blood circulation in these bodies.

There are two types of this pathology:

  • Ischemic - the penis fills with blood, but its head is soft at the same time, it develops pain syndrome. The penis does not fall within 4-5 hours and intercourse does not help to solve the problem.
  • Non-ischemic - the penis is not hard, just the outflow of blood is very slow. But such attacks occur more often and without pain.

In addition to these types, nocturnal and true priapism are also distinguished. The first occurs only at night, and the second at any time of the day. In both cases, this is a reason to see a doctor.

The reason for the development may be:

  • spinal cord or brain injury;
  • oncological tumors in the brain;
  • neurological diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • leukemia and anemia;
  • inflammation and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • taking inappropriate drugs to restore erectile function.

As soon as involuntary erections began to appear more often and bring discomfort with them, you should immediately see a doctor.

How to treat?

During arousal, apply to the causative site cold compress. If this single case, you can delay going to the hospital, but with frequent seizures need to seek help immediately.

The patient is first prescribed tests to find out the nature of circulatory disorders, and then they can:

  1. Suck off excess blood from the cavernous bodies by puncturing and then introducing vasodilator drugs into the organ.
  2. Perform emergency surgery to install an additional vessel for drainage inside.
  3. Assign a recovery and drug therapy to address the underlying cause of impaired blood flow.

Any treatment for priapism is carried out only in a hospital, since there is a high probability of occurrence side effects treatments that only doctors can stop.

sexual diseases

In addition to hormonal surges, priapism and normal physiological processes, another cause of spontaneous erection can be a disease of the genitourinary system.

Among these diseases:

  • inflammation of the penis, prostate or appendages;
  • violation hormonal balance in organism;
  • infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • any infectious diseases genitourinary system;
  • venereal diseases.

As a result of falling into genitourinary system pathogenic microorganisms starts to develop pathological process, causing multiple disturbances in the function of the prostate and other organs of the small pelvis.

Along with other symptoms of a disease, an uncontrolled erection may also occur.

With the appearance of any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment will be scheduled immediately after initial examination and examinations that will help identify the true cause of these symptoms.

Usually given a course of antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drugs in combination with drugs that are aimed at combating the real reason illness.

Useful video

Summing up

Spontaneous erection is not always a sign of youth and health of the body. After 30 years, she is more indicative of serious violations and becomes a reason to go to the doctor.

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. And today I will tell you what to do if a classmate turned you on. First of all, it must be said that this serious sign your puberty, and on similar emotions you have full right. Moreover, sex in school years has long ceased to be something shocking. Therefore, read on and you will know what to do if you want a classmate.

I want a classmate: what should I do?

In fact, this problem should be considered from two sides. Sometimes the situation looks in the following way: I have a classmate, what if a classmate also wants me. From the description of this situation, it is clear that there is already a connection between you, you sympathize with each other and want intimacy.

And if you want to achieve it, then you just need to find convenient time And comfortable place and also make your first sex as romantic as possible. Understand that it is extremely important for her that everything be “beautiful”. If she is not completely sure of her desires, then you will have to explain to her that such a development of relationships is absolutely normal, and it is not at all necessary to wait until the age of twenty to lose your virginity. It's not fashionable at all.

But most often the situation is not so simple - what to do if you stand on a classmate, but she does not pay attention to you. In principle, there can be at least three ways out of this:

  • Try to win her, and achieve intimacy;
  • Find yourself another object of adoration - more accessible, with which you can quickly achieve the desired result;
  • Engage in self-satisfaction.
Last option I, of course, suggested it as a joke, but during the school years, many guys relieve stress. Simply because they believe that sex is impossible during school years, just as it is impossible to achieve reciprocity from your school friend.

However, everything will depend on how you set yourself up and how you lead. First of all, you need to please your object of adoration, and then make sure that she finds out about your feelings. Believe me, the girl, even if she guesses that they are in love with her, will not give a damn. By the way, many guys are hesitant to take the first step simply because they are afraid of getting rejected. But if you really want to understand what to do, if you want a classmate, then you must clear head and a sober mind.
And if you are overwhelmed with emotions, then you will have to go for a long time to the desired result. It is necessary to adequately perceive any of her answers; and either seek her attention further, or switch yours to more affordable option. I'll tell you a secret, in these years of true love it's still too early to say. But I really want sex. And I wouldn't waste my time composing sonnets to an inaccessible princess.

And in general, you should gain experience in communicating with the opposite sex in this direction, and therefore even her refusal will be useful to you. But if it seems to you that if you communicate closely with several girls (with whom you are just good friends), then you have such experience, then you are greatly mistaken. This is a hole from which it will be very difficult to get out. And if a girl gets it into her head that you're just good friend will want anyone but you. So what the hell is this experience for you? ..

What can stop you?

As you already understood, if a guy hits on a girl at school, this is normal. It used to seem to someone that such guys mature sexually too early. But in fact, this was not the case even then, it was just that most schoolchildren were too clamped and sexually uneducated. Which, by the way, led to various problems, like early pregnancy. But having sex in the doorways is no longer cool. Schoolchildren know about it, and their parents know about it.

So, one less problem in my head. But everything is not limited to this. How to excite a classmate if you yourself have a lot of complexes in your head. Next, I will tell you about the most common misconceptions that prevent us from living in our school years.

And I'll start with the opinion of society, that is, your friends, classmates, teachers and parents. Many of them can really misinterpret your behavior, give it a negative assessment, and thus make you feel uncomfortable. Moreover, friends may not appreciate your choice. And the opinion of classmates during their school years is much more important for many guys than even the fear of being rejected by their first love.

And another problem is that your chances of fucking a classmate are initially small, simply because girls always look at older guys at school. And the point here is not only that girls grow up faster - both emotionally and sexually. Everything is much simpler: she knows you as flaky - from the first grade, and even saw how you went to the potty. Can she really want you? .. Most young people at this age, on the contrary, want a riddle, something new and unusual. Or confidence and maturity on your part, if you can show her these sides of yourself.

What to do if you want to fuck a classmate? First of all, prove to her that you are already mature and responsible enough for this. Forget about all your childhood jokes and hobbies. Start communicating verbally and non-verbally with the object of your desire. Make sure that she pays attention to you, singles you out from the crowd. By the way, for this it is not at all necessary to behave like a “bad” guy, get everyone in the classroom, skip classes and do other nonsense. First of all, it is necessary to show precisely one’s adulthood, practical and right attitude to life and study. Otherwise, how do you want a girl to start trusting you and agree to have sex?..

Move on to flirting, she must understand that attracts you not only as a friend. - This special type communication, which, like any other flirting, is aimed primarily at moving into a closer, more intimate circle of friends. If you see that your sympathy is possibly mutual, move on to more action, and invite her to the first "friendly" date, and then tell her about your feelings!
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls


Hello. I've been dating a guy for about 3 months. Recently, we decided to do THIS business. But he doesn't get up. More precisely, HE got up once, but when my boyfriend started to introduce HIM - HE fell and did not rise again. My boyfriend underwent a paid examination, which showed that everything was fine with him THERE. The doctor advised to take Viagra, but the result was the same. What I just didn’t do THERE with HIM, but he didn’t do anything! I already asked him if it was me, and he said no. My boyfriend before me had a long abstinence (about 5 months). Could this be the reason? And what are we to do now?

Hello. The guy was too nervous - so he lost interest in what was happening. So THERE (I mean - the structure of the genital organs) everything is fine with him, the problem is IN THE HEAD. Apparently, communication with you is too important for a guy - so he is afraid of not satisfying you, offending you, etc. To bring everything back to normal, you need to do the following TOGETHER. You spend several dates ONLY in caresses, but without attempts at introduction. That is, they met, undressed, lay down where they wanted and began to caress, NOT in a hurry. Trying to bring each other to the highest pleasure (sorry for being so allegorical - simply, to orgasm). And whatever the guy's erection - do not enter. You'll see - everything will stand like a glove. During caresses, from time to time you need to touch the genitals, the guy can even slightly penetrate the head - and then take it out. And so on until the very end of the date - 5-6 dates. Gradually, the guy and his BEST FRIEND (I’m calling it right? Otherwise I’m used to calling everything directly, and you, judging by the letter, prefer the style of grandfather Krylov) will get used to new situation They will understand that there is nothing terrible - and everything will be just fine. Just please, don't leave the guy - he's not to blame, but when everything is restored to him - he'll work everything out for you :-))). Good luck to you!

Hello again. I want to ask you a clarifying question. The matter is that when we tried to be engaged in THIS business the first time 2-3 - the erection was, but disappeared almost at once. Now she doesn't even show up. But sometimes it appears when it’s not necessary, namely, when my boyfriend is at work (he himself told it), and one day I noticed an erection in him at night (but he was sleeping and didn’t know that she was). How can we now bring each other to orgasm without insertion, if HE does not even get up! Or catch the moment when an erection appears at the wrong time? Thank you in advance. Waiting for an answer.

And hello to you. Let me clarify again: you and your boyfriend need to caress each other until orgasm - and the state of the member here does not matter in the slightest. IF there is no erection - it is YOUR task to cause it, not the guy. Stories about arousal at work are psychological condition when there is no immediate NEED to have intercourse. Night erection is a natural event in the life of every man: every night, from about 12 to 80 years. Do not catch an erection, do petting from scratch. Good luck!

Hello again. I and so tried to cause an erection (midnight tried!). And then you answered in such a way as if I did not take any part in this. So we will try again (now all night!)!

Hello again. Here is your last letter in full - please mark the place where you write that you tried to cause an erection anyway (you tried for half the night). I did not find this, and therefore I gave an answer in accordance with what was written - after all, I have no other sources of information other than your letters, right? "Hello again. I want to ask you a clarifying question. The fact is that when we tried to do THIS business the first 2-3 times - there was an erection, but it disappeared almost immediately. And now it doesn’t even appear. But sometimes it appears when it’s not it is necessary, namely, when my boyfriend is at work (he himself told), and one day I noticed an erection in him at night (but he was sleeping and did not know that it was).How can we now bring each other to orgasm without introduction, if HE doesn't even get up! Or catch the moment when an erection appears at the wrong time? Thank you in advance. Waiting for your answer." Now about the last letter. DO NOT chase after an erection - this makes the guy even more nervous. We are talking about PETS, and not about STIMULATION - is the difference clear? Just caress and kiss, give your partner time and opportunity to relax and understand that you are not trying to divorce him for intercourse, but show your love and tenderness. And you need to show them not ONCE AGAIN, but constantly - today, and tomorrow, and then, and again this week - and then the next ... You may have to spend quite a lot of time on all this - is the game worth the candle, only you can decide. Good luck to you anyway.

Hello Yuri Petrovich! We corresponded with you in April about the fact that my boyfriend has problems with erection. In the summer he visited an andrologist, underwent electrical stimulation with him. After it was a little better with an erection. But she could also disappear at any moment. So he did not finish his work to the "end". After electrical stimulation, this andrologist referred my boyfriend to a psychologist, because. he said that it was on a psychological level (before that, he had undergone all sorts of examinations - everything is fine with him, he is healthy). He went to the psychologist 2 times, then he said that the psychologist wants me to come to see him too. We talked. It turns out that my boyfriend had his first bad experience at 16 and after that he never tried anything with anyone (he just closed himself about it) (now he is 25). You can say virgin! The psychologist says that everything depends on me. We are engaged in petting - but all to no avail! An erection will appear for about 5 minutes, and then everything disappears! Before that, the psychologist advised me to drink a sedative (he took it) - but all to no avail. What should I do if the guy is a virgin? Help me.

An erection (colloquially "riser") is a common phenomenon, and its causes are also clear to everyone. However, things are not so clear when we are talking about morning erection immediately after waking up. Some are sure that such a phenomenon is a reaction to erotic dreams seen at night. In fact morning erection Most of the time it has nothing to do with dreams.

The most common explanation

The answer to the question why guys have a penis in the morning is much more prosaic. The main version reads as follows. At night, the bladder fills up, its walls send impulses to the spinal center of urination. The state of excitation soon passes to the center of erection, which is located "next door". As a result, there is tension in the penis. In any case, if an overflow caused an erection Bladder, then it will never be as strong and long-lasting as with sexual arousal.

Night prophylaxis

There is another explanation that tells why guys have a "boner" in the morning. It does not cancel at all, but rather complements the first.

Erection in men and boys occurs not only in the morning, but also at night. IN calm state the penis receives very little arterial blood. If he had been in this state all night, then hypoxia (ie, lack of oxygen) would have begun in the tissues of the penis. Spontaneous erections do not allow such a state and retain sexual health. They appear even in those who do not lead a sexual life, sometimes they occur in infancy and in old age.

There are an average of 4 - 7 erections per night. Each of them lasts for 15 - 20 minutes and always occurs during fast phase sleep. By the way, in fast period sleep, not only the penis is activated: the body temperature rises, they move under the eyelids eyeballs, the pulse quickens.

testosterone flare

Some scientists and doctors explain the morning “riser” with a flash of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Its content in the blood varies depending on the time of day. Dramatically increases the amount of testosterone in the period from 5 to 9 am. Hence the activity of the penis.

Morning erection in boys

Spontaneous erection in children occurs even before adolescence and doesn't talk about sexual arousal. It is necessary to take this phenomenon calmly. The only exception will be the case if the child has not begun to artificially delay urination in order to prolong sexual arousal, conscious or not quite. Need from the very early years to teach the child to go to the toilet immediately after he woke up. The excitation of the center of urination will pass, and with it the erection will disappear.

Teenagers sometimes get erections from being squeezed by tight pants, while riding a bike, climbing a rope, or even for no reason at all. This is a normal stage of development. male body. Spontaneous erection speaks only of good health.

But what if there is no morning erection?

Many are interested not only in the fact why there is an erection in the morning, but also for what reason it sometimes does not happen. If there is no erection on some days, then this condition is usually caused by overwork. The reason lies in fatigue, stress, lean, malnutrition. It is unlikely that an erection will appear after work at night or during illness. The recipe is simple - calm down, sleep, wait.

If there is no erection in the morning for a long time, then it can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of a violation. If it is present during sexual arousal, then, most likely, the morning erection simply goes unnoticed. When in doubt, it's best to see a doctor, and not "cheat" yourself over a problem that can be completely far-fetched.



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