Male nipples. Why do men have nipples - what is their purpose? Spontaneous nipple erection

In theory, we can all have fully functioning breasts capable of producing milk. However, male breasts, including nipples, do not receive sufficient quantity the female hormone estrogen, and therefore is unable to produce milk. According to one international sex hormone expert, "In each sex there are exaggerations based on early development and subsequent hormonal influence. Nipples are one of those elements whose formation in men is limited even further. early stage, and therefore they never acquire their completed form and cannot function as we see in women."

Dr. Bruce McEwen, a neuroendocrinologist at The Rockefeller University in New York, adds that the presence of nipples and breast tissue in men illustrates the fact that the basic body plan of men and women is similar. As far as we can tell, male breast tissue has no other functional significance, except that it protects the heart and lungs from damage. However, nipples are an erogenous zone for both men and women.

However, Dr. McEwen points out that "the tissue in men is still there and is able to respond to female hormones, as can be seen in the example of gynecomastia (abnormal enlargement of male breasts). Gynecomastia appears when there is an excess of estrogen, and is also often observed in male alcoholism."

Can a man produce milk?

This is possible with appropriate hormonal effects. Dr. Jared Diamond, a professor of physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine, wonders why nature hasn't given men the ability to breastfeed. Wouldn't that double the number of people a child can rely on for nutrition? Dr. Diamond writes: "Experience may suggest that milk production and infant feeding are the work of females, not males. However, your experience is often limited, and the potential of biology is limited." medical technology- extremely wide."

We have already touched upon pressing issues more than once modern society themes, such as obscurantism in the form of telegony (“Telegony. The other side that was hidden”) and universal total control (“Shock! Chips in the heads are not needed! Total control is implemented differently!!! “). And then we came across a topic that trembles even more vividly: what is the purpose of male nipples? Moreover, the awe from ignorance was soon replaced by the awe from the knowledge outlined below. Unfortunately, we do not know the author. But grateful for.

The dominant view today is that the role of male nipples is vestigial and, therefore, they are not intended for any purpose. However, this point of view may be wrong. After all, almost until recently the appendix was also considered an unnecessary vestige. Whereas now it is one of the most important organs immune system bodies.

There was a similar story with the spleen. So, in the Middle Ages, it was even cut out for walkers to make it easier to run and not get stabbed in the side. However, it has now also become known that the role of the spleen in immune reactions organism is essential. Therefore, the question remains:

What is the purpose of male nipples? What are they needed for? So, let's start opening our eyes.

A man's nipples are not a vestige, but an important part of the body. What is the function?

Male nipples express the “aggression of presence,” turning the torso into a huge “second face.”

That’s why the man doesn’t have nipples, but “boobs.” Proof? Please.

"Second person" is common among primates. It actively helps " declare oneself", enhancing presence aggression.

Usually the “second person” is… on the ass. So, at the back of a mandrill, baboon or bonobo, something similar to a muzzle is formed:

  • ischial calluses,
  • genital skin,
  • wide colored scrotum
  • etc..

So the monkey looks like Pull and Pull and declares itself on both sides what is needed to retain status in a close social group.

In bipedal hominids, in connection with upright walking, another “face of presence” was formed - on the torso: geladas, gorillas, sifakas.

Gestalt created

  • furry armpits,
  • groin,
  • navel,
  • muscles
  • and boobs

inspires respect: " there are a lot of me! Or disrespect: " I'm small...»

In society, the role of nipples has increased: even girls have a complex if their breasts are small. And - they are shy if they are not high in rank. After all, this causes counter-aggression, which there is nothing to repel. A high-ranking woman gains “social points” and is proud, emphasizing: “how fat I am, it’s time to go on a diet!”

Male nipples highlighted by color and often fur. “Eyebrows”, “eyelashes”, and a whole “muzzle with eyes” are formed on the chest.

With age, high-ranking men's chests and shoulders fill with fat, their nipples swell, and mottled gray hair appears.

They also help to emphasize the impressiveness of the “muzzle”

  • orders,
  • amulets,
  • epaulets,
  • buckles,
  • carnations in the buttonhole,
  • tattoos
  • and similar attributes of gentlemanliness (or simply “manship”).

So boobs are a signal!

In wild mammals, the mammary glands are hardly noticeable (and in males they are not visible at all). However, relative to body weight, they produce no less milk than humans.

But in a Homo sapiens woman, the breasts are specially distinguished on the body: by relief, coloring of the areolas, hairs, the ability to sway funny while running and tactile charm. These are no longer mammary glands or nipples, but “boobs,” that is, signal-information formations.

But do all sapiens have it? No. Big breasts do not develop if the population density:

  • a) too low (Arctic aborigines, pygmeoids of equatorial forests)
  • b) too high (natives of the river valleys of Indochina, South India, Central Africa).

There are such rags hanging that babies waste.

In order for a population to have big boobs, a moderate population density is needed - with high crowding within the group. The bustiest women are among central and southern Caucasians, Polynesians, and West Africans. And when their societies become overcrowded, their boobs are inflated artificially - with silicone, overlays, and artistic traditions.

Thank you that nipples do not grow throughout your life and do not curl into spirals.

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century and many issues have long been discussed openly and without embarrassment, there are still some nuances that we still talk about “in a whisper.”

We often turn to the online community for help, wanting to simultaneously satisfy our interest and remain incognito. Among these intimate issues You may find yourself wanting to know more about the reasons why nipples stand up and how this happens.

Simple physiology: how does nipple erection occur?

Each of us visually has a very good idea of ​​our breasts. At the same time, clearly distinguishing and defining: this is a man’s breast, and this is a woman’s. But not everyone knows that the chest contains many nerve endings, which are located around muscle structures.

External stimuli provoke contraction of these muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to erection of the nipples.

So, for example, speaking about physical arousal, the mechanism of “nipple erection” can be described approximately like this:

  1. Touching causes irritation of nerve endings.
  2. In the process of this, it is formed nerve impulse, which is sent to the brain.
  3. After it is processed by the brain, there is an increase in blood flow to the mammary glands, including to the nipples.
  4. As a result, the nipples harden and “stand up.”

If changes in the breast occur due to cold, then the essence of nipple erection in this case comes down to spasms of muscle fibers that form goosebumps on the skin: the muscles contract and a change in shape, and sometimes even the color of the nipple, as well as the skin around it, occurs.

When is nipple erection a normal reflex?

So, you ask: is nipple hardening always a normal occurrence? And what is “the norm” in this case, and what is a deviation from it?

The answers to these and other questions are contained in the reasons for erect nipples and, oddly enough, in the frequency of repetitions of this reaction. In this case, you should be especially attentive to the fact that the “female” reasons are somewhat different from the “male” ones.

What can cause nipple erection in women?

The reasons for erect nipples in women include:

Temperature changes

Many people have probably noticed that due to a decrease in air or water temperature, women's nipples become sensitive and stick out - this is a standard reaction to cold. However, this effect does not gradual decline temperature, and its sudden changes, in most cases, are unpleasant and uncomfortable for the female body.

Sexual desire

Anticipation of sex, foreplay/preparation for sexual intercourse, sex itself is the most common cause of hardened nipples, and one of the main signs (indicators) of arousal in women, often confirming pleasure from the process. Most often it occurs as a reaction to stroking and touching.

Pregnancy period

During pregnancy, breasts generally change. Naturally, both the nipples and areola change. Nipples may increase in size, become rough, and their sensitivity increases.

In some cases, pain may occur in the entire breast or individual parts, including the nipples. There is no need to worry about this - most often this is a normal physiological reaction to changes occurring in the body. But, if you notice that the pain is getting worse, then you should urgently consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Premenstrual syndrome

Nipple sensitivity may be one of the PMS symptoms. Before starting a new one menstrual cycle(the day before critical days) For many women, the breasts seem to swell, gain weight, they note an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples, and that they can periodically stand up.

As with pregnancy, you should not rush to the hospital at the slightest change. But if the sensitivity of the nipples is accompanied by pain, which remains even after menstruation, then you should not delay visiting a specialist. Remember, the diagnosis will provide timely treatment mammary glands.

Incorrectly selected underwear

If the bra size is larger than the girl needs, the nipples may rub against it inner surface, harden, become rough and “stand up”.

Spontaneous nipple erection

This happens rarely and not for all women. This reaction is not associated with thoughts, feelings or sensations. Usually does not last long, but at the same time it may recur throughout the day.

Psychological state/nervous agitation/tension

Individual characteristics nervous system can sometimes be expressed in the fact that female breast hardens, and the nipples “stand up”.

What reasons can cause hard nipples in men?

The reasons for erect male nipples can be described as follows:


This is where nipple hardening in men converges with women's reaction to sex. Sometimes nipples can be one of a man’s strong erogenous zones, although this is considered rare and does not occur in everyone.


Nipples may become hard due to hormonal changes. As you know, the reactions of a teenager’s body during puberty are unstable, so erection of the nipples can occur completely arbitrarily, either for a couple of minutes or for a longer time.


When the level of alcohol in the blood exceeds, men often have nipples that stick out, but the areolas decrease in size.

Temperature changes

Erection of the nipples can occur from cold: be a reaction to interaction with ice, cold water and cold objects.


In some cases, “raised” nipples in a man indicate the presence of viruses in the body or are a consequence inflammatory process in organism. During self-examination, you need to pay attention to whether there are any discharges from the chest, especially purulent ones.

If they are available, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, without postponing the visit.

In what cases should you urgently visit a doctor?

Having studied the reasons for erect nipples, we can say that almost all of them are normal and harmless. Don't panic, get upset or embarrassed if your nipples become erect - this is physiology. But there are still cases when you need to pay close attention to your body.

We have already mentioned discharge from the nipples above - if there is any, then you should consult a doctor immediately. In addition, evidence of ill health can include itching in the nipples, redness or other changes noticeable during self-examination.

It is advisable to describe such deviations by seeking help and advice from a specialist.

Remember that when it comes to health, it is better to play it safe and rule out a disease than to ignore a seemingly insignificant symptom and trigger the disease.

Video: what should healthy nipples look like?

It’s worth saying right away that the question “Why?” modern scientists cannot yet give an exact answer. However, there are several common - and erroneous - versions on this matter.

Male nipples are an erogenous zone that serves as arousal during sex. How reliable is this answer? If you conduct a survey among representatives of the stronger sex, you can hear different answers - positive, negative, and neutral. Not everyone is turned on by having their nipples caressed. For some, touching this part of the chest can cause different feeling- from disgust to irritation.

Men need nipples for beauty. This stereotype has historically developed in the minds of many people. In most cases, the laws of nature are not aimed specifically at aesthetics, but all human organs and appearance his body “works” more to support life and survival. It is very difficult to imagine male breasts without nipples. At least in the human mind, a man without nipples looks unaesthetic. However, this version is unlikely to justify the presence of nipples.

This part of the body is needed in order to inflict damage on the enemy. severe pain and humiliation. It is known that it is a rather vulnerable and painful area. In addition, infliction of pain and a feeling of weakness in the understanding of the stronger sex is, in its own way, a humiliation of dignity. It is unlikely that any man will like it when his nipples are twisted, pinched or bitten. However, there are many more painful and vulnerable places on the body, injuries to which can bring not only unbearable pain, but also disruption of the functioning of vital functions. important organs. To such vulnerable areas on male body This includes the penis and groin area.

The following answer to the question “Why does a man need nipples?” has mythical origins. According to this version, the first people were hermaphrodites who acquired sexual characteristics not immediately, but after some time. All hermaphrodites had breasts, but in men they stopped developing due to uselessness and remained in the form of nipples. However, this version also does not have scientific justification and evidence.

According to early scientific theory, the original purpose of male nipples is to procreate. This version was based on the fact that female and male mammary glands have a similar structure, so an analogy can be drawn between them functional purpose.

Proponents of this theory argued that in the process of evolution, breastfeeding of offspring by males was not necessary, and because of this, the mammary glands of the stronger sex stopped developing. But if you look at other mammals, for example, you can say that males have never had the function of a “nurse.” Therefore, this version was considered erroneous.

Why do men need nipples: scientific version

Here's another answer. Until 10-15 weeks of fetal development, embryos do not yet have sexual differences. And only at this time does a change occur hormonal levels, and then, based on whether the fetus is a girl or a boy, there is a change in . The nipples themselves form much earlier than hormonal changes occur.

This scientific version explains that a man develops nipples, but is not able to accurately answer the question of whether a representative of the stronger sex needs them.

Why do women need breasts is clear - the mother must feed the baby with milk, which comes through the nipples. Men don’t feed their offspring - does that mean he doesn’t need her?

In small children, the mammary glands look the same. With age, under the influence of the hormone estrogen (produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands), the breasts develop. In the male body, the hormone estrogen is also present (produced by the adrenal glands), but its quantity is not enough for the full development of breast tissue. Overdevelopment mammary glands– pathology, and gynecomastia. There are many causes of gynecomastia (more than 30), but the most common is an imbalance of testosterone-estrogens.

The breast tissue functionally protects the heart and lungs from damage. But the heart and lungs are protected even more hard fabric– bone, in the form of ribs.

There are many versions of having nipples in men - for external attractiveness, as an erogenous zone, as a vulnerable spot, and even mythical (we were all once hermaphrodites). In fact, the answer can be found by following embryonic development person. Until the 8th week of intrauterine life, there is no difference between male and female embryos. During this period, everyone has nipples. After 8 weeks, under the influence of hormones, the embryo begins to develop either in the female or in the male type, so both sexes have nipples. A similar process is observed in all mammals, including humans.

Sore nipples in men most often occur due to hormonal imbalances or due to the development of cancer mammary gland. Other causes of health deviations are diseases of the pituitary gland, testicles, adrenal glands, gynecomastia and diabetes.

Pain in the nipples in men as a sign of mastopathy

Sore nipples - not a rare event. Often deviation bothers them even in adolescence, which is explained by hormonal imbalance. Normal in puberty breasts should not develop, but as a result hormonal imbalance growing alveolar tissue in the breast can lead to an increase in its size. TO pain mucous membranes or purulent discharge from the nipples, as well as seal lymph nodes. Such changes serve as the basis for diagnosing “mastopathy”, and “gynecomastia” in adolescents.
Prevention of nipple diseases in men is to avoid bad habits, rational organization work and rest, proper nutrition. When doing all medical recommendations the disease will be successfully defeated.

Painful sensations in the nipples as a symptom of breast cancer in men

Nipple cancer usually develops in men over 60 years of age. Another name for the pathology is Paget's disease. The diagnosis is made easier by the fact that this malignant process does not develop rapidly, but gradually. Thus, the disease can be recognized at the earliest early stages.

The first signs of nipple cancer in men are:
- itching and flaking;
- swelling;
- redness;
- appearance of erosion areas;
- enlarged lymph nodes in armpit from the side of the sore nipple;
- pain that increases due to the development of the oncological process.

If there are ulcers on and surrounding the areola male body is additionally affected bacterial infection. In this case for correct purpose treatment for nipple cancer should be differentiated from microbial eczema. But main feature Paget's disease is considered to be a rapid growth of gland tissue with subsequent spread to neighboring tissues.

Treatment of Paget's disease is carried out in oncology clinic. After surgical intervention The patient is prescribed courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Which doctor should a man see for nipple pain?

Despite increased sensitivity, nipples in men should not hurt. As the first alarming changes appear, you should contact a mammologist, oncologist, endocrinologist or urologist. If the identified cause of the disease is within the competence of a specific specialist, the patient will be diagnosed immediately or collected medical commission. As the factor that provoked the changes is identified, the patient will be offered an ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and donation of a piece of the affected tissue for histological examination.


  • Why do men's nipples hurt?
  • Sore nipples in men: the reason is hormones
  • If men have sore nipples, a serious examination is required
  • Mastopathy - is there a risk for men?

Many people are interested in why representatives of the stronger sex need such a seemingly unnecessary part of the body as nipples. For women, they perform a very specific role - they facilitate the process of feeding newborns. Men, due to the absence of such a function, do not seem to need this rudimentary organ. Then the question quite legitimately arises: why does nature provide males with nipples?

Erogenous zone

For some men, nipples are one of the erogenous zones, the irritation of which increases sexual arousal. But this doesn't apply to everyone. About 42% of gentlemen regard touching their nipples as unpleasant and even irritating. There are also those for whom this zone does not play any role sexually. So it is impossible to call the sensitivity of the nipples and their role in sexual relations a sufficient reason for the mandatory presence of this organ in men.

Intrauterine development

In fact, nipples are a common and obligatory organ for both males and females due to the peculiarities of intrauterine development. They begin to form in the embryo before the seventh week. During the first 6-7 weeks, all human embryos develop according to a common model - female. At this time, the main organs and parts of the body are formed: the rudiments of arms, legs, eyes, ears, nipples and everything else, except the genitals.

Only after the seventh week do the unborn child experience major changes, provoking the formation of genital organs. If the embryo is male, a hormone called androsterone begins to be produced in the blood. Under its influence, the genital tubercle gradually turns into a penis, and the folds into groin area- into the scrotum.

In this case, the nipples do not disappear anywhere, but simply remain with the fetus as required attribute genus of mammals. In addition to the nipples themselves, all boys from the first seven weeks of “female” development also have some breast tissue remaining. It is for this reason that in puberty Due to hormonal changes, young men experience slightly swollen breasts in the nipple area.

Evolutionary process

There is an opinion that over time, nipples in men can completely disappear, just as a person’s tail disappeared, leaving only the coccyx bone as a “memento.” But the fact is that the tail disappeared due to its complete uselessness, neither male nor females. In intrauterine development The fetus can be seen how a certain semblance of a tail gradually disappears with the growth of the embryo and transforms into a tailbone.

But this story does not apply to the nipples, which, upon completion of the full formation and maturation of the body, play a very specific role, albeit exclusively in females. Unless a person, after millions of years, transforms into some other organism and begins, for example, to lay eggs or reproduce by budding (which is unlikely), nipples in men will never disappear.

Other versions

People have been thinking about why nipples are needed on a man’s body for a long time and trying to explain their presence from the point of view, for example, of aesthetics, because it is very difficult to imagine a man without nipples. But nature does not care about external attractiveness, but about the vital activity and protection of the body, so the idea of ​​​​the beauty of the body hardly justifies the presence of nipples in men.

From the point of view of protecting the body, they tried to explain the function of the nipples by saying that they are very sensitive and are one of the most vulnerable areas on the human body. In a fight with an enemy, it is very easy to cause severe pain with their help. But again the question arises: would nature “give” a man nipples just for this? After all, there are more sensitive places for injury. But still muscle and nipples in men and perform protective function: They protect the lungs and heart from damage.

Some observations attribute a signaling function to nipples on a man’s body. An analogy is drawn with the most developed mammals, such as primates, who show their breasts with swollen nipples to the enemy, expressing with this action aggression and readiness for battle. Apparently, male nipples had a similar purpose in the early stages of human development.

Let's sum it up

So, why do men need nipples? The nipple in men, along with such organs as the appendix, coccyx or wisdom tooth, is classified as vestigial organs– those that, during evolution, ceased to perform any functions, but remained in the human body. The mammary glands do not perform any vital functions important function in the body of a man, which means he does not need nipples, but any man is the owner of this part of the body.

Well, in the end, a man without nipples looks like a freak



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