What do illnesses mean? The stomach processes, digests all new ideas and situations

43 109 0 Have you ever noticed: when something unpleasant happened at work, upon returning home you got a headache, nervous tic or did the joints in your hands ache? Or perhaps after another forced march at work, say, after an audit, you got a sore throat? These diseases are not always caused by bad weather or someone sneezing on you. Sometimes our body signals that we are overtired and it’s time to take a little break.

Initially, scientists considered physical (soma) and psychological diseases separately from each other. In 1818, the German psychiatrist I. Heinroth first suggested that disorders in the body could be caused by problems in the spiritual sphere, and proposed introducing a new scientific discipline that would deal with such diseases. This opinion met with fierce criticism. However, modern doctors have long understood that the formula “all diseases come from nerves” works in practice.

Thus, at the intersection of medicine and psychology, a direction has emerged that studies the influence of a person’s psychological and emotional sphere on his physical health. This direction is called psychosomatics. It has been established that psychological causes of diseases lead to the so-called. somatoform disorders, which are included in the international classification of diseases (ICD 10).

More ancient Greek philosopher Socrates believed that diseases of the body cannot be separated from diseases of the soul.

So, what do human diseases indicate? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Classification of psychosomatic disorders

Scientists divide the manifestation of psychosomatic disorders into the following categories:

  • Psychosomatic reactions. They do not need any correction, they have a short-term, situational nature (redness from shame, loss of appetite with bad mood, sweaty palms when stressed, a feeling of “chill” on the back and trembling with fear).
  • Psychosomatic disorders. A violation of one or another function of the body develops. They are divided into the following types:
  • Conversion symptoms . There is a transformation of an emotional experience into a bodily symptom:
    • hysterical lump in throat;
    • psychogenic blindness/deafness;
    • numbness of the limbs.
  • Functional syndromes . Characterized by the appearance pain without physiological reasons:
    • cystalgia;
    • cervicalgia;
    • lumbodynia;
    • vegetovascular dystonia (VVD).
  • Psychosomatoses . Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. These disorders include the famous Chicago Seven, described by the American psychoanalyst, the father of psychosomatics, Franz Alexander in 1950:
    • hypertonic disease;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • rheumatoid arthritis.

In the light of modern research, the Chicago Seven was officially supplemented by the following diseases that occur against the background of neurotic disorders:

  • oncological diseases;
  • panic disorder;
  • sleep disorder;
  • heart attack;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • sexual disorders;
  • obesity;
  • Anorexia nervosa/bulimia.

A man because of his destructive behavior, peculiarities of thinking and methods of emotional response are held hostage by the disease. Most often, psychologists talk about stress and negative feelings ah, how about the causes of certain diseases. Traditionally, there are several basic emotions that act as a catalyst for certain ailments:

  • joy and sadness;
  • anger;
  • love and resentment;
  • attraction and aversion;
  • shame and guilt;
  • sadness;
  • interest;
  • fear and anger;
  • greed, jealousy and envy.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics believe that feelings and emotions are essentially energy. If it does not get out or is directed in a destructive direction, it becomes a psychosomatic source of illness for our body. Research has proven that than more people expresses his feelings inner world the less he gets sick. Otherwise, he risks encountering a psychosomatic disorder - a physical illness provoked or aggravated as a result of exposure to unfavorable psychological factors.

Sources of psychosomatic diseases

However, it is not only destructive feelings or emotions that can cause problems. Psychologists note that other factors also affect our health. These include unresolved intrapersonal conflicts, problems with motivation, unprocessed or sad experiences from the past, empathic transfer of illness, as well as self-hypnosis. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Internal conflict. Most often this is a conflict between “should” and “want”, between social attitudes and our desires.
  2. Suggestion effect. Suggestive patterns that many parents demonstrate in front of their children are imprinted in the child’s psyche for a long time and can come out in the form of a disease.
  3. Element of “organic speech”.“My heart aches for him,” “my head is spinning,” “he makes me sick.” We often use these phrases, but we do not suspect that we are thereby inclining ourselves to disorder.
  4. Identification. The psychosomatic illness is adopted from an authoritative person. Acting according to the example of a charismatic person whom a person respects, he risks transferring to himself not only her positive qualities, but also negative ones, including diseases.
  5. Self-punishment. Psychologists often encounter the phenomenon of abdication of responsibility through withdrawal into illness. After all, concessions are made for sick people. A person subconsciously understands this and does not intentionally get sick.
  6. Post-traumatic stress disorder. If there are difficulties in processing a painful situation, then it is embodied in the form of a psychosomatic disorder.

Freud's theory

The conversion psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud helped to advance in understanding the causes of psychosomatic disorders. A clue for modern specialists was his discovery of mechanisms for the displacement of conscious processes into the unconscious, suppression or censorship of those conflicting with society. internal installations. These mechanisms, as well as any unfulfilled desires, according to the scientist, directly relate to the emergence of neuroses - mental disorders.

Neuroses, in addition to mental ones, also have physical symptoms:

  • headache;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • panic attacks;
  • and etc.

hello from the past

Many modern psychologists see the root of illnesses in the patient's past. Unsolved problems of the formation of an individual, personality, interaction with parents in the early stages of development can leave a deep mark on the child’s psyche and affect his health in the future. For example, constant suppression of a child’s hyperactivity can lead to the formation of a psychosomatic disorder in adulthood.

Parents demonstrating appropriate behavior in relation to the needs of the child, seek to reduce the risk of psychosomatic disorders. If they (mainly the mother) display “unsafe behavior” in the presence of the child, then they are programming him for the disease. The following styles of behavior are considered “unsafe”:

  • anxious-ambivalent (inconstancy in response, behavior, attitude towards the child);
  • avoidant th (removal from the child);
  • disorganized (chaotic reactions with the use of violence).

Such styles of behavior indicate the so-called. psychosomatogenic family, in which upbringing often becomes the reason for the development of the disorder in the grown-up child.

Philosophical approach

Other experts go further and argue that psychosomatic illness- this is a kind of signal that a person is not leading a lifestyle that is not just right, but not suitable for him. They classify such a disorder as a mystery thrown up by life itself, the answer to which will be the key to healing.

Still others are trying to approach the question of what illnesses mean, with philosophical point vision and claim that psychosomatic disorder is a teacher. Therefore, it should not be denied, but listened to, learning valuable lessons that are presented to the patient in the form of a disease.

In general, all experts agree that psychosomatic disorder is symbolic in nature. The psyche uses our body as a canvas on which it draws a pattern of a particular problem in the form of a disease in order to show a person about his psychosocial conflicts that he cannot solve or to which he does not pay attention.


When considering the prerequisites for the development of psychosomatic diseases, psychologist M. Palchik divides the human being into certain levels. In each of them, a person can discover one or another predisposition to psychosomatic disorders.

1.Physical body

Our body is always with us. But often we become immersed in the world of our thoughts, forgetting about its existence. Perhaps illness is the body’s only way to remind us of its existence.

2.Emotional states

Not each of us can clearly answer the question “how do you feel now?” In this case, psychologists are faced with alexithymia - the inability to verbally report their experiences. Sometimes, in order for a particular illness to go away, it is quite enough to identify and express what the patient feels.


What is important to a person right now? A change in values ​​is an indicator of a person's growth. Lack of values ​​can lead to psychosomatic disorder.

4. Purpose

This level presupposes the answer to the question “what do I live for?” Often those who cannot answer it for themselves become depressed and fall ill.

Predisposition to psychosomatic disorder can be projected at each of these levels.


Modern theories about the mechanisms of psychosomatic diseases have also put forward a physiological model of predisposition to this type of disorder. Doctors and psychologists divide people into three types: asthenics, athletics and picnics. It is believed that people with an asthenic constitution are more susceptible to psychosomatic disorders.


Exists huge variety personal types that psychology presents to us. Experts believe that personality can also act as a risk factor. More often psychosomatic diseases representatives of the epileptoid and hysteroid classifications are susceptible.

Body signals

Symptoms of psychosomatic disorders can also be expressed through painful sensations in the body. We all know the notorious headache, which does not allow us to relax, or a sore throat, which is not always clear to doctors. Each part of our body takes on certain psychosocial blows and reacts to them with pain. Here is a table of the relationship between problems and bodily signals.

Table 1. Psychological causes of pain in body

Part of the body

Causes of pain

Stress, overexertion, frequent worries
Resentment, inability to express oneself, holding back emotions
Lack of support, excessive imposition of one's will on others
Emotional overload, oppression by the environment
Financial difficulties

Top part backs

Lack of support, feeling of uselessness

Lower back

Worries about money
Lack of flexibility, rigidity
Emotional fixity, lack of friends
Dissatisfaction with your job
Isolation and loneliness
Fear of change, fear of leaving the “comfort zone”
Hurt ego, excessive selfishness, self-obsession
Jealousy, excess of passions
Inability to relax, actions to harm oneself
Indifference, apathy, fear of the future

Table of causes of psychological illnesses

The first disease of internal organs that psychoanalysts began to study was bronchial asthma (1913). Since then a large number have been born psychoanalytic concepts regarding other diseases.

Every organ of our body works in resonance with our psychological attitudes and responds to emotional manifestations. Certain negative experiences or unresolved problems have a destructive effect on the functioning of certain organs (for example, problems in communication cause a sore throat, the thyroid gland suffers).

Let's take an example physiological mechanism the course of diseases associated with circulatory disorders. Local violation blood circulation is associated with a catalyzing emotion - fear. In the face of danger, a person must quickly make one of the decisions: run away, freeze or attack. To speed up this decision, the blood in the body is instantly redistributed and sent to the brain. There is a release of adrenaline, which has a sharp vasoconstrictor effect. Thus, the frequent experience of fear leads to certain violations. Pathological fear can take on completely various shapes: from panic attacks to the fear of losing a loved one. This results in a psychosomatic risk factor for the occurrence of heart attack, hypertension, and vascular diseases.

A huge number of precedents in psychotherapy have allowed specialists to form a definite picture of what exactly is behind psychosomatic disorders in the lives of certain people. Consider what human diseases are talking about in the context of psychosomatics.

Table 2.

Disease Psychological reason Treatment

Bronchial asthma

Various unprocessed internal processes lead to muscle spasms and suffocation during asthma. One of them is the ban on crying in childhood. Others unfavorable factors our misconceptions count: unhealthy perfectionism, excessive cleanliness, constant search for approval, resentment over unrealistic expectations, fear of failure. A person suffering from this disease always wants to receive something from others, attracts attention to his personality and his problems. The asthmatic suppresses aggression, resentment and keeps them in himself. In communicating with people he acts exclusively as a consumer.Work through the problem of aggressiveness and adequate ways to resolve it. Analyze your relationships with people in the “take-and-give” plane.

Oncological diseases

The development of cancer is provoked by three factors.

Firstly, stubbornness and conservative thinking. Manifestation of one's own rightness. Inability to change, stereotypical lifestyle.

Secondly, extreme pride, selfishness, inability to ask.

Third, an old grudge against someone close to you that has grown into anger.

1. Stop fighting windmills, stop proving something to someone.
2. Reconsider your positions, stop considering yourself the ultimate truth.
3. Work out the gestalt with the person you are angry with.
4. Openly ask him for forgiveness for holding a grudge against him.


Headaches are a way out of unresolved conflicts. Characteristic of people who are intellectually oriented and have an underdeveloped emotional sphere. Feelings are replaced by constant mental activity.

In men My forehead often hurts. This area symbolizes intelligence and future orientation. Accumulated questions that have not been resolved lead to this symptom.

Female A variant of headaches is temporal migraine. For them, this is a bodily projection of those unpleasant things that they can actually hear from others or inventing them for themselves (the ears are located next to the temples). This also includes the fear of what other people will think of you.

1. Learn to make decisions quickly. If possible, delegate some of your tasks to other people.
2. Relieve your head by symbolically capturing unsolved problems on paper.
3. Women should verbally work out their imaginary fears regarding other people’s opinions (ask people questions, not make guesses).

Hypertonic disease

Hypercontrol in relation to others. Suppressing anger or tension. The ban on the expression of emotions.To be able to let go of the situation, let off steam.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is caused by severe stressful experiences (“I couldn’t digest the situation”), which accumulate over time.

Prolonged uncertainty, a feeling of doom, irritation, and constant nervousness are also catalysts.

A big role in the development of gastrointestinal diseases is played by stereotypical ideas about the value of food put on a plate, that you need to eat everything that is put on it, and also that sometimes it is a pity to throw away spoiled food. These imposed thoughts are often embodied in the form of poisoning, nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes disruption of the stomach is due to the fact that a person literally cannot digest this or that idea that they are trying to instill in him. Then defense mechanisms are activated in the form of inflammation of the mucosa and nausea. On the other hand, poisonings are quite often caused by the inertia and conservative thinking of the patient himself.

The classic symptom of irritable bowel has its origins in the fear of embarrassment.

On the intellectual and emotional level be able to differentiate between “one’s own” and “someone else’s.” Become discerning about people and surrounding information.

Learn to deal with stress, relax more, be able to relax. Avoid irritants, change your attitude to the situation.

Skin diseases

The skin is responsible for contact with other people and society. This is a kind of border between us and the outside world. Skin diseases take their roots from childhood, when a child, seeking physical contact with a parent, is denied touch or hugs. This also includes the inability to express emotions, fear of rejection, and tightness.Develop body-oriented practices. Create an attitude of being open to the outside world. Learn to relax.


Pay attention to the phraseological unit "they carry water to the offended." fat cell 90% consists of water-fat gel. Modern medicine came close to the fact that water is an ideal carrier of information. Multitude surveys fat people have shown that they are prone to frequent grievances. Moreover, they tend to deny the fact that they were offended, pushing this feeling to the level of the unconscious. The process of accumulating resentment at the physiological level is presented in the form of a process of accumulation of water by a fat cell, with negative information recorded on it. Destructive feelings are converted into bodily fullness, transferring the load from the psyche to the body.Apologize for your insincerity to the offender, indicate the fact of your hypocrisy when you accepted his words, although you internally did not agree with them. Change the strategy of accepting resentment, do not keep it in yourself, boldly express your feelings to the offender.

Eye diseases

Women have an inner self-doubt as a woman, which they carefully try to hide from others. Symbolizes fear in the future in terms of female characteristics(fear of losing beauty, doubts about one's femininity, fear of not giving birth or not getting married). Fear of not meeting the ideal of beauty that is propagated by society or parents.

Men have uncertainty about the future. Unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. Infantility.

Women - accept yourself for who you are. Discard stereotypes. Learn to love yourself.

For men, to gain masculinity. Learn to take responsibility for your words and actions.

Women's diseases

The psychological causes of female diseases lie in stress and overwork. Lack of desire to realize one's natural female function and self-flagellation on this occasion lead to disturbances in the work of the female genital organs. Inability to switch from work to personal life. Ignoring your needs for “female happiness.” Inability to say no, to forgive. Excessive touchiness. Shame in relation to one's genitals, masculinization.Learn to accept your femininity, say no. Work off your feelings of guilt for not wanting to procreate and perform the functions inherent in nature.

Dental problems

Diseased teeth signal an inability to adequately show aggression (front teeth), make decisions (lateral teeth), and a delay in spiritual growth (wisdom teeth). The appearance of tartar is a symptom of some insignificant but annoying internal problem.Learn to interact with others on an emotional level. Don't burden yourself with postponing important decisions.

Irritating cough

A nervous cough is characteristic of people who suppress the desire to express reasonable criticism to others. For fear of hurting someone, they would rather remain silent than point out a person’s mistakes. With the help of coughing, a person frees himself from stuck emotions or attracts attention. Oppressive understatement and avoidance of conflicts also play a destructive role. Inability to accept the situation as it is.Cultivating openness, objectivity, the ability to bring things and conversations to an end.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

Frequent runny noses can symbolize our crying inner child. Diseases of this kind (sinusitis) arise against the background of self-pity.Stop feeling sorry for yourself, or work out the gestalt: live through the situation once through intense self-pity.

Thyroid dysfunction

Loss of flexibility in decision making. An unconscious prohibition to look at the situation objectively and accept experience. The body signals us about the need to respond more adequately to society. Taboo aggression.Stop limiting yourself, learn new reactions, express yourself in a new way.

Sleep disorder

Insomnia can be caused post-traumatic disorders. It is also the result of an activity that is disgusting to us. People who cannot sleep experience fear of death or fear of losing control. Constant desire sleep - an unconscious desire to escape from life into the world of dreams, the presence of difficult tasks.Avoid stress, learn not to put off solving problems, learn to let go of the situation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Hyper-responsibility (disease of domineering old people). Overactivity, inability to say no

(“the disease has put a straitjacket on a person”), stereotypes, stereotypes, suppressed aggression, reluctance to change. Patients with this psychosomatic disease have a rigid value system from which they cannot move. It is important for them to comply with social norms, to be correct and decent. This leads to suppression of a person’s emotional sphere.

Stop being afraid to deviate from the value system and allow yourself little weaknesses. Listen to your desires. Learn to sacrifice your sense of duty for the sake of your feelings and desires.

Sexual disorders

A feeling of powerlessness, the inability to influence the world around us. Pathological narcissism. Feeling guilty for not conforming to social norms regarding gender norms. The tension from the imposed social responsibility causes the body to escape into impotence or anorgasmia (a symbolic message - there is nothing more to take from me).Learn to protect yourself from unnecessary worries and relieve stress.

Bulimia and anorexia

Anorexia symbolizes difficulties with self-identity. Refusal to eat is a protest against the dominant mother in childhood. Women's lack of acceptance of their own femininity.

Bulimia speaks of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Inconsistency in images between who I am and who I want to be.

Learn to say “no” to your parents. Gain autonomy. Stabilize the relationship with your mother.

Working with a defensive reaction.


Sweets in food are an analogue of love. Patients with diabetes at a psychological level do not accept love from others, or do not see its manifestation. They try to control everything, the loss of autonomy for them is a serious test that can develop into diabetes.Learn to accept love and care from others.

The roots of all diseases can be found in our head. Rummage a little, think, change your thinking style and you will feel better. And if you don’t feel any improvement, then at least take a break.

An excellent video from a leading psychologist who will tell you in detail what diseases of the body are talking about, the causes of our diseases. Anyone interested in this topic should definitely watch it.

This article provides information, in our opinion very interesting, about the causes of various diseases person.

So, “research by specialists in the field of psychosomatic medicine has shown the following.

The head is what we are. And if something is wrong with the head, it means something is wrong with ourselves.

Headaches arise due to feelings of inferiority and humiliation. Love yourself, free yourself from self-distrust, and the headache will ease and disappear by itself.

Migraines most often occur in people who want to be the very best, which leads to the accumulation of many irritation poisons in the body. Become more humble and relaxed - and you are cured.

The neck symbolizes the ability to be flexible in thinking, the ability to see the other side of any issue and understand the point of view of any person. When we have neck problems, it means we are stubborn and refuse to be flexible.

The throat is associated with our ability to stand up for ourselves and ask others for what we want. Throat problems arise from a feeling of inferiority, from a feeling that we “don’t have the right.” A sore throat is always an irritation.

A cold means that there is also fear, confusion, and confusion mixed in. For example, yelling at a child is a surefire way to provoke sore throats and coughs. Especially often, colds and coughs arise when we show fierce resistance to changes in our own lives, trying to resist the legitimate course of events.

The thyroid gland, lymph nodes, and tonsils are also connected to the throat, where the highest creative energy of the individual is concentrated. Therefore, these diseases are associated primarily with the inability to realize one’s creative potential.

The lungs reflect our ability to take and give energy to life. Problems with them arise when a person refuses to live life to the fullest, believing that he does not have the right to “breathe deeply.” And the disease will never “get unstuck” unless a person, with all his dreams, desires and deeds, is included in the existence around us.

Bronchial asthma most often occurs in people who believe that they do not have the right to breathe. For example, asthmatic children differ from others in their highly developed conscience and painful self-recrimination. They seem to take all the blame upon themselves - and the suffering of the world crystallizes in their bodies. (This information is the fruit of many years of observations by thousands of specialists.)

Breasts represent the energy of motherhood. If problems arise with the mammary glands, it means that we are strangling with our intense attention and excessive care what is next to us, be it another person, thing or situation. Breast diseases are both a consequence of greed and the result of excessive guardianship; this is also retribution for the fact that we do not want to let our children go.

The heart is associated with the experience of love, and blood symbolically corresponds to joy. When a person does not have joy and love in life, when, entangled in everyday dramas, he ceases to notice the joy of life that surrounds him, his heart shrinks, becomes cold, blood begins to flow more slowly, leading to anemia, angina and heart attack.

Pain of any origin, including neuralgia, is often associated with a poorly recognized feeling of guilt. Guilt always requires punishment and creates pain. Old pain is a persistent, buried feeling of guilt, the presence of which we may not even suspect. Think about it, guilt is the most useless of experiences, it doesn’t help anyone, it can’t change the situation. Release yourself from the “prison” - and many pains will ease on their own.

Tumors are erroneous, false growths, provoked by sorrows locked in the soul. A person attaches himself to an old grievance and carries it around like a “written sack” until it crystallizes in his body into a tumor. Tumors in the uterus are an insult caused by a blow to femininity. Women with this disease usually like to say: “He hurt me greatly.”

Cancer is a disease caused by a deep, accumulated and nurtured long-standing resentment - dissatisfaction with one’s own life, which “eats” the body. Someone or something undermines a person's faith in life. A chain of hopeless disappointments, a feeling of hopelessness that has become dominant in the mind, forces you to blame others for your problems. People suffering from cancer almost always blame the whole world for what is happening, but not themselves. To love yourself and others, to accept the world as it is, means to take the path of slow but inevitable healing.

The stomach not only processes food, but also new ideas and situations. If the stomach gets sick, it means that the person was unable to “digest” something and does not know what to do in a new situation. life situation, he becomes dark and scared. For healing, you don’t need pills or diets, but you need to see the newness that has entered your life and get used to it.

A stomach ulcer is more than a fear, it's hidden feeling own inferiority. A person is afraid that he is not good enough for everyone at once: parents, children, spouse, boss, co-workers. He tries to please everyone at once, but inside he lacks self-esteem, even if he boasts on the outside. And in this case a person is not able to “digest himself.” Only love can solve the problem of illness. People who love themselves and respect others do not have ulcers.

Arthritis occurs as a result of constant criticism of oneself and others. People with this disorder believe that they can and should criticize others. They carry a kind of curse on themselves; they strive to be right, the best, the most perfect in everything. But such a burden, full of pride and conceit, is unbearable, so the body cannot stand it and gets sick.

The back is a support system for the body and soul. Any problems with it indicate that a person does not rely on himself and does not find support either in himself or in his environment. A person mistakenly believes that he should be supported by family, friends, relatives, and society. In reality, you can only count on yourself and the Lord God.

Upper back - signals a lack of emotional confidence. “They all do not understand and do not support me, who is so correct and worthy.”

middle part back - associated with feelings of guilt. Analyze - what are you afraid of, where does the threat come from? You may find yourself feeling as if someone had stabbed you in the back. Deal with it.

Lower back - uncertainty about your material, financial, legal situation. Once you free yourself from empty fears, your spine becomes flexible and healthy.

The ovaries represent the creative energy of the body. The problem with them is the inability to express their Creative skills, be it giving birth to children or creating work of art.

Stones in gallbladder- accumulated bitter thoughts about existence, annoying pride, bragging, defensive conceit, self-satisfaction, preventing you from calming down and resting. These people need to repeat more often: “I let go of my past with joy and ease. Life is generally wonderful, and I’m not bad.”

Our feet carry us along the ground. Problems with them are fear and reluctance to move in a certain direction, to move forward, reluctance to participate in the lives of others.

Varicose veins vein - associated with home, work or people whom we have come to hate for some reason.

Excess weight is the result of experiencing the need for protection from pain and criticism, from excessive sexuality and unfounded insults. Being in uncertainty, discomfort, a person automatically gains several kilograms. The threat disappears - and the excess weight goes away on its own. It is important to understand that fighting the natural course of events is a waste of time. It is better to relax and be satisfied with what you have, refrain from negative thoughts and statements, and your body weight will normalize.

Accidents are also not random. We create our own system of beliefs and drives that magnetically attract us to the situation of an accident. Accidents are a concentrated expression of accumulated irritations and grievances. A person cannot openly express his feelings, gets angry at others, and as a result breaks his knee. On the other hand, an accident is kind of pleasant, as it allows us to turn to others for help and sympathy - we can get sick and whine. The extent of the pain indicates how much we subconsciously sought to punish ourselves for our inability to be ourselves in life.

Thus, we can say that all heart attacks, strokes and others chronic diseases one way or another connected with the destruction of our spiritual world. And we ourselves are to blame for this. S. N. Roerich also wrote about this: “A person is sick only because he has clogged his body with fear, tears and irritation, therefore it would be more correct to call a heart attack an attack of horror and fear, pain in the liver - an attack of greed and despondency.” As you can see, we have something to think about.”

Some may not agree with the above, but life experience says that there really is something to think about and think about.

From the article you will learn what signals our body tries to warn us about illness.

Few people know that human body capable of signaling the presence internal problems. Moreover, he does this even when pathological changes are just beginning to cause harm. But unfortunately, most people pay little attention to the signals that their body sends them and try not to notice an unhealthy complexion, skin rashes and bad breath.

If you want to learn to recognize all these hidden signals, then let’s figure out together what manifestations the body can warn of the presence of a serious disease.

What diseases do bruises under the eyes indicate: causes, which doctor to contact?

Bruises under the eyes: causes

Dark circles under the eyes are perhaps the most common problem among women. Unfortunately, most often they attribute their appearance to banal overwork and simply disguise them with cosmetics.

Of course, if you work a lot and have little rest, then the cause of such a defect on your face may be your lifestyle. But still, as practice shows, in most cases, bruises under the eyes are provoked by completely different reasons.


  • Dehydration. We are accustomed to thinking that only swelling can provoke darkening of the skin under the eyes. But in fact, if a person does not drink enough water, then this can also become an impetus for development similar problem. In addition to bruises under the eyes, fluid deficiency in tissues also manifests itself severe lethargy and dry mouth.
  • Kidney diseases. In this case, in addition to bruises, the person will also have very noticeable bags that will not disappear throughout the day. In addition, a man or woman may have problems with urination and also with blood pressure. When the inflammatory process intensifies, it can drop very significantly.
  • Heart diseases. With the development of this pathology, bruises appear in the late afternoon and disappear completely by the morning. A person may also periodically experience discomfort in the chest area, especially during intense physical activity.

A therapist or cardiologist can help you get rid of all these problems.

Bags under the eyes, what diseases do bags under the eyes indicate, which doctor should I consult?

Bags under the eyes: causes

The most common cause of bags under the eyes is kidney failure. As a rule, in this case problems begin with urinary system, as a result of which fluid begins to accumulate in the body.

In view of this, if you begin to notice that already in the morning there are bags under your eyes on your face, then be sure to consult a nephrologist or urologist for advice. If your clinic does not have such a specialist, then make an appointment with your local physician and be sure to do an ultrasound.

In addition, bags under the eyes can provoke the following diseases:

  • Allergy. With this pathology, bags will be present on the face the entire time that the body fights the allergen. After the amount of allergen in the blood reaches its maximum, the above-mentioned symptom will also include lacrimation, runny nose and redness of the eyes (contact an allergist).
  • Pathologies of the sinuses and oral cavity. If in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses occurs inflammatory process, then outwardly it will manifest itself as the formation of unsightly bags under the eyes. In some cases, a bag may form on only one side (contact an ENT specialist).

What does plaque on the tongue indicate: causes of occurrence, which doctor should I contact?

Plaque on the tongue: causes

Most people consider plaque on the tongue to be a physiological norm, which must be combated exclusively with toothpaste or a special mouthwash. But if you consult a dentist about this, he will tell you that the cause of plaque may be, for example, caries, the treatment of which will require quite a lot of effort.

Another reason for this little trouble may be stomach problems. If you eat not entirely healthy food and regularly overeat, then your body will show that your stomach is not working quite correctly.

Diseases that can cause plaque on the tongue:

  • Scarlet fever. This disease provokes the formation of a gray-white plaque, which itself disappears approximately a week after infection (treated by an ENT specialist and an infectious disease specialist).
  • Dysentery. In this case, the plaque will have a pronounced white color and a very thick consistency. It begins to appear as soon as the body begins to fight toxins, which are produced in huge quantities by the causative agents of this disease (treated by an infectious disease specialist).
  • Gastritis. If you develop this particular disease, then your tongue will be covered with a gray coating with mucus. In addition, a sick person will definitely have Blunt pain in the stomach area (treated by a gastroenterologist).

What diseases does bad breath speak about: causes, which doctor to contact?

Bad breath: causes

As a rule, people with bad breath almost always also have a white coating located on the outermost part of the tongue. This is due to the fact that the reason for the appearance of this unpleasant symptom There were problems with the digestive tract. Most often, in people who have bad breath, doctors diagnose an ulcer, gastritis or cholecystitis.

In view of this, if bad smell in the oral cavity does not disappear even after brushing your teeth, then immediately undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist. He can find more exact reason your problem and it is likely that you will be able to restore the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract without resorting to long-term therapy.

Other causes of bad breath:

  • Hypovitaminosis. In addition to the symptom mentioned above, the person will have a metallic taste in the mouth, as well as severe fatigue and weakness (consult a physician).
  • Diabetes. When this problem occurs, a person’s breath begins to smell like acetone. Moreover, very often this smell intensifies if the patient eats fatty or spicy food (consult an endocrinologist).
  • Thyrotoxicosis. The smell will also be acetone, but in addition to it the person will experience extreme thirst and practically persistent diarrhea (consult an endocrinologist).

What diseases cause hair loss on the head, and which doctor should I consult?

Hair loss in women: causes

The most common cause of hair loss is simple stress. If a person is nervous and depressed all the time, this will inevitably lead to his hair starting to thin out. The main reason for this problem is that the amount of adrenaline in the blood will always be increased.

As a result, this will provoke spasm of blood vessels, which are responsible for blood microcirculation in the area of ​​the hair follicles. Therefore, if you know for sure that stress is the cause of hair loss, then you will definitely need to consult a psychologist and only then visit a trichologist.

Causes of hair loss:

  • Hormonal problems. Women who are about to enter menopause are most susceptible to this problem. In this period hormonal background For representatives of the fairer sex, it has a severe malfunction and this literally immediately affects the hair (seek help from a gynecologist first, and then from an endocrinologist).
  • seborrheic alopecia. The reason for this problem is overproduction subcutaneous sebum, causing the scalp to become covered oily dandruff, interfering normal growth hair (seek help from a trichologist).

Why do acne appear on the butt in women and men: reasons

Pimples on the butt in women and men: causes

Oh so sensitive issue Not every person dares to tell about acne on the butt. It is easier for people to attribute their appearance to skin conditions, uncomfortable clothes or sedentary work than to admit that something is wrong with their body.

Yes, all this may well be the cause of this problem, but as practice shows, in most cases, the impetus for the formation of acne in this place is caused by other problems.


  • Problems with hormones. Since hormones are involved in many processes occurring in the human body, their sharp increase or decrease leads to failure metabolic processes body. As a rule, our skin is the first to react to this, becoming covered with ugly pimples (an endocrinologist will help get rid of the problem).
  • Venereal diseases. If it was this problem that caused the appearance of acne on the pope, then it worsened so much that it began to move from the genitals to the dermatological integument (the venereologist will help get rid of the problem).
  • Allergy. A skin rash can be the result of eating certain fruits, vegetables, or using substandard hygiene products(an allergist will help you get rid of the problem).

What do pimples and rashes appear on the face and why?

Acne on the face: causes

Perhaps, it is precisely by acne on the face that the development of diseases can be most correctly diagnosed. Moreover, scientists have developed a special map in which they indicated the relationship between the internal organs and a certain part of the face. After viewing it, you will be able to understand what internal organ is now working for wear and thanks to this, you will begin to listen more carefully to your body.

In addition, the appearance of acne on the face can provoke:

  • Inflammatory process. If a sluggish pathological process takes place in some organ, which does not yet manifest itself more obvious symptoms, then at first the body will signal the presence of a problem with a rash on the face (consult with the local therapist).
  • Poor immunity. You've probably noticed that rashes appear on the dermatological surfaces more often in spring than in summer or even winter. This is due to the fact that by the beginning of spring our body is so depleted that it simply stops fighting all the viruses and bacteria that get inside our body. Against this background, intoxication of the body occurs, which provokes a skin rash (consult an immunologist).

Seals in the form of balls under the skin: why do they appear?

Ball-shaped lumps under the skin

Both men and women are susceptible to the problem of balls under the skin. As a rule, this pathology begins to appear in people after forty years. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that all metabolic processes in the human body begin to slow down, as a result of which malfunctions begin different organs and systems.

Reasons for the appearance of balls under the skin:

  • Lipoma. The cause of this benign tumor is metabolic problems. This may be due to both the fact that it is very slow and the fact that it is very fast. In view of this, in order to get rid of this problem once and for all, you must first put the gastrointestinal tract in order (seek help from a gastroenterologist and nutritionist).
  • Atheroma. It is also a benign tumor, but unlike lipoma, the impetus for its appearance is considered to be metabolic problems in the body. If this process is not established, the atheroma will begin to grow in size very quickly and you will have to remove it surgically (seek help from a therapist and surgeon).

Stretch marks on the body in teenagers: causes, signs of what health problems?

Stretch marks on the body in teenagers: causes

Adolescence is a very stressful period for child's body and most often it is the skin that suffers from the processes occurring during this period of time. Modern children grow in leaps and bounds and for this reason the skin does not have time to stretch evenly and, as a result, cracks and stretch marks appear on it.

In boys, they are most often localized on the arms, legs and back, and in girls on the butt, hips and chest. If you notice that your child’s body has begun to become covered with stretch marks, then immediately show him to an endocrinologist. Of course, it will not remove stretch marks, but it will be able to stop their further spread.

Other causes of stretch marks:

  • Lack of collagen in the dermis. If the amount of this substance in the body is minimal, then even a thin and slowly growing teenager will face such a problem as stretch marks. This will be due to the fact that his skin will not be elastic and will crack first in the joints and then in the soft tissue area.
  • Lack of muscle mass. If your child moves little or, in general, spends the whole day sitting at the computer, then his muscles will atrophy and will not be able to act as a pillow between the skeleton and the skin. As a result, in some places it will be stretched more than necessary, and this will lead to the formation of stretch marks.

Why does gray hair appear at a young age?

Gray hair in at a young age: causes

Early gray hair is a big problem for a huge number of men and women. As shown latest research, now with similar phenomenon Even people in their thirties began to encounter each other. Experts attribute this to the fact that the amount of vitamin B10 in the human body sharply decreases, which is directly involved in the production of the pigment that colors our hair dark.

In addition, early gray hair may indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Pathologies of the endocrine system. We have already mentioned above that hormonal levels have a huge impact on the entire human body. If the amount of hormones deviates very much from the norm, this inevitably affects the production of coloring pigment and, as a result, the curls begin to lighten (consult an endocrinologist).
  • Vascular pathologies. If the blood vessels of a man or woman become fragile and practically impenetrable, this leads to hair follicles begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which they begin to age prematurely (consult a vascular specialist or cardiologist).

What health problems do early wrinkles and premature aging indicate?

Diseases that can affect the condition of the skin

We are accustomed to considering skin aging quite normal process, so we practically don’t get upset when we notice new wrinkles on the face or in the décolleté area. Of course, if this happens at the age of 40, then there is no need to worry.

But if such changes began to appear at the age of 25, then you need to see a therapist as quickly as possible and undergo thorough examination. It's likely happening inside your body. pathological processes, which lead to your skin aging ahead of time.

Diseases that can affect the condition of the skin:

  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system . In this case, the cause of wrinkles is poor circulation in the facial area, which leads to a failure of all metabolic processes (visit a cardiologist).
  • Hidden depressive state . This disease also greatly affects vascular system. When stressed, a spasm occurs, interfering with the normal circulation of blood and oxygen. What if the dermis long time If she doesn’t get what she needs, she inevitably begins to fade (visit a psychologist and a vascular specialist).

Why do cracks and jams appear in the corners of my lips?

Sticky lips: reasons

If we talk about jams, then most often the cause of their appearance is not entirely proper hygiene the oral cavity, especially if the person has dental implants or dentures. If a person does not properly care for them, then a large amount will inevitably accumulate under them. pathogenic microorganisms, which will begin to irritate first the gums, and then the area of ​​​​the corners of the lips. If these problems are the cause of the seizure, then you can get rid of them with correct and timely hygiene procedures.

The appearance of jam can also be caused by:

  • Candidiasis. As a rule, the Candida fungus initially enters the oral cavity, affects absolutely the entire mucous membrane, and only after that comes out. In order to get rid of this problem, you will have to rinse your mouth with products containing antibacterial effect, and also take tablets with the same property orally.
  • Lack of B vitamins. It is these vitamins that help our skin remain elastic, soft and beautiful. The lack of these substances leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the cells of the dermis, which provokes severe dryness skin, which subsequently leads to the formation of a jam.

What is responsible for skin pigmentation, what health problems does abnormal skin pigmentation indicate?

Skin pigmentation: causes

Skin pigmentation is not a very pleasant phenomenon, especially if it appears on the face. And although some of these spots are most often just a cosmetic problem, there are also those that our body uses to signal the emergence of internal problems.


  • Perfect pigmentation round shape . Most often, such spots on the skin are caused by lichen vulgaris, which is carried by stray cats and dogs (seek help from a dermatologist).
  • Yellow pigment spots. Indicates that a person has problems with digestive system, and even more precisely, with the pancreas (seek help from a gastroenterologist).
  • Red pigmentation. It may indicate that the human body is struggling with an aggressive allergen. Allergies are necessarily accompanied by watery eyes, sneezing and drowsiness (visit an allergist).

Video: What does our body and our illnesses tell us?

Body and mind are equal - says one of the principles of body-oriented psychotherapy. This means that everything that happens in our soul is reflected in bodily manifestations. For example, anger makes us clench our jaws, frown our brows... And if a person is “stuck” on some emotion, that is, experiences it very often, this can lead to psychosomatic diseases. The same anger can cause high blood pressure, liver disease. And vice versa - by changing the body, we change and psychological condition. If an insecure person straightens his back, stops slouching, he will feel more confident.

Each part of the body has its own psychological symbolism. After all, many experiences are universal: we all know what “grief”, “loneliness”, “joy” are. Familiarize yourself with the symbolism of the body - this will help you find “ mutual language" with him.

  • Language of the body- HEAD. If we turn to the three-component model of personality “mind – soul – body”, then the head, of course, correlates with the mind. This area includes thoughts, attitudes, ideas about “right” and “wrong,” as well as memories and images.

The peculiarity of Western culture is that the value of the Mind is exaggerated, while the Feelings and Body are devalued. This is due to the peculiarities of the historical path of European culture. The Age of Enlightenment put Reason in first place, leveling out Feelings: “I think - therefore I exist”). Until now we attach too much great importance the mental sphere, while the sphere of feelings and sensations is devalued.

Hair is associated with deep unconscious feelings. Therefore, the most different nations hair is endowed with “magical” power: it appears in fairy tales, legends, witchcraft rituals... And at the same time it is endowed with power: Samson’s hair, the Slavic ritual of cutting a newlywed’s braid, the medieval custom of shaving “witches” in prison... What is this connected with? On a psychological level, hair correlates with our ancient, animal part, and therefore scares our rational rational part!

  • Language of the body— It is no coincidence that the EYES are called the “mirror of the soul.” They are associated with the ability for psychological intimacy, and therefore for authentic self-disclosure and non-judgmental acceptance of another person. The eyes are the visual channel of perception. They are related to our cognitive activity, curiosity, research activities. And, of course, with the acceptance of reality. “I don’t want to see this!” - say people who deny reality. A healthy position - a willingness to accept life as it is - is also clearly manifested in the gaze. Important aspect, which I would like to emphasize again: the eyes are responsible not only for collecting information, but also for expression. This is a two-way communication. Strong prohibitions on the expression of feelings prevent the reflection in the gaze of both negative feelings (anger, sadness) and positive ones (tenderness, love).
  • Language of the body- The NECK is the bridge between awareness (head) and feeling (thorax), as well as awareness (head) and action (pelvis). Ideally, the mental sphere, the emotional sphere, and our actions are integrated: “I am aware of how I feel now and act in accordance with myself.” In reality, this connection is broken: “I think one thing, do another,” etc.

The neck is also associated with the right to express feelings, to present oneself and one’s needs. Those who have not fully mastered this right can easily be recognized by their too high, compressed, unnatural voice, often combined with childish intonations.

The habit of suppressing your feelings leads to chronic tension in the neck, which can give rise to constant problems with the throat, with the voice, with muscle pain.

  • Language of the body- SHOULDERS. “Carry a heavy cross”, “Take it upon yourself”, “Carry your burden” - these well-established expressions indicate that shoulders are associated with a sense of one’s strength and capabilities, one’s potential, as well as with responsibility and control (situation management). Let’s add – and with a feeling of guilt if you fail to cope with this responsibility. Shoulders often hurt those who take on too much, are prone to overprotectiveness of loved ones or struggle for power...
  • Language of the body— THE CHEST corresponds to emotional sphere, here are our strongest, deep feelings. After all, here is our heart... “Hurt to the very heart” - when our deepest feelings are affected, this can lead to heart problems, intercostal neuralgia, respiratory control, diseases of the respiratory system...
  • DIAPHRAGM retains feelings associated with social problems. The diaphragm reflects the eternal contradiction between society and the individual: the desire to be an individual and the desire to be “like everyone else.” This part of the body is associated with such feelings as embarrassment, timidity, awkwardness, shame, self-doubt, shyness, etc. After all, they are all generated by our interaction with society: this is a way of regulating the personality on social level. That is, through these feelings, society controls our behavior: “If you act badly, you will be ashamed.”

Part of this zone - the stomach - is also responsible for the right to accept or not accept something. On the physical level we have vomiting reflex as a defense reaction to the arrival of a substance harmful to us from the outside. In the same way, there is a similar defense at the psychological level.

  • STOMACH. It is no coincidence that in the Russian language this word is consonant with the word “life” - they were once synonymous, and this synonymous connection was preserved in folklore, for example, in the saying “not sparing your belly,” that is, life. Our fear for life lives in our stomach. People who have been in a deadly situation often develop deep chronic tension in this area.

It was in this area that there was an umbilical cord that connected us with our mother, which was the key to our survival and development. Through her they came to us nutrients from the mother, and through subtle biochemical and energetic mechanisms we read her attitude towards us. The mother's relationship with her child emotional background are felt by him in the womb.

“Unloved” people often try to compensate for the lack of love with food or alcohol, filling their body with a “surrogate of love.” They can be advised to develop a support system - family, friends, love relationship, in which they could receive love.

  • TAZ . The main symbolism of the pelvis is sexuality, and the biggest taboos in any civilization are always related to sexuality. This area is “responsible” for ancient instincts, animal impulses, unconscious or repressed drives. All the things we suppress. IN pelvic area There is always a lot of energy, but it is blocked there and practically not used.

Behind sexual dysfunctions, behind painful sensations in the pelvis (problems with menstruation, etc.) there are often internal taboos on sexuality and pleasure in general.

  • HANDS are responsible for communication with the world in the broad sense of the word: for establishing boundaries with others, distances in communication, for the balance of “give and take,” the activity of exchange with the world, the degree of inclusion in reality.
  • BRUSHES . If hands symbolize contact with the world in a broad sense, then hands symbolize contact with people. Wherein right hand symbolizes contacts with men, and the left - with women. Often behind “accidental” hand injuries in everyday life (cut myself with a knife while cutting bread; grabbed a hot pan...) there is a feeling of guilt before someone. It’s as if we are punishing ourselves, atonement for guilt in this way.
  • HIPS are associated with sexuality and eroticism, especially in women. Our strength and stability are also stored in the hips. Violation of contact with one’s own strength, lack of stability can turn into a kind of compensation at the bodily level: the hips begin to grow, forming a “pear-shaped” figure. At the same time, the muscles are weak, and the volume increases due to adipose tissue. Psychologically, such a person becomes a "tank", he often puts pressure on others without noticing it, and can behave aggressively. But behind it are self-doubt and fears.
  • KNEES. This area is connected with our fears, and first of all with the ability to trust people, rely on another person. Problems with the right knee may indicate a distrust of men. Problems with the left knee - in distrust of women.
  • The shins are connected in our perception with the movement along the path of life: “Where am I going? How exactly do I go through life? Psycho-somatic problems in this area (problems with blood vessels, muscle spasms, etc.) can be a warning coming from the unconscious: a person lives in disagreement with himself.
  • FEET. Grounding and support in the broad sense of the word. "Can I stand on my own two feet?" (contact with your strength, inner maturity, self-confidence) and “Can I lean on someone?” (basic trust is distrust of the world). Reality testing is its adequate assessment, the ability to separate one's projections and fantasies from reality.
  • SPINE . Internal support, symbolizes the ability to find a resource in oneself. It speaks of the flexibility of the individual: by the rigidity or flexibility of the spine, psychological flexibility can also be determined (it is curious that the same view exists in yoga). Therefore, people who are inclined to rely only on the help of other people are advised to do exercises for the spine, which will allow them to feel better - this will help to believe in their own strengths.

This is the language our body speaks to us. And you will be surprised how grateful it can be if you treat it and its messages with attention and respect!



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