Why is thin endometrium dangerous? Causes and treatment of thin endometrial layer

In nature, balance and adherence to the rule of the “golden mean” are very important. Extreme options are always rejected because they cannot satisfy the requirements for the normal existence of the species. This rule can be perfectly demonstrated by the example of the endometrium or the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.

There are diseases that lead to its hyperplasia, that is, to its excessive growth. The best known of these diseases is endometriosis. This disease often leads to infertility, heavy and painful periods and is big problem endocrine gynecology.

But there is another extreme, in which the endometrium is not at all susceptible to excessive growth and hyperplasia. On the contrary, it has an abnormally small thickness. And since a very important period depends on the thickness of this layer intrauterine development human - implantation ovum into the wall of the uterus, this poses real difficulties for pregnancy.

Therefore, the problem of the thin mucous layer of the uterus is directly related to the problem of infertility. Very often, women ask their gynecologist whether it is possible to get pregnant with a thin endometrium? We will try to answer this question, but before that, let’s talk a little about what normal thickness endometrium for conception, and how it works.

The endometrium is the inner layer lining the uterus. Unlike the lining of others hollow organs, for example, the stomach, the lining of the uterus undergoes regular, cyclical changes.

If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium is rejected and its remains are excreted as menstruation. In the same case, if fertilization has occurred, then its task after some time is to accept the fertilized egg and secure it in its thickness (this process is called implantation). This time is the early “critical” period of pregnancy.

Next, you need to change the type of nutrition of the embryo. Previously it was diffuse, in which it received nutrients from the surrounding fluid, but now it will be hematotrophic (with the help blood vessels). In other words, without a normally arranged endometrium, the appearance of first the chorion, and then the placenta, will be impossible.

The endometrium is normally two-layered. It is based on basal cells that do not respond to changes in any way. female cycle. The job of the basal layer is to produce a functional top layer. It is he who, after fertilization, will be responsible for prompt changes in the nutrition of the embryo and the development of the fetus.

In the event that the thickness of this layer in a woman is fertile period is insufficient, this can cause either miscarriage or infertility. How thick should the endometrium be to get pregnant and carry a child to term?

Source: Prosto-Mariya.ru


As obstetric statistics show, the normal thickness of the functional uterine endometrium in women of childbearing age, which does not prevent the continuation of pregnancy, is 7 mm.

After menstruation, in the first days of the cycle, when the activity of the uterine mucosa is regulated by estrogen, it gradually increases and ranges from 5 to 9 mm. After ovulation, when estrogens “give way” to progesterone, the endometrium prepares for possible pregnancy. As a result, the thickness of the endometrium can reach 1.3 – 1.4 cm in thickness.

Pregnancy with a thin endometrium becomes problematic if its thickness does not exceed 5 mm during the progesterone phase of the cycle. In this case, a diagnosis of endometrial hypoplasia, or its thinning, can be made.

Of course, there is a convention in any numbers, and many more women formulate the question incorrectly. After all, fertilization or conception can occur in any condition of the uterine mucosa (for example, in the tube), but if it is hypoplastic, further continuation of pregnancy will become impossible or difficult.

There are cases where pregnancy and thin endometrium were successfully combined, and even with a thickness of 4 mm, a woman managed to carry a child. But with such thickness of the endometrium, the risk of developing obstetric pathology on early pregnancy, which leads to its interruption or the development of complications.

After all, in normal conditions The endometrium's job is to continue to thicken under the influence of progesterone after pregnancy has occurred. During the first weeks after pregnancy, the thickness of the internal uterine layer can be more than 2 cm, which is what the doctor often notices during a gynecological ultrasound.

The fertilized egg itself may not yet be noticeable, but it can already be determined probable sign pregnancy. But if a woman has insufficient endometrial thickness for conception and gestation, this should be permanent reason miscarriage in the first trimester. Let's consider what it should be average rate endometrium for conception by day of the cycle.


Let's consider what the thickness of the endometrium should be for conception and normal bearing of a child. Every obstetrician-gynecologist antenatal clinic there are special tables that allow you to calculate whether the thickness of the internal lining corresponds normal flow cycle, and are there any signs of both hypoplasia and hyperplastic process. Here is a table of endometrial thickness by day of the cycle for conception.

Source: bolshoyvopros.ru

The diagram shows that on the 14th day the largest diameter of the follicle occurs, and ovulation occurs, and after this the growth of the endometrium occurs slightly if fertilization does not occur. After ovulation, in the second half of the cycle, the normal thickness “does not reach” one and a half centimeters. Accordingly, the norm of the endometrium for conception can confidently be calculated from 1 centimeter.

Is it possible to get pregnant if the endometrium is 7 mm? Yes, this is quite possible, but the chances are still greatest if several conditions are simultaneously met:

  • dynamic observation by a gynecologist and pregnancy management;
  • planned conception with possible medical support;
  • eliminating extragenital pathology, which may create a risk of increased miscarriage.

We have determined what thickness the endometrium should be to conceive a child and carry it to term. But what reasons lead to hypoplasia of the inner layer?


Why doesn't the endometrium grow? The reasons for this may lie in various diseases, and in the patient’s lifestyle. Most common reasons the development of hypoplasia lies in the following diseases and states:

  • Endocrine diseases and disorders hormonal function ovaries and hypothalamic-pituitary system. Most often we are talking about a lack of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, which leads to a lack of estrogen. In some cases, a lack of estrogen may be caused by local reasons, for example the appearance of ovarian cysts.
  • Congenital and acquired circulatory disorders in the myometrium and endometrium. Lack of blood circulation leads to a decrease in the level of metabolism in the endometrium, and this leads to its poor growth or hypoplasia.
  • Presence of polycystic ovaries.
  • Congenital aplasia or hypoplasia of the uterus (or its underdevelopment).
  • Frequent surgical procedures, for example, uterine curettage, frequent abortions.

The cause of small endometrium is currently uncontrolled use by young patients. hormonal drugs, including without a gynecologist’s prescription.

You should not use emergency contraception during unprotected sex, but use condoms. In this case, there will be no harm to the women’s body (perhaps, except for an allergy to latex, which is not so common), and there is no risk of developing hypoplasia;

Very often, endometrial hypoplasia is caused by the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus, such as chronic endometritis, chronic forms sexually transmitted diseases - trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma infection.

All this leads to the development of adhesions and scar processes, which worsen the proliferation of the endometrium and its development.

After all, a disordered lifestyle, constant chronic stress, irregular periods, smoking, alcoholism, and especially drug addiction leads to complete violation hormonal regulation female cycle, development of chronic vitamin deficiency, exhaustion of the body.

Therefore, a woman preparing to become a mother needs not only to know how to prepare the endometrium for pregnancy, but also how to prepare her own body completely for motherhood. What are the symptoms of endometrial hypoplasia, and how does this condition manifest?


Unlike endometriosis, signs of hypoplastic uterine lining are not as noticeable, and many women are not even aware that they have this problem. Sometimes it manifests itself only as habitual miscarriage, which occurs immediately after conception.

There are some symptoms that women may experience. These include:

  • periodic amenorrhea, which is expressed in the absence of menstruation;
  • very scanty and insufficient menstruation.

This symptom indicates insufficient development of the endometrium by the end of the cycle. But sometimes metrorrhagia-type discharge occurs in the middle of the cycle, during which even clots can separate. This sign will indicate that sufficiently active and well-ripened endometrial tissue was rejected at the wrong time.

In addition, symptoms of hypoplasia include late start menstruation, decreased libido, anorgasmia, insufficient fat deposition female type and hirsutism, as a sign of androgen excess. Indirectly, other symptoms of estrogen deficiency can serve in favor of endometrial hypoplasia.

All of the above signs and symptoms of thin endometrium should definitely alert a woman, and she should tell the gynecologist about them. How can endometrial hypoplasia be diagnosed?


You need to remember that only comprehensive examination women allows a diagnosis of endometrial hypoplasia. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound of the uterus, and several times during the same cycle. In addition, the diagnosis of endometrial hypoplasia cannot be made without the patient having the following tests:

  • a comprehensive blood test for hormones: estradiol, progesterone, pituitary gonadotropic hormones, and the study can be carried out in different periods cycle.
  • a biopsy of the endometrium taken from different areas in which there is a high probability of the appearance of the most developed endometrium in the period following ovulation. It is during this period that the thickness of the endometrium for conception should be normal up to 14 mm.

The main ones are listed above diagnostic procedures, without which it is impossible to deliver accurate diagnosis. But if the causes of thin endometrium are known, then what should be the treatment? What are the basic principles of endometrial enlargement for a normal pregnancy?


It should be recalled that all medications should be prescribed only by the treating gynecologist. Treatment of thin endometrium is a delicate process that may involve not only certain food products for the growth of the endometrium and follicles. Prescription is often required according to indications hormone therapy, as well as other drugs. Let's look at the basic principles of how to enlarge the endometrium for conception.


Most often, gynecologists deal with hormonal insufficiency. Therefore, in the first half of the cycle there may be a lack of estrogen, and in the second half of the cycle there may be a lack of progesterone. It is necessary to determine which hormones are missing and prescribe compensatory therapy.

In some cases, patients need estradiol, and in some cases, progestins, for example, Duphaston or Utrozhestan. These drugs can replace progesterone, and prepare the endometrium of the uterus for a possible pregnancy.

They increase endometrial proliferation and at the same time reduce muscle tone uterus, which also favors the implantation of the fertilized egg, and also prevents endometrial detachment. The prescription of such drugs, as well as combined oral contraceptives or COCs, must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and taken according to the schedule, depending on the days of the cycle.

In some cases, in order to achieve normal concentrations of endogenous progesterone, stimulation of ovulation is required. This procedure is especially delicate for thin endometrium.

In the event that stimulation is carried out independently, in the form of self-medication, then drugs such as Clostilbegit can lead to further more development endometrial hypoplasia. It is necessary to stimulate ovulation in combination with estrogen-containing drugs, and always under the supervision of a specialist.


How to increase endometrial thickness to get pregnant without drugs? First of all, in the absence of chronic microbial diseases, physiotherapy is indicated. As prescribed by a doctor, UHF, magnetic therapy, diadynamic currents, amplipulse, and sinusoidally modulated currents can be prescribed.

In some cases, in the stage of stable remission, it is indicated Spa treatment: bathing, electrophoresis with medicines, including vitamins and enzymes. These procedures lead to the resorption of scars and adhesions, increased immunity, and normalization menstrual cycle.

How to grow the endometrium folk remedies? Among the most favorite folk remedies, we can mention the infusion of boron uterus. It can be bought at a pharmacy; the herb is taken daily, several teaspoons of infusion prepared from ready-made bags poured with a glass of boiling water, according to the instructions.

Combination helps well herbal preparations, containing yarrow, nettle, elderberry, mint and chamomile. Many women celebrate good healing effect tea from raspberry leaves. You can drink it like regular tea, several times a day, it promotes a mild anti-inflammatory effect and helps normalize the endometrium in case of uterine lesions.


How to grow the endometrium for conception using proper diet? To do this, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  • It is advisable to consume more fiber, especially pumpkin and pineapple. If you do not have allergies, you can eat them without restrictions, as well as drink pumpkin and pineapple juice.
  • Should be included in your diet easily digestible foods, such as fatty varieties of sea fish, and lean meat.
  • It is very useful to consume dried fruits, nuts, honey and red wine to stimulate the immune system.
  • It is useful to use berries such as raspberries, which contain high level salicylates. Raspberries can be considered natural aspirin, it gently helps reduce inflammation, including in gynecology.
  • The use of small amounts of natural spices is not prohibited. Cinnamon, sweet paprika, and curry help stimulate endometrial growth.

At the same time, you need to strictly monitor the limit of tea, especially strong tea, coffee, refined fatty foods, French fries, baked goods, fast carbohydrates, fried and smoked.

It can be said that pregnancy is small endometrium possible. You need to try in every possible way to increase it, but first of all, you need to normalize your menstrual cycle and the physiological rhythm of hormone production. And in this far from the least role is played healthy image life.

Regular and good sleep, dosed exercise stress, popular and useful species sports, positive emotions very good influence on the right hormonal background. This means that a woman, in collaboration with gynecologists and following their instructions, has a very real chance of getting rid of such a problem as endometrial hypoplasia and the infertility caused by it.

Every woman suffering from infertility has her own treatment history, her own causes of the disease, but everyone has the same dream. Gynecologists and pharmacists are constantly searching for new drugs and methods of treating this disease. After all, the main thing is not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to select individual treatment, the result of which will be the birth healthy baby.

Thin endometrium - what to do?

A common cause of infertility in a woman is a thin layer of the endometrium, and treatment in this case can be carried out with hormonal medications, pseudohormones, herbal decoctions. Going towards your goal will not be easy, but getting there is quite possible.

How to treat thin endometrium with herbs?

Many women refuse to treat thin endometrium hormonally, since treatment with folk remedies also helps with this problem. Very good results sage gives follicles when the endometrium is thin, you need to brew 1 teaspoon in a glass of water and drink throughout the day in the first phase of the cycle. Also helps a lot hog queen with thin endometrium, being a pseudohormone that is transformed in a woman’s body. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Modern medicine also offers homeopathic drops “Tazalok” to solve this problem, which normalize the menstrual cycle and regulate the synthesis of endogenous gonadotropic hormones. This drug has virtually no side effects.

How to increase thin endometrium with the help of drugs?

The endometrium grows within 14 days, its growth is stimulated with estradiol drugs. To build up the endometrium, doctors prescribe the drug Proginova, Estradiol or femoston in the first phase of the cycle; in the second phase they recommend taking duphaston. With thin endometrium, Duphaston helps form its structure, acts as synthetic progesterone - “accompanies” the growing endometrium, it should be taken in the second half of the cycle. All of these drugs are synthetic and have many contraindications, so their use should be discussed with your doctor and the risk assessed yourself.

Often, thin endometrium is detected after taking OCs, but here everything depends on the woman’s body. Refusal of oral contraceptives and taking Regulon for two months can lead to positive results restoration of the growth of optimal endometrium.

If the endometrium is thin, the reasons may be the most different nature. However, in any case, hypoplasia (the medical name for the problem presented) requires proper treatment, since the pathology can lead to serious problems with the onset of pregnancy and gestation.

What is hypoplasia?

The endometrium is the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the uterus. The endometrium contains epithelial cells, integument, blood vessels, and the ground substance. The shell plays extremely important role For successful conception and a successful pregnancy. After all, it is to the endometrium that the embryo is attached, and the vessels located in it supply nutrition and oxygen to the fetus.

The endometrial layer, its structure and thickness undergo certain changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. It increases in thickness after ovulation period and in the absence of fertilization, it flakes off and again decreases in size. On average, normal endometrial thickness should be between 0.5 and 1.5 centimeters. If the endometrial layer is thinner than 0.4, then we are talking about pathological condition, called hypoplasia, characterized by the superficial development of the mucous uterine layer.

What causes pathology?

According to statistics, thin endometrium is observed in every third representative of the fair sex. According to gynecological specialists, for thin endometrium, the cause may be a violation hormonal balance V female body. In addition, hypoplasia can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Disruption and injury to the uterine mucosa, leading to damage to the basal layer of the endometrium.
  2. Previous abortions.
  3. Uterine circulation disorders, congenital or acquired.
  4. Scraping.
  5. Transferred surgical operations on the uterus.
  6. Inflammatory lesions of the uterus.
  7. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  8. Uterine pathology, expressed in its underdevelopment.
  9. Availability infectious diseases genitourinary system.
  10. Impaired blood flow and blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.
  11. Genetic factor leading to disorder of uterine functions.
  12. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of contraception.
  13. Presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  14. Previously transferred surgical interventions in the area of ​​the ovaries.
  15. Adenomyosis.
  16. Myoma.
  17. Presence of polycystic ovary syndrome.

In addition, there is a theory about the hereditary nature of the pathologically thin endometrial layer. However this hypothesis To date, there is no exact evidence or confirmation.

Signs of pathology

Thin endometrium uterus accompanied nearby characteristic features and manifestations, thanks to which it is possible to timely diagnose the pathology and provide the proper therapeutic course. Experts highlight following symptoms inherent in hypoplasia:

  1. Menstrual irregularities.
  2. The appearance of spotting, observed during menstruation in the middle of the cycle.
  3. Scanty, insignificant discharge of menstrual blood.
  4. Infertility.
  5. Complicated spontaneous abortions accompanied by internal bleeding.
  6. Weak expression of secondary sexual characteristics.
  7. Excessively narrow pelvis.
  8. Late onset of menstruation (from sixteen years of age and older).
  9. Anorgasmia.
  10. Periodic, breakthrough in nature.

It is important to know that the thin endometrium is quite dangerous pathology fraught with serious complications. Therefore, if the above symptoms are detected, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary examination.

Of course, pregnancy should proceed under the strict supervision of a specialist, in compliance with all medical recommendations and against a background of absolute rest, but the pathology must be treated. In order to avoid possible problems and complications when planning pregnancy, you should undergo examination and undergo a course of treatment even before conception.

What is the danger of thin endometrium?

The normal state and full development of the endometrium is a necessary condition for successful conception and pregnancy. The mucous membrane of the uterus consists of two layers: basal and functional. The functional layer is responsible for the implantation of the fertilized egg and the development of the fetus until the completion of the processes of placenta formation. Therefore, with thinning of the uterine endometrium, there is a high probability of complications such as infertility and spontaneous abortion.

The following adverse effects are also possible:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Miscarriage.
  3. Weak labor activity.
  4. Pronounced, prolonged toxicosis.
  5. Complication of the birth process.
  6. Heavy intense bleeding during the postpartum period.

Previously, it was believed that pregnancy and pregnancy were incompatible concepts, but modern medicine has proven that a woman suffering from such a problem is quite capable of becoming a mother and giving birth to a healthy baby. If you have difficulty conceiving, an IVF procedure is recommended - artificial insemination.

Diagnostic methods

Detection of hypoplasia is carried out on the basis of a detailed study of symptoms, general clinical picture and the results of the anamnesis. However, to clarify the diagnosis and determine the causes of the pathology, the patient is prescribed the following studies:

  1. Ultrasound examination of the uterus, performed several times during the menstrual cycle and necessary to determine the thickness of the endometrium.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. Blood test to determine the concentration of progesterone, follicle-stimulating and luteotropic sex hormones. To get the maximum accurate results It is recommended to take blood samples for analysis on the twentieth or twenty-first day of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Carrying out a uterine biopsy.
  5. Carrying out a pipel biopsy.
  6. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  7. Hysteroscopy, which is an examination of the uterine cavity using a special optical device.
  8. Taking a scraping of uterine tissue for reduction histological examination. This procedure It is recommended to carry out shortly before the start of menstruation.

Treatment methods

Treatment of hypoplasia should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathology, as well as at building up and enlarging the endometrial layer.

To achieve these goals, two main therapeutic methods are used: conservative and surgical. Let's look at them in more detail. Conservative treatment consists mainly in the use of hormonal drugs containing progesterone or dydrogesterone (for example, Duphaston). This method of treatment is prescribed in cases where the cause of the disease is a hormonal imbalance. The selection of the drug, determination of its dosage and duration of administration should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician on an individual basis.

In addition, to conservative method treatment methods include the following:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Massage.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Electrophoresis.
  5. Hirudotherapy.
  6. Acupuncture
  7. Phytotherapy.

The above procedures are usually prescribed to patients whose development of hypoplasia was caused by impaired uterine circulation, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. In addition, physical therapy to a large extent promotes the growth of the endometrial layer.

Surgical treatment is surgery aimed at removing the inner layer of the endometrium, which is a powerful tool activation of processes responsible for the growth of endometrial tissue and its thickening. With thin endometrium, the causes largely determine the way to combat the pathology. The choice of therapeutic technique is selected by a specialist, taking into account a number of factors to ensure extremely effective treatment.

Irregularities at work reproductive system are extremely common in modern medical practice. And today many women are interested in: what is dangerous about thin endometrium? Causes similar violation can be very different. And a patient with such a diagnosis needs help.

Thin endometrium: what does it mean?

As you know, the endometrium is the inner layer that lines the uterus. Its role in reproductive function is extremely important. The endometrium itself also consists of two parts. The lower layer is represented by basal cells, which remain unchanged. The upper part is functional - it is responsible for the implantation of a fertilized egg and further development embryo until the formation of a full-fledged placenta. Upper layer is growing every month. If fertilization does not occur, the tissues are rejected under the influence of hormones and come out during menstruation. In order for a woman to become pregnant, the thickness of the endometrium must be at least seven millimeters. However, today representatives of the fairer sex are often faced with a diagnosis of “thin endometrium”. The causes and signs of such a disorder are of interest to many patients. After all, as you know, thinned functional layer often causes infertility.

Thin endometrium: causes of pathology

Such a violation can be the result of various factors:

  • Since the development and maturation of the functional layer of the inner lining of the uterus occurs under the influence of hormones, hormonal imbalances are most often the cause of thinning.
  • Frequent abortions can lead to the same consequences. Firstly, curettage leads to damage to the upper tissues. Secondly, an interrupted pregnancy is a huge stress for the body, which is associated with the same hormonal disruptions.
  • The risk group includes women with chronic diseases reproductive system.
  • There are other factors that can result in thin endometrium. The reasons often lie in impaired blood supply to the uterus. With a lack of blood circulation, tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients for growth.

Thin endometrium and pregnancy

If the endometrium is not developed enough, then the chances of getting pregnant are sharply reduced. It is this pathology that often causes a woman’s infertility. In some cases, fertilization and implantation may occur. But the thinned functional layer of the uterus increases the risk of spontaneous abortion. Fortunately, modern medicine offers very successful methods treatment.

Thin endometrium: treatment

First of all, it is necessary to carry out additional research and find out what exactly caused such a disorder - the choice of therapy depends on this. For example, when hormonal imbalances the problem is quite easily eliminated by taking progesterone-type hormonal drugs. If thin endometrium is the result chronic inflammation in the pelvis, then, of course, this is what needs to be cured first, primary disease. And in case of insufficient blood supply, in addition to special medications, it is recommended proper nutrition, massage and special therapeutic exercises that increase blood circulation. Some methods are also considered very effective alternative medicine, in particular, treatment with leeches and acupuncture.

The endometrium is the mucous membrane of the uterus that lines its cavity. It contains many epithelial cells and blood vessels, due to which the attachment and development of the fertilized egg occurs. Thanks to the bloodstream, nutrition and further growth of the child are possible throughout pregnancy.

Normal physiological state The endometrium is supported by hormones. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, certain changes in the structure and thickness of its structure occur. It becomes maximally mature in the second phase, when the uterus is preparing for pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium exfoliates, this phenomenon called menstruation. For various reasons, this process may be disrupted, which requires mandatory diagnosis and medical correction, otherwise the disease becomes more complicated and leads to undesirable consequences.

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    The main reason that leads to endometrial depletion lies in hormonal imbalance. In case of insufficient production certain hormones there is no proper stimulation of epithelial production.

    In medicine, there are cases when this pathology is diagnosed in women who have normal level everyone essential hormones. This is due to the presence of provoking factors that can contribute to the development of pathology. Among them are:

    • damage to the basal layer of the endometrium due to trauma;
    • a history of abortions and missed pregnancies;
    • congenital and acquired disorders of uterine circulation;
    • diagnostic and therapeutic curettage;
    • surgery on the uterus;
    • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, including infectious;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • congenital anomalies of the uterus and appendages;
    • venous congestion in the pelvic cavity;
    • long-term or uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices;
    • ovarian diseases, especially follicular cyst and polycystic disease;
    • oncological diseases of the genital organs.

    There is a theory about a genetic predisposition to endometrial hypoplasia, but in currently At the moment there is no practical evidence of it. Due to this this reason determined by exclusion, provided there are no other provoking factors.

    Endometrium in the uterine cavity


    Clinical manifestations of thin endometrium are quite specific, based on which timely diagnosis Based on the symptoms alone, it’s not difficult. Signs of thin endometrium do not cause significant discomfort, but they can lead to serious consequences.If you have this disease, a woman may note:

    • change in the duration of the menstrual cycle or lack of ovulation;
    • bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
    • scanty and light menstrual flow;
    • prolonged absence of a desired pregnancy, subject to regular sexual intercourse;
    • habitual miscarriage, frozen pregnancies;
    • narrow pelvis;
    • late onset of menstruation, after 16 years;
    • weak or complete absence libido, problems with sexual desire;
    • periodic bleeding with clots.

    Possible complications

    The endometrium consists of two layers: basal and functional. Their full development during the menstrual cycle is extremely important for normal implantation and favorable course pregnancy. Some of the main complications are spontaneous abortions, missed pregnancies and infertility.

    The presence of a thin endometrium does not imply absolute infertility, since conception and implantation of the fertilized egg is still possible. But this disease burdens prenatal and postpartum periods, conditions such as tubal or ectopic pregnancy, habitual miscarriage, weak labor, severe and prolonged toxicosis, bleeding in the last trimester and after childbirth.

    Some time ago, the presence of a thin endometrium was considered absolute contraindication for pregnancy. Doctors said that a woman is not able to become pregnant and carry a child to term. healthy child. Modern clinical cases, found in medical practice, prove the opposite. Even if there are difficulties in attaching the fertilized egg to the mucous membranes, artificial insemination is possible through the IVF procedure.

    Diagnostic features

    Diagnosis of thin endometrium is not particularly difficult, since in addition to the characteristic clinical picture this pathology can be confirmed using instrumental and laboratory methods research. Among the common diagnostic methods allocate clinical analysis blood, general analysis urine, vaginal smear.

    Of particular value is ultrasonography pelvic organs. It is carried out throughout the entire period of endometrial maturation on certain days. This is due to the fact that the physiological growth of the endometrium occurs daily. With the help of special sensitive sensors it is possible to high accuracy measure the thickness of the mucosa.

    The norms for endometrial thickness by day of the cycle are presented in the table.

    Data ultrasound diagnostics are compared with the results of a biochemical blood test for progesterone, luteotropic and follicle-stimulating sex hormones. The most informative and indicative are the results obtained after taking biomaterial on the 20-23rd days of the menstrual cycle.

    An instrumental and minimally invasive method is diagnostic hysteroscopy. Using special equipment and a camera inserted into the uterine cavity, the doctor studies the structure and composition of the endometrium, determines the presence of anatomical defects and, if necessary, takes a biopsy for further histological examination of the tissue.

    Endometrial hysteroscopy


    In the presence of a thin endometrium, pregnancy planning is of fundamental importance. Unprepared reproductive organs and disrupted hormonal levels will in every possible way interfere with normal fertilization and attachment of the fertilized egg.

    In order to increase the thickness of the mucous membrane, women are prescribed combined courses oral contraceptives. They are able to compensate for hormonal deficiency or regulate their excess; therapy is also carried out with the help of estradiol and progesterone, prominent representatives are Utrozhestan and Duphaston.

    Duphaston contains an artificially synthesized hormone, which is necessary to maintain normal function endometrium. It is prescribed not only for the treatment of thin endometrium, but also for maintaining pregnancy, for the purpose of prevention, when there is a threat of spontaneous abortion. The substance contained in the composition, which has properties similar to progesterone, relieves tone from the uterus and resists premature detachment endometrium. Only a doctor is competent to select dosages, regulate the course of treatment and frequency of doses, but according to general requirements The drug should be taken from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

    Effective auxiliary drug is Actovegin. Its main function is to improve blood supply and blood supply to organs. It is the lack of oxygen and other nutrients causes the development of hypoplasia. Accept this medication you need 2 tablets 3 times a day for 1.5-2 months. He has practically no side effects and does not provide negative influence even during pregnancy. For many pregnant women, in order to prevent the threat of miscarriage, the medicine is prescribed from the 16th week.

    Physiotherapeutic effects before pregnancy and during its course will vary, due to the impossibility of using some methods during fetal development.

    At the planning stage and for the purpose of treating thin endometrium, electrical myostimulation of the pelvic muscles and massage of the same area are prescribed. This way it is possible to increase blood flow and cope with atrophy of blood vessels and soft tissues. Even after 1 course of treatment, pronounced positive dynamics are observed. Other methods of influence are electrophoresis with drugs, magnetic therapy, ultrasound, mud and mineral baths.

    Alternative medicine

    In the presence of a thin endometrium, folk remedies play an important role, since many herbal remedies can improve blood supply and stimulate the development of epithelial cells.

    The most popular is sage infusion. Prepare and use it as follows:

    1. 1. Add 200 ml of boiling water to one spoon of crushed dry extract.
    2. 2. Let it brew for several hours.
    3. 3. Take for 4 months in the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle. Dosage - 100 ml 1-2 times a day.

    An infusion of boron uterus is prepared in a similar way.

    Women are recommended to drink special teas and decoctions daily. Healing properties possess raspberry leaves, elderberry inflorescences, yarrow, mint, nettle, chamomile and others. They can be consumed separately, but the collection has a greater effect. Dry plant extracts are mixed in equal proportions and brewed in boiling water before use. Drink this decoction 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

    Treatment with folk remedies does not provide the main therapeutic effect, but has an auxiliary effect. With a combination of non-traditional and drug therapy Thickening of the endometrium can be observed after two to three months. You should consult your doctor about the presence of contraindications and the admissibility of using herbal medicines, since some of them can aggravate the course of the pathological process.

    Diet and lifestyle for endometrial hypoplasia

    Proper nutrition for thin endometrium is key. Some vitamins, such as A, E and K, as well as trace elements in the form of salicylates, can improve blood circulation and nutrition of internal organs.

    IN daily diet you need to turn on bold sea ​​fish, tomatoes, Bell pepper, cucumbers, beans, cabbage and spinach. good therapeutic effect apples, currants, raspberries and grapes have. Dried fruits, honey and red wine stimulate hematopoiesis and blood circulation.

    With this pathology, you should not limit the use of herbs and spices. Paprika, thyme, cinnamon and some other oriental aromatic additives will come in handy, although they are considered prohibited for many other diseases.

    Recommended for women active image life, adherence to work and rest schedules, restrictions on psycho-emotional experiences. If necessary, appointed sedatives. It is recommended to attend sports sections and swimming pool. Every day it is necessary to perform special gymnastic exercises that improve blood microcirculation in the pelvic area.



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