Menu for hepatitis C: allowed and prohibited foods in the diet. Diet for hepatitis C: allowed and prohibited foods, easy to prepare and delicious dishes

Each of us has been on a diet at least once in our lives. Diets are different, depending on the goal set for a person. But there is a category of dietary restrictions associated with diseases present in the body. In most cases, a special menu is necessary if a person has any problems with the digestive system.

One of these serious problems in the body is the development of hepatitis C. With this diagnosis, patients are prescribed a special menu that helps rid the body of of this disease. It is the adherence to a special diet and the exclusion of certain types of foods from the patient’s diet that serves cornerstone in the treatment of the disease. In this article we will look at the features of the development of hepatitis C in the body, and also compile approximate diet dishes that help improve the patient’s condition and speed up his recovery.

Hepatitis C is quite complex disease, developing in the human liver. This disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

The nature of the disease development directly depends on individual characteristics person and the factors acting on him. The disease develops as a result of a virus entering the body through the blood. causing defeat liver cells.

This virus can also enter the body through sexual contact. frequent changes partners. Getting into the human body and then into the blood in the body occurs incubation period, continuing at different people differently. It usually lasts from five to ten years. It can only be detected in the body by examining a sample of a person's blood.

Hepatitis C often reveals itself by the following signs:

  • Yellow skin covering in the face area.
  • Attacks of fatigue.
  • Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes.
  • Frequent depression.
  • Unreasonable temperature fluctuations.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

Hepatitis C is quite insidious. Its threat to the body lies in the ability to transition into and subsequent cancer of this body. In other words, when the liver is damaged by hepatitis C, its irreversible destruction occurs in the body. Unlike other forms of hepatitis, hepatitis C is difficult to treat, even if the patient unquestioningly follows all the recommendations of the attending physician.

The patient has to go on a special diet and stick to his own menu for a long time, only in this case it will be easier for him to cope with this disease.

World-famous scientists and numerous researches in the field of medicine have discovered various drugs, capable of suppressing the development of hepatitis C in the body, but many of them are quite expensive and can have an effect on the body side effect. Therefore, you should not get by with just taking medications for hepatitis C.

Having discovered hepatitis C in the body, doctors try to structure treatment in such a way that, first of all, an increase in immune system body. One way to enhance it is to correct the patient’s diet. People with hepatitis C are prescribed special diets and menus that do not contain foods that are harmful to the liver. By following the menu for this disease, a person experiences a significant improvement in well-being and the load on the liver is reduced.

Features of the patient’s nutritional menu

As already mentioned, the effectiveness of getting rid of hepatitis C depends on the correctly selected menu for the patient. Specialists and nutritionists have been working on creating a dietary menu for hepatitis patients for several years.

They have already presented the results of their activities at various seminars and forums, where they found many positive feedback and confessions.

The basis of the menu for patients with hepatitis C is:

  • A light diet that can relieve the activity of liver cells. But, despite its ease, this menu should fully provide the body with essential microelements and vitamins, since he is very weakened and needs support. At the same time, the patient’s diet should not contain foods that are difficult to process by the cells of the diseased liver.
  • Fatty foods are gradually eliminated from the diet.
  • People whose bodies develop hepatitis C should not go to catering establishments for “snacks” or lunches, since the cooking technology in these establishments does not provide for compliance with the standards of patients with hepatitis C. It is best to dine at home, following your own menu and cooking technology , as well as saving the family budget.

For complete cure from chronic hepatitis C, every patient must be patient, as it will be necessary to carry out A complex approach therapeutic effect on the virus so that the disease recedes. The effectiveness of treatment depends not only on the use of high-quality medications, but also on what foods the patient eats. Sometimes, liver cells are so depleted by the disease that it speedy recovery requires following a diet for several years.

Medicines effective for hepatitis C

Following a diet is only one of the components on the path to recovery from this viral disease. Proper nutrition should be combined with combination drug therapy the following drugs: Sofosbuvir, Daclatasvir, Velpatasvir, Ledipasvir. These medicines have established themselves in the global medicine market as the most effective drugs in the fight against chronic hepatitis C, and call minimal amount side effects. In addition, the healing period occurs 2-3 times faster than in the case of their analogues. Data therapy scheme medicines is daily intake 1 capsule active substance V morning time during eating.

View medicinal product, which will be included in the course complex therapy, is determined by the attending infectious disease doctor depending on what genotype of the virus is diagnosed in the patient. Each tablet of the main medicine for hepatitis C (sofosbuvir) contains 400 mg of the active substance. The drug should be taken at the same time every day. We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the diet when treating with sofosbuvir, since there are a number of dietary restrictions when taking the drug sofosbuvir.

Nutrition for hepatitis C

Most adults have foods in their daily diet that can be used to chronic hepatitis C – strictly prohibited. Some people are aware of the danger of developing complications directly related to the quality of nutrition, while others need qualified assistance attending physicians. That is why during therapy, doctors almost always prescribe the patient a strict diet with restrictions on the consumption of many foods.

The main task when creating a diet for a patient with hepatitis C is the maximum restriction in the consumption of animal fats and plant origin, but at the same time maintaining a sufficient amount complex carbohydrates and proteins. The patient's diet should contain following products power supply:

  1. Dietary and lean poultry meat. It is best to use chicken or turkey breast. It is allowed to eat the loin part of a rabbit carcass, where there is no fat.
  2. Lenten varieties of fish. Indicated for consumption are pike, pollock, and pelengas. Fish should not be fried before consumption, as is done in most cases. Patients with chronic hepatitis C are only allowed to eat fish that is steamed or boiled in water.
  3. Cereals cereal crops. The best digestible foods are porridges cooked from whole grains or chopped. It is worth excluding the consumption of flakes, since this is already an industrially processed grain and may contain chemical additives.
  4. Low-fat dairy products. It is even allowed to consume sour cream, but only if it contains a minimum amount of fat. It is recommended to eat low-acid cottage cheese and kefir in small quantities.
  5. Bread. It should be slightly dried, or baked yesterday.
  6. Ecologically pure vegetables and fruits. They can not only be included in the diet as salads and fruit desserts. You can make nutritious juices from them and drink them throughout the day, thereby saturating the body with vitamins. The main thing is that vegetables and fruits are produced without the addition of minerals and chemicals.
  7. Honey and jam. These sweets can be eaten, as they contain easily digestible carbohydrates and do not create extra stress on the liver. Moreover, honey also contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

These food products can form the dietary table of a patient with chronic hepatitis C and saturate his body with everything necessary for full life.

Prohibited products for consumption

Of course, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited even in minimal doses. It has been proven that 100 grams of alcohol consumed can completely eliminate positive effect in treatment, which was achieved over more than one month.

As a rule, for this viral disease, the attending physician prescribes the patient to follow dietary table No. 5. Foods such as fatty meats and fish are completely excluded from the diet. Products Food Industry, obtained as a result of primary processing of meat: sausage, frankfurters, canned food, is also prohibited for consumption. The main reason to avoid these delicacies is that they contain a high concentration of preservatives and food colorings.

You should completely stop eating garlic and legumes. At first glance it may seem that these are useful and natural products, which are the source large quantity vitamins and protein natural origin. This is true, but during the development of the disease, the functional resources of the liver are significantly weakened, and even these products will cause additional load at her, which is extremely undesirable. There is a basic list of food products that are strictly prohibited for consumption by patients suffering from hepatitis C. The following are completely excluded from the diet:

  1. Hot spices.
  2. Delicious pastries and fresh bread.
  3. Sweets with cream.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Fatty broth.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Coffee.
  8. Cream.
  9. Fatty fish and meat (lamb, pork).
  10. All fried, spicy and smoked foods.

Avoiding dishes that contain these ingredients is the key to get well soon, as well as the absence of complications.

A properly organized diet can relieve the harmful load on the liver and speed up the process full recovery. In addition, compliance special diet if there is a diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C, it is a guarantee that the patient will be able to prevent the development of such a life-threatening complication as cirrhosis of the liver. The last disease on the background viral infection liver tissue, extremely difficult to traditional treatment, and often ends with surgery.

There are viruses that, once they enter the body, cause irreparable damage. to a certain body Thus, hepatitis C seriously affects the liver. If the disease is not detected in time, it quickly becomes chronic, and therapy will continue long time. On a par with drug treatment Diet for hepatitis C is very important. It can reduce the load on the liver and at the same time fill the body with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

The liver is the main organ that facilitates the digestion of food by producing enzymes that break down fatty foods and protecting the body from harmful toxins.

With hepatitis C, liver cells suffer greatly; the remaining healthy ones cannot cope with heavy loads, so they need to be helped by taking only healthy foods.

Following a diet will help stop the spread of the disease and speed up treatment even chronic course disease, and in its acute form will reduce the likelihood of complications.

Among mandatory conditions following the diet are the following:

The diet should be followed for two years, you need to eat about 3 kg per day healthy food, and if a patient with hepatitis suffers from obesity, then no more than 2 kg is recommended.

It’s easy to get used to such a diet, especially if you know that eating these foods stimulates a speedy recovery.

What should you not eat if you have hepatitis C?

First of all, you need to exclude smoked, fried and canned foods, and in addition, you are not allowed to take foods from the list below:

Deny familiar products It’s difficult, but by doing it gradually, you can really help your liver recover.

Required amount of nutrients

Therapeutic nutrition involves following table number 5, while food consumption must be balanced, and a certain amount of nutrients must be consumed per day.

Their approximate dosage is given in the table:

ProductsAmount consumed per day, in grams
vitamin C200
proteins, fats100
a nicotinic acid20
carotene and salt10
vitamin B 24
vitamin B 12
magnesium, vitamin A,0.5

According to diet No. 5, you should consume at least 3100 Kcal per day per day.

Diet tables for different manifestations of hepatitis C

Liver-restoring products are different for each diet and are consumed in a certain amount for each phase of the disease.

Diet during exacerbation

It maintains the normal state of the body and improves well-being. When followed, the pain in the right side is reduced and the energy deficit is replenished. All the foods listed above are recommended for consumption, and the consumption of fat and salt is reduced.

During the acute stage, you should follow a strict diet, and after treatment of hepatitis, you can switch to a more relaxed food consumption schedule.

Alcohol is completely excluded, as it has a strong toxic effect on liver cells. During moments of exacerbation of the disease, even many foods cannot be consumed, and the person must follow a more gentle diet No. 5a.

It provides for a reduction in the consumption of salt and fat, the latter only up to 70 grams. Proteins are consumed up to 80 grams, and carbohydrates up to 350. Meals are carried out according to a clear schedule, it should be fractional. Daily calorie content of all foods consumed does not exceed 2400-2500 calories.

Food is boiled or steamed. It needs to be ground to a puree. It is advisable to consume more liquid, along with water, drink jelly, freshly squeezed juices, decoctions and compotes.

During an exacerbation period, soups with vegetable broth, low-fat dairy products, non-acidic berries and fruits, rice and buckwheat porridges are welcome.

You should not eat: fatty meat and fish, salted, canned and smoked foods, fatty broths and dairy dishes, drink strong tea, coffee and alcohol, and also refrain from adding spices and herbs to food.

Diet for chronic hepatitis C liver

The advanced form of this disease significantly worsens the quality of life; it is difficult for a person to carry out his usual activities; a diet will help relieve pain.

As the disease progresses, the patient may become disabled or even die. In the first stages of the disease chronic form may be asymptomatic, and table No. 5 is prescribed during the course of the disease, both at the beginning and in severe cases.

While on a diet you should avoid bad habits, the patient’s diet should contain the same foods as in diet No. 5a, and eggs, mushrooms, canned food, and fatty foods are among those prohibited.

Recipes for patients with hepatitis C

Various dishes can be prepared as first courses. vegetable broths. Barley soup is useful for baking.

Barley itself has an enveloping, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Pearl barley soup is prepared from 200 grams of cereal, 350 grams of potatoes, 120 grams of carrots and 100 grams of sour cream. For taste, add herbs and butter.

Preparation of the soup is as follows:

For the second course, you can cook steamed cutlets and boil vermicelli. Cutlets are prepared from 100 grams of bread, 500 grams of veal, a little butter and finely chopped greens.

Cooking cutlets:

  1. the meat is washed under running water and then dried; dipping it with a paper towel will speed up the process;
  2. the meat product is cleaned of veins, fat and films;
  3. twist the meat and soak the bread in water or milk, then squeeze it out and combine with the minced meat;
  4. Balls are formed from the finished minced meat, which are similar in shape to cutlets; they should be steamed.

For dessert you can prepare pumpkin with prunes. The latter has a laxative effect, which is especially important for those who suffer from constipation.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. The pumpkin is peeled, grated and boiled in milk; as soon as it is clear that the vegetable is almost ready, semolina is added to it.
  2. The prunes, along with the pumpkin, are cut into pieces and boiled.
  3. Dried fruits are added to the prepared porridge, poured into it egg whites. Honey is added for sweetness. Everything is mixed and after laying out in the form is baked.

Before serving, the dessert is brushed with low-fat sour cream.

Following a diet for hepatitis C can ease the work of the liver; the diet should be designed so that it includes only approved foods. It is best to discuss the correct preparation of food and its intake with your doctor.


Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not yet on your side...

And have you already thought about surgical intervention? This is understandable, because the liver is very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and wellness. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish tint to the skin, bitterness in the mouth and bad smell, dark urine and diarrhea... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...

Proper nutrition for chronic hepatitis C

Following a diet, along with giving up alcohol and cigarettes, is one of the the most important moments for supporting normal condition. According to “adequate” doctors, if you do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, eat rationally and properly, and also regularly conduct maintenance courses to reduce the viral load and use proven folk remedies(rose hips, milk thistle, blue clay, mumiyo) - either with hepatitis C or without special problems, you can live to see old age without any cirrhosis.

And about diet and proper nutrition for hepatitis C, I would like to quote an excerpt from one article:

“The diet required is predominantly fruit and vegetable, rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, microelements. Food should be steamed or baked, preferably pureed.

  • Low-fat fish varieties are acceptable(cod, pike perch, pike, carp, navaga) in small quantities.
  • Fats can be consumed vegetable oils and butter. Add them to salads and vinaigrettes, but not more than 30 g per day. It is very important to put oil only in already prepared dishes.
  • Black bread without yeast is better(slightly dried, stale or crackers).
  • Drink fruit and vegetable juices. They restore liver function. Juices are especially needed by older people. Just keep in mind that they must be freshly prepared.
  • For good intestinal function, foods containing sufficient quantity fiber. Therefore, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads.
  • Eat beets(in all forms - raw and boiled). Drink beet juice. Beets contain betaine, which regulates metabolism, promotes protein absorption and improves liver function.

Be sure to arrange fasting days (at least once, twice a month):

  • Apple. Eat only raw apples (a total of 1.5 kg of raw apples per day).
  • Vegetable. 1.5-2 kg raw vegetables per day. In this case, some vegetables can be replaced with raw fruits and berries.
  • Curd. The menu should only include cottage cheese ( daily norm- 500 g). In this case, cottage cheese can be consumed in the form of pudding or cheesecakes. In addition to cottage cheese, on such a day you can drink tea and mineral water.
  • Curdled milk. You need to drink 1 glass of yogurt 6 times a day.

For patients with chronic hepatitis C, micro- and macroelements are very important, especially manganese, copper, zinc and magnesium.

  • Magnesium stimulates bile secretion. There is a lot of it in potatoes, carrots, cherries, cherries, plums, and rose hips.
  • Manganese is involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates and cholesterol. It is found in buckwheat, millet, rice porridge, bran, green vegetables and tea, and from fruits - in watermelons, oranges and apricots.
  • Copper in combination with vitamin C reduces the activity of viruses. Therefore, it is especially important for hepatitis. There is a lot of copper in soy and hard cheeses.
  • Zinc is involved in metabolism, especially carbohydrate metabolism. Most of it is in cocoa and pine nuts. There is a lot of zinc in bran and sprouted wheat, in cereals, especially oatmeal, buckwheat and millet, and in vegetables - beets, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers.
  • For natural and balanced saturation of the body with micro- and macroelements, it is recommended to take blue Cambrian clay (clay water).
  • Any alcoholic drinks (categorically contraindicated).
  • Fresh bakery products and pastry products (cakes, pancakes, pies).
  • Smoked meats, spices, hot seasonings.
  • Soups with meat, fish, chicken broth and mushroom decoctions, fatty meats and fish, mushrooms, canned food, spices (mustard, pepper, cloves), vinegar, egg yolks, brain and liver, heart, kidneys and fish oil.
  • Dishes fried in oil are especially harmful and simply dangerous - vegetables, fish, meat, flour products. They destroy liver tissue due to toxic products and carcinogens that are formed from oil during the frying process.



Not allowed


Oil: butter, vegetable (olive, sunflower, corn, hemp, flaxseed).

Lard, shortening, margarine.


Vegetarian with vegetables, cereals, noodles, dairy, fruit.

In a cool meat, fish, mushroom broth. Fatty cabbage soup and borscht.


Only low-fat varieties(beef, veal, rabbit). It is better to eat it in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs, quenelles. Sausages - only high quality!!! (dietary, doctoral. Beef sausages). Ideally, it is better to avoid sausages altogether - due to their “dubious” quality. Exception: homemade sausages (of proven quality).

Fatty varieties - pork fatty sausages, pork sausages, sausages. Canned meat.


Low-fat species - cod, pike perch, carp, navaga.

Fatty species - sturgeon, catfish, etc.


Fresh cottage cheese, preferably low-fat, homemade. Kefir, yogurt. Sour cream is best used only for dressing dishes.

Cream. The cheeses are sharp.


Mainly for making dishes. quail eggs. Protein omelet, separately (soft-boiled) - no more than 1 serving per day.

Cool and raw eggs. Fried egg.

Vegetables and greens

Fresh, raw ( pumpkin, carrot, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes). Boiled ( mashed potatoes, mashed beets, green pea, cauliflower, zucchini).
Only boiled onions.

Fermented and salted marinades, beans, peas, beans, lentils. Sorrel. Rich in essential oils - garlic, radish, radish.


Sweet, ripe. Fruit dishes. Mousses, jellies, gravies. Dried apricots, prunes, raisin(seedless).

Sour, unripe. Nuts, almonds.


Honey, jam, pastille, marmalade. Cookies made from soft dough.

Chocolate, candy, cakes, pastries, ice cream.


Salads (dressed with olive, hemp or linseed oil) , vinaigrettes, jellied fish on gelatin, soaked herring (occasionally).

Spicy seasonings (pepper, mustard, vinegar, horseradish, mayonnaise). Smoked meats, mushrooms.


Buckwheat, OATTEN, millet, rice, semolina, etc. liquid.

Sticking to such a diet is not easy, and it doesn’t always work out...
Especially considering that we all lead different lifestyles, and sometimes during the day there is simply no opportunity to “eat properly and efficiently.”
But, under any circumstances, you should always try to reduce the consumption of *prohibited* foods to a minimum.

Hepatitis C - severe infection, which over time leads to liver inflammation. For treatment of patients to be successful, it is necessary to follow a special diet. It is not strict, but it will have to be observed day after day.

Basic principles of proper nutrition for hepatitis C

Proper nutrition is extremely important when treating hepatitis C. On acute stage of this disease it can reduce the load on the liver and also provide beneficial effect on the activity of all digestive organs. This in turn contributes to the transition of the disease into remission. If the patient during drug therapy neglects the rules of eating, a high food load will slow down the healing process.

In acute form of hepatitis C, it is necessary to reduce the total caloric intake daily ration. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of protein consumed, because to digest it the body spends a lot of effort, all digestive organs are activated. At the same time, doctors warn patients against abrupt refusal consumption of familiar proteins, since during illness their synthesis is already reduced. Go to lower limit consumption rates should be smooth.

Carbohydrates are essential during this period of a person’s life; they provide the body with the energy it needs to fight the virus. The amount of fat consumed should be reduced by eliminating foods containing animal fats from the diet.

On the stage acute form hepatitis C, the patient's nutrition should be carried out according to the norms of diet No. 5. When the patient is recovering or hepatitis C is in remission, the diet should not be too strict. It should provide a daily supply of nutrients and vitamins, while those foods that negatively affect liver function should be excluded. This includes: fried meat, fried potatoes, fatty broths (chicken, fish or mushrooms).

When digesting this type of food in the human body, it forms great amount harmful toxins. Weak liver the patient is simply not able to cope with such a flow of work, so toxins enter the blood. Then the toxic effect affects the body as a whole.

Doctors advise patients to adhere to the following dietary principles for hepatitis C:

  • Eat in moderation, do not overeat. Daily ration should be no more than 3 thousand calories.
  • If possible, split meals into 4-5 meals.
  • Consume more boiled or steamed food.
  • Try to grind the food until it becomes puree.
  • Eat food warm, not hot.
  • Eliminate canned food from your diet.
  • Don't drink alcohol.
  • Don't eat processed foods.
  • Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  • Consume dairy products, grains and legumes.
  • Drink still water or green tea.
  • Accept vitamin complexes prescribed by the attending physician.
Doctors also advise being more attentive to the food intake itself. Try not to be distracted by socializing or watching TV, chew your food well. So useful material will be better absorbed by the body.

Diet for chronic hepatitis C

If the patient long years suffers from hepatitis C, then his diet should be strictly rationed. Many dishes will have to be abandoned, and some should become mandatory on the menu.

Features of the diet for chronic hepatitis C:

  1. Milk dishes are allowed in the diet of a patient with hepatitis C; it is especially useful to eat cottage cheese casseroles or just cottage cheese.
  2. Be sure to include porridge with milk or water in your diet, with the addition of dried fruits and seeds.
  3. Dishes containing eggs should be limited in the diet. Consume no more than one protein omelet per day. Boiled eggs and it is not recommended to eat at all.
  4. Pasta is allowed, but must be added to it vegetable salads or eggplant caviar.
  5. It is useful to bake vegetables in the oven.
  6. Mousses and jellies made from seasonal fruits are allowed.
  7. Steamed white meat cutlets will be an excellent main course.
  8. Soups should be vegetarian, based on vegetable broth.
  9. Low-fat sausages, such as “Doctorskaya”, as well as beef sausages are allowed.
  10. Fish dishes will be healthy if you choose low-fat fish: cod, pike, carp and others.
During the treatment period, you should avoid spicy herbs, sorrel, radishes, garlic and onions. Essential oils These products negatively affect liver function. Avoid green apples and unripe berries. Spicy cheeses and blue cheeses are strictly prohibited for patients with hepatitis C. Cream pies, cakes, chocolate, and sugar candies are also prohibited.

Diet No. 5 for acute hepatitis C

Patients with hepatitis C have a rather difficult time surviving the acute stages of the disease. For this period, they are prescribed a special diet - diet No. 5 developed by doctors and nutritionists. When following this diet, a positive effect of treatment is observed, patients go from acute stage hepatitis C into remission.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • The consumption of fatty foods is reduced (no more than 70 grams per day).
  • Reduce salt consumption (no more than 7-8 grams per day).
  • The daily protein ration is 80 grams.
  • The carbohydrate diet is 350 grams.
  • Calorie intake per day should not exceed 2400-2500 calories.
When following diet No. 5 for hepatitis C, it is important to understand that it is better for the patient to eat less, but more often. Therefore, meals must be split up. You also need to develop a clear schedule for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All food must be steamed or boiled traditional way, and mechanically grind until puree.

Main dishes of diet No. 5: vegetable soups, cereal porridges, boiled vegetables. Drinks allowed include jelly, compotes, and freshly squeezed juices.

Diet menu for hepatitis C

Dietitians have developed a diet menu for hepatitis C for every day of the week. In its content, diet menu No. 5 resembles the nutritional system of people with diabetes and pancreatitis.

Diet for a week for hepatitis C:


  • 1st breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, buckwheat;
  • 2nd breakfast: baked apple;
  • Lunch: boiled noodles with finely chopped meat, vegetable broth soup;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cookies and a cup of tea;
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled fish, glass of water;
  • 1st breakfast: noodles with minced meat, tea;
  • Lunch: oat soup, cabbage rolls (lean meat, rice), compote;
  • Afternoon snack: one baked apple;
  • Dinner: cereal porridge with milk, a glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: boiled fish, oat porridge, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: cabbage casserole;
  • Lunch: milk soup with noodles, boiled meat, 100 g of boiled carrots, fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: 3 crackers;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, a glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: steam omelette of 1 egg, porridge with milk, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • Lunch: vegetable borscht, mashed potatoes, boiled meat;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g low-fat cookies, tea;
  • Dinner: semolina, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: salad fresh vegetables, steamed cutlets;
  • 2nd breakfast: one apple (not green);
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled lean fish, stewed cabbage, fruit (apple or pear);
  • Afternoon snack: several waffles or cookies and herbal tea;
  • Dinner: barley porridge, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir,
  • 1st breakfast: two baked potatoes, lightly salted herring, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: one apple or pear;
  • Lunch: lean cabbage soup, steamed cutlet, noodles, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: cookies, rosehip tea;
  • Dinner: steam omelette, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: buckwheat porridge, steamed cutlets, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: carrot puree, jam with cookies;
  • Lunch: vegetable borscht, baked apple;
  • Afternoon snack: jelly, waffles;
  • Dinner: semolina porridge, dried fruits, glass of water;
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.
This menu improves the well-being of patients, they no longer feel weak in the body, sleep better, bitterness in the mouth and dizziness disappear. The pain in the liver area also goes away.
  • Read what you need

Recipes for hepatitis C

Recipes for preparing dishes for diet No. 5 are distinguished by their simplicity and availability of ingredients. Most of them are prepared by classic cooking, stewing, steaming or baking.

We offer several recipes for dishes that are not only healthy, but also tasty:

  1. Barley soup. To prepare it we will need the following ingredients: 90 g pearl barley, 150 g carrots, 0.3 kg potatoes, 90 g low-fat sour cream, 20 g butter, 40 g herbs. Wash and cook pearl barley for three hours. Chop the carrots and potatoes and cook them until tender. Add cereal to boiled vegetables. Salt, add sour cream and decorate with herbs to taste.
  2. Steamed cutlets. For preparing light and tasty meat cutlets for steam we need: 400 g lean beef, 60 g white bread, a tablespoon of butter, salt, herbs. We wash the meat, clean it of tendons and fat, and grind it into minced meat. Soak the bread in water, squeeze it out, mix with minced meat. Pass the mixture through a meat grinder (two or three times). Divide our mixture into several portions and roll them into round patties. Cook the cutlets in a saucepan or saucepan. Decorate the finished dish with herbs and salt.
  3. . For preparing dietary milk soup You will need the following ingredients: 0.2 kg of flour, one egg, 20 g of butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 0.4 liters of milk. Add 10 grams of water to the flour. Add eggs and mix ingredients thoroughly. Knead and roll out the dough, dry it, cut it into noodles. Cook the noodles for 10-12 minutes. Pour milk over the finished noodles. Add oil to taste.
How to eat with hepatitis C - watch the video:

We examined the basic principles of nutrition that patients with hepatitis C should adhere to, and also became familiar with the rules of diet No. 5. According to this food system, you can prepare many delicious and nutritious dishes. Knowing all the features and requirements, you can create reasonable system nutrition for the patient, improve his physical and psychological condition.


2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs