How to get rid of varicose veins. Methods for treating varicose veins on the legs

Varicose veins are pathological lesion veins, which is characterized by an increase in the diameter of the lumen, thinning of the venous wall and the formation of local expansions (nodes). Most often, the blood vessels in the legs, located directly under the skin, are subject to changes. The disease causes discomfort and significantly worsens the quality of life.

For varicose veins (VV) large veins they swell and stretch, the skin over them becomes thinner and changes color over time. This is a rather painful and dangerous process, accompanied by swelling, aching pain, muscle spasms(cramps) and fatigue of the legs. The progression of the disease leads to thrombophlebitis and the formation of trophic ulcers.

Causes and first symptoms

There are several factors that predispose to the development of varicose veins.

  • burdened heredity;
  • pregnancy and difficult childbirth;
  • lack of movement during sedentary work;
  • standing for a long time;
  • tight, uncomfortable clothes and shoes;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • overweight;
  • age transformations.

The cause of the disease can be any activity that impairs blood circulation and disrupts the functioning of venous valves. Frequent stress And bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, also have a negative impact.

Is it possible to get rid of varicose veins forever? Treatment is most effective in the early stages of the disease; the main thing is not to miss the first symptoms. If you experience heaviness or pain in your legs, visible changes in the shape and size of veins, or periodic cramps, you should immediately contact a phlebologist. Drug treatment or surgery will be more effective if supplemented with special exercises and vitamins. Traditional methods also speed up the healing process.

Taking dietary supplements

Eating a healthy diet and taking certain vitamins strengthens the cardiovascular system and helps cope with varicose veins. But it is better to discuss the advisability of using a particular supplement with your doctor. You should not determine the course of treatment yourself - this can be dangerous to your health.

You can supplement your diet with the following nutrients:

  • vitamin A – heals wounds and maintains skin integrity;
  • B complex of vitamins – strengthens blood vessels;
  • bromelain – breaks down fibrin;
  • bioflavonoids – improve blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • calcium A – stimulates the venous system;
  • zinc – speeds up treatment;
  • calcium fluoride – makes walls blood vessels more elastic.

Diet and nutrition adjustments

Often the development of varicose veins is provoked by constipation or obesity. When straining during defecation, the deep veins close and the blood finds another path - superficial veins. Overweight complicates normal blood flow and puts additional stress on the heart.

A diet containing a lot of vegetables, fruits and fiber will help to cope with the problem and normalize intestinal function. Fats and refined carbohydrates should be completely eliminated, nutrition should be aimed at losing weight and promoting the health of the whole body. Some nutritionists recommend doing fasting days and eat only fresh juices once a week.

How to get rid of varicose veins on the legs? Eat as much ginger, onion and garlic as possible. These products contain active substances that break down fibrin. This is the name of the protein that surrounds diseased veins. In the body of a person suffering from varicose veins, the ability to destroy this component is significantly reduced.

Therapeutic gymnastics and exercises

How to get rid of varicose veins at home? Special exercises will help - an important factor in improving health. It normalizes blood circulation and increases muscle tone. With swollen veins, physical activity should be moderate. Impact aerobics, fast running or cycling, which increase venous pressure, are not suitable.

You should choose walking, swimming, and light exercise. Special ones will speed up getting rid of varicose veins and serve as good prevention.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms forward. Do 15 smooth squats, increasing the intensity and not lowering your torso below knee level.
  2. Stand behind the back of the chair and spread your legs 60 cm. Sit down 20 times, lifting and briefly fixing your heels.
  3. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs straight, place your hands on the floor. Bend one leg, raise the other in the bend area 10 times. Carry out the same manipulations with the other leg.
  4. Alternately stand on your toes and sharply lower yourself onto your heels, it is recommended to repeat 10–20 times.
  5. The most effective exercise in the fight against ARV is the “birch tree”. To perform it, you need to lie on the floor and raise your legs up as much as possible, firmly fixing your back with your hands.
  6. Jumping rope is good for the blood vessels of the lower extremities. The training time should be gradually increased from 1 to 5 minutes.

Any exercise stress, which strengthens the leg muscles, helps get rid of varicose veins on the legs at home. The result is visible within a few months: cramps and throbbing pain disappear.

Informal medicine

In the early stages, folk remedies will help you quickly cope with the disease. Various lotions, compresses and baths remove painful sensations and reduce swelling.

Garlic and butter

An effective and simple way to combat swollen veins is a garlic compress. Mix grated garlic and butter. At night, the paste is applied to problem areas, covered with parchment paper and a warm cloth. In the morning, the skin should be washed and wrapped with an elastic bandage. The procedure is carried out daily for a month.

Apple vinegar

Rubbing your legs (morning and evening) helps improve the condition of your veins in just a week. You can speed up the effect by taking a solution of apple cider vinegar internally. Pour 2 teaspoons into a glass of warm water, stir and drink through a straw 3 times a day.

Kalanchoe leaves

Daily rubbing for 60 days will help you get rid of varicose veins without surgery. Fresh ones need to be washed, dried and crushed. Place in a half-liter container and fill with vodka. Leave for a week, shake periodically.

Epsom salt

Cold and very hot compresses are alternately applied to problem areas for 2 minutes. To prepare them, use Epsom salt, 2 tbsp per liter of water. spoons. The procedure stimulates blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels. It is recommended to spend 10 minutes every day.

Herbal remedies

Reception certain drugs and decoctions based on herbal ingredients will significantly speed up recovery.

  1. . Numerous positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of a product that improves outflow venous blood. Active ingredient aescin strengthens the walls of veins, making them impenetrable. The drug can be taken in capsules or as a tincture 2-3 times a day, the exact dosage is indicated in the instructions.
  2. Pycnogenol. The product contains flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You should start using 100 mg three times a day with meals. After two months, the dosage is adjusted according to the instructions.
  3. Herbal decoction. How to get rid of varicose veins on the legs using folk remedies? Tea made from a mixture of fresh herbs will help: yarrow, arnica root and St. John's wort. You should drink a glass of chilled drink 3-4 times a day.
  4. Combined infusion. 1 tbsp. pour 1 liter of chopped willow and oak branches into a spoon hot water and boil for half an hour. Add 20 grams of St. John's wort, string and chamomile flowers. Wrap in a towel and leave for 12 hours. Strain and pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey. You should drink the infusion 1/3 cup 3 times a day for three weeks.
  5. Horse chestnut. Place 50 grams of plant flowers in a 500 ml jar and fill with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking from time to time. Take 30 drops half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is 20 days.

These tips will be effective only at the initial stage of the disease; in advanced cases, it will not be possible to solve the problem without surgical intervention. Take medications and herbal remedies recommended after consultation with your doctor.

Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies allows you to achieve truly impressive results in the early stages of development pathological process. If the disease is in an advanced state and is accompanied by complications, you should not self-medicate, as this may cause the problem to worsen. If the course of varicose veins is unfavorable, it is necessary to carry out targeted therapy with potent medications, and sometimes surgical interventions.

Only the attending physician, familiar with the clinical picture, can determine the best strategy therapy. In this case, folk remedies for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are used exclusively as additional methods impact. If varicose veins were detected on early stage, you can eliminate the problem using various compresses, lotions, ointments, wraps, etc.

Folk remedies for internal use

Vascular diseases of the lower extremities have been known to mankind since ancient times. Long before the appearance modern methods therapy, people had to be treated exclusively with folk remedies. For varicose veins on the legs, you can use proven recipes that will not harm the body, but will help strengthen the blood vessels. If desired, infusions and decoctions for internal use can be used as prophylaxis for people with hereditary predisposition to this pathological condition.

In summer, in the garden bed you can find almost the most effective remedy to improve the condition of blood vessels. First of all, to eliminate varicose veins You can also use carrot tops. The greens need to be finely chopped and used for cooking. healing tea. The remaining tops should be dried for the winter. For tea for varicose veins you need to take about 1 tbsp. greens and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The product must be infused in a thermos for 1 hour. To improve the condition of the veins in the legs, you need to drink 1 glass of this healing tea 3 times a day. Long course of treatment carrot tops will also help improve vision and eliminate thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

There are very delicious way to eliminate varicose veins. A striking examplewater infusion apples of the Antonovka variety. For cooking healing agent you will need 3 ripe fruits. They should be cut into small pieces and placed in an enamel pan. Here you need to add 1 liter of boiling water. The pan should be wrapped in a terry towel and set aside for 4 hours. After this time, the softened apples should be thoroughly crushed. Next, you need to close the pan with a lid and set the product aside for another 1 hour. The infusion should be consumed 200 ml 3 times a day. For improvement taste qualities the product should be added to it with a small amount of honey.

On a note

At the first signs of the development of varicose veins, you can effectively use nettle infusion. To prepare the product you should take approximately 3 tbsp. crushed plant and fill them with 0.5 liters of water. The drug must be infused in a thermos for 2 hours. After this, you need to strain the product and drink ½ glass between meals. can also be carried out using nettle infusion.

Get rid of plaques in blood vessels and eliminate inflammatory process A garlic-based remedy will help. To prepare such a miraculous potion, you need to take approximately 700 g of peeled teeth and 1 kg of honey. The garlic must be thoroughly mashed to a paste. Next, it should be poured with honey and left for 5 days. Ready product should be consumed 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp.

There are many excellent drugs for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities and varicose veins based on horse chestnut. For cooking healing infusion You can use flowers, bark and crushed fruits of this plant. To make an effective infusion, you will need about 2 tbsp. raw materials and 100 ml of vodka. All ingredients must be transferred to a glass jar and left in a dark place for 10 days. The finished product must be filtered through cheesecloth. You need to take 30 drops before each meal. If desired, you can dilute the product with water.

Among other things, this infusion can be used to treat trophic ulcers of the lower extremities that occur with varicose veins using the juice of horse chestnut flowers. You need to take 20 drops. This remedy improves blood circulation and helps restore trophism in damaged tissues. This way, any ulcer caused by malnutrition will heal faster.

Homemade healing ointments

Diseases of the blood vessels of the lower extremities cause a lot of discomfort, so in addition to the use of products for internal use, you definitely need to know about compounds that can relieve local manifestations of pathology. There are quite a few good recipes ointments based on vegetable and animal fats that help cope with varicose veins. To prepare a remedy that can quickly eliminate existing manifestations of the disease you will need:

  • rendered lard;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • aloe juice;
  • juice onions;
  • laundry soap.

All components must be taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. The ingredients are transferred to a small saucepan and heated. There is no need to bring the mixture to a boil. After this, the finished ointment must be cooled to room temperature. It is better to apply the product to steamed legs. Cover the treated skin with a clean cotton cloth and bandage it. The bandage should be worn for 24 hours. The next day, the remaining ointment must be washed off and a new portion applied. You need to use the product until it runs out.

If necessary, you can eliminate not only varicose veins, but also treat trophic ulcers with folk remedies based on horse chestnut. For cooking healing ointment you will need:

  • dried chestnuts;
  • plant flowers;
  • olive oil.

First you need to prepare all the ingredients. Chestnuts in the amount of 6 pcs. Grind thoroughly in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. In addition, dried flowers should be crushed. These ingredients need to be mixed with 300 ml of olive oil and then heated in a water bath for 1 hour. The resulting mixture must be strained and diluted with melted lard. The finished ointment should be allowed to cool. It should be used after an evening bath, rubbing the product into the skin of your feet with light movements.


You can cope with varicose blood vessels with the help of herbal ointment. To prepare this remedy you will need approximately 10 g of white acacia and the same amount of sage. In addition, you need to prepare 20 g of wormwood and 30 g of horse chestnut fruit. All herbal ingredients should be thoroughly ground to a paste. To these components you need to add approximately 10 g of starch. Pour 200 g of melted chicken fat into the finished mixture. The metal container in which all the components must be placed should be simmered in a water bath for about 3 hours. Next, the mixture must be left overnight, and then boiled and strained. You need to apply the ointment 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until the remedy runs out. Such traditional methods of treating varicose veins are completely harmless.

Herbal baths

People suffering from this disease constantly experience discomfort and pain in their legs. Unpleasant sensations noticeably intensify at the end of the day. Hot baths based on medicinal herbs will help eliminate existing symptomatic manifestations and improve the condition of blood vessels. Decoctions give a good effect in the fight against varicose veins the following types plants:

  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • onion peel;
  • horse chestnut;
  • hazel leaves;
  • hop cones;
  • knotweed;
  • sagebrush.

If desired, you can use a mixture of these medicinal herbs. To prepare an effective decoction that alleviates the manifestations of varicose veins, you need to take approximately ½ cup of the herbal ingredient per 5 liters of boiling water. The mixture must be boiled for at least 5 minutes. In addition, you need to boil immediately clean water so that it can be poured into the basin in which the legs will be steamed. The finished herbal decoction should be cooled to an acceptable temperature and poured into a suitable container. As it cools, a small amount of hot water from the kettle is added to the basin. The foot steaming procedure should last at least 30 minutes. It is best to do it at night. After steaming your feet in a decoction of medicinal herbs, you need to put on woolen socks to keep warm.

Compresses and lotions

When the skin is all mottled spider veins, and under it nodules and bumps from swollen veins clearly appear, you need to use other folk remedies that can quickly eliminate similar signs diseases. The first remedy against mild symptoms of varicose veins is compresses on based on Kalanchoe. The leaves of this plant must be ground in a meat grinder. It should be a thin paste. In addition, you need to immediately prepare a piece of gauze. In the pulp obtained by twisting the leaves of Kalanchoe, it is necessary to thoroughly soak the fabric. Next, gauze should be applied to areas of skin that have characteristic manifestations varicose veins. If necessary, the fabric can be secured to the leg with several pieces of adhesive tape. Keep this compress for 30 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the procedure at least 3 times a day. Typically, a noticeable effect is achieved after 5-8 applications.

Fresh burdock leaves can help cope with the manifestations of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. If desired, you can use the root of this plant. It is better to take young leaves, as they contain greatest number active substances. To make a compress, you need to grind them in a blender. The gruel will be quite meaty, and there will not be too much liquid. The foliage crushed in this way should be laid out on a piece of polyethylene, which can be easily fixed on the affected area using a regular plaster. To achieve good effect, you need to carry out the procedure once a day for a week.

Despite the fact that treatment of blood clots with folk remedies is strongly not recommended, when there are only minor manifestations of the problem, you can use a compress with liquefying properties. In some cases, the use of such drugs allows you to dissolve blood clots that block blood flow in the small vessels with varicose veins.

The most effective composition of this type is curdled milk with crushed wormwood. If necessary, you can even use dry grass. To prepare this product you will need approximately 200 ml of yogurt per 100 g of crushed wormwood. These components should be mixed, placed on a clean cotton cloth and applied to the places where the veins are most prominent. You need to cover the composition on top in a plastic bag. Keep the product on for at least 5 hours until the fabric and wormwood are completely dry. You need to be treated with such compresses for 7 days, after which it is recommended to take a short break.

Wraps at home

To achieve quick results in the fight against the first manifestations of this dangerous disease blood vessels, you can use other methods at home. Excellent results with small sprockets can be achieved by correct use wraps. For similar procedures some substances should be used. To quickly get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of varicose veins, you can use burdock leaves and Vishnevsky ointment. The wrap should be done at night. First, the legs are rubbed with ointment, and burdocks are applied on top. All this must be covered tightly with cling film. It is worth wearing stockings or pajamas. In the morning, remove any remaining product and wash your feet thoroughly with warm water.

Wraps based on raw potatoes. To eliminate existing manifestations of the disease, you need to grate 2-3 root vegetables. Excess juice must be squeezed out. The finished mixture should be placed on cling film and fixed to the damaged area of ​​the skin. The product must be kept on the leg for at least 8 hours, so the procedure should be done at night. Similar wraps can be performed daily. They have a positive effect on vascular tone.

Reduce intensity symptomatic manifestations Varicose veins and the inflammatory process can be eliminated using a honey-garlic mixture. To prepare the composition you will need 3 tbsp. liquid honey and 2 cloves of garlic. In addition, you should prepare cling film. The garlic must be crushed thoroughly. It must be mixed with liquid honey. Apply the product to the leg affected by varicose veins and wrap with cling film.

Dandelion root wraps can significantly improve the condition of blood vessels. Herbal component should be thoroughly rubbed. The paste should be applied to the affected area and wrapped with cling film. Next, you need to wrap your feet in a woolen scarf. The wrap should be done at night. In the morning, wash off the remaining mixture. You need to repeat the procedure throughout the week.

Additional folk remedies for combating varicose veins

In some cases, rubbing can be used to improve the condition of the blood vessels in the legs. Such remedies should be used when the signs of varicose veins are very mild. In the presence of greatly dilated vessels and nodes, excessive pressure can cause a worsening of the condition.

If the signs of the disease are mild, they can be eliminated with the help of nut rubbing. To prepare the product, you need to take unripe walnuts, cut them, put them in a bottle and pour olive oil. The container is exposed to the sun. After about 1.5 months, the product will be ready and can be used to massage legs affected by a disease such as varicose veins.

Unripe tomatoes help eliminate knots. Orange fruits are best. Thinly sliced ​​tomato rings should be placed around the swollen veins and secured with an elastic bandage. This compress should be kept for at least 3 hours. You can use this product every day. Within a week, the manifestations of dilated veins of the lower extremities will become less noticeable.


There are many wonderful folk recipes that help solve the problem of varicose veins. They should be used only after consulting a doctor. This will eliminate the risk of complications. Folk remedies for varicose veins, when used correctly, help eliminate existing manifestations of the disease.

If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins, you should not underestimate this disease and consider it more of an aesthetic ailment. To prevent its development, as well as to avoid complications, treatment should not be delayed for a long time. Only timely treatment will give the desired result, neglected varicose veins are less susceptible to treatment. If you lack the time and money to visit expensive doctors’ offices, you can immediately begin treating varicose veins at home. There are several known areas that are effective in solving the problem of varicose veins:

  • nutrition;
  • means that are used internally;
  • methods used externally;
  • herbal baths;
  • sets of special exercises.

So, how to get rid of varicose veins at home?

Nutrition for varicose veins

The first thing you should pay attention to is your diet. In order not to aggravate the manifestations of the disease, you must adhere to several rules in food:

  • it is necessary to exclude from the diet: fried, smoked, spicy - such food negatively affects blood viscosity, increasing the possibility of blood clots;
  • reduce salt intake, which retains water in the body and increases swelling;
  • We completely remove alcoholic drinks;
  • limit the consumption of coffee or coffee-containing drinks, give preference to green tea;
  • replace as much as possible meat products seafood, they improve the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels;
  • increase the amount of high-fiber foods in your diet: lentils, celery, cabbage, lettuce, oatmeal and others;
  • increase the consumption of foods high in vitamin C: all citrus fruits, gooseberries, currants, strawberries, rose hips.

When correcting your diet, it would be useful to simultaneously use the means and methods used in traditional medicine to treat varicose veins.

Means that are used internally

The disease can be treated with decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs. The most popular and also effective.

  1. Horse chestnut tincture is popular; both flowers and fruits of the plant are used for preparation. In addition to ingestion, it is recommended to also wipe the affected areas.
  2. An effective, inexpensive solution is apple cider vinegar diluted in water with honey. This solution is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. A decoction of common hops will help cure varicose veins. The hop cones are finely chopped, poured with boiling water, then boiled in a water bath. It is recommended to use it a couple of times a day, each time brewing a fresh portion of the decoction.
  4. Honey-garlic tincture, prepared from liquid honey and garlic, must be infused for about 14 days and eaten three times a day before meals.
  5. Nutmeg tincture has proven itself well; the finished ground powder is poured with alcohol or vodka and left to infuse for 10 days, then drunk daily in small dosages for a month.
  6. You can treat varicose veins with an infusion of Antonovka apple variety, pour a few pieces with boiling water in an enamel saucepan, wrap them in a blanket and infuse for at least three hours, then mash the fruit. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, it is advisable to add honey. Property of the infusion: cleanses the blood, has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis.

Products for external use

There are also universal folk remedies based on herbs and oils, and are used both internally and externally.

One of the important rules is that all infusions, ointments and compresses must be applied from the bottom up, with stroking movements and nothing else. Let's look at the most popular folk recipes.


  1. Rubbing the affected part with apple cider vinegar. You should rub the veins with vinegar every day for a month before going to bed. lovely and effective method, it is recommended to drink water with apple cider vinegar at the same time, and the result will not be long in coming.
  2. A medicinal infusion of hop cones that you drink is perfect for compresses on troublesome areas.
  3. Recipe for tincture from house plant Kalanchoe will help cure the manifestations of varicose veins. To prepare this way: the Kalanchoe is well crushed and filled with alcohol in a glass container, the infusion should stand for a week in a place protected from light, then it is filtered and ready for use. It is applied in the morning and before bed, from the bottom of the shin and up to the knee joint. Varicose veins can also be treated with compresses.


  1. Honey compresses, treatment should last one and a half months. To prepare a compress, take a cotton cloth and apply a layer of liquid honey. Before going to bed, apply to the painful veins and secure with cling film and an elastic bandage. Leave the compress for 2 hours the first time, 4 hours the next time, and the subsequent ones can be left overnight.
  2. A compress with sea salt will help restore the tone of blood vessels. Dissolve salt in water to form a thick porridge and put it in the refrigerator. The cold mass is spread on gauze and applied to areas with varicose veins and secured with an elastic bandage. You should hold it until the salt warms up to your body temperature.
  3. A compress of grated potatoes will help relieve pain and discomfort. Several fresh potatoes are grated on the finest grater, the consistency should be like mashed potatoes. Apply a thick layer to areas with swollen veins and fix with film. The compress should be kept for a day, changing the paste to fresh one every 4 hours.
  4. A compress recipe with garlic and oil will help treat varicose veins. It is simple but effective: before going to bed, mix chopped garlic with vegetable oil, apply to varicose areas and leave to act overnight, wash off in the morning warm water, dress .
  5. Clay compresses will help speed up the treatment of the disease. The affected areas of the legs are smeared with clay and wrapped in gauze, and the compress is kept for about 2 hours.
  6. Severe swelling of the veins will be reduced by dressing with green tomatoes at night. They are cut into thin circles and applied to the veins. It is necessary to secure them with a bandage or bandage.


Blood vessels can be well toned and stimulated by using foot baths with infusions different herbs, they relieve fatigue and normalize blood circulation. Baths with herbal decoctions. Using herbal baths for varicose veins, it should be remembered that the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees, and the duration of the procedure should not be more than 25 minutes.

All baths with herbal decoctions are prepared according to the same principle: the necessary herbs in the required proportions are poured into one liter of boiling water and infused for about 30 minutes.

This decoction is then added to the foot bath.

Herbs and their combinations that help treat and cure varicose veins:

  • swamp cudweed;
  • nettle, burdock, birch leaves;
  • chamomile, lemon balm, nettle and oregano;
  • to soothe painful areas: valerian root, mint, thyme;
  • Flax seeds will help improve blood circulation.

Treatment of varicose veins at home will be more effective if the disease is treated comprehensively; contrast douches can be added to warm baths.

Therapeutic exercises for varicose veins

Certain gymnastics with special set exercises. Simple exercises will restore proper blood circulation. Your exercise should include the following exercises:

  • exercise Birch, lying on the floor, you need to raise your legs as high as possible, while placing your back on your shoulder blades;
  • smoothly lifting onto your toes and sharply returning to the starting position with your heels hitting the floor;
  • slow half-squats with feet shoulder-width apart; when performing any squats, with varicose veins, you should not squat below parallel;
  • holding on to something, you need to sit down with your feet wide on your toes, lifting your heels, you need to stay in this position and return to the starting position;
  • sitting on the floor, stretch your legs out in front of you, place your hands on the floor, bend one of the legs at the knee joint, and leave the other straight, smoothly lifting it up and down.

Varicose veins should be treated promptly. The sooner you start, the more effective the results will be. Proper diet, herbal decoctions, rubbing, compresses, herbal baths and a set of exercises will help cure the disease and reduce symptoms at the initial stage. In more severe forms, consultation and observation of a phlebologist is necessary.

Yuri Malakhov, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Dr., talks about varicose veins and new methods of treating it. medical sciences, vascular surgeon and phlebologist at the multidisciplinary clinic CELT.

It was

With varicose veins, the veins dilate, the valves in them move apart and can no longer hold blood - instead active movement towards the heart it stagnates in the dilated veins, and with tension and coughing it even tends down to the foot. This leads to swelling, skin pigmentation and trophic ulcers. Varicose veins It’s scary not so much in itself as because of its complications. Among them are thrombosis, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of blood clots) and even pulmonary embolism - this is the separation of a blood clot and blockage of the pulmonary vessels. The latter condition is often fatal if a large vessel is blocked.

For a long time, the main method of treating varicose veins was surgical removal veins damaged by disease. This operation is traumatic, accompanied by blood loss, scars remain after it, it takes 1.5-2 weeks to recover in the hospital, and then you need rehabilitation at home. It is done under general anesthesia or so-called spinal anesthesia. Unfortunately, this is how varicose veins continue to be treated in most medical institutions today.

And so it became

There are few clinics that use new, less traumatic methods for treating varicose veins. The introduction of two minimally invasive (low-traumatic) techniques, the so-called, was revolutionary. endovenous laser coagulation(EVLT) and radiofrequency obliteration (RFO). Despite complex names, their essence is simple: as with ultrasound examination heart or liver, using a sensor, the progress of the probe through the vein and into in the right place its wall is cauterized. A kind of “brewing” occurs, blocking the lumen of the vein. This eliminates the very cause of the disease - blood through the vein stops flowing in the opposite direction, to the foot (and its outflow to the heart goes in a roundabout way - through other healthy veins). In the veins located below, the pressure does not increase - new nodes, blood clots and other changes do not develop. This virtually eliminates the possibility of relapse - recurrence of the disease. IN within three years after the intervention, it occurs in only 2-3% of patients. All this is done without incisions, without anesthesia, under local anesthesia and does not leave any cosmetic defects.

“Stars” and small nodes are eliminated using sclerotherapy - they are injected special composition in the form of foam, the gap becomes overgrown, and they become invisible. In more serious cases, the so-called mini-phlebectomy. Unlike normal operation This is a low-traumatic removal of veins: they are removed not in large parts, but little by little and without incisions - through punctures in the skin about 2 mm in size. The duration of the procedure is on average about 40-60 minutes. The subcutaneous injury is so small that the patient can walk after the operation. To prevent thrombosis, he is immediately put on compression hosiery(special compression stockings), and under the supervision of medical staff, he must walk along the clinic corridor for at least 30-40 minutes. After 1-1.5 hours, the patient can leave the clinic driving his car or even on foot.

IN postoperative period, as a rule, can be carried out familiar image life. You can go to work and mind your own business. The only doctor's prescription is to wear it for about a month. compression stockings. They compress the veins, causing their walls to heal faster.

The advantages of such treatment over conventional surgical removal of veins are undeniable, but so far it is carried out mainly for a fee. In the last ten years, hundreds of thousands of patients around the world have been relieved of varicose veins using new treatment methods. And all this without incisions, scalpels, scars, anesthesia or spinal anesthesia, without hospitalization and long recovery.

There are few contraindications for such an intervention. First of all, this is a severe cardiac or respiratory failure, pregnancy. This treatment is not used if you have previously had deep vein thrombosis. In such cases, patients are often treated conservatively with compression stockings.

How to avoid varicose veins

A number of rules will help to significantly reduce the risk of varicose veins. All of them are aimed at reducing blood pressure in the veins.

  1. Avoid heavy physical labor.
  2. If your work involves standing on your feet for a long time (salespeople, turners, teachers, hairdressers are at risk), try to walk more often, and so that the muscles of your lower legs work.
  3. Try to lose excess weight.
  4. If veins or stars appear on your legs, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. He will be able to determine whether the valves in the veins are malfunctioning. Prognosis and treatment depend on this.

Ecology of life. Traditional medicine: To treat varicose veins with folk remedies, ointments, compresses, applications and mixtures for external use, as well as infusions and decoctions for oral administration can be used. In any case, the main goal traditional treatment varicose veins is to improve blood circulation.

Use of synthetic teacher rats for treatmentany disease, including varicose veins, always leads to some unpleasant consequences. But the treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies, even if it is not 100% safe, is side effects from traditional medicine significantly inferior to the negative effects of medications.

And the cost of traditional treatment is several times less. That is why folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins, today, have not lost their relevance and are widely used by people.

To treat varicose veins with folk remedies, ointments, compresses, applications and mixtures for external use, as well as infusions and decoctions for oral administration can be used. In any case, the main goal of folk treatment for varicose veins is to improve blood circulation.

It should be understood that such treatment will be most effective in the initial stages of the disease (the appearance of spider veins and a feeling of heaviness in the legs), and least effective in advanced cases, when only surgical intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health and, at the first symptoms, consult a doctor to confirm your suspicions.

Congestion leading to varicose veins usually first affects lower limbs, that's why it's the recipes folk remedies for varicose veins of the legs are the most popular among the population. Let's take a closer look at the basic recipes of traditional medicine.

Ancient recipes for ointments for varicose veins

All folk ointments for varicose veins are prepared on the basis of vegetable oil, often olive oil due to its high content arachidonic acid. To make the mixture thicker, ancient recipes recommend adding melted animal fat to the ointment. This is what concerns the base of the ointment, and to tone the walls of blood vessels and strengthen them, folk (grandmother’s) recipes for varicose veins recommend using medicinal plants such as:

  • horse chestnut;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • sagebrush;
  • white willow bark;
  • woodlice;
  • celandine;
  • cabbage.

The process of preparing such mixtures is quite simple. An ointment based on horse chestnut is prepared in the following way: 6 dried chestnuts are ground into flour in a coffee grinder, add 2 tbsp. crushed chestnut flowers, mix it all with 300 ml of oil and heat for about an hour in a water bath. The resulting mixture is infused, filtered, squeezed out and the sediment is removed, after which animal fat is added and mixed thoroughly.

Tinctures for varicose veins

No less popular and various infusions from varicose veins, which are much easier to prepare, but much longer. All infusions are based on vodka, so if there are areas of damaged skin on your legs, then you should refrain from such treatment methods.

Considered the most effective Kalanchoe tincture, it is often added white acacia or comfrey in a 1:1 ratio. Such infusions are prepared as follows: leaves medicinal plant finely chop, pour into a jar, fill with vodka and let stand for 10-14 days in a dark place.

The finished infusion will need to be rubbed into the skin of the legs from the foot to the knee for 3 months twice a day.

Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins as remedy No. 1

Treatment of varicose veins with vinegar is a fairly popular and effective method of combating the disease. Apple vinegar helps with varicose veins because it contains more than 20 minerals and microelements necessary for blood vessels, as well as vitamins C, A, B, which, with its regular use, allows you to achieve:

  • increasing skin tone;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieving swelling;
  • improve blood circulation.

However, all this is achievable only if the natural product, made from freshly squeezed juice, and not from the peel, as manufacturers of this type of vinegar do.

What oils treat varicose veins?

Along with creams, infusions and vinegar, various essential oils. For varicose veins, the oils most often used are: castor, black cumin, sandalwood, garlic, flax and others.

Essential oils against varicose veins are usually used in 2 ways:

  1. Add a few drops 2-3 various oils in a bath with warm water, which must be taken daily in the evenings.
  2. Added to massage cream or Massage Oil and rub with gentle movements from the ankles to the thigh into the areas with affected veins.

This use of oil allows not only to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also to relieve swelling in the lower extremities.

Apitherapy, propolis, dead bees and honey for varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins with bees has a long history and this is not surprising if you look at the composition and benefits in detail. various products beekeeping, be it poison, death, propolis or honey. All these recipes are quite good and effective, but are not always available to city residents.

The easiest thing to get is honey. Treatment of varicose veins with honey occurs as follows: a layer of honey is applied to the canvas and applied to the inflamed veins, wrapped with plastic film on top and secured with a bandage. On the first day of such treatment, the compress is kept on the leg for 2 hours, on the second day - 3, on the third - 4, and then the compress with honey is left overnight. The duration of the course of honey therapy is usually 2-3 weeks.

Do tomatoes help with varicose veins?

To treat varicose veins, not any tomatoes are used, but only unripe green ones.

Treatment of varicose veins with green tomatoes is quite simple and consists of the following: cut the tomato in half, apply 1 half of the pulp to the inflamed vein and hold until a burning sensation is felt. The tomato is removed and the skin area is washed with cool water. After this, the other half of the tomato is applied to the leg, and this is repeated 4 times. With daily use green tomato against varicose veins, within 3 weeks you can notice pallor and softening of the venous nodes.

Treatment of varicose veins with nutmeg

Nutmeg is used for varicose veins due to its ability to stimulate blood circulation and relieve inflammation of the veins. Medicine is prepared from nutmeg as follows: grate whole nuts or grind them in a coffee grinder, pour 1/3 teaspoon of powder into a glass of boiling water, cool to room temperature, add a spoonful of honey and leave for another 20 minutes.

You should drink this decoction in the morning before breakfast. It is important that a fresh portion of the powder is prepared every day. Otherwise, the essential oils will erode and the drink will lose its healing properties.

There is another recipe using nutmeg: 200 grams of grated nut are poured with a liter of vodka and left for 10 days, then taken three times a day, 20 drops for three months.

Cabbage will help with varicose veins

Since ancient times, doctors have used cabbage leaves for varicose veins to relieve inflammation. And this is not surprising if you look at how many vitamins and microelements are contained in the leaves of white cabbage. Cabbage leaves are used as a compress in the treatment of varicose veins.

The compress is made as follows: a cabbage leaf is rolled out with a rolling pin or beaten, then one side is smeared with vegetable oil and applied to the inflamed vein, on top cabbage leaf secure with a bandage and leave for a day. The next day the procedure is repeated, and this is done 30 times.

Ginger for varicose veins

Ginger for varicose veins can be used as a remedy for internal or external use. So, ginger tea is a good way not only to prevent inflammation of the veins, but also to treat the disease at any stage of its manifestation. Preparing this tea is very simple: just cut a small round piece of ginger from the root, pour boiling water over it, let it stand for about 15 minutes. It should be noted that in addition to normalizing blood circulation, such a drink also has a beneficial effect on metabolism, so drinking ginger is especially useful for those with Problems with veins arose due to excess weight.

A ginger compress is made as follows: the root is finely grated, mixed with honey and applied to the inflamed vein for 3-4 hours. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to wrap your feet in something warm.

Useful properties of viburnum for varicose veins

Like ginger, viburnum can be used for varicose veins either as a compress or as a fortified drink. In the first case, the patient will need to take fresh berries viburnum, grind them to a paste, put the mixture on a cloth, apply to the area of ​​skin with an inflamed vein and secure with a bandage. This compress is best done before bed and left overnight.

A fortified viburnum drink is essentially juice mixed with honey in a proportion of 2 tbsp. honey per 500 ml of juice. You should drink it 2 tbsp. 4 times a day for a month and a half.

Effect of pumpkin on varicose veins

Everyone knows that pumpkin is an extremely healthy product containing many vitamins and microelements. To treat varicose veins, the internal pulp, previously freed from seeds, is used. This pulp should be completely rubbed over the limb with problem veins, wrapped in something warm and left overnight. The remaining pulp can be stored in the refrigerator.

Since the effect of pumpkin compresses is very mild, you should be patient when using this treatment method.

Adam's apple for varicose veins

Adam's apple for the treatment of varicose veins is used in the form of an ointment, which is prepared as follows: take glass jar, which is filled with a layer of lard 15 mm thick, then on top of the lard the maclura fruits (Adam's apple) are cut into slices with a layer of 10 mm, then again a layer of lard and so on until the jar is full. It is important that the last layer be the lard layer. After the jar is filled, it is placed in a steam bath or in the oven over low heat for a day (it should not boil), after which it is filtered, cooled and rubbed 1-2 times throughout the day onto problem areas.

Varicose veins are very afraid of lemon

For varicose veins, lemon in therapeutic purposes can be used both internally and externally in the form of pain-relieving compresses. This compress is easy to prepare. Take a lemon, cut it into circles, apply it to the inflamed areas and wrap it with a bandage or compress paper. You need to wear the compress throughout the day, replacing the lemon with fresh lemon 2-3 times.

Lemon juice cleanses blood vessels and increases the elasticity of their walls, so anyone who has problems with veins or wants to prevent their appearance should include this citrus in their diet.

One of the most effective medicines Traditional medicine against inflammation of the veins is considered to be the following: peel 6 lemons and squeeze out the juice, chop 5 cloves of garlic and 3 leaves of golden mouth, add 2 cups of honey and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is left to infuse in a glass container for 1 week in a dark place. This medicine apply 4 tsp. once a day for a month.

Treatment of varicose veins with potatoes

Potatoes for varicose veins are used in the form of compresses prepared from the tubers of this plant.

Take several potato tubers, wash and peel them, then grate them and apply a 1 cm layer on the inflamed veins. About 8 layers of gauze are wrapped over the potato layer, which is also soaked with potato juice on top. This compress should be kept for at least 4 hours, and it is important that freshly grated potatoes are used for it, and not stale potatoes.

Mumiyo for varicose veins

Shilajit is used for varicose veins due to its properties to dissolve congestion and tumors. Shilajit ointment helps especially well on early stages development of the disease. This ointment is created as follows: for 5 parts of petroleum jelly, 1 part of Altai resin is given, all this is thoroughly mixed and rubbed with soft and smooth movements three times a day into areas with inflamed veins. You can wash off the remaining ointment no earlier than an hour after applying it.

Shilajit can also be used internally: a piece of resin the size of a match head is mixed with 1 tbsp. honey and milk and drink twice a day for a month.

Is fish oil used for varicose veins?

Fish oil is mainly used internally, which helps normalize metabolism and reduce weight, as one of the main causes of congestion in the veins. However, there are other uses for fish oil.

Takes fish fat and May honey in a 1:1 ratio and mixed until smooth. The resulting ointment is applied to linen cloth, wrapped around the sore limb and left overnight.

Onion for varicose veins

The greatest effect for varicose veins is not the bulb itself, but its husk. Onion peel for varicose veins is used in various recipes.

  • 2 tbsp. crushed husks are poured into 100 ml of vodka and infused for 7 days, then the tincture is filtered and taken 20 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • 2 tbsp. crushed husks, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave covered for 6 hours, filter and drink a quarter glass three times a day before meals for a week and a half.

Badyaga relieves tension in varicose veins

Badyagi lotions are good for soothing inflammation of the veins. The mixture of lotions is prepared as follows: take 30g of badyagi leaves and stems, chop finely, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, then cool to a comfortable temperature. Cloth napkins are moistened in the resulting broth, wrapped around the legs, and wrapped in a warm terry towel. Legs should be elevated. After 30 minutes, the compress can be removed.

Treatment of varicose veins with garlic

Garlic for varicose veins is recommended to be used in the form of a compress, which is prepared as follows: take garlic with white husk and crush it, then add butter in a 1:2 ratio. Before going to bed, the resulting ointment is applied to the inflamed veins and wrapped on top with permanent paper or a bandage. In the morning, wash off the remaining ointment. The procedure must be repeated every day for several weeks.

How to take hydrogen peroxide?

Treatment of varicose veins with hydrogen peroxide can occur in 2 ways:

  • Orally, starting with 1 drop per 3 tbsp. water three times a day 2 hours after meals. Every day, the concentration of consumed peroxide is increased by 1 drop, bringing it to 10 drops per day, then they take a break for 3 days and start taking 10 drops 2 days after 3.
  • A 0.15% hydrogen solution is administered intravenously, which allows the release of atomic oxygen, thereby cleaning the walls of blood vessels. Single dose the solution should not exceed 250 ml.

Iodine for varicose veins

Iodine mesh for varicose veins is applied in the same way as on the back for colds. That is, on cotton swab a 5% iodine solution is applied and straight lines are drawn along the varicose nodes at intervals of 1 cm. Then perpendicular lines are drawn at the same interval. It is better to make such a mesh at night, and before the first application it is necessary to conduct a test for allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small strip to a healthy area of ​​skin with a stick soaked in iodine, which should not be scratched or wet. After an hour, the iodine strip is washed off, and if there is no redness, treatment begins.

Is it possible to treat varicose veins with salt?

Salt for varicose veins is used for baths or salt dressings. It is believed that it is best to use sea ​​salt. It is diluted with water to obtain a liquid slurry. This paste is used for salt dressings. Salt dressings for varicose veins must be changed several times a day, keeping each one for no more than 4 hours.

Some recipes recommend cooling the salt paste in the refrigerator to zero temperature, making a compress in the morning and keeping it until the salt warms up, and then removing its remains from the skin to avoid irritation.

The effect of treating varicose veins saline dressings usually occurs within a month from the start of procedures.

Treatment of varicose veins with soda

ANDZalmanov also recommended using soda for varicose veins. According to his recipe, pour into a large container warm water and dissolve 200 g in it baking soda and 70 g of alum. All this is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved, then the legs are placed in a container with water. The duration of such a bath should be about 15 minutes. The course of treatment foot baths episodic: 2 days after 1 for two weeks.

If the disease has climbed high up the legs, then you can use a bath with soda, but you should not make a more concentrated solution. After such a bath, the body is not dried, but wrapped in a towel.

How are varicose veins treated with laundry soap?

Even laundry soap can be used to treat varicose veins. Take a bar of laundry soap (200 g) and pass it through a meat grinder, add 200 g of old lard and the same amount of onions and millet (preferably grind with a rolling pin). All this must be mixed to form an ointment and left for a day. The resulting ointment is applied as a compress at night, wrapped on top with a linen napkin and compress paper.

What clay is used for varicose veins?

Treatment of varicose veins with blue clay is considered the most optimal of all types of clay, since it is believed that this type of clay acts more effectively on the affected veins. Clay for varicose veins is used in the form of applications.

For applique blue clay for varicose veins, dilute with water to a thick sour cream, then apply to areas of skin with swollen veins 2 cm thick, and tie a terry towel on top. The duration of such an application should be about two hours, then the clay can be washed off. Applications with clay are recommended to be carried out daily for a month and a half, after which they can be replaced by wrapping the feet with a wet towel soaked in a clay solution.

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Compresses for varicose veins

As you can see, treatment of varicose veins with compresses is a fairly common practice. In this case, the compresses themselves can be dry or wet, be it applying cabbage leaves or using applications on oily or alcohol based. This will not affect the quality of treatment. It all depends on the chosen recipe.

It is also worth noting the ease of use of compresses and the availability of medicinal products for their use. After all, there is nothing difficult in getting some beets for a compress for varicose veins or the same cabbage. But healing effect from such procedures is enormous, because the impact occurs directly in the area of ​​origin stagnation in the veins. The main thing is not to use products to which the patient is allergic. published



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