I want to develop my brain where to start. Why brain development is important for modern humans and how to do it effectively

Unfortunately, today people do not use their brains to their full capacity. However, you can try to change the situation by training daily this body. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

About the brain

Brain training is a very important and necessary activity. After all, today scientists have proven that only by the age of 60 does this human organ reach its peak of development. Previously, it was believed that at this time brain activity was already significantly reduced. Modern scientists have proven that brain activity does not depend on the neurons themselves (the number of which decreases in old age), but on the quality of the connections between them. It is these connections that can be maintained and strengthened through active

At all times, people knew that the most important activity is brain training. This is exactly what the American writer Dorothy Brand wrote in her book back in 1936. She provided some simple but very effective exercises to activate brain activity.

  1. Every day you need to set aside one hour when you will have to reduce speech activity to the maximum. Those. don't talk to anyone. If necessary, questions must be answered in monosyllables, clearly and to the point.
  2. For half an hour a day you need to think about one subject. Since it will be very difficult to do this at first, training should start from 5 minutes.
  3. A quarter of an hour a day you need to speak without using the words me, mine, I.
  4. You need to draw up an activity plan for two hours a day and strictly follow it.
  5. You need to set yourself 12 tasks per day. All of them must be fulfilled.

These exercises not only train the brain, but also force a person to look at himself and the world wider.

Morning exercise for the brain

The brain, like the body, requires awakening to function well. In this case, you may need a morning brain workout. It takes about 5-10 minutes in the period immediately after sleep. All exercises must be done in comfortable position. Everything is also said out loud.

Exercise 1. You need to try to count as quickly as possible reverse order from 100 to 1.

Exercise 2. For each letter of the alphabet you need to come up with a word. You need to do the exercise very quickly.

Exercise 3. You need to pronounce 20 male names, each of which must be assigned a number (for example, 1 - Sasha, 2 - Oleg, etc.). The same needs to be done with female names.

Exercise 4. You need to try to number 20 types of different foods.

Exercise 5. You need to choose any letter of the alphabet and come up with 20 words for it, numbering each of them.

Most often, a person's eyes are open during exercise. After all the tasks, you need to close your eyes for half a minute and open them again. That's all, the brain has “warmed up” and is ready for active work.


Brain training, i.e. a set of exercises invented for this purpose is called “neurobics” in science. The creator of this science, professor of neurobiology Lawrence Katz, believes that you can use the developments of neuroscience anytime and anywhere. Since these exercises are simple and accessible to everyone, and the benefits from them are enormous.


  1. You should try to do ordinary things in an unusual way. To do this, you can wash your face in the morning with eyes closed.
  2. Changing the usual order. You should try to go to work every day in different ways. Alternatively, you can buy groceries in a place other than your usual one.
  3. Very good for activating the brain various kinds trips. If it is not possible to travel far and for a long time, you can periodically go on a voyage to neighboring cities or villages.
  4. You need to solve puzzles, crossword puzzles and problems as often as possible. At the same time, the difficulty level of all tasks needs to be increased.
  5. You should always be interested in something new, unknown. So, it’s good to periodically master new sciences or find new hobbies.
  6. A great brain workout is watching TV. However, you need to turn off the sound and try to pronounce all the dialogues that occur on the screen.
  7. You should try to answer ordinary questions in a non-standard way.
  8. Fantasy trains the brain very well. So, you can periodically come up with poems, jokes, stories. You don't have to write all this down. As an alternative, you can “speak out” various dialogues in your head with familiar people or strangers.


Excellent brain and memory training - all kinds of games. It could be checkers, chess, card games(they also make a person think!). You can also just play with your child. After all, for this you will need to turn on your imagination, which is very useful for brain activity. It is very good today to use various gadgets and programmers’ developments to train the main organ. For example, this could be the NeuroNation application. Brain training, improving concentration and developing logic - all this can be found in this game. Feedback from people who have tried this application, as they say, is only positive. All users were completely satisfied with the results.

About the hemispheres of the brain

All people probably know that the brain consists of two hemispheres. So, the right is responsible for intuition and Creative skills, left - for logic and mathematical abilities. It is ideal when a person develops these two hemispheres in parallel. However, you can try to develop certain qualities in yourself by training only the necessary part of the brain.

Right hemisphere

Training the right hemisphere of the brain can consist of the following exercises:

  1. Need to pay more attention creative activity. So, you can go to a museum or take up painting.
  2. You need to think through the whole next day. In this case, it turns on for which it is responsible right hemisphere.
  3. You can also train your brain outside. You just need to peer into people's faces and guess what they are thinking about now.

There can be a lot of such exercises. You just need to try to use your imagination as much as possible. By the way, playing with a child perfectly develops the right hemisphere of the brain.

Left hemisphere

Training the brain hemisphere may be somewhat different (in this case we will be talking about the left hemisphere). What exercises will be relevant in this case:

  1. You should try to solve crossword puzzles as much as possible.
  2. Good to coach left hemisphere brain math. It is necessary to solve problems, gradually increasing their complexity.
  3. We also need to decide

It is worth saying that for the development of the brain, the body must also be involved (however in a mirror image). If you need to develop the left hemisphere, you need to train your right arm and leg more. And vice versa.

Harmonious development

But I still want to say that it is better if brain training is carried out harmoniously. In this case, exercises are aimed evenly at developing both the right and left hemispheres. So, for this you can try using your hands:

  1. Nose-ear. Need to right hand touch your left ear, and your left hand to the tip of your nose. Next you need to clap your hands and quickly change hands.
  2. Drawing. In order to evenly develop both hemispheres of the brain, you need to take a pencil in each hand and start drawing a mirror image. Those. so that it consists of equal two parts.
  3. Ring. For this task, alternately with thumb you need to put the remaining fingers of your hand into a ring. This must be done on both hands at the same time. For more serious training, you can come up with a tongue twister for each finger (this will also train your diction).

Helpful pictures

To train your brain, you can also use pictures specially designed by specialists. For example, you can determine which hemisphere a person has as the “leading” one with the help of a girl dancing on one leg. You can train your brain using the “Traffic Light” exercise. So, the color in which the word itself is written and the color it means will be different. You need to correctly read what is written (and not the color in which it is written). The exercise seems simple at first glance, but it is completely wrong.

About vessels

If we talk about it, its vessels are of great importance. After all, if they work incorrectly or in insufficient quantities drives away blood, this affects mental capacity person. And if training the cerebral vessels is an almost impossible action (no one has yet learned how to control them), then you can periodically clean your cerebral vessels.

  1. Various types of herbal teas are excellent for cleaning vessels. To do this you can take Linden blossom, currant or strawberry leaves, oregano, St. John's wort, dried berries viburnum or rowan.
  2. IN in this direction works great too lemon juice and soda. A teaspoon of these ingredients should be dissolved in a glass of water.

If the above products can be used frequently (even daily), then serious cleaning of the vessels should be carried out no more than once a year.

  1. Horseradish needs to be grated, take a tablespoon and pour sour cream (1 cup). Accepted this medicine for a month during meals, one tablespoon.
  2. Approximately 300 grams of garlic must be minced and poured with 200 ml of alcohol. Everything is placed in a tight container, closed and left for a week in a dark place. Next, the medicine is taken about 10 drops (diluted with milk) three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course is a month.

It's no secret to many that happy life you need to constantly train your body. Then you will have a lot of energy, you will feel better and get sick much less. However, many people forget that to improve their quality of life, they also need to train their brain. This is what your standard of living will depend on. That is why, in this article, I will analyze the most effective exercises for the development of both hemispheres of the brain.

After graduating from university, I got a job. Every day I did what I had been taught during my year of study. I knew exactly my daily routine. The problem was that I stopped studying and, as a result, lost my ambitions. I noticed that life simply pulled me into a routine, all the days were the same and I was unable to achieve any global goals. Then I thought about it and began to study the problem.

It was during that period of my life that I came across the 5 exercises that I will describe below. After a few months, I began to notice the first results. I became more creative and focused at the same time. As a result, I not only received a promotion, but also launched my own small business project, which paid off and is already bringing me money. And all that was needed for this was not to stop developing and to work on both hemispheres.

Basic principles of brain function

The human brain is one of the most mysterious and incomprehensible mechanisms created by nature. It is usually compared to electronic computers. Throughout his life, a person learns something new, accumulating useful information. And if some data loses its relevance, it is automatically forgotten. It will take a lot of time to consider all the functions that our brain is capable of performing, but I will list the most basic of them:

  • memory;
  • speech;
  • thinking;
  • self-perception;
  • consciousness;
  • general perception of the world;
  • imagination.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, which are connected by the substantia callosum, through which information is transmitted from one part of the brain to the other. Each hemisphere is responsible for certain functions. However, in history there have been cases when, due to injuries, one hemisphere began to perform the tasks of the other. Despite this, initially each part of the brain has its own purpose.

The left hemisphere takes over the functions logical thinking and computational operations. It is capable of processing information from the outside in a strict sequence. The right hemisphere is more responsible for creativity and sensory perception. This is how we perceive smells, music, colors and are able to understand art. It is also this hemisphere that helps us navigate the world around us. In addition, it is the right hemisphere that allows us to think creatively and find unusual solutions.

Everything described above is the very basics of how the brain works. However, this information is already enough to at least roughly understand how the hemispheres of the brain work. The most important thing is that with special exercises we can develop our brain by honing certain functions. The main task is to ensure that both of our hemispheres work synchronously and are as efficient as possible.

What will the development of both hemispheres of the brain give the reader?

Before we develop both hemispheres of the brain, let’s look a little more closely at what exactly this will give us. With targeted training, you will develop such important skills as:

  • the ability to concentrate on what is important;
  • navigation in gigantic flows of information;
  • quick adoption of the most correct decisions;
  • training in a short time;
  • instantly capturing the essence of things.

It is these listed skills that have helped world-famous businessmen achieve their high results. In order to learn this too, you need to regularly do special exercises to synchronize the work of the brain hemispheres. Such exercises can be compared to exercises in gym. Without regular exercise, our muscles become weaker. And if there is no load at all, then they will simply atrophy. The brain works exactly according to the same program.

If you lack mental activity, you will quickly become stupid, and vice versa, with regular training, many neural connections are formed in the brain, and the blood supply to the brain improves.

For efficient work the brain needs to trigger the emergence of new neural connections with the help of new knowledge and impressions. During our standard learning process, this happens on its own. I mean the age when it is customary to study or pretend that you are studying. This kindergarten, school and university. That volume new information entering our brain during this period was sufficient to maintain the brain in more or less working condition.

The problem is that most people stop learning anything after finishing their formal education. educational institutions. Their lives are dominated by routine processes for which they do not have to use their intellect. And without the corresponding load, our mind weakens, and after 25-30 years a person begins to gradually become stupid. This is why it is so important to perform special exercises regularly. Below I will describe the most effective of them.

5 exercises to develop both hemispheres of our brain

Below are 5 common exercises that are ideal for developing both hemispheres of your brain. By doing them, you will notice how you become smarter, begin to notice and understand more.

Exercise No. 1 Mirror drawing

To do this exercise, take a piece of paper and two pencils, one in each hand. Start drawing with both hands at the same time. Let it be something simple. Draw a square, a circle, an eight, a star. Gradually the images need to become more complex. Write your name. If you succeed, then try to draw a full-fledged drawing.

Exercise No. 2 Random words

To do this exercise, take a few random words and string them together into a story. It will be difficult at first. You may need to make several long sentences to connect. If you practice, you can easily connect any words taken at random with just a few phrases.

Exercise No. 3 Words

Great exercise for a stiff brain. Helps improve concentration, increase attention and loads both hemispheres at once.

The task is to quickly, without hesitation, name the color. This may seem quite simple, but the left hemisphere begins to focus on words and the right hemisphere on colors. This is very confusing. It’s good if you do this exercise with a partner who will show you the words, and you need to name the color or read what is written. It is the partner who says that in this moment you need to: name a color or read a word.

Exercise No. 4 Restoring reality

This is a great visualization exercise. The main thing is to use your imagination as much as possible, including visual, auditory and olfactory memory. Get rid of any external stimuli, turn off the TV, mute your phone. Close your eyes. Try to remember a person you know well: his facial features, the color of his eyes and hair. Now try to reproduce the sound of his voice, the smell of perfume. Add new details to your look.

Once you learn to reproduce people using your imagination, you can move on. Now you can create a new universe in your imagination, parallel to the one that exists. Such exercises significantly develop creativity, imagination and creative thinking.

Exercise No. 5 Neurobics

This is a kind of exercise for our brain. It activates the work of all senses at once. This technique was first invented by a neuroscientist from the USA named L. Katz. Its main essence is that we need to do things that are familiar to us in a non-standard manner, for example:

  • walk around the apartment tightly blindfolded;
  • write with your left hand if you are right-handed and, vice versa, if you are left-handed;
  • change your usual route to work or school;
  • try to feel the taste of food, the smell of flowers;
  • identify things only using tactile sensations;
  • do new job something you haven’t done before;
  • try to find non-standard answers to familiar questions.

All new actions provoke the emergence of new neural connections. The main thing is not to miss the moment when new actions become something familiar. Continue to develop in the same spirit. In this matter, the main thing is not to stop and then you will definitely achieve results. On the site you will find many useful articles who will help you on this difficult path. Good luck.

The candidate gives advice medical sciences, coordinator of the Association of Interdisciplinary Medicine, expert of the “Brain Ecology” project Elena Anisimova.

The head must work

Our brain is like a muscle: if it is not given daily work, it becomes decrepit, becomes lazy, the command “think!” does not recognize. But if there is load, gray cells grow in the literal sense of the word. Scientists describe this process as follows: new synapses are formed between neurons, the cerebral cortex becomes thicker and more tortuous, new capillaries grow into the brain substance, axons conduct nerve signals faster, and become more complex. functional connections between individual brain structures.

But meanwhile, the brain is not as primitive as the muscles. The usual “rocking chair” (such as writing 10 thousand characters on a computer every day) is not enough for him: he will get bored and sooner or later will dismiss the routine as unnecessary. We'll have to surprise him and even deceive him with unusual gymnastics.

AiF infographics


This method of training for our convolutions was invented by the Americans - neuroscientist Lawrence Katz And writer Manning Rubin. And for 15 years now, the world has been studying the book “Fitness for the Mind,” choosing the most suitable of 83 exercises to improve memory and develop intellectual abilities.

To perform fun exercises, you will have to get a little “wonderful”, do daily tasks in a slightly extravagant way, using all 5 senses in an unusual combination. Doing the same routine work makes it difficult for us to focus on new things: memory weakens and concentration falls. But if you do familiar things in an unexpected way, the brain has to build fresh connections between nerve cells and restore them if they are lost.

Try to develop a craving for everything unusual in every free minute, doing household chores, on the way to work and to the store, sitting in front of the TV or at the computer. Do the exercises fun, ironically, with good mood- The brain really likes emotions.

6 useful exercises

1. Put it to work left hand (or right if you are left-handed). Try brushing your teeth, buttoning your blouse, eating soup, typing on your computer keyboard, and writing letters with it.

Why do this? Activation of the motor cortex is transferred from the left hemisphere of the brain to the right, which has a beneficial effect on creativity and innovative thinking.

2. Experience new sensations, develop new abilities. Move around your own apartment, which you know well, take a shower with your eyes closed. Try to determine by touch the value of the coin lying in your pocket. Try to master Braille - a reading and writing system for the blind. Agree with your family to communicate all day only in sign language.

Why do this? New sensory areas of the brain that are usually little or not used are “heated up” to the limit, which is also good gymnastics for neurons throughout the brain.

3. Don’t be afraid to change your usual image. Wear new unusual clothes, try new makeup, experiment with hair color and hairstyle.

Why do this? A person feels differently when trying on a new image (just remember the “jacket effect” for a man or “stiletto heels” for a woman!), and his way of thinking changes.

4. Walk and take new routes to work(even if the unusual road will be longer!), travel more often, try to spend each vacation in a new place, go to museums and exhibitions.

Why do this? Develops spatial memory and even increases the size of the hippocampus, it is claimed latest research physiologists.

5. Change the interior of your home and work more often, rearrange things in the apartment weekly, swap kitchen utensils, try cooking according to overseas recipes, buy new perfume. Walk around the apartment for a few minutes, wearing right leg a high-heeled shoe, and a slipper on the left.

Why do this? Habits tire the brain, and novelty stimulates the sensory inputs of the brain, making life more vivid and memorable.

6. Learn to answer boring questions in a non-trivial way like “how are you?”, “what’s new?”, come up with new phrases every time - give up stereotypes, memorize jokes, come up with new jokes yourself, entertaining stories - and be sure to show them off in conversation.

Why do this? If you approach everything you say creatively, with different sides, then you stimulate memory and the speech center in the brain - the left temporal region Wernicke's and Broca's areas.

150 minutes of movement - every week

Remember that traditional physical activity also affects brain activity.

Researchers from the University of Illinois USA, led by Arthur Kramer, found that moderate exercise, just 150 minutes per week (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise) physical activity), plus daily walking of at least 500 meters increases the volume of the human cerebral cortex in the frontal and parietal areas. They are responsible for working memory, attention and switching from one task to another. As confirmation, scientists provided a picture obtained by a computed tomograph.

There is no more mysterious organ in the human body than the brain. Each uncovered mystery of its functioning raises more and more questions. But one of its properties is to develop, allowing humanity to comprehend new levels. By changing and complicating their thinking organ, people become different.

Today, the development of science makes it possible to study the work of the brain at a qualitatively new level, to identify previously unstudied functions of its parts, and to develop methods that develop the activity of the central nervous system. Does a person need this? Undoubtedly, it was the constant development of brain abilities that raised man above the animal world. For the last hundred years, the world has been overwhelmed by an information tsunami. A person has two options - to train his brain to withstand the information barrage, or to stop developing, freeze at a comfortable level, and disappear.

Brief description of the human brain

In order to know how to develop brain abilities, you need to understand the mechanism of its functioning.

Brain- the command post of the human body. It provides the opportunity to become aware of what we see, hear, feel, and controls all the functions of our body. The entire flow of information, which is recorded by every cell of the human body, is processed and filtered by the central nervous system. That which is not essential or may violate the integrity of the individual is discarded.

Without a brain such things cannot be carried out. higher functions, How:

  • thinking process;
  • control of imagination;
  • self-determination and self-awareness;
  • management of emotions and speech.

This is only a small fraction of what the brain does to control the human body. It is extremely difficult to obtain knowledge about its operation - even the most minimal intervention in its structure leads to irreversible consequences.

Brain structure

The organ consists of hemispheres, right and left, the connection between them is supported by the corpus callosum, designed to synchronize brain activity. When there is a disturbance in the right hemisphere of a person’s brain, we observe a similar thing in the left, although there have been cases of damage to one of the hemispheres, in which the second completely replaced it, and the person’s life did not undergo significant changes.

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Each hemisphere performs its own work, a set of functions unique to it. Right - performs the work of processing information received from the senses. Thanks to its work, we feel sounds and can distinguish melodies, colors, shades and tastes. Orientation in space and the world, and the ability to be creative depend on it.

For the left hemisphere, the space of activity is numbers and logic, structuring information, making sequential decisions.

A healthy body means a healthy brain

It is generally accepted that a person uses only a small fraction of his capabilities. The visible, conscious part of us is negligible - only 10% of the total, but a person can develop his brain using specially developed techniques.

If he constantly trains himself, it is difficult to imagine what results he can achieve - become the author of incredible discoveries, reveal previously hidden relationships in the world around him, and enter a new stage in the development of civilization.

The first step is to develop the body

For normal operation the organ must have adequate blood flow. Lack of oxygen and nutrients lead to cell death and disruption of organ function - the development of brain abilities is out of the question. The first step along the thorny path of self-improvement will be developing the habit of moving a lot. The ancients knew about this - Aristotle held discussions with his students during walks. Movement is extremely important for men - normal level testosterone, which is produced by healthy male body, provides sharp thinking, the ability to assimilate information, think quickly and clearly. Sedentary image lives that are sinned modern men, causes a decrease in testosterone levels and makes the brain “lazy”.
Eating right

Proper nutrition is no less necessary than active movement

Self-development involves giving up alcohol in any form; this fully applies to beer. Alcohol in any quantity is harmful neural connections, converts testosterone in the blood of men into its opposite - the female sex hormone, which reduces intellectual abilities. Beer is a natural estrogen that reduces the thinking abilities of men.

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The body should receive nutritious food containing hydrocarbons, vitamins, and fats. The supply of these products will ensure:

  • fatty fish, saturated with acids Omega3, which improves the quality of brain vessels;
  • walnuts, which activate memory and clarity of thinking – daily norm up to 5 nuts per day;
  • blueberries and cocoa containing Various types antioxidants that protect blood vessels;
  • honey and sweet fruits, which are absorbed extremely quickly and can actively support brain activity.

For normal condition blood circulation should be maintained drinking regime. Normal clean still water should be at least 2 liters per day.

Keeping a daily routine

To be able to fully develop the brain, you need to ensure alternation active work And good rest. Required good sleep at least 8 hours a day will allow the organ to function fully. No less important is the alternation of intense working week and a mandatory day off with a change of activity - if the work actively loads the brain, then on the day off you should load the muscles.

Doing all these necessary for the body requirements after a short time can be noted clear and correct work brain, note how it develops itself, absorbing information like a sponge.

Train your brain

He needs training. Specially designed exercises for brain development allow you to create new neural connections that allow you to quickly and efficiently process information. The better the brain is developed, the better the body functions, satisfying its need for oxygen. This ability to train the brain has no age limits. Necessary conditions are only the absence of obvious pathological changes vessels.

How to develop your brain every day without doing any special exercises? For this there is neurobics, brain gymnastics that does not require special time and much effort:

Try by doing daily work When walking your daily route home from work, use your senses as much as possible - inhale the smell of flowers, try to feel the drops of falling rain with your whole skin, listen to music and read a book at the same time.

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Train your level of concentration, ability to navigate and be attentive by dressing and undressing, closing your eyes. In its own way, walking around effectively develops the same qualities. dark room, you have to swear and hit corners only at first.

Constantly develop your brain by changing the work you usually do, including your unusual hand in action - comb your hair and brush your teeth with your left hand, if your main one is your right and vice versa. If possible, writing or drawing with your non-working hand will help develop connections between the hemispheres.

A great way to develop your brain, developing orientation and memory, is to find new routes when returning home or walking around the city.

We train our brain, trying to develop tactile abilities and sensations as much as possible, for this we should try to touch, touch an unfamiliar surface - remember, you always did this when you were a child. We need to learn to record the sensations of touch as accurately as possible - as a result we will get strong neural connections.

Coordination exercises

You can at on a regular basis do “Brain aerobics”. The basic principles are familiar to anyone who has done any physical exercise: warming up, strengthening and - in the finale - cooling, relaxation. Choose what you especially need. The exercises only take a few minutes and can be done almost anywhere. You won't need any special equipment, and no one will even understand what you're doing. So, start with a warm-up, a warm-up. You are already familiar with the benefits that physical warming up gives to the body. The same thing applies to your brain. Warming it up will allow you to be more effective when needed. These exercises are designed to help your brain functions such as memory, comprehension, priority ranking, and visualization.

Putting your thoughts in order. Time: 5-10 minutes after waking up. Body position: comfortable sitting or lying down. All exercises are said out loud.

Exercise 1. Count down from 100 to 1 as quickly as possible.

Exercise 2. Say the alphabet, coming up with a word for each letter (“A - apricot; B - barrel ...”), and as quickly as possible. If you think about a letter for more than 30 seconds, skip it and move on.

Exercise 3. Say 20 male names (again, as quickly as possible), numbering each of them ("1 - Philip, 2 - Alexander, 3 - Robert...").

Exercise 4. Do the same, but now with female names.

Exercise 5. The same as in exercises 2 and 3, but this time you will have to number 20 types of food (“1 - apple, 2 - cutlet, 3 - compote...”).

Exercise 6. Choose one letter of the alphabet and name 20 words starting with it (numbering them in the same way as you did before), and again as quickly as possible (“1 - frost, 2 - mother, 3 - massage...”).

Exercise 7. If your eyes were open during these exercises, that's great, but now close them. Count to 20 and open. Your brain is now warmed up and ready for the challenges of the day ahead.

Brain sprint. Perform this exercise before starting work that requires special mental acuity. Time: 5 minutes. Supplies: pen, some paper, alarm clock. Body position: sitting. Take any printed text and select the first word in it, for example the word “rain” in a newspaper weather forecast. Set your alarm (timer) for five minutes. At the top of a piece of paper, write the word you chose. Over the next five minutes, write as many phrases as you can with that word. Don't stop and don't think about it. Your job is to "beat" the timer and write as fast as you can, even if your associations look stupid. After five minutes, stop, count to 20 and continue working.

Gain to maximum. Time: 10 minutes. Accessories: book, magazine or newspaper. Body position: sitting. Take the text, turn it upside down and read it out loud. Reading speed will decrease sharply, as the brain resists this unusual method. But this also means that your mental abilities are enhanced.


1. You can constantly “upgrade” your mind. Give him problems and make him solve them in a unusual conditions. Try to develop both your arms equally. Use your non-dominant hand when brushing your teeth, eating, or using a computer mouse. Blindfold your eyes and for the next half hour continue to live as if nothing had happened - move around the apartment, try to eat something, take a shower. Close your ears and listen to the sensations that arise. In such situations, the brain connects its hidden reserves and makes those areas of its work that were not used before.

2. A great workout for the mind - learning a new language or mastering a new one intellectual process. If you start learning a foreign language, then make it a rule to memorize 5-10 words every day. You can also learn programming languages. Moreover, it doesn’t matter which one, just force your brain to constantly strain.

3. You can develop intelligence by developing logical, paradoxical or analytical thinking. Look for cause-and-effect relationships between events and phenomena that, at first glance, are not related to each other. Make two sentences with completely opposite meanings. Try to create several phrases that will logically lead you from the first to the second sentence. The fewer such phrases you need, the better.

4. Learn complex algorithms and produce arithmetic operations With large numbers, solve puzzles and crosswords. Constantly train your memory and observation skills. Even while walking down the street, count how many, for example, domestic and imported cars passed you, or how many men and how many women you came across.

5 . Eat properly and balanced, engage in active sports, laugh and joke. Be positive person and be happy to meet everything new and interesting. Develop creatively - start drawing or writing poetry. Don't let your brain be lazy and very soon you will notice how your mental abilities improve. Muscles can be developed and increased thanks to sports exercises, and what exercises can develop the brain?

Music.“Do you listen to classical music?” Many answer this question in the negative, claiming that they do not understand its charms. But its superiority lies not only in beauty, but also in the fact that classical music improves mental abilities. This effect of music is called the “Mozart Effect.” There is also an opinion that children learning to play the musical instruments, more lexicon, higher IQ and they have no memory problems. This is confirmed by Patrick Raegert and his colleagues from the Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany). They found that professional pianists were more successful in classical visual acuity tests. According to Ragert, it follows that the brains of musicians are more plastic than those of people who are far from music. Also, for example, learning music helps a person learn faster. foreign languages, since subtleties of hearing help to better distinguish the constituent parts of words. So, if you want to develop your brain, then start learning to play the guitar, piano or trumpet, let your neighbors rejoice, and your brain will increase the number of gray matter. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been involved in music since childhood or mature age, anyway, it will have a significant impact on the development of your brain.

Electric chair. An interesting fact is that transcranial electrical brain stimulation (TES) helps develop the brain no worse than music. Electricity can improve visual memory, mathematical abilities. Roy Cohen Kadosh, a neuroscientist at the University of Oxford, has been studying the possibility of improving mathematical abilities. He conducted experiments in which volunteers participated. After an EFT session, people remembered the symbols faster and showed top scores when completing tasks than before. The improvements achieved in mathematical abilities lasted six months. Richard Chi and colleagues (University of Sydney, Australia) used EFT to stimulate the anterior part of the right temporal lobe, near the temple. Their volunteers performed 110% better on visual memory tasks than they previously did. So if you want to improve your math and visual skills, consider electrical stimulation of your brain.

Light. Remember, if you want to prolong your mental activity and improve your ability to perform logical tasks, then leave the light bright throughout the day. It's best that it be sunlight or its imitation.

Food. Do you think that what you eat affects your figure, but has no effect on your brain? But this is far from true! Write down and run to the store for substances found in food products, or rather for the products themselves. Blueberry Black currant Cocoa Green tea Red wine They contain flavonoids, which improve memory and help protect against brain degeneration. This fact was discovered by Jeremy Spencer from the University of Reading (UK). “We looked at the effects of blueberries and found that they increase attention,” says Spencer. Well, the food is familiar and not exotic, so it’s worth including them in your diet urgently!

Sport. Have you eaten healthy food, the brain has improved its abilities, and now it’s time to go to the gym. One cannot help but remember that moderate physical activity promotes correct formation brain tissue. But do not overload yourself, because excessive physical activity will lead to reverse effect– tissue destruction.

Exercises to stimulate brain function

1. New environment. Go somewhere you have never been before or where you rarely go. This could be a new large park or a jewelry store in a nearby area.

2. New smells. Buy bottles with essential oils or any scented items. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, inhale a new smell - this will “wake up” your brain.

3. Closed eyes. In the evening, do not turn on the lights in the apartment - walk through the rooms from memory. This exercise will increase your attention and concentration. You can also shower with your eyes closed. Since you can't see anything, your other senses become more active.

4. Change of working hand. Brush your teeth not with your working hand, but with the one that is less active: if you are right-handed, brush your teeth with your left hand, if you are left-handed, brush your teeth with your right.

5. New wardrobe. Wear different things. Scientists have proven that depending on a person’s clothing, not only his feelings change, but also his way of thinking.

6. Braille (a reading and writing system for the blind) and sign language. Braille and sign language are difficult to master, but the ability to read and speak with your fingers will greatly enhance your senses. In sign language, it is enough to learn standard communication phrases: greeting, simple questions, answers.

7. New road. Go to work (to the store) along a new, unfamiliar route. Even new way It will be longer, no big deal. This will not only have a positive effect on brain function, but will also help maintain slimness.

8. Self-confidence. Be more confident in yourself. Even if you are offered a job that you are not very good at, accept it. The brain is quickly activated when you don't know exactly what to do.

9. Non-standard answers. Answer standard questions in a non-standard way. Even the question “how are you?” you can answer with dozens of different phrases - give up stereotypes.

10. Coins. Learn to distinguish coins of different denominations only with your fingers. This exercise is useful to do when you are waiting for someone or something. Time is running faster, and the wait becomes less tedious.

11. New knowledge. Try to learn something new every day. Get new knowledge, read science articles, newspapers and magazines. To make this process more convenient and exciting, subscribe to our Telegram channel. Stay up to date with the latest events, explore new phenomena and get the latest news interesting information from the world of Science and Technology first.

12. TV without sound. Turn off the TV sound and, looking at the image, try to reproduce the dialogue or monologue. If you do this exercise with friends, it will turn out to be very comical and interesting.

13. Varied recreation. If you usually spend your weekends in the city, then next time go to nature. Don't like listening to music? Go to a music concert - you will get a lot of new sensations. Even if you don’t like it at all, you can leave.

14. New pace. This exercise can be done on a day off. If you usually do everything slowly, try to speed up the pace by 2 times. If you can’t sit still for a minute, force yourself to do everything slowly. This requires a lot of concentration.

15. Jokes. Coming up with new jokes and anecdotes is very entertaining and good for the brain. This not only stimulates mental activity, but also develops the ability to think creatively.



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