Russian language


5. Numeral noun


Numeral- is an independent part of speech that denotes the number, quantity of objects, their order when counting and How many? which? (Which?)


Initial form- Nominative case.
Constant signs: simple or composite, quantitative or ordinal.
Variable signs: case and in some cases - number and gender.

Syntactic role.

Numerals can act as various members of a sentence:

  1. Twenty five is divided by five
  2. - numeral twenty five is the subject in this case, and the word five- addition;
  3. Six five is thirty
  4. - numeral thirty here it acts as a nominal part of the predicate;
  5. I bought the third issue of the magazine
  6. - numeral third is a definition;
  7. This event happened in 1945 - in 1945
  8. - circumstance of time;

Note. A cardinal numeral in combination with a noun is one member of a sentence, for example: For most people, their working day begins at nine o'clock.

Places by value.

By meaning, numerals are divided into two main categories:

  1. quantitative
  2. numerals that denote the number of persons, objects or number and answer the question How many?, For example: seven, eighteen, sixty-one. Cardinal numbers change by case, but have no gender (except for words one two) and numbers (except for the word one). The initial form of such numerals is the nominative case.

    In addition, cardinal numbers are divided into three classes:
    A) integers, for example: two, eight, fifty;
    b) fractional numbers, for example: five sevenths, one sixth;
    V) collective numbers, for example: three, five, seven;

  3. ordinal
  4. numerals that indicate the order of objects when counting and answer questions Which? which?, For example: seventh, eighteenth, sixty-first. Ordinal numbers, like adjectives, change according to gender, number and case. The initial form of such numerals is the nominative singular masculine.

Simple, complex and compound.

By structure, numerals can be simple, complex And compound.

A simple number consists of one root, for example: one, five, one hundred, million, billion.

A complex number consists of several roots, for example: fifteen, five hundred, three hundred, seventieth.

A compound numeral consists of several words, each of which can be either simple or complex, for example: fifty-one, one thousand thirty-one, one hundred and one.


1. Declension of cardinal numbers.

Compound numerals in Russian. What question does the numeral answer? Simple, complex and compound numerals

Numbers play an important role in everyday life; people use them to determine the number of objects, count time, determine mass, value and order when counting. Words that can be designated in writing by writing letters and numbers are called numerals. Another definition is: numerals are words denoting the serial number of an object or quantity.

Grammatical signs of numerals

All lexemes denoting integer and fractional numbers, as well as the number of people, animals or objects, are a special group of words, the composition of which is fully formed and does not change.

Such units are one of the important, or, as they also say, significant parts of speech and can have several designations:

The concept of number as such: five, ten, fifteen and so on;

Number of specific items: two cars, six houses;

The cumulative value of several items that were counted.

Accordingly, the questions to them sound like this: what is the count? which? How many? Depending on the meaning and the question that the numeral name answers, they are divided into several types (we will talk about this a little later).

For example: Thirty (subject) is divisible by ten. Six six - thirty six(nominal part of the predicate). Speaking about the place of numerals in a sentence, it should be noted that they can be both main and secondary members. Another feature is that the numeral as a part of speech is a non-replenishable group of words. All forms used in oral and written speech are formed exclusively from the names of numbers. In a syntactic construction, a numeral as a part of speech can be either part of the main or part of a secondary member of a sentence.

Note! The numeral denoting quantity and the noun associated with it always act as one inseparable member of the sentence. For example: We walked until six in the morning. Swimming pool classes start at five o'clock. The girls collected twenty-five daisies.

Types of numerals

Next, you should highlight the initial form of the word being analyzed, what category it belongs to (ordinal or cardinal), structure (simple or compound) and features of its declension by case.

The next step is to identify non-constant features. These are case, gender and number, if these can be recognized.

At the end of the analysis, they describe the syntactic function of the word in a sentence, what part of speech it is associated with and whether it is consistent with it. And although such an analysis of the numeral is unlikely to be useful to anyone in life (except perhaps to future philologists), for the correct use of words in speech and writing, it is simply necessary to be able to produce it.

From five before twenty And thirty

Declined like third declension nouns.

forty, ninety, one hundred form two forms in declination.

Nominative six st O fourty
Genitive pole And st A fourty A
Dative pole And st A fourty A
Accusative six st O fourty
Instrumental six Yu st A fourty A
Prepositional (o)pole And (o)st A(o) forty A

Note 1. Numeral one agrees with the noun in gender and case and is inflected like an adjective.

Note 2: Numerals two (two), three, four have special forms:

Nominative two three four
Genitive two three four
Dative two three four
Accusative two (two) three (three) four (four)
Instrumental two three four
Prepositional (o) two (o) three (o) four

Note 3. When declination of complex cardinal numerals from fifty and then each part of the word changes, although they are written as one word, for example:


4 . When declension of compound cardinal numerals, each word changes, for example: one hundred twenty four, st A twenty And four ex, st A twenty And four eat etc.

2. Declension of fractional numbers.

When declension of fractional numerals, both parts change: the numerator as a whole number, the denominator as a plural adjective, for example:

Note. Fractional numbers one and a half (one and a half) And one and a half hundred when declined they have only two forms:

3. Declension of collective numerals.

Collective numbers are declined like plural adjectives, for example: four O, four s, four th, four s(or four O), four them, (o) four s.

4. Declension of compound ordinal numbers.

When declension of compound ordinal numbers only the last word changes, for example:


  1. Complex cardinal numbers are written together, for example: seventy, five hundred.
  2. Compound cardinal numbers are written separately, for example: five hundred fourteen, twenty one.
  3. Fractional numerals separately, for example: three sevenths, one sixth.
  4. Ordinal numbers are written similarly to their corresponding complex and compound cardinal numbers, for example: seventeenth, six hundredth, four thousand eighteenth.
  5. Ordinal numbers that end in -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth, are written together, for example: twenty-five thousandth, one hundred thirty-five millionth, thirty-one billionth.
  6. Numerals odie nn ten, mi ll ion, mi ll yard written with a double consonant.
  7. Numerals from five before twenty And thirty are written with b at the end (same as third declension nouns), for example: five, seventeen, twenty.
  8. In the middle of numerals fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen letter b not written.
  9. Numerals from fifty before eighty and from five hundred before nine hundred are written with b in the middle of a word in them. and wine etc., for example: heels b ten, pole b hundred.
  10. If an ordinal number is included in the names of holidays or significant dates, then it is written with a capital letter. And if a numeral is written as a number, then the word following it is written with a capital letter, for example: March 8, But March 8.

Spelling Not with numerals.

Particle Not with numerals it is always written separately, for example: Not one, Not three and a half, Not three hundred forty five Not five sixths.

A numeral is a part of speech that serves to indicate the number, quantity and order of objects. Numerals answer the questions: how many? Which? which? Examples: three, one hundred twenty-seven, first, both, four.

Quantity can also mean other parts of speech. In contrast, numerals can be written not only in words, but also in numbers: five (or 5) hockey players (number) - the magnificent five (noun).

Simple and compound numbers

Based on the number of words, numerals are divided into simple and compound. Simple ones consist of one stem, compound ones - of two stems or several words.

  • Simple - have one base (describe one number): one, three, eight.
  • Complex ones - have two bases (describe two numbers), are written together: thirteen, seventy.
  • Compounds - consist of several words, written separately: two thousand fourteen, one hundred eighty.

In compound numerals, the number of words is equal to the number of significant figures, not counting zeros, but with the addition of the words thousand, million, etc. and taking into account the continuous writing of complex numerals: 102 - one hundred and two, 1501 - one thousand five hundred and one.
Numerals ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth”, etc. are written together: five thousandth (bill), one hundred and twenty millionth (budget).

Meaning and grammatical features

Depending on their meaning and use, numerals are divided into cardinal and ordinal.

There are also other types of numerals that are usually not considered in the school curriculum: counting (single case, binary code), multiplicative (double impact, triple benefit), indefinite quantity (few, several). The classification of numerals is a controversial issue, since different authors and philologists identify different types of numerals. But in the school curriculum everything is simple, cardinal and ordinal numbers are studied.

Morphological characteristics

A numeral is an inflected part of speech; numerals are declined according to cases. The initial form of the numeral is the nominative case.

All cardinal numbers (integers, collective numbers, fractions) change by case. The numeral one varies by gender (one, one, one) and numbers (one, one), the numeral two changes by gender (two, two).

Ordinal numbers change according to cases, numbers and genders. The ordinal number agrees with the noun; in the phrase, the ordinal number is a dependent word: the first car, the second car, the third bell.

The main page of the site describes in detail the declension of all types of numerals with rules, exceptions and examples.

Syntax function

Cardinal numbers can be any part of a sentence. Ordinal numbers are more often a determiner, less often a predicate and subject.
Twenty is divisible by five (the numeral twenty is the subject).
Six six - thirty six (the numeral thirty six is ​​the nominal part of the predicate).
We are traveling in the fifth carriage (the numeral fifth is the definition).
The war ended in 1945 (in 1945 - a circumstance of the times).

A cardinal number in combination with a noun is one member of a sentence.
Eight employees of our company are going on a business trip tomorrow (eight employees - subject).
The working day begins at eight o'clock (at eight o'clock - circumstance).

Numeral gender

The numeral gender can be written together, with a hyphen, or separately.

It is written together: if it means “half” and is part of a compound word, the second part of which is a noun in the genitive case and begins with a consonant: half a kilogram, half a kilometer, half a third, half an hour;
if it is part of an adverb: half turn, in a low voice;
the word half-liter and the word quarter are written together as part of complex words: quarterfinal. It is written with a hyphen: before a vowel, before the letter l, before a proper name: half-island, half-lemon, half-Russia. It is written separately: if it has an independent meaning and is related to the subsequent noun through an agreed definition: half a tablespoon, half a bag of sugar.

Abbreviated spelling

Ordinal numbers can have one or two letters on the right (3rd, 21st), there are no other options. If part of the word is written in numbers, and part in letters with its own root, then the increment on the right is not applied (10th anniversary, 2-tone, 3 percent). In all numbers, starting with five-digit ones, their entire part is divided by non-breaking spaces into groups of three digits: 18,789,300, 25,000 (but 200, 3700). If four-digit numbers are used in the same column or list with numbers of a higher order, then they are divided into groups: 15,000, 2,000, 145,000. A non-breaking space in Windows is set by simultaneously pressing Alt + Shift + Space, for MAC - Alt + Space.

Spelling not with numerals

Negation with numerals Not written separately. Examples: not two, not the first on the list, not the prime meridian passes through our city.

Using zero and zero

Both forms are acceptable. The use of each form has its own rationale.

  • When counting and comparing, the form zero is most often used: zero is less than one, zero whole and one tenth.
  • In the terminological meaning, the zero form predominates: the sum is equal to zero, the street temperature is kept at zero.
  • Both forms occur in set expressions: zero attention, at twenty zero-zero, reduce to zero, temperature of absolute zero.
  • The adjective is often formed from the form zero: zero kilometer, zero mileage.

The numeral is a part of speech with a rather complex structure, since it can express infinitely long combinations of words. In Russian, numerals are divided into two large groups: simple and complex. This article details the characteristics of both groups with examples.

Numerals stand out among other parts of speech due to their complex structure. They have the ability to express one meaning in a very long, almost endless combination of words.

Simple and complex numerals

Simple numbers consist of one root. Most simple cardinal numbers are non-derivative. Among this category there are words that originate from other numerals. For example: Seventeen - seven+by+ten; twenty - two + ten.

TO derivative The numeral forty also applies: it has a common root with the modern word “shirt” not by chance. It is believed that just 40 sable or marten skins were needed to make one fur product, which was called “soro” (something similar to a modern fur coat). This was also the name of the bag in which this amount of skins was placed. Gradually, the complex numeral “fourty” was replaced by a simpler word.

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All cardinal numbers have a corresponding ordinal number, formed in a suffixal manner.

Complex and compound numerals

Many people confuse the names of categories, calling combinations of several words complex, and compound words - complex words. To remember the names correctly and not get confused, you can use the following hint diagram:

  • Difficult- formed by adding: seven + hundred - seven hundred, six + ten - sixty;
  • Composite- one that consists of several words written separately: forty-two, thirty-four, seven hundred seventy, seven.

When declension occurs in cardinal complex numerals, all bases change, and in compound numerals, all parts of the combination change.

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Numerals are divided into simple, complex and compound.

Compound numerals consist of two or more words: twenty-five, fifty-six, three hundred and sixty. Compound numerals can include both simple and complex numerals.

1. Rewrite the numbers in this order: 1) simple, 2) compound, 3) complex.

WITH T oh eleven T b, seventieth, one, T Christ fifty-seventh, t R and, with R ok, sixty, one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight, nineteen, three hundred.

What sounds do the highlighted letters represent?

Make up phrases “complex numeral + noun”, indicating the main word in them.

2. Write down the data below the numbers in words. Which ones are simple, which are complex, and which are compound numerals?

20, 17, 101, 207, 49, 300, 1000, 306, 1109, 18, 40.

3. Write down and underline the compound numerals.

In the eleventh century, our homeland was called a country of cities: there were more than two hundred and seventy of them. In the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three, there were not one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five cities in our country. Among them are eleven cities with a population of more than a million people, thirty-three cities with a population of five hundred thousand or more, and one hundred and eighty-eight cities with a population of one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand. From nineteen hundred and thirteen to nineteen seventy-three, the share of the urban population increased from eighteen to fifty percent.

Which nouns are not used in the plural?

4. Which combinations of words indicate the exact number of objects, and which indicate an approximate number? Where is the place of the numeral in the first group of phrases? Determine the cases of numerals. Over simple numbers write pr., over complex numbers - words, over compound numbers - comp.

Ten days - ten days - about ten days. One hundred and twenty steps - one hundred and twenty steps. Five thousand..h - thousand..h five - about five thousand..h. Six hundred tons - six hundred tons - about six hundred tons. Two years - two years - about two years.

Make sentences with the first three word combinations.



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