Salicylic peeling composition. Salicylic peeling: gentle but effective! Professional peeling preparations

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

One of the types of chemical peels, which does not involve mechanical removal dead particles of the epidermis, and their dissolution. To perform the session, salicylic acid is used, which has a lot of beneficial properties for appearance.

The technique of salicylic peeling and its results vary depending on the content active substance:

  • superficial peeling performed using a 15% acid solution, its main purpose is to treat acne and limit excess activity sebaceous glands;
  • medium peeling made using a 30% acid solution, and it is suitable for eliminating skin unevenness and smoothing acne scars.

Properties of salicylic acid

Salicylic, or 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, has long been used in cosmetology, as it has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. This substance is often included in creams for oily skin and to fight acne thanks to its ability to destroy pathogenic microbes, eliminate redness and heal microdamages.

In addition, the acid reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, which causes the effect of drying the skin.

Salicylic acid is wonderful keratolytic . It intensively exfoliates the upper layers of the epidermis, therefore it is successfully used to treat hyperkeratosis, dissolving the contents of acne and comedones. After peeling salicylic acid The effectiveness of using other skin care and therapy products increases, the complexion is evened out, it looks younger and brighter. The advantage of acid is that it does not irritate the skin like some more aggressive substances, so the salicylic peeling procedure is indicated for a variety of dermatological problems.

Indications and contraindications for salicylic peeling procedures

It is a mistake to think that salicylic facial peeling is indicated only for young people with problem skin and the phenomena of acne. Thanks to deep exfoliation of the layers of the epidermis, the procedure stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, therefore it is capable of to a large extent reduce the depth and size of wrinkles and prevent them further formation. Peeling is also suitable for those who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their face due to signs of photoaging and pigmentation.

"Salicylic peeling Perfect for those who suffer from acne, oily skin, as well as when the first wrinkles and sagging skin appear. "

So, the main ones Indications for a salicylic peeling session:

  • acne, acne scars, small scars;
  • comedones, subcutaneous pimples;
  • excessive oily skin;
  • uneven skin texture, compactions;
  • sagging, wrinkles;
  • dark spots, including freckles;
  • low skin tone;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Salicylic peeling using a paste with high concentration The active substance is also used to eliminate hyperkeratosis (keratinization) on the body - on the hands, elbows, knees.

Among contraindications for facial peeling:

You should not perform a peeling session before sun exposure. The best option- do this cosmetic procedure in winter or autumn.

How is a salicylic peeling session performed?

14 days before the session, you should avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse and stop sunbathing. You should also not do home or professional exfoliation using other methods.

Directly from a specialist, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of makeup, after which the epidermis is softened using special means. This way, the peeling procedure will be more effective due to better penetration of the acid into the deep layers of the epidermis. At the next stage, the face is disinfected to prevent infection of the skin. Then apply to the surface of the skin active solution acids. After the required time has passed, the peeling components are washed off with water or treated with special neutralizers.

As a rule, to complete the procedure, the master performs post-peeling care: applies soothing and moisturizing masks or creams. Good specialist He will definitely explain the rules for further facial care at home and give recommendations for subsequent peeling sessions. The fact is that acne treatment and excessive fat content skin requires 5-7 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks, and for hyperkeratosis and pigmentation, up to 10 salicylic peeling procedures may be required.

Results and skin care after the procedure

Even after the first session, the appearance of your face will noticeably improve: it will become younger, fresher and smoother. The processes of cellular respiration and renewal are optimized, skin oiliness and the phenomena of acne and inflammation are reduced. But, since the skin that has received chemical burn, requires special attention, you should ensure proper home care after salicylic peeling.

Immediately after the session, you should cleanse the skin with special lotions and apply moisturizer twice a day. After a couple of days, the cells will begin to peel off intensively, and during this period you need to carefully protect your face from exposure to photoradiation. Under no circumstances should you “help” the crusts to detach: this way you can get scratches and inflammation of the skin. Perfect option- use daily nourishing masks from a special post-peeling care program that will help your face quickly gain a fresh and renewed look.

Possible side effects

During the session, the patient feels a slight burning sensation, tingling, which is absolutely normal. skin reaction. After the procedure may concern:

  • dryness, tightness of the face;
  • skin irritation and peeling;
  • swelling and redness (typical for people with acne);
  • exacerbation of viral skin diseases, allergies.

Usually, everything unpleasant phenomena disappear on their own within a week after the session. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

Is it possible to do salicylic peeling at home?

Now many manufacturers produce cosmetics that will help you perform salicylic peeling at home. The instructions for the drug describe in detail all stages of the procedure.

Such cosmetic products have less pronounced results, but have a minimum side effects and are allowed to more frequent use. This occurs due to low percentage salicylic acid in a solution that works gently and accurately.

Typically, in such products, salicylic acid is combined with other acids that are widely used in cosmetology - glycolic, lactic, fruit, etc. As a rule, the preparations also contain moisturizing, regenerating, and nutritional components.

Skin care after home peeling should be based on all the principles that are typical for salon procedure. If all stages of peeling are performed correctly, your skin will delight you with freshness and youth, which will more than repay all your efforts!

Salicylic peeling is a skin regeneration procedure. The effect of salicylic acid belongs to the category of chemical peels with a superficial-medium effect. Removing the stratum corneum of the skin activates the formation of collagen and elastin. This promotes new cell growth and rejuvenation.

Properties of salicylic acid

The substance is known for its bactericidal effect. It manifests itself as a result of cauterization. As part of solutions, the acid can be used externally as an antipyretic for high temperature bodies. As an analgesic substance, in microdoses it is part of some synthetic drugs for internal use.

In cosmetology, its property of dissolving the stratum corneum is used. Salicylic acid is an antiseptic and disinfectant and acts as an antimicrobial, locally irritating substance. Included in ointments and creams for treatment dermatological diseases. Used in the production of powders, callus plasters and liquids.

Main results of application medicinal compositions with acid:

  • Drying of the skin. Used for spot cauterization of acne;
  • Elimination of comedones. Black dots dissolve or become discolored;
  • Removing acne spots. At local influence, the acid penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and activates blood circulation and tissue regeneration;
  • Prevention of acne. Used in lotions and gels for daily care;
  • Production regulation sebum. External use reduces oiliness and cleanses pores;
  • Skin rejuvenation. Used in dry cleaning products that renew surface layer.

For results, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist before starting the procedure, find out your skin type, possible reactions, methods of care. Also know how to maintain the achieved results.

Who benefits from salicylic facial peeling?

The procedure can be performed at any age. For adolescents it is usually prescribed in medicinal purposes. External changes are expressed in a decrease in pigmentation, reduction of scars, narrowing of pores, smoothing of skin texture.

Salicylic peeling has the following indications:

  • Acne (grade 1,2);
  • Inflammation, black spots;
  • Consequences of acne;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Rough skin on knees or elbows;
  • Lumpiness or first signs of aging;
  • Porosity;
  • Hyperkeratosis.

It is not recommended to use salicylic peeling:

  • Herpes;
  • Allergies;
  • Intolerance to components;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Fresh tan;
  • Skin damage;
  • Somatic diseases;

In beauty salons, several components are included in the cleaning composition. Interacting, they work comprehensively and show significant results. It is safe, but the effect is correspondingly less pronounced.

Types of peeling

For oily skin, superficial peeling is used with a 15% solution. It copes with skin defects. Mid-superficial peeling is carried out using a 25% solution. It is necessary for more serious problems with the skin and promotes smoothing, renewal of the skin, and elimination of scars.

How to prepare for peeling

Two weeks before cleaning, cosmetologists recommend starting preparation. It consists of excluding trips to the solarium, sauna, and swimming pool. Also limit sun exposure and use of scrubs. To combat pigmentation, the preparatory course includes bleaching agents. Against sagging - compositions with a lifting effect, such as coral peeling. Creams that soften the epidermis help a lot.

There is no need to change your diet or rhythm of life much. New diets or foods that are unusual for the body may trigger allergic reactions or inflammatory processes on the face. Other cosmetic procedures should also be postponed.

Advantages of salicylic peeling procedure

Ease. The cleaning procedure is not difficult if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

Efficiency. Eliminates rashes, blackheads, and other skin defects. Peeling is also a means to combat the signs of skin aging.
Safety. Salicylic peeling is a non-toxic procedure. Cleaning does not affect deep layers. Resolution is minimal.

Versatility. Cleansing can be used for different areas of the body for patients of different ages.

How to make a peeling solution

You can buy the solution at the pharmacy or make it yourself:

  1. Gentle peeling recipe: regular tablet Grind aspirin and mix with a small amount of fatty face cream (7 ml). You need to keep the solution on your face for an hour. This recipe is for dry skin;
  2. Another recipe option for oily skin: dissolve an aspirin tablet in water (15 ml), add a little soda, natural honey(5 ml). Mix well and apply to skin. You can keep this mixture on your face for only five minutes so as not to damage it. Honey can be replaced olive oil or aloe juice.

You can also try egg yolks. If you have very problematic skin, it will be better to use two tablets. This will make the mass more homogeneous, and you can easily apply it evenly to your face. Peeling should be applied in a circular motion. Do not apply the solution to sensitive skin lips and around the eyes.

Choose home or salon peeling

It would be better to visit a salon. The salicylic peeling procedure traumatizes the skin, although not deeply, so you need to comply with all hygiene and safety requirements. If you carry out the procedure at home, you should not undertake it without consulting a cosmetologist.

Carefully read all instructions for the creams and solutions you will use. Although this is simple procedure, it’s still better to pay a little more and have it done by a cosmetologist. It is worth knowing that a procedure carried out at home will not give the same effect as a salon cleaning performed by a cosmetologist.

Salon peeling

As preparation, the skin is treated with a solution to remove makeup and oil. The essence of the procedure itself is to apply a salicylic mixture to the skin. Sometimes 2-3 layers are required. Of course, only a doctor can determine the strength of the effect based on the condition of the skin.

Salicylic facial peeling splits and loosens the surface layer. This promotes its natural removal. Acid, penetrating into deep layers, actively affects hair follicles, launching cell regeneration processes. After the drug dries, a white coating forms on the face.

It is removed with a neutralizing composition, which prepares the skin for a new stage - nutrition. Various masks, creams, gels saturate the cells nutrients, moisturize and accelerate the formation of a new young layer. During the renewal process, new collagen and elastin fibers begin to be actively produced. The tissue frame of the face is strengthened, the skin is renewed and becomes elastic and fresh.

Salicylic peeling uses a 15-20% concentration. It is suitable for young or oily skin. This solution is effective for comedones or acne. Mid-superficial peeling is carried out with a 30% composition. It is relevant for leveling the relief and combating facial wrinkles.

One session lasts about 3-10 minutes. During it, compositions are applied to the face. Popular drugs from the companies Martinex, Mediderma, Beautymed.

Acid cleaning at home

For home use It is better to use ready-made solutions from well-known cosmetic companies. They are sold in pharmacies or beauty salons. To prepare the mixture yourself, it is recommended to study the action very carefully individual components, consult with a specialist and test ready solution on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body.

Salicylic peeling consists of:

  • Preparation. Gather your hair under a cap. It is better to wear clothes with a deep neckline for comfortable washing;
  • Cleansing. It is necessary to remove makeup and wash your face using products deep cleansing skin. Dry your face with a cloth;
  • Application of the solution. The salicylic mixture is applied to the face with a cotton pad or applicator brush. After drying, after about 3-5 minutes, a layer of neutralizing solution is applied;
  • Washing. The face should be washed with cold running water. Do not use warm or hot water to avoid burns;
  • Nutrition. Apply nourishing cream with light pats.

A full course usually consists of 4-6 procedures. They are carried out at intervals of 2 weeks. It is worth recording the results by photographing the problem area before the peeling and after each stage.

For cleaning at home, there are very convenient complexes with a set of products. For example, EnerPeel SA offers wet wipes impregnated with lotions for cleansing and neutralization in addition to the main composition.

Careful care

Salicylic peels may cause redness and flaking. These are common occurrences that should not be surprising. After a few days, active exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin begins. You cannot tear off or remove the scales. Rejection should happen naturally.

The recovery period usually lasts one week. Salicylic peels can sometimes contribute to signs of side effects:

  • Dryness and tightness;
  • Irritation;
  • Peeling;
  • Slight swelling;
  • Redness;
  • Allergy.

It is not recommended to use decorative products until peeling is complete. cosmetics. You should not attend procedures with an aggressive effect on the skin. Swimming pools with chlorinated water and hot steam baths should not be planned in rehabilitation period. Before going outside, you must apply sunscreen.

For washing, use milk and micellar water. Moisturizing lotions with antioxidants have proven themselves well. At home, you can use caring masks using folk remedies with herbal ingredients.

Salicylic peeling can be classified as universal means body care. It can be used for peeling feet, elbows, knees. Excellent for removing corns and the effects of calluses. It is necessary to carry out several sessions and additionally apply moisturizing and nourishing products. To obtain a significant rejuvenation effect, it is advisable not to stop at using external procedures and products. It is necessary to lead healthy image life, exercise and eat right.

Salicylic facial peeling has proven itself with great success as a simple and effective procedure for rejuvenation, restoration and regeneration of the skin. This cosmetic procedure can be carried out today even independently at home - for salicylic peeling it is not necessary to just visit specialists in a beauty salon.

Salicylic peeling will help a woman significantly rejuvenate her skin, without plastic surgery. This product is considered one of the most effective types of chemical, superficial-medium peeling, since peeling with salicylic acid allows you to simultaneously exfoliate more than one layer of keratinized cells, thereby activating the synthesis of elastin and collagen. New cell growth is observed, resulting in noticeable rejuvenation of the skin.

Salicylic acid is successfully used on the skin for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. It has an antiseptic, keratolytic, anti-inflammatory, exfoliating and irritating effect, due to which it is included in many solutions and ointments for the treatment of skin and inflammatory diseases(for example, in the treatment of acne, corns, blackheads, blackheads and comedones), including in galmanin powder, Lassar paste, callus patch, callus liquid.

This substance can perfectly “retain” the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands.

Salicylic acid has been used for a long time against acne - it is simple, cheap, but very effective remedy. It is also used to lighten spots, dissolve sebum, and regenerate cells.

Beneficial properties of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has the following beneficial properties, How:

  • can dry out the skin (therefore, great for spot application for acne);
  • remove spots (post-acne) after acne (acid can penetrate deeply into the skin, activate blood flow to the pimple, and therefore cause tissue renewal, as a result of which the spots disappear);
  • kill bacteria that cause acne;
  • regulate the formation of sebum, thereby reducing the oiliness of the skin, as a result, the pores will become much less clogged;
  • remove blackheads (comedones) - dissolve or discolor them.

Salicylic peeling as a procedure

Facial peeling with salicylic acid is a targeted application of “burns” to the upper layers of the skin with further exfoliation.

Peeling with salicylic acid

The effectiveness of salicylic peeling

Thanks to this procedure, you can very deeply clean and disinfect the integument, even out the complexion and skin texture, and reduce the likelihood of new skin rashes, remove blackheads (comedones), effectively remove traces and scars remaining after acne has disappeared, and normalize the oiliness of the integument.

In addition, you can easily smooth out small wrinkles and tighten the skin, increasing its tone. The face will look noticeably younger, fitter, fresher, and age spots will also disappear.

Indications for salicylic peeling

A woman will be advised to sign up for salicylic facial peeling in the following cases:

  • post-acne (spots and scars remaining after acne);
  • strong pigmentation and the presence of age spots (including age spots);
  • acne of the first and second degree;
  • black dots;
  • photoaging;
  • problematic, porous and oily skin prone to acne;
  • solar hyperkeratosis;
  • aging, problematic, loose, aging skin, prone to acne;
  • rough patches of skin on the elbows, knees, back side palms;
  • seborrhea.

Contraindications for salicylic peeling

Salicylic peeling has its own contraindications, which every woman who decides to undergo such a procedure needs to know about, in particular:

  • period breastfeeding baby;
  • the appearance of herpetic rashes on the skin;
  • allergies and individual intolerance to the components included in the peeling;
  • use of hypoglycemic drugs;
  • acute form of herpes;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of injuries and wounds on the skin - cuts, scratches, wounds, abrasions;
  • rosacea

Types of salicylic peeling

Features of salicylic peeling

This procedure is typical for mid-superficial and chemical peels. For this cosmetic procedure, it is typical not to scrape off dead cells, but, on the contrary, to dissolve them.

The technique allows for a delicate, gentle effect on the skin, so it does not become irritated. This automatically makes this cosmetic procedure universal - it is well suited for women of any age and with any type of skin.

In the salon or at home?

Today, to undergo this procedure, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon to see a specialist. You can purchase special cosmetics (they come with instructions with detailed description progress of work) and do a session for yourself at home.

Perhaps the effect of such a procedure will not be as maximum as after visiting a salon, but possible side effects (redness, dry skin, tightness) are practically excluded. This is explained by the fact that in purchased funds a small percentage of acid, therefore, the solution has a fairly gentle and mild effect.

Also often included are lactic, glycolic and fruit acids.

The disadvantages of home procedures include the lack of anti-aging - a session performed on your own will not have such an effect, although it will improve oily skin.

The whole principle of a session at home is similar to that in a salon. The solution should be kept on the skin for no more than five minutes to neutralize it; it is good to make a soothing compress based on cold brewed green tea (as an option, an infusion from a series).

During next day It is not advisable to touch your face with your hands; it is forbidden to be under the sun. Helping epithelial particles peel off is also prohibited. This is a natural reaction of the body, like redness, to peeling, therefore, peeling is temporary.

Salicylic peeling procedure

Preparation for the procedure

The preparatory stage is cleansing the skin. It should be low fat. Its acidity level should return to normal.

Skin cleansing procedure

The salicylic acid-based peeling procedure itself goes like this: a salicylic acid solution is evenly distributed over all affected areas and left on the face. The duration of the “working” of the solution may vary - this is determined individually.

The process is also influenced by the concentration of the acid itself in the solution. After this, the specialist must neutralize the solution and lubricate the facial skin with either a special serum or a cream with a restorative, soothing effect (this is called post-peeling care). As an option, apply a nourishing mask to your face.

Session duration and number of procedures

One session, on average, lasts up to forty minutes. The cosmetologist prescribes the number of sessions a woman needs to undergo individually - this will depend on general condition the patient’s skin, on the characteristics of her type, on the problematic issues that the woman wants to solve through the procedure, on the desired result.

On average, a course consists of ten procedures. A cosmetologist may prescribe a woman to undergo two or three similar courses to get the desired result.

Possible side effects

Sometimes after a session you can observe redness on the face. Within a week the skin will peel off - this natural process Therefore, it is prohibited to mechanically remove the formed “crusts” in areas exposed to acid.

While the rehabilitation period is taking place and the skin is actively peeling off, a woman needs:

  • forget about saunas, steam baths, solariums for a while;
  • do not visit swimming pools with chlorinated water;
  • avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
  • tie a scarf around your head, or put on a Panama hat or a wide-brimmed hat before going out;
  • use sunscreen and other care products.

Also, the skin needs to be constantly cleansed with lotion and moisturizer applied to it. It’s great if a woman can make homemade masks every day to nourish the skin (they are included in post-peeling care programs) - this will help the face quickly become more youthful, refreshed and renewed.

The most best time for such procedures it is winter and autumn period when the sun is not so active.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after the action of salicylic acid lasts one week. During this time, you may experience side effects such as:

  • tightness and dryness of the skin;
  • their peeling and active irritation;
  • swelling of the skin, its redness;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • period of exacerbation of viral skin diseases.

The salicylic peeling procedure helps the skin noticeably become much younger and smoother. After the sessions, the relief of the skin and complexion are surprisingly evened out, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is stabilized.

What is salicylic facial peeling: video

Salicylic facial peeling has proven itself with great success. You can see how to do this procedure correctly in the video we prepared.

The expression “knowledge is power” has been known for a very long time, but when applied to cosmetology, unfortunately, it becomes far from so obvious. And the point here is not so much high cost modern ultra-effective procedures (after all, if the result is worth the money spent, the material factor fades into the background), how much is involved in the problem of choosing the one that is right for you. Another problem for women who do not want to put up with their “passport” age is the craze for home-made cosmetology. Great amount Articles on the Internet are full of advice and “proven” recommendations on how to make a mask, massage or facial skin tightening at home. And “it doesn’t matter” that after such abuse many women end up in a hospital bed. Chemical salicylic peeling, which has become very popular in the last few decades, is the best confirmation of this.

It provides excellent cosmetic effect(acne and pimples go away for a very, very long time), but it should only be done in a salon. No one disputes that you can find the reagents and medications necessary for such a procedure in the pharmacy. Maybe even scroll through yours medical card and try to take everything into account possible contraindications. But in order to provide normal care to your facial skin after a session, you need knowledge, not reviews from those who took the risk of undergoing treatment at home and miraculously avoided side effects. Appropriate qualifications will also be required in order to determine the required intensity of procedures in your case (note, the effect will only be when the course is calculated correctly), the sequence of actions and, in the end, adequately take into account the existing medical indications. It seems to us that the answer to all these questions is worthy of a separate detailed discussion.

Salicylic (or phenolic) acid is colorless crystals, poorly soluble in water, but actively reacts with ethanol or organic solvents. This substance was first isolated from willow bark by the Italian scientist Rafael Piria. He was able to synthesize it artificially.

Salicylic peeling: what is it?

Without going into things that are of little interest to ordinary person subtleties, then this is, in fact, chemical method deep cleansing of facial skin. It is based on the exceptional properties of Salicylic acid, which belongs to the group of isomeric hydroxybenzoic acids. For a long time after its discovery, this substance was obtained exclusively naturally(from willow bark or some ornamental shrubs), but nowadays they most often resort to the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction ( carbon dioxide and sodium phenolate are combined in autoclaves at 180 degrees Celsius).

Cosmetic effect

  • causes active peeling of the skin around the hair follicle;
  • significantly slows down the formation of comedones;
  • has a positive effect on the structure of the epidermis (pimples and blackheads either disappear completely or become less noticeable);
  • returns the skin to its natural color;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • exhibits powerful antiseptic, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • helps narrow pores;
  • goes well with other cosmetic procedures (in particular, with milk and glycolic peels or mechanical facial cleansing);
  • has a positive effect on oily and mature skin with pronounced signs bio- and photoaging);
  • effective and safe for health cleaning of the epidermis from dead cells (exfoliation);
  • binding of microbial proteins.

Despite the fact that salicylic acid is available in pharmacies without a prescription, it is highly not recommended to use it at home for medical purposes before consulting a doctor: the effect may be unpredictable.

Salicylic peeling effect: features

  • The concentration of Salicylic acid is a purely individual criterion. So, for acne, as well as oily and problem skin, its concentration should be in the range of 15-20%, and the pH of the solution should be less than 3.2 and more than 2. If the main task of a cosmetologist is to smooth out the skin texture and fight post-cane, then the recommended the parameters are slightly different (concentration - from 25 to 30%, pH - 1.3-3).
  • Salicylic acid in pure form applies only if there are appropriate medical indications for this. From of this rule, of course, there are exceptions, but only a doctor should decide such issues based on the results of a comprehensive examination. In SPA salons, Salicylic acid is most often “softened” with various fruit acids.

Approximate application diagram

Salicylic peels can be used in different ways. Therefore, the result in each specific case will be different. The standard treatment regimen is as follows:

  • face, décolleté and neck: a course of 5-7 procedures with a pause between each of 7-14 days;
  • hand skin: from 3 to 5 sessions with an interval of 30 days.

If peeling with salicylic acid is designed to get rid of specific pathology skin, the recommended scheme may look like this:

  • Salicylic peeling can be twofold. For facial skin, the active ingredient is usually used in liquid form, while care for elbows, knees and palms requires the use of a paste.
  • Salicylic acid does not combine with some active ingredients used in pharmacology (zinc oxide, resorcinol).


I would like to clarify right away: the list of problems given below should not be taken as the ultimate truth. But it's even worse to ignore potential contraindications in the careless confidence that you will be “blown away” (salicylic peeling does not forgive such carelessness, punishing irresponsibility very harshly).

  • individual intolerance to one of the components used;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute or chronic inflammatory process;
  • large areas of tanning or burns at the intended treatment site;
  • any violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • herpes in acute stage;
  • systematic use of glycemic drugs;
  • increased skin sensitivity.

Salicylic peeling at home deserves special mention. If you don’t go into details again, you will have to recognize this procedure as an obvious “contraindication.” But many women, after reading dubious articles and talking with the pharmacist at the pharmacy, for some reason decide that the safety rules were written for someone else. The result of such self-confidence is sad and natural (choose what you “like” more: the list is given in the next section).

Side effects

  • acute allergic reaction(it’s almost impossible to crop it at home!);
  • inflammation of the skin in the treatment areas with the formation of persistent swelling ( proper care in this case they will not be able to provide even in the salon);
  • exacerbation of herpes or hidden chronic diseases;
  • severe dehydration of the body, causing excessive skin tightness;
  • chemical burn (the effect occurs due to non-compliance with the required concentration of salicylic acid);
  • severe peeling of the skin (only a doctor can write a prescription for medication).

Acne can be quickly removed by treating your face with a 2% salicylic acid solution. But you must understand that this method belongs to the emergency category (when a decent appearance you need it “for yesterday”) and is not recommended for daily use.

Stages of the procedure

In a salon that values ​​its reputation, you don’t have to worry about the safest procedure. But it is necessary to understand why certain activities (both preparatory and final) are necessary, at least for reasons of general safety. After all, “correct” salicylic peeling is a complex, multi-stage process that requires not only experience, but also the appropriate material base.

Preparatory stage

  • 2 weeks before the start of the course, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sun rays(the above applies equally to visiting a solarium).
  • Ask the salon what products they use to exfoliate the skin (the use of scrubs or gommages is highly not recommended).
  • Look online for reviews from clients who have already done salicylic peeling: this is, of course, not the most reliable source of information, but you can get an idea of ​​the possible quality of the services provided).

Basic procedure

  • Complete removal of even minor traces of makeup. Signature recipe Each specialist has his own and we highly recommend not giving him advice on his choice.
  • Application to the intended treatment area special staff, designed to soften upper layer skin and make it as receptive as possible for the procedure.
  • Degreasing the upper layer of the epidermis. This does not affect the procedure itself, but the risk of side effects is significantly reduced.
  • Application of the base composition. As we have already found out, depending on the choice of treatment area, salicylic acid can be used in the form of a paste or solution. During the procedure, a slight burning sensation or slight tingling but if you start to feel severe discomfort or pain, the session should be stopped immediately and qualified help should be sought.
  • Removing the spent mixture. For this, purified water is most often used, although some formulations should be mixed mandatory pre-neutralize with special preparations.
  • Applying an anti-inflammatory and soothing cream (for example, with aloe extract). Beauty salons offer clients an additional restorative mask, but this procedure is optional rather than mandatory. The specific recipe in this case does not play a special role, because benefits for the skin will be provided in any case.

How often can you do salicylic peeling? We have already answered this question in the section “ Approximate diagram application": the interval between procedures should be from one to two weeks. But experts say that in this case it is more appropriate to use the phrase “no less.” After all, salicylic peeling (like any other) is a fairly noticeable load on the skin, which in not all cases can recover within this period.

One salicylic peeling session in a salon costs from 1.5 to 6 thousand rubles. The amount seems to be insignificant. But if you consider the cost necessary medications and medicines (from 7 to 15 thousand rubles), reasons to name similar procedure the budget will be significantly less.

Skin care after salicylic peeling

  • Use special means skin care (they are in the line of every self-respecting manufacturer);
  • Avoid prolonged contact with direct sunlight, or even better, do not go outside during daylight hours for several days;
  • Ask your doctor to choose a good sunscreen (if possible, based on natural ingredients);
  • Chemical peeling with salicylic acid is an effective procedure, but very traumatic: after it, many crusts form on the skin, which are strictly not recommended to be torn off or scratched off.

Review from a cosmetologist

The effect of salicylic peeling (if, of course, everything is done according to the rules) is truly wonderful, but you must understand that this procedure is by no means as harmless as it seems. And this, please note, even if it is done in a salon.
Therefore, qualified facial skin care after peeling should be mandatory, not optional. It is also highly advisable to take into account all possible contraindications, but focus not on rumors and speculation like “there will definitely be acne after it,” but on verified and reliable information.

Such is the nature of a woman that she always strives to look younger than her age. Aging is perhaps what scares her the most. Knowing this, methods have been developed to help keep the skin fresh and youthful for a long time. These include peeling. This cosmetic procedure has now become very popular in beauty salons. It is made in order to get rid of keratinized cells of the upper layer of the epidermis; it can be natural or chemical. Let's take a detailed look at how the procedure is carried out, what results you can expect after salicylic peeling, and whether there are any contraindications for such an effect on the skin.

What is salicylic peeling?

As is clear from the name, salicylic peeling- This is cleaning the skin through exposure to acid. It comes in two types - paste and acid. The paste is most often used to soften hard skin on the knees and elbows, and to care for the body and hands. Facial cleansing is usually done with acid. The good thing about this type of cleaning is that it doesn’t hurt. skin covering, but on the contrary has an anti-inflammatory effect on it, antiseptic effect and leads to normal mode the work of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to do such facial cleansing only in specialized salons!

What is the essence of this procedure? Salicylic acid, which is used during this cosmetic procedure, upon penetration into the layers of the epidermis, it begins its action - it dissolves old cells that have served their age, thereby stimulating their renewal. Thanks to this effect, the production of collagen and elastin is enhanced, which makes it smoother and more elastic. In addition, it is also an excellent antiseptic that relieves existing inflammation and prevents infection. Due to the fact that this acid does not penetrate too deeply, the post-peeling period, which is usually characterized by redness or severe peeling, is more gentle.

There are two types of salicylic peeling: superficial, which uses a 15% solution of salicylic acid, which helps improve skin color, its structure, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and remove minor defects, such as age spots. and mid-superficial. In the second case, a 30% acid solution is used. When performing mid-superficial peeling, it is possible to easily smooth out the skin texture, since it is deeper.

So, if you decide to take the course, then you may be wondering how the procedure itself goes:

1. First, the cosmetologist prepares the skin for peeling. To do this, he lubricates it with a special cleansing and softening milk.

2. At the second stage, a special solution is applied, which is designed to degrease it. At the same time he serves and good antiseptic. Thanks to this, further exposure to the surface layer of the epidermis will not lead to side effects or reduce them to a minimum.

3. The third stage is applying a solution or paste with salicylic acid, which may include other additives - lactic and fruit acids. The composition is applied gradually. After treatment, a slight tingling or slight burning sensation is usually felt. On final stage neutralizing gel is applied. He calms her down and serves protective barrier from external irritants.

Who benefits from salicylic acid peeling?

Cosmetologists recommend it to everyone, but there are categories of people who urgently need such a procedure to eliminate defects on their face. For those with overly oily skin with enlarged pores. Salicylic peeling will perfectly cope with this problem - it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the appearance of blackheads and closed comedones. For guys and girls prone to acne. Thanks to the effect of salicylic acid solution, acne of the first and second severity can be treated. Peeling with salicylic acid is recommended for those who have scars and areas of inflammation after acne treatment. Women over forty whose skin has begun to show signs of aging, as well as those who have age spots on their bodies.

Despite the very delicate action, the procedure also has contraindications. Let's look at them.

  • Any infection in the acute stage, be it ARVI or herpes.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin - the presence of scratches, abrasions, irritation, rashes of any nature or burns.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Intolerance to any of the components included in the solution or paste.

Recovery period:

1. The next eight days after the procedure are the time necessary for the skin recovery. During this period, you should refrain from visiting the solarium and sauna. When going outside, be sure to apply sunscreen to avoid pigmentation.

2. Slight redness and peeling after the procedure are considered normal; you should not pay attention to these temporary defects. Cosmetologists advise not to mechanically remove exfoliated skin fragments, but only to lubricate it with a moisturizer. In about a week, the skin will return to normal, become even and smooth, and acquire a pleasant shade.

3. How many procedures need to be done to improve the condition? It all depends on how big the problem is. For example, in case of defeat acne, at least ten procedures are required - this is full course. It is advisable to carry out two more courses of salicylic peeling treatment within a year.

4. Salicylic peeling is not cheap. The cost of one session will cost you at least two thousand rubles. Depending on the condition of the skin, one course can consist of up to ten procedures. Total maximum price treatment will be about 20,000 rubles. Although, perhaps one session will be enough for you. But considering that it is impossible to carry out chemical cleaning often, this is not that much money.

Having tried the effectiveness of salicylic peeling, thousands of women and men became its loyal fans, because thanks to it, the skin regains youth, freshness and beauty.



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