How to get rid of closed and open comedones on the face. Review of effective treatments

Almost every person, even those who do not suffer from skin problems, knows what blackheads are. Some even fight them quite successfully: open comedones in the form of a greasy dark rod are removed mechanically without much effort. But few people know how to deal with another type of comedones. If you try to squeeze out closed comedones, they will not come to the surface of the skin, but will become inflamed, sometimes forming huge red pimples with a white tip.

Popularly, this type of rash is called millet rash, since visually they resemble millet grain. Dermatologists call them milia.

What reasons cause their appearance on seemingly clean facial skin? Closed comedones are formed due to the accumulation of excess secretion in the sebaceous glands. From there they cannot penetrate the pore and that is why small whitish nodules form under a thin layer of skin.

It is not known for certain what reasons cause their occurrence, however, one of the main factors in their appearance is oily or dry skin and improper care for it, as well as cosmetics that cause the appearance of comedones.

So what cosmetic and therapeutic products are best suited for skin prone to milia.

How to eliminate millet?

The most important condition for clear skin is proper daily cleansing using special products. The procedure can be carried out using foam twice a day. The product is applied with massaging movements to damp skin until small bubbles form, and then washed off with a sponge. Foam removes dead cells, grease and dirt well.

To keep your skin clean and healthy, you need to wash off your makeup every night. If you leave it on your face, the pores will become clogged, the natural secretion of the skin will be disrupted, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of acne or comedones.

For daily use, experts recommend Differen or Skinoren, since these drugs are considered the best in their class in the fight against closed comedones. The main essence of the treatment of millet grass is the thinning and dissolution of the skin, which prevents the secretion from escaping.

  • Skinoren contains azelaic acid, which slows down the growth of epithelial cells, their necrosis and keratinization.
  • Differin works in a similar way, but in addition it gently removes the top layers of skin and promotes lysis.

You should not expect an immediate effect from the use of these drugs. Only after three months of continuous use of these products, the skin begins to thin, the pores open, and the white plugs come out.

To keep your skin looking beautiful, you should exfoliate weekly with products containing fruit acids (BHA and AHA) and use a scrub. It should be remembered that it is strictly not recommended to exfoliate with a scrub and peel on the same day. This may cause skin irritation.

Masks with clay and badyaga have also proven themselves to be effective in the fight against milia. These cosmetics should be used once a week if peeling or scrub is also used with them, and four times if there are no other effects on the skin.

A radical way to eliminate millet grains

Not everyone is able to wait such a long time to remove these unpleasant rashes from their face. Therefore, many people are probably interested in the question: “How to remove closed comedones in a short period of time?” The safest way is a visit to a cosmetologist. He will remove the millet by puncturing the cuticle.

However, not everyone likes going to beauty salons. Why spend money if you can carry out simple manipulations at home.

Mechanical skin cleansing

The procedure for cleansing the face is simple, but you should strictly observe the sterility of the instrument and monitor the cleanliness of the room and hands.

Skin cleansing includes the following steps:

  1. Cleansing the face using a special gel for washing;
  2. Steaming the skin over a hot decoction of plantain, calendula or chamomile herbs. These plants have an anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the likelihood of irritation and new rashes on the epithelium;
  3. Washing hands, treating them with alcohol;
  4. Disinfection of a thin needle. To do this, it must be heated over a fire and wiped with alcohol;
  5. Carefully pierce the cuticle with a needle. The needle should be held parallel to the skin;
  6. The millet must be squeezed out carefully along with the shell until a drop of blood appears;
  7. Cauterize the wound with alcohol;

Mechanical facial cleansing helps get rid of isolated skin rashes. If there are a large number of blemishes on the face, then other methods must be used to remove them.

It should be remembered that if an infection occurs at one of the stages of removing the grass, the small comedon will become inflamed and become a boil or purulent acne, which will leave behind a scar or spot on the skin.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact a specialist who will clean your face quickly and accurately.

Masks for comedones

Apply such masks for fourteen minutes on previously washed skin, after the time has elapsed, wash off with warm water.

Skin care should be done daily. If you skip procedures, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

How to remove heavy rashes

In a situation where the face is abundantly covered with comedones, it is best to use a procedure such as slow peeling. There are a number of ways: using salicylic or mercury ointment, as well as bodyagi.

  • It is recommended to opt for badyaga, since it practically does not cause allergic reactions.
  • The slow peeling procedure is not at all difficult to do at home. For this you will need: two cups, napkins, non-cotton swabs, a tray.
  • Before the procedure, the hair is tucked under a headscarf, the neck is wrapped in gauze, and the shoulders are covered with a peignoir.
  • The face is thoroughly steamed. This procedure will help the pores open.
  • After steaming, the face is treated with a soap solution.
  • Then you need to make a mask. To do this, you will need 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is poured into a container with badyagi powder. The result should be a foamy paste. Then hydrogen peroxide in the amount of two spoons is poured into another container.
  • The paste is applied to the affected areas of the skin.
  • Leave it to dry completely until it acquires a grayish tint.
  • Then the mask is moistened with peroxide from the second container. Such manipulations should be repeated repeatedly for nineteen minutes. The skin will feel a burning and tingling sensation. No worries. This indicates that the peeling process is proceeding in the desired manner.
  • After the procedure, the face will be red. To remove inflammation, you need to sprinkle the skin with talcum powder. It is forbidden to sunbathe or use creams until the skin color is completely restored.

Contraindications to the use of badyagi

This procedure should not be used by women who have ever had dermatitis, eczema or herpes.

If bubbles form on the skin after peeling, immediately treat them with white streptocide powder. Peeling procedures cannot be used in the future.

In all other cases, this method is the best way to combat millet grass.

How to forget about millet grains once and for all?

The main condition is to prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands. This is only feasible if a person limits the consumption of fried, fatty, sweet and flour foods, and consumes more black bread, lean meat, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Undoubtedly, any cosmetologist can easily remove acne, but is it worth it to neglect your face that much? After all, it’s easier to do with prevention. For example, a mask made of white paraffin can improve the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, soften sebaceous plugs, remove fine wrinkles and single acne, and relieve swelling.

If your skin is prone to acne and pimples, then you need to constantly take care of it: cleanse, protect from harmful influences, disinfect, moisturize. This is the only way to prevent the appearance of rashes. With proper care, your skin will delight you with its ideal even tone, velvety and healthy glow.

Comedones are one of the types of acne (acne), in which a mixture of dead cells and microorganisms forms under the skin.

Despite the fact that comedones can often remain invisible outwardly, they can cause pain. And considering that such formations can reach five millimeters in diameter and spread throughout the body, it is undesirable to ignore such a problem.

Unlike open comedones in the form of blackheads, closed acne is white and can appear at any age. But most often such acne is typical for people aged 12-24 years.

Causes of closed comedones

The main reason for the appearance of closed comedones is various hormonal disorders, but doctors note a number of other factors:

  1. Improper skin care or complete neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in clogged skin pores.
  2. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. A genetic predisposition, as a result of which comedones can appear even in those who monitor their skin condition.
  4. In some cases, the cause may be the use of certain medications.
  5. In exceptional cases, the appearance of comedones may be influenced by environmental pollution. As a result, skin pores become clogged with particles of dust, dirt and various compounds, which leads to the appearance of closed comedones.
  6. In men, an excessive amount of testosterone in the body also leads to the appearance of comedones.

As a result of hormonal disorders, comedones often appear in pregnant women, even if all hygiene requirements are met. Endocrine diseases and gastrointestinal problems also increase the likelihood of the formation of such acne.


Closed comedones can be practically invisible in appearance; in addition, for several months and even years, these formations may not cause any pain or discomfort.

But often the following symptoms may indicate the onset of comedones:

  • change in facial skin color (the skin takes on a painful gray or greenish tint);
  • peeling;
  • roughening of the skin;
  • visually noticeable expansion of pores;
  • In women, cosmetics begin to stick poorly (due to increased fat content in the skin).

In advanced cases, closed comedones begin to become inflamed and redness is observed.

In such cases, self-medication, much less squeezing out acne, is not recommended, since such procedures result in noticeable scars, and it is also possible for a secondary infection to enter the comedone.

Methods of drug treatment

If there are several relatively small closed comedones that do not bother or cause discomfort, you can get by with just hygiene measures. It is enough to wash your face with soap twice a day and use lotions that do not contain alcohol for wiping.

But sometimes treatment requires application special means. They should be taken only after consultation with specialists, since these drugs, although effective, can also have a number of side effects.


This is the best option that allows you to eliminate comedones without the use of external agents.

The main disadvantage of antibiotics is their harmful effects on the immune system, since oral antibiotics disrupt the body's immune system. In most cases, two drugs are used to treat closed comedones:

A fairly effective antibiotic, but it has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, hypersensitivity to tetracycline drugs and severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

The cost of the drug varies in the range 340-350 rubles.


Cost of the drug - about 100 rubles, but it may not be effective in severe cases.

Special creams or lotions

Unlike antibiotics intended for internal use, creams for the treatment of comedones do not cause damage to the body, but the course of treatment in this case may last longer. The basis of such creams and gels is benzene peroxide.

Among the most popular creams is Zinerit, which effectively fights all types of acne, however, with prolonged use, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, since the bacteria that form comedones begin to “get used” to the active components of the cream.

The cost of such a product is about 500 rubles.

Many dermatologists recommend using Skinoren cream-gel, which can be used both for spot application (if there are not a lot of comedones) and for application to the entire surface of the skin. The main side effect of the drug is slight burning sensation.

The average cost is 600 rubles.

Adapalene cream

A more expensive product is Adapalene cream. This drug can be used in combination with other creams and lotions, and it effectively fights even severe forms of acne.

Price 760 rubles.

Among the lotions, experts highlight Holy Land lotion (cost - from 1400 rubles depending on the region).

This product is considered natural, since arnica and witch hazel extracts are used as its base.

The lotion is suitable for sensitive skin and not only quickly dissolves old closed comedones, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

But firstly, such a remedy does not give quick results: it must be used for at least a week twice a day. Secondly, if after a course of treatment you do not adhere to preventive measures, there is always the possibility of comedones reappearing.


The most common ointments are:


A relatively mild product that eliminates acne and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The only serious side effect is associated with individual intolerance.

Price 250 rubles.

In addition to treating comedones, the ointment prevents the appearance of new formations on the skin and generally makes the skin less oily. The product must be used carefully and in consultation with a doctor.

Price 700 rubles.

Allows you to quickly get rid of comedones (on average, the course of treatment is 2-3 days). Before use, you must ensure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Price up to 120 rubles.

The most inexpensive remedy among similar drugs, which also has virtually no side effects. But it is advisable to use such an ointment for the separate elimination of a small number of comedones.

Price 50 rubles.

Cosmetic procedures

In some cases, the use of medications alone does not eliminate comedones, and more effective radical methods are required. These are cosmetic procedures that have their advantages, but are also not without their disadvantages. Such procedures are prescribed individually.

Mechanical method

Technically, this is the simplest method that helps remove dead skin cells, dirt, plugs and comedones.

The most popular type of these procedures is icrocrystalline dermabrasion(microdermabrasion).

In this case, the top layer of skin is polished using a special vacuum suction device, which has attachments coated with diamond dust. In practice, this method can be called peeling, since in this case the top layer is removed (and with it the comedones), after which this layer of skin is completely renewed.

Depending on the number of comedones and their size, the microdermabrasion procedure can be one-time, or it can take place in several stages. The procedure is not very painful, but for people with thin skin it can cause discomfort, so in some cases local anesthesia is given before starting peeling.

The procedure involves cauterization of comedones with electric current, and this procedure is carried out only in beauty salons where special equipment is used.

During the electrocoagulation process, a thin film is formed on areas exposed to current, which peels off after about a week.

If the comedones are large enough and sit deep, barely noticeable light scars may remain on the face after the procedure.

Treatment with laser

This effective method allows you to achieve visible results after the first procedure, and thanks to the ability to adjust the depth of penetration, the specialist can work specifically with problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissue.

This procedure not only has no consequences in the form of scars or scars, but is also absolutely painless.

There are three types of such laser peeling:

  • Blue laser treatment (frequency 405-420 nm). This procedure destroys bacteria located deep in the skin and promotes the resorption of comedones.
  • Pulse laser. During treatment, bacteria are killed and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced. As a result of this decrease in the intensity of secretion, less sebum is produced, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, old comedones resolve, and the likelihood of new ones forming decreases.
  • Diode laser. Unlike the previous type, this procedure helps to completely stop the secretion of sebum. It is quite effective in the treatment of acne, when comedones form in large quantities over the entire surface of the face.


There are no special diets that help get rid of comedones.

Moreover, claims that avoiding sweets and fatty foods helps prevent acne are erroneous.

The main thing is to use the following products as the basis of nutrition during this period:

  • walnuts;
  • not salted mushrooms;
  • barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • boiled eggs;
  • steamed fish;
  • onion and garlic;
  • any legumes;
  • green tea;
  • chicory.

Folk remedies and recipes

Traditional medicine is not the best way to combat comedones, since the problem, at best, may remain at the same level. Sometimes such measures can only worsen the situation.

But doctors often themselves recommend some traditional medicine, so if desired, can be added to the course of treatment With such procedures, it is necessary to at least consult with a specialist who can tell you for sure whether this or that method will cause harm.

Really harmless (but not always effective) are scrubs.

One of them can be prepared like this: ground beans, ground oatmeal and coffee grounds are mixed in equal proportions (a teaspoon each). Half a teaspoon of fine salt is added to this composition. The thoroughly mixed composition is carefully applied to the skin, but not rubbed in. After a few minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

Or lemon juice, then mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face for about half an hour.


As with any other dermatological diseases, the main thing in preventing comedones is keeping skin clean. You need to wash your face twice a day, and use soap or special cleansing gels (regular soap can cause dry skin). Twice a week it is recommended to exfoliate dead skin using scrubs in specialized salons or at home.

Problem skin requires special care. So, it would be useful to use special antibacterial lotions based on natural ingredients (juniper, pine needles, chamomile, green tea). You can additionally use menthol and eucalyptus oils, as well as (but in small quantities), clove and cedar oil. These products reduce skin porosity, reduce inflammation and stimulate blood circulation.

It is also recommended to adhere to a healthy balanced nutrition and monitor your health in general, since the general condition of the body is almost always reflected on the face, and comedones can occur as external signs of some hidden illness.

Much depends on choosing the right cosmetics. In some cases, due to individual skin characteristics, certain types of cosmetics can cause acne.

Maintaining hygiene and keeping your face clean is the best way to prevent comedones. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the skin: on a well-groomed, clean face, the appearance of such acne is practically excluded.


Blackheads or comedones on the face haunt women. They irritate with their presence and spoil their appearance. They do not pose a danger to human health, but under certain circumstances they turn from a cosmetic problem into a medical one. After which serious complex treatment is required. Where do they come from? How to get rid of blackheads on your face?

Comedones are present on the surface of the entire skin. They are most visible in the face area. There are a huge number of sebaceous glands located here, and comedones are nothing more than clots of sebum with impurities and dense plugs. In normal condition, the skin breathes freely, sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands is excreted through the ducts, moisturizing the epidermis. In case of internal or external violations of this idyll, the channels of the sebaceous ducts become clogged, the substance accumulates inside, and black spots appear. The removal of sebum to the outside is disrupted. The black color is due to the presence of dirt that is mixed with sebum. This dirt is what causes blockage of the sebaceous ducts or pores.

Comedones differ in appearance. There are open and closed. Blackheads are open comedones with dirt inside. Closed comedones have a white base and look like a small pimple. Bacteria and infection are attached to the accumulated sebum substance. Blackheads appear in place of blackheads. The formations reach a large size - up to 5 mm in depth, become inflamed, and hurt when pressed. Comedones themselves are not dangerous to the skin, but the presence of acne contributes to the spread of infection throughout the face. In this case, getting rid of comedones is quite difficult.

Causes of blackheads

Most often, adolescents, pregnant women, and women during menopause suffer from the presence of comedones. If you manage to cope with the defect in the initial stages of manifestation - in adolescence, there will be no problems with acne in the future. Neglect is a sure sign of a repetition of the situation in adulthood. The reason for the formation of blackheads is clogging of pores, and external and internal factors contribute to this process.

  1. Improper hygiene

A common cause of comedones is improper skin care. This applies to both the lack of hygiene procedures and their abundance. During the day, a huge amount of pathogenic microorganisms, dirt, and dust accumulate on human skin. If all this is not removed in time, it will end up in the pores and form plugs. Excessive use of cosmetics also leads to the formation of blackheads. Due to the penetration of cosmetics into the pores. Decorative cosmetics and skin care products provoke this phenomenon.

  1. Genetic predisposition

This reason for the appearance of blackheads is the second most likely cause of occurrence. Genetic predisposition means the specific functioning of the entire organism as a whole. If parents, grandparents had problems with comedones, the current generation will also have them. The question is time.

  1. Problems with the sebaceous glands

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands may be associated with pathological processes in the epidermis and hormonal imbalance. Hormone imbalance manifests itself at a certain age and period - during puberty, menopause, pregnancy, lactation, menstruation. May occur as a result of diseases of the endocrine system, reproductive system, nervous system.

  1. Nervous stress, stressful situations

During times of stress, adrenaline levels increase. Promotes activation of the sebaceous glands, sweat production, and the appearance of acne. In addition, the central nervous system is involved in the formation of hormones. Problems in its functioning lead to other unwanted malfunctions, which affect the formation of blackheads.

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases

Problems in the functioning of the internal organs of the digestive system lead to a decrease in immunity, a decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms, and cause vitamin deficiency and slagging in the body. All this affects the condition of the skin, metabolism, and sebum production. Pimples and comedones appear.

  1. Medicines

Contraceptives disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. Antibiotics cause a decrease in immunity and problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Long-term use of any medications entails undesirable consequences. One of them is the appearance of blackheads.

Individuals predisposed to the formation of comedones:

  • with enlarged pores on the skin;
  • active production of sebum;
  • dry and flaky skin;
  • dull cover;
  • rough skin.

You can get rid of comedones at home and in beauty salons. At home they solve the problem, if it is not neglected, comedones appear periodically, the reasons for their formation are extremely clear. In severe cases, you will need the help of specialists, modern equipment, and the latest facial cleansing procedures.

Home methods for getting rid of comedones

The problem is so ancient that there are a huge number of ways to cleanse the skin. You can get rid of comedones using radical and gentle methods, but not so effective. Below are the most effective methods.

Mechanical facial cleansing from comedones at home

In fact, it is no different from those carried out by specialists in salons. The main task is to ensure sterility. It is carried out in several stages.

  1. Initially, you should cleanse your facial skin of impurities and cosmetic residues. Use lotion, foam for washing, cosmetic milk.
  2. Then you need to steam the skin. Hot water is poured into a basin, a decoction of medicinal herbs from chamomile, calendula, string, or a mixture of salt and soda is added. Cover your head with a towel. The procedure is carried out for 5-15 minutes. Such actions will relax the skin, enlarge the pores, and it will be easier to remove comedones.
  3. Treat your hands and face with alcohol to disinfect. Arm yourself with napkins. They need to be wound around the fingers that will be used to perform the extrusion procedure. You will have to change it often. One pair for each comedon. You can only squeeze out those pimples that respond well to it. It is forbidden to touch immature, inflamed ones. Let them ripen until next time.
  4. After the procedure, wipe your face again with alcohol, then rinse with cool water. This must be done so that the skin calms down and the pores narrow. Dry your face with a clean napkin. After 15 minutes, apply a nourishing, moisturizing cream.
  5. Try not to touch your face with your hands during the day.

The mechanical cleansing procedure allows you to quickly get rid of comedones, but is dangerous due to infection. If sterility rules are not followed, several pimples will appear from one pimple. The spread of infection threatens skin diseases.

Masks for comedones

The use of masks is based on the whitening effect, resorption of plugs, and extraction of pimple contents. There are several proven recipes.

Egg mask for comedones

The egg is used whole, separately. For oily skin types, it is recommended to use the white, and for dry skin, the yolk. The whole egg is suitable for all skin types. Protein mask recipe! Beat until foamy. Using a brush, apply to the skin of the face, in the area where comedones are located. Wait 5 minutes, lubricate the skin again. Attach a clean strip of paper to the top. Repeat application 3 times. Leave until completely dry. This will take approximately 30 minutes. Remove the mask in one motion. If you look at the surface of the paper, you will see plugs, dirt, and sebum residues. For treatment, the procedure is carried out 2 times a week for a month. Effect on the face! Each time there will be fewer acne.

To improve the mask and add nutrients, the composition is enriched with lemon juice, honey, calendula tincture, and oatmeal.

Mask-film of gelatin against comedones

Another effective remedy for the treatment of comedones. Allows you to get rid of a large number of acne at once. Pre-cleanse the facial skin. Gelatin is dissolved in 100 ml of water. Leave to swell. Then heated in a water bath or in the microwave to form a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied to the entire surface of the face or to certain areas of it, for example, the nose. Avoid hair growth areas, around lips, eyes. Apply the product with a brush in several layers. Usually they do 3. Each after the previous one has dried. Leave until completely dry. The mask will look like a transparent film. Approximately takes 30-45 minutes. Remove in one motion. Although this may not work the first time. It will take practice. The remaining product is washed off with warm water. Comedones and other contaminants will remain on the mask. Your facial skin will noticeably clear up after the first procedure. Treatment is carried out for 30 days. Every week 1 cleansing procedure.

Activated carbon mask for comedones

You can get rid of acne and comedones with charcoal tablets. It is allowed to use no more than once every 10 days. Activated carbon is able to dissolve comedones, draws out the contents, and affects the production of sebum. The tablets are turned into powder, diluted with water, and applied to the skin of the face. The mask lasts 20 minutes. Activated carbon is added to the gelatin film mask. Then the effect of the product in the treatment of comedones will double. Coal will dissolve the plugs, gelatin will calmly draw the contents of the comedones out.

Whitening products for blackheads

If you cannot get rid of the black color of comedones on your facial skin, you can bleach them. To do this, use potato juice, starch, lemon juice, aloe, and cucumber. And also hydrogen peroxide. The last remedy is used extremely carefully. Initially dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10. Treat the skin in areas where comedones accumulate. The composition is washed off after 20 minutes. Other bleaching products made from natural ingredients last for about an hour. The effect will appear after several treatment procedures.

Scrubs for comedones

A simple effective remedy for the treatment of comedones is a scrub made from salt and soda. Mix in equal proportions. Add a little soap base. For example, shaving foam. Gently apply to comedones using circular movements. Massage without strong pressure. Inflamed skin areas should be avoided. During the treatment, a tingling sensation will be felt. Wash off after 5-10 minutes. Based on my own feelings. Instead of regular table salt, you can use fine sea salt. You can also perform scrubbing treatment using cosmetic clay of any color.

All of the above remedies are highly effective. They allow you to finally get rid of comedones if they are not caused by diseases or hormonal imbalance. In the latter case, treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors, cleaning is carried out in a salon or clinic.

Comedones on the face are a cosmetic defect in the form of black and whiteheads, formed as a result of the filling of skin pores with dirt, sebum, and dead cells. This type of cyst gives a person a lot of unpleasant moments, as it negatively affects the appearance and can easily develop from a cosmetic flaw into a medical problem. This is facilitated by bacteria that easily penetrate comedones, causing inflammation of the latter and further infection of the skin.

Those with oily skin, as well as people who do not pay enough attention to personal hygiene, are more susceptible to the appearance of comedones, which creates a favorable environment for the activity of harmful microorganisms. How to remove comedones quickly and effectively?

You should know: in order to avoid the development of the inflammatory process, you should not squeeze out comedones. If it is necessary to perform such a procedure, it can be carried out in a beauty salon by electrocoagulation (high-frequency current) or using a sterile needle.

Comedones on the face: types

There are closed and open comedones. The latter have a black color, which is the result of oxidation of the pore contents when interacting with oxygen.

Closed comedones are white cystic formations consisting of bacteria, dead scales and sebum. This mass clogs the pores. Such a process, often of an inflammatory nature and leading to the appearance of a purulent rash, is a significant nuisance for many adolescents during puberty. In women, problems with acne occur during pregnancy, menopause and menstrual irregularities.

Reasons for appearance

To effectively combat acne, you need to understand why comedones appear on the face. There are several reasons that provoke the occurrence of skin defects:

  • improper skin care;
  • cosmetics of suspicious quality or not suitable for your skin type;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stressful conditions;
  • taking certain medications;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

Acne, pimples, comedones... How to get rid of skin blemishes at home once and for all? For many people, it is not difficult to deal with open-type formations, the sebaceous core of which can be easily removed by squeezing out. With closed type pimples, the situation is much more difficult: when squeezed out, they not only will not come out, but can become inflamed and significantly increase in size, forming a white head in the center. What to do in this case? How to remove comedones on the face?

Methods for getting rid of comedones

The skin of the entire body, and especially the face, needs careful care and regular cleansing of dirt, dust and dead cells. It is recommended to wash your face 2 times a day with warm water and mild soap; boron-thymol or carbolic acid is optimal. When using lotions, to avoid drying out the skin, you need to choose those that do not contain alcohol. How to get rid of comedones on the face?

It is recommended to use cosmetic preparations containing retinoids (namely, Differin and Tretinoin) - active components, which are one of the forms of vitamin A, capable of normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous glands and preventing pore contamination.

The use of special creams against comedones will also be useful. They contain vitamins A, C, E, sulfur, retinol, zinc, salicylic acid, essential oils that normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and weaken the inflammatory processes that often accompany the formation of subcutaneous formations.

On a note. In hot weather, you should abandon the foundation used in daytime makeup, replacing it with loose powder.

Removal of comedones is effectively carried out using cosmetics from the “Clean Skin” line of TM Garnier, the Pure Zone series from L`Oreal, Clearskin from Avon, Vichy Normaderm, Visibly Clear from Neutrogena.

How to get rid of comedones?

If you have comedones on your face, you should definitely visit a dermatologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist, since black and whiteheads can be a sign of an underlying disease, and treatment will first need to start with it. Only after a course of therapy, most often including the use of hormonal drugs and antibiotics, can skin healing begin with the help of cosmetic procedures aimed at removing dead cells and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Home therapy

In home therapy, decoctions of medicinal herbs can help, before using which you need to cleanse your face with a scrub. The product should be applied with light circular movements to cleansed skin, wait 1-2 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The use of a scrub should be avoided if there are inflammatory processes..

On a note. If comedones are localized on the shoulders or back, a hot bath with a herbal decoction will help. The steamed skin in areas where acne is localized should be rubbed with a massage brush, then treated with lotion consisting of a glass of boiled water, a spoonful of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey. It is recommended to complete the procedure by applying body cream.

For oily skin types, chamomile and horsetail are optimal, for dry skin types - yarrow and wormwood.

After cleansing, the skin needs to be steamed over a bath of hot herbal decoction. It is recommended to devote about 15 minutes to the steaming process, which promotes maximum opening of the pores. Then you can start squeezing out the blackheads by pressing with your fingers on both sides of the formation. To avoid infection, before the procedure, your hands should be washed with soap and sterilized with alcohol, and your fingers should be wrapped in a medical bandage.

Protein-based masks

Comedones on the face, the treatment of which must be comprehensive, may appear due to an incorrect diet. In order to prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages, hot seasonings, black tea, strong coffee, fatty and sweet foods and enrich your menu with fresh berries, fruits, and vegetables.

Note. Comedones, treatment of which at home did not bring the expected result, can be removed by mechanically cleaning the skin in a specialized salon.

Comedones on the forehead can be removed using home remedies such as masks; in particular, a protein mask helps a lot. To prepare it, you need to mix the egg white well with 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Part of the mixture should be applied to the problem area, wait until it dries, then, lightly patting the face with your fingertips, use the remaining half of the mixture. The mask, which draws out the contents of the pores well, should be washed off after 15-20 minutes, after which apply a moisturizing face cream.

An effective remedy for comedones is egg white mixed with aloe and lemon juice (2 teaspoons each), which can effectively cleanse the face of blackheads. The ingredients should be thoroughly beaten and used as a mask in the same way as the recipe described above.

Natural remedies for comedones

Comedones on the face, the causes of which mainly depend on poor skin care, can be removed with brown rice. Rinse ½ cup of rice thoroughly, add boiling water so that the liquid covers the product, and leave to steep for several hours. Then strain and knead until you obtain a paste-like mass, which can be used as a scrub or cleansing mask.

Among the available home remedies, you can use kefir, lubricate your face and, after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This product contains sebum-dissolving acids.

Comedones on the nose can be easily removed with a scrub of fine salt and soda.(0.5 teaspoon of each component). They should be mixed, applied to a damp swab, and used to treat problem areas on the skin. Before treatment, it is advisable to wash your face with hot water. The use of such a scrub is not recommended if there is a lot of acne on the skin or if it is inflamed. After the healing procedure, you should wash with warm water and then use a moisturizer.

Subcutaneous comedones can be removed using vegetable masks (from carrots, cucumbers or zucchini). The products need to be chopped on a fine grater; Add lemon juice to the resulting mass. Apply the finished mask to previously cleansed skin and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Methods for getting rid of comedones on the face are individual for each person: what works well for one person is completely ineffective for another. But there is always a way that will help cleanse your face and give your skin a well-groomed and fresh look. It is only important to show persistence and patience, and you can forget about comedones forever.

Closed comedones on the face are one of the most unpleasant aesthetic skin defects. Such rashes often lead to inflammation at the mouths of the hair follicles and the appearance of hair follicles. Treatment of closed comedones on the face depends on the cause that caused their occurrence.

Closed comedones or subcutaneous acne are the result of blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands with the thick secretion that they produce. Sebum mixes with particles of dead epithelium, as a result of which the separation of fat is disrupted and a sebaceous plug is formed, clogging the pores. This leads to the development of the inflammatory process and the formation of whitish papules, the contents of which are difficult to excrete. Closed blackheads range in size from 1 to 2 millimeters.

Provoking factors for acne

The main reason for the appearance of closed acne on the face is increased secretion of sebum. The following factors can influence this process:

  • impaired metabolism;
  • hormonal changes;
  • frequent stress;
  • eating junk food;
  • improper facial skin care;
  • use of comedogenic cosmetics;
  • chronic pathologies; taking hormonal medications;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • genetic predisposition.

This type of acne is very common in adolescence, in pregnant women, and in patients suffering from endocrine disorders.

Classification of comedones

Comedones are divided into open and closed. The open ones are nothing more than black dots. These are sebaceous plugs that, when exposed to oxygen, oxidize and turn black. Hair follicles with blackheads are enlarged and clogged with horny masses, which, when squeezed, easily come out. Blackheads rarely lead to inflammation.

Closed comedones occur when the keratinization of the squamous epithelium in the upper layers is impaired and the mouth of the hair follicles is reduced, which can completely close. This results in subcutaneous whiteheads that are difficult to squeeze out.

The location of acne on the face is the areas where hair follicles are present. Therefore, closed comedones often appear on the forehead, nose, and cheeks.

Open and closed comedones photos, which can be seen below, require, first of all, careful facial skin care to quickly eliminate them and prevent further occurrence.

Treatment options

Closed comedones, which must be treated comprehensively, require the following measures:

  • mechanical or chemical peeling;
  • vacuum or manual cleaning;
  • laser treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • dieting.

As an additional method of treatment, folk remedies in the form of masks and herbal decoctions can be used.

Mechanical and chemical peels

Microdermabrasion is one of the most popular types of chemical peels. During the procedure, using a specialized apparatus with attachments, the upper layer of the epidermis is polished.

Microdermabrasion allows you to renew the top layer of cells and effectively eliminate acne, both open and closed types. After the procedure, redness and irritation appear on the skin, which completely disappears after a few days.

During the first week after microdermabrasion, the use of cosmetics is not recommended. Instead of conventional care products, it is necessary to use soothing creams or medications prescribed by a dermatologist.

Chemical peeling is carried out in beauty salons using fruit acids. They help eliminate the stratum corneum of the skin, and with it acne formations, both closed and open.

Mechanical and chemical peels have many contraindications, including neoplasms in the form of moles, dermatitis, keloid scars and damage to the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, etc.).

Manual and vacuum cleaning

The process of manual cleaning is quite long and painful, so it is resorted to less and less often.

A more modern method is vacuum facial cleansing. This is one of the most effective modern ways to get rid of closed comedones. The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes, during which the contents of clogged pores are drawn out using a special vacuum apparatus. The main advantage of vacuum facial cleansing is painlessness and safety.


Another effective way to get rid of closed comedones on the face is electrocoagulation. During the procedure, closed comedones are cauterized using an electric current. After cauterization under the influence of current, a crust forms at the site of the acne, which falls off after 5-7 days. Electrocoagulation is recommended when comedones are not very deep, otherwise small scars may remain after the procedure.

Laser treatment

Laser therapy is one of the most effective and safest methods that helps remove closed white comedones from the face quickly, painlessly and without consequences in the form of scars and cicatrices.

Modern devices allow you to adjust the depth of penetration of the laser beam without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue.

Laser therapy not only eliminates whiteheads and inflammation, but also normalizes sebum production.

Diet therapy

During the treatment of acne, it is recommended to eliminate or minimize the consumption of foods from the diet that provoke intensive production of sebum by the glands. The following foods fall into this category:

  • roast;
  • fat;
  • smoked;
  • spicy;
  • sweet.

Sweet carbonated drinks, fast food and alcohol also provoke the release of sebaceous secretions.

The goal is to reduce the amount of skin secretion produced and cleanse the body of waste and toxins, which also contribute to the appearance of closed comedones. Nutrition should not only be correct, but also balanced. It is recommended to include vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meats, dairy and fermented milk products in the daily menu. Twice a week you need to add sea fish to your diet.

Treatment at home

One of the methods for removing closed comedones is to perform a chemical peel yourself.

To carry out a home procedure, salicylic acid or calcium chloride is used.

You can also purchase special preparations for peeling yourself at pharmacies and cosmetic stores.

Salicylic peeling

For the procedure, you will need a 15% solution of salicylic acid, which is applied to a prepared, steamed and cleansed face for a 15-minute period.

You can prepare a salicylic solution yourself using aspirin. One tablet of acetylsalicylic acid is crushed into powder and mixed with a large spoon of boiled water at room temperature. You can add half a teaspoon of fine salt and liquid honey to the resulting solution, provided you are not allergic to the bee product.

After treating the face, after a fifteen-minute interval, the remedy for closed comedones is washed off with water and the skin is treated with an antiseptic lotion. Half an hour after the procedure, you can apply a non-greasy, soothing cream. It is permissible to carry out the procedure once a week.

Peeling with calcium chloride

To carry out home peeling, you will need an ampoule of a 5% calcium chloride solution and fragrance-free baby soap. The solution is applied to cleansed facial skin using a cotton pad in 3-4 layers with short intervals.

After the product has dried, lather the fingertips moistened with water and distribute the resulting foam with massaging movements over the face. During such manipulations, pellets should form. The procedure is completed as soon as they stop appearing.

The final stage of this peeling is wiping the face with a decoction and applying a soothing cream.

Devices for cleansing skin at home

If you are concerned about closed comedones, innovative devices and devices designed for home use know how to get rid of them.

Recently, vacuum pore cleaners have become popular, which help to effectively clean the ducts of dust particles and sebaceous plugs.

Among the new products on the cosmetology market, one can also highlight the Revoskin ultrasonic vibration massager, which helps eliminate the stratum corneum of the skin and remove both black and whiteheads. The device also helps eliminate skin pigmentation and post-acne spots.

Traditional methods for removing closed acne

Among folk remedies against closed comedones on the face, masks based on the following components are very popular:

  • grapefruit;
  • tomatoes;
  • lemon;
  • kefir.

The above products contain acids, due to which a therapeutic effect is achieved provided that the products are used regularly.

Grapefruit scrub

To prepare a grapefruit scab, you will need three tablespoons of grapefruit juice, a spoonful of boiled water and two tablespoons of oatmeal, crushed into powder. The product is applied to a clean, steamed face and distributed with massaging movements for a couple of minutes, and then washed off. The scrub can be used up to twice a week.

Tomato mask

One medium-sized ripe tomato is mixed with a powdered tablespoon of oatmeal and one egg yolk. The mixture is applied to the facial skin for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off. If necessary, apply a light, moisturizing non-comedogenic cream.

Citrus lotion

Lemon juice is diluted with purified water one to three and wiped with the resulting solution on the skin of the face every morning.

Kefir mask

Apply 1 percent kefir to cleansed facial skin and leave for a twenty-minute interval. You can use the product 1-2 times a week. The mask helps to cleanse the pores well and prevent further formation of closed comedones.

Prevention of closed rashes

If you have closed comedones, the methods and tips described above will tell you how to treat them. In order to prevent the appearance of whiteheads, it is enough to perform the following manipulations:

  • use of non-comedogenic cosmetics;
  • weekly use of scrubs;
  • washing with special foams and gels.

Proper nutrition with the exclusion of junk food and alcohol from the diet is one of the ways to prevent the appearance of closed comedones.

The use of herbal infusions and masks is an additional and effective way to prevent acne.



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