The procedure for administering the tick vaccine for children. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is the best preventive method

Tick-borne encephalitis is a serious disease of a neuroinfectious nature. The consequences of the disease can lead to disability or death. The disease progresses as a result of infection with a virus that enters the body after a forest tick attaches to a person’s skin. 80% of all cases are city residents.

Tick-borne encephalitis can be prevented if you follow the rules of prevention:
  • Before going out into nature, wear closed clothing treated with repellent compounds.
  • Get preventive vaccinations in advance. This is especially true for those people who are going on vacation to a forested area or traveling to regions with a high risk of infection.

A person makes a decision about the need for vaccination independently, based on his lifestyle, because the procedure is not necessary for everyone.

Indications for vaccination

  • persons traveling to regions with forests and a humid climate;
  • hunters;
  • people working in the environmental sector and logging industry;
  • farmers.

The risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis increases when the carrier of the virus is active - in the warm season. It is advisable that vaccination takes place a month before tick activity increases. This is the only way to develop immunity against the disease.

Vaccination for children: pros and cons

Before deciding whether to vaccinate their child against tick-borne encephalitis or not, parents should know about all the pros and cons of the procedure. Vaccination has many positive aspects that adults are not aware of:

  1. If a tick bites a vaccinated child, he will not get encephalitis or will suffer a mild form of the disease. At the same time, the threat to his future life and health will be minimal.
  2. Side effects from vaccination are reported in rare cases. Most children tolerate the vaccine easily.
  3. A child who has been vaccinated can be taken for a walk in the forest or park without fear.
  4. The effect of the vaccination lasts for 3 years.

You should consider all the advantages of the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine before refusing to administer it to your child. Opponents of vaccination argue their opinion by the adverse reactions of the child’s body to the administration of the drug: increased body temperature, allergic reactions, etc. In fact, consequences arise only in cases where contraindications to the procedure are not taken into account.

The consequences of tick-borne encephalitis are described in the video:


A ban on a vaccine can be permanent or temporary. The vaccine should not be given to a person who has been bitten by an insect. Even a dose with weak viral activity can enhance the negative effect of the bite. Non-permanent prohibitions include:

  • pregnancy period;
  • age of children under 1 year;
  • disease with meningitis or hepatitis;
  • ARVI in the acute stage.

In such cases, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is postponed until the time of complete recovery. If there is a high chance of infection, the vaccine is given to babies under one year of age and pregnant women.

Absolute contraindications for vaccination:

  • severe allergic reaction to egg white;
  • allergy to the components of the drug for the disease;
  • difficult experience of the previous procedure.

People with chronic diseases cannot be vaccinated. Among them are:

  • diabetes;
  • liver damage;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

It is prohibited to take medications during preventive vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis (several days before and after).

Preparations for vaccination

For vaccination against the disease, 4 types of drugs are used, both imported and domestic:

  • "FSUE IPVE im. M.P. Chumakov" - a Russian-made vaccine for children over 3 years of age;
  • domestic production for adults over 18 years of age;
  • "Encepur" (manufactured in Germany) for people over 16 years old;
  • "FSME-Immun" (manufactured in Austria) for persons over 16 years of age.

There are imported vaccines developed specifically for children - children's Encepur and FSME-Immun Junior. The drugs contain fewer doses of antigens, so they are allowed to be administered to children 1-16 years old.

Features of foreign vaccines

When producing foreign products, the causative virus is placed into an egg embryo for further reproduction. The virus cells are then dried by treating them with formaldehyde. Formalin is added to the drug in minimal quantities, which ensures its complete safety for humans. Human blood albumin acts as a fixative in foreign products.

When vaccinated with foreign products, in 40% of cases, mild swelling was observed at the injection site, and in 5% of cases, patients had a fever of up to 39 degrees. No complications leading to death were observed after the procedure.

Features of domestic vaccines

The production technology of domestic drugs is similar to foreign ones. Vaccine "FSUE IPVE im. M.P. Chumakov" is also dried and fixed with albumin. "Encevir" does not undergo a drying procedure, but is additionally treated with kanamycin. Domestic drugs differ from each other in the number of antigens - Encevir has twice as many of them. Russian vaccines are recommended for children over 3 years of age.

There have been no global studies for Russian vaccines, and the rate of complications after the procedure is unknown. Based on the quality of the products and the likelihood of side effects, doctors recommend foreign vaccines. But in terms of effectiveness, the drugs are no different: they act on all strains of the disease and promote the awareness of sustainable immune defense.

Vaccination scheme

The vaccination course for adults and children can be accelerated or standard. The first injection is performed within the time frame prescribed by the doctor. The schedule for repeated injections depends on the type of vaccine and type of course. It is presented in the table:

Revaccination provides long-term immunity against the causative agent of the disease. The course protects a person in 95% of cases. But at the same time, we must not forget about preventive measures against tick-borne encephalitis - protective clothing and special means for treating exposed areas of the body. The course is considered fully completed after revaccination. Subsequent administration of the drug is carried out every 3 years.

Side effects after vaccination

The procedure can cause the following negative phenomena:

  • the appearance of a lump and tumor at the injection site;
  • migraine;
  • sleep disorders;
  • malfunction of the digestive system;
  • tachycardia;
  • allergic rashes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

The most common negative effect after vaccination is allergic reactions on the skin and the appearance of a lump at the injection site. These phenomena disappear within a few days. Sometimes patients notice a slight increase in temperature. In rare cases, post-vaccination symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and decreased visual acuity.

The incidence of complications depends on several factors:

  • type of drug;
  • volume of vaccine administered;
  • the presence of prohibitions;
  • individual sensitivity to vaccine components.

Preparation for the procedure and features of its implementation

To ensure that vaccination after tick-borne encephalitis goes without complications, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  1. Inject only into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.
  2. Select the dosage taking into account the age and health status of the patient.
  3. Before each procedure, use a new syringe.
  4. Carefully inspect the vaccine before use for external defects.
  5. Follow antiseptic rules.
  6. Shake the ampoule with the drug before use.

You need to know not only the rules for administering the vaccine, but also safety precautions. Ampoules should be stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees. The procedure is performed by a person with medical education. After vaccination, the patient is not recommended to scratch or wet the injection site.

Thanks to the tick-borne encephalitis vaccination schedule approved by the Ministry of Health, it was possible to reduce the negative consequences of the disease by 95%. Experts recommend vaccination with imported drugs, since there is more information about them and their effect on the human body. Foreign vaccines are intended for vaccination of children from 1 year old, domestic ones - from 3 years old.

  1. If you scratch the site of a tick bite or crush the insect itself on the skin, the risk of infection increases several times.
  2. There is another way to get encephalitis. Drink unboiled milk from an infected goat, sheep or cow.
  3. Pets often become not only carriers of the virus, but also suffer from the disease themselves.

Anyone can become infected with the virus. Adults, children, old people, women and men - they can all become the target of infection. But the category of citizens who work in forests and tree-planting areas is most susceptible to this disease. And this:

  • category of citizens who work in forestry;
  • geological exploration of the area;
  • railroad and highway builders;
  • RES employees who pull power lines;
  • hunters;
  • tourist groups.

But ticks can be found not only in the forest. Most often their habitats are:

  • garden plots;
  • forest planting strips;
  • parks and forest parks;
  • old arable land;
  • haystacks;
  • virgin soil;
  • places with high moisture concentration (ponds, rivers, swamps)

This is most of Western Europe, which extends further east, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The encephalitis tick begins its activity from the beginning of spring until the beginning of October. But insects are most active at the beginning of summer.

Indications for vaccination

  • patients suffering from epileptic seizures;
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • category of citizens who have diabetes;
  • periodic connective tissue diseases with subsequent inflammatory processes;
  • various disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • patients with kidney and liver problems;
  • blood diseases;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • the patient has malignant tumors;
  • intolerance to chicken protein or other components that make up the vaccine;
  • the presence of colds with high fever;
  • previous viral infection;
  • Vaccination is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers;

Side effects

Typically, no complications should occur after vaccination. But sometimes side effects were observed:

  • the injection site may sometimes become red and swollen;
  • after vaccination, vomiting was observed in rare cases;
  • increase in temperature after the injection;
  • characteristic headaches;
  • possible inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • sometimes there is a sharp feeling of weakness.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you must follow these rules:

  1. Before getting vaccinated, you should pass all tests.
  2. You need to get vaccinated when you are healthy.
  3. If the patient has had some kind of viral disease, the vaccination should be done no earlier than a week later, for a foreign vaccine. If the solution is domestic, then you should refrain from vaccination for about a month.
  4. When a patient doubts that he has an intolerance to some component of the drug, he should take antiallergens before and after vaccination.

What are the vaccines?

The principle of creating drugs against encephalitis differs from foreign analogues. But in some ways they are similar.

In 1937, the first vaccine was developed in the territory of the former USSR, which had many side effects, but was in good demand, since it was then that the epidemic was very raging. But the vaccine has been modernized. Western specialists got involved in its improvement. There are now 6 types of vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis.

Foreign vaccines are produced as follows. The finished virus is placed in a favorable environment - a chicken embryo (egg), where it begins to multiply very quickly. Then the protein cells are thoroughly treated with a formaldehyde solution. In this way, the infected cells dry out. Only the shell remains. This makes it possible to detect a foreign body before the infection begins to spread throughout the body. Export vaccines include the following types of drugs:

  • Encepur is its children's equivalent Encepur for children (Germany);
  • FSME-Immun (the children's analogue is FSME-Immun Junior).

Domestic vaccines differ from Western drugs in that the virus is multiplied in the neurons of mice. It is divided repeatedly to weaken the virus's defenses. And only then is it transferred into chicken eggs and treated with formaldehyde.

Dried bodies are strengthened with albumin and sucrose. This applies only to the Moscow drug. Encevir does not dry out. Instead, she is treated with the antibiotic kanamycin. Another difference between the two domestically produced vaccines is the amount of antigen. It is in Entsevir that there is twice as much of it. Therefore, it is indicated even for children from three years of age.

The domestic analogue differs in the following drugs:

  • Encevir;
  • Moscow tick-borne encephalitis vaccine.

There is also a Chinese version of the serum against the disease. But it has not yet passed global tests. Therefore, it is widespread only in its homeland.

Encephalitis vaccination schedule

The vaccination schedule against tick-borne encephalitis is carried out according to the calendar plan. To do this, you need to go to a hospital or clinic at your place of residence (at work), i.e., in any place where there is a medical center. In educational institutions, vaccinations are carried out by school doctors. But for this, the medical center must have equipment. Employees must be licensed to perform such procedures.

The vaccination can be done in a paid office that has permission. In any case, you can ask your doctor all questions. In order to properly vaccinate the body, you need to know when to vaccinate against tick-borne encephalitis.

  1. To ensure strong immunity against encephalitis ticks, it is necessary to vaccinate twice. The first vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is given in the fall to prepare the body for the spring outbreak of the epidemic. Immunity lasts not only through spring, but throughout the whole summer. For autumn immunity, vaccination is done a month later.

The second vaccination can be given within three months after the first vaccine was administered.

  1. Revaccination is allowed only after 9 months.
  2. There are unforeseen cases when the second vaccination must be done ahead of schedule. Then the time between two vaccinations is reduced to two weeks.
  3. In medical practice, a three-fold scheme of protection against the virus has been developed. In this case, the first vaccination is given. Immediately after two weeks, re-vaccination is carried out. Three months after the second vaccination, the third vaccine is administered. But in this case, revaccination must be carried out every year.

Which vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis is better?

There is no point in choosing between Western and domestic analogues, since the testing conditions are different. Manufacturers are trying to adapt the vaccine to their citizens, but despite this, all drugs produce antibodies in the same way, improving immunity.

But you should consider:

  • vaccine quality;
  • number of side effects;
  • patient tolerability of the drug (not all imported vaccines can be tolerated by patients);

But at the same time, all types of vaccines are contraindicated if the patient has intolerance to chicken protein.

Encevir contains an antibiotic, which means citizens who have allergic reactions to this component must be vaccinated with another drug. Free vaccination against the virus is carried out in areas where there are epidemiological outbreaks. In other regions, such vaccinations are done for money.

Some subtleties after vaccination

There are moments after vaccination:

  • unlike mantu, you can wash after vaccination, but you cannot comb or rub the injection site while bathing;
  • doctors recommend intensive walking after the vaccine is administered - this is even useful for children, but it is better to avoid crowded places while the body produces antibodies;
  • citizens who are actively involved in sports will have to postpone training for two to three days (at this time the body spends all its strength to fight the new threat, so it should not be burdened with additional problems);
  • if your arm hurts after vaccination, this may mean that the body is reacting to the effect of the drug (this effect cannot be removed artificially; everything will go away on its own in a couple of days).

Prevention of infection

When it comes to preventing infection, precautions are divided into several types.

  • open areas of the skin are the favorite place of the tick; to avoid infection, you must wear a shirt with a high collar, but ideally a jacket with a hood is suitable, and the shirt should be tucked into your trousers;
  • trousers must be carefully tucked into boots, socks should not dangle;
  • the head and neck should be covered with a cap (kerchief);
  • to detect ticks on clothing, you should choose light, plain clothes;
  • In the forest it is better to use overalls.

Repellents repel insects. The repellent should be selected according to international recommendations:

  • the amount of diethyltoluamide should not exceed 30 - 50%;
  • the drug is applied only to open areas of the skin;
  • It is forbidden to apply repellent to ulcers, open wounds, or skin rashes;
  • Do not use aerosols indoors, much less inhale them;
  • It is forbidden to apply repellent to the face; to do this, you must first apply it to your hands, and then carefully, avoiding your eyes and mouth, rub it over your face;
  • for a child, you need to do the same - apply it to your hands, and then gently rub it over the child’s body, avoiding the mouth and eyes (children under 10 years old should not use the drug on their own);
  • children can put their hands in their mouths, therefore, the child’s hands must be clean;
  • The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

Arcacids are a group of substances that cause paralysis in ticks. They are applied to clothes. In areas where there are outbreaks of epidemics, constant disinfestation is carried out to reduce the risk of infection of livestock and citizens.

In areas where outbreaks of tick-borne encephalitis occur every year, it is necessary to be vaccinated. This will allow you to develop antibodies to the virus and strengthen your immune system. But you should follow the doctor’s recommendations and do not forget about safety precautions.

One of the severe and complex neuroinfectious diseases is tick-borne encephalitis. The risk group includes people of any age and gender. City residents can easily become infected, since insects during their active period spread across lawns, trees and alleys. And if you like to walk in the forest or plan to spend your vacation by the river, then it will be difficult to protect yourself. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is considered an effective method of prevention and protection. But it must be done according to a certain scheme. We will discuss more about vaccination against encephalitis, when to give the injection and much more with our readers.

Prevention of tick-borne diseases

Viruses enter the bloodstream from a blood-sucking insect - a tick. He is just a carrier of the virus; the infection does not affect the life of the insect. The consequences of the disease in 80% of cases lead to disability, in 10% to death, and only 10% survive the infection without consequences. Until 2010, encephalitis ticks in Russia were found only in forest belts and fields.

At the end of 2015, 85% of those infected lived in urban areas and did not travel outdoors. Every 10th tick is a carrier of the disease.

It is possible to determine which insect bit the patient only after an analysis, which is performed for a fee and costs from 500 rubles. The results will be ready in 3 days, during which time encephalitis will have time to move from the initial form to a persistent disease.

There are several methods of prevention:

  • Light - protection with thick clothing and repellents (sprays, ointments, tonics). They treat all exposed parts of the body before a walk;
  • A special protective measure is vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. It is mandatory for people living in high-risk regions or going there on a business trip or vacation.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is the most reliable and effective method of protecting and preventing people. Treatment and special clothing can protect only temporarily and will not help with an insect bite. Therefore, people with the most modern protective equipment should be given the vaccine.

Effectiveness of vaccination

Insects are most active from the beginning of May to the end of June, but vaccination must be done earlier. The virus, entering the blood, does not immediately manifest itself aggressively. It takes time to pass. The incubation period can last up to two weeks.

When infected, a patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin of the face, neck;
  • acute headaches;
  • elevated temperature (38–40°);
  • nausea;
  • chills or, conversely, sudden attacks of fever;
  • pulling muscle pain in the shoulder, neck and chest;
  • aching pain in joints and muscles in the upper and lower extremities.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is performed with an inactive form of the virus. The vaccine has minimal side effects, so it is safe. Contraindications may include chronic heart disease, lung disease, oncology, severe diabetes mellitus, and pregnancy.

After prevention, a person can become infected, but antibodies are already present in the body, so the disease proceeds almost unnoticeably and without complications. You need to get vaccinated at any age according to the schedule approved by the Ministry of Education. In regions with increased risk, the injection is included in the vaccination calendar.

In our clinics, children and adults are given domestic and imported vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis. Due to sanctions at the end of 2015, it is more difficult to buy imported vaccines. The action of domestic and imported vaccines is not much different. It’s just that our population is susceptible to the opinion that it is safer to supply imported drugs. The regional Ministry of Health proposes to make the procedure available using vaccines.

The most popular drugs for children and adults and their side effects are presented in table form:

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis Manufacturer Development of immunity, % Side effects
Inactivated purified dry cultured Russia "PIPVE im. M.P. Chumakov RAMS" 80 Children from 3 years old. Fever, temporary inflammation of the lymph nodes, headache, contraindicated in chronic diseases and pregnancy.
Encevir Russia FSUE NPO Microgen 90 Can be used by adults over 18 years of age. Malaise, headache, allergies, nagging muscle pain.
FSME-Immun Inject - Junior Australia 98–100 Can be used by children from 6 months to 6 years. Iridocyclitis and sclerosis.
Encepur Germany 99 Children from 1 year. No side effects were observed.

Before vaccination, the doctor must take tests for individual intolerance from the patient. Only after the results can you be vaccinated. Each of the drugs comes with instructions, where the scheme for when to give the injection is clearly described.

Vaccination scheme against tick-borne encephalitis

When to give the vaccine depends on the chosen regimen. Vaccination against encephalitis ticks can be done according to two schemes:

  • standard;
  • accelerated scheme.

Consider the standard scheme for using various vaccines, when you can administer the drug slowly:

  • Purified dry tick-borne encephalitis vaccine - 1 injection at any time, 2 after 6-7 months.
  • Encevir is the first one any day, the second one is given after 5-6 months.
  • Encepur - the first at any time, the second after 4-8 weeks.
  • FSME-Immun Inject - Junior - first any day, 2 after 4-12 weeks.

An accelerated scheme for the use of vaccinations, when the injection must be given quickly. With the first injection, the scheme differs little from the traditional one. The second vaccination can be done at a shorter period of time:

  • Cleaned dry - second after 2 months.
  • Encevir - the second in 2 weeks.
  • Encepur - the second after 1 week, the third is placed after 21 days.
  • FSME-Immun Inject - Junior - 2 weeks.

The first vaccination against encephalitis in Russia is given in winter or spring, the second according to the scheme. After 12 months, you can get a revaccination. Then it is worth getting vaccinated once every 3 years. If an encephalitis vaccination was not given in December - January, then an accelerated scheme is chosen when the interval between the first and second injection is small. If one revaccination is missed, you will have to vaccinate again.

You can learn more about the disease and vaccination against it in the video:

In Russian clinics, inexpensive domestic drugs are mainly presented. You must purchase imported vaccines yourself. And when to vaccinate depends on your desire.

Smallpox vaccination: is there a danger in refusing vaccination? Vaccination against rabies in humans prevents death Why is the reaction to the tetanus shot so painful?

Tick-borne encephalitis is a dangerous and severe neuroinfectious diseases, leading to disability or death. The disease occurs as a result of human infection with a virus that enters the bloodstream when the virus carrier, a forest tick, is sucked on. The problem of tick-borne encephalitis remains relevant today; of the total number of sick patients, approximately 80% are urban residents. Tick-borne encephalitis can be prevented by:

    a nonspecific type of prevention, including the use of a special type of clothing and repellents that are used to treat open areas of the body and clothing when visiting forests and park areas.

    a specific type of prevention - preventive vaccination, is indicated for everyone. It is advisable to carry it out in advance for those who travel on vacation or work to regions with an increased risk of infection. Preventive vaccination is the most reliable way to protect against tick-borne encephalitis.

The spring and summer seasons are the times when ticks are most active. The incubation period in humans after infection lasts 10-14 days. The first signs of the disease may be chills, redness of the face, severe fever up to 38-39 degrees, nausea and muscle pain in the neck and shoulders, in the thoracic and lumbar back, and in the extremities.

Many years of experience in the fight against tick-borne encephalitis virus proves that modern vaccine preparations are safe and well tolerated by almost everyone; the presence of some chronic diseases may be a contraindication. After consultation, the doctor either prescribes the vaccine or rejects it due to incompatibility.

In a person vaccinated on time, the disease usually progresses easily and without complications. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is carried out according to a scheme approved by the Ministry of Health. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is performed with various drugs.

Vaccination schedule for tick-borne encephalitis

There is a standard and accelerated vaccination schedule.

Standard scheme:

    Ultra purified concentrated inactivated dry FSUE “PIPVE im. M.P. Chumakov RAMS" (Russia) for children over 3 years old. – 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 5-7 months.

    "EnceVir" is a cultural, purified inactivated vaccine developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NPO Microgen" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia) for persons over 18 years of age - 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 5-7 months.

    FSME-IMMUN ENCEPUR (adult for persons over 16 years of age) – 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 1-3 months.

    "FSME-IMMUN Junior" - 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 1-3 months (from 1 year to 16 years).

    "ENCEPUR" (children) - 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 1-3 months.

Accelerated scheme:

    Culture purified concentrated inactivated dry – 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 2 months.

    "EnceVir" - 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 14 days.

    FSME-IMMUN ENCEPUR (adult) – 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 14 days.

    "FSME-IMMUN Junior" - 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 14 days.

    "ENCEPUR" (children) - 1st dose (prescribed day), 2nd dose after 7 days, 3rd dose 21 days after the first vaccination.

12 months after the first course of vaccinations are repeated. Each subsequent revaccination is carried out every 3 years. Contraindications to vaccination also include allergies to the components contained in the drugs. Tick-borne encephalitis is common in many regions of Russia - in Siberia in the Urals, in the Far East, in Central Russia, in the North-West region, in the Volga region.

It is recommended that if you miss at least one revaccination, carried out once a year, only one booster vaccination is given. If 2 scheduled revaccinations are missed, you must re-take a course of vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis. In order to develop stable immunity, 2 vaccinations with an interval of 1 month are sufficient. In this option, the interval can be reduced to 2 weeks.

Long-term immunity is ensured by a third vaccination, given after 9-12 months; in this case, the interval cannot be reduced. The vaccine protects about 95% of vaccinated people. But you need to understand that along with such protection, taking other measures, such as protective equipment and special equipment, is very important.

Vaccines of domestic and imported production are equally effective for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis. Western European strains of the tick-borne encephalitis virus used for the production of imported vaccines and Eastern European strains for the domestic vaccine are similar in antigenic structure. According to the observations of specialists, there are no contraindications or adverse reactions for imported products.

Education: in 2008, he received a diploma in the specialty “General Medicine (Therapeutic and Preventive Care)” at the Russian Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. I immediately completed an internship and received a diploma as a therapist.

Many people have probably heard about a disease called tick-borne encephalitis. However, did you know that fever is only the first manifestation of the disease; its final forms include mental disorders, epileptic seizures, loss of consciousness, and sometimes can lead to death? The danger of such a disease is quite serious, so you need to be able to fully protect your body from it. For this purpose, vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis are used.

As a rule, it is not enough to simply know when to vaccinate against such a serious disease. It is necessary to understand the vaccination scheme itself and understand how to prepare your body for it. Moreover, special attention should be paid to preparing children for this procedure. What exactly does this mean:

  • measuring body temperature;
  • skin examination;
  • analysis of the child’s general condition.

In general, the encephalitis vaccination is tolerated by the baby without unnecessary complications, so it can be safely done if there is a risk of developing the disease, or you simply decide to protect the child from such a scourge. What else should you keep in mind? As with most vaccinations, for the first time after vaccination against encephalitis it is not recommended to bathe the child or eat red foods, as this can provoke an allergic reaction. Some side effects are also not uncommon.

For the most part, these include:

  • redness, as well as some swelling at the injection site;
  • skin rash;
  • enlarged lymph nodes, slight.

Be prepared for the fact that after receiving a vaccination aimed at preventing the development of tick-borne encephalitis, you may suffer from headaches and general malaise for some time. If you can’t decide whether your child or you specifically need such a procedure, you should pay attention to the key advantages of vaccination:

  • in case of a possible tick bite in the future, the infection will not be able to develop at all, or its manifestations will be insignificant;

  • Serious side effects are very rare, most often children tolerate vaccination without any problems;
  • Having resorted to such protective measures, you can not be afraid to let your child go into nature in the future, since ticks will no longer be able to cause him any harm.

The protective reaction usually lasts up to three years, and this must be remembered. If you did not bother about vaccination in a timely manner, and the child was nevertheless bitten by a tick, there is no need to panic. First of all, carefully remove the insect completely from the skin area. It is advisable to consult a doctor, but most often this is done at home. Once the pest has been removed, it should not be thrown away. Instead, take this pest to a laboratory test to immediately determine if it is at risk of tick-borne encephalitis.

When is the best time to get vaccinated?

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is a good means of protection for both children and adults. It can be made at any time of the year.

However, it is preferable to resort to vaccination immediately before the tick season. Since people mostly suffer from tick infestations in the spring, when they are actively reproducing, it is recommended to vaccinate at the end of winter or at the beginning of the spring.

There are times when vaccination may be needed urgently. A similar situation is possible if you go on a business trip to places with increased tick activity. In this situation, it is recommended to undergo an emergency vaccination, and such a procedure must be carried out competently. In general, knowing when to vaccinate against tick-borne encephalitis, you can protect yourself from a rather dangerous disease.

Vaccination scheme

Vaccination against encephalitis is done in 3 stages. They may vary somewhat, depending on the drug that is used, but for the most part the picture looks like this:

  • the first stage is done at any time - as soon as you have consulted with your doctor and come to the conclusion that this kind of protection from encephalitis is desirable in your case;
  • the second stage of vaccination can be started after 1–3 months;
  • You will need the third vaccination no earlier than 9–12 months later.

Research shows that you can fully protect your body from tick-borne encephalitis with two vaccinations. But the effect in this case will not last long. So that you do not worry about this disease over the next three years, a year after the second stage of vaccination, you should finish what you started and get the last vaccination.

If you decide to ignore such a recommendation, vaccination will prevent such a disease for only one season, but no more. However, every rule has its exceptions: if you need to ensure 100% protection against tick-borne encephalitis as soon as possible, it is not necessary to take such long breaks between vaccination stages. In this case, an emergency procedure is provided.

Features of vaccination

Many people are interested not only in such questions as, for example, when to vaccinate against encephalitis, or which drugs should be chosen, but also in some additional points. Where is the vaccine given? As a rule, the injection is given under the shoulder blade or in the deltoid muscle. For better results, you should resort to intramuscular injections: this way the vaccine will act much faster. Immunization of the body is not necessary, for example, for an office worker who is sent on a business trip to the Far East. But if you have to work directly in nature, emergency vaccination is necessary!

Another important point: before getting vaccinated, be sure to check with your doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination, and only after that you will be sent to the treatment room, where the vaccination will be done.

As for the special rules that, in your opinion, will need to be followed before or after the procedure, there are none. The main thing is to take vaccination seriously. In addition, you should not decide to take such a step without consulting a doctor. Each organism is unique in its own way. Therefore, when you go for a vaccination, you must be completely sure that you will not be exposed to any side effects. Be sure to take into account all these nuances and be sure to take care of your health - and tick-borne encephalitis will never become a serious threat to you.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs