Melissa officinalis or lemon balm. The benefits and harms of lemon balm (lemon balm), reviews of the plant

Lemon Balm: beneficial properties and contraindications

Melissa is one of the main honey plants in the garden. There are three versions of the origin of the name of the plant. One of them refers to the Greek words meli - "honey", and phyllon - "leaves", which were given to the plant because of its honey smell. The other is related to mythology. According to it, the nymph, the daughter of King Melisseus, fed Zeus with milk and honey and taught people how to get honey. The third version says that she was a beautiful young woman who claimed to become the mistress of the gods. But the goddesses did not like this, and they turned her into a bee.

However, lemon balm also has another name.

What does lemon balm look like?

Melissa, which is often called lemon balm, has a height of thirty to one hundred and fifty centimeters, a tetrahedral stem with heart-shaped, ovate petiolate leaves made of large teeth. Its flowers are small, pale pink, purple or white. Lemon mint (photo illustrates the flowers of the plant) blooms in July-August and has a pleasant smell at this time, which then disappears.

The plant originated in the Middle East and North Africa. In the Middle Ages it spread throughout Europe.

Today the plant is cultivated as a medicinal plant in many countries. It is specially grown in gardens, orchards and plantations.

Differences from mint

The leaves of both plants are similar, because they are representatives of the Lamiaceae family. However, there are also noticeable differences. Regarding appearance, then mint has a straight stem, while lemon balm has a branched stem. The flowers of one plant are collected in a spike, but lemon balm has the appearance of false rings. The photo demonstrates their external similarities and differences.

In addition, they can be easily distinguished by their smell. Mint gives off a menthol aroma, and lemon balm smells like lemon.

As for the application, both plants are used in cooking. But one is more like a flavoring, and the other is more like a seasoning.

Peppermint contains much more essential oils than lemon balm.

Useful properties

However, thanks to the essential oils contained in the leaves, although not in large quantities, it can manifest itself as a therapeutic agent.

The plant has a sedative effect and helps relieve pain in many diseases.

In addition, lemon balm is used for insomnia, heart disease and low blood pressure, both in independent use, and in combination with other herbs. It will help relieve general fatigue, calm the nervous system, relieve apathy and depressive state and will allow you to feel the taste for life again.

This plant, among other things, has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, will help with constipation and reduce elevated temperature, as it has a diaphoretic effect.

Lemon balm also reveals properties through the use of infusion, which alleviates the condition of heart diseases, normalizes blood pressure and relieves shortness of breath; has a beneficial effect on bronchial asthma, anemia, migraine and neuralgia.

Decoctions and infusions are taken internally and externally. In the latter case positive effect achieved for toothache and throat diseases. In this case, rinsing is indicated.

Compresses have an anti-inflammatory effect for gout and joint diseases. If you treat wounds and damage with a decoction, the skin will regenerate faster.

It will soothe headaches. Since ancient times it has been used for fainting states and hysterical fits.


Lemon balm has beneficial properties and contraindications. ABOUT medicinal properties Much has already been said above. However, like any medicinal plant, lemon balm also has a number of contraindications.

For example, those people who have low blood pressure should try to use it very carefully, because due to its sedative effect on this problem, it can cause weakness.

If you abuse it during hypotension, you may experience dizziness and even fainting.

Among other things, individual intolerance may occur, manifested in the form muscle weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Some may experience diarrhea. Others, on the contrary, have constipation, cramps and heartburn.

If a person is engaged in activities that require accuracy and speed of reaction, activity and attention, then it is better to refrain from consuming lemon balm.


The plant uses leaves and stems, both fresh and dried. IN fresh they are often found in pickled and canned vegetables and fruits, thanks to which the preparations receive a pleasant aroma.

Lemon balm can be added to many sauces for meat, fish dishes and various salads.

But its most famous use is, of course, tea, which will not only perfectly quench thirst, but will also help stimulate appetite and improve activity gastrointestinal tract.

It is made from essential oils, which are successfully used in perfumery and cosmetology, as well as to improve taste qualities dishes and flavoring of alcohol.


Excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent serves green tea with the addition of lemon balm to the tea leaves. It is advisable to drink it with honey.

Lemon balm is easy to grow right in your garden or garden. It is better if it grows in the shade. Already in May, you can collect leaves a little at a time to add to tea and prepare for the winter.

This tea will be useful, but it should be consumed in moderate amount. Two cups a day is a completely normal and acceptable dose.

This drink will not only calm you down nervous state and will invigorate depression, but will also have a general strengthening effect on the body, improving appetite and normalizing cardiac activity.

To prepare it, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • this tea is brewed in porcelain or glass containers;
  • the water should be boiled, cooled to about eighty degrees;
  • green tea and lemon balm are taken in equal quantities: for one liter of water, one teaspoon of ingredients will be enough;
  • It is best to drink freshly brewed tea, and not already used or brewed for too long.


Both fresh and dried, the herb is used as a seasoning for salads, game dishes, fish, soups and various drinks. It can be used instead of allspice or black pepper. Melissa is also added when salting cabbage and cucumbers.


The aroma from freshly brewed lemon balm immediately spreads everywhere. And this is natural, because it contains a considerable amount of essential oils. They are actively used in cosmetology, homeopathy and medicine.

Even in ancient times, in Rome and Greece, the essential oil of this plant was used as a remedy.

However, in addition to medical purposes, lemon balm is also actively used in cosmetology. For example, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the lips. By regularly lubricating them with oil, the formation of crusts and cracks is prevented. At the same time, the border of the lips will again acquire its natural freshness and brightness, and the appearance as a whole will become even more attractive.

The plant called lemon balm or lemon balm is a medicinal plant. Its height reaches 0.5-0.7 m. It can grow in the same place for five to six years, after which it is replanted. Lemon balm is grown in gardens and flower beds. It is and therefore is successfully used by people in the national economy.

The lemon balm plant has several names. This includes bee grass, bee grass, honey grass, and lemon balm. It not only has melliferous properties, but also rich medicinal substances. Therefore, the herb is doubly useful.

The leaves of the lemon balm plant contain many essential substances(oils), vitamin C, carotene, and essential oils are the source of the lemon smell and pleasant bitter taste.

The lemon balm plant is used in folk medicine as a medicine. For example, lemon balm infusion is taken when a person has problems with respiratory organs(shortness of breath), with cardiac vascular diseases. Melissa is also successfully used in the treatment of neurosis, anxiety and high blood pressure.

The herb is also used in cooking. It acts as a spice and seasoning meat dish, game and fish dishes with the addition of mushrooms. And housewives use the leaves of the lemon balm plant when preserving vegetables and fruits. They make jams, marinades, and drinks aromatic and fresh.

For medicinal purposes, the green mass of the grass is used, which is harvested during budding. The greenery of the plant is rinsed and dried in a ventilated and shady place. Can be dried lemon balm in an oven heated to 45 degrees. After processing, the raw materials are stored in a well-closed glass jar. The shelf life is no more than one year. And if lemon balm is stored for a long time, the herb loses its smell.

Lemon mint is grown in soil rich in organic matter with a high degree of fertility. This is done in two ways:

Sowing seed material.

Dividing the root system of a plant.

If you planted mint seeds in the spring, then the roots of the herb are propagated (by dividing) in midsummer.

Before planting a plant in the garden bed, it is necessary to thoroughly nourish the soil with a compound prepared from 1 bucket of humus or compost material, 1 cup of wood ash and two full spoons of mineral fertilizer. Then you should dig up the beds, level them and water them with bird droppings or mullein (ratio of 1 tbsp per bucket of water).

Fertilizing is usually done in the spring with fertilizer consisting of a bucket of water, half a liter of mullein dissolved in it and two large spoons of nitrophosphate.

This plant differs from other similar plants (for example, in that it is very heat-loving. Therefore, do not leave it in winter without insulation. This can be done using sawdust, peat, fallen leaves and other suitable material. Information on how to grow and care for lemon balm plant, its photo can be found in many specialized publications.

The beneficial and medicinal properties of lemon balm are widely used in both official and folk medicine. Many people know this common garden crop very well under the name lemon balm. This perennial herbaceous and essential oil plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is often found as a field crop on forest edges, along forest ravines and shady gorges.

Chemical composition and characteristics of lemon balm

All medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of lemon balm are due to its special chemical composition. The main biologically active compound is represented by essential oil, the amount of which in the aerial part can vary at the level of 0.02-0.2-0.8%. Quantitative composition essential oil directly depends on both geographical location, and on the characteristics of soil and climatic factors.

Lemon balm is characterized as a rich source of ascorbic acid, as well as other active components beneficial to the human body, presented:

  • acids of organic origin;
  • useful resins and flavonoids;
  • tannins and bitters;
  • caffeic acids;
  • rosmarinic acids.

Melissa has similar composition with such no less popular and useful plant, How peppermint.

How to grow lemon balm (video)

Lemon balm: medicinal properties and contraindications

Medicinal and healing properties lemon balm is quite extensive. In addition to the fact that the plant contains many microelements necessary for humans, including magnesium, zinc, potassium, molybdenum, selenium, manganese and copper, its aerial part is actively used for medicinal purposes:

  • the oil is used when necessary to relieve spastic conditions; it is useful in the treatment of heart diseases and prevention cancerous tumors. Aromatherapy with oil gives good results in the treatment of insomnia. Actively used in therapy neurological diseases accompanied by irritation, sleep disturbance and increased excitability;
  • leaf decoctions prepared at the rate of 10 g per 500 ml of water and infused for a quarter of an hour are used in the treatment of almost any nervous disorders which are accompanied stomach colic. Active ingredients work great even with severe headaches of various etiologies and migraine attacks, and also help normalize brain processes, including blood circulation;

Grass lemon balm is the main ingredient of medicinal healing agents, the use of which is aimed at getting rid of asthma, tachycardia and coronary disease heart disease, as well as anemia. The low hypoglycemic index allows the use of lemon balm in diet drinks.

Has lemon balm and some harmful properties , therefore to absolute contraindications states expressed by:

Lemon balm is prohibited in the treatment of children preschool age. Chronic alcoholism is also a contraindication. Side effects at misuse may present with dizziness, hypotensive manifestations or decreased blood pressure and severe weakness. In the most severe cases, loss of consciousness occurs.

The healing properties of mint (video)

Beneficial properties of lemon balm for women

Lemon balm herb is popular among women. Remedies based on this plant help in getting rid of overweight, normalize menstrual cycle, and are also widely used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. No less popular culture in cosmetology and helps treat various skin rashes, dandruff and heavy sweating.

Pregnant women can add the leaves of this plant to teas, as well as refreshing and tonic drinks. Such remedies have proven themselves in the presence of toxicosis, nausea and lack of appetite. Consuming lemon balm during lactation helps increase milk production and also improves its quality characteristics.

Other varieties of mint

In our country, aromatic plectranthus or indoor mint is well known. The perennial crop has a rather pleasant and characteristic odor. The plant grows straight or has a creeping stem part. Subject to the rules of cultivation and good care, the height of the plant often exceeds 40-50 cm. Plectranthus has attractive, decorative foliage. The leaves are oval, up to 10 cm long, with finely toothed edges.

Plectranthus, like lemon balm, has a large number medicinal and beneficial properties, therefore used in the treatment of:

How to store mint (video)

The use of indoor mint helps to cope with complications that arise from severe or sluggish infectious diseases. Plectranthus is recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. The indoor aromatic perennial also finds use in cooking. The leaves are added to meat and fish dishes.

A perennial herb popularly called lemon balm due to high content essential oil with lemon scent, very useful. Its healing properties are highly appreciated, thanks to which the culture is very wide application in folk and official medicine.


Melissa or, as it is also called, lemon balm, is the oldest of the spicy aromatic plants. known to mankind. Born on the territory of the Eastern Mediterranean, lemon balm has long “grown” widely throughout the world, and has not bypassed Russia, where it has charmed everyone with its taste and smell.

Growing lemon balm.

To begin with, you should choose a suitable place for lemon balm. Melissa is pretty unpretentious plant, it prefers loose, loamy or sandy loam soil that is sufficiently fertilized. You should not “plant” bushes near a water source - lemon balm prefers drier places, and from the abundance of moisture it can get sick and die. If you plant lemon balm in the shade of trees, then it will, of course, survive, however, the smell from its leaves will be less intense. The greenery will accumulate less essential oil, which is the most valuable component of lemon balm. And the bushes will not grow so tall and lush. Partial shade is quite suitable.

When choosing a location, be sure to keep in mind that lemon balm is a perennial plant. The bush can live up to ten years! In the fall, dig up the area intended for lemon balm to a depth of twenty centimeters and fertilize it with manure. In the spring, you can take a chance and plant seeds directly in open ground, but this is a risky business. Seeds are planted no deeper than one and a half centimeters. If you plant lemon balm with seeds, do not expect flowers from it in the first year.

It is most preferable to plant lemon balm seedlings. To do this, around the end of March, sow the seeds in cups or a box and place it on the windowsill.

You can sow lemon balm seeds in a greenhouse. When planting seeds for seedlings, sow them not deep at all, about half a centimeter. Then the shoots will be more friendly. Space out the emerging plants so that there is space between them, otherwise they will interfere with each other. There should be gaps of about five centimeters between the sprouts. Little Melissa loves a lot of light. Keep the box with seedlings on the brightest windowsill, and on warm sunny days take it out to the balcony to breathe. It wouldn't hurt to add some nitrogen fertilizer.

Seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of one to one and a half months. Small bushes are frost-resistant, so plant them when the risk of frost is minimal. The bushes are planted at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other, and between the rows they must be left more space- sixty centimeters. Caring for lemon balm consists of loosening the soil and removing weed. Watering should only be done if the summer is very dry. Melissa loves to feed, but do not feed the plant before flowering, as this prevents the seeds from ripening on time.

The lemon balm bush can be propagated without resorting to sowing seeds. Bend several branches of lemon balm to the ground and sprinkle with earth, they will take root, and in the spring you can separate them from the main bush and plant them. This procedure should be carried out at the beginning of summer. Do not forget to water the soil with which you sprinkled the branches, otherwise they will not sprout roots.

There is another way to propagate an old lemon balm bush - dividing the bush. The procedure should be performed in early spring, when shoots are just beginning to appear. The bush should be cut into approximately equal parts, so that at least four shoots come from each part. Only a bush that is at least three years old can be divided into parts.

To ensure that lemon balm overwinters well and the rhizome does not freeze, it can be covered with leaves that have fallen from the trees.

Melissa - perennial and it’s easy to grow it on your balcony so that you always have tasty and fragrant leaves and shoots at hand. In order for your lemon balm to grow for sure, you first need to take care of the seedlings. Buy a container for it and a nutritious soil mixture in the store, adding one-third sand to it. In March, spill the soil in the box hot water, crush it, and plant dry lemon balm seeds. Sprinkle a 0.5 mm layer of soil on top, cover with film and place in a warm place until germination. Melissa seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks. Spray the soil with warm, settled water twice a day. After germination, remove the film and water carefully in the usual way as the top layer of soil dries out.

In early May, mature seedlings can be planted on a balcony under the open sky. Melissa is a subshrub with a creeping superficial rhizome, therefore, for a permanent place you need a wide and shallow container, always with holes in the bottom. First, pour a 2 cm layer of drainage into it, with fertilized loose soil on top. Pour it with warm, settled water and carefully, trying not to damage the roots, transfer the lemon balm seedlings into the container. If the plants do not tolerate transplantation well, then spray them with Epin solution. Further care consists of loosening and watering with used tea leaves.

Melissa grows up slowly during the first year of her life. In the fall, bring the plant into the room, let it delight you with its spicy taste and aroma all winter long. If this is not possible, then with the onset of cold weather, carefully wrap the shoots and remove the box down the balcony. Let them spend the winter peacefully. And in early spring the plant will produce a lot of friendly shoots and leaves. Cut the shoots, leaving the stems at a distance of 10 cm from the ground, and lemon balm bushes will soon delight you with their splendor. Flower buds should be plucked off as they appear.

Although lemon balm is demanding of light and heat, it can tolerate a slight drop in temperature without problems. In case of shortage sunlight or high sowing density, lemon balm's aroma weakens somewhat.

Use of lemon balm in cooking.

Melissa has a special smell - it's a real lemon aroma, very delicate and refreshing. It is thanks to its famous smell that lemon balm, both fresh and dried, is used as a culinary seasoning. Fresh leaves season all kinds of dishes, from salads to meat and fish delicacies. This miracle herb is simply irreplaceable in canning. Tea brewed from freshly picked or dried lemon balm leaves is unusually subtle in its aroma.

Application in medicine.

Melissa is also famous for her medicinal properties: it improves the condition nervous system, normalizes sleep, helps with colds, reduces blood pressure, stimulates the appetite, improves digestion, has anti-inflammatory properties, the leaves are rich in vitamin C, and is also used externally in the form of compresses for bruises and swelling.

Thanks to its bright, refreshing aroma, mint has long become a leader among herbs. The leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are used by culinary specialists and perfumers; a variety of products are made from plant raw materials. medical supplies and means traditional medicine. But, pouring mint tea while treating yourself to fragrant gingerbread or using toothpaste with a characteristic cooling taste, few people think about what type of mint raw material was used. Indeed, under the short name “” there can be dozens of related plants that have both similar features and properties inherent only in one variety.

What determines and are the medicinal properties and contraindications of different types of mint the same, and is everyone allowed to use infusions from herbal raw materials, tea and other products based on the spicy-flavoring plant?

Today, about two dozen species of mint have been cultivated and grown in garden beds and as indoor plants. Moreover, on different continents people find and give preference to their favorite varieties.

There is, for example, English, Australian and even Japanese mint, which is not found anywhere in the world except on several islands in the Land of the Rising Sun. In Russia, the most popular species have become those that grow here both natively and those brought from Europe, for example, the most common mint is peppermint. What is the effect of this or that type of mint on the body?

Peppermint: beneficial properties and contraindications

It is extremely difficult to find peppermint growing wild, because this plant is a hybrid of European varieties obtained several centuries ago, first noticed and widespread in Western Europe, and then throughout the world. Today, peppermint plantations intended for food, perfume, and pharmaceutical production exist in four dozen countries. Why did the plant become so famous, and what does it help with?

Peppermint owes its aroma to high concentration in green essential oil, the main component of which is menthol with a cooling and even burning taste and aroma. Therefore, the plant is sometimes called menthol mint, and the beneficial properties and contraindications associated with it mostly apply to related species. In addition to the essential oil rich in menthol, peppermint greens contain tannins and vitamins, natural bitterness and minerals, a mass of organic acids, esters and phytoncides.

The secret of the plant’s popularity lies in the composition of its leaves, stems and flowers used to obtain medicines, decoctions, tinctures and fragrances.

It is these substances that act on the body, and mint is recognized as an effective herbal remedy for combating pathogenic flora on the intestinal mucosa and oral cavity, in the nasopharynx and on skin. Plant raw materials are used in eliminating digestive problems, treating the liver and gallbladder, nervous and respiratory system. Preparations based on peppermint can relieve headaches and toothache, tested for the treatment of migraines, heart and vascular diseases.

Peppermint tea is a recognized sedative and is also a good help in the treatment of colds and inflammatory processes.

Many people are interested in how mint affects blood pressure? Mint has the ability to lower blood pressure, promotes faster digestion of food and relieves pain.

These are the medicinal properties of peppermint, but are there any contraindications? Yes, such an active herbal remedy, especially preparations with high content Peppermint essential oil should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under three years of age. Hypotensive effect mint may cause feeling unwell in people with low blood pressure. And the calming effect sometimes affects the reaction speed of car drivers.

Lemon mint: beneficial properties and contraindications

No less beneficial to the body can come from lemon balm or lemon balm, as these plants are called for their amazing aroma, which has notes of citrus and menthol at the same time.

The beneficial properties of lemon balm and contraindications for this plant are determined by the composition of the leaves, tops of stems and inflorescences used for food and treatment. The plant, like peppermint, is rich in essential oils, but their composition is somewhat different, which is reflected in the aroma of the herb and its qualities. Also, lemon balm herb contains vitamins, among which the main place is occupied by ascorbic acid, the leaves and stems of the plant contain tannins, tannins and mineral elements, saponins and flavonoids, natural bitterness and valuable organic acids.

What does lemon balm help with, and how does it act on human body? Like peppermint, lemon balm can effectively relieve pain and relieve emotional stress, neutralize causeless worries and activate brain function. Herbal remedies based on lemon balm leaves have antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Melissa will be useful for a number of gastrointestinal problems. Decoctions and infusions from this herb stimulate intestinal motility, causing it to be cleansed of gases and toxins, effectively combat constipation, relieve spasms and improve appetite.

Lemon balm affects the body against heart and vascular diseases, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and stroke. The strengthening effect of lemon balm is in demand by patients with anemia and neuralgia; the plant can help with migraine and spasmodic, for example, menstrual pain.

Melissa is widely used in the treatment skin infections fungal origin, eczema and juvenile acne, as well as diseases associated with work disorders immune system. Because lemon balm oil is a wonderful natural antiseptic. As lotions, lotions and compresses, products based on lemon balm are used for gout, herpes, and diseases of the oral cavity.

With a lot of beneficial properties similar to peppermint, the contraindications for taking lemon balm are also close.

Do not overuse fresh and dried grass people with hypertension, because, like mint, lemon balm also affects blood pressure. Women in the first months of pregnancy and those who are prone to allergic reactions When using components of plant raw materials, you should also be careful about the properties of the plant.

Long leaf mint: medicinal properties and contraindications

Long remaining wild plant Longleaf mint is also grown in gardens today. This large herbaceous crop has pleasant smell, close to other types of mint, and in Russia it is found both in middle lane, and in Western Siberia. The basis of the existing contraindications and medicinal properties of long-leaf mint is the rich composition of essential oils found in its greenery. In addition to menthol, there is linalool and pulegone, as well as carvacrol, which shows according to latest research pronounced antimicrobial properties.

Long leaf mint is rightfully considered the leader in its family in terms of analgesic and antiseptic properties. In this regard, mint acts on the body:

  • for headaches, stomach pains, toothaches;
  • with difficult to tolerate painful menstruation;
  • at viral diseases and colds;
  • for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Effect of spearmint on the body

Unlike the previously described types of mint, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which depended on the presence of menthol in plant parts, spearmint has a different set active ingredients in essential oil. It contains pulegone, cineole and carvone, linalool and limonene. It is for this essential oil that the plant is widely cultivated and used by pharmacists.

What does spearmint help with? At this time, the concentration of essential oils reaches its maximum, and the resulting raw materials can be used as an effective analgesic and sedative.

The leaves, which do not have a menthol odor, and the tips of the shoots are collected shortly before and during flowering.

Beneficial properties of mint

Field mint is a well-known wild species in Rus', the plants of which contain up to 2% of bitter, pungent-smelling essential oil. The main component responsible for beneficial properties field mint, is menthol. Other components also play an important role, for example, vitamins, organic acids, terpenes and tannins.

The plant has medicinal properties and contraindications in common with different types of mint. But more often used externally and internally as an anti-inflammatory natural remedy, able to calm and gently relieve pain.

Catnip: beneficial properties and uses

Catnip or catnip smells most like lemon balm, since its essential oil does not contain such an aggressive component as menthol, but it contains nepelactone, as well as other aromatic substances, which include geraniol, carvacrol and limonene. Citral catnip greens contain tannins and vitamins, phytoncides and terpenes. What is the effect of catnip on the body?

Beneficial properties of dogmint or ivy budra

An herbaceous plant, related to cultivated species of mint and distributed in wild form throughout the country, has been undeservedly ignored by gardeners and gardeners. What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of dognip? There's quite a bit of low-maintenance dog mint in the greens tannins and natural bitters, carotene, essential oils, amino acids, saponins, as well as ascorbic, caffeic, tartaric and mustard acid.

The herb will be useful for inflammatory and infectious diseases respiratory tract, liver and gallbladder. A decoction of budra will help relieve stomach and renal colic, get your appetite back.

Externally, plant materials and decoctions from them are used for ulcers, inflammatory processes on the skin, eczema and gout, and edema. The herb has a wound-healing, soothing effect. But here there are not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications, because, like different types mint, budra is biologically saturated active substances requiring a careful approach.

The healing effect of mint on the body is versatile and very powerful. Despite its inconspicuousness, budra is an excellent anti-inflammatory remedy.

Beneficial properties of indoor mint or plectranthus

Housewives simply love to grow this popular indoor plant. which is a relative of cultivated mint species. This is confirmed by the pleasant pungent aroma of camphor and menthol emanating from the crushed greenery of plectranthus growing in pots on windowsills. This is how the essential oils that make up the above-ground part of the plant make themselves known. But what are the beneficial properties of indoor mint?

Essential oils of this indoor plant, like phytoncides, have a disinfecting effect, which has a positive effect on the quality of the atmosphere in the room. In addition, the aroma of indoor mint can deodorize the air well, have a beneficial effect on the well-being of people nearby, improve performance and tone up.

The negative influence of plectranthus is felt by insects that annoy the inhabitants of the house: mosquitoes, flies and moths.

Contraindications to the use of mint

With pronounced medicinal properties various types mint contraindications for use herbal preparations quite extensive and serious. Since mint affects blood pressure, reducing it, you should not overuse it herbal remedies people with hypotension. Likewise, the calming effect of the plant is accompanied by a decrease in the number of heart contractions, which means that patients with heart disease should carefully use preparations with menthol and mint herb.

Contraindications to taking mint preparations are:

  • severe stage of urinary and cholelithiasis;
  • age up to three years;
  • asthenia;
  • colds, accompanied by a large amount of sputum;
  • allergic reactions to components of mint greens and asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the male reproductive system.

It is believed that mint has a depressant effect on testosterone production, and this can threaten the sexual function of men. However, this can only happen with excessive amounts of mint consumed, and a cup of tea with this vegetable raw materials It will not harm your health at all, but will also help you calm down, get rid of headaches and mild colds.

The same can be said about beneficial properties and contraindications of mint for pregnant women. If the measures are followed, the plant is completely harmless, but even if mint is abused, a sudden labor activity threatening the development of the fetus.

Making mint tea - video



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