Hallux valgus clinic diagnostics treatment. Conservative methods of treatment of valgus deformity of the big toe without surgery and in which cases it is necessary to do without surgical intervention

Orthopedic disease, popularly known as "bone on the legs", is called "valgus deformity thumb feet". Many consider an unpleasant phenomenon to be a cosmetic defect, but, in fact, inflammation develops in the joint.

Bunion of the big toe can be cured without surgery at an early stage of the disease, until the negative changes have become irreversible. Delay in visiting a doctor often leads to the need surgical intervention.

general information

The bone on the leg is an unaesthetic formation that worsens appearance Feet, uncomfortable when walking. A patient suffering from bunion of the first toe cannot wear beautiful shoes, during movement there are pain in the feet.

Hallux valgus is not just a defect, it is a signal of a violation of metabolic processes, an unhealthy lifestyle. The main category of patients are women aged 45–50 years and older, often with overweight and endocrine pathologies.

It is not difficult to recognize an orthopedic disease: with hallux valgus, the first finger bends, looks inward, the joint protrudes outward. How stronger degree defeat, the more the bone sticks out. With I degree of pathology, the angle of deviation of the thumb is 15 degrees, with II - 20 degrees, with III - 30 degrees. Displacement of the 1st finger at IV, most severe degree hallux valgus, is more than 30 degrees.

Important! Negative changes in the metatarsophalangeal joint do not occur in one day, the patient can notice the first signs of bursitis in time, consult a doctor. With a severe stage of orthopedic disease, folk methods, orthoses and pharmaceutical preparations ineffective. The older the patient, the less likely the success of conservative therapy.

Why does a bone appear on the finger

Doctors identify two main causes of the development of articular pathology:

  • emergence factors. If they are present, a “bone on the leg” will inevitably arise sooner or later;
  • risk factors. With their presence, the likelihood of developing bursitis of the big toe increases.

Patients often do not know that habitual activities or lifestyle are the cause of orthopedic disease. The sooner it becomes clear what causes hallux valgus, the easier it is to give up some habits, reduce the risk of an unpleasant, painful formation.

Occurrence factors:

  • weakness of the metatarsophalangeal joint due to foot deformity;
  • failures in metabolic processes;
  • insolvency, pathological changes in the tendon.

Combination negative factors leads to a change in the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones, displacement of foot elements. The head of the protruding joint is the ugly “bump” that protrudes under the skin.

Risk factors:

  • prolonged wearing of uncomfortable, tight shoes, high heels. Not correct position foot gradually causes deformation of the 1st toe;
  • excess weight. Unnecessary kilograms increase pressure on the joints, worsen the condition of the lower extremities;
  • violation of metabolic processes. Salt deposits uric acid, diabetes worsen the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • structural features of the foot, for example, the first metatarsal bone is longer than expected;
  • hereditary predisposition. Negative changes occur with genetic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, wrong exchange substances detected immediately after birth;
  • and various etiologies in chronic form. Long pathological process impairs joint health. Negative factors against the background of joint diseases often lead to the appearance of an ugly “bone”;
  • elderly age. As the body ages, bones become more fragile, calcium is washed out, the production of synovial fluid decreases, abrasion of articular heads and cartilaginous tissue increases. Against the background of degenerative-dystrophic changes, the risk of deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint increases;
  • transverse flatness. The defect is more common in women. The incorrect position of the foot does not depend on the type of shoes, the reason is congenital articular anomalies.


At the first signs of valgus deformity in the area of ​​the thumb, most patients self-medicate. Miraculous ointments are being used, therapeutic baths, patches for bone resorption, other methods.

Sometimes the deformation stops, but, most often, the disease progresses against the background of negative factors that worsen the health of the cartilage and bone tissue, as before. Only experienced doctor study the problem, develop a treatment plan.

Diagnosis of the disease, therapy of pathology is carried out by a surgeon or orthopedic traumatologist. With bursitis, the help of an endocrinologist and a therapist is often required.

Methods of treatment without surgery

Conservative therapy is effective for grades 1 and 2 of hallux valgus. It will take maximum effort on the part of the patient, discipline, and strict adherence to treatment recommendations. Folk methods are ineffective, compresses, baths, homemade ointments slightly reduce inflammation, reduce soreness, but they cannot be taken as a basis.

Important! In the absence of adequate therapy, orthopedic pathology becomes severe, grades 3 and 4, osteomyelitis develops, the feet swell, painful calluses and suppurations appear. With advanced cases, a large angle of displacement of the 1st finger, it is difficult for the patient to walk, movements cause excruciating pain, the purchase of shoes often ends nervous breakdowns due to the difficulty in choosing the right shoes or boots.

The main focus is on the following methods:

  • special exercises. primary goal therapeutic gymnastics- strengthen the muscles of the legs, increase the elasticity of the ligaments, prevent venous congestion, normalize blood circulation in the capillaries. Complex exercise therapy the attending physician will show. The exercises actively involve the ankle, toes, knee joints, the patient should pull socks, move fingers. Popular leg exercises are effective: “Bicycle”, “Scissors”;
  • weight correction. The appearance of extra pounds is an excessive pressure on the joints, cartilage tissue. At big weight a patient suffering from a “bone on a finger” should lose weight to optimal levels. Correct Mode nutrition plus physical activity - the main methods of dealing with high body weight;
  • orthopedic shoes. Another mandatory element of conservative therapy. The doctor will individually select soft, wide shoes with a special “glass” (hard device) for the thumb area. At constant wear special shoes stop the development of the "bone" (for the success of the treatment, it is also necessary to fulfill other points of the treatment plan);
  • wearing orthoses. Special orthopedic devices help to early stage bursitis of the thumb. Modern clamps return the first finger to its usual position, significantly reduce the size of the “bone”. Many experts recommend the Valgus Pro gel fixative for varying degrees orthopedic pathology. With a small angle of deviation, the valgus deformity will gradually disappear, with more severe stages, the “bulging of the bone” will noticeably decrease;
  • medicines. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds will help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, hormonal preparations for intra-articular injections, analgesics. Orthoses and exercises alone cannot cure ugly “bones on the fingers” if an inflammatory process develops inside the joint. Baths, body wraps medicines and herbal decoctions less effective than treating a diseased joint from the inside.

When is an operation necessary?

With severe, 3 and 4 stages of pathology, displacement of the thumb by 30 degrees or more conservative therapy does not have a positive effect on the condition of the problem joint. Pronounced hallux valgus is a reason to make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.

Operations to excise the painful "bone" have long been deleted from the list of dangerous, provoking serious complications. Modern methods return to the patient the joy of movement, remove an ugly tubercle on the side of the foot without severe consequences for the body.

Go to and read about the symptoms and treatment of a pinched brachial nerve.

Common methods of surgical intervention:

  • chevron osteotomy. Effective method corrections at an angle of deviation up to 17 degrees;
  • minimally invasive deformity correction. Jewelry work requires a highly skilled surgeon. The method shows excellent results even when severe forms pathology;
  • scarf osteotomy. The technique corrects the position at a different angle of deformation (17–40 degrees). The method involves fixation of the phalanx of the thumb with titanium screws after manual correction of the displaced bone.

After surgical treatment, the patient undergoes rehabilitation to restore the functions of the foot. It is recommended to wear special shoes during the day, to put on a special splint at night, to take analgesics and antibiotics to prevent inflammation in the operated area.

With strict adherence to the technique, 3 weeks after the operation, the person returns to normal life, forgets about discomfort when walking and pain syndrome.

Congenital anomalies of the foot and hereditary predisposition are factors that cannot be prevented. Age changes amenable to correction if a person leads correct image life, health care.

After studying the list of causes that cause hallux valgus in the area of ​​the first toe, it is easy to notice: it is possible to mitigate the effect of some factors, to prevent the development of orthopedic pathology. Surgeons and orthopedists advise monitoring the state of the musculoskeletal system, paying attention to the first signs of inflammation in time.

Prevention measures:

  • therapy of endocrine pathologies;
  • selection of the optimal heel height for long-term wear;
  • giving up the habit of “breaking in” narrow shoes;
  • exercises for the legs, exercises to increase the elasticity of the ligaments;
  • physical activity;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • correction of flat feet, wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • proper nutrition that slows down the aging process in various departments body, including the musculoskeletal system.

Conservative treatment for hallux valgus will be successful if you see a doctor in a timely manner. Bumps on the side of the foot are not only ugly and uncomfortable, but also dangerous to health. The sooner the doctor prescribes treatment, the lower the risk of complications and surgery.

Is it possible to get rid of a bone on the big toe without surgery? About the features of the treatment of valgus deformity of the foot in the following video:

The operation of hallux valgus is half the battle. After her second milestone- rehabilitation. Feedback on how things went is valuable information. The advice of those who are already behind is very important for those who are going to take a step towards an easy walk and return to beautiful shoes. After all, almost every person who loves himself strives for this. But the pathology that interferes with putting on a chic model is a lump of hallux valgus, popularly called the “bone” of the big toe, has a chronic, progressive character. Today we will talk about the advanced stage this disease, what can be the solution to the problem, we will find out what role rehabilitation has. Let's get acquainted with the complex of exercises.

The main essence of the formation of hallux valgus is the development of deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint, it leads to the deviation of the big toe on the foot. Due to cosmetic defects and problems with complications, hallux valgus surgery is often recommended, rehabilitation, sometimes lasting up to half a year.

Stages surgical intervention

Of course, there are also conservative methods - wearing special fixatives, massage and physiotherapy. However, these methods are able to carry out a correction at stage 1. In other cases, they only help to alleviate the condition.

In the orthopedic online store "Healthy Legs" you can buy an inexpensive corrector for hallux valgus.

Important: folk methods and "grandmother's" recipes for the treatment of bumps on the leg do not exist, only orthopedic aids or operation.

Types of surgery

Surgical treatment can be of several types:

  • Minimally invasive - the entire operation is performed through a puncture without the use of special fixators, effective for mild and medium degree gravity.
  • Reconstruction surgery is recommended for severe degrees valgus deformity. Special fasteners are used to restore the anatomical position.
  • Arthrodesis - is used for arthritic changes, with the establishment of complete immobility of the joint. It helps eliminate pain when walking and deformity.

During treatment, the doctor restores the correct position of the joint, removes bone growths, and also fixes the motionless deformed area.

Another type of hallux valgus is the so-called scarf operation. During the operation, a wedge-shaped area is removed from the bone of the big toe, then the edges are compared.

Minimally invasive treatment

Tests for surgery hallux valgus

Before the day of the operation, an x-ray of the foot is taken in a standing position, projection (direct, lateral).

Tip: the day before, exclude all thermal procedures (bath, sauna, hot bath), massage, workouts, fatty, fried, sweet, spicy, alcohol (3 days), some types of drugs (antibiotics, diuretics, hormonal) need a doctor's advice.

Standard tests:

  1. General analysis:
  • urine (morning);
  • blood (on an empty stomach).
  1. Group and Rh factor of blood.
  2. Biochemical analysis of blood from a vein (a specific list will be specified in writing, in all clinics is different).
  3. Syphilis.
  4. Hepatitis.
  5. Coagulogram (analysis of the blood coagulation system).
  6. Fluorography.
  7. Electrocardiogram with description.

How is the operation

In the case of minimally invasive intervention, all manipulations are carried out under X-ray control. The task of the surgeon is to remove the bone outgrowth through two punctures and restore the necessary axis metacarpal joints. The main disadvantage is the possibility of the return of pathology.

Results after surgery bumps on thumbs legs

At reconstructive surgery knitting needles (under running conditions), screws, plates (brackets) are used. They help to keep from deformity, as well as to maintain the correct position of the bones after an osteotomy.

  • Mainly operate under local anesthesia into the cerebrospinal fluid of the spinal canal, but they also do anesthesia. An interview with an anesthesiologist is required.
  • Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour.

It is important to understand that establishes the need for surgical intervention, only a specialist. No matter how much you want to quickly get beautiful legs, if there is no indication for surgery, then conservative therapy will be a priority.

Indications for the operation.

  1. Pain in the joint of the thumb.
  2. inflammatory processes.
  3. Severe deformities of the bones and the foot as a whole.


Despite the importance of such treatment, there are diseases in which the operation is strictly prohibited, these include:

  • diabetic foot;
  • pathology of peripheral arteries;
  • systemic diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • the presence of purulent inflammatory processes.

The first phase of menstruation is contraindicated, anesthesia can cause bleeding.

Arthrotic changes in the joints are not a contraindication, however, treatment is carried out taking into account recovery period and the possibility of complications.

Watch a short video.

Hallus valgus rehabilitation after surgery

Postoperative period

Recovery depends on the type of operation chosen and individual features person. All days in the hospital they pierce a course of antibiotics and painkillers.

On the very first day after surgical treatment, strict bed rest. For a warning severe edema, 6 weeks elastic bandage bandage the shin together with the foot, swelling of the foot is allowed within the normal range.

Two weeks passed

It is allowed to move after three days, the patient immediately puts on special Baruk shoes, they even sleep in them and go home after 3-5 days, they wear them for six months, if there are no shoes, they put plaster. Buy a crutch, a walker to reduce the load on the operated leg, it will come in handy in the clinic and at home.

One dressing is done in a hospital, the next as it gets dirty, and in the absence of secretions, you should not touch the bandages at all. If necessary, it can be done at home, it is unlikely to be convenient to visit the clinic, or ask for a dressing at home (as agreed). Protruding knitting needles and seams are treated with alcohol or chlorhexidine. Water procedures allowed after 3 days, after removing the stitches and removing the spokes, so as not to cause an infection.

Important: ointments, compresses on the seams, only with the permission of the doctor.

The stitches are removed after 12 days. If the fixation took place with knitting needles, then they should be removed after 3 weeks, the procedure is not difficult, anesthesia is not required. I process the wounds with greenery. With screws, plates (staples), everything is simpler, the structures are firmly attached to the tissues, so if they do not bother, there is no need to remove them, which also reduces the recovery period during rehabilitation.

Healing process in a month

Mandatory 8 weeks (one month later), wear a semi-rigid abduction corrector great phalanx feet to the side, then replace it with silicone interdigital separators (inserts), which will hold tightly between 1 and 2 phalanges of the fingers, they perform the same functions as the corrector.

For this time (3 months) pick up soft, comfortable shoes with a flat sole that would fit the toes with inserts.

Six months later, a heel up to 5 cm is allowed, but an insole is added under the forefoot, for transverse flat feet, the insert between the toes remains, it is worn for 7 months.

The online store has a large selection of interdigital silicone partitions.

In addition to the restrictions in postoperative period, you will have to follow certain rules when choosing shoes for the rest of your life, high heels are highly undesirable.

How to change bandages at home

You can enjoy walking without any devices after 1.5 months, and the possibility of playing sports and physical activity is solved strictly individually - it depends on the characteristics of the recovery period, the complexity of the deformity and how the operation itself went, whether there were any complications. At the same time, driving, cycling, swimming are allowed.

Fundamentals of the rehabilitation period

  • Maximum provision of rest before the permission of the surgeon to activity.
  • The use of anti-inflammatory ointments to improve healing and reduce the recovery period.
  • Subsequent intervention should be carried out with a break of at least 3 weeks, provided that it is necessary to carry out on both limbs at the same time, discussed with the doctor.
  • It is obligatory to maintain a special position of the big toe with the help of tight bandaging for 1.5 months, removing it for hygiene procedures and exercise therapy.
  • Permanent wearing of special orthopedic shoes.

No matter how much you want to put on model shoes after surgery, you should still think about the recurrence of the disease. Beautiful fashionable shoes, especially narrow, with high heels under the strictest prohibitions. Shoes should be selected according to size, with sufficient fullness, with not large heels (by the way, complete absence heels are also not recommended).

The results of the operation of hallux valgus, and mandatory rehabilitation, which lasts about 6 weeks, and the evaluation of the final results is 6-12 months.

The sick leave is opened in the institution where the procedure was performed. Extend the sick leave and be observed at the place of residence by the surgeon. Observation by a surgeon every 3 months during the entire recovery period after the operation of hallux valgus.

Valgus deformity of the feet - exercises

AT rehabilitation period physiotherapy and exercise therapy help speed up healing and develop feet faster. Gymnastics is especially important for improving blood circulation and motor functions.

The simplest exercises can be carried out already on the first day after the osteotomy - moving the fingers several times during the day.

Exercise 1. Alternate stretching of the feet for several minutes.

Exercise 2. Self-massage - stretching and bending the thumb (without much zeal, please).

Exercise 3. Activities for activating movement - picking up a straightened towel or cloth with your fingers, rolling objects with toes.

Exercise 4. Roll the ball with the help of the feet, you can do both with two legs at once, or alternately.

Exercises 5. Performed only with the permission of the doctor (approximately after 6-8 weeks). Climbing on toes with a stop at highest point and then, slowly lowering.

Listen to your feelings and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. If pain occurs at the time of doing gymnastics, you should stop exercising. The recommended rate is 3 times a day for 10 minutes. Combine at your choice, but rather consult your doctor if something does not work out.

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On this article I will finish, we have analyzed the main surgical interventions for deformity of the thumb. Following the recommendations of the surgeon after the operation, rehabilitation is successful, the main thing is not to rush and be patient.

The son records his covers, listen to the chic performance Despite the fact that he found himself in music in a wheelchair.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

With such a problem as bursitis of the big toe, or "bone on the leg" is familiar great amount of people. At the same time, not only the joint and the thumb itself, but also neighboring fingers and the foot as a whole, lend themselves to curvature. In medicine, this pathology is called valgus deformity of the big toe, or in Latin - hallux valgus.

Most consider this problem cosmetic and do not resort to any specific treatment, do not seek medical help. And this disease itself brings a lot of problems and inconveniences to a person, even in the simple wearing and selection of shoes. But in addition to cosmetic problems, hallux valgus carries information about problems with metabolism, musculoskeletal system, wrong image life and bad habits. Therefore, the presence of the infamous bone on the leg is a good reason to pay attention to your health and get expert advice.

What is hallux valgus and what does it look like?

Hallux valgus, or bunion of the big toe, is an orthopedic disease in which there is a strong deviation of the first toe outward with a change in the metatarsophalangeal joint.

The hallux valgus deformity of the first toe looks like its moving inwards in relation to other fingers, while the joint itself “sticks out” outward.

Mostly women suffer from this pathology. This is probably due to wearing uncomfortable shoes and the accompanying deformity of the foot. It is interesting that the disease is inherent only in the inhabitants of civilized countries, leading little active image life, eating " fast food and wearing shoes.

Among the people, the disease is known under the name "bone on the finger" and it is not given special attention despite all the inconvenience. In fact, this is not cosmetic defect, but an orthopedic disease requiring a full-fledged complex treatment.

Causes and risk factors for hallux valgus

Previously, there was a version according to which hallux valgus deformity of the 1st toe is the result of trauma anterior section foot and its improper treatment. Now this version has been dispelled by scientists who have proved that the predominant factor in the occurrence is a genetic predisposition and anatomical features foot structures.

The causes of occurrence can be divided into two groups - risk factors and occurrence factors. The former are not a guarantee of the development of valgus deformity of the big toe, but under certain conditions they can provoke it. The second are the direct causes of occurrence.

Risk factors include:

  1. Wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes, shoes with high heels. Incorrect position of the foot for a long time leads to persistent deformities, which in turn is the cause of hallux valgus deformity of 1 toe.
  2. Transverse flat foot. This pathology is more woman than men. The reason for the occurrence of foot deformity with flat feet is the same incorrect position, but independent of the type of shoe.
  3. genetic predisposition. congenital dysplasia metatarsus-sphenoid joint, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, genetic pathologies of metabolism.
  4. Anatomical features of the structure of the foot, for example, a long first metatarsal bone.
  5. Arthritis. With this pathology, deformation of the joints and bones also occurs, which can be complicated by hallux valgus.
  6. Elderly age. Metabolic disorders, calcium leaching from bones, problems of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system play important role in the occurrence of deformity of the big toe.
  7. Excess weight, which increases pressure on the foot, can provoke hallux valgus.

The main causes of this disease are metabolic disorders and weakness of the metatarsophalangeal joint, resulting from deformity of the foot. The failure of the tendon apparatus contributes to progressive changes. The mechanism of occurrence is based on a change in the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones, as a result of which 1st metatarsal the bone moves inward, and the thumb moves outward. Metatarsal head held in wrong position, and forms this bulging bump.

Who to contact for help?

The desire to cure a protruding bone on the leg is in itself commendable. But dealing with this problem on your own is a risky business. The most competent decision in this situation is to contact a specialist. Help in the treatment of valgus deformity of the big toe can orthopedic traumatologist and surgeon . It will also not be superfluous to consult a therapist and an endocrinologist, which will help identify problems with the endocrine system.

Only qualified medical care will allow not only to eliminate a cosmetic defect, but also to prevent recurrence by curing its cause.

To eliminate the protruding bone itself, you should contact a surgeon who, for a fairly a short time will help restore your foot, and you will be able to wear your favorite shoes again.

What degrees of deformation are distinguished by modern medicine?

It is customary to distinguish four degrees of hallus valgus, depending on the angle of deviation of the thumb:

I degree - 15 degrees.

II degree - 20 degrees.

III degree - 30 degrees.

IV degree - more than 30 degrees.

The first two degrees of valgus deformity of the 1st toe are not complicated and bring mainly cosmetic discomfort. III and IV degrees have health consequences. Among these are hammer-shaped deformity, when II and III fingers cease to take part in the process of walking; ingrown nails; painful calluses and corns that become inflamed and suppurate; foot edema, osteomyelitis. That's why timely diagnosis is of paramount importance and will help to avoid the consequences associated with the complication of the inflammatory process.

What methods of treatment of hallux valgus exist today?

For a man long time living with a protruding growth on his leg, the question of how to cure hallux valgus deformity is extremely important, because this is not only a cosmetic defect, but also severe pain, the inability to move calmly, not to mention some kind of vigorous physical activity.

To date, there are two groups of methods for the treatment of valgus deformity of the first finger - conservative and surgical.

From the point of view of efficiency, surgical intervention is more appropriate and fast method treatment of this pathology. Conservative treatment has another advantage - it does not require the use of anesthesia and is generally easier to tolerate with psychological point vision.

To be fair, it should be noted that conservative treatment in recent times has really proven effective in the treatment of hallux valgus I -II degree. But at a more severe stage, only surgery will help.

Is it possible to cure the disease without surgery?

On the early stages conservative treatment is possible. The early stages mean valgus deformity of the thumb of I-II degree, with a small angle of deviation and without complications.

Conservative treatment includes special gymnastics, weight management, use of braces, wearing orthopedic shoes, and drug therapy.

In the initial stages of valgus deformity of the big toe, exercises can significantly reduce the angle of deviation and pain associated with this problem.

Among these exercises it is worth noting the following:

  • ankle stretching exercises: pulling socks on yourself while sitting on the floor; rises on toes, standing on a step;
  • "Bicycle", in which the legs move from the hip to the toes parallel to the floor, slowly, with the toes extended on the "push" with the legs and tension on the flexion;
  • breeding socks to the sides, sitting on the floor with straight legs;
  • active movements of the toes (compression, dilution);
  • exercises with a small expander ball: you need to hold the ball between the “bones” of both legs and try to exert as much pressure on it as possible more pressure like crushing the ball.

One of common causes bunions on the feet is excessive pressure on the feet due to excess weight. Weight loss is prerequisite treatment. The correction should include adequate diet and physical activity .

Today, orthopedists are actively using new developments, namely clamps , which correct the position of the thumb with hallux valgus. They are worn mostly at night and removed in the morning. An example of such a fixative is the Valgus Pro gel fixative. It has a lot of analogues, but the original gives results faster, and the quality of the material itself compares favorably. Using retainers for deformed thumbs allows you to completely eliminate the defect at stage I and significantly reduce discomfort and bulging in case of valgus deformity of the foot of degrees from II to IV.

Wearing comfortable orthopedic shoes recommend in most cases of incipient hallux valgus. The patient is prescribed soft wide shoes with an insole against flat feet and a fixing "glass" in the toe. These shoes are recommended to be worn as a treatment in the first stages and after surgery to maintain and consolidate the result.

Drug therapy includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, corticosteroids in the form of injections. This allows you to significantly alleviate the symptoms of hallux valgus in the treatment without surgery.

Less effective, but still able to relieve pain in hallux valgus baths and wraps. They are mainly assigned as adjuvant therapy to other methods, or as preparation before and after surgery.

In the early stages, conservative treatment of hallux valgus is quite effective.

Surgical treatment of hallux valgus

On the late stages, which are characterized not only by severe deformation, but also by complications, expedient and unique effective method treatment remains surgery. Previously, such an operation was considered not only ineffective, but also dangerous method treatment, and not every surgeon undertook the operation.

To date, there are more than two hundred effective types of surgical intervention used for severe valgus curvature of the big toe. Complications are practically absent.

The most used methods surgical treatment are the following.

  1. Mini-invasive correction of hallux valgus. At the same time, there is no need for repeated surgical intervention and implantation, even in the later stages of the pathology. Only two small holes are made on both sides of the thumb, and with the help of small cutters, almost jewelry work is carried out to align the position of the metatarsus and phalanx of the thumb with the expansion of the capsule.
  2. Chevron osteotomy. This type of operation is used for I-II degree of deformation (no more than 17 degrees in deviation). The operation consists in excising the growth and fixing the phalanx of the thumb with a titanium wire and a screw on certain time. Then the structure is removed and the person lives happily ever after with an even, beautiful foot.
  3. Scarf osteotomy. This method is used for curvature II-III severity (from 17 to 40 degrees). The operation consists in manual correction of the position of the metatarsus and fixation of the phalanx with the help of two titanium screws.

These surgeries for hallux valgus are effective in treating any stage of the disease.

Regardless of the volume and complexity of the operation, surgical intervention requires careful postoperative care. Recovery usually takes about three weeks. In most cases, after surgery for hallux valgus, a person must wear special shoes during the day and corrective splints at night. After 6 weeks, you can only wear special wide shoes. It is also necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs and perform therapeutic exercises for recovery. normal operation legs.

There are also special programs rehabilitation after surgery for hallux valgus, helping to restore the function of muscles and tendons

Is it possible to prevent hallux valgus?

Prevention comes from causes. It's obvious that the only way to prevent this disease is to wear comfortable shoes, an active lifestyle, weight control and timely referral to an orthopedist. Moreover, it is necessary to visit a specialist not only at the first signs of deformation, but simply once a year for a preventive examination.

It is also important to regularly monitor the health status and cholesterol levels in the blood. Of great importance is the implementation of preventive gymnastics and timely correction of flat feet.

Thus, valgus deformity of the first finger is a problem both cosmetic and medical. After all, the inability to wear beautiful shoes and unaesthetic is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, there are more major changes at the level of the whole organism. But hallux valgus is not a sentence. Today in medicine, there are four degrees of severity of deformity of the big toe and treatment is also prescribed taking into account the severity of the disease and the goal.


It's a curvature of the big toe. The disease is most common in women, although it also occurs among men and children.

The main causes of hallux valgus

  • Violations in the work of the endocrine system. The "bump" rapidly increases in size during menopause.
  • Heredity. The disease is transmitted genetically.
  • Transverse flat foot. It is necessary to stop the development of this disease using the methods proposed by the orthopedist: arch support insoles, physiotherapy, massage, etc.
  • Overweight. Obesity leads not only to an increase in the load on the foot, but also overworks the spine and is the cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Tight shoes. The biggest threat comes from high, pointed-toe studs that place the brunt of the load on the forefoot.

Try to minimize the influence of the mentioned factors in order to prevent the development of the disease.

The main symptoms of hallux valgus:

  • pain when walking in the area of ​​the first joint of the thumb;
  • discomfort in the metatarsal area;
  • sharp pain in the lower part of the thumb and metatarsophalangeal joint;
  • deformity of the thumb;
  • curvature of the second finger;
  • the formation of thickening of the skin;
  • mechanical damage to the foot.

Sometimes the first and second symptom appear in parallel. Over time, pain may disappear and make itself felt after a few years. With increasing discomfort, the deviation of the thumb joint from the norm also increases. If the "bump" is just beginning to develop, pain may not be present.

Stages of the disease

The key parameters for determining the stage (degree) of hallux valgus deformity are the angle of curvature of the thumb and metatarsal bone. In accordance with them, the following stages of development of diseases are distinguished.

  • I stage. The inter-tarsal angle is less than 12 degrees, and the curvature of the thumb does not exceed 25.
  • II stage. The tarsal angle is 12-18 degrees, and the curvature of the thumb is 25-35 degrees.
  • III stage. The intertarsal angle is greater than 18 degrees, and the curvature of the thumb is 35 degrees.

Having found the first symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor.

Methods for the treatment of valgus deformity of the big toe

Treatment of the disease with folk methods

At the first stage of the disease, treatment of hallux valgus at home will help minimize its symptoms.

  • Before going to bed, apply a little propolis to the problem area.
  • Apply a mixture of 20 grams of iodine and finely chopped aspirin tablets to your joints before a night's rest.
  • Eliminate pain and stop inflammatory processes a mixture of 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of salt and 10 drops of iodine will help.

Keep in mind that these approaches are only meant to relieve symptoms. To obtain professional treatment contact an orthopedist or surgeon.

Conservative approach in the treatment of hallux valgus

To overcome the first stage of the disease, the following is relevant.

  • Physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle;
  • The use of an arch support, special insoles or interdigital pads;
  • Bandage for the night;
  • The use of orthopedic orthoses.

Halus valgus treatment is reduced to taking anti-inflammatory drugs and the implementation of physiotherapy. Also relevant shock wave therapy. If the approaches mentioned above are not effective or there is II or III stage diseases, then surgical intervention is indispensable.


Valgus deformity of the big toe is solved by such radical measures:

  • laser action;
  • endoscopy;
  • surgery.

Modern approaches are laser and endoscopy. Their advantages are minimal blood loss, small scars and fast recovery. Local anesthesia is used more often than general anesthesia. During laser exposure, the likelihood of infection is reduced to zero.

Surgery is the traditional method. Used both locally and general anesthesia. The doctor makes a small incision in the metatarsal area and eliminates unnecessary bone formations. As a result, the angle of the joint is corrected using a special device. In a similar way, the "bump" is also removed. Halus valgus surgery lasts an average of 1 hour.


After surgery
the patient is in the hospital for 2-3 days. The duration depends on the state of health of the patient and the neglect of the disease. After 7-14 days after surgery, doctors remove the stitches.

The patient wears Baruk shoes for a month. In the future, hallux valgus rehabilitation involves the use of doctor-recommended orthopedic insoles and wearing comfortable shoes. Women should forget about high-heeled shoes so that the disease does not return.

hallux valgus(colloquial "bump on the big toe", "bone on the leg") is a deformity of the foot, which is a curvature of the big toe outward. This deformity is common, occurring in 25% of the adult population. Curvature can also be detected in children, in which case it is congenital. Hallux valgus usually occurs in women. In the fairer sex, bone curvature is observed ten times more often than in men. This is due to the fact that female ligamentous apparatus weaker, the situation is aggravated by wearing uncomfortable narrow shoes. Pathology is detected in all age groups.

With the curvature of the thumb, the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones. As a result, the first bone shifts inward, and the finger, which is held by the muscle, moves outward. The head forms a tubercle (it is often called a “bone” or “bump”), due to constant interaction with the shoe, the head becomes inflamed and reddens, sensitivity increases. This can lead to bursitis, an inflammation of the lining of the joint sac.

Causes of HalluxValgus

There are several main reasons why the big toe is deformed.

Other factors - walking in uncomfortable shoes (narrow, short or tight), wearing high heels- are secondary. They only contribute to the development of deformation, if there is a predisposition to it.


The main symptoms of thumb deformity are:

  1. Protruding seal in the area of ​​the first toe.
  2. Pain of varying degrees in the area of ​​curvature. Soreness varies in character and strength, can cause discomfort, and can be sharp and burning. The pain gets worse after being on your feet for a long time or wearing uncomfortable shoes. They can disturb the patient at night. During rest, the pain subsides. Severe soreness does not always correlate with the size of the deformity, but if the head is displaced significantly, then the symptoms and pain increase.
  3. Obvious deformity of the foot - the head of the first metatarsal bone is displaced inward, and the big toe itself is displaced outward.
  4. Swelling and redness of the soft tissues in the area of ​​the big toe.
  5. The presence of a large callus, which is formed at the site of compression of the soft tissues of the "bump".

Sometimes a subluxation of the first toe can be found on the x-ray of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Periodically, Hallux valgus is combined with other deformities (flat feet and hammer toes).


Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a doctor. Initially, the doctor listens to the patient's complaints, asks clarifying questions related to the load on the feet, heredity of the deformity. Then the doctor examines the feet and prescribes an x-ray examination of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb. For a more detailed study, an x-ray of the 2nd and 3rd joint of the foot may be prescribed.

Diagnosis is based on symptoms and x-ray data. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment to the patient. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe the passage of magnetic resonance imaging of the foot.


The degree of Hallux valgus is expressed by two values: the angle between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones and the angle of deviation of the thumb from the 1st metatarsal bone. Depending on these indicators, there are three degrees of development of the disease Hallux valgus.

  • 1 degree - the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones is less than 12 degrees, the deviation of the thumb is less than 25 degrees.
  • 2 degree of the disease is characterized by the angle of deviation between the metatarsal bones is less than 18 degrees, and the angle of deviation of the first toe is more than 25 degrees.
  • Grade 3 (final) is determined by the angle of deviation between the metatarsal bones is more than 18 degrees, and the angle of deviation of the first finger is more than 35 degrees.

Conservative treatment

The deformity of the thumb cannot be removed without surgery. However, with a slight curvature, you can live a full life. If the patient only initial stage diseases, then doctors prescribe a conservative method of treatment. It is also prescribed for elderly patients and people old age regardless of the degree of foot deformity.

Conservative treatment includes:

  • wearing special orthopedic shoes that eliminate the interaction between the painful “bump” and the shoe itself,
  • wearing interdigital pads,
  • lifestyle correction, it consists in the normalization of weight, regular physical activity,
  • the use of arch supports (insoles) that correct the arches of the foot.

In addition to these procedures, there are drug treatment. Medications aimed at removing pain syndrome. As a rule, drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which relieve pain and inflammation. At severe pain it is recommended to lubricate the place of deformation with warming and anti-inflammatory ointments. Doctors can prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures for patients: magnetotherapy, phonophoresis, paraffin treatment, inductothermy.

In cases where several courses conservative treatment show their ineffectiveness, the doctor prescribes surgery.

Surgical treatment

All surgical operations are divided into three groups:

  • soft tissue interventions
  • operations that are performed on the bones,
  • interventions performed on bones and soft tissues at the same time.

Operations that are performed on soft tissues are considered effective only with the first degree of deformation. During Silver's operation, the doctor cuts off the tendon of the adductor thumb muscle. During the McBride operation, this tendon is moved. These interventions can be carried out in conjunction with the Shede operation, in which the bone outgrowth and subcutaneous bag of the first metatarsophalangeal joint are removed.

If a patient has a second or third hallux degree valgus, then in this case operations are performed on bones or operations on bones and tissues. Chevron osteotomy may be used. In this case, the doctor removes a small v-shaped piece from the distal portion of the first metatarsal.



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