After how many cycles can you do a repeat eco. Short IVF protocol - the most comfortable for a couple

Pregnancy is a real happiness for any family. But, unfortunately, not every woman is given the opportunity to know the joy of motherhood. If for a number of reasons pregnancy does not occur naturally, a specialist may recommend an IVF procedure. This is an artificial transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity. However, there is no guarantee at all that a long-awaited child will soon appear in the family. After unsuccessful IVF, you can try again after some time. But first you should find out why the pregnancy did not occur.

Poor quality embryos

The IVF procedure consists of implanting embryos into the uterine cavity. After unsuccessful IVF, you should definitely find out why pregnancy did not occur. The primary cause may be poor-quality embryos. Organisms consisting of 7-8 cells that demonstrate excellent division rates are considered ideal for replanting. If the embryo develops slowly during maturation, it is likely that nothing will change in the uterine cavity. Such a pregnancy, as a rule, freezes at an early stage, and the embryo is released during the next menstruation.

In most cases, bad embryos are formed from sperm and eggs with poor performance. Therefore, rehabilitation after unsuccessful IVF necessarily includes both partners. The man must perform a spermogram, and the woman must undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The specialist takes tests and swabs of the genital organs of the man and woman.

An experienced embryologist is able to accurately assess the condition of the organism that is implanted into the woman’s uterine cavity. This should be an embryo with maximum performance, without fragmentation. If the organism has a non-standard shape or is characterized by slow division, it is not added for further development pregnancy. Most likely, such an embryo is not destined to become a fetus. Success directly depends on the specialist who performs the procedure. Therefore, preference should be given to clinics that have proven themselves well. After unsuccessful IVF qualified specialist will try to identify the cause of the current situation and will do everything to ensure that the desired pregnancy occurs.

Endometrial problems

The structure and size of the endometrium has one of important roles during embryo transfer. As a result of numerous studies, it has been revealed that in vitro fertilization is successfully carried out when the thickness of the endometrium is 7-14 mm. Such indicators are enough for the embryo to securely attach to the uterine cavity. Before carrying out the procedure, the specialist must conduct an examination using an ultrasound machine. After unsuccessful IVF is also carried out full examination uterine cavity. Endometrial pathologies are rejected by a specialist first of all. The fact is that it is precisely the problems with this part female body most often provoke premature termination of pregnancy.

Chronic endometritis is a major pathology that can interfere with the development of a healthy pregnancy. The disease can be easily determined using echography. A vaginal sensor helps determine the presence of fluid in the uterine cavity, as well as measure the size of the reproductive organ.

It is worth noting that the condition of the endometrium in a woman’s uterine cavity directly depends on local immunity. If a representative of the fairer sex has poor body resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses, the IVF procedure will most likely not end well. After unsuccessful IVF, a woman should definitely undergo general analysis blood. Special attention paid to the amount of hemoglobin. If this parameter is below normal, the patient is prescribed immunostimulating and iron-containing drugs.

Fallopian tube pathologies

If after unsuccessful IVF there are no periods in the second cycle, the patient should pay attention to the condition fallopian tubes. One of the most serious pathologies is the presence of hydrosalpinx. As a result of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, a woman becomes completely infertile. Even the IVF procedure does not give the desired result.

Gidrosalpinsk is serious pathology, in which excessive fluid accumulates in the fallopian tubes. The most common cause of the disease is chronic inflammatory processes in the small pelvis. Less commonly, obstruction develops as a result of structural features of the uterus. In the second case, the problem is solved by surgical intervention. It is worth noting that hydrosalpinxes occur both solitary and follicular. In the first case, it is possible to get rid of the problem much faster. In what exact form the disease has affected the fallopian tubes can be found out only after a complete examination of the uterine cavity.

The problem is that at an early stage, hydrosalpinsk practically does not manifest itself at all. The disease can only be detected during an ultrasound. Before preparing for IVF after an unsuccessful attempt, it is worth treating the pelvic organs, as well as getting rid of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, if any. Some clinics also practice radical treatment. Tubes in which hydrosalpinx is found are completely removed. As a rule, after such an operation as a result in vitro fertilization women become pregnant successfully.

Genetic abnormalities

If pregnancy does not occur again after an unsuccessful IVF attempt, geneticists recommend taking a karyotype test. This is the only way to determine whether one of the partners has deviations. Wrong in most cases developing embryos do not stay long in the uterine cavity. As a result, the couple is forced to worry great amount unsuccessful attempts at in vitro fertilization.

Often, spouses who suffer from infertility experience an inversion of the ninth chromosome. Unfortunately, it is impossible to correct this pathology. All that remains is to believe in a miracle. In one out of ten cases, it is possible to get pregnant normally and give birth to a healthy baby.

For patients who have relatives with genetic disorders, it is advisable to create an individual genetic tree. In this way, the embryologist is able to identify the likelihood of a low-quality embryo developing. If the possibility of a healthy pregnancy exceeds 50%, in vitro fertilization is still performed. If found genetic abnormalities, future parents are recommended to undergo a series of tests. The examination helps determine whether future offspring will inherit abnormalities that are inherent in the karyotype of the parents.

It is worth remembering that problems with genetics are not a death sentence. Some diseases are inherited only by certain offspring. In vitro fertilization has one significant advantage. This is an opportunity to plan the gender of your future baby.

Problems with a woman's immune system

It can be quite difficult to predict the outcome of an IVF procedure. After unsuccessful IVF, many experts recommend that a woman undergo immunological study body. Using tests, it is possible to determine the presence of antibodies to major infections.

Genetic incompatibility is also a problem for many couples. Most often, this situation is observed in spouses with Rh-conflict, when the woman, for example, has and the man is positive. The body of the expectant mother perceives the embryo as foreign body. Antibodies are activated and kill the small organism, which has not yet had time to properly gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. To prevent such a situation from arising, a woman who has Rh negative, spends several days after fertilization in the hospital. If necessary, the expectant mother is given a small dose of the drug “Immunoglobulin”.

Patient's age

Often patients of in vitro fertilization clinics are women over 40 years of age. Representatives of the fair sex throughout for long years trying to get pregnant in a natural way and only finally apply for qualified medical care. But precious time may already be lost. The problem is that as a woman ages, her reproductive capacity decreases significantly. The IVF procedure may not always go well. After unsuccessful IVF, older women need much more time to recover.

The age of the future father also matters. Often, young girls cannot get pregnant just because their sexual partner is already 45. Every year, the quality of sperm deteriorates significantly. Men with overweight and lovers of alcohol and cigarettes.

Middle-aged partners who came for the IVF procedure for the first time require increased attention from the outside medical personnel. The couple will have to undergo a full examination of the body and undergo a series of tests before transferring the embryo into the uterine cavity. It is not uncommon for women over 45 years of age to not have periods for 3 months after unsuccessful IVF. There is a possibility that the fairer sex has entered the menopause phase, and pregnancy will no longer occur for physiological reasons.


Obesity is almost always an obstacle to normal pregnancy. Most often problems arise already at early stages. This is due to the pathology of the development of ovarian follicles. How to recover after unsuccessful IVF? First of all you need to reset B private clinic You can use the recommendations of a nutritionist. Working out in the fitness room won't hurt either.

The problem for the birth of healthy offspring is not only female obesity, but also male obesity. Representatives of the stronger sex with overweight bodies most often have a bad spermogram. As a result, low-quality embryos mature and die in the uterine cavity after replantation.

Recovery after IVF

The female body returns to normal after an abortion in different ways. It all depends on physiological characteristics. It often happens that after unsuccessful IVF there are no periods. Reviews from doctors show that the cycle is restored within several months. If the next menstrual bleeding does not arrive on time, it is recommended to undergo additional examination by a gynecologist. A specialist can prescribe hormonal medications that will help restore the cycle painlessly.

After unsuccessful fertilization, heavy periods may also occur. There is no reason to panic, but it is still worth consulting a doctor. Perhaps this is the way the female body gets rid of an embryo that has not taken root in the uterine cavity. The first menstrual bleeding after unsuccessful in vitro fertilization can last 7-10 days.

Pregnancy after an unsuccessful IVF procedure

According to statistics, in 30% of cases couples manage to get pregnant after unsuccessful IVF naturally. This is due to the stimulating procedures that are carried out in the clinic. After all, specialists not only implant the embryo into the uterus, but also conduct a full examination of both partners and identify the cause of infertility. Many diseases after treatment give good result. Within three months it is possible to achieve the desired pregnancy. After unsuccessful IVF, a missed period can be a real surprise.

If in vitro fertilization was unsuccessful, you should not despair. You can try again next month. The couple needs to lead all the time healthy image life and eating right. The specialist’s task is to identify the cause of failure. It may be necessary to treat both partners in a hospital setting. Additionally, you will have to undergo a number of tests.

Let's sum it up

The in vitro fertilization procedure requires considerable financial costs. You can understand the spouses if the desired pregnancy does not occur as a result of long efforts. However, there is no need to despair. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and undergo a full examination of the body. In most cases, pregnancy occurs on the second or third attempt.

The IVF procedure is not harmful to the female body. Therefore, you can perform it an unlimited number of times. However, after several unsuccessful attempts, a specialist may recommend an alternative - replanting or sperm.

In vitro fertilization gives many families a chance to have a child. But there is no guarantee that you will get pregnant the first time. Even in countries with highly developed medicine, the primary procedure ends in birth only in 36-51% of cases. In Russia, the success rate of the first attempt is no more than 30%. But the second and subsequent ones give much more chances, up to 90%! Therefore, it is very important to determine how many times in a lifetime you can do IVF.

No one, not even the most experienced and eminent fertility doctor, can guarantee that you will be able to get pregnant after the first procedure. artificial insemination. Unsuccessful attempts in this area - rather a rule than an exception. And there are many reasons for this.

The main reason for failure may be the age of the candidate. The older the woman, the less likely she is to become pregnant after IVF. The most favorable is up to 35 years of age. However, as with trying to get pregnant in a natural way, because with each month of life a woman’s number of follicles decreases. This increases the likelihood of a defective egg maturing.

From 35 to 40 years old, the chances of in vitro fertilization are still quite good - 25-40%. Success will depend on the number of follicles and the quality of the egg. But older age leaves a woman minimal chances. After 40 years, the possibility of a successful outcome is no more than 10%. Therefore, with age-related IVF, those are more successful.

There are other reasons for unsuccessful fertilization attempts:

  • disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • bad habits;
  • genetic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • concomitant pathologies of the fallopian tubes and endometrium.

Important gynecological history women: have you had any previous abortions, curettage, fibroids, inflammatory diseases, surgical operations. Other health problems, such as diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, can also appear at the wrong time.

During the period of the artificial insemination procedure, the woman must be completely healthy so that the body does not waste energy on fighting another disease. If you do not adhere to this principle, even a banal ARVI can become the cause of a failed pregnancy. Therefore, careful monitoring of well-being, test results, ultrasound and other studies is necessary.

The qualifications and experience of the doctor, as well as correct observance for a woman, his recommendations can directly affect the positive outcome of an IVF attempt.

We cannot discount psychological reasons. After unsuccessful IVF, a woman may become depressed and lose hope for favorable outcome. But new protocol you need to start with faith in success!

However, not everything depends on the woman. The reason for an unsuccessful protocol can be both the quality of the husband’s or donor’s sperm, and the quality of the implanted embryos.

How long after you can do repeat IVF?

To stimulate follicle growth, doctors use high doses hormonal drugs. The consequences of taking them can be expressed in:

  • hair loss;
  • deterioration of emotional state;
  • weight fluctuations up or down;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle, etc.

If you repeat IVF every cycle, hormone therapy may end. Symptoms of OHSS appear 2-5 days after administration loading dose hormones. A woman experiences a bursting sensation in the ovarian area, and often a sharp stabbing pain. Decline blood pressure, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the arms and legs - these are just some of the symptoms that can torment a woman as a result of stimulation of hyperovulation. Known cases fatal outcome due to OHSS.

To prevent this from happening side effect, reproductive specialists recommend taking breaks between attempts.

In case of failure, a repeat protocol should be started no earlier than after 3 months to give the body time to rest and recover. After all, if the next attempt is successful, to the expectant mother You will need strength to successfully bear and give birth to a child.

How many attempts can you make in a lifetime?

The number of IVF attempts is not regulated by Russian law. However, there is a WHO recommendation according to which the next in vitro fertilization should not be carried out earlier than after three menstrual cycles. Thus, it is easy to calculate that it is recommended to make no more than 4 IVF attempts per year.

Deciding how often IVF can be done and how many protocols to carry out should be made individually, based on the causes of infertility, the patient’s age, the results of her tests and examinations.

If the patient is no more than 35 years old, she has regular menstrual cycle and no problem with hormonal levels, may take place. This program is not as effective as classic in vitro fertilization, for the reason that doctors only observe natural processes in the body and have no ability to influence them.

IN ideally It is possible to extract only one egg, which may be unsuitable for fertilization. However, the fertilization program in the EC has one big advantage - it does not involve stimulation of ovulation hormonal drugs. Repeated attempts at a natural protocol cause much less harm to a woman’s health than, for example, repetitions of a short or long protocols. But even in this case, the artificial insemination procedure cannot be continued indefinitely.

Reproductionists around the world have an unspoken rule that you should stop trying IVF after the eighth failure. After the fifth protocol, each subsequent one has less and less chance of success, so it is not advisable to continue along the same path. Usually, a family dreaming of having a child is offered to change the artificial insemination program. For example, try using a donor egg. The oocyte (egg) donation program has a success rate of more than 55%.

There is a known case when long-awaited pregnancy came only after 44 attempts!

How many times is it possible to do in vitro fertilization free of charge under compulsory medical insurance?

The order of the Ministry of Health on free IVF was issued in 2004. Since 2013, this opportunity has become publicly available. Today, most of all artificial insemination procedures in Russia are done according to compulsory medical insurance policy. To get the opportunity to do IVF for free, you need to apply for a quota.

The IVF quota covers such stages as:

  • stimulation of ovulation;
  • egg retrieval and insemination;
  • cultivation and cryopreservation (freezing) of embryos;
  • intrauterine embryo transfer.

The IVF procedure under compulsory medical insurance is considered complete when an ultrasound detects a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Covers expenses up to 141,000 rubles. All medications necessary for the listed procedures are also paid for from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. But tests and examinations before and after IVF are not included in the quota. If necessary donor egg or sperm, you will also have to pay for them yourself.

Absolutely any couple of Russian citizens, not necessarily married, and even a single woman, have the right to undergo IVF under compulsory medical insurance. Infertility, whether male or female, must be confirmed by examinations.

Theoretically, 3-4 attempts at in vitro fertilization can be made per year. But in practice it turns out differently. Preparing for IVF from the moment you consult a doctor until the embryo is transferred can take from several months to six months. The process is also complicated by the fact that the results of some tests are valid for only 14 days.

Although the legislation does not limit the number of attempts, in practice it turns out that you can do IVF for free only 1-2 times a year.

Embryos frozen from previous attempts can be used in subsequent attempts (cryoprotocol).

The demand for in vitro fertilization leads to the formation of queues for the free procedure. Therefore, in case of an unsuccessful attempt, you must immediately join a new queue.

In vitro fertilization is a time-tested method of overcoming infertility. It is quite effective. IVF has been around for over 45 years. After the invention of this method, many infertile couples were able to become parents. However, IVF cannot guarantee a 100% result; pregnancy may not occur the very first time. In this case, a repeat procedure is prescribed.

If the first IVF was unsuccessful and pregnancy did not occur, this does not mean that all chances of giving birth have disappeared. On the second attempt the opportunity successful pregnancy much higher than the first attempt. These data are supported by statistics. Reproduction doctors say that when trying IVF again, all the features of the first procedure will be taken into account. The most optimal time for transfer. Therefore, the second IVF is always more effective than the first.

If a couple who decides to do IVF has any chronic diseases or inflammation this significantly reduces the likelihood of success. If the husband has bad sperm, and the wife has few suitable oocytes (eggs), this can also reduce the chances of successful IVF the first time. In addition, age plays an important role.

According to statistics, healthy woman up to 32 years of age can become pregnant after the second IVF attempt with a probability of 50% or even a little more.

With repeated IVF, the likelihood of getting pregnant is greater than with the first. According to statistics, more than half of all women who have undergone IVF became pregnant after a repeat procedure.

How is IVF done for the second time?

Pay attention to the features during the second procedure. In order to be able to achieve positive result With IVF, the following usually happens on the second attempt:

  1. Maintenance hormonal therapy is prescribed. In order to increase the chances of a second IVF, a woman is prescribed hCG and progesterone.
  2. May be needed additional ways ART, such as PIXIE, IMSI or ICSI. These methods are described in more detail.
  3. Preimplantation diagnosis before implantation. Such diagnostics are needed to identify genetically unsuitable embryos.
  4. Held general examination women and men. As a result of the examination, the reasons for the failed first attempt can be identified.
  5. If a short protocol was used the first time, hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed for the second IVF attempt.
  6. IVF can be prescribed in a stimulated cycle. This happens if the cycle was natural the first time.
  7. Doctors may recommend the use donor materials(sperm or eggs). This recommendation is given if the quality of available biomaterials is very poor.

You need to eat right. Proper nutrition may improve sperm and oocyte quality. You need to conserve your strength and not overwork it. The work can wait and won’t go away.

What will be the result?

Unfortunately, statistics do not give a definite answer whether pregnancy will occur the second time. Many were able to get pregnant only the second time (about 50%). In other cases, the IVF protocol was successful only the third or even fourth time. A couple can seriously increase the chances of positive second IVF after a failed first one, only by strictly following all the doctors’ instructions.

It is very important to choose the right medical Center, in which IVF will be done. After all, a lot depends on the experience and technical equipment of such a hospital. You need to study patient reviews. Collect as much information as possible.

Be sure to watch this very useful video about repeated IVF from an experienced fertility specialist:

Write in the comments with what attempt your pregnancy occurred. How did you prepare for your second attempt? Share your experience, everyone will be very interested. Ask questions. Share the article in your in social networks with friends and don’t forget to rate the article.

How often can you do it general anesthesia, is it harmful, what consequences can be expected after it is carried out, how long will they take to appear? All these points are the subject of numerous disputes and discussions to this day.

However, in the end, after weighing all the pros and cons, in cases where it is necessary, a person simply has no other choice. And you can do anesthesia as many times as the specific situation requires.

The effect of general anesthesia on the human body

It is clear that with complex surgical operations Anesthesia is required, and general anesthesia is one of its most complex types, requiring fairly sensitive observation and attention to the patient. If you look at the procedure with different eyes, you can note that anesthesia is the introduction of a person into an unconscious state, the purpose of which is to completely get rid of pain directly during surgery.

Before anesthesia, a mandatory moment is a conversation with an anesthesiologist, who determines the optimal dose and combination of anesthetics.

In this case great importance has not only the complexity of the operation, but also individual characteristics of the human body, the history of previous diseases, as well as the presence of chronic ailments, is taken into account.

It is also indisputable that anesthesia has Negative influence and is fraught with consequences, since this state the body experiences additional load, even taking into account the selection individual scheme and use the most modern drugs. Based on numerous reliable sources of information, both foreign and domestic researchers, regarding anesthesia, it can be argued that in medical practice not a single case was mentioned about a possible shortening of a person’s life span after the use of anesthesia.

As an example, a case was analyzed when a patient with an organ burn gastrointestinal tract I had to undergo 60 anesthesia over two years. According to popular rumors, his life should have ended almost immediately after the treatment. But the recovery process was quite successful, the patient has been alive for 10 years, feels great and looks 35.

The task of the anesthesiologist in this case is to ensure the safety of the patient’s life. His responsibilities include continuous monitoring of the functions of all vital important organs while the patient is under the influence of medications.

This is necessary so that in the event of the slightest failures and violations, all necessary measures. For this reason, doctors are in full readiness, taking into account the possibility of complications. The state itself is limited to a certain time frame, after which the person gradually returns to full conscious perception of reality, and the transition generally occurs more or less painlessly, with complete absence discomfort provided the operation was successfully performed.

Types of anesthesia

If we start talking about what effect anesthesia has on human body, then you can try to decide on a topic based on the characteristics of the most commonly used types general anesthesia. And since there are many types of anesthesia, it is not possible to obtain a completely detailed unambiguous answer.

So, during serious operational actions carried out on internal organs abdominal cavity, a type of anesthesia with the presence of artificial pulmonary ventilation is used. When heart surgery is performed, they use modern methodology, stimulating the blood circulation process. The drugs are administered intravenously or using a mask with air inhalation. In some cases, as an additional or main anesthesia, spinal anesthesia by introducing the drug into a liquid composition that washes the brain of the back and is located under the hard meninges.

While the anesthetic is in effect, the operated areas are free from any sensation or pain, while the person remains motionless.

Epidural anesthesia can be extended if necessary. This involves installing a special catheter directly above the meninges. It is attached externally to the back, and if necessary, additional painkillers are administered through the tube. Particularly effective this method V postoperative period when it is necessary to create for the patient more comfortable conditions if he begins to experience pain. Therefore, in the case where the operation under anesthesia was carried out ideally, the consequences, as a rule, should be minimal or absent.

Considering that this topic is contradictory, it should be noted that this does not always happen. Judging by patient surveys, the consequences still occur. However, how long they will last largely depends directly on the person’s health, on the duration of exposure to the drugs, on the complexity of the operation and on how successfully it was performed. Moreover, these moments will not tell about possible quantity influences. For example, the first anesthesia may have a weaker or stronger effect on a person’s health than subsequent ones, or vice versa. One of positive aspects in this matter is that such consequences tend to pass completely.

Possible consequences of general anesthesia

Patients who have undergone anesthesia, in their stories about their well-being, indicate complications.

Some categories of people have memory impairment, and in varying degrees. Some people have such failures singular character, while other people begin to notice their regularity and suddenness of appearance. After surgery, sleep may be disturbed. And this state does not last certain time sometimes demanding additional examination and treatment. often expressed by the appearance of headaches, hallucinations, speech and hearing disorders. The last of these deviations, as a rule, disappear within a day after surgical intervention, although they occur quite often.

If we consider the situation in detail, we can determine the effect of general anesthesia as a disorder associated with brain function. This explains temporary memory loss, the appearance of absent-mindedness, decreased performance, concentration, and so on. In medical practice, these phenomena are not uncommon, but in medical terminology they are called cognitive dysfunction.

Providing assistance in the event of the effects of general anesthesia

It goes without saying that patients begin to worry about this. But only a qualified consultation with an anesthesiologist can help people in such a situation. Moreover, the patient is required to adequately understand the situation and remain calm, since there is simply no clear answer to their questions about how long this can last. All symptoms pass for each person over different periods of time and do not pose any danger. According to statistics, such manifestations disappear without a trace within a maximum of a year or a little later. But they pass, and persistence nervous system plays an important role in the process. And this directly depends on the person himself. Calm and moderate positive attitude- everything that is required from the patient in this situation.

When carrying out artificial insemination, it is not always possible to get pregnant the first time. If this does not work, a second IVF attempt is made. will be successful, with a scrupulous analysis of the previous failure and additional examination.

Reasons for failure

Despite careful preparation for the procedure, no one gives a complete guarantee of a positive outcome. The first embryo transfer is rarely successful, but the chances of a second IVF attempt increase significantly. Repeated fertilization does not harm the patient’s health and is absolutely safe.

Some parents-to-be are worried about availability possible deviations in children born after frozen embryo transfer. According to the research results, no pathologies in the child’s development were identified. The percentage of children born with any disorders using cryotransfer is no higher than that of children conceived naturally.


How soon can you do it? re-eco? The timing of a new attempt at artificial insemination mainly depends on the recommendations of the attending physician and the desire of the woman. By coordinating these indicators, after a certain time, you can do IVF, usually 2-3 months. But, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, only the doctor will determine when a second IVF attempt can be made, after two months or after a longer time.

But no specialist guarantees that second IVF attempts will be successful. Therefore, it is important, after each failure, to correctly determine the reasons that prevent pregnancy. But the inability to get pregnant for the first or second time is not a reason for despair. Many factors can be eliminated, and in half of the cases the woman carries and gives birth to a healthy child.

Only in difficult situations, after three unsuccessful attempts, doctors suggest taking other options. For example, the use of donor embryos, sperm or eggs. Sometimes, only surrogacy is possible. But before making a decision, you should not refuse to make another attempt at fertilization.

Modern medicine uses the latest techniques, and now almost every woman can become a mother. Everything should be considered as a new step towards a successful pregnancy. At the next transplant, they are minimized negative factors previous procedures.



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