Eco with mf with what try. Squid, shrimp and prostate massage

The need to use in vitro fertilization is due to a number of reasons. It is logical that women who decide to undergo the procedure or who have already entered into the protocol have gone through a difficult path to the opportunity to have their own children. Fear, worries, intentions to find out what the eco statistics are the first time are completely justified. This is an instinctive desire. And although it is generally accepted that there is a greater chance of a successful result on the second and third attempts, pregnancy after the first in vitro fertilization is not uncommon.


A noticeable trend towards an increase in positive results from in vitro fertilization is primarily associated with the development of science in this area. Reproductology, embryology, and gynecology - these fields have stepped far forward since the first eco-therapy was carried out.

When was the first eco? Officially, attempts to conceive a child outside a woman’s body began in 1944. But only in 1973 was it possible for the first time to cultivate an embryo and transfer it into the uterine cavity. Unfortunately, the attempt did not result in pregnancy; a miscarriage occurred. The first pregnancy and birth during in vitro fertilization occurred 5 years later, in 1978. Then the first eco girl was born - Louise Brown.

Since that time, the number of children born after artificial insemination around the world has exceeded 5 million, and is constantly growing. This certainly indicates that eco efficiency is increasing from year to year. But the question is quite controversial - to be happy that more women are turning to reproductive specialists for help, or to be sad about the deterioration of reproductive health in general.

The likelihood of IVF success generally depends on the cause of infertility. An important factor is on which side of the couple there is a decrease in fertility. In addition, there are a number of other reasons that to a certain extent affect the result of the in vitro fertilization procedure.

Statistics and what influences them

Statistics are a kind of collective opinion of society, which should not be completely relied upon. In the case of artificial insemination, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the numbers that would confidently indicate a specific result or its causes.

It does not take into account, and cannot take into account all the specifics of a particular woman, man, or couple. There are simply numbers that show the overall picture - the number of successful protocols out of the total.

In most cases, the percentage of successful IV does not mean an equal number of children born. Unfortunately, of the total number of successful attempts, only 75-80% will end in childbirth.

On average, the first IVF results in pregnancy in 35-40% of cases. This value, depending on which clinic the procedure is performed in, in which country, can, in turn, fluctuate greatly, and the percentage of successful IVF on the first attempt is 15-60%.

The probability of pregnancy after IVF the first time, even for an absolutely healthy couple, if they undergo such a procedure for the sake of experiment, will not be 100%.

A large number of factors influence a successful protocol. The reproductive health of the couple is undoubtedly of paramount importance, but there is also a psychological component to the issue.

Possible reasons for failure

No statistician, doctor or clinic can give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether pregnancy will occur with IVF on the first try.

The main list of reasons why eco doesn’t work out the first time includes:

  1. the reason and duration of the couple’s infertility, with the male factor playing an important role;
  2. quality of male ejaculate;
  3. age of the woman, the older the patient, the lower the ovulatory reserve, the quality of the eggs and, accordingly, the lower the chances;
  4. professionalism of the doctors who prepare the protocol. The positive results of eco the first time largely depend on correctly selected tactics;
  5. no matter how it sounds, the irresponsibility of the woman herself. Most patients, undergoing artificial insemination for the first time, do not follow all the specialist’s recommendations and engage in self-medication, which leads to failure of the protocol and successful embryo transfer ends in rejection.

Each of these reasons applies equally to factors influencing the situation in general. If the causes of infertility cannot be treated, then repeated IVF is necessary, and there may be several such attempts. As stated earlier, the eco statistics on the second attempt are more positive. In fairness, it is worth noting that more than 6-7 attempts, in turn, reduce the chances of pregnancy.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, a number of other conditions can be identified that indicate what the success of ecology depends on:

  • a woman’s lifestyle, the presence of bad habits;
  • concomitant diseases not previously identified;
  • how many embryos were transferred (in many cases, transferring 2 embryos gives a better chance);
  • quality of the resulting embryos;
  • was there any injury during embryo transfer and others.

Regarding the quality of the embryos, by and large, this factor follows from the previous ones - the age of the patient, the duration and cause of infertility, and the difficult transfer - from the professionalism of the doctors.


If within a year after making the decision to have children you are unable to get pregnant on your own, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. The older the woman, the higher the likelihood of Down syndrome during IVF in the unborn child. Although with natural conception it also increases with the age of the expectant mother.

What are the chances of getting pregnant with IVF? The possibility of becoming pregnant with the help of ART is quite high. Doctors today use many methods that increase. This includes laser hatching, the ICSI method, and pre-implantation diagnostics of the embryo, and if possible they try to cultivate embryos to the blastocyst stage. In addition, there is always the option of using donor eggs or sperm.

Existing technologies today, registered drugs for artificial insemination and protocol options provide a good chance of success with IVF with one ovary. The main thing is that there is a response to therapy, follicles and oocytes mature, gametes fuse, embryos divide and engraft. That is, if there are no hormonal reasons, genetic pathologies or other serious causes of infertility, but only the results of some, for example, surgical interventions, then the likelihood of a successful protocol is slightly higher.

Mothers who became pregnant after IVF claim that they intuitively knew about the successful protocol. This is another confirmation that a woman’s positive attitude and her emotions are also important. Doctors do everything possible for their part to ensure pregnancy occurs, but they are unable to influence the lifestyle a woman professes - how she eats, smokes, drinks alcohol, etc.

The statistics of in vitro fertilization protocols should not inspire the future woman that nothing will work out on the first try. Even if there is only one chance in a thousand you can get into it. Mothers who succeeded in ecology the first time are definitely happy, but if they fail, they should not give up. Next time, taking into account the errors of the failed protocol, everything will definitely work out.

Preparing for IVF is a rather lengthy process. Considering that for couples who decide on this procedure, artificial insemination becomes, without exaggeration, the last hope, after numerous attempts to conceive a child and long treatment, they have very high hopes for IVF. All the more painful is the realization that the first attempt was unsuccessful. We hasten to reassure you: this is exactly what happens in most cases. Why doesn't IVF work the first time? Let's list the most common reasons.

If you have viral and bacterial infections, the likelihood of IVF success decreases

The older the woman, the less likely it is that the embryo will implant immediately, because with age, fertility decreases - after 35 years, and especially after 38. During this period, success rate is no more than 15%, while for women aged about 30 years - 35%. . Often the numbers are even lower; To determine potential fertility, there are special tests - for example, a reaction to clomiphene or a third-day measurement that evaluates the level of FGS in the blood.

Low quality embryos

There is no unified system for assessing the quality of embryos in the world, but, as a rule, the following parameters are used: - correct shape; - crushing rate (the higher it is, the better). The embryo that will be implanted into a woman should have 8 cells on the third day. As a rule, the transfer is carried out on the third day, with the exception of some cases (such as cryopreservation), when a five-day wait is advisable; - absence of fragments. An embryo is considered unsuitable for transfer if fragmentation is 50 percent or more.

Infectious and viral diseases

ARVI and especially influenza have a negative impact on the reproductive system, since during the illness they produce toxic substances that, among other things, affect the uterine cavity. In addition, antibacterial drugs are often used to treat these diseases. By themselves, when properly selected, they do not have a negative effect on fertility, but can become dangerous in combination with hormonal drugs.

Changes in the endometrium

In order for successful implantation to occur, and then the development of the embryo, the endometrium must be mature, of the required thickness and with a structure that meets the norms. It is generally accepted that before implantation its thickness should be at least 7 millimeters. Typically, this parameter is determined by ultrasound before the start of hormonal stimulation, so that the doctor has the opportunity to prescribe additional drugs that do not interfere with the maturation of the follicles, but at the same time help increase the thickness of the endometrium.

Incorrect stimulation

The most important stage of in vitro fertilization is stimulation of the ovaries to increase the number of maturing follicles containing eggs. If the types or dose of drugs were selected incorrectly, the goal will not be achieved: the number of follicles will remain minimal or their quality will be unsatisfactory.

Fallopian tube pathologies

Before the procedure, a special study is always prescribed to help determine diseases of the fallopian tubes. For example, one of them is hydrosalpinx, which is an accumulation of fluid as a result of inflammatory processes. Moreover, stimulation of ovulation before IVF is one of the factors that contribute to the growth of hydrosalpinx.

When a married couple is unable to conceive a child naturally, but really wants to have a half-blooded heir, doctors advise them to use reproductive technologies. The most commonly used technology in this case is IVF. But before you decide to take such a responsible step, it is useful to find out how effective this technique is and what the consequences may be.

Statistics of successful IVF protocols on the first try

The success of in vitro fertilization is influenced by the following factors:

  • age of the couple;
  • causes of infertility, severity and who has the problem (both partners or only the spouse);
  • quality and quantity of eggs taken during puncture;
  • quality and quantity of seed material;
  • number of “suitable” embryos;
  • duration of infertility;
  • the state of the uterine endometrium at the time of replantation;
  • number of unsuccessful attempts;
  • clinic level;
  • correct selection of the protocol;
  • reasonable choice and dosage of hormonal drugs;
  • genetic factors;
  • application of cryotechnology;
  • use of donor material;
  • use of ICSI;
  • the presence of bad habits among partners and their lifestyle;
  • chronic diseases and inflammatory processes in the female body.

For different age groups

The most important among the many factors on which the success of an IVF protocol depends is age. The older a woman’s body becomes, the lower her fertility and the likelihood of bearing a healthy child.

According to statistics, after the first procedure pregnancy occurs:

  • in 9% of patients over 40 years of age;
  • in 27% - at the age of 35–40 years;
  • 38% are under 35 years of age.

In general, the relationship between a woman’s age and the successful birth of a child thanks to the IVF procedure looks like this:

For different countries of the world

The global average for IVF success the first time is 30–40 percent. But rates may vary depending on the clinic and country, ranging from 10–15% to 45–60%.

USA. According to 2013 data, 175,000 artificial insemination procedures were performed during this period. Pregnancy was recorded in 63,000 patients, which means the procedure was 36% successful.

Did you know? In Israel, the technique of in vitro fertilization has been carried out since 1980, so local specialists are considered the best in this industry.

Already in 2016, about 180,000 protocols were carried out (the first 120,000). 35% were successful and ended with the birth of healthy babies.

Israel. Now in this country the IVF success rate is 45–47%.
Spain. Here they are also famous for good results, 43% (in 20% pregnancy occurred on the first try). And in Barcelona this figure is 45%.

South Korea. The national average is 40%. If a foreign woman is seen by specialists, then the probability of a successful outcome for her will be 50%.

This jump is explained by the availability of high-quality diagnostic equipment, so when a woman diagnosed with infertility goes for examination, it may turn out that her problem is not so critical or does not exist at all.

Japan. In 2015, 424,200 protocols were carried out in the country, of which 51,000 resulted in successful delivery.

Poland. This country has the most successful IVF procedures in Europe (about 55%).
Türkiye and Cyprus. Here the most loyal laws are in relation to the patient’s status and age. Cryoprotocols are 43% successful here, and intrauterine insemination is 17.9%.

Ukraine. There are about 40 centers specializing in artificial insemination in the country. Their specialists are able to provide a positive result of 35–40% the first time.

Russia. The average statistics in the country is 55–60%. Of these, 35% of procedures are successful the first time, 40% are successful the second.

Probability of IVF on the second try

According to statistics, a healthy woman under 30 years of age can become pregnant in 50% of cases after the second attempt of the IVF protocol. With age, this probability decreases.

Did you know? As of 1990« from a test tube» More than 20,000 children were born in the world. In 2010, this figure increased to 4 million.

In patients over the age of 40, the chance of a successful outcome is only 10–20%. But in general, when artificial insemination is attempted again, the chances of success increase and most women become mothers on the second attempt.
There are reasons for this:

  1. This is facilitated by the use of a cryoprotocol if embryos have been preserved, since the best ones are always selected for freezing.
  2. A repeated procedure, as a rule, is less exhausting for the female body, since it does not require additional stimulation - which means that the body has more strength to bear a child.
  3. Doctors can more clearly develop an action plan based on the unsuccessful result and new tests.

Which IVF attempts are more likely to get pregnant?

The fact of pregnancy after IVF is a purely individual phenomenon for each woman, because, as mentioned above, this is influenced by a number of factors.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty that your first attempt will be successful, or that after one failure you will definitely succeed.

Of course, there are general indicators, we talked about them in the previous section - from them we can conclude that most often pregnancy occurs on the first or second attempt.
The more attempts, the lower the chance of success. But there are cases that pregnancy occurred only after 10–12 refills.

IVF in the natural cycle: statistics

When carrying out IVF in a natural cycle, ovarian stimulation is not performed, so one egg is obtained from the follicle, matured naturally.

For a woman’s body, this procedure is more acceptable, since hormonal drugs are not introduced, but at the same time it affects success. According to statistics, when performing IVF in a natural cycle, the probability of pregnancy is 7–10%.

What is the chance of successful IVF with a donor egg?

As a rule, a donor egg is used during artificial insemination if the patient has exhausted her own reserve of germ cells. This happens with age, so a narrow audience of older patients is used to obtain statistical data. In their case, a successful result is guaranteed at 45.8%.

IVF children are infertile: truth or myth

This issue has become a concern for many women who are planning to give birth to a test-tube baby after the appearance of a number of publications and television programs that speak negatively about the IVF procedure itself.

So far, scientists have not given a clear answer to this question, although American experts refute the truth of the statement about the infertility of IVF children.

All this is due to the fact that no one has specifically conducted research, since the method of artificial insemination has been widely used not so long ago, so there are no statistics. In addition, the audience for research has not yet been formed.

However, there is data on the fertility of the first two girls “from a test tube”: both of them successfully became mothers naturally. So it can be assumed that there is no risk with female babies. As for boys, there is no data to confirm or refute the myth about them, but there are fears that infertility is possible.
This is due to the fact that a male infant can inherit from the father the cause of infertility if he had it or was passed on through the generation through the male line.

That is: if the child’s father has reduced sperm motility, the baby may also have this disease. But the causes of infertility can also be inherited by those children who were conceived naturally.

IVF and cancer: statistics

Cancer is one of the possible complications after IVF. According to statistics, it occurs in 0.0001% of patients who have undergone IVF. According to other data, a borderline form of ovarian cancer occurred 4 times more often in such women compared to those whose pregnancy occurred naturally.

The invasive form arose with the same frequency. Such cancer development statistics do not indicate that IVF caused its appearance. There is also no consensus regarding breast cancer.

Video: Does IVF cause cancer? Australian scientists, after conducting a series of studies, determined that if in vitro fertilization was performed on women under 25 years of age, breast cancer occurred in them 55% more often than in women who became pregnant naturally. If the procedure was performed on women over 38 years of age, then the likelihood of breast cancer was the same for both categories.

Austrian scientists have found that a hormonally dependent form of cancer is 3% more common in women after IVF. At the same time, London experts claim that ovarian cancer after unsuccessful IVF is 35% more common than in those who did not undergo it. And usually young patients suffer from the disease.

Important! The main thing is to remember that if there are prerequisites for the development of a neoplasm, it can appear both after IVF and after pregnancy naturally. Any pregnancy- this is a hormonal surge that can support growth and developmentNot only embryo, but also a tumor, although with IVF this surge is more significant.

So, the relationship between oncology and IVF is a complicated issue. It remains open for the reason that no one has yet established the cause of the pathology, so it is difficult to predict how the body of a particular patient will behave after the protocol.

Possible complications

If after replanting the embryo takes root, then pregnancy occurs. However, it is necessary to consolidate the result, and also make sure that there are no complications that often arise during such a procedure, because there is a serious interference in the functioning of the entire female body.

Any violation of the cycle can lead to negative consequences, so the expectant mother should be under close medical supervision and be prepared for the following problems:

  • ovarian hyperstimulation (occurs due to stimulation of ovulation, occurs in 1.3% of cases, causes an increase in the organ’s size);
  • bleeding or injury to abdominal organs (usually occurs during egg retrieval);
  • multiple pregnancy (occurs if more than one embryo was implanted, and 2 or more took root; the probability of this is 50%; often causes a miscarriage);
  • frozen pregnancy (occurs in 10–15% of patients over forty);
  • ectopic pregnancy (probability 2–3%);
  • spontaneous interruption.

Most often, complications occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. When analyzing statistical data on the success of IVF protocols, it should be remembered that they are all averages.

The final result will depend not only on the professionalism of the doctor and the level of the clinic, but also on the woman’s age, her medical history, as well as the medical history of her partner. Using static data, you can only choose a country and a clinic where your chance of success will be higher.

IVF the first time: does it work?

This is the main exciting question that doctors are asked at the first consultation in a reproductive clinic and is persistently discussed in many forums. I would like to say right away that the question is not formulated correctly. We need to ask: will IVF work out for me or our couple the first time? Many factors, including individual characteristics of the body and state of health, determine the likelihood of positive results on the first try.

Main factors:

  1. Age.

It turns out that for women over the age of 35, the chances of getting a positive result the first time are reduced, and decrease even more. This is one of the reasons for the age limit on indications for artificial insemination.

How can doctors influence?

When performing artificial insemination in order to increase the success rate, doctors can:

  • if disorders in the body are identified and reasons why the procedure cannot be carried out this month, recommend rescheduling IVF to one of the subsequent cycles;
  • select an individual stimulation scheme, special techniques and micromanipulations (ICSI);
  • use different environments to enhance

In the modern world, many couples suffer from infertility. Most of them try to resort to the use of assisted reproductive technologies in general and in vitro fertilization in particular, and this is due to various reasons. Every woman who is preparing for the protocol or has begun its implementation is interested in what the IVF statistics are the first time, because on the way to the desire to become a mother she had to overcome various risks and fears.

In fertility clinics, doctors say that after the initial embryo transfer, it has a good chance of implanting in the uterine cavity. However, at the same time, those women who carry out the second or third protocol are more likely to become pregnant and give birth to a child. Let’s take a closer look at how successful it is to successfully complete IVF the first time and what can interfere with this.

The very first experience of cultivation, fertilization and transfer of an embryo into the uterine cavity of a woman was at the end of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, the first IVF attempt did not work, and the pregnancy ended in spontaneous abortion and rejection of the fetus. Only in 1978 did doctors succeed in in vitro fertilization, which resulted in the birth of a healthy child.

Currently, throughout the world, the number of babies born after the implementation of assisted reproductive technologies reaches 5 million, and the number of children increases every year. Based on this, we can say that IVF statistics from the first attempt tend to improve.

When wondering why IVF does not work the first time, the reasons for the inability to conceive a child naturally must be clarified first. Of course, the main factor that negatively affects the possibility of natural fertilization is a low level of fertility, but since we are initially talking about statistical data, they should be given more attention.


If you study the opinions expressed by couples who have used in vitro fertilization, you can find reviews from the first time. IVF was still successful in a certain number of families from this attempt.

But all this should be combined into a certain collective aspect, which is statistics as a whole. Therefore, you should not clearly trust this data, because in each specific case the doctor will not be able to guarantee whether the protocol will be successful or not.

Currently, scientists in the field of reproductive medicine present the following IVF percentage from the first pregnancy, based on the age of the expectant mother:

  1. Successful IVF the first time in patients under 29 years of age is observed in 83% of cases;
  2. For women aged 30 to 34 years, the chance of pregnancy drops to 61%;
  3. For expectant mothers who are 35-39 years old, with IVF, the probability of pregnancy the first time is only 34%;
  4. When implementing the protocol for women over 40 years of age, pregnancy occurs in only 27%, and with the use of donor oocytes, the chances increase to 71%.

It is very important to understand that every patient has a good chance of becoming pregnant the first time; IVF has recently developed quite well in terms of increasing the experience of doctors in this area. However, the procedure does not guarantee that after implantation of the embryo, the woman will be able to carry the fetus to term and give birth to a child.

If we take all the successful protocols, combine them into a single one and define it as 100%, then delivery occurs in only 75-80% of women. In most cases, a positive IVF result from the first time is observed in only 35-40% of patients.

But even here the statistics vary greatly, depending on the professionalism of the doctor, the status of the clinic, the country where the procedure is performed and the individual characteristics of the woman. We can say that successful IVF on the first attempt has a percentage of 15 to 60. If we consider a completely healthy couple who, for the sake of the test, will conceive through in vitro fertilization, then even in this case the success of the procedure will not be 100%.

Reasons for failure

Many people are certainly interested in why IVF doesn’t work out the first time. The reasons for each infertile couple are completely different, but doctors identify a number of the most common factors that do not allow pregnancy to occur after a single protocol, among them:

  • How long has the couple been treated for infertility?
  • Which factor predominates (male or female);
  • Low level of quality of seminal fluid of the sexual partner;
  • Ovulatory reserve (the older a woman is, the fewer eggs are produced in her body, accordingly, the likelihood of IVF the first time decreases);
  • Practical experience of a fertility specialist (if a specialist rarely performs such a procedure, then his percentage of successful IVF the first time is much lower);
  • A woman’s failure to comply with medical recommendations in the first protocol is also the reason why IVF does not work out the first time.

It cannot be said unequivocally that any given reason comes first for failure. All of them equally reduce the likelihood of a fertilized egg attaching to the uterine cavity.

Many couples also wonder if IVF did not work out the first time, what to do next. Doctors advise, if it is impossible to cure infertility, to carry out several more in vitro fertilization protocols. It is important to understand that subsequent participation in the program significantly increases the chances of pregnancy, while if there are more than five protocols, then, on the contrary, they decrease.

The likelihood of successful IVF the first time is directly related to the following factors:

  1. What lifestyle does the woman and her sexual partner lead?
  2. Do future parents have bad habits (nicotine addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse? This is definitely why IVF didn’t work out the first time);
  3. The presence of concomitant diseases that were not previously diagnosed by doctors;
  4. Number of embryos transferred (successful IVF on the first attempt is possible if 2 or more embryos are transferred);
  5. Level of quality and viability of the resulting embryos;
  6. Was there any injury during embryo transfer?

Doctors also note that the point related to the level of quality of the embryos themselves depends on other reasons (the woman’s age, how difficult the transfer was, etc.).

Why it doesn't work (video)


Doctors recommend that couples who have been unable to conceive a child naturally for a year should go to an appointment with a urologist and gynecologist as soon as possible. The age of the expectant mother directly affects the health of the child. Thus, experts note that regardless of the method of conception, women after 40 years of age are more likely to give birth to children with Down syndrome.

Successful IVF the first time, doctors' reviews confirm this, does not happen as rarely as it might seem at first glance. This is achieved thanks to the ability of doctors to use modern medical instruments and procedures, for example, preimplantation diagnosis of the embryo, laser hatching, ICSI technique, and cultivation of the embryo until it becomes a blastocyst.

Studying reviews of IVF from the first attempt, you can notice that when using donor sperm or oocytes, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and subsequent childbirth increases significantly.

Women who have only one functioning ovary can also expect a successful in vitro fertilization protocol. This is also made possible by a wide range of stimulating and supportive medications.

Those patients who succeeded in IVF the first time claim that they intuitively understood that the protocol would be successful. An important role in this is played not only by compliance with medical recommendations, but also by the positive mood of the expectant mother, maintaining a correct lifestyle and avoiding stressful situations as much as possible.

Preparation rules

Almost every expectant mother who decides to undergo in vitro fertilization thinks about how to prepare for IVF so that it works the first time. Often doctors, in particular the reproductive specialist who will implement the protocol, answer this topic quite clearly.

First of all, you should provide your doctor with as much detailed information as possible regarding your history of infertility. It is necessary to prepare the results of tests, ultrasound examinations and conclusions of specialists who examined the patient earlier.

If a reproductive specialist asks a question regarding your health status or treatment methods, you need to give truthful answers, because the likelihood of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth directly depends on this. Immediately before the procedure, you need to find out from your doctor what time and what vitamins you should take to prepare your body.

The most important step is to cure all concomitant pathologies, because they significantly reduce the likelihood of success in the first IVF protocol. The nutrition of the expectant mother must be correct. Maximum enrichment of the diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, and healthy foods is the key to success.



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