I can’t figure out what to do next. Failed ecology, its causes and signs

Despite the fact that in vitro fertilization is considered one of the most effective and popular methods artificial conception, not always infertile woman I manage to get pregnant with IVF the first time. As a rule, the first attempt at IVF brings the desired result in the form of two long-awaited lines on the test only in half the cases. This indicator also depends on a number of factors: the age of the patient, the state of her reproductive system and the type of infertility.

What are the chances of success on the first try?

If your first IVF attempt ends in failure, you shouldn’t give up. It should be remembered that even in the case of natural conception, as a rule, more than one cycle is required in order to conceive a child. At the same time, with artificial conception there are, in addition, a number of additional factors that affect the success of the procedure. Be that as it may, IVF is a very real chance for a childless couple to become parents in approximately 30-45% of cases.

Important! The likelihood of IVF failure on the first attempt is highest - all subsequent attempts only increase the chances of success.

Quite often it happens that during the breaks between IVF protocols a married couple manages to conceive. by everyday means, since in the female body the activity of hormones at this moment is increased. Failure that befalls you also has its advantage - the lack of results only means that female body is not yet quite ready to bear a baby and there are any problems that prevent pregnancy from occurring. Unsuccessful IVF is just a reason to once again rethink your lifestyle and make certain adjustments to it.

A failed IVF attempt may also indicate that potential parents did not treat this responsibly enough important procedure, did not strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations at the preparation stage, or simply chose an insufficiently competent specialist or clinic. And sometimes in order to achieve positive result, you just need to change the protocol protocol tactics.

Why does the first IVF attempt fail?

There are several main reasons that may prevent pregnancy in the first IVF protocol. Usually, they are not so serious and can be easily eliminated over time:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • psychological or physiological unpreparedness of the patient for pregnancy;
  • deviations in the structure of the endometrium;
  • incorrectly chosen method of hormonal stimulation;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes (which sometimes leads to ectopic pregnancy);
  • rejection of the embryo by the female body (autoimmune reactions);
  • the presence of inflammation or hidden infections.

In addition, conception may not occur for a number of other reasons, which include:

  1. Genetic abnormalities: poor-quality biomaterial (sperm and egg), chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo itself, non-viability of the embryo.
  2. Household and age factor: negligent attitude to doctor's advice, age over 40 years, wrong image life, depression and nervous overload, smoking and alcohol, excess weight.
  3. Competence and experience of doctors, participating in the IVF protocol is also of enormous importance. Medical errors, illiterate IVF protocol, incorrectly selected hormonal agents for stimulation, as well as medical manipulations performed by insufficiently qualified specialists.

As with any other method of artificial conception, in the case of IVF it is simply impossible to predict the result. No one, even the most experienced doctor, can guarantee you 100% result. That's why this great attention is given preparatory stage- if you follow all the recommendations and eliminate all kinds of risks, you will significantly increase the likelihood of a speedy conception.

It is extremely important not to lose after an unsuccessful attempt positive attitude and try to maintain excellent psychological and physical shape for the next time. The experience gained over time will make it possible in the future to eliminate mistakes and increase your chances. It would be a good idea to take care of your health, undergo a re-examination, and get rid of bad habits and change your daily menu.

Recovery methods after IVF failure

If you were unsuccessful in the first IVF protocol, this fact is not at all a contraindication to subsequent attempts. You will definitely need certain time to restore the body and put your own thoughts in order. Each person is individual, and the reaction to unsuccessful IVF in each patient is also highly individual.

As for the menstrual cycle, in most cases, after failure, periods come at the usual time, and only in some cases slight delays may be observed. This is explained by the fact that during the protocol the female body is exposed to hormonal effects, however, a qualified doctor can easily solve this problem. The first periods after unsuccessful IVF are also somewhat heavier than usual.

The main task of the doctor is to restore the patient’s menstrual cycle after unsuccessful IVF. Ovulation usually occurs at the same time as before in the first two cycles. It is equally important to restore the woman’s mental state and eliminate stress or depression. Her partner and family should be nearby and support her in every possible way. The more positive you are, the sooner you will achieve the desired result. If necessary, you can take a course of multivitamins.

During the recovery period, the following help perfectly:

  • laser therapy and hydrotherapy;
  • mud therapy and paraffin;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage and herbal medicine.

Important! It will be useful for the expectant mother to go to a sanatorium for recovery in order to minimize the effects of stress.

When can I try again?

To recover after an unsuccessful attempt in vitro fertilization As a rule, it takes no more than two to three months. During this period of time, the reproductive system usually has time to fully recover, and hormonal levels return to normal.

In patients whose psychological condition unstable, and the attitude is negative, they have much less chance of success in the future. Also, the experience and qualifications of the reproductive specialist must be at a decent level. The chances of success will increase if the preparation and examination are carried out competently, taking into account all the main parameters.

Perhaps the doctor will suggest changing the protocol scheme or the drugs used during stimulation - do not refuse this. Individual approach- one of the most important components of success.

Important! Women often ask the question: “How many IVF attempts can be made?” There is no clear answer to this question, since often patients were able to conceive only on the 8th or 10th attempt.


After a failed IVF attempt, it is extremely important to accurately determine the root cause of its failure. You may need to go through another series additional research and get tested in order to find out for sure what exactly prevented pregnancy. Perhaps the reason for this was a genetic, hormonal or immune abnormality.

Often, if a woman’s third attempt at IVF is unsuccessful, the attending physician may suggest resorting to other methods of artificial conception - there is surrogacy, conception with the participation of donor biomaterial, and many others.

Most of the reasons for unsuccessful IVF can be corrected and eliminated. Don't give up! After the decision existing problems Pregnancy usually occurs in approximately 50% of cases.

The Lazarev Reproductology Department offers everyone infertile couple receive qualified advice from experienced specialists in the field of reproduction, who will offer various options for solving the problem of infertility, taking into account individual characteristics. You can also get valuable recommendations from us on how you can increase your chances of IVF success. The doctors of our department are constantly improving their skills, and together with the modern equipment available in our laboratories, you receive a guarantee that sooner or later you will be able to conceive and give birth to a baby in any case.

Modern medicine today has a fairly serious arsenal to solve even the most complex problems in the field of reproduction. More than 4 million babies have already been born using the in vitro fertilization method. Be patient and you will definitely achieve the desired result!

Married couples strive to have heirs. If it is impossible to conceive a child naturally Thanks to the achievements of reproductive medicine, dreams can come true: in vitro fertilization helps solve problems.

However, disappointments are possible: often long-awaited pregnancy doesn't come. It is proposed to find out how long it takes to repeat IVF after an unsuccessful attempt. Expecting a miracle, following the doctor’s advice, confidently rushing towards the goal, you will be able to hear the long-awaited “mom”, “dad”.

Reasons for failed IVF

Getting pregnant from the first IVF is the dream of a normal family. Russian clinics usually guarantee that the procedure is performed successfully.

Statistics say that fertilization occurs in approximately 30–34% of cases. Ukraine is approaching 37%.

Foreign reproductive centers show slightly higher results: USA - about 36%; Israel – 45%, Spain – 43%, South Korea– about 50%.

The success of embryo transfer depends on compliance with the conditions of the manipulation, the woman’s health, and the experience of doctors. In clinics in any country, failures often occur: pregnancy does not occur.

There is a second attempt at IVF, the chances of which are quite high. When deciding to take the next step, bringing your dream closer, you will have to understand the reasons for temporary failures.

A second IVF after a failed first will have to be done if low-quality embryos were implanted into the uterine cavity. Experienced fertility doctors use organisms with 7 to 9 cells for implantation.

This indicates that division began quickly. With the slow development of the embryo in vitro, changes rarely occur after transfer to the uterine cavity.

More often than not, development stops small fruit freezes, comes out during the next menstruation.

Poor performance donor material(taken eggs, sperm) will certainly lead to the failure of the replanting operation. Fertilization will not occur, but the doctor will advise what to do after unsuccessful IVF.

In a particular case, partners will have to undergo examination. Definitely needed further treatment. If a problem is detected in the quality of reproductive material, it is recommended to use donor sperm.

Failures lead to endometrial problems. Having carefully prepared the transfer of the embryo and collected high-quality material, you will have to suffer a fiasco if the endometrium is not receptive.

The transfer is permitted in the event full readiness uterus to receive the embryo. Ideally, the size is no more than 7 - 9 mm.

Some pathologies of the fallopian tubes make fertilization difficult. If there are liquids in the cavity, the fetus freezes.

Repeated IVF in case of failure is done after removal of diseased tubes by laparoscopy.

Obesity becomes an obstacle to pregnancy in any case of conception.

Common reasons are:

  1. violations hormonal levels;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. chromosome pathologies;
  4. advanced age of the expectant mother (over 40 years);
  5. bad habits;
  6. doctors' mistakes;
  7. poor quality of manipulation;
  8. rejection of a healthy embryo by the female body;
  9. psychological unpreparedness of the patient.

How to live after a failed IVF attempt

Having received disappointment after unsuccessful IVF, almost all families wonder how long it will take to repeat the procedure. It's a shame, it's a shame when hopes are dashed.

A decent amount was thrown away, the family was preparing, plans were being made. The hopeful attempt failed. However, it is too early to give up.

Purposeful women, trying to carry and give birth to a child, resort to the protocol 5 - 7 times, hoping, believing: repeat IVF will increase the chances.

Having failed, it is difficult for a woman to remain cheerful. The psyche suffers. It is difficult to concentrate, plan how to prepare for IVF after an unsuccessful attempt.

Cheerful, optimistic people, having failed, become depressed. Doctors and psychologists believe defensive reaction the body to lose normal, but for a long time in similar condition you can't stay.

Family support is extremely important. It is advisable to contact a specialist, chat on a forum where women share their experiences, talk without hesitation about unsuccessful IVF, what to do next, and leave reviews.

After talking, the realization comes that the problem can be solved. I’ll have to make an appointment at the clinic again, visit a doctor, and prepare mentally.

Restoration of the body

Having learned that you did not succeed in getting pregnant, you should not torment your doctor with the question of when you can repeat IVF after an unsuccessful attempt. An experienced practitioner avoids calling immediately the exact date second refill.

Important! It is necessary to restore the body. IN in rare cases you don’t have to deal with your health, but change the clinic, select a specialist if serious problems are discovered medical errors during embryo transfer.

Recovery activities include:

  • improvement of the body;
  • normalization of mental state;
  • strengthening family relationships.

Recovery begins with an adequate assessment of your own health. After the end of your period, it is advisable to have another examination with a gynecologist.

It is proposed to do an ultrasound to identify the absence or presence of problems with the female organs.

There is no need to be afraid to plan for repeat IVF in case of failure. After the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle, the doctor will determine how long it will take to begin the replantation.

In most women, it goes astray due to hormonal stimulation and implantation of the embryo. Often for quick recovery cycle, the gynecologist prescribes medications. In such a case, the time until the next in vitro fertilization is carried out increases to six months.

Rarely, kidney problems occur. The detected diseases are associated with taking medications.

It is recommended to remove drug residues from the body without the use of diuretics. The doctor helps you create a diet.

The diet is replenished with products that remove fluid and cleanse the body. Nourishes the body and removes toxins fresh juices: cucumber, carrot, orange.

It is a rare woman who manages to remain calm after learning that her attempt to become pregnant through in vitro fertilization has failed. Seeing menstruation instead of the two long-awaited stripes, ladies with an iron character cry, become depressed, and become withdrawn.

Depression becomes the companion of women who feel loss instead of joy. It appears in different forms.

The patient's behavior is not the same. Frequent signs diseases are called:

  1. fading interest in family and spouse;
  2. disagreements with others;
  3. increased anxiety;
  4. tearfulness;
  5. insomnia;
  6. isolation;
  7. resentment;
  8. the appearance of obsessive thoughts;
  9. feeling of worthlessness.

If there are one or two signs of depression, relatives can help the girl cope with her condition. If a huge number of symptoms are present, it is necessary to consult a psychologist to avoid the onset of deep depression.

Recovery mental health Exercise helps. It is advisable to visit a fitness club, gym, or swimming pool. Yoga classes, jogging, walking, and daily walks will be useful. Interesting communication will appear, and you will be able to forget annoying thoughts.

Failed artificial insemination affects differently family relationships. Spousal support is inspiring for some.

Others do not allow the man to approach them and blame him for the misfortune that has happened. Doctors recommend continuing sex after unsuccessful IVF.

There is no need to resort to abstinence. When orgasm is achieved, the body receives bright emotions, recovers faster.

It is worth remembering that a man is not worried less than a woman in a situation like this. You need to try to spend more time together.

A romantic dinner, gentle foreplay, sex that pleases both will definitely have a positive impact on your health. It is not uncommon for natural pregnancy to occur after failure of artificial insemination.

When can you start your next IVF attempt?

Women's experience of infertility varies. It is impossible for everyone to become pregnant at once with the first embryo transfer. With natural sexual intercourse, pregnancy does not occur on the first try for most people.

There is no need to rage or despair after unsuccessful IVF. The doctor will decide when IVF can be repeated. It is often suggested to repeat the attempt after 2 - 3 months. However, the period is called conditional and is determined purely individually.

The reproductive system of older, young women has its own characteristics. They will have to be taken into account when planning the next fertilization. At least one full menstrual cycle must be completed.

Having sat down with your spouse in the evening at home in a calm atmosphere, you will have to develop a strategy for further actions:

  • plan a course of examination;
  • be together more often;
  • rejoice at success;
  • hope;
  • do not torture yourself, the doctor, those around you: after unsuccessful IVF, when can you try again.


The long-awaited miracle will definitely happen. Some will have to try the protocol 3, 5, 10 times.

Sometimes the doctor offers to choose alternative way: adoption of children, surrogacy, use of donor material.

More often than not, the second attempt at IVF provides enormous chances, according to women’s reviews and doctors’ observations, which will definitely have to be checked.

Video: What to do after unsuccessful IVF

Unfortunately, none of the ART methods is a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. According to statistics, the effectiveness of IVF ranges from 30 to 60% depending on the age of the patient, the quantity and quality of the embryos obtained, as well as many others individual factors and the state of the body. However, do not despair if the initial attempt is unsuccessful. You have every chance to achieve the desired result in repeated protocol, the main thing is to analyze the reasons for failures and find the right approach.

Nowadays, the IVF procedure has become more accessible as a treatment method, more in demand and, to a certain extent, less dangerous, thanks to the accumulated knowledge and experience of reproductive specialists. More than 4 million children around the world have already been born thanks to IVF and other types of ART. In parallel with this, the level of clinics providing these services is increasing, and the range of programs and opportunities for conceiving a child in the most seemingly hopeless conditions is expanding.

Competent analysis of previous stimulation protocols, as well as subsequent stimulation of superovulation by an experienced reproductive specialist who regularly monitors general state patients and the ovarian response to stimulation - reduces the risks of complications to a minimum, and the effectiveness to a maximum.

Reasons for failure in IVF:

1. One of the most common reasons failure to get pregnant after IVF is the quality of the embryos. It depends both directly on the quality of gametes (oocytes and sperm) and on external factors, important of which are the level of equipment of the embryological laboratory, the qualifications and experience of embryologists, and the quality of the media used. Awareness of the patient about these parameters is important before making a decision in which clinic to conduct subsequent IVF attempts. Having its own genetic laboratory and full-time specialists - geneticists, urologists-andrologists, therapists, psychologists - is a big plus for an ART clinic, since only with an integrated and competent approach can the success of the procedure as a whole be ensured.

2. For successful implantation important has an endometrial condition at the time of embryo transfer. The most a common question The patient’s question before the transfer is “has the endometrium grown well enough?” To date, there is no clear answer as to how large the endometrium should be before transfer. It is necessary to understand that the thickness of the endometrium is not as important as its timely transformation, structure and receptive activity. There is the concept of an implantation window - these are the days of your own or prepared cycle in which embryo implantation is most likely. Each woman has this window individually, and it is most promising to adhere to natural cycle. However, in its absence, a reproductologist will always “support” the endometrium with hormonal drugs, both in the first and second phases, and will also monitor the level of his own hormones, which will allow him to choose optimal time for embryo transfer. Independent and uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can result not only in failure to achieve pregnancy, but also in serious health problems.

It is important before the IVF procedure to exclude infectious pathology endometrium - chronic endometritis. Chronic infections viral-bacterial origin, often asymptomatic, activate immunological reactions and disrupt local vascular processes in the endometrium, preventing embryo implantation and contributing to early pregnancy miscarriages. Experienced specialists When performing a pelvic ultrasound, I can detect indirect signs chronic endometritis. The assumption can only be confirmed histological examination endometrium, material for which can be obtained using outpatient pipell bopsy or hysteroscopy. The choice of one method or another depends on the presence of additional suspicions of endometrial pathology - polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.

3. Pathological changes fallopian tubes - hydropyosalpinxes (overstretched fallopian tubes filled with fluid) are sometimes the cause of unsuccessful IVF. Stimulation of the ovaries can provoke their growth and an increase in the source of infection, with all subsequent adverse consequences. The tactic of removing such pathological formations before the IVF procedure has successfully proven itself and is highly recommended, especially when preparing for repeated attempts.

4. Genetic problems.

Karyotyping of spouses - a study of the chromosome set - is one of the most important studies, especially if a couple fails in IVF one after another. Pathological cryotype (different from 46XX in women or 46XY in men) can be the reason for failure to get pregnant. Carriage of certain chromosomal mutations in parents can negatively affect the offspring, therefore, if parents are aware of this pathology, preimplantation testing is recommended genetic diagnostics. The procedure for determining qualitative and quantitative changes in the chromosome set of an embryo can increase the chances of pregnancy up to 65% and reduce the risks of early losses. At the Next Generation clinic, preimplantation diagnostics is carried out using the Array CGH method, which allows simultaneous diagnosis of all pairs of chromosomes in the embryo.

5. Endocrinological problems

Diseases can be one of the factors for the unsuccessful outcome of IVF endocrine system. Consult an endocrinologist in advance and inform your fertility specialist about existing problems.

6. Immunological disorders

Long-term infertility and repeated failures in IVF can be caused by a number of immunological disorders. One of the most important may be the relationship between spouses at the level of histocompatibility antigens (the so-called HLA - human leucocyte antigen)

Normally, the incompatibility of spouses in terms of HLA antigens and the difference between the fetus and the mother’s body is important point necessary for maintaining and carrying a pregnancy. At normal development pregnancy, “blocking” antibodies to paternal antigens appear from the very early dates pregnancy and determine its normal course.

The similarity of spouses in histocompatibility antigens leads to the “identity” of the embryo to the mother’s body, which is the cause of insufficient antigenic stimulation immune system women, and the reactions necessary to maintain pregnancy are not triggered. The embryo is perceived as a foreign agent, which leads to the initiation of termination of pregnancy.

7. Excess weight.

Excess weight and obesity adversely affect all stages of the IVF procedure, the subsequent development and gestation of pregnancy. Consultation with a nutritionist and endocrinologist for overweight required before planning a protocol. Often, weight loss of even 5-7 kg leads to dramatic changes in IVF outcomes

8. Age.

The reason for unsuccessful IVF may be the age of the patient. In women over 40 years of age, the effectiveness of each subsequent attempt, unfortunately, drops sharply. The reason for this is age-related changes in the chromosomal apparatus of eggs. For such patients, we strongly recommend that during an IVF cycle, preimplantation chromosomal screening of embryos using the method of comparative genomic hydridization is carried out in order to detect and transfer only viable embryos into the uterine cavity. If there are none after the study, we are always ready to offer alternative programs using donor material.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of a repeat IVF procedure at NGC in case of negative result previous attempt

  • Stimulation of superovulation. Be sure to take the previous stimulation protocol with you. Experienced fertility specialists at the clinic will analyze possible reasons failures and select the most appropriate therapy. Our clinic's pharmacy is equipped with all necessary medications according to the most affordable prices. Storage conditions for medications are carefully monitored. The clinic’s medical staff will always advise and teach you how to properly handle injectable drugs, since timely and correct administration of medications determines adequate maturation of follicles in the ovaries.
  • Puncture. Correctly chosen puncture date is the most important component of success. Receiving immature or degenerate eggs, unfortunately, leads to the impossibility of their fertilization and failure of the program. The lion's share of success depends on the patient's discipline and strict adherence to the medical instructions of the attending physician. If additional explanation of the appointments, time, dosage and other features of the protocol is required, it is always worth asking clarifying questions to the doctor or medical staff of the clinic. Don’t be shy, an extra question is another step towards success!
  • Fertilization. Our embryologists carefully care for each patient’s egg. Saving on media for fertilization and embryo cultivation is not our rule. To improve the effectiveness of ART programs, the board of doctors and embryologists of our clinic decided to use specialized environments for all groups of patients, which are used all over the world to overcome infertility in patients of advanced reproductive age.
  • Embryo cultivation. Embryo cultivation in our clinic is carried out in incubators with a multi-gas mixture, which is a significant advantage compared to the use of CO2 incubators. We are proponents of transferring 5-day embryos. In addition, our doctors are unequivocal supporters of the transfer of only one embryo (SET-single embryo transfer).
  • Embryo transfer. The most important stage IVF procedures. The doctor’s experience is of no small importance in this manipulation, as are the conditions under which the transfer is carried out. After embryo transfer, we recommend leading a normal, active, more moderate lifestyle, avoiding significant physical and emotional stress. However, we are not adherents bed rest after embryo transfer, as well as excess administration medications(polypharmacy). All therapy after the transfer has its own rationale and is prescribed exclusively according to evidence-based medicine.

So, summing up this section, we recommend that our patients do not despair, but after analyzing the reason for the negative result, when trying IVF again, trust experienced reproductologists and believe in success, since a lot depends on your attitude and self-confidence!

The in vitro fertilization procedure is constantly being modernized and becoming available to many childless couples. But it does not always end with the desired pregnancy. Doctors consider the reasons for unsuccessful IVF in each individual case individually.

Diseases of the female genital organs

A thorough examination and effective treatment will help eliminate unsuccessful attempts. It is important to remember that the problems listed below are not a death sentence. Some genetic diseases, are inherited only at a certain stage, and in case of immune abnormalities, medications are prescribed.

Woman's age. Among the patients, many are women over 40 years of age. Over the years, even healthy woman the functions of the reproductive system decrease. And for those who have problems conceiving and carrying a pregnancy, artificial insemination at this age cannot always help. In addition, it takes much more time to rehabilitation period, after failure. The age of the potential father also has an impact. In men over 45 years of age, the quality and motility of sperm decreases.

Endocrine problems. Stimulation of ovulation can provoke an exacerbation of pre-existing diseases that have not been fully treated. Consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary if diagnosed diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and other diseases associated with the endocrine system.

Excess weight. Obesity in most cases is an obstacle to pregnancy. Before making a new attempt, it is worth getting rid of extra pounds. Obesity not only needs to be cured to the expectant mother, but also to a father who is overweight. In obese men, a poor spermogram is often detected, which is why low-quality embryos mature and die in the uterine cavity.

Therefore, highly qualified doctors insist on a thorough examination married couples, before entering into the protocol and taking a responsible attitude when choosing a clinic for the procedure.

Physiological recovery

After termination of pregnancy, recovery from unsuccessful IVF takes a different amount of time for each woman. There may be a lack of menstruation or profuse bleeding. The first menstruation should begin 5-7 days after the replantation or unsuccessful cryotransfer, and then observed irregular cycle. None of these circumstances are out of the norm.

Within 1 - 3 months the menstrual cycle should be restored, its failure is due to hormonal changes in organism. If this does not happen, you should contact a gynecologist.

Most often, starting from the second unsuccessful attempt, many patients complain of weight gain. For some it is about two kilograms, for others it is more than ten. main reason weight gain is a hormonal imbalance leading to metabolic disorders.

It is possible, but it is not easy to do. Losing weight after the protocol is more difficult than losing it overweight, appeared due to poor nutrition. In order to return to your previous shape, you should not only monitor your diet, but also increase physical activity.

Is it possible to do it yourself? According to statistics, in almost 30%, a woman became pregnant after unsuccessful IVF naturally. This is due to stimulating procedures carried out during the period of being in the protocol, which gave impetus to the activation of physiological hormonal cycle after the procedure.

Rehabilitation after failure

In vitro fertilization is not only a big financial, physical, but also mental expense. For many, life after unsuccessful IVF is difficult. psychologically. During this period, a woman needs the support of her husband and loved ones. Therefore, before the procedure, it is important to prepare both physically and mentally in order to know how to behave after unsuccessful IVF.

How to survive unsuccessful IVF:

  • speak out and cry right away for the first time days after the protocol;
  • visit regularly Gym or fitness club. This will not only distract you, but also help you get in shape;
  • find interesting activity: sign up for driving courses, study foreign languages, attend master classes on cutting and sewing, knitting, beading, drawing;
  • get carried away with reading. Buy interesting literature, or visit the library and read as much as possible. Exciting works will help you take your mind off sad thoughts;
  • Believers will receive good moral support from visiting a church and talking with a clergyman.

You should not dive into a failed attempt and try to look for those responsible, blaming doctors for everything, considering them unprofessional. There is no need to engage in self-flagellation or blame your spouse and constantly quarrel with him.

Increase your chances

An unsuccessful attempt at IVF should become an incentive to conduct a more thorough examination, eliminate existing problems, and follow-up treatment of advanced diseases.

It is necessary to give the body time to rest from increased doses of hormones, not to take any medications, without consulting a doctor. At least two months must pass before trying again. A more precise period will be determined by the doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

In order to increase the chances of achieving a positive result in the next protocol, the attending physician can issue a referral for physiotherapy, acupuncture, or hirudotherapy. Some women need consultation with a psychologist. It will help you take your mind off failure and regain strength for the subsequent procedure. Spa treatment. Contact with viral patients should be avoided and stressful situations should be avoided.

If possible, contact a clinic that uses the latest techniques for IVF. One of them is laser hatching. This is a procedure in which, using laser beams They cut through the membrane of the embryo, as a result of which it takes root better.

Empirically, it was found that if the reasons for unsuccessful embryo transfer could not be excluded after 4–5 attempts, then in the future the chances drop noticeably. In such a situation, doctors recommend using other methods of treating infertility. For example, use donor biomaterial, or agree to surrogacy.

In vitro fertilization is a method of assisted reproductive technologies, in which the egg is fertilized by sperm outside the woman’s body. IVF is currently the most effective method conception even with severe pathologies reproductive system in men and women.

Despite the high efficiency, artificial insemination does not always end successfully. Therefore, many patients are concerned about the question of how long it takes to repeat IVF, how to prepare for it and achieve good result? Let's consider these issues in detail in our article.

Before you start preparing for the 2nd IVF, you need to understand the reasons for the first failure. According to statistics, only 30-50% of IVF in women under 35 years of age ends successfully. The older the woman, the lower the success rate. So, at 40 years old it is 20%, and after 40 years it sharply drops to 10%. This is due to the fact that eggs become fewer and fewer with age, and their quality suffers.

To prevent failure at the next IVF, the doctor needs to identify the cause of the first failed attempt. Let's look at the most common causes of miscarriage during in vitro fertilization:

  • Bad embryos. In order for conception and implantation of the fetus to be successful, you need to properly perform fertilization and select the highest quality embryos. Therefore very important role The qualifications of the embryologist play a role in the IVF process.
  • Bad endometrium. If a woman has endometriosis or some kind of neoplasm in the uterus, the embryo will not be able to attach. The thickness of the endometrium for successful implantation should be from 8 to 13 mm.
  • Hydrosalpinx is fluid and adhesions in fallopian tubes. Fluid from hydrosalpinx can wash away the embryo or cause its death, so it is necessary to cure it before IVF. Most often, with this pathology, it is recommended to remove the tubes before IVF.
  • Genetic disorders in the mother that provoke fetal rejection.
  • The similarity of the genotype of women and men. This often happens when close relatives try to conceive a child.
  • Hormonal imbalance in women and endocrine diseases.
  • Refusal to take progesterone after transplantation or failure to prescribe maintenance therapy by a doctor.
  • Chronic diseases of the ovaries, appendages and uterus, as well as adhesions in the pelvis and circulatory disorders.
  • Acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, for example, inflammation of the ovary, kidneys or common acute respiratory infections.
  • Anomalies of the structure of the uterus.
  • The age of a woman also affects the process of implantation and development of the embryo; the older the woman, the worse the processes occur.

A huge number of factors can affect fetal implantation, which is why it is so important to perform thorough examination men and women and cure all pathologies that may interfere with normal fertilization and embryo development.


A second IVF after a failed first can be carried out after just one cycle if ovulation returns normally. But, as a rule, repeat IVF is prescribed only after 3 months. This period is necessary to examine the woman again and identify the cause of the failure the first time, and if one is discovered, measures will have to be taken to eliminate it.

Often, the second IVF after a failed first one has to be postponed due to menstrual irregularities. There may be a delay in the first cycle, this is normal occurrence. Women often have very heavy periods; this condition is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Already the second menstruation should be normal. If a delay occurs, you need to consult a specialist.

In preparation for the second IVF, you need to maintain a healthy and active image life, eat right, engage in light sports, such as yoga. Exercises will help improve blood circulation in the pelvis and improve reproductive function women. It is very important to get tested again during the recovery period. At the request of the patient, a series of physiotherapy procedures can be carried out, for example, acupuncture.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is get depressed. It is known that stressful state women are a direct path to infertility, as the body perceives experiences expectant mother as a danger, and dangerous time pregnancy for a woman may not occur. Therefore, during the recovery period you need to relax, rest, not worry and tune in to the positive. It is best to go on vacation with your husband and relax with all your heart.

Many people are concerned about the question: is it worth changing the clinic if the first IVF was unsuccessful? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, since any clinic does not guarantee 100% results. Patients need to pay attention to the equipment of the clinic and how the specialists work. It's better to choose medical institution, starting from positive feedback. If patients do not trust their doctor at all, then it is better to turn to another specialist.

2nd try

The most important questions— when can you do a second IVF after an unsuccessful attempt, and what are the chances of success? It is best to take your time and give the body 3-6 months to rest and heal, and the doctor to identify the causes of failure. But, if desired, a couple can enter into the protocol within a month after the first failure.

As a rule, the effectiveness of the second IVF is much higher, since it is possible to correct the errors that interfered with the first time. In addition, doctors can recommend additional ART methods and special diagnostic measures.

To increase the chance of fertilization, as well as to select higher-quality sperm, IVF with ICSI and PIXI is prescribed. With these methods, the doctor fertilizes the egg manually using a needle. If genetic pathologies have been detected, IVF can be performed with donor sperm or eggs.

Also, during the second IVF attempt after the first failure, a cryoprotocol is carried out, in which frozen embryos or eggs remaining after the first procedure are used. The chance of a successful outcome with cryoprotocol is very high, since the strongest embryos are used. Weak cells cannot survive shock freezing.

Disadvantage additional methods is their high price. If with regular IVF, most likely, it will be possible to meet the cost of 100 thousand rubles, then with all the additional services, the price for repeated IVF can almost double. If a couple undergoes ART treatment under a quota, they will most likely have to pay extra out of their own pocket.

Failed IVF. What to do? (Video)



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