Dinner with separate meals. Examples of recipes for every day for weight loss

IN modern world very popular separate meals imposed a ban on a large number of habitual products for us and determined a number of rules on the basis of which we must form our own food culture. But it's not enough to buy just one healthy foods. They still need to be able to properly combine with each other.

Separate food is also effective and popular diet to fight overweight, since it is based only on the compatibility of a variety of food products.

Separate power supply is necessary make up based this principle compatibility and incompatibility of certain products nutrition. For example, on lunch recommended only carbohydrate table, and dinner- diet protein rich.

At the same time include proteins and carbohydrates in the menu, according to the rules separate power supply, is strictly prohibited.

The food menu should take into account the natural mechanism process digestion. It is no secret that the stomach needs various digestive enzymes. For example, if digested protein food , then the stomach need acidic enzymes. For digestion carbohydrate origin is best suited alkaline environment.

When in the stomach at the same time. arrive products containing proteins and carbohydrates, then they are generated immediately two enzymes, which react with each other neutralization. As a result going onviolation natural process digestion, which is accompanied by bloating, heartburn, metabolic disorders.

For clarity, consider the standard menu of separate power supply.

For breakfast suitable for the following dishes:

  • any porridge on the water;
  • leafy vegetables and greens with eggs, cooked in any form;
  • natural cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • fruits.

Only one dish must be selected from the above list. For example, fruit or scrambled eggs. Not recommended in separate meals combination of scrambled eggs with cottage cheese dessert.

For lunch you can cook any meat product with any non-starchy vegetables, fresh salad with greens, a salad with cheese and leafy vegetables, or a soup based on vegetables, without the addition of meat.

Remember, it is forbidden to combine meat with potatoes in a separate diet!

Many people who switch to the system note the monotony in the proposed menus. A large number of standard menus really do not differ in a creative approach to the cooking process.

In this regard, it is good to use these menu examples only as a template for compiling an individual menu for separate meals.

How to create your own menu of separate meals?

Necessary remember that in a separate power supply system all products are divided into three main groups: proteins, carbohydrates and neutral foods.

  1. To products protein origin include meat and fish products, eggs, nuts, legumes, dairy products.
  2. Carbohydrates include various cereals, potatoes, fruits, flour and sweet products.
  3. The group of neutral products includes fats, herbs, cheese and cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content.

Also, when compiling a menu for separate meals, the following rules should be considered:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to consume starchy foods (for example, potatoes, pasta, rice) with protein products (for example, meat, eggs) at the same time during one meal. If you combine fried meat with pasta on the menu, then this will serious breach principles of separate nutrition.
  2. At one meal, it is recommended to consume only one type of protein product.
  3. It is forbidden to combine acidic foods with starchy foods in a separate diet, since the enzymes that break down these foods enter into a neutralization reaction with each other.
  4. Fruits are recommended to be eaten thirty minutes before meals. Melon and watermelon are best consumed separately and not combined with other fruits.
  5. Vegetables that do not contain starch (for example, cabbage, melons and leafy vegetables) are allowed to be combined with both proteins and carbohydrates. Thus, vegetable salads, vegetable soups and fried vegetables are recommended to be consumed with protein and carbohydrate products. For example, vegetables with rice or meat with vegetables.
  6. Everyone knows that fats tend to slow down the digestion process. In this regard, it is forbidden to combine any oils with proteins, but it is allowed - with products that contain starch and vegetables that do not contain starch. In other words, a dish of vegetables that are fried in oil, or a vegetable salad that is seasoned with olive oil. Thanks to vegetables, fats are absorbed by the body very quickly. But frying fish or meat in separate meals is not recommended.
  7. It has long been proven that for digestion various products various gastric juices are secreted. In this regard, fruits and flour products cannot be included in the menu of separate meals at the same time. Needed for the digestion of fruits sour juices, and for the digestion of flour products are completely different.
  8. Milk is best combined with vegetables and fruits.

When compiling the menu, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, overeating carbohydrate foods can cause excess weight, and an excess of protein food - the production uric acid. That's why dishes, in which simultaneously combined flour, cereals and potatoes are harmful.

As well as a hearty lunch of an omelette with ham or scrambled eggs with sausage, and a glass of milk.

In modern dietetics, there are a large number of rules for separate nutrition.

Every new author of the methodology begins to pay attention to new aspects and the system of separate nutrition is growing every year before our eyes. It depends only on you to what level you want to delve into the science of separate nutrition. But if you will observe basic the above separate power supply, that is guarantee your his excellent well-being and health. Learn to make your menu of separate meals varied, and then you can easily abandon your usual dishes.

Back in 1928, the world learned about a new concept of eating - separate meals.. Its developer is considered the famous naturopath Herbert Shelton, whose recommendations have been followed by thousands of people around the world for many years. But separate nutrition also has another founder - the American physician William Howard Hay, who, back in the 19th century, developed the basic principles of eating foods that differ in their nutritional value.

Basic postulates of separate nutrition

The essence of the theory of separate nutrition is that products that are different in their own way chemical composition, are absolutely incompatible with each other, therefore, they need to be used only separately.

According to G. Shelton, the human body for each type of food produces certain enzymes that contribute to its digestion. This creates a certain pH level, which causes a different reaction of the environment to protein, carbohydrate or fat-rich foods:

  • An acidic environment is created to break down protein foods - meat and fish products, seafood, dairy products and eggs;
  • An alkaline environment is necessary for the digestion of carbohydrates - cereals, sweet fruits (bananas, figs, dates, dried apricots), potatoes, confectionery and products from flour of any grade;
  • A neutral environment is formed for the absorption of fats - nuts, mushrooms, vegetables, cheeses and oils (creamy and vegetable).

According to separate nutrition, the compatibility of products depends on the reaction of the environment– do not mix products that create an acidic environment with products that have an alkaline reaction. Neutral foods can be consumed separately with sour or alkaline products without mixing them.

The basic principles of separate nutrition according to Herbert Shelton:

  • Breaks between meals should be 4 hours. It is necessary to eat only when a true feeling of hunger comes, and not a slight desire to snack;
  • To avoid different gastric diseases you should chew food thoroughly - haste in eating is unacceptable;
  • You need to eat until a slight feeling of fullness, avoiding overeating. A serving of food for one meal should not exceed 500 g;
  • The temperature of the dishes should be comfortable - do not eat hot (only warm) or very cold food. Such food irritates the stomach, which makes it difficult to fully assimilate;
  • Vegetables should make up 50% of the diet, fruits, grains and legumes 30%, and only 20% left for meat, fish, dairy products and fats;
  • No need to be zealous in a set of products - it is easier for the stomach to cope with two or three components in a dish than with complex culinary inventions;
  • Water intake requires certain rules: after fruits, you can drink water after half an hour, after eating potatoes, cereals, legumes and other carbohydrates - after two hours, and after protein foods, you can drink water no earlier than after 4 hours.

Shelton attached great importance the psychological component of separate nutrition. In his recommendations, he strongly advises eating only in good mood, with good thoughts and kindness in the heart.

Separate nutrition, product compatibility and rules for their use

As mentioned above, with separate nutrition, the compatibility of products is determined by the reaction of the environment that they cause in the stomach. Based on this, the basic requirements for product compatibility are formulated.

According to a separate diet, carbohydrates should never be mixed with sour fruits (oranges, lemons, cranberries, pineapple) and sour vegetables (tomatoes). This rule is also true for protein foods. Also, you can not mix proteins with fats - cheese and butter can only be used individually.

With separate meals, your favorite sandwich with a bun and jam is an unacceptable combination of starch and sugar, which causes a fermentation reaction and leads to intoxication of the body. The same reaction occurs when mixing starchy foods, such as bread with potatoes or porridge.

Melon is used separately from any other products, it is not compatible with anything, just like milk.

A person who is not dedicated to the subtleties biochemical processes, to understand the separate nutrition and compatibility of all permitted products is quite difficult. Separate nutrition tables will help you easily navigate this issue, in which all the main products are given, and their compatibility with each other is also noted. For people practicing separate nutrition, the product compatibility table helps in compiling the menu and selecting suitable products.

Separate nutrition for weight loss

The practice of separate nutrition for weight loss was actively begun in the middle of the twentieth century.. After all, in fact, a separate diet is a strict diet with a ban on foods that contribute to weight gain.

Prohibited foods with separate meals:

  • Sugar;
  • Canned food;
  • Mayonnaise, refined oil, margarine;
  • Smoked meats, sausages, salted fish;
  • Lemonade.

According to reviews, separate nutrition effectively copes with body fat and extra pounds. But this process is not fast good result You need to stick to a separate diet for at least 3-4 months. Reviews of separate nutrition allow us to conclude that in a few months it is really possible to get rid of 6 to 15 kg of excess weight.

It must be remembered that it is necessary to use separate nutrition for weight loss correctly, otherwise the lost weight will return again. After achieving the desired result, you can not abruptly return to the usual diet, as this is fraught with serious health consequences. The transition from separate power to usual tricks food should be gradual, without sudden changes.

Example of a separate power menu

With separate meals, it is convenient to make a menu using the product compatibility table. For example, if you want to make a curd snack, it’s easy to find out from the table that cottage cheese goes well with sweet fruits, dried fruits and nuts. Now a little imagination - and the dish is ready! With separate meals, the product compatibility table helps not to guess, but to quickly determine the combined products.

An example of a separate meal menu for one day:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat on the water, grapefruit, tea;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast - 150 g, vegetable salad, tea;
  • Dinner: Oven-baked two-egg omelet with herbs, cauliflower soup with potatoes.

People rarely think about the compatibility or incompatibility of food. Separate nutrition means meals when all foods and dishes are combined. With separate nutrition, all nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, fats, vitamins are well absorbed and benefit human health. It is important to be able to cook dishes so that all the ingredients are combined with each other. Thanks to proper nutrition, you normalize weight, strengthen immunity, improve work digestive tract, speed up your metabolism, and you will feel good.

Protein-rich foods require an acidic environment in the stomach for digestion. For products with carbohydrates, an alkaline environment is required. If you eat a lot of protein and carbohydrate foods at the same time, then the digestion process will last much longer. Food that is not digested will be deposited in toxins and subcutaneous fat, in a word, “garbage” in your body. Avoid overeating, eat in medium portions and get up from the table with a feeling of lightness and satiety.

For comparison, meat dishes and products are digested for about 6 hours, but fruits eaten on an empty stomach are about 30 minutes.

Separate nutrition is that products with different chemical properties do not eat at the same time. It is necessary to observe some time intervals between incompatible dishes.

William and Herbert are American specialists, who were among the first to study the benefits and harms of separate nutrition in the last century. The opinions of these two people differ, so we will consider two points of view, and you decide for yourself which one to stick to. Both of them apply a scientific approach and both deserve respect.

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Rules for separate meals from William

  • Proteins and acidic fruits should be eaten separately from foods containing carbohydrates.
  • Fruits, salads, vegetables are always on the table. This food is the basis of any meal.
  • The interval between meals with incompatible components is approximately 4-5 hours.
  • Refuse harmful products such as sausages, sausage, etc.

Products, saturated with proteins- fish and seafood, chicken, poultry, cottage cheese, cheese, chicken eggs, legumes, nuts, etc.

Remember that animal fats are saturated fat, they are harmful and you should eat food of animal origin, only with the least amount of fat.

Carbohydrate-rich foods - rice, buckwheat, oat groats, various cereals, pasta, bread, starch (potatoes). simple carbohydrates are contained in sugar.

There is a group of "neutral food" - which is compatible with proteins and carbohydrates. These include animal fats, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, cream, sour cream, fatty cheeses, fatty cottage cheese, butter. All these "neutral group" foods are not healthy, and you should limit the number of them in your daily menu.

  • Breakfast - fruit salad, low-fat cheese, low-fat sour cream, fruits, Borodino bread sandwiches, cottage cheese 1-2% fat.
  • Lunch - the body needs energy, and you can get it from carbohydrates. Potato or carrot casserole, durum pasta with low-fat cheese and sweet fruits, etc.
  • Dinner - protein meals without side dishes. For example, a fish dish or meat. Salad of vegetables and fruit separately. It is not recommended to combine potatoes and pasta with proteins. Additionally, you can cook vegetable soup or vegetable broth. Eat for dessert unsweetened fruit Guys.

Rules for separate meals from Herbert

  1. Proteins and fats should be eaten separately. Meat, nuts, cheese, chicken eggs should not be eaten with sour cream, butter, vegetable oil, cream. Fatty food suppresses the gastric glands and slows down the gastric juice.
  2. Do not combine two concentrated proteins in one meal. After all 2 different protein in composition require from the body different digestive juices for digestion. Juices for different proteins, are not produced at the same time, which means that you need to consume 1 type of protein food for 1 meal.
  3. You should not combine concentrated carbohydrates and concentrated proteins in one meal. At one meal, eat, for example, these dishes - cereals, bread, noodles, bread rolls, and at another meal low-fat cheese, chicken eggs, fish and seafood, milk. Nuts, cheese, chicken eggs, meat and other protein foods should not be consumed simultaneously with cakes, bread, cereals, fruits (sweet).
  4. Separate nutrition says - do not eat acidic foods and carbohydrates together. Bananas, dates, bread, potatoes, beans, peas and other carbohydrates should not be taken with cranberries, pineapple, lemon, tomatoes, grapefruit and all other acidic fruits.
  5. Separate protein foods from fruits. Separate nutrition means pineapples, sour apples, cherries, sour plums, oranges, tomatoes, lemons should not be consumed with nuts, meat, eggs. The simpler the dishes in terms of the number of ingredients, the better for the digestive tract.
  6. Starch (potato for example) is separate from sugar. Potatoes, cereals, sugar with cereals should be eaten separately from syrups, jams, jellies, fruit butter. If you eat these dishes together, it will most likely cause fermentation in most people's stomachs.
  7. Watermelon, honey melon, cantaloupe, and other types of melons – eat separately from all food.
  8. Drink milk separately from all products. Gastric juice poorly developed when hit fat milk into the stomach. For some, it may be the news of the day, but milk is digested in the initial section small intestine in humans, not in the stomach. The stomach does not react to milk and interferes with the digestion of other foods.

100% scientific evidence There is no benefit to separate meals. But many scientists annually conduct various studies, and many of their discoveries speak of the benefits of separate nutrition. Try to eat just food in moderation so as not to fill your stomach to the brim. And look at your condition, empirically find out which components are not compatible for your body, there may be bloating, etc. Then work out for yourself correct combinations various recipes.

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To draw up a menu of separate meals for a week, you do not need a lot of knowledge and effort. You can do it yourself, just follow the following rules.

  1. Go to the store and buy everything necessary food and ingredients for 7 days at once, so that you are not tempted to eat something extra every time you go to the store. As practice shows, if you go to the store for food once a week, then you can save the family budget.
  2. Buy protein food different types, fish, lean meat, chicken fillet, cottage cheese 1-2%, etc.
  3. Be sure to buy vegetables for the week and fruits, a variety of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, pears, oranges, etc.
  4. From carbohydrates for a week, you will need cereals, pasta, cereals, rice, buckwheat, etc.
  5. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime, only a glass of yogurt is allowed 1 hour before bedtime.
  6. Fats plant origin(unsaturated) - are useful, they are found in nuts, oily fish, etc.
  7. Eat food every 2.5-3.5 hours.
  8. 20 minutes before meals, 1 glass of pure water.
  9. 1-2 liters of water per day is recommended for the overall health of the body, water is beneficial for all organs.
  10. Remove from the menu White bread, sugar, animal fats, rarely eat potatoes.

2 best recipes for proper nutrition

Recipe number 1 - Chicken breast with steamed vegetables in a slow cooker (with photo)

Recipe Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • Chicken breast - 1 piece
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Greens, dill, parsley, cilantro - to taste
  • Broccoli, cauliflower
  1. We take a chicken breast and remove the skin, and rinse under running water cold water. We prepare the vegetables, wash them and put them on a plate on the table.
  2. We rub the chicken breast well with salt, spices and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, let it soak. You can use ready-made spices or take the ingredients separately and mix salt, pepper, curry, grated garlic, etc.
  3. Now you need to prepare the multicooker. Pour about 1/3 of the water in there.
  4. We place a steaming basket on top and put the chicken and vegetables there. We set the "steam" mode for 40 minutes.
  5. Separate food is ready, open the slow cooker and serve the chicken with vegetables on the table. Bon appetit.
  6. In some models of multicookers, the steaming baskets are not deep and the breast does not fit. Then cut into a couple of pieces and lay or buy a couple of things separately chicken fillet and good luck to you.

Recipe number 2 - Vegetable salad with tuna (with photo)

Recipe Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Tuna - 180-200 grams
  • Tomatoes - 120-140 grams
  • Garlic - 1 pc.
  • Salad - 2 bunches
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Onion - half
  • Cucumbers - 120-140 grams
  • Lemon juice - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons

Recipe preparation process:

  1. Take all the ingredients and rinse well under running cold water. We remove the skin from the cucumber, sliced ​​​​mode. Cut the tomatoes into 4-6 pieces, depending on the size, to make medium slices. Bow mode in half rings.
  2. We take the dishes under the salad and throw everything chopped there and mix.
  3. Now prepare the dressing, mix the soy sauce, vegetable oil, lemon juice and small garlic.
  4. The salad is almost ready, you need to mix everything and season.
  5. We put it on the table and start eating.

Watch helpful video #3:

What do you think, correct and separate one and the same! Is it more useful than the usual and usual mode? What is better to choose for health or?

These questions are still of concern to many nutritionists, and the practitioners themselves are divided into fans and opponents!

Proponents of separate nutrition argue that proteins and carbohydrates need different enzymes and a medium to digest food. So, for example, carbohydrates require an alkaline environment, while proteins require an acidic one. And when they are mixed, the body tends to store more fat and toxins in the body!

Opponents argue that our body has developed a certain immunity and can easily cope with both proteins and carbohydrates at the same time! Otherwise, when switching to separate nutrition, it similar functions weakened and will have to eat separately for the rest of their lives.

It's up to you which side to support. From my own experience I can say that a separate diet has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive system, but also on the figure in general. But in this issue I found golden mean. And today I want to show you a separate meal menu for the week.

  • Breakfast for the week

Hercules porridge on the water, green tea without sugar, apple or pear.

Buckwheat porridge, tea, orange!

Fried eggs from two eggs with tomatoes and ham or mushrooms, vegetable salad without potatoes, you can also have tea or coffee.

Zucchini pancakes with semolina, green tea, any fruit.

Unleavened pancakes with jam or a little honey, fruit and green tea

Cereal bread toasts with jam green tea or sandwiches made from grain bread with a little butter or melted cheese + lettuce, cucumber and tea or freshly brewed coffee

Cottage cheese seasoned with yogurt or fermented baked milk + green tea.

Boiled rice with seasoning, tea with cardamom or cinnamon.

Porridges can be varied on the water! Nuts and fruits, dried fruits are combined, more on that later!

  • Lunch for the week:

Chicken liver with any vegetable salad or stewed vegetables, except potatoes.

Chicken breast with herbs and stewed or boiled broccoli.

Fish baked with eggplant, herbs, apple or pear.

Vegetable soup with meat but without cereals and potatoes or vegetable soup with potatoes, but without meat, with spices! Such a separate meal menu for a week can be alternated. That is, soups can be cooked in turn!

Bean soup with boiled beef, juice and an apple or any other fruit.

Mushrooms with legumes and fried onions, any berries + juice

Fish baked with vegetables and legumes.

  • Dinner

Fried eggs on the water, and a snack of tomatoes and cheese

Cottage cheese with yogurt and fermented baked milk or other fermented milk products, you can add some nuts or dried fruits to the cottage cheese.

Chicken breast with vegetable salad or baked broccoli with lemon juice.

fish under soy sauce with a salad of vegetables, such as cucumbers, fresh ginger and some carrots.

Vinaigrette from fresh cucumber, beetroot, potatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Mushroom omelet with any vegetables except potatoes.

Any non-starchy vegetables baked with cheese.

Snacks, i.e. second breakfast or afternoon snack, if you want to eat, you can replace it with any fruit, or a handful of nuts, or light yogurt! Drink green tea, water!

And now, for you to understand, separate nutrition breaks down products into certain groups that may and cannot be combined with each other. Take this into service and cook any dishes for your health:

Group 1 - proteins:


Group 2 - vegetable fat products:

Dried fruits

Group 3 - carbohydrates:

flour products

Products of the 1st and 2nd groups and 2nd and 3rd groups are compatible with each other. Products of the 1st and 3rd groups are incompatible. That is, if you strictly follow the principles of separate nutrition, then potatoes with lard are normal, and a pot of pasta or rice is a crime against health.

Even in ancient times, separate meals were invented, the menu of which was compiled for the nobility. ancient rome, which needed to maintain the maximum level of health in the period between luxurious feasts, which greatly influenced the digestive system.

Subsequently, the newly formed science of dietology developed the doctrine of separate nutrition, bringing under it a very serious scientific basis. Various recipes have been developed that can be used not only for a limited time, but every day for a significant period.

Despite the fact that some scientists argue about the actual benefits of this healing measure, it has been effectively used for many years to accelerate weight loss and get rid of many diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

Separate food in your classical form based on the assertion that mixing certain types products can be harmful and even dangerous to the human body. In order to avoid the formation of toxins and the accumulation of toxins in the intestines, a menu is planned in advance for each day, which must be strictly observed, avoiding significant deviations.

In addition, the purchases of products that are included in the menu of separate meals are planned in the same way - by learning how to properly organize your trips to the store, you will achieve half the success necessary for a quick recovery.

Many people strive to lose weight while also trying to save money by avoiding a variety of above-average-priced products. This is fundamentally wrong, since oversaturation of the body with certain substances is contrary to the principles of dietology in general and separate nutrition in particular.

It is best to buy three types of products of each category for a week - meat and fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals. The best option are recipes that involve 5-7 types of products per week, but not all people can afford such expenses.

To diversify your menu both in terms of composition and taste quality, it is necessary to consume several types of dishes every day that do not repeat each other:


The separate food menu involves the use of a number of restrictions that prevent the formation of digestive system unwanted chemical reactions leading to the creation of deposits of harmful substances.

So, nutritionists had a special table regarding the compatibility of products - it allows you to determine which recipes are undesirable to use in everyday cooking. Using it for at least a month, you can achieve significant weight loss, as well as improvement general tone organism and prevent the occurrence of serious diseases.

It is worth noting that such separate meals must be used every day - even small violations in the menu can completely destroy the result of your efforts, returning everything to its original point.

The main limitation concerns products containing a large amount of protein. The recipes that you have chosen for the day should not contain both fish and meat, soy.

If we talk about eggs and cottage cheese, which are a less concentrated source of protein, then they can be included in separate meals along with the dishes listed above. Very important is the ban on simultaneous use proteins, fats and carbohydrates - meat and fish recipes cannot be combined with bread, bananas, nuts, cereals, as well as a group such as sour cream, vegetable oil, cheeses.

The compatibility table, designed for proper separate nutrition, indicates the need for caution when eating acidic fruits and berries. Apples, cherries, cranberries, lingonberries should be eaten between main meals, making sure that at least an hour has passed after them. Milk and melons, represented by watermelons and melons, should be separated from everything else.

If you want to similar products included in your menu, you should plan more than three meals a day, evenly distributed over time.

The rule about the impossibility of using two identical products applies to carbohydrates. If you want to quickly achieve weight loss with the help of a separate diet, then you need to abandon the combination of porridge with bread, bananas, and other sweet fruits. In addition, it is better not to consume sugar in pure form, and if necessary, exclude its combination with potato, corn or other starch in one day.

A standard compatibility table can help you achieve not only accelerated weight loss, but also improved well-being, increased activity and performance.

Name Compatible Products Incompatible products Eligible Products
Legumes Greens, vegetable oil, vegetables, sour cream Fruits, meat, fish, eggs, sugar, milk, cheese, cottage cheese Butter, nuts, cereals, bread
nuts Vegetable oil, herbs, sour fruits, cottage cheese, vegetables Sugar, fish, milk, meat, butter, eggs, sour cream Cheese, bread, legumes, cereals, sweet fruits
Potatoes, cereals, bread products Greens, butter and vegetable oil, vegetables, sour cream Fruits, fish, eggs, sugar, cottage cheese, meat, milk Nuts, cheese, beans
Vegetable oil Greens, cereals, vegetables, bread, nuts, sour fruits, legumes Cottage cheese, sugar, butter, cheese, meat, eggs, milk, fish Sweet fruits, sour cream
Dried and sweet fruits Greens, vegetables, cottage cheese Fish, meat, cheese, legumes, bread, eggs, butter, cereals, sugar Milk, vegetable oil, vegetables, sour fruits, sour cream, vegetables, nuts

Approximate diet

If you want to use separate meals, the menu for the week will allow you to quickly and easily make recommendations from nutritionist Cynthia Saas, who is one of the leading scientists in the United States researching and improving this technique.

It comes not only from the principles of product compatibility, but also from the basic needs of the body for useful nutrients, as well as from the possibility of losing weight in the presence of overweight body. The original menu of separate nutrition developed by her for a week contains standard recommendations for the average person - depending on the characteristics of your body, the weight of the dish can be increased or decreased.


The beginning of the week should help you get enough of the vitamins necessary for the most productive work of the body. For breakfast, you should use a simple menu consisting of unsweetened oatmeal and one kiwi fruit. Separate nutrition according to Cynthia Saas also involves intermediate meals, so one and a half to two hours after breakfast, you can eat a pear or an apple.

Lunch on this day should be organized from raw vegetables and 150 grams of fish. In order to achieve weight loss that does not adversely affect your health, it is imperative to replenish your carbohydrate reserves by snacking on one of the varieties of nuts in the amount of 30 grams:

  • walnuts;
  • almond;
  • cashew nuts.

Monday dinner according to the menu of separate meals includes 30-50 grams of pasta and a lot of stewed vegetables.


The next day is best to start with a 4-5 egg omelette with spinach, which includes a very large amount of useful vitamins and minerals. To supplement it after a while is a bottle of low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Separate nutrition also involves the use of vegetable soup based on broccoli, green peas and cabbage with a slice of bread for lunch - preferably whole grain. Cooking puree soup is not recommended, as it uses flour, which is also a carbohydrate product.

The afternoon snack menu includes a small amount of fruit, and dinner includes 300 grams of beef.


On this day, it is best to use foods with low nutritional value ideal for weight loss. This means that breakfast according to such a weekly meal plan consists of oatmeal, and an additional meal - 40 grams of dried apricots.

For lunch, it’s better to limit yourself to a vegetable sandwich without mayonnaise, followed a couple of hours later by a fruit and berry smoothie made from low-fat sour cream. Ends the day with a menu of boiled chicken breast and green salad.


It's worth boosting your split meal program a bit by adding more high-calorie foods. Breakfast will be porridge from various cereals, which will be complemented by apples baked with honey. Also, they should add cinnamon, which is a good tool for weight loss.

For lunch, prepare a vegetable salad without dressing and 100 grams of white fish, and for an afternoon snack, just eat 200 grams of cottage cheese without salt and additives. For dinner, separate meals include stewed beef and a small amount of boiled vegetables.


Start Friday with cottage cheese, which is complemented by an apple and half a teaspoon of sugar. To maintain strength during separate meals, also eat 150 grams of any berries that go together in the morning, and at lunch the menu will include 30-50 grams of pasta with stewed vegetables. The fourth meal will be a fruit salad.

For dinner, treat yourself to graduation working week 300 grams of seafood, which are always recommended to be included in separate meals.


In order to achieve weight loss, Saturday of each week should be made a fasting day. Throughout the time you can use 1 bottle of low-fat yogurt or kefir, 200-250 grams of berries and 30 grams of nuts.

Such a decision during a separate diet will help to achieve a slender figure with a full supply of the body. useful vitamins and micronutrients.


On Sunday, separate meals include a lot of products with high nutritional value. The breakfast menu is pancakes with berries in a total of 300 grams - after a while they should be supplemented with yogurt. A hearty lunch will include 300 grams of meat with boiled vegetables, while an afternoon snack will take a little vegetable salad without refueling.

Dinner according to the separate nutrition program consists of 300 grams of fish and an unlimited amount of green salad.

The menu presented above is not strict - some dishes can be changed or rearranged. However, it is always necessary to remember the principles of compatibility of substances on which separate nutrition is based, as well as the need for the body to receive enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other materials.

If you follow such a diet for at least a month, you yourself will feel the result, which is expressed in a serious improvement in the condition of your body.



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