Allergic vasculitis, ICD code 10. Systemic vasculitis

All children develop according to their individual schedule, and the daily routine of a child at 1 year old may differ from the routine of the rest of the crumbs. Some babies at this age stomp confidently, others only crawl and have not yet taken their first steps. The same applies to the nervous system of children: for some it is weak, for some it allows you to be perfectly awake, only once interrupted for sleep during the day.

The daily routine - the sequence of actions you have established - is the key to the developed habit. It is important that the baby knows that you care about his health and he cannot do without food, sleep, hygiene measures.

Many Russian pediatricians claim that a child needs food every 3 hours, but experienced moms know that the baby's appetite plays a big role in his life.

Enter the rule in the family: “No snacking!” So ​​as not to complain about the lack of appetite in children. If the baby chews something, then a signal is sent to his brain about eating, so then he will not have an appetite, and during lunch or dinner, the child will simply turn away from the plate.

Sleep of a 1 year old

How much sleep should a baby sleep?

The norm of sleep for a baby at the age of 1 year is 12-13 hours per day, night sleep takes 10-11 hours of them, 2-3 hours for sleep during the day. If the mode differs by +/- 1 hour in any direction, this is a variant of the norm. If the baby is cheerful, calm, cheerful, knows how to concentrate on his own actions, he has an excellent appetite, he easily goes to bed, wakes up with a smile, there is no reason for concern.

But if the child sleeps 16-17 hours a day, this should alert you, you need to pay attention to other symptoms and inform the pediatrician about this.

Daytime sleep - one-time or two-time?

The daily routine of the “year-old” can be one of two options.

  1. 2-phase sleep during the day, which consists of 2 periods of 1.5 hours each. Toddlers who prefer this sleep pattern can be awake for about 4 hours. In the evening they need to be laid at about 22.00. 2 long walks and meals 5 times a day fit perfectly into the daily routine.
  2. 1 long daytime sleep. This usually requires a serious restructuring of the daily routine. Babies who are satisfied with 1 dream can be classified as "owls": they wake up no earlier than 7-8 in the morning. Their daytime sleep lasts at least 2-3 hours, begins at about 13.00, and ends no earlier than 15.30-16.00. In this case, the baby can be seated at the table only 4 times. This mode of a child at 1 year old is as close as possible to the conditions of children attending preschool, therefore, adaptation during the first visits to the nursery will certainly pass without difficulties. In addition, the parents of the crumbs, who go to bed at 21.00, have a little more free time (provided that they are also “owls”).

Main regime moments

Getting up, washing and morning exercises

The morning of the baby should begin with washing and washing. Usually children experience great pleasure from playing in the water, you can use this moment in the formation useful skill allowing the child to wash himself. Before that, each time demonstrate to him how to properly wash his face, hands, use soap and a towel.

Teach your child to wash their hands before meals and after walking, as well as to hardening water procedures in the morning.

The gymnastics of a one-year-old child is as important as hygiene measures. It may include the following exercises:

  • crawling on all fours;
  • walking with support, support and independent movement;
  • walking on a narrow path;
  • squatting with and without support;
  • getting toys from a small height;
  • climbing onto a bed, armchair, sofa, chair, peeling off these pieces of furniture;
  • crawling through hoops and under obstacles;
  • tilts with fixed knees;
  • lifting legs from a prone position to an angle of 90 °;
  • "bike";
  • rise from a lying state to a sitting position;
  • raising arms alternately, arm movements as in boxing;
  • ball throws with 2 hands;
  • walking in place with knees high

The baby's meal schedule depends on how many times he sleeps during the day, what is the daily routine of a child at 1 year old.

With a 2-phase sleep schedule, the baby can have time to feed 5 times, with one daytime sleep - 4 times. If the baby is breastfeeding, breast milk is perfect for the 1st breakfast and feeding before bedtime (with artificial feeding it will be replaced by formula milk).

For second breakfast, lunch and dinner, the baby will receive food from the common table - cereals, salads, soups, dairy products, boiled and stewed vegetables, fruits, berries, meat and fish dishes. At this age, food should not be ground. Meat and fish can be finely chopped to develop a chewing reflex and form the correct bite.

If a child does not like a certain product, you should not exclude it, mix it into dishes little by little so that the child gets used to its taste and does not lose nutrients.

The list of products that are prohibited for the baby: everything spicy, spicy and fried, citrus fruits, nuts, smoked meats, canned food, sausage, mushrooms and confectionery. Instead of store-bought sweets, you can treat your child with fruits and berries.

Try to cultivate the skills of accuracy in the baby during meals, teach how to use napkins, a handkerchief, rinse your mouth after eating, brush your teeth in the morning and evening.

The mother chooses the optimal time for walking, watching the baby and pursuing the goals that she sets for the time of leaving the house. For example, if you want an active pastime with a maximum of impressions for the crumbs (which may include riding a swing, chatting with peers, feeding pigeons in the park), it is better to go outside at hours maximum activity child - after breakfast or afternoon nap.

Seasonality must also be taken into account. IN winter time, in late autumn and early spring, when it gets dark early, a walk in the afternoon is worse than going out in the morning - walking at dusk is interesting for teenagers, not kids. On hot days, it is better to go outside before 11.00 and after 16.00, when the sun is not at its zenith. It is important that the time of the walk is filled with interesting things, no matter how long it lasts.

If a mother on a walk has to cope with some business (for example, go to the store), and the baby does not like such events (this is understandable, he wants to play and learn something new), the task becomes more complicated. In this case, try to adjust the joint mode in order to go outside, and the child has slept at this time.

The duration of the baby's walk largely depends on the weather. In late spring, summer and early autumn, walks can last a long time - up to 2 hours. It is better if the child walks 2 times a day, at the same time.

In late autumn, winter and early spring, the duration of a one-year-old child's walk should not exceed 60 minutes. If you walk less, you should go outside 2 times a day.


All babies love to learn new things: build and destroy what they have created, pick up from the floor and throw out of the crib. Plastic or soft cubes are ideal for this purpose. It is also good to play at the age of one with a sorter, a designer with large details.

You can help your child learn pictures, colors, build houses. Collect puzzles with elements large sizes, learn to glue applications. These games are very close.

Games with pyramids will also come in handy: when buying, choose options with large rings so that it is convenient for the child to take them and string them on the rod.

On dolls, you can show the baby where the ears, eyes, nose, hair, arms and legs are. Then you can ask: “Where are Nadia’s ears?” and ask them to show. Imitating the actions of parents, brothers and sisters, the baby will take care of the doll - dress, feed and water, put to sleep, pity, put on a potty.

Books are very important at this age. Even if the baby cannot understand what it is about, he hears a familiar voice, recognizes some words, studies pictures with you. Ask your child questions, show what is shown in the pictures, every month complicating your stories and questions.

Fairy tales in verse are of particular interest in the life of a baby: the poetic rhythm is better perceived, it is them that he will repeat when he starts talking.

Finger games, the purpose of which is the development of fine motor skills and speech, may be good method learning.

Many people like to play with dishes, such activities can be diversified using improvised means: cereals, beans, pasta different shapes, liquids in plastic bottles. A child can pour water from one bowl to another, catch objects in the water, sort out cereals and thus learn to control his own body.

At this age, you can conduct classes with plasticine under the supervision of adults, so that the child learns to sculpt sausages and koloboks. Care must be taken to ensure that plasticine does not get into the mouth of the child. You can make or buy finger paints: the baby will have a sea of ​​emotions from drawing with palms and fingers.

Developing classes

Kids at this age think in images, do not operate with abstract concepts, therefore, in games you need to use a lot of objects or images. Cubes, dolls, balls, bright books, Stuffed Toys will be a wonderful props for developing activities.

The yearling's desire to create manifests itself, but he does not always get what he has in mind, and then interest in the matter is lost. Help the baby, point fingers, tell what you are doing and why, so that interest in creativity matures gradually.

At this age, it is important to arrange games for the development of speech. You can skip words in his favorite fairy tale or song, repeat sounds (“How does a plane fly?”, “How does a cat purr?”, “How does a dog bark?”, “How does a bee buzz?”). Show objects and ask the child to name them.

For a baby, regular skin care is important, because it is very delicate and prone to damage. Parents, allowing small errors in caring for a child, cause him anxiety. For example, the child was dressed too warmly, which led to prickly heat, or he was washed at the wrong time, diaper rash, itching, burning appeared.

At least 2 times a week, the baby should be bathed before going to bed. After 1 year, this can be done in a large bath, and after 2 years, it is worth accustoming to take a shower. If on some day you do not bathe the baby before going to bed, be sure to wash him and wash his legs.

Cut your nails short as needed with small scissors with curved ends. Washing the baby's head, make sure that the shampoo does not get into the child's eyes.

falling asleep

It is desirable that by the age of one year the child has learned to fall asleep without motion sickness or a pacifier. It will be easier for you, but not for him. Although, of course, such advice is extremely difficult to implement.

The daily routine of a child at 1 year old by the hour

Option 1 (2 naps)

Option 2 (1 nap)

7.00 The baby wakes up. Hygiene procedures, gymnastics, dressing.
8.00 First breakfast.
8.30 Games, dressing up.
9.00 Walk
11.00 Dressing up, playing at home
12.00 Lunch, laying down for a daytime sleep.
13.00 Dream.
16.00 afternoon tea
16.30 Walk, play.
19.30 Dinner.
20.30 Bath, massage, quiet games, reading books.
21.30 Kefir before going to bed, laying down, lights out.


The regimen of a child at 1 year old is necessary for normal development crumbs, the stability of his nervous system. Parents who believe that the baby does not need a clear routine run the risk of eventually getting a child who is not amenable to education. Without enough sleep, the baby is constantly excited, this interferes with his adequate perception of the world around him, communication with relatives and peers, learning and development. When choosing a mode, you should take into account the needs and desires of your baby.

And what is your opinion about the regimen of a one-year-old child - is it needed? We will be glad feedback in the comments to this article.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Until a child reaches 1 year old, it is difficult to talk about some kind of orderly daily routine, because sleep, wakefulness and food intake at this time, as a rule, depend on the crumbs' own biorhythms. However, closer to the date of the first name day, it is important to teach the baby to be organized and have a clear schedule, because this simplifies both his life and the life of a young mother: the baby clearly knows what follows, and calms down when necessary, and the mother can plan your day, starting from the baby's daily routine. What a child's schedule should look like at 1 year old, and how to set it - we will consider further.

A well-ordered daily routine undoubtedly has many advantages, for example:

  • It gives the kid confidence. The baby knows what to follow, and therefore feels more confident and comfortable.
  • Improves sleep. If a child is used to falling asleep after a dinner meal or a fairy tale, then he will automatically begin to set himself up for sleep after this “ritual” that is familiar to him.
  • Reduce the number of whims and tantrums. So, for example, if a child knows that a meal will take place only after returning home from a walk, he will not be naughty because he is hungry during it.
  • Makes life easier for mom. Mom clearly knows when the child has a meal, walk or sleep schedule, and therefore it is easier for her to build her plans based on this.

How to set the mode of the day

Setting a daily routine for a 1-year-old baby is much easier than, say, for a 6-month-old baby (read more about "6-month-old baby development"). By this time, you and he have already developed an approximate sequence of actions during the day. Therefore, you only need to slightly streamline the schedule, clearly repeating this sequence from day to day and adjusting it to a certain time.

So, if your child wakes up every day at 8 am, then serve him breakfast at 8:30, and take him for a walk at 10:00, and so on day after day, adjusting the schedule only in exceptional cases, for example, when going to visit or in hospital. It is important not to impose a daily routine that is convenient for you, but to find optimal mode, based on the moods and needs of your crumbs.

Daily routine at 1 year old: feeding

Eating a child in one year should occur at intervals of 3 to 4 hours. In this case, the number of meals depends on whether the baby sleeps 1 time or 2 times a day. As a rule, the optimal number of meals for a child in 1 year is 4 times. However, if the baby is still sleeping twice a day, then the number of his meals can be up to 5 times. If the mother is still breastfeeding the child when he reaches 1 year, then the number of such feedings should already be minimized, and the baby should be offered breast only in the morning after waking up and before bedtime.

diet one year old baby is already becoming quite diverse, however, as before, it should exclude: sausages, chocolate, store-bought sauces, mushrooms, canned food, smoked meats, fried foods, etc.


The duration of sleep for babies at this age is about 14 hours: while about 11 hours fall at night, and 3 hours during the day. Also, at 1 year old, 2 options for a daytime sleep regimen for a baby are possible: two-time and one-time. If you want to build an orderly daily routine for the crumbs, then you need to make sure that the child falls asleep and wakes up at the same time every day (with a small error of 15 to 20 minutes).


As a rule, the time of continuous wakefulness of a 1-year-old baby is about 4 hours. Some babies of this age are able to be active and go a little longer without sleep (especially after a daytime nap and before a nighttime sleep), while others get tired after 3 hours of activity. This period of time the baby should spend as useful as possible. The period of activity should include:

  • developing activities and games (games with a pyramid, cubes, sorters, lacing, color books, etc.);
  • physical activity (playing with a ball, “exercises”, climbing with obstacles, walking on different surfaces etc.);
  • walks;
  • meals;
  • water treatments.


Walking is an integral part of the daily routine of crumbs of any age. They should be daily and as long as possible (in good weather). Ideally, a 1-year-old child should walk 2 times a day. Wherein average duration one walk should be 1.5 - 2 hours.

Hygiene procedures

Already from this age, it is very important to accustom the baby to standard rules hygiene. For example, the baby should certainly know that after a walk you need to wash your hands, and before going to bed - brush your teeth. Before bedtime one year old baby should be bathed thoroughly Special attention genital area and folds (neck, inguinal folds, armpits) to avoid the appearance. The comfortable water temperature for bathing babies of the 1st year is 34 degrees, for hardened children - 29 degrees (read more about "water temperature for bathing a baby").

Violations of the regime of the day at 1 year

Failure to comply with the daily regimen is primarily fraught with:

  • frequent moodiness and irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • fast fatigue;
  • lack of sleep;
  • poor appetite;
  • insufficient assimilation new information etc.

First of all, with a disturbed day regimen, the sleep of the crumbs suffers, and, as you know, for such small child has incredible importance, because it is during sleep that a special hormone is produced that is responsible for the growth of the baby. The body of the crumbs, which refuses to sleep during the day or goes to bed too late and sleeps until dinner, noticeably weakens over time, which increases the likelihood of developing various diseases.

In native mode

1 year is not the age when you can let the baby’s daily routine take its course and give the baby the opportunity to build it himself, starting from his biorhythms. Remember that the trip of the crumbs to a preschool institution is not far off, for which he should be as prepared as possible. In order for the baby to get better sleep, spend the most active time awake so that the child gets tired, but avoid excessive activity immediately before bedtime, do not let him heavy food at night (meat, fruits, etc.), follow certain bedtime rituals each time.

Video about the approximate daily routine for a child at 1 year old

In this video, a young mother talks in detail and in an accessible way about the daily routine of her one-year-old child.

And how are things with the daily routine of your kids? Is it possible to fix it and stick to it all the time? Share your experience and leave comments on this matter.

Proper organization of the daily routine - important factor affecting the health of the child. For a young child, the regime is the basis of education. During the first three years of life, the performance of the child's nervous system is constantly changing, so it is advisable to change the regimen in various age periods. In the age period from one to three years, the daily regimen changes three times.

    It should be remembered that any information on the organization of the daily routine is advisory in nature, some there are no strict rules and standards.

    The regimen is optimal if the time of feeding, going to bed and toileting coincide with the needs of the child at the moment.

    Due to drastic changes in daily mode difficult for children, transferring the child to another age regime should be gradual, and not cause negative emotions. The correctness of such a translation will be evidenced by good mood baby and smooth behavior.

    When setting the regime of the day, in addition to age, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics child and the state of his health.

    Compliance with a certain routine by a child teaches him to be organized, makes life easier for him and his parents. A child who adheres to the regimen will be much easier to adapt to the conditions of kindergarten.

Violations in the health of the baby, which may occur if the regime is not followed:

  • the child becomes whiny, capricious, irritable
  • frequent deterioration in mood, which is associated with overwork, lack of sleep
  • there is no normal development of neuropsychic activity
  • the difficulty of forming cultural and hygienic skills, neatness.

The daily routine of a child from a year to a year and six months (1.5 years)

In the second year of life, significant changes occur in the development of the baby. In the first half of the year, children are still physically weak enough, they get tired quickly. High physical activity combined with poor coordination of movements. A child at this age walks independently, squats and bends over. Able to fulfill simple requests from an adult, correctly names 4-6 objects when they are shown to him. Begins to actively use light words, while lexicon expanding rapidly. He begins to use a spoon on his own, but does not yet do it skillfully.


The child sleeps during the day twice: the first daytime sleep - 2-2.5 hours, the second - 1.5-2 hours. Preparation of the child (cessation of noisy games, washing) for sleep occurs in advance, at least half an hour before he is put to bed. Put to sleep during the day and at night should be at the same hour - children develop conditioned reflex for a while and in the following days, the child himself wakes up and falls asleep at the time set according to the regimen. When accustoming a child to a regimen, you need to wake him up, if he himself does not wake up at the appointed time, a deviation from the exact time by 15-20 minutes is allowed. In the future, when the mode has already been set, it is undesirable to wake the child, as this worsens his mood, the baby should be raised after sleep as he wakes up, and taught to dress, showing and naming items of clothing.

In the summer, it is recommended that the child's daytime sleep be carried out on fresh air- outside or on the veranda, in last resort, in a room with an open window. From May to August, the child can be put to sleep a little later, respectively, prolonging daytime sleep.


Feed should be four times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner), at intervals of 3-4 hours. The regime is built in such a way that the child is awake after feeding, and then sleeps until next feeding. Such observance of the rules of alternation of processes ensures the optimal condition of the child in each age period. After the child sleeps and eats with appetite, he is calmly and actively awake until next sleep and better perceives the influences of the surrounding world.

At this age, the child should be taught to use a spoon on their own. First he learns to eat thick food with a spoon, then liquid. The child eats the first two or three spoons on his own, then the adult feeds him with another spoon, without removing the spoon from the child's hands. At the end of feeding, the baby himself eats another two or three spoons.


The duration of periods of wakefulness at this age should not exceed 4 - 4.5 hours. Lengthening the time of wakefulness or shortening of sleep is undesirable, it can lead to overwork of the nervous system and a violation of the child's behavior.

The period of wakefulness mainly includes games, walks, water procedures. The game mainly uses toys that can be pulled (cars, strollers), cubes, various nested boxes, books with simple bright pictures, figures of animals, pyramids.

It is very important to organize walks in the fresh air twice a day (after lunch and afternoon tea), the duration of one walk is 1.5 hours, in the summer this time can be increased to 2 hours under good weather conditions.

Water procedures before afternoon tea. At this age, general rubdowns can be used. Wipe first upper limbs, then lower, chest and back. Initial water temperature 33-36 0 . Gradually, once every 5 days, the water temperature is reduced by 1 0 and brought to 24 0. Water procedures - important element hardening, including them in the daily routine is an integral part of a healthy upbringing.

Hygienic bathing 2-3 times a week before a night's sleep.

The child's clothing should be appropriate for growth, not restrict movement, have minimal amount ties and fasteners. Up to 1.5 years, it is advisable for girls, as well as boys, to wear pants and blouses, since the dress makes walking difficult. The child takes part in the process of dressing and undressing, learns to take off simple items of clothing (unbuttoned shoes, T-shirt).

At this age, it is important to cultivate the following cultural and hygienic skills: wash hands before eating, sit on a children's chair, learn to eat carefully with a spoon on your own, and use a napkin after eating. It is necessary to teach the child to sit on the potty and sit on it until the result. For accustoming to neatness, children are regularly planted on the potty after sleep, every 1.5 - 2 hours during wakefulness, before walking and upon returning from it.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1 to 1.5 years old:

Feeding: 7.30, 12, 16.30, 20.

wakefulness: 7 – 10, 12 – 15.30, 16.30 – 20.30.

Dream: first 10 - 12, second 15.30 - 16.30, night sleep 20.30 - 7.

Walk: after lunch and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 19.

The daily routine of a child from one year and six months (1.5 years) to 2 years

Features of the age period

The child steps over an object lying on the floor, runs, rubs his hands under running water while washing. Can name objects, generalizes them on an essential basis, knows the main parts of the body. Takes off unbuttoned shoes on his own, holds a cup while drinking, uses a spoon more skillfully. He reproduces previously seen or learned actions in the game: feeds the doll, builds a tower of cubes, etc. He can distinguish between 3-4 objects of different shapes (ball, cube, pyramid). Knows well the meaning of the words "can" and "impossible", but is not always able to obey the ban.


After one and a half years, the child is transferred to the mode with one daytime sleep.

The duration of daytime sleep is 3-3.5 hours. The total duration of sleep at this age is from 13 to 14.5 hours, of which night sleep is 10 - 11 hours. When accustoming a child to independence, one should not force him to undress for a long time before going to bed - this leads to fatigue and poor falling asleep.


The baby should be fed four times a day. The intervals between feedings are from 3.5 to 4.5 hours. If the child is awake between feedings, this interval should not exceed 3.5 hours. The night break between dinner and breakfast is about 12 - 13 hours. Breakfast should begin no later than an hour after waking up, dinner - no less than an hour before the child goes to bed to ensure him a restful sleep.


Periods of continuous wakefulness in this age group increases by 5 - 5.5 hours.

During the game at this age, the child is already actively using the shoulder blades, balls.

Walks in the air are organized twice a day, after breakfast and afternoon tea. The duration of the walks is the same as in the previous age group.

Water procedures are carried out before lunch. From 1.5 years as water procedures you can use a shower, the effect of which is stronger than when wiping, since in addition to the temperature effect, the child also experiences mechanical. The water temperature decreases gradually, once every 5 days by 1 0 , from 35-37 0 and is brought to 24 - 28 0 . First they pour over the back, then the chest, stomach, in last turn hands. The duration of the procedure is 1.5 minutes. Hygienic bathing is carried out 2 times a week before a night's sleep.

By the age of two, the skill of neatness should be practically formed, but after playing, the child may forget to ask for a potty, so they need to be reminded of this and planted on the potty before bedtime and after sleep.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1.5 to 2 years:

Feeding: 8, 12, 15.30, 19.30.

wakefulness: 7.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 20.20.

Dream: 12.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: after breakfast and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 18.30.

The daily routine of a child from 2 to 3 years

Features of the age period

Vocabulary increases significantly compared to the previous period. Speaks in long sentences. The speech of the child begins to approach the speech of an adult. The kid eats carefully, puts on and takes off a T-shirt or shirt, and asks for a potty during the day. Focuses on toys, enthusiastically examines books, pictures. The third year is a period of development of independence and creative activity.


During the third year of life, the child can be on a regimen with a single daytime sleep. If the child categorically refuses daytime sleep, then at this time he should be in a state of calm wakefulness (for example, looking at pictures in a book), this will allow nervous system child to rest and avoid overwork.


Four meals a day with an interval of 3.5 - 4 hours (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner).


Each period of wakefulness takes 6 - 6.5 hours. For children who tire easily, debilitated children, periods of wakefulness can be reduced to 5 to 5.5 hours by lengthening sleep. A child at this age is already capable of a short time to restrain his actions and desires, however, he is still easily excited and tired from monotonous activities. The kid can do the same thing for no more than 20 - 30 minutes. The periods of wakefulness should consist of a rational alternation different types vigorous activity child. Children's games are included in the child's game. musical instruments, colored pencils, rocking horse, dolls, sand molds.

As in previous age periods, certain part the period of wakefulness, children should spend in the air even in the winter season, but not more than 1.5 hours, since they still cool quite quickly. In the warm season, walks can be extended up to 2 hours, and under appropriate conditions, the entire period of wakefulness can be transferred to the air.

Water procedures include dousing, but for weakened children, rubbing may be used. Recommendations for temperature regime water procedures, as in previous age groups. A hygienic bath for a child in the third year is carried out once a week before a night's sleep.

Despite the fact that the child basically already knows how to regulate his physiological functions, you should still plant him on the potty before going to bed, walking, and be sure to monitor the accuracy of this process.

At this age, it is important to stimulate active independent activity in children, to develop and consolidate the skills and abilities that have already appeared by constantly repeating them.

Approximate daily routine for children from 2 to 3 years:

Feeding: 8, 12.30, 16.30, 19.

wakefulness: 7.30 – 13.30, 15.30 – 20.30.

Dream: 13.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: 2 times a day after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Pouring: after night and daytime sleep (in winter) and before dinner (in summer).

Bathing: before bedtime.

Children's doctors recommend that parents avoid sudden changes in the organization of the day for a child who has reached 1 year of age. For a child at 1 year old, the daily routine is not much different from that at 10–11 months. If you try to adhere to the lifestyle that was established shortly before the first birthday of the crumbs, then special problems will not be.

Switching to one-time sleep

It may happen that a child in a year does not want to live according to his usual schedule. If earlier he easily fell asleep and slept twice during the day, now it becomes very difficult to persuade the baby to go to bed a couple of hours after the first morning awakening.

It happens that a child calmly plays until dinner, without showing any signs of fatigue or drowsiness, does not rub his eyes, does not act up. Attempts to put to bed at the usual time are accompanied by whims and desperate resistance. When his mother still puts him down, he plays with a toy in the crib for a long time, talks to himself, endlessly demands attention to himself and falls asleep when it's time to get up. We have to push back the time of lunch feeding, and after it the time of the second sleep. As a result, the baby wakes up a second time just before the night, and then neither he nor his mother sleeps for half the night. Such shifts in time force a change in the usual regime of the whole family.

If your child clearly does not want to sleep before lunch, then at 1 year old he should be transferred to a one-time afternoon nap (we recommend reading:). It grew out of the daily routine of an 11–12 month old baby. For children 1 year old, the distribution of time should be convenient and comfortable for them and for their parents. The transition to a new schedule should be smooth, unobtrusive - so, no need to wait for an afternoon nap if the baby is tired, yawns and tries to lie down. Sometimes it can be very difficult to choose an individual sleep schedule so that the baby remains cheerful and calm, and parents can get enough sleep and fully cope with their daily duties.

If the baby is no longer ready to live according to the previously created routine, there is no need to insist: the child’s internal biorhythms will themselves suggest the optimal amount, frequency and time of sleep

Sleep and wakefulness patterns of a one-year-old child

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So, at the 13th month of life, two daily rest regimens are possible, given that a baby of this age can be awake tirelessly for about 3-4 hours. In any case, parents should ensure that the baby sleeps the number of hours due to his age - the state of his health and psychological comfort directly depend on this. At the age of 1 year and 1 month, the child’s tendency to the “lark” or “owl” temperament type is already becoming noticeable:

  1. A regimen with the habitual for a baby of 10–11 months of two daily naps. A one-year-old “lark” baby wakes up early, at 6–7 in the morning, and is not averse to falling asleep again at 10. After two hours of sleep, he can play or walk until about 3 pm. The next rest he will need somewhere from 15 to 17, and already at 20 - 21 pm you can put him to bed for the night. This organization sleep pleases that your little fidget will always be rested and cheerful.
  2. The mode in which the baby sleeps once during the day. This option is more suitable for future "owls". These kids love to sleep. longer in the morning and do not fall asleep for a long time in the evening. The child wakes up closer to 9-10 in the morning and begins to get tired in the afternoon. Quiet time such a baby lasts about three hours. The child can sleep in the afternoon, from 13 to 16, then by 8–9 pm he will already be tired and fall asleep easily early. Why is the second option good? Since the baby sleeps long in the morning and falls asleep early in the evening, parents have the opportunity to redo household chores and chat with each other.

If you want to send your child to kindergarten in early age, then the organization of the day according to the "lark" type is considered the closest to the kindergarten. The main thing is not to let him sleep too long in the morning, it is better to wake the child up before 10 am. If this rule is not observed, then day and night can be confused.

One year old baby food

After the child reaches the age of 1 year, put him on a special chair at the common table (for more details, see the article:). He will be happy to try the same dishes that adults eat: borscht, soups, cereals, boiled fish and chicken, steamed meatballs, stewed or boiled vegetables, soft-boiled egg, tender cottage cheese, casserole.

The diet of a child older than 12 months should differ from the adult diet by the absence of spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods, sausages, citrus fruits. It's better not to give him sweets yet, flour products industrial production, chocolate. Sweets and cakes contain a large number of sugar and artificial fats, which are extremely harmful to a small organism. It is much more useful to put fruit purees, berries, juices on the table.

Although the baby's stomach is already able to accept an adult diet, there are significant differences - it is better to protect the child from fried fatty foods and products with preservatives

Feeding regimens for a child after a year

Meal time depends on how many times the child sleeps during the day:

  1. With the saved two-time sleep, the usual 5-time feeding remains. If mom still has milk, you can breastfeed before bed at night and for breakfast. If breast milk no longer, then let the baby suck the baby formula from the bottle in the morning and at night. Feed three times a day.
  2. If your baby after a year has switched to one-time sleep, then the time of his feeding will also change. Now it’s just not possible to observe the previous 5-time feeding. It is enough to feed the baby 4 times a day, but you can not overfeed him. It should be remembered that the volume of food eaten at a time should be no more than 250 ml. The baby will let you know when he is full.

Sleep, walks and nutrition of the child per year

Let's make up exemplary mode day and nutrition of a one-year-old baby by the hour with two and one daytime sleep, as well as taking into account the time of morning awakening:

Regime momentsearly riselate rise
Waking up, morning toilet, exercise if possible6.00-7.00 8.00-9.00
First meal (breakfast)7.00-7.30 9.00-9.30
Games, activities or a walk. Many children at this age are already trying to communicate with their peers, so you can walk with your baby in the yard or in the park, where children usually walk.8.00-10.30 10.00-12.30
Second meal. For lunch, the child should receive the most high-calorie food during the day.10.30-11.00 12.30-13.00
Sleepy hour on a walk or at home11.30-13.00 13.30-16.00
The third meal is an afternoon snack. It should be much less dense than lunch, because dinner is coming soon.14.00-14.30 16.00-16.30
Second day dream15.30-16.30 -
Wake time - games, activities, reading books16.30-19.00 16.30-19.00
Fourth meal - dinner19.00-19.30 19.00-19.30
Evening toilet, bathing, pouring, air baths20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00
Night sleepFrom 21.00From 21.00

For a one-year-old child, play is a natural element, which must be given a place in the daily routine. Mom does not have to actively participate all the time - you should leave time for self-study peace

All children are different, so this schedule is approximate and varies by an hour or two in one direction or another, depending on the individual needs of the child. The time of sleep, wakefulness and nutrition of a child of the 13-15th month of life can be visually depicted in the form of a table.

It is important to adhere to the selected schedule so that the child gets used to eating and going to bed at the same time - this will avoid unnecessary problems such as lack of appetite or lethargy, drowsiness. If the organization of the day is suitable for the child, then it can be observed up to 3-4 years.

Komarovsky's opinion

Renowned pediatrician, candidate medical sciences Evgeny Komarovsky recommends following the exact daily routine for a toddler. In their scientific papers he describes families where, as a result of the disorganization of parents, small children fall asleep by 2 o'clock in the morning, and then sleep off at noon. Komarovsky calls this situation an inverted day.

It is very important to correctly think over the daily routine of a child at 1 year old. It should not be strict, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the baby and his parents.

Why is mode important?

The child is developing rapidly, every month he has new abilities. At the same time, daily repeated rituals of nutrition and rest have a positive effect on the well-being and mood of the crumbs, provide a sense of security. A well-organized daily routine helps to raise a child with a healthy and stable mind, organized and responsible. It will be easier for him to adapt to kindergarten and school.

Adults need to understand the needs of children when setting up a regimen. But don't count on it one year old baby will instinctively know when it is time for him to eat and sleep. A tired, phlegmatic child will probably fall asleep on its own. But if the baby has a different type of temperament, he cannot do without help. Otherwise, he will reach a strong overexcitation. Such a condition, especially if it lasts more than one month, can lead to the following manifestations:

  • capriciousness and irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • mood swings;
  • difficulties with the perception of information.

If you approach the regimen wisely, then it will not suppress the creativity of the child. Its purpose is to streamline life, to make it understandable for the little man, to provide good sleep And regular feeding. Also, the daily routine should take into account walks in the fresh air and hygiene procedures.

Sleep routine

The key point that affects the regimen, including nutrition, is sleep. The activity of the crumbs increases, he moves a lot, but he must also rest accordingly. Total time sleep averages 13-14 hours, of which 10 are at night. During the day, most one-year-olds sleep twice, although in just a month or two the situation may change.

The period of sleep with this schedule occurs after three hours of wakefulness. If the baby wakes up at 8 o'clock, then at 11 he will be ready to go to bed. The first dream is often longer than the second, and lasts about two hours. The baby will wake up at one o'clock and will have lunch, play, walk until 16 o'clock. Then another sleep for 1-1.5 hours. At night he will lie down at 21.

If in the summer the child began to wake up very early, then you should think about thick curtains in the nursery.

But not all children at the age of 12 months are suitable for this regimen. Gradually they move on to one daytime sleep. It is easy to notice: at the usual time, the baby is not ready to sleep, plays without showing signs of fatigue. If nevertheless it turned out to put him down, then the second dream shifts and night rest. As a result, the rhythm of life of the whole family is disturbed, which has a bad effect on the mood of adults. In this case, it is worth putting the child down once a day, 4-5 hours after waking up. He will sleep for about three hours, and leave at night after 5-6 hours of wakefulness.

One year old baby food

Diet is also extremely important. At 12 months, the baby needs 4 meals. The feeding schedule is formed based on the rest schedule.

If the baby gets up at 8 o'clock, and he has a rest twice a day, then feeding looks like this.

  • Breakfast - half an hour to an hour after waking up, 8:30-9 hours.
  • Lunch - after the first sleep, at 13 o'clock.
  • Snack - after the second period of rest, at 17-17:30.
  • Dinner - half an hour before bedtime, at 20:30.

If the baby switched to one daytime sleep, then the diet changes slightly. Lunch should be fed before rest, and afternoon tea - shortly after waking up. For many children, night feedings can be important for more than one month, at this age it is still difficult for them to refuse them. Do not insist, it is better to give a bottle of formula or breastfeed. But you can try to replace such a snack with water: perhaps the baby just wants to drink. Then it will be easy to wean him to ask for food at night.

It is important to remember the rules of nutrition for a one-year-old child. He no longer needs grated food and is ready to eat from the common table. Even if you still practice grinding the baby's dishes, you should not use a blender. It is better when the mass is not homogeneous, but with small lumps. This will help teach the baby to chew and only then swallow food. In a month or two, he won't need it anymore.

You can now cook for all family members, and not separately for the little one. But fried, fatty, spicy he still can not. You should also avoid sausages and sausages, mushrooms, chocolate desserts.

An example of food looks like this.

  • Breakfast: porridge.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup. If broth is used for its preparation, then it should be the second or third.
  • Snack: cottage cheese and fruit puree, kefir.
  • Dinner: meat with a side dish.

Dishes should be steamed, boiled or stewed. It is better to refuse salt or use a very small amount of it. Spices can irritate the intestines of the crumbs.

Water procedures and walks

In addition to diet and rest, hygiene procedures are important. They must be present in the daily routine of the day. You need to wash your face immediately after waking up, before breakfast. At 12 months you should brush your teeth. This achieves two goals at once: the teeth are kept healthy, and the habit of caring for yourself in the future is formed. While the procedure is carried out by the parents. It is useful to take a bath every evening. This is not only a cleansing of the baby, but also a relaxing ritual that will help you tune in to rest.

The daily routine of a one-year-old child is difficult to imagine without walking in the fresh air. They saturate the growing body with oxygen and help to throw out energy. They also give the little man the opportunity to explore the world. It is desirable that they last at least three hours. Not necessarily at one time - you can walk twice a day. But it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of your region and weather conditions. In the cold winter month, they may need to be cut back.

Well, if the walk is active. At the age of one year, the baby can often walk, so it is worth giving him the opportunity to move. This will also have a positive effect on the regime. If the child is not yet on his feet, then for sure in a month or two he will succeed. But be careful: the baby is still very clumsy.

If it is not possible to establish the mode

Sometimes the mode can go astray. Parents need to analyze why this is happening in order to correct the situation. Often this happens when the baby is sick or teething. From discomfort, he does not fall asleep on time and refuses to eat. It's not scary, soon the baby will return to normal, and the day will go on in the usual way.

But it happens that the child is healthy, and to put him to bed, you have to spend a lot of effort. In this case, you need to look for the cause. Perhaps the little one does not get tired enough in a day. Then you need to increase its activity, for example, walk longer in the fresh air.

Sometimes the opposite situation occurs - the baby does not sleep due to overexcitation. So, it is necessary to exclude especially active games some time before bedtime. Better to do something calm. It is also worth introducing a ritual and repeating it daily. So it will be easier for the baby to tune in to sleep. Getting used to the routine can take a month, so you need to be patient.

The diet, walks and rest should be planned so that the whole family is comfortable. The child needs stability, and parents need the opportunity to plan their time.



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