What is the highest calorie food for weight gain. Nutrition for mass gain

For some people, gaining weight or muscle mass is just as difficult as shedding extra pounds for others.

However, simply adding certain foods to your diet can help achieve positive results.

1. Homemade protein shakes

Homemade protein smoothies are very nutritious. This is one of the best ways to gain weight fast.

It's best to make your own smoothies, as store-bought versions often contain a lot of sugar but not enough nutrients. Besides, home cooking will allow you to vary the shades of taste and aroma, as well as diversify the set of various macro and micro elements.

Here are several delicious recipes. You can add two cups (470 ml) of milk or choose another alternative such as almond milk.

  • Chocolate Banana Shake with Nut Flavor: Take 1 banana, 1 scoop of chocolate flavored whey protein, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of peanut butter or any other nut butter.
  • Vanilla Berry Shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen berries, ice, 1 cup (237 ml) high protein natural yogurt, and 1 serving vanilla flavored whey protein.
  • Chocolate hazelnut shake: Take 15 oz (444 ml) chocolate milk, 1 scoop chocolate flavored whey protein, 1 teaspoon (15 ml) hazelnut oil and 1 avocado.
  • Caramel Apple Shake: Combine 1 sliced ​​apple, 1 cup (237 ml) natural yogurt, 1 scoop caramel or vanilla protein whey, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) caramel sauce or sugar-free flavor.
  • Vanilla Blueberry Shake: Under similar conditions, the next cocktail is prepared. Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 serving of vanilla flavored whey protein, 1 cup (237 ml) vanilla yogurt. Add sweetener if desired.
  • Super Green Shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) spinach, 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup (237 ml) crushed pineapple, and 1 scoop vanilla or unflavoured whey protein.

All of these smoothies contain 400-600 calories, as well as plenty of protein and other vitamins and minerals.

There are many recipes for making delicious fragrant cocktails. Try to avoid commercial versions that are high in sugar and low in nutrients.

2. Milk

Be sure to drink milk. It will help you recover faster and supply the body with calcium.

Milk provides the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Besides, this good source vitamins, calcium and other minerals.

For those looking to build muscle, milk is an excellent protein source, provided by casein and whey protein. Research shows that when combined with the right exercise and training program, milk can help you gain weight.

In addition, experiments have shown that milk or the combination of casein with whey protein can increase weight more effectively than many other protein sources.

Try drinking one or two glasses throughout the day, with meals, and before or after exercise if you're exercising.

Milk is a good source of proteins. It contains casein and whey protein.

3. Rice

Rice is a good source of nutrients low content carbohydrates. It is great for helping you gain weight. Just 1 cup (165g) of cooked rice contains 190 calories, 43g of carbs, and very little fat.

In addition, it is a very high-calorie product that is perfect for gaining weight. That is, you can get in one serving a large number of carbohydrates and calories. It helps to eat more food, especially if you have poor appetite or you get full quickly.

If you are on the road or in a hurry, rice reheated in microwave oven, can be added to other protein sources.

Another good way is to prepare a large bowl of rice for a week and combine this dish with other healthy foods that contain proteins and fats.

However, eating extremely large amounts of rice is far from a wise decision, due to the potential content of arsenic and phytic acid. Arsenic acid can cause deposits in the body heavy metals, and phytic - reduces the quality of absorption of zinc and iron.

Rice is a wonderful source of carbohydrates that is easy to eat and digest. However, some types of rice contain a lot of arsenic acid.

4. Nuts and nut butter

Nuts and nut butter are excellent choices if you're looking to gain weight.

Just a small handful of almonds contains over seven grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fat.

Since this product is very high in calories, it is enough to eat only two handfuls a day. This will allow you to get a lot of calories.

With the help of nut butter, you can also diversify your diet by adding it to smoothies, yogurts and all kinds of dishes.

But make sure you choose a 100% nut butter that contains two or three ingredients, no sugar or extra oil.

Nuts and nut butter are very tasty and high in calories. They make a great addition to any menu.

5. Red meat

Red meat is probably one of the best available products nutrition for building muscle.

For example, a steak contains about 3 grams of leucine per 6 ounces (170 g). Leucine is a key amino acid that the body needs to stimulate protein synthesis and muscle building.

In addition, red meat is one of the best sources of dietary creatine, which can rightly be called the best muscle building supplement in the world.

Also, this product is much higher in calories and contains more fat than lean meat. This helps you get extra calories and gain weight.

One study was conducted in which 100 women took part. They supplemented their diet with 6 oz (170 g) of red meat and did strength training 6 days a week for 6 weeks.

As a result, they were able to put on weight, increase strength by 18%, and raise the level of the IGF-1 hormone involved in building muscles.

Both lean and fatty meats are excellent sources of protein. However, fatty meats provide more calories, which helps you gain weight.

Red meat is an excellent source of protein that helps build muscle mass. It contains leucine, an amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis. This meat is more fatty and high-calorie.

6. Potatoes and starch

Potatoes and other starchy foods are another good source of calories.

Try supplementing your diet with these healthy carbohydrate sources:

  • Quinoa;
  • Cereals;
  • Corn;
  • Buckwheat grain;
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes (bagat);
  • Pumpkin;
  • Winter root crops;
  • Beans and green peas.

Moreover, it will not only help to diversify foods for mass gain, but also increase glycogen stores.

Glycogen is the predominant fuel resource for many sports activities.

Many of these carbohydrate sources also contain nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch, which provides nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria.

Beneficial foods containing starch are beautiful way get calories and fiber, increase calorie intake and increase glycogen stores.

7. Salmon and oily fish

Like red meat, salmon and fatty fish are considered excellent sources of protein and fat.

Among all the beneficial substances that are contained in these products, there are omega-3 fatty acids - one of the most important and well-known.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are very beneficial for the heart and cardiac system, the brain and improve metabolism, allowing you to maintain health and fight various diseases.

Just 6 oz (170 g) salmon fillet provides about 350 calories and 4 g of omega-3 acid, as well as 34 g of quality protein, allowing you to quickly gain muscle mass.

Salmon and other fatty fish are great sources of the healthiest omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, these products contain a lot of protein, which is the main building block for muscles.

8. Protein supplements

The use of protein food additives is a common strategy used by athletes and bodybuilders who seek to increase muscle mass.

Special serums containing proteins help to gain weight easily and effectively, especially when combined with strength training.

Some people believe that this kind of protein is unhealthy and unnatural, but this is not the case. Whey is made from dairy products. In addition, it helps to reduce the risk of many diseases and improve health.

Whey protein is an extremely important product, especially if you play sports, as the daily requirement for proteins increases. Like meat or other animal products, the protein supplement contains all the essential amino acids to help stimulate growth. muscle mass.

You can consume protein before or after sports, or at any other time during the day.

Protein supplements are an easy and affordable way to increase your protein intake.

9. Dried fruits

Dried fruits are a high-calorie product that also contains antioxidants and trace elements.

There are many varieties of dry fruits.

Since they contain a lot of sugar, they are not suitable for those people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

However, this is an excellent snack for those who want to put on weight. Dry fruits have excellent taste and are easily digestible.

Many people believe that after drying, fruits lose useful elements, however, this is not the case. They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Try pairing dried fruits with protein sources such as meat or whey protein. In addition, they are excellent with nuts and natural yogurt, providing healthy fats, proteins and others important vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits are high in calories, fiber and antioxidants. This is a great way to get additional micronutrients.

10. Bread with bran

Bran bread is another good source of carbs to help you put on extra pounds.

Try combining bread with protein sources such as eggs, meat, and cheese. It is a balanced diet, providing the body with all the necessary nutrients.

When buying bread, give preference natural bread with grains. One of the best is Ezekiel bread, which is available in many stores.

Bran bread is very effective for weight gain, especially when combined with good sources of protein.

11. Avocado

Avocados are high in fat.

Unlike many fruits, avocados are high in calories. This is an excellent fruit that allows you to quickly establish a high-calorie diet for weight gain due to the large amount of healthy fats that it contains.

One large fruit(200g) provides 322 calories, 29g fat and 17g fiber.

In addition, they are very rich in vitamins, minerals and various nutritional compounds.

Try adding avocados to different dishes like scrambled eggs or sandwiches.

Avocados are rich in healthy fats. These fruits go well with various dishes or are used separately.

12. Useful cereals

Healthy cereals are considered great source carbohydrates, calories and all kinds of nutrients.

However, try to give preference to useful species, such as oat groats. Eliminate processed grains that are high in sugar from your diet.

When buying cereals, focus on healthy options:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Granola;
  • Multicereals;
  • Bran;
  • Ezekiel (bread).

Be sure to check the label and try to avoid refined grains with added sugar.

The use of cereals allows you to increase body weight. In addition, they contain fiber. Try to choose healthy cereals such as oatmeal.

13. Cereal tiles

Some healthy cereal bars make an excellent snack when you're on the road.

They're also an excellent choice if you need a pre- or post-workout snack because they contain a variety of carbohydrates.

As with cereals, try to choose useful products with whole grains. In addition, you can find tiles that contain other healthy ingredients, such as dried fruits, nuts or seeds.

If you are using these bars as a snack, try pairing them with other protein sources such as yogurt, boiled eggs, cuts of meat, or a protein shake.

Opt for healthy cereal tiles made from whole grains and other healthy ingredients such as dry fruits and nuts.

14. Black chocolate

Quality dark chocolate provides a wealth of antioxidants and other health benefits.

Like other products with high concentration fat, chocolate is very high in calories. This means that even a small amount provides a lot of calories.

A 100g (3.5oz) bar of chocolate provides about 600 calories. In addition, it contains many beneficial trace elements and other substances such as fiber, magnesium and antioxidants.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, and it is also very high-calorie and tasty.

15. Cheese

Cheese has been one of the main products for many centuries.

Like dark chocolate, it is high in calories and high in fat. If you consume it in large quantities, it is also a good source of protein.

Since the cheese has an excellent taste, you can add it during cooking. various dishes or use it separately.

Cheese is an excellent source of proteins and fats. Add it to various dishes to improve taste qualities and get more calories.

16. Eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest foods to build muscle. They provide the perfect combination various vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

In addition, it is important to eat a whole egg, discarding all prejudices inspired by old myths and the likelihood of problems with the cardiovascular system.

In fact, almost all the nutrients are found in the yolk.

If you do not have an individual intolerance to this product, there is no need to eliminate it from your diet. You can easily eat three eggs a day.

In fact, many athletes and bodybuilders eat 6 eggs a day.

Eggs are one of best products providing necessary substances for gaining muscle mass. There is no need to limit them.

17. Full fat yogurt

Full fat yogurt is another great source of micro and macro elements. It provides a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

There are numerous recipes delicious meals, one of the main ingredients of which will be yogurt. Here are just a few of them:

  • Yogurt with fruits: Mix two cups of yogurt with fresh or dried fruit. You can also add nuts, seeds, honey, granola or coconut.
  • Chocolate hazelnut pudding: Take two cups of yogurt, cocoa powder, nut or peanut butter, and a sweetener. You can also add a serving of whey protein.
  • Dessert with yogurt: Two cups of yogurt, granola and berries. It's lovely nutritious breakfast or a light meal.
  • Cocktails: Also, yogurt is a great addition to any cocktail. This will increase the protein content and make the shake more creamy.

Full fat yogurt is an excellent ingredient to add flavor and add extra calories and protein. It tastes great on its own. But it also combines wonderfully with various ingredients, which allows you to prepare new delicious dishes.

18. Healthy fats and oils

Healthy fats and oils are the most high-calorie foods on the planet.

Simply adding a teaspoon (15 ml) of oil to sauces, salads, or while cooking will provide you with an additional 135 calories. In addition, thanks to these oils, any food acquires a wonderful flavor.

Try not to use processed oils. Give preference to products such as olive oil, avocado or coconut oil.

It is very important to include healthy fats and oils in your diet. Especially for those who are trying to gain weight. Eliminate refined oils. Opt for olive, coconut, or avocado oil.

The main secret of success

The secret to weight gain is to eat more calories than your body burns in a day. If you get less energy from food than you spend in a day, you will not be able to gain a single kilogram of body weight.

Moreover, it is important to strength exercises so that calories are used to build muscle, not gain fat. It doesn’t matter if it’s home workouts or a visit to the gym, try to find an effective complex.

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Can't get better no matter how much you eat? Do you want to know The right way how to gain weight for a girl without harm and complex diets? Today you will receive answers to these questions and say goodbye to thinness forever.

Being underweight can take a heavy toll on your health. For women, this problem can result in weakened immunity, brittle bones, hair loss and infertility. Causes underweight there may be some diseases such as hyperthyroidism, eating disorders, viral infections, type 1 diabetes, and cancer. Factors such as genetics, stress and malnutrition. How to gain body weight for a girl and not harm her health?

What to Eat to Gain Weight for a Girl - Foods and Supplements

One of the best ways to deal with similar problem This is eating foods that will help you get better faster. In any case, you will need to reconsider the diet. Eating certain foods will help you gain fat, muscle, and bone mass. On the other hand, the use harmful products, including certain fats, can only lead to additional health problems.

What are high-calorie foods to eat to gain weight skinny girl? How to eat properly for an ectomorphic woman in order to get a healthy increase and what sports nutrition to gain weight must be entered in the menu? About everything in order.

A. Products for weight gain

Eating protein foods and increasing the number of calories will provide an increase in muscle mass. This, in turn, will increase total weight body. But you need to understand that unhealthy trans fats like chips and cookies, as well as other processed foods, will not lead to an increase in healthy muscle mass, but only contribute to obesity. What should I eat to gain weight without harm to health? Below is a list healthy foods foods to help you get better.

1. Whole grain

Whole grains are high in glucose, which acts as your body's main source of energy. Whole grains are a healthy source of carbohydrates, allowing protein to be used for muscle building rather than being converted into energy. Refined foods such as white flour should be replaced with whole grains as the latter will provide you with the right amount of nutrients and sufficient energy. Whole grain foods include bread, pasta, cereals, brown rice, popcorn. Bread and baked goods made from raw grains, cereals are a great breakfast option for gaining mass.

2. Nuts

A small serving of nuts contains a lot of calories. So, two handfuls of almonds or 18 cashew nuts will fill you up with 160 calories. In addition, almonds contain tocopherol, or natural vitamin E, which protects cells from free radicals. Walnuts combine mono unsaturated fats, phytosterols and arginine amino acid. These components provide the body with energy, as well as nitric oxide, which promotes muscle growth and recovery. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, and just seven nuts will provide the body with 190 calories. All nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids - the most useful fats for our body. Eat more almonds walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, flax, and pumpkins.

3. Avocado

Avocado is a very fatty and high calorie fruit. A medium-sized fruit contains approximately 300 calories and 31 grams of fat. The fats found in avocados are monounsaturated and therefore safe. Adding avocado to daily diet will help to gain weight up to three kilograms in a week. You can add pieces of fruit to scrambled eggs, salads or make sandwiches.

4. Potato

Potatoes are the richest source of carbohydrates and complex sugars, which is why they are often recommended for people who want to gain weight quickly. Potato chips cooked in pure butter or potato sandwiches should be eaten as a snack between main meals. Fried or baked potatoes - effective remedy to gain weight. Store-bought chips or other processed potato products should be avoided. They contain unsaturated, or trans fats, which carry no nutritional value for the body.

5. Pasta and noodles

These products can be cooked different ways. They are tasty, high-calorie, reliable sources of carbohydrates. Pasta is very affordable. It will be more useful to cook them with big amount vegetables that will provide right amount vitamins and minerals.

6. Dried fruits

Dried fruits are very rich in fiber. In addition, dried fruits are champions in the content of vitamins and microelements necessary for general health and strengthening of muscle tissue. Being very high in calories, dried fruits will provide the very excess energy needed to increase body weight. And also dried fruits contribute to the removal of excess body fat. Dried fruits can be eaten throughout the day, but remember to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Whole, unprocessed dried fruits are what you need to eat to gain weight. Purchased tapered bananas do not apply to healthy dried fruits because they are full of bad fat.

7. Beef

Beef is different high content squirrel. The amino acids contained in the protein are the material for building muscle tissue. In addition, calories from protein provide 15 to 20 percent of energy needs organism. Beef is a source of iron and zinc, which play important role in building muscle mass. Cow meat contains creatine, which provides iron absorption. Lean beef is great for building muscle mass.

8. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great option to increase your calorie intake without adding too much solid food to your diet. Smoothies can be made by combining various options bananas, cashews, butter, mango, soy and coconut milk, honey, strawberries, yogurt. To prepare a snack of 400 calories, it is enough to take fresh fruits, peanut butter, cow's milk and yogurt.

9. Butter

This fragrant, tender and delicious milk product contains saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil is a source of vitamins A, B12, E, K2, and D, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Butter has about 100 calories per tablespoon, which will definitely help. get better. But remember that overuse oils can adversely affect health, so it is not recommended to consume more than two tablespoons of this product per day. When the goal of weight gain is reached, you should reduce your oil intake to one tablespoon or even use the product every other day.

10. Bananas

Banana is one of the most useful and nutritious fruits given to us by nature. It is rich in carbohydrates, fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C, folate, fiber, natural sugar and protein. One banana contains about 90 calories on average. Two bananas a day will be enough for people who want to get better or just maintain their health.

11. Cheese

Cheese is a high calorie fermented milk product. There are about three hundred varieties of cheeses that differ in taste from each other, and are also able to transform the taste of other dishes. It is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A and D, folic acid, choline, fats and fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. On average, 100 grams of cheese contains about 400 calories. Include cheese in your diet in order to gain weight and strengthen the bones of the skeleton.

12. Legumes (lentils, peas, beans, soybeans)

Beans are rich in protein, which is essential for building muscle. Beans are also a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. There are 116 calories per 100 grams of product in lentils, 333 calories in beans, 364 calories in peas and 446 calories in soybeans.

13. Eggs

Eggs are very nutritious. It is a good source of protein, fat, vitamins A, D, folic acid, and choline, as well as minerals such as calcium, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. One boiled egg contains 75 calories. In order to gain a healthy weight without excess fat, it is better to consume one hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg. Eggs should not be abused, they contain a lot of cholesterol. Two eggs per day is the maximum, after gaining mass, reduce consumption to one egg per day.

14. Fish

Fish is rich in proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Fatty fish, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol. The calorie content of this product is on average 200 calories per 100g of weight. Eating fish contributes to the formation of muscle mass due to the large amount of protein. To the list useful varieties that help gain weight include salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardinella, anchovy, trout, sardine. The fish is best baked or grilled. If you really want fried fish, you can cook it, but do not overcook it.

15. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a good source of fat, protein, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper, and iron, as well as vitamins A and K. It is good replacement milk chocolate, as dark chocolate helps maintain normal blood pressure protects against cardiovascular disease.

16. Granola

Granola is a mixture of baked oatmeal, puffed rice, nuts, honey and brown sugar. One hundred grams of the product contains 471 calories. Granola is rich in carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamins E, K and A. A serving of granola is a great option for breakfast. You can eat granola as a dessert or as a snack between main meals.

17. Peanut butter

Delicious, high-calorie pasta is a good source of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Contains many minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and copper, as well as vitamins such as vitamin E, niacin, folate and choline. Suitable to replace regular butter. One hundred grams of peanut butter contains 588 calories. The use of pasta will help gain weight and is the prevention of colorectal cancer.

18. Fruit juices

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and natural sugars. Fruits such as grapes, mangoes, strawberries, peaches and pomegranates contain a lot of juice, which, if consumed, will help in gaining a healthy weight.

19. Whole/Soy/Almond Milk

Whole milk is good for those who want to put on weight. It is rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, natural sugars, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, D, contains folate and choline. One cup of undiluted milk contains 103 calories.

If you are lactose intolerant, you can use soy milk, which has the same nutritional value like a cow. Almond milk is another useful product replacing regular milk. It has slightly fewer calories and is rich in protein, calcium, vitamins A and D. Milk is very beneficial for increasing muscle and bone mass.

20. Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread is much healthier than bread from white flour. The energy value of a slice of whole grain bread is 130 calories. Such bread is rich in folate and choline, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It is a good source of healthy fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber. Whole grain bread is often used as part of a weight loss diet, but it can also be used for weight gain if consumed in fairly large amounts. You can cook sandwiches with whole grain bread, this will give you the opportunity to noticeably get better within a few weeks.

21. Cornbread

Cornbread is good for weight gain. This product has a high glycemic index(1 slice of cornbread has a glycemic index of 110) and is a good source of fat, protein, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and iron. This is a healthy high-calorie product: 100 grams of bread contains about 300 calories.

22. White meat

Chicken and turkey are considered white meat. Often recommended for weight loss chicken breasts without skin, they are low in calories. But if your goal is to gain weight, then you can eat chicken with the skin once a week. Chicken and turkey are good sources of protein, vitamins like choline, vitamin A and niacin, and minerals like phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and selenium. One hundred grams of chicken contains 239 calories, and 100 grams of turkey contains 104 calories. They cook white meat on the grill, bake, fry or cook soups on it.

23. Shrimp

Shrimp are a good source of protein, fat, vitamin A, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. One hundred grams of shrimp contains 99 calories. The best way to cook shrimp is to fry them in a shallow dish along with vegetables in butter. Do not eat shrimp too often, they are rich in cholesterol.

24. Oatmeal

oatmeal or cereals- This perfect breakfast for those who want to lose weight. But oatmeal can also contribute to weight gain, as it is high in carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. There are 68 calories in 100 grams of oatmeal. It is best to eat oatmeal with whole milk and dried fruits.

25. Whole yogurt

Whole yogurt is a great weight gainer. It is rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin A, folate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. A glass of whole yogurt will enrich the body by 149 calories. Whole fat yogurt will help you gain muscle mass and strengthen bones. Drink yogurt after dinner. You can also eat flavored yogurts, the sugar they contain will add calories to your diet.

26. Vegetable oil

Vegetable oils such as olive, soy, palm and peanut oils are good sources of fats and fatty acids. These oils do not contain harmful trans fats and are suitable for healthy weight gain. One tablespoon of olive or peanut butter contains 119 calories. A tablespoon of soybean oil has 102 calories, while palm oil has 120 calories. Oils can be used for dressing salads, they are fried and baked.

27. Mayonnaise

This yummy is perfect for underweight girls. Mayonnaise is rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins K, E, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, potassium. Usually homemade mayonnaise cooked from eggs, but there is also a vegetarian one. One tablespoon of mayonnaise contains 94 calories. You can dip food in it, spread it on bread or season salads. Missing kilograms will be gained very quickly.

28. Ice cream

Good news for ice cream lovers! This dairy product contains enough fat, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin A. A serving of ice cream contains 207 calories. Various fillers and additives make it even tastier and more nutritious. This contributes to rapid weight gain with regular use. However, eating ice cream too often is also not worth it. The use of cold foods is undesirable for sinusitis, coughs and colds.

29. Salad dressing

For salad dressing, you can use mayonnaise with vegetable oil - the most high-calorie foods for weight gain, which contain a large amount of fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. After adding the dressing, the salad can be garnished with grated cheese.

30. Wheat germ

Wheat germ can help build body mass as it is rich in fat, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, iron, magnesium, and vitamins C and B6. One hundred grams of germs contain 385 calories. It is best to use wheat germ as a decoration for desserts, along with oatmeal or granola.

B. Dietary Supplements for Weight Gain

Nutritional supplements also play an important role in weight gain. However, these supplements will not work on their own. They must be combined with high-calorie and nutritious foods and with sports. Below are the best supplements that are used for weight gain:

31. Protein powder (protein)

Proteins are the building blocks for muscle tissue. In order for the scale to show an increase of half a kilo, you need to consume 1 gram of the supplement daily. High quality protein powder provides weight gain by providing the building blocks for our body.

32. Creatine

This is another weight gain supplement that conditions the production of adenosine triphosphate during intense physical activity. Responsible for muscle contraction, creatine plays an important role in ensuring high rates of muscle growth.

33. Leucine

In fact, it is an amino acid that contributes to the restoration of muscle tissue. Leucine can be found in many BCAA supplements. This supplement should be considered for weight gain at a faster rate.

34. Waxy Maize

Another nutritional supplement that promotes fast assimilation carbohydrates, raises insulin levels and promotes glycogen saturation. This supplement digests quickly and helps transport proteins and amino acids to muscle tissue. One of the advantages of such a sports nutrition is its easy absorption. digestive system. If you feel nauseous after a hard workout, waxy corn can be mixed and consumed with any smoothie.

All of the foods and diets listed above will help you gain weight, but you should check with your doctor first to find out how many pounds you need to put on. If you are a man or woman with a naturally thin ectomorph body type, be sure to follow the diet plan suggested by your doctor or nutritionist. Excess consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can eventually lead to obesity, which is fraught with complications for the cardiovascular system.

Share your stories if you know how to eat to gain the missing weight. Also, if you want to add to our list of weight gain foods and supplements, leave your comment below.

Too emaciated appearance and obvious thinness is the same sign of an ugly body as fullness. In both cases, this also affects human health and can lead to hidden diseases. As for the lack of weight, then gaining extra pounds will help high-calorie nutrition and a properly composed diet.

Before you ask yourself how to get better, you must definitely go through medical examination which will help you understand true reason lack of weight. After that, it will be possible to form a truly healthy and complete diet that will promote weight gain, and will not harm the health of the body.

Proper nutrition for weight gain

Most people who are trying to gain weight make the most common mistake right away, simply starting to eat a lot of food. Some include baby food or various supplements in their menu, which, in their opinion, will bring the weight back to normal. Of course, this will not be enough. And on the other hand, this can lead to digestive problems, or worst of all, such a program, or rather its absence, can cause a complete disgust for food.

To gain weight, it involves a gradual transition to a high-calorie diet. This can be achieved by adding about 300 calories every day. You need to increase the number of meals, the number of which should be four or five times a day. By eating small but high-calorie portions, a person can also improve their mental and physical health.

Exist general rules, which must be observed by those who want to gain weight and not harm their health:

  1. Half an hour before meals, you need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and fruits. However, it is not recommended to drink any liquid while eating.
  2. After eating, you should avoid sports or other activities.
  3. The weight gain program should consist of a diet that will be dominated by foods with copious amounts proteins and carbohydrates. It can be pasta, legumes, White bread, honey, fruits, as well as cereals cooked in milk. Additionally, you can take vitamins.
  4. You can, which are familiar and loved by a person. If you like different salads, then you can fill them with sour cream. Garnish can be sprinkled with hard cheese, etc.

Menu for weight gain

A properly composed menu will help you quickly gain the necessary weight. With a height of 170 cm, you need to follow a diet for a weight of 60 kg. If the height is a few centimeters more, then a diet for a weight of 70 kg, etc.
A sample menu for a diet that will promote weight gain will consist of the following dishes:

  1. For the first meal, oatmeal in milk is prepared. You can add nuts, raisins or honey to it. Additionally, you can make a sandwich with white bread, butter and cheese.
  2. The second breakfast involves eating pasta with meatballs. Before him you can drink Fresh Juice from fruits.
  3. For lunch, we cook soup or borscht on meat broth, fried fish, boiled potatoes, salad dressed with sour cream and fruit juice.
  4. As a snack we use milk with cookies.
  5. In the evening we cook buckwheat with milk, to which we add dried fruits. After that, you can make bread with butter and use it with tea.
Any menu designed for weight gain must necessarily consist of meat, dairy products, fruits, pasta, bread, potatoes and vegetable salads.

Food for weight gain girl

So that a girl can easily gain weight, she must control what she will eat. It would be ideal to write down everything that will be eaten during the day, including even the smallest snacks. This will help you further adjust your diet in the right direction.

With a normal diet for weight gain, a girl should consume at least 700 grams of food at a time. The number of meals should be increased to 5-6 times a day. Be sure to eat fish, as well as porridge from beans and peas. Of course, before you get better, you need to consider your physical state and avoid eating unhealthy foods. That is why, you should immediately abandon fast food, canned food, frozen and refined foods, dishes fried in oil. In order not to get very fat, you must also give up very fatty foods.

Most of all, a diet for 60 kg is suitable for girls. Breakfast should be the main meal of all meals. It is in the morning that you need to saturate the body with carbohydrates and proteins. The meal itself should take place in a relaxed atmosphere. So the food will be much better absorbed. During the period of weight gain, it is desirable to experience healthy sleep and control your emotions. Calorie meals should include the following foods:

  • fat sour cream;
  • flour products;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • chocolate;
  • fresh salads;
  • fruits;
  • abundant water intake.

Nutrition for weight gain for men

As a rule, men want to gain weight for muscle growth. To get beautiful and voluminous muscles, it’s not enough, you also need to eat right. In order for a man to gain weight, he needs to consume fats, proteins and carbohydrates daily. Sports nutrition will help him in this.

The correct use of carbohydrates will give an additional charge, proteins will serve as the basis for the formation of muscles, and fats will normalize metabolism. Thus, sports nutrition will contribute to weight gain, and at the same time will have a positive effect on muscle growth, as well as the formation of a healthy body.

Each meal should be balanced and contain approximately the same number fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Only then can weight gain be observed. You can include in your program baby food, which contains the required amount of all the necessary substances.

Many people who want to lose weight try to do it in the shortest possible time. short term. Of course, you want to put your body in order in a few days, but this approach to solving the problem often leads to the opposite results - the lost kilograms come back with a margin.

Gaining weight or muscle mass can be just as difficult for some people as it is for others to lose. overweight. Include these healthy foods in your diet and you will be able to cope with the task more effectively.


Milk has been used as a muscle builder for decades. It will provide you with a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Milk contains both casein and whey proteins. With it, you will get faster weight gain compared to other sources of protein. In addition, milk is rich in calcium and other vitamins and minerals.

Studies have shown that when combined with exercise, milk will add muscle to your body. Try drinking 1-2 glasses as a snack throughout the day, with meals, or before and after your workout.


Rice is convenient and inexpensive source carbohydrates for rapid weight gain. Just 1 cup (165g) of cooked rice contains 190 kilocalories, which has 43 grams of carbs and very little fat. That is, you can easily get a lot of carbohydrates and calories from one serving. This will help you eat more, especially if you have a poor appetite.


Nuts are the perfect food for weight gain. Just one small handful of almonds contains over 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fat. Since they are high in calories, just two handfuls of nuts a day as a snack or with a meal can add hundreds of calories.

red meat

Red meats are the leading muscle building foods available.

Beef steak, for example, contains about 3 g of leucine per 170 g of product. Leucine is a key amino acid that stimulates synthesis muscle protein in your body and builds new muscle tissue. Red meat also contains creatine, which is essential for building muscle.

Meat - great source squirrel. Fatty meat contains more calories that will help you gain weight.


Potatoes and other starchy foods are an easy and economical way to add extra calories.
Try choosing one of these healthy carbohydrate sources:

  • quinoa;
  • oats;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat;
  • potato;
  • winter root crops;
  • beans and legumes.

Potatoes and other starches also increase muscle glycogen stores, the main source of strength for most sports.

Salmon and oily fish

Like red meat, salmon and fatty fish are excellent sources of protein and important healthy fats. Their main nutrient is omega-3 fatty acids. They are very important for health and disease control.

170 grams of salmon will add you 350 kilocalories and 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. This serving will give you 34 grams of high quality protein to aid in muscle building or weight gain.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are a high-calorie snack that contains healthy fibers and antioxidants. Mix dried fruits with protein sources (meat, protein shake) or mix with nuts and yogurt.

Whole wheat bread

Whole grain bread is another good source of carbohydrates for weight gain. Do balanced diet by combining bread with protein sources such as meat, egg and cheese.


Avocados are filled with healthy fats and nutrients. One large avocado (200 grams) contains 332 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 17 grams of fiber. Add avocados to main dishes, salads, sandwiches, omelettes, or eat them on their own.

healthy cereals

Healthy grains are an excellent source of carbohydrates, calories and nutrients. Avoid cereals that are high in sugar. Perfect option- oatmeal.

Dark chocolate

High-quality dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients. It is recommended to choose chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more. 100 grams of the product contains 600 kilocalories.


Cheese is a very good source of protein and healthy fats. Cheese can be added to most dishes, and with it you will get several hundred kilocalories.


It is one of the healthiest muscle building foods. Eggs are a great combination of high quality proteins and healthy fats. They are filled with nutrients. It is recommended to eat 3 eggs a day.

Full fat yogurt

Another healthy and convenient snack. Yogurt has a well-balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Eat yogurt with fresh or dried fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, honey or coconut flakes.

healthy oils

Healthy oils are one of the most high-calorie foods. One tablespoon of oil adds 135 kilocalories to the dish.

choose healthy oils: olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, pumpkin seed oil, linseed oil, almond oil, walnut oil.

A good option for those looking to add a few extra pounds to their weight is pasta. Choose spaghetti, horns, noodles, pasta - whatever you like more. It is recommended to supplement the dish with bacon - this is a very high-calorie food that allows.

Lard, fatty cuts of pork in gravy, and duck meat will also help you shape your figure, especially if you eat them regularly. However, you should not abuse such food.

Be sure to pay attention to oily fish, which includes omega-3. It's about in particular about salmon, tuna, sardines. These foods are not only high in calories, but also useful material, so their use will be great option both for your figure and for your health.

For breakfast, eat sandwiches with butter and fatty cheese. The best option for those who want to get better - cheddar, as well as soft cheeses. These are high in calories. By the way, butter can not only be eaten at breakfast, but also added to dishes that you cook for lunch and dinner.

Eat also vegetable oil: it can be used not only for frying, but also as an additive to salads.

Donuts and other pastries, chocolate, sweet berries help to get better. A wonderful high-calorie drink is a smoothie made from fat milk with cream, berries and bananas. Bananas should be used - this one is for those who want to gain weight.

Another suitable product in this case is potatoes. It should be added to salads, baked, fried. A healthy and at the same time very high-calorie dish is boiled potatoes with camelina oil.

Useful tricks for those who want to become fuller

Milk helps not only to get better, but also to gain beautiful figure without flabby . You can not only drink it, but also prepare cocktails based on it, cook porridge.

Use heavy gravy and salad dressings. Add boiled fatty meat, beans, cheese, nuts to casseroles. By the way, eat just like that, as a snack during the day. This product is healthy and high in calories. The best option is macadamia, cedar, walnut, Brazilian nut, peanut, pecan, hazelnut. coconuts, pistachios and chestnuts in this case are much less effective.

Tip 2: What foods help you gain weight quickly

Sometimes weight needs to be gained, not lost. The reasons for excessive thinness include genetic predisposition, malnutrition, or the presence of any disease. To exclude the last factor, you need to see a doctor. And if he does not reveal any health problems, you can gain weight by eating certain foods.

Products for weight gain

Weight gain is facilitated by foods containing a large amount of protein, since it is he who Active participation in the formation of muscle tissue. To, you need to consume 1.5-2 grams of high-quality protein per day per 1 kilogram of body weight. Include salmon, tuna, shrimp, fried chicken breasts, turkey, pork, ground beef dishes, eggs, and cottage cheese in your diet.
In addition, when eating protein foods, be sure to give enough time for physical activity.

Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy, since when ingested as a result chemical processes converted into glucose, which supplies the body with the energy necessary for life. And if there is not enough carbohydrates in the body, it will use muscle tissues. As a result, this will lead to a significant decrease in muscle volume. To quality carbohydrate products include oatmeal, brown rice, bread, beans and potatoes.

Healthy unsaturated fats are also necessary for, including weight gain. To products containing beneficial monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats include: avocado, olive oil, almonds, hazelnuts, seeds, dried fruits and oily fish.

Principles of nutrition for weight gain

To gain weight, eat at least 5 times a day, but no more than 7. The stomach will have time to digest food and receive from it useful components in full, if you separate meals from each other with a break of 3 hours.

In addition to the main products that contribute to weight gain, be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, which are a storehouse of minerals and also contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

If after all the efforts you fail to gain weight, be sure to seek the advice of a specialist.

Sample menu for weight gain

Breakfast: muesli with natural yogurt, a cup of cocoa, a bun and 1 apple.
Second breakfast: a cup of sweet tea and a sandwich with ham and cheese.
Lunch: a portion of pickle, a piece of bread, boiled rice with stew, 1 tomato and 1 glass of vegetable juice.
Afternoon snack: 1 glass milkshake or a scoop of ice cream.
Dinner: any porridge cooked with milk, a piece of bread, fruit salad and a cup of sweet tea.
Before going to bed: 1 apple or 1 glass of kefir.


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