What does the grass cure. We study the medicinal properties of sleepweed

Snyt vulgaris- perennial herbaceous plant umbrella family, was famous in Rus' as one of the most common edible wild plants.

Features: stem - straight, tubular, 50 ... 100 cm high;

leaves - trifoliate, ovate, with a pointed apex and serrated edges, lowered from the back, the lower ones are long-petiolate, with more pronounced dissected plates, the upper ones are smaller, with shorter petioles extended into the vagina;

flowers - small, white, collected in multi-beam umbrellas,

blooms in June - July; fruits are oblong, slightly flattened laterally, dark brown in color.

The grass is growing in sparse, often deciduous forests, among shrubs, along edges, clearings, along ravines, fences, gardens, sometimes forming dense thickets.

Application and properties

The medicinal properties of goutweed are adopted by folk medicine in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.

crushed fresh leaves reduce inflammatory processes and anesthetize - they sprinkle on sore spots.

Infusions are prepared on the leaves, which are used for intestinal diseases, indigestion, kidney diseases and Bladder(3 ... 4 teaspoons of herbs are poured with two glasses of boiling water, kept for 2 hours and drunk 3 times a day half an hour before meals).

Sleep is biologically valuable medicinal plant. It contains 65 ... 100 mg% of vitamin C, 16.6 mg% of iron, 20 mg% of copper, 2.13 mg% of manganese, 3.9 mg% of boron, 1.68 mg% of titanium.

Young stems and leaves are eaten fresh and processed. In the years of crop failure and the warrior, gout was a noticeable addition to the daily diet. From this plant you can cook a simple dish in field conditions.

In its raw form, gout can be eaten by peeling the young stems from the skin. To remove a specific smell, fresh leaves are scalded with boiling water or the crushed mass is poured cold water, stand for half an hour, then squeeze and use as a substitute for cabbage in salads, soups, botvinia, as well as as a side dish for second courses.

Snot can be harvested for the future, getting a variety of processed products. The collected grass is dried, ground into powder, which is used to prepare sauces and seasonings mixed with other wild and cultivated plant species. Powder can be seasoned with soup from food concentrate - the dish immediately acquires a pleasant vegetable taste and aroma. Vegetable caviar is prepared from petioles.

Harvesting and drying

Harvesting sleepyheads is not difficult. Dried in the usual way, the grass is stored in a tightly closed container. Fresh green mass is salted and pickled like cabbage.


We can say that there are no contraindications to the use of gout. These include only individual intolerance and allergic reactions.

Goatweed is a common herb that can often be seen in shady, damp areas. It is used by man as a seasoning, as a source of vitamins and for fattening livestock. It is also delicious: it is added to soups and salads. And when planted in the sun, it becomes a good honey plant. But it is worth considering - in the garden this plant can do harm. It grows quickly and fills the area like a typical weed.


You have to start with differences dream from others similar plants. And here there is one problem. Snotweed belongs to the family of umbrella plants. And most of them have a number of identical features.

Worth mentioning separately the following differences:

  • Features of young sprouts. First, the stem is divided into three branches. Three leaves grow on each stem: one in the middle, two on the sides. Occasionally adjacent leaves grow together. This appearance of the young shoots is typical only for the dreamweed.
  • Flat leaves, oblong, triangular in shape with a rounded base. They are covered with small teeth. There is a resemblance to nettle, only the teeth are smaller. There are no spikes.
  • Tubular stems, smooth and juicy green. Covered with thin longitudinal furrows.
  • Nice smell. Any poisonous plant is sharp, not pleasant smell. To identify the gout, it is enough to grind part of the leaf or stem, and smell it. But it is undesirable to rub it in your hands! The juice of poisonous plants can harm even when it comes into contact with the skin.
  • The flowers are small, white, collected in the form of an umbrella. Appearance characteristic of the family of umbrella plants.

In rare cases sleepy confused with yarrow or cow parsnip. They have similar inflorescences, but there are many differences regarding stems and leaves. Hogweed has thick stems, covered with hard pile. The leaves are uneven. In some species - with long spikes along the edges. Yarrow is even easier to distinguish due to the memorable shape of the leaves. In him, they consist of many separate segments located on one stem.

- A common deciduous plant. Prefers damp, shady places. Grows in temperate forests. The flowers are small, white, collected in umbrellas. The tubular, smooth stem is divided into segments. The closer the segment to the inflorescence, the thinner it is. leaf shape- triangular, with a rounded base. The leaves are collected three on one handle. The edges are jagged (reminiscent of nettles). The lower leaves are larger, and grow in three triplets on one stem. The upper ones are smaller, but with more pronounced teeth. They grow in single triplets.

adult plant growth- from 0.4 to 1 meter. In rare cases, it reaches one and a half meters in height. Blooms in late May, early June. The roots are long and strong, go into the ground by 35-40 cm. In shady places, gout does not bloom. Here it reproduces vegetatively: new shoots come from the roots. The type and fertility of the soil does not matter. For this reason, gout is considered a weed: it quickly fills any area. Pulling it out of the ground is not easy. And if roots remain in the soil, new shoots will come from them.

Reminds me of common sleep. Inflorescences, color of stems and leaves do not differ in them. The bushes are somewhat lower, up to 0.7 meters in height. Main feature of this species: leaf shape. This concerns the central sheet in the top three. In young shoots, it looks like a trident. And the old leaves have a diamond shape.

Broad-leaved gout is rare. She listed in the Red Book. Grows exclusively in Russia, on the southern coast of Lake Baikal. Currently cultivated in a number of reserves and botanical gardens. For example, in the botanical garden of Irkutsk state university. Collection of broad-leaved goutweed is prohibited as a plant listed in the Red Book.

This plant is native to the East. It found in the mountains of Central Asia and in the Himalayas. Outwardly, this is a more elegant version of the common gout. One of the main differences is leaf size and color. They are larger than many umbrella plants. At the same time, their edges are light, pale green. The middle is dark. The transition from one color to another is sharp, the border is clearly visible. You can see on the photo. The roots of this species are thin, growing closer to the surface.

At the moment Snyt Kashmiri often used to create lawns. It grows quickly, it is undemanding to care. But a number of gardeners claim that this plant grows like an ordinary weed. And planting it next to cultivated varieties is strictly not recommended. Kashmiri gout quickly clogs many fruit plants. And interferes with the growth of perennial shrubs and fruit trees.

Chemical composition

The first thing to consider: above ground and underground parts gossip differ in respect of chemical composition. The aerial part includes stems, leaves, fruits and flowers. Moreover, the number of certain elements in them varies. That's what contains the aerial part:

  • Ascorbic acid. She is also vitamin C. An interesting point: in the fall, the amount of this substance increases.
  • Carotene. Goutweed contains mainly alpha-carotene.
  • A number of flavonoids: kaempferol and quercetil.
  • Amino acids: valine, arginine, methionine, leucine, lezin and a number of others.
  • Essential oil. Here it is necessary to clarify: not all components of this oil are known. Among the well-established are: camphor, citronellol, sabinene, limonene, linoolol acetate.
  • Set of mineral salts. High content of potassium. There is iron, zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, titanium, boron, manganese.
  • Fatty acids: stearic, arachidonic, palmitic, oleic.
  • Organic acids - malic and citric. The content is relatively small.
    Carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, etc.

Chemical root composition is different. There are listed essential oils, mineral salts, amino acids and flavonoids. But rhizomes include and other components:

  • Starch.
  • organic resins.
  • Set of polyacetylene compounds.
  • Phenolcarboxylic acids: chlorogenic, caffeic.
  • Saponins.

Special mention must be made fruits of the common gout. These are small seeds. Brown. They contain fats and proteins, a large amount of essential oils, fiber. But vitamins and beneficial trace elements there are few in them.

Beneficial features

I must say, gardeners and gardeners do not like to sleep. For them, it is a weed that interferes with planting. But this plant has a very beneficial features . For example, common gout is widely used in cooking and folk medicine . But this will be discussed below.

This plant is often used V agriculture . They feed goats, cows, sheep, horses, rabbits. But in fresh goats are eaten only by goats. Other animals do not like its specific taste and smell. Therefore, for pigs or rabbits, gout is steamed out and fed as part of mixtures. Or harvest it in the form of hay or silage. When harvesting, it must be borne in mind that hogweed often grows next to goutweed. Many species of this plant are a poison for animals that should not be fed.

Still sleepy vulgaris appreciated by beekeepers. During the flowering period, in late May - early June, it allows the bees to collect the first honey. This product has an unusual, but very pleasant taste. Some beekeepers compare it to angelica honey.

Application in cooking

At the dream pleasant taste and unusual smell. Therefore, it is often used to prepare certain dishes. for cooking take leaves and stems. Rhizomes and seeds practically in cooking do not apply. The following areas are available use of gout:

  • For salads, soups, borscht, stews. Fresh or dried stems and leaves are taken here. Used as an alternative to cabbage, lettuce, sorrel, etc.
  • As a condiment. Here gout is dried, sometimes ground into powder. Used in the preparation of meat dishes. In winter, dried gout is added to soups, borscht, sauces.
  • For conservation. Firstly, when pickling cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. It is added along with celery, dill, parsley, horseradish. Secondly, they preserve the gout itself: sour or marinate in vinegar. Principle - as in conservation sauerkraut or cucumbers.

There are many dishes that include gout. But it's worth remembering one important point- usually young leaves are used plants. Ideally, shoots collected at the end of March or April. Old, hard leaves and stems are not suitable for food. They are tasteless and tough.

spice preparation method

One of the main uses of sleepweed is as a condiment. They are used both separately and in combination with other spices. In addition to cooking seasoning, there are also recipes for juice and scrambled eggs. But in addition to the video, it’s worth talking about other gout spice recipes.

powdered seasoning

The first version of the spice - dried herb powder. Young shoots are collected in April or May. Fresh shoots are dried. This is done in a warm and dry room. Grass cannot be laid out in the sun. It must be remembered that the gout is rich in moisture. It will take a long time to boil it out. To speed up the process, you can use a special dryer. Or spread the grass on wooden or metal pallets. Spread freely, in one layer.

Dried stems and leaves are ground in a meat grinder or blender. The resulting powder is folded into a jar or a strong plastic bag. Stored in a dry, cool place where sunlight does not reach. The storage time depends on the quality of drying. Properly processed gout lies for 1-2 years without loss of taste and useful properties.

canned gout

Seasoning option two: gout, canned with salt. Fresh herbs are used. It is thoroughly washed and finely chopped. Then add salt to taste. Approximate proportion: 1 tbsp. l. greens for 0.5 tbsp. l. salt. Components rub against each other. Stir until the juice runs out. Then the jars are sterilized, where the finished seasoning is placed. Lay out tightly, the greens should let the juice go.

Store salted gout in a refrigerator. Seasoning is added to soups, borscht, sauces. Alternative option- gout is ground in a meat grinder. The resulting slurry is mixed with salt, sterilized in glass jars. It is used in winter in the preparation of first courses, to replace fresh herbs.

Soup seasoning from goutweed

The third option is soup seasoning dream based. Ingredients: 0.5 kg of goutweed, 0.5 kg of green onion feathers, 0.2-0.25 kg of fresh dill, salt to taste (80-100 g per serving). Ingredients (except salt) are mixed and thoroughly ground. Either by hand or in a meat grinder. Greens should give juice. Then salt is added. The resulting mixture is laid out in glass jars. Sterilize for 25-30 minutes.

Dish recipes

One of the main uses of gout is cooking various dishes. Often it is used instead of nettle. After all, this herb is just as useful, but does not need additional processing. Soups, cabbage soup, meatballs, sauces and caviar are made from sleepweed. For cooking, fresh, young leaves of the plant are used.

It’s worth starting with a simple and tasty first course of goutweed. There is a similar option for cooking cabbage soup on sorrel or nettle (“green borscht”). Is being done from young, fresh. Wash the collected grass thoroughly. A four-liter saucepan is filled with greens at least half (if the gout is not chopped). Pour water to a level 3-4 cm below the edge, put on fire. You can peel and cut into a pan 4-5 medium potatoes.

After boiling, add half a glass or rice, to choose from. Chop medium carrots on a grater, lightly fry with 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato. Add to cabbage soup 10-15 minutes after boiling. For lovers of onions - finely chop and fry one head. Onions come after carrots and tomatoes. Then cook for another 20-30 minutes. Salt - 1 dessert spoon without top, or to taste. At the end, add pepper and 2-3 bay leaves. It is recommended to hard-boil 2 eggs and finely crumble them into cabbage soup.

Delicious and useful supplement to the diet. Suitable for those who do not like meat. First through the meat grinder half a kilo of goutweed leaves are ground, 200 g boiled potatoes, 100 g white bread. Salt is added to the mixture (dessert spoon without top), black pepper, dill and parsley. Crack two raw eggs into it. Mix, prepare cutlets, breaded in flour or crushed breadcrumbs. Fry in butter or vegetable oil, taste.

Ingredients: gout, zucchini, carrots, onion, Bell pepper, Vinegar, Herbs And Spices. 0.5 kg of goutweed leaves and 100 g of carrots are taken. Finely shredded and simmered on low heat 40-45 minutes. Then 0.5 kg of zucchini, also chopped, is added. Boil until done. Water is decanted from the resulting mass. After cooling, it is ground in a meat grinder. Then 80-100 g of onions are taken, chopped and fried in a pan. Add to the zucchini mixture.

Received mass stewed in a thick pan, over low heat. It should thicken, but not burn. Chopped and peeled sweet peppers are added to it. Vinegar, black or red pepper, dill, parsley, mustard are added to the finished caviar. If desired, horseradish or celery is added. You can serve it to the table or roll it up for the winter in sterilized jars. Sterilization time - 25-30 minutes.

Snyt with stew

Ingredients: gout - 100 g, meat - 120 g, sorrel - 35 g, onions, flour, spices, salt, butter, herbs. Choice of meat: pork or beef. Meat cut into cubes and breaded in flour. The onion is finely chopped and fried with meat. fry on butter. The resulting mixture is poured with water and stewed on a slow fire within 1-1.5 hours. Then chopped gout is added to the meat. Simmer for another hour. 15-20 minutes before readiness, salt, add spices, herbs and sorrel.

250 g of goutweed, 50 g of sorrel are taken, washed, filled with water and put on low fire. Take a minimum of water, only to completely fill the greens. After 10-15 minutes after boiling, the broth is removed, the water is drained. Gout and sorrel are ground on a grater or in a blender. 100 g of chopped green onions and 2-3 chopped fresh cucumber. Pour 1.5 liters of kvass.

Boiled fish, for example, salmon. 1 tsp is taken per liter of water. salt. Fish cut into small pieces is boiled in hot water for 20-30 minutes. Boil large pieces for 1.5 hours after boiling, over low heat. The boiled fish is cut, is added to the botvinya. Salt the dish, pepper, chop the parsley and dill. Hard boiled and chopped eggs are added. Serve with bread and sour cream.

Useful juice from goutweed

Juice is being made from young shoots gossip. Raw materials: leaves and stems. It is recommended to collect in the spring. In summer and autumn, the tops of shrubs and fresh shoots are cut off. The collected raw materials are washed with running water, cut, passed through a meat grinder or blender. The resulting mass is squeezed through cheesecloth. You can use a juicer, if available. Fresh Juice stored in the refrigerator, no more than two days.

You can roll up the juice in glass jars. The container is pre-sterilized. The liquid is poured into jars, closed with metal lids. Sterilize in hot water, 20-25 minutes after it boils. Store in a cool place without access to light. Shelf life - up to one year with a properly carried out canning procedure.

Means helps with treatment gout and rheumatism, diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys and bladder. Restores immunity, cleanses blood vessels. Strengthens the body in the treatment of skin diseases. take juice recommended with honey, 1 dl. on a glass. Drink 3-4 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. Full course takes 2-3 weeks. Then it is advisable to take a break for 1-2 weeks. If necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Sleep and medicine

The first thing to remember is that there are many diseases that gout cures. But she used on early stage and as a means of prevention. All parts of this herb are applied: roots, stems, flowers, fruits and rhizomes. Both fresh and dried plants are suitable for treatment.

But it is worthwhile to figure out what is the use of dreams in medicine. her treat the following diseases :

  • Avitaminosis. Snyt is rich in vitamins. It strengthens the immune system, eliminates the lack of nutrients. In particular, this herb is useful for a lack of vitamin C in the body.
  • Cold and flu. This herb is not a natural antibiotic. But it strengthens the body and accelerates its recovery.
  • Fungal skin diseases. An ointment or compress of fresh leaves is used here.
  • Anemia, hypertension. Snot contains iron salts. It enriches the blood with them and improves work of cardio-vascular system. Decoctions, juices are used. It is recommended to eat fresh leaves. From juices, a mixture of squeezed gout and apples is suitable. If you are not allergic to beta-carotene, you should add more carrot and pumpkin juice.
  • Rheumatism, gout. Here, leaf compresses and tinctures on alcohol or vodka are used.
  • Insomnia and headaches. The essential oils of the plant help against them. Most of these oils are found in the roots and fruits. The method of treatment is herbal baths and tinctures.
  • Fight tumors and inflammation. Compresses are made for external use. Juices, decoctions and tinctures are taken inside. Helps with prevention cancer. For the treatment of oncology, it is used at an early stage, in combination with other means.
  • Disorders digestive system. Initial stages ulcers and gastritis, indigestion, indigestion are treated with drugs based on gout.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Means based on this herb help in the prevention of this disease. It is worth considering: with progressive urolithiasis required complex treatment.
  • Overweight. Sleep will help in the treatment of obesity and in the fight against diabetes. It is important to remember that this herb should not be the only remedy used.
  • Problems with potency and infertility. The seeds of the plant are used here.
  • Liver problems. Gout removes toxins from liver tissues, accelerates its regeneration.

Now we need to figure out what are medicinal products dream based. And from what diseases they help.


Decoction of gout before straining

Raw materials for decoction: leaves and stems. Both fresh and dried parts of the plant will do. One serving - 2 tbsp. l. with top. Leaves and stems are cut and poured with one glass of water. Take boiled water at room temperature. Prepare a decoction in a water bath. The tool will be ready in 15-20 minutes after boiling. Strain, cool, store in a closed container in the refrigerator. Take a quarter cup 4-5 times a day. The full course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

The tool helps remove toxins from the liver, accelerates its recovery and improves functioning. They also drink a decoction for rheumatism or gout, muscle sprains and joint pain. For fungal skin diseases, a compress is made based on this remedy. It is also used to strengthen hair roots and fight dandruff.


Freshly cut plants are taken, washed, cut. The collected raw materials are passed through a blender or meat grinder. Received slurry wrapped in gauze and placed on the affected area. The compressor changes periodically. At severe pain- every 20-30 minutes. At preventive treatment- no more than once every 2-3 hours.

Usually compresses with gout used to treat joint diseases(arthritis). Particularly with gout. They also help with rheumatism and sciatica. They are also used to treat tumors and inflammation. But we must remember - it is undesirable to do compresses on open wounds. This can lead to blood poisoning and worsening of the patient's condition.


Ready-made infusion

For preparation of infusion dried or freshly harvested gout is used. For one serving, a glass of boiling water and a teaspoon of herbs are taken. Snyt is poured with boiling water in a thermos and infused for 2-3 hours. Finished product divided into three portions. Take three times a day, 10-15 minutes before meals.

Infusion drink when eczema occurs, to strengthen the immune system and remove stones from the kidneys. It is also recommended to be taken with diathesis in children. Diathesis is a tendency (vulnerability) to a particular disease. An infusion of sleepweed can reduce the chances of this disease. But it only fits prophylactic.


Tinctures are made on alcohol, vodka or other liquid containing alcohol. Other liquid bases are less commonly used. Used to treat many diseases. But when using tinctures, you should remember that they always contain alcohol. And drivers should not accept them.

Alcoholic tincture of gout roots

Are taken fresh rhizomes. It is advisable to take older, thicker and more durable parts of the plant. The collected raw materials are washed, finely chopped on a grater and placed in glass jar. The container is half filled with prepared rhizomes. Then to the brim filled with vodka or diluted alcohol. Dilute alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Means infused in a closed jar, in two weeks. Keep in a dark, dry and cool place. Ready alcohol tincture is used for diseases of the digestive system. In particular, it helps with gastritis, intestinal disorders, viral infections. In glass boiled water 20-25 drops of the product are diluted. Drink three times a day, half an hour before meals. The full course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the course is repeated after a two-week break.

Herbal weed tincture

Here you will need honey, 0.5 liters of vodka and fresh goutweed leaves. Leaves will need 300-400 g. It is better to choose young, healthy shoots. The greens are crushed, poured with vodka. Added 1 tbsp. l. honey. You can also add one red pepper and ground anise seeds. The components are mixed and placed for a month in a dark and cool place. The bank must be closed. After a month, the composition can be taken.

Finished tincture helps with colds and in the treatment of insomnia. To receive, add 20-30 drops of the product to a glass of water. Drink morning and evening. Another option is to use a tincture for therapeutic baths. It is enough to dilute 40-50 drops in a bath with warm or hot water. Helps with insomnia and nervous exhaustion.

Acetic tincture of goutweed seeds

In this tincture used apple cider vinegar, honey and plant seeds. The seeds are dried and ground into powder in a coffee grinder. For 1 tsp. seeds are taken 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. The components are mixed and infused for a week in a dark, dry and cool place. For use, dilute 0.5 tsp. funds in a glass of boiled water.

Vinegar tincture is used for prevention of urolithiasis. It also strengthens the immune system and speeds up healing. colds. But it is not recommended to give this tincture to children.

Sleep while losing weight

From a nutritional standpoint, sleepwalking is a very useful herb. It is rich in vitamins and essential minerals for the body. It is easy to use and grows everywhere. And it has very few calories. At the same time, gout can harm only pregnant or nursing mothers. And then, in rare cases. Well, it is not recommended to take it for allergy sufferers.

Basic weight loss method- in the form of a decoction or infusion. The preparation method is described above. The drink is taken three times a day, for a month. Then a break is made for two weeks, and the course is repeated. But it is better to describe the diet itself.

The first thing to do is to make suitable menu. It is recommended to choose foods rich in proteins, but with low content fats. Example: eggs, lean meats and fish. By the way, dishes with gout will not interfere - several recipes are available in the article.

Here's how it should look like daily menu:

  • Breakfast: boiled porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat or rice. To them, scrambled eggs or hard-boiled eggs. Fresh fruits: apple, pear, orange, etc. You can add a salad of goutweed, sorrel, cucumbers or other similar products. Drink tea.
  • Lunch: for the first soup, cabbage soup or cream soup. To them, a light cutlet, for example, chicken, with salad. Drink compote or juice.
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with fruits and berries.
  • Dinner: stew or fish with vegetables. To them boiled eggs or an omelet. An omelet can be made with sorrel, nettle or goutweed. Drink tea, preferably green.

We must remember - such herbs as gout, speed up metabolism. And physical activity will become more effective. A morning run is enough, and the result will soon become noticeable. But you need to remember that no diet works immediately. You will have to wait 2-3 months. The main thing is not to change the diet. And do not forget about physical activity.

Contraindications for use

Sleep refers to those means in which there are no serious contraindications. But a couple of points are still worth mentioning.

Firstly, this herb belongs to honey plants. And her pollen is capable of causing allergic reaction.

Another thing to consider is that gout does not always combine well with other herbs. If medications are taken, consult a specialist. A number of components of this herb react with medicines. And the effect is unpleasant.

Procurement of raw materials

It is also worth describing the process of harvesting raw materials. snyt collected in meadows and forest edges: places where it grows in natural environment. You need to choose clean places, away from landfills and roads. A good option is a forest where there are no people and livestock do not graze. But in the city park it is better not to take sleep.

Here are the collection options available:

  • Young, green shoots of the plant. They begin to collect from April - early May. And in warm regions, shoots of gout appear at the end of March. It is desirable to collect on bright, clear days. It is worth noting that this plant is the richest nutrients in the evening, until sunset. At this time, it is collected. It is better to choose shoots located in shady places. It is more juicy and soft.
  • old leaves and stems. They begin to collect in June-July. Not worth taking flowering plants. The best option- thickets of goutweed in dark and damp places. The collection time is the same: in the evening, before sunset. If you mow the old grass, young growth will grow, which is suitable for cooking.
  • Rhizomes. Gathered in places where gout has been growing for more than a year. Perennial thickets in dark and damp places are ideal. The roots are dug up, washed and dried.
  • Dream flowers. Gathered only in late May - early June. Bushes growing in the sun are selected. The umbrella is completely cut off. It is advisable to collect after dinner, when the flowers are already pollinated.
  • Dream fruits. Ripen in August. They appear on plants that have had time to fade. Collect during this period. It is worth considering: ripened fruits easily come off the stems. You have to take them carefully.

Basic method of harvesting- drying. Before drying, it is carefully washed and laid out in an even layer in a dark and warm place. It is worth checking that the plants do not start to rot after washing. It is advisable to use a special dryer. It will speed up the process and avoid damage to raw materials. Rhizomes are processed in a similar way. The fruits are calcined in a pan, over low heat, or dried.

If urban residents are not very concerned about problems in household plots, and they know only theoretically about the varieties of weeds, then rural residents or owners of summer cottages are familiar with those plants that flood gardens from year to year, conquering more and more territory from vegetable crops.

Such a harmful and prolific plant is gout. The owners of the gardens mercilessly fight this weed and carry armfuls of gout to garbage dumps or fill compost heaps with it.

But not everyone knows that gout is not even a weed at all, but a medicinal and completely edible plant!

But people knew about this many centuries ago, and then gout took the same place in the garden as parsley, dill, sorrel. And the owners did not tear her out, but groomed and cherished. After all, sleepy begins its growth early. As soon as the snow melts, and the earth warms up slightly, the first shoots of goutweed appear. Those who know a lot about plants are not lost and collect the first crop of vitamin greens.

The benefits of sleepweed

  • There is a lot of vitamin C in gout, especially in autumn greens. She strengthens immune system and is an antiscorbutic.
  • Goutweed leaves contain choline, quercetin, flavonoids, kaempferol, essential oil.
  • Snyt is rich in iron, manganese, copper, boron, titanium ...
  • The plant is rich in fiber, pectin. Therefore, the use of gout improves metabolism, and also helps to remove toxins from the body. They also use it for obesity.
  • Sleep improves performance gastrointestinal tract. It is used for chronic constipation.
  • Sleepiness lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • But most of all sleep helps in the treatment of rheumatism, gout and other diseases of the joints.
  • Outwardly, gout is used for healing wounds, with erysipelas.
  • Sleep has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps to get rid of insomnia.
  • Infusion and decoction of goutweed treat diseases of the bladder, kidneys, as well as diathesis and fungal diseases.

Sleep in cooking

  • Salads are prepared from the dream. It is good because it does not require preliminary heat treatment, such as nettle.
  • Gout is added to okroshka, cabbage soup, botvinya are cooked from it.
  • It can be used to make meatballs, casseroles, omelettes.
  • Snot is marinated, salted, dried.
  • It is used for making fillings.
  • Both fresh leaves of goutweed and dried ones are used for food.

Where sleepy grows

Snyt perennial unpretentious plant reaching a height of one meter. It is found in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Siberia, and the Caucasus. Snot grows in forests of mixed type, on the edges, along roads, among shrubs, in vegetable gardens and orchards.

For eating in the form of vitamin greens, gout is harvested in early spring, in April - May, when its leaves, similar to raspberry leaves, are young and juicy, and the plant has not yet bloomed.

But this does not mean that sleepy food cannot be used in the summer. After all, the plant turns green until autumn. To prevent the plant from blooming, for this, the first “harvest” is mowed, and then young sprouts appear again. Thanks to this maneuver, you can eat young and nutritious goutweed greens all summer.

And if the gout grows in the shade, then flowering may not occur at all, since the plant is very photophilous and without abundance. sunlight does not bloom.

For medicinal purposes, it is best to use gout before budding, which occurs in June - July, when the plant accumulates the most useful substances.

Grass for treatment and for cooking can be used both fresh and dried.

How to dry sleep

For harvesting gouts choose dry sunny weather.

Snot is harvested away from roads and garbage dumps.

Since it is impossible to wet the wetting before drying, it must initially be clean. To do this, two days before the intended collection, you can wash it from a watering can or from a hose (if the gout grows in the garden) and let it dry well.

Most often, only leaves and stems without inflorescences are used. They are cut off by hand or cut with a knife.

They dry it in the shade or under a canopy, laying out thin layer on paper or fabric.

The raw materials are periodically mixed so that it dries faster.

The raw material is considered well dried when the stalks break easily and the leaves crumble.

For culinary uses, such as in sauces, dried goutweed leaves can be ground into a powder and stored as such. Such a powder is added to dishes during the cooking process.

Dried goutweed leaves are stored in paper bags or canvas bags in a dark, dry place for no more than two years.

Common gout is a very valuable wild medicinal plant with very useful qualities.

It grows mainly in deciduous foxes, shrubs, and vegetable gardens.

Therefore, many consider the plant a very noxious weed, which is not easy to fight, as it spreads with long roots that run deep into the ground.

In fact, sleep has long been used in alternative medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

This plant strengthens the immune system, promotes rapid healing of wounds and normalizes the activity of the stomach and

What is sleep?

Snot got its name from the fact that its leaves look like a goat's hoof print, since in Latin its name consists of two words for goat and foot.

The plant has a very pleasant smell for humans, however, many animals simply cannot stand it.

Botanical information about the plant

Common goatweed belongs to the primroses, and is widely distributed throughout the world, and in some countries is even grown as an ornamental plant. It grows almost everywhere and prefers moderately moist areas.

The main botanical signs of the plant:

  1. The rhizome of the plant is creeping, going deep into the soil, the stem is hollow and straight. Often it reaches a height of 1 meter.
  2. The lower leaves are wider, dissected. Initially, they are small in size, but gradually grow and reach a size of 20-30 centimeters.
  3. At the top of the trunk, the leaves are smaller and less dissected. In addition, they are almost naked from above, and densely pubescent below.
  4. The inflorescence is a complex umbrella with many rays and small flowers. white color. The largest inflorescence is located on the main stem and it is these flowers that bear fruit.
  5. The fruits of the goutweed are oblong, flattened, brown two-seeded seeds, reaching 3-4 mm in length.
  6. It reproduces vegetatively, with the help of rhizomes growing in different sides, which is why it is quite difficult to eradicate a weed plant.

The chemical composition of goutweed and its beneficial properties

Useful properties of goutweed have been known for a long time and for them the plant is valued in alternative medicine. This is a very good honey plant.

Valuable medicinal qualities plants are determined by its chemical composition.

It contains:

  • amino acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins (especially vitamin C) - the largest amount ascorbic acid accumulates in leaves by autumn.
  • various micro and macro elements

The plant contains natural pesticides that help fight pathogens.

Thanks to this useful composition, it can be considered a universal healer:

  1. The herb is used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as well as for gout, rheumatism, chondrosis and other pathologies of cartilage and joints.
  2. Preparations made on the basis of this plant have wound healing and antimicrobial action, therefore, they are often used externally, with diathesis, against fungal diseases of the skin and for fast healing wounds.
  3. Sleep helps in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  4. As an external remedy, a decoction against diathesis is used.
  5. It is a very good diuretic and also protects the kidneys from infection.
  6. Young leaves have a pronounced antiscorbutic effect.
  7. In alternative medicine, young shoots of goutweed are used as an anesthetic, which is why crushed leaves are pressed as compresses to diseased areas.
  8. The medicinal herb is also widely used in oncology, as it helps to reduce toxic effect used anticancer drugs.
  9. The herb can also be used in cosmetic purposes for the preparation of face masks, thanks to which you can rejuvenate the skin and eliminate existing problems.

Most often, infusions are prepared from sleepweed.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour boiling water over fresh or dried grass(1 tsp per 1 glass of water) and insist well for 2 hours.

Applies medicine as part of complex therapy, together with medications. It should be taken regularly until complete recovery.

However, before using such a medicine, you should definitely consult with your doctor, as there may be certain contraindications.

What can be cooked from snot - delicious recipes

Snyt is used in cooking. There are good and simple recipes healthy and nutritious meals with this healing herb.

Various sauces, vegetable salads, first courses, cutlets are prepared from juicy and young petiole shoots. You can ferment them for the winter and pickle.

  • Shchi from dreamweed

To cook cabbage soup, you need to wash fresh leaves and shoots, finely chop into strips, pour into a pot of boiling water and boil a little.

Then put in the broth, cut into medium-sized strips of potatoes, and 15 minutes before full readiness, add chopped onions, salt and spices.

Fill everything with butter.

Serve soup with half boiled chicken egg and also sour cream.

  • Cutlets from dreamweed

To prepare them, carefully grind the young leaves along with boiled and pre-soaked in milk white bread.

Salt the minced meat, beat in one chicken a raw egg and any chopped herbs to taste.

Distribute the mixture into separate cutlets, roll several times in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in hot butter.

Serve with sour cream sauce at the table.

  • dreamweed salad

As diet food you can cook a non-calorie salad of goutweed and vegetables

To prepare a salad, you need to cut boiled carrots and potatoes into small slices, put well-chopped sorrel on them and gout.

Salt everything, season with vegetable oil.

  • How to prepare sleep for the winter

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for the use of gout traditional medicine have not been identified, however, there may be an individual intolerance to this medication or an allergy.

That is why, before using this remedy, you need to consult with your doctor and it is advisable to conduct allergy tests.

This plant is not poisonous, however, its juice in contact with skin makes them more vulnerable and sensitive to the sun. That is why contact with grass can leave burns on the skin.

The healing qualities of common sleepweed make this plant a good remedy, helping to cope with many diseases and a tasty nutritious product.

Good day to all readers! Welcome to the pages! I won’t be mistaken if I say that the word “sleep” will evoke not very pleasant emotions in someone. And the reason is in the essence of the plant, which has such a name. This is a weed known to everyone, which grows strongly in the gardens of summer residents, and is not amenable to chemical reagents. However, this weed has extraordinary benefit which gave rise to the writing of this article.

So, sleepy - useful properties and contraindications.

About the composition and amazing benefits

The name in Latin is Aegopodium podagraria, but little is known about the history of the Russian name for the plant. But it is possible that the matter is in the sound of the grass while the wind is blowing.

The plant has a (perennial) creeping type of rhizome, a furrowed tubular stem up to 1 meter and it grows throughout the European part of Russia, in the south of Siberia and the North Caucasus.

All the healing qualities of the dreamweed are explained by the composition:

  • choline has a positive effect on metabolic processes;
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • vitamin C;
  • querticin and kaempferol;
  • acids - malic and citric;
  • trace elements;
  • mineral salts;
  • essential oils and substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • starch and resins;
  • saponins;
  • apegenin and falcardinol with falcarinol;
  • di- and monosaccharides;
  • antibiotics of natural origin;
  • mineral elements - potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, boron and copper.

The benefits of gout for the human body are varied, but the possibility of its use must be learned individually from a specialist. After all, if for one it is shown, then for the other it is not.

So, let's consider what good sleep is for our health:

  1. It helps to fight diseases such as rheumatism with gout, for which it is enough to attach crushed leaves to the problem area. Inflammation is removed in about 20 minutes.
  2. Just 1 accepted spoon of plant juice will replenish the reserves of vitamins with minerals, increase immunity and give energy.
  3. Often the grass is used for prophylactic purposes from anemia and hypovitaminosis, as well as arthritis with arthrosis.
  4. Gout normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates the inflammatory processes of the gallbladder and liver, also providing a choleretic effect.
  5. The CNS is stimulated by coumarins in the plant. They rid the body of bad cholesterol and fight the formation of blood clots, diluting the existing ones.

Sleep also relieves edema with ailments of the bladder with kidneys. Medicinal properties extend to the renal blood flow, normalizing it and stimulating the excretion function. By using the plant, you will avoid hypokalemia due to high content potassium salts in the composition.

The herb also has a wound-healing, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, which can be used to get rid of erysipelas and fungal inflammations, as well as diathesis.

For women

Sleep helps women get rid of excess weight due to the plant's ability to speed up metabolism, break down adipose tissue, while also having a low calorie content.

And another important ability of the herb for women is to improve the condition of the skin, increasing elasticity, preventing dryness with oiliness and getting rid of diathesis.

For pregnant women, sleep is also very useful, because it lowers arterial pressure, makes the immune system stronger, normalizes hemoglobin levels, which are often low in this interesting position.

And during the feeding period, grass can significantly improve the quality of milk and increase its quantity, which is proved not only by scientific information, but also by reviews of nursing mothers. But I want to remind you of the need to consult a specialist, since everything is very individual.

For men

As part of folk remedies for increase male power sleepweed seeds are present. And the miraculous medicine is prepared as follows:

  • chop 0.5 cup healing seeds, previously fried in ghee;
  • mix them then with the same amount of flour obtained from the seeds of dates.

Before taking the composition, and you need to do this every evening, mix it with a teaspoon of milk or honey. The duration of treatment is until the results are obtained.

Use in cooking

Cooks also successfully use gout for their own purposes, using young leaves. They make delicious and healthy salads, green cabbage soup, soups and botvini. The plant goes well with nettle.

The only negative, which does not attract everyone, is the specificity of the smell, but it is easily removed by scalding the grass with boiling water. Another option is to soak in cold water for 30 minutes and then squeeze.

I'll bring a couple simple recipes from dream:

  1. Lettuce - rinse the leaves with water, pour boiling water over them, leaving for 10 minutes. After that, drain the water, squeeze the plant and finely chop, adding grated horseradish and salt to taste, seasoning with sour cream. According to the same scheme, you can cook cabbage soup, replacing cabbage, sorrel or young nettle with gout.
  2. Roast with pork - boil separately and then fry the pork pieces. Rinse the leaves of the plant and scald with boiling water, then put them to stew for half an hour in vegetable oil with water, adding salt and spices. Everything, a side dish for meat is ready.

Dried grass is great for seasoning soups and can be harvested for the winter, preparing various tasty and healthy dishes with it. And they also salt, sour, and even pickle.

Procurement and storage

First you need to cut off the aerial part of the plant at the time when it blooms, and this is June and July. After that, leave the raw material to dry under a roof in the air, drying it to the end in a dryer or oven with a set temperature of up to 30 degrees.

Store the finished herb in a glass container, always with a tight lid.

The underground part of the gout is harvested in July and August - dig, wash, cut and dry like grass. But you need to store the finished raw materials in wooden containers, on the bottom of which paper is laid. So the beneficial properties of sleepweed will last up to a year.

Where to get

This weed can be found in a large city, and in a small village, and in the field, and in the garden, and even on the side of the road. The plant loves fertile land with good humidity, but conifers with mixed forests can also become a place for growth.

IN pharmacy outlets There is also this herb in a ready-made dried form. The only thing is that you can’t meet her everywhere, since she has ceased to be in great demand, but as you can see, in vain.

The use of sleepweed and traditional medicine recipes

Traditional healers and homeopaths successfully use the plant to get rid of all kinds of ailments, preparing decoctions, infusions and juices from it.


Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are treated alcohol tincture from the root of the weed. It must be crushed and placed in a glass dish with a volume of 1 liter per third, filled to the top with vodka. Cover with a lid on top so that oxygen does not get in and put in darkness and coolness. After 15 days medicinal composition he'll be ready. It is recommended to use ¼ of a small spoon before meals for 20 minutes three times a day for a course of 1 month.

Articular ailments are treated with a tincture of two herbs - cinquefoil with gout, applying it externally.


With a decoction they get rid of myositis and polyarthritis - the raw material is finely cut to make 1 large spoon, poured with a liter of very hot water and cook for about 10 minutes. After the allotted time, let the composition stand for half an hour, then strain. Used as an addition to the bath.


This drink has a large spectrum of action - it is used for problems with the kidneys and bladder, stomach and intestines, respiratory tract and dizziness. Juice also relieves rheumatism, diathesis and others inflammatory processes. It is especially useful in combination with honey.

  • freshly squeezed juice of the plant is used to cleanse the intestines - run the shoots through a meat grinder, squeeze, taking it like this - on the first day, drink a large spoon half an hour before meals three times a day, on the second - 2, and on the third - 50 ml. After that, a 5-day break is made and the course is repeated. To improve the taste, it is quite possible to add honey;
  • juice also helps with joint pain - just lubricate the painful areas by warming them with something for the night;
  • you can cleanse the liver in the following way - pour 2 large spoons of grass with 1 cup of boiling water, drinking the resulting drink daily;
  • with kidney disease bladder grind 2 large spoons of the plant and pour it into a thermos, pour boiling water over it. An hour later, the composition will be ready - drink 4 times a day, 50 ml each, when a feeling of hunger appears;
  • eczema is also effectively treated with gout - insist a couple of hours in 0.5 liters of hot water 3 small spoons of grass. After that, strain and drink 4 times a day, 70 ml.

Such a composition can not only be taken orally, but also applied in the form of compresses to painful areas.

The host of the video talks about what to sleep - useful product nutrition, not weed:

About possible harm

The weed, although edible, is still capable of causing harm in some cases, especially in its excessive use. The result will be the appearance of a rash, headache and nausea with vomiting.

Everyone needs to know this information: the use of sleep causes hypersensitivity skin to ultraviolet radiation and slowing down blood clotting. This is very important for those who are prone to getting sunburn who bleeds frequently different nature and localization.

Therefore, do not be lazy and visit a specialist before you start using this medicinal weed for any of your purposes.

weed control

Since gout is still a weed, it must be dealt with, as it will prevent cultivated plants from growing and bearing fruit, leaving it a little for its own purposes.

The gout has a very long rhizome that penetrates the soil up to 40 cm, which allows the plant to live on one site for 50 years.

In open areas in the garden or garden, you can deal with grass in the following ways:

  1. Physical, just weeding seedlings. It is impossible to fold the cut flowering umbrellas of the plant, they must be sent to compost or dug up. If it is not possible to dig up the site, do the following - cut the grass at the root and take it outside, burn the inflorescences, and the rest is laid in a compost heap. After that, cover the cleaned place with a black film to isolate from the sun. After 10-12 days, the seeds sprout and then the film is removed, and the shoots are destroyed.
  2. There is another option for physical impact - the bed is trampled down and cardboard or thick paper is laid on top, then a layer of soil or a mixture (soil, manure or compost) is poured. And when in the spring the organics begin to warm up to 70 degrees, many weed seeds will not sprout, and the young shoots will die. Wherein root system break through upper layer and shoots will go down, limiting the growth of grass upwards.
  3. Chemical - for this, the rhizome with vegetative buds is destroyed. The most effective remedy is herbicide preparations. But at the same time, one should not forget about their harmful effect on human health and pets. When working with pesticides, be sure to wear a gown, gloves, high boots, and protect your head with goggles, a hat and a respirator. And another important point - all plants located on the treated area will be destroyed.

Also, chemicals will have to be changed periodically, as the weed has the ability to adapt and ceases to respond to its action. And yet - you need to process in the spring before you planted cultivated plants and in the fall, after cleaning the garden.



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