How to sleep with your head towards the window. Myths and facts about sleep

From the point of view of different religions, superstitions and philosophical teachings, the position of the head during sleep can greatly affect a person and his life. People spend at least a third of their lives sleeping, and from have a nice rest depends on the next day. But in different philosophical systems This moment is sanctified in different ways, which one to believe can only be decided by the person himself.

Some rules for sleeping, accepted everywhere

  1. It is better to place the bed with the headboard against the wall. This creates a feeling of security; a person always feels more confident if there is a wall behind him rather than an empty space.
  2. You should not install wires in the wall, sockets, or anything related to electricity overhead. There should not be any pipes there (water, plumbing, etc.). Firstly, it creates noise, and secondly, radiation.
  3. You should not sleep with your head towards a window or door - this can lead to hypothermia and colds.
  4. You should not keep the TV and computer in the bedroom - it worsens the quality of sleep.
  5. You should not place the bed where your cat likes to sleep. You especially need to be wary if she sleeps at the head of the bed. These animals love to nest in geopathogenic zones. If the headboard is located in such a zone, then in the morning you can feel lethargic and tired, despite a long sleep.

From a yogi's point of view

From the point of view of yogis, a person has his own electromagnetic field, and it must coincide with the power lines of the Earth. The planet's magnetic field has a certain direction - from the south pole to the north. The human field is structured in a similar way: cosmic energy enters the head through an overgrown fontanelle, and it leaves the feet, being absorbed by the earth. In the east, it is believed that the most powerful energy of a saint comes from his feet. Therefore, in India and elsewhere eastern countries always tried to touch feet godly man who had a lot good qualities. It is a common tradition to wash the feet of such a person. Something similar was described in the Bible.

If you remember how two magnets interact, you can understand that like poles repel, and opposite poles attract. The planet’s magnetic field is more powerful than that of people, therefore, if you sleep with your head facing north, that is, “minus” to “minus,” the field will be destabilized and even broken. The ancient scriptures say that with such a position during a night's rest, a person loses contact with God, becomes an atheist and a materialist. Therefore, answering the question about which direction to sleep with your head, we can safely say that to the south. There is the ancient Indian teaching of Vastu, where this very issue is examined in more detail.

From the point of view of Vastu teachings

Indians have this ancient teaching, like Vastu (the science of houses). His gurus were mainly yogis and monks. This teaching contradicts the Chinese practice of Feng Shui in one important point. Vastu yogis advise choosing the eastern direction for sleep, but the southern direction may also be suitable, in as a last resort- Western. The most important thing is not to sleep with your head facing north, as this is how energy is lost from an imbalance with the Earth’s fields.

In the teachings of Vastu, the gods are located around a sleeping person in a ring, and if you turn to one with your head and to the other with your feet, you can anger the deity. There are eight of these gods in total. For example, the east belongs to Indra; it is in this side of the world that the dawn arises. The West controls Varuna, he is responsible for rain and water, if you sleep with your head in this direction, prosperity will be granted. The north is under the rule of Kuver, who gives wealth and prosperity. The south is often called Yamastan, that is, the place of the god Yamaraja. In India, this is the deity of death, it takes life. Therefore, when deciding which way to sleep with your head, you need to be careful; you should not anger the deity by positioning your feet towards him. After sleeping with feet facing south, there is a possibility that a person will feel pain, the chest and legs will become numb, which can lead to illness. At the same time, if you sleep with your head facing south, you can gain health.

Where to sleep with your head: signs of the ancient Slavs

The ancient Slavs always believed that the door and threshold in a house are a kind of border between worlds. Between the world, reveal, navigate and rule. Reality is the material side of reality, Nav is the lower astral, and Prav is the world where ancestors live. Sleep was considered a “little death”, that is astral body leaves the physical and “walks” somewhere.

You can’t sleep with your head towards the door, and it’s also not customary to sleep with your feet, because the intersection of worlds could play a role with a person cruel joke. For example, creatures and monsters living in the lower world could somehow negatively affect him. At the same time, there was a tradition that has been preserved to this day in the funeral ceremony - to carry the dead out of the house feet first. Perhaps in this way they wanted to help the soul of a deceased person go to the world of their ancestors (the world rules). Therefore, living people who have not decided which way to sleep with their heads can be told unambiguously - just not in such a way that their feet are turned towards the door.

From the scientists' point of view

Western doctors and scientists involved in this issue recommend sleeping with your head facing north. This is how the human body largely replenishes lost strength during the day. Some doctors advise their patients to choose this direction for sleep. According to them, this should help with insomnia and other sleep problems. An experiment was conducted in Russia. Subjects on the floor in different directions, and in the morning an analysis and discussion of their well-being was carried out. It turned out that when nervous excitement people went to bed with their heads to the north, and those who were very tired, in an effort to fill themselves with strength, lay down to the east. It can be concluded that for each person in certain situations The best direction to sleep varies. Therefore, it is best to trust your sixth sense and body instincts.

The bed is one of the most important places in the apartment. Therefore she deserves special attention. The very first and most common recommendation is that you need to put her in a “position of strength.” That is, the bed should be located diagonally from the door to the room. This position promotes peace and improved health. To improve sleep quality and wellness According to Feng Shui, the bed should be clean and fresh. It is best when the bed is against the wall, but not close to it.

It is worth finding out whether the head of the bed is susceptible to negative impacts. There should be no toilet or bathroom behind the wall towards which they sleep with their head; in general, it is better that everything connected to the sewer system is kept away from the bedroom. If this rule cannot be observed in any way, then you should move the bed to the far wall. Sharp angles should not be directed at a sleeping person. You should not hang a chandelier, heavy shelves or cabinets directly above the bed. And you shouldn’t place water symbols near it ( blue colors, fountains, aquariums). Don't hang mirrors opposite your bed and don't sleep with your head towards the door.

Feng Shui night destinations

Chinese feng shui masters left their knowledge and recommendations on this issue. In their opinion, sleeping with your head to the north is possible; moreover, this can be a very good solution, but not the only one and not for every person. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, people are divided into two groups: Eastern and Western. Each of them has its own favorable and undesirable directions. Determining the Gua number will help you understand which direction is best for sleeping.

Gua Number

To determine where to sleep with your head (north, south, west or east), each person needs to calculate their Gua number. This knowledge helps to use the magnetic forces of the Earth for your benefit. You can even achieve certain goals in life just by going to bed in a certain direction. Each person, as is believed in the teachings of Feng Shui, has his own favorable and undesirable directions. Some can even be dangerous.

The date of birth is used to calculate the Gua number. Those born in January and February especially need to be careful. The point is that Chinese lunar year starts in the first half of February. That is, you need to learn Chinese first moon calendar, since its start date changes from year to year. In one year it falls, for example, on February 15, and in another - on January 27. If a person was born on January 10, 1956, then according to Chinese calendar it will be 1955.

How to calculate Gua number for women

They take the year of birth, or rather, its last two digits. They are summed up; if a two-digit number is obtained, then its individual digits are also combined. Five is added to the resulting number. If a two-digit number is obtained again, then it is also reduced to one digit. The final result will be Gua number.

For example, the year of birth is 1987. The last digits, when added, form the number 15. Adding the numbers (1+5), we get 6. To this amount we add another 5: 6+5 = 11. Again we get a two-digit number, let’s combine it into one number: 1+1=2. The required Gua number is 2.

For those born after 2000, the Gua number is calculated in the same way, but instead of five, six are added.

For example, 2005. Add the numbers: 0+5=5. Add six: 5+6=11. And we reduce the result to one number: 1+1=2. Gua number is 2.

If at the end the Gua number is 5, then it is replaced by 8 for women.

Calculation of Gua number in men

Just like for women, the sum of the last two signs of the year is used here. And just like that, it all comes down to one number. The difference is that the result must be subtracted from 10.

For example, the year of birth is 1992. Add: 9+2=11. Then: 1+1= 2. And finally: 10-2=8. The resulting Gua number is 8.

If a man gets a five as a result, then the Gua number is considered 2.

For those born after 2000, things are a little different. The result obtained is subtracted from 9. For example, 2006. 0+6=6, 9-6=3. Gua number is 3.

Good directions

Using the table, you can determine where to go to sleep with your head, better position workplace and so on. Based on Gua number, people are divided into Western and Eastern groups. How are they different? For each of them there are four unfavorable and favorable directions. Let's look at what favorable directions there are in the Feng Shui system.

  1. The best direction is the most powerful. It gives maximum flow Qi energy. Bestows money, luck and all kinds of success, authority and position in society. This is the best direction to sleep with your head.
  2. Health (Heavenly Doctor). Helps with diseases and ailments. By turning the bed in this direction, you can not only improve your health, but also attract good luck and average well-being.
  3. Romance, relationships, harmony in marriage. Brings romantic luck. It is better to turn the bed in this direction to improve your relationship with your spouse. Chinese texts say that if you plan to conceive a child, you need to turn your husband's bed in that direction.
  4. Personal and spiritual growth. This direction is suitable for those who want to learn something, these are students, schoolchildren. For a child to study well, it is also better for him to sleep in this direction. Yes, and it’s suitable for adults if, for example, you need to improve your skills.

Unfavorable directions

  1. Total collapse. When deciding for yourself which direction to sleep with your head, you should definitely avoid this direction. It does not bode well, judging by the name. You should not sit in this direction while eating or during important meetings.
  2. 6 killers. This direction ranks second in terms of harmfulness. Although it is safer than the first, it can also lead to big troubles.
  3. 5 spirits. It can ruin family relationships, as well as cause disasters such as fire and robbery.
  4. Minor troubles and failures. This is the “safest” of the unfavorable directions. Everything is relative. Brings minor annoying troubles, losses, but nothing terrible or irreparable.

Which direction is best for sleeping?

Of course, to achieve best result Feng Shui experts recommend placing the head of the bed in the most favorable direction. This is not always easy, especially in a cramped room, but if it is not possible to place the bed, for example, with the head of the bed facing northeast, you can lie slightly diagonally to absorb all the energy from the most favorable direction. Feng Shui masters also recommend that the kitchen stove, work table, and front door be located in this direction.


Opinions vary greatly across traditions. Some say that you should avoid the northern direction in every possible way, while others go into detail about why you should not sleep with your head facing west. There are quite a lot of points of view, and they are all contradictory. Therefore, you should rely primarily on your intuition. It is best to trust the body, which naturally knows better which way to sleep. You can do an experiment and try sleeping in different directions for a week. Then simply choose the one after which you felt most rested, full of strength and energy.

For hundreds of years, humanity has been asking the question: “Which direction should you sleep with your head in order to feel good and bring prosperity into your home?” Somnologists are skeptical about this issue and recommend focusing on your own feelings when choosing a direction. But man wants miracles, so he seeks the answer in the occult sciences.

Ancient specialists Chinese philosophy claim that correct head position during sleep will definitely improve health and quality of life. A person is a small piece of the Universe, which must obey its laws in order to harmonize the space around and protect itself from troubles.

Each side of the world has its own energy, which affects the sleeper differently, although he does not realize it. Energy passes through a person and gives him health, success, well-being or brings illness and failure. If you've hit a rough patch in your life, try sleeping according to Feng Shui and directing the energy flow to restore your health and your own well-being. Adherents of Eastern teachings recommend that, before determining which way to sleep with your head, you should properly arrange the room for sleeping. To create a calm and peaceful environment in the bedroom, you need to create dim lighting, hang thick curtains and remove the computer and TV. Somnologists agree with these requirements.

  • North;
    It is recommended to choose for sick people in order to recover faster. The energy of the north will bring harmony, stability and regularity to life.
  • Northeast;
    The direction is suitable for indecisive people who are slow to analyze the situation and make a decision.
  • East;
    A good opportunity to recharge yourself with the energy of the sun and gain a surge of new strength.
  • Southeast;
    People who are unsure of themselves should place the head of the bed in this direction in order to get rid of complexes and psychological problems.
  • South.
    Helps improve financial situation, become a leader, climb the ladder career ladder. Sleeping with your head to the south is not recommended for impressionable people.
  • Southwest.
    A favorable direction for those who want to become more reasonable, wise, and practical.
  • West.
    Not enough romance, new ideas, adventures? Try sleeping with your head facing west to fill your life with interesting events. The Slavs have an opinion that it is impossible to sleep with your feet facing east, because this is how they bury the dead. This has nothing to do with sleep and burial rituals differ among the peoples of the world.
  • Northwest.
    Sleeping with your head in the northwest direction helps improve financial condition, development of leadership qualities.

This general provisions Eastern teachings. If you want to change your life, put your thoughts in order, and improve your well-being, Feng Shui experts advise choosing the direction of the cardinal direction based on your year of birth.

How to calculate the optimal place to sleep

To find out where to sleep with your head, you need to calculate your personal gua number. It will indicate a favorable direction. To determine your number, add the last two digits of your year of birth. But it is necessary to take into account an important circumstance. Those born in January or early February will have to use the Chinese calendar, which is based on the lunar months. Oriental New Year starts from January 20 to February 20. The birthday may fall on the previous year. It must be taken into account when determining the number of gua. For example, you were born on January 21, 1990. According to the Chinese calendar, the year began on January 27, which means that when calculating, you take the last numbers of 1989. Add the last two digits of the year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, the numbers are added again: 8 + 9 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8. Women must add 5 to the resulting number, and men must subtract the resulting number from 10. If the calculation results in a two-digit number, the last two digits are added.

One more nuance. If during the calculations the number came out to be 5, then men change it to 2, and women to 8. Knowing the personal number, you can decide which way you should go to sleep with your head. The Western group includes people whose personal gua number is 2, 6, 7, 8. For this group, the favorable direction is: western, southwestern, northwestern, northeastern. People belonging to the eastern type, in order to activate the power of energy, will have to place their heads in the following directions: east, southeast, south, north.

Modern opinion

The Earth's magnetic field affects well-being, sleep and the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, the bed must be positioned so that magnetic fields sleeping man and the Earth coincided. The head should be directed north while sleeping. This situation contributes falling asleep quickly and good sleep, has a positive effect on the circulatory system and metabolism.

German physicist Werner Heisenberg came to the conclusion human body tuned to the earth's magnetic field over millions of years of evolution. Energy passes through the body and restores resources spent during the day. Sensitive people They quickly understand where it is better to sleep with their heads. The greatest replenishment of energy occurs during sleep, when the head is in the north. Some doctors recommend that their patients lie in this direction to sleep soundly and get rid of insomnia.

What do experts think?

Somnologists believe that good dream provides a comfortable bed and bedding, Fresh air. The body will tell you where to sleep with your head. If you are unhappy with the quality of your sleep or suffer from insomnia, listen to your feelings and rearrange the bed. However, often the reason bad sleep lies not in the direction of the head, but in problems with mental and physical health. If you ask a sane person why you can’t sleep with your head towards the window, he will answer: “So as not to blow.” Many people see a rational grain in this ban, because it is bright Moonlight and noise from the street make it difficult to sleep, and open space does not give a feeling of safety. Whether or not to comply with unspoken laws is up to you to decide.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don’t know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016.

People often think about the question “Where is the right place to sleep with your head?” This question often arises after moving to a new home or before rearranging furniture. A person sleeps about a third of his life, and sleep is the basis of well-being, mood and health. Much has been written about sleep hygiene, o making the right choice bedding and bedroom furniture. Many believe that proper body position also determines the results of a night's rest. Some people neglect this factor, although a number of cultures give it special meaning. It is useful to know the known recommendations on this issue.

According to the ideas of ancient yogis, each person has his own electromagnetic field, like the entire planet. The north of the human field is located in the head, and the south is in the legs. Northern magnetic pole is located near the south geographic pole, and the south magnetic pole is located near the north geographic pole. The electromagnetic fields of the planet and man must be consistent. Many Indians try to position themselves at night so that the human poles are attracted to the Earth's poles. In this case, the energy in the body will flow from the head to the feet.

If sleeping area is located with its head in the north direction, then night rest will give you courage, excellent health, good mood and harmonious relationships with others. If it is not possible to place the bed this way due to the peculiarities of the sleeping area, then you can turn it to the east.

Ancient Hindu scriptures in Sanskrit based on Vedic philosophy, otherwise they answer the question: “Where should you sleep with your head?” According to the Vedas, it is unacceptable to lie with your head to the north, as this reduces the energy capabilities of the body. Positioning your head to the west prevents the influx of vital force. If you believe the Vedas, then in order to renew the energy wasted during the day, when resting at night, a person should position his head towards the east (or south). With this arrangement of the body, the energy of the planet gently flows around the person and provides optimal energy replenishment.

The Indian teaching of Vastu explores ways to create favorable energy in the home. The technique contains the following recommendations about the influence of head direction on a person when resting at night.

  1. Sleeping with your head facing the east has a beneficial effect on self-development, the formation of spiritual values, and leads to harmony inner world person.
  2. To the south - increases life expectancy and improves health.
  3. To the west - increases selfishness and narcissism.
  4. To the north - leads to the development of cruelty and greed.

Vastu prohibits placing the head in the north, north-west and north-east directions, since this position of the body wastes a person’s energy.

In the last twenty years, a Chinese teaching called Feng Shui has gained popularity. The teaching provides answers to a variety of questions, and the most popular are recommendations on the correct arrangement of objects in a living space. Some people view this teaching with skepticism, but Feng Shui has many followers in various countries who strictly follow the rules of this teaching. Feng Shui examines in detail the question of which side of the world you should sleep with your head on.

  • no need to lie down with your head or feet front door;
  • it is undesirable if the head of a sleeping person is directed towards the windows;
  • You can’t fall asleep in front of mirrors;
  • the bed should not be between two doors or between a door and a window;
  • The bed should have the backrest behind the head, but it is not advisable to rest your feet or head on the headboards.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is permissible to sleep with different head positions. Possible for any person whole line favorable options for positioning the body during a night's rest.

Feng Shui distinguishes between Eastern and Western types of people. For each individual it is easy to find the Gua number, which shows the type of a particular person. It is necessary to sum up the last two digits of the person’s year of birth. If the amount turns out to be a two-digit number, then the numbers are added. For men, the resulting number is subtracted from ten, and for boys and young men born after 2000, the answer is subtracted from nine. For women, five is added to the resulting amount, and for girls, six. In case of receiving double digit number the numbers add up again. If the result is the number five, then it is replaced for men by two, and for women by eight.

A person belongs to the Eastern type if the result is 1, 3, 4 or 9, to the Western type if the result is 2, 6, 7 or 8.

Suitable directions for sleep for people of the eastern type: south, east, southeast, north. Westerners should fall asleep with their head in the west, southwest, northwest or northeast direction. To ensure accurate calculations, the year of birth must be determined according to the Chinese solar-lunar calendar.

The Orthodox religion does not consider how to sleep with your head correctly. The Bible does not contain any instructions on this matter. The Orthodox religion does not focus on such issues. A person can rest in any comfortable position, which ensures peace, tranquility and unity with oneself. Popular beliefs in Orthodoxy they are usually recognized as superstitions.

The opposite situation is realized for Muslims, since Islam regulates almost all situations in human life. A Muslim sleeps with his head towards the main shrine - Mecca. You cannot lie on your stomach, the sleeping place should not be high.

A number of folk superstitions about the rules of sleep are sometimes mistakenly associated with Orthodoxy. You cannot lie down with your feet towards the door, because only dead people are carried out feet first. A person attracts troubles and illnesses if he sleeps with his head towards the mirror.

According to popular wisdom, night rest with the head of the head oriented towards:

Folk signs and the beliefs of different nationalities sometimes contradict each other, but usually the northern and eastern directions are considered favorable.

Scientists' opinion and rational approach

Scientists advise relying on your own feelings when choosing a sleeping position. But a person often focuses on the recommendations of ancient teachings or occult sciences.

Somnologists highlight following conditions for deep and healthy sleep:

  • individually equipped sleeping place;
  • adequate ventilation of the sleeping area;
  • calm, quiet environment.

To choose a good bed position, you need to listen to your body. People with hypersensitivity choose intuitively best location bodies at rest. If in the morning a person feels not enough sleep, he should change the position of his bed. When using a round bed, the body itself chooses the optimal position, taking into account individual characteristics sleeping.

It is curious that during a scientific experiment, tired people lay their heads to the east, and overly excited people intuitively chose a position in which their heads were directed to the north.

According to the German scientist Heisenberg, during the period of evolution, the human body has tuned into the Earth’s magnetic field. Modern scientists believe that humans are influenced by ring fields associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Some doctors advise patients with insomnia to lie with their heads facing north for sound, refreshing sleep. The child will fall asleep soundly with his head to the east, this is the side of the world - a symbol of the new.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that the position that the human body takes during rest and sleep relative to the cardinal directions is always of great importance for the complete feeling of internal harmony, good health and even real family happiness. Ideal position for sleeping - head north...

To some, all this seems stupid, without any basis. However, those who adhere to the eastern teachings of Feng Shui will certainly want to try everything on themselves in order to agree with the point of view of the yogis or refute it.

According to yogis, a person has electromagnetic field. The body is a kind of compass, in which the north is the top of the head, but the soles of the feet are the legs. In order to get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed and refreshed in the morning, in a great mood, you need to coordinate your own field with the general one electromagnetic field the whole Earth.

A person's head should be directed while sleeping to the north or northeast, this is considered the most correct position body that benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be redesigned so that this can be done, the head of the bed should be turned to the east.

Charles Dickens adhered to this theory of yogis, who always used a compass to correctly position his bed, namely, so that his head was directed north, and magnetic field lines passed through his body during sleep.

Which way to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui teachings- the art of designing living space, aimed at achieving success by those people who live in the house. Of course, if a house is just being built, then it is much easier to implement all the ideas for arranging a bedroom that this teaching recommends. But keep in mind that sometimes a slight rearrangement of furniture is enough to decorate your living space as correctly as possible from a Feng Shui point of view.

Followers eastern philosophy and medicine are convinced that, in addition to physical concepts and phenomena that can be heard, smelled, tasted, seen or touched, there is also an invisible flow of electromagnetic energy. In the East, this energy goes by different names: in China - qi, in India - prana, and in Japan - ki.

There are two methods that can change your life for the better according to Feng Shui:

  1. During sleep, a person must take such a body position that a powerful flow of energy, passing through the building, has a positive action on the qi energy of the person himself. This can be achieved by properly designing those rooms in which a person spends the most time. At home, this is a bedroom or living room, if family members like to relax there free time. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to equip according to this theory workplace, but it is at work that a person spends a lot of time every day.
  2. It is possible to change the path of energy so that it meets the most important needs of the people living in the house. People have different goals and desires. The main ones, of course, are health and inner harmony. But you need to know that all cardinal directions, four main and four intermediate, produce different type qi energy, and it feeds the energy of a person sleeping and resting.

Sleep with your head north

The ideal sleeping position is with your head facing north, it brings stability, good prosperity, improves health and quickly heals from illnesses. This body position gives a person deep sleep and peace in my soul, married couples it promotes greater attachment.

Sleep with your head facing east

However, for young and active people This direction is too calm, it does not correspond to age needs. For them, a more suitable position is when the head is directed to the East, according to the move celestial bodies. The energy of the East gives rise to any business, gives cheerfulness in the morning, the desire to speed up the course of life, because the East has always been considered the spiritual principle and the focus of freedom of spirit and flow of mind.

Sleep with your head to the west

People of art sleep on a bed with head to west helps further development creativity. And the direction strictly south is ideal for careerists. It is believed that by being in this position during sleep, you can climb the career ladder faster and even gain fame, but for emotional people This situation is not suitable.

Sleep with your head to the northwest

Northwestern the direction is suitable for mature, and, rather, even elderly people who need a lot of time to recover vitality. Northeast is not suitable for relaxation, but it brings fighting spirit and helps in finding a purpose in life.

Sleep with your head facing southeast

If you sleep with your head facing southeast, you can overcome complexes and get a boost of energy to start a new business. It is believed that the position of the body while sleeping with the head facing southwest helps to find harmony.
As already noted, the attitude towards this theory is ambiguous. However, as they say, it's worth a try!

During sleep, in relation to the cardinal directions, it is important for internal harmony, health and even family happiness.

Some consider this nonsense, others believe and are ready, like Charles Dickens, to position their bed using a compass.

This article is about where to go to sleep with your head correctly from the point of view of yogis, feng shui and common sense.

Yogis believe:

Each person has his own electromagnetic field, just like the Earth. The north of our “magnet” is at the top of the head, and the south is at the feet.

The electromagnetic north of the Earth is located at the south geographic pole, and the magnetic south is located at the north. In order to be in a good mood, you need to coordinate your electromagnetic field with the Earth's field.

Yogis advise sleeping with your head in the north or northeast direction. This is most beneficial for our health and well-being. If the bedroom layout does not allow the bed to be placed in a north direction, turn the head of the bed to the east.

Eastern teaching gives great importance proper organization of the bedroom, the position of the bed in it, the direction of the body in sleep. All these factors play a big role in and for a person personally.

Feng Shui divides all people into two categories, Western and Eastern. For each category, the direction of the head in a dream is different. Moreover, within the category, these directions have individual meanings for each individual person.

For example, if for one person sleeping means health, then for another it means development.

To determine which category you belong to, you need to determine your Gua number.

Calculating the Gua number

Write the year of your birth so that you get four numbers in a row. Add the last two numbers. If you get a two-digit number, then add the two digits you received again. For example, you were born in 1985, add 8 + 5, you get 13. Next add 1 + 3, you get 4. If the number comes out to two digits, then add it again until you get one digit.

Men should subtract the resulting number from 10. Teenagers born in 2000 and later need to subtract it from 9.
For women, the resulting number should be added to 5. For girls born in 2000 and later, add to 6.


  • There is no Gua number equal to 5! If your final total is 5, then for men it will be 2, and for women it will be 8.
  • To ensure the calculations are correct, set your year of birth according to Chinese.

By calculating our individual Gua number, we can determine which category we belong to:

Eastern - 1, 3, 4, 9.
Western - 2, 6, 7, 8.

Guided by the Gua number, you can learn how to arrange your home the best way how to place a bed and other furniture, how to hang a mirror and many other subtleties so that life, troubles and failures are avoided.

But today we will not be distracted and decide on the direction of the head during sleep.

Favorable direction for the head according to Gua numbers

1 - northern, eastern, southern, southeastern.
2 - choose northeast, west, northwest and southwest.
3 - southern, northern, eastern, southeastern.
4 - northern, southern, southeastern, eastern.
6 - northeast, northwest, west, southwest.
7 - northeast, northwest, southwest and west.
8 - southwestern, western, northwestern, northeastern.
9 - southeast, north, east, south.

Unfavorable head positions:

1 - northeast, northwest, southwest, west.
2 - eastern, southern, northern, southeastern.
3 - northeast, west, northwest, southwest.
4 - northeast, west, northwest, southwest.
6 - eastern, northern, southern, southeastern.
7 - eastern, southern, northern, southeastern.
8 - eastern, northern, southeastern, southern.
9 - northeast, northwest, southwest, west.

There are several options:

Define priorities: give preference to a direction favorable to the spouse who contributes to financial well-being families have a greater contribution.

Make a compromise decision: Place the bed in such a way that the direction of your head in sleep is less favorable for you, but also less unfavorable for your significant other. And vice versa.

Don't think about directions at all. This option is especially suitable for those whose bedrooms do not allow placing a bed taking into account the cardinal directions.

If you can’t think about directions, and rearranging the bed is not an option, then lie down slightly diagonally, approaching a favorable position.

And yet, you should not lie with your head towards the window. If you can’t do it any other way, move the bed as far away from the window as possible. You should also not sleep with your feet facing the door.

Using common sense

Trust your intuition if you don’t trust the recommendations of Feng Shui and yogis: your body itself will tell you which position is most favorable for you.

To do this, you can use a round bed, if funds and the size of the bedroom allow, or “settle” on the floor for a while. Go to bed at random, and in the morning analyze where nature has “directed” you. This position will be “yours”. True, they can influence the result of the experiment, so observe for several days.

To confirm the validity of this method, we can cite an interesting study of Sverdlovsk doctors. In the evening, the experiment participants went to sleep on the floor, randomly choosing a direction. In the morning, the researchers analyzed the influence of mood and well-being on body position.

As it turned out, people, tired and overworked, intuitively laid their heads to the east. If a person was in bed before going to bed, then his body chose a position with his head facing north.

Thus, You can’t talk about the direction of your head in a dream as something constant. It is advisable to have sufficient freedom to move during sleep so that the body itself finds the best position for it. Apparently, this is why round beds have come into fashion, allowing you to sleep either lengthwise or across.

I hope you have found the answer to the question: where to go to sleep with your head. Listen to your feelings. Do not unconsciously take into account other people’s recommendations; this is dangerous for the body and soul.

My grandmother told one of my friends when he was a child that sleeping on his back is harmful: he will be overcome by nightmares and heart attack will happen. After that, all his life he was afraid to sleep on his back, although he also wakes up in it in the morning.

Be healthy!

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs